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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O Novo Testamento em nyengatu (1973): um capítulo na história das traduções bíblicas para línguas indígenas / O Novo Testamento em nyengatu (1973): a chapter in the History of Bible translations to indigenous languages.

Goes Neto, Antonio Fernandes 18 June 2015 (has links)
A análise das traduções para o nheengatu realizadas pela New Tribes Mission fornece dados históricos sobre um dos textos mais presentes na escrita das línguas indígenas, as escrituras bíblicas. Como o Novo Testamento em Nyengatu (1973) pode ser compreendido numa história da tradução bíblica para as línguas indígenas? Quais os possíveis impactos sociais da tradução de um livro bíblico para uma língua indígena em vias de construir uma tradição escrita? Quais foram os agentes das traduções analisadas? Quais métodos se destacam neste percurso tradutório da NTM? Foram levantados os diferentes agentes envolvidos na rede de textos a que o Novo Testamento em Nyengatu e o Livro de Cânticos (s/d) estão articulados. As propostas metodológicas de Pym (1998 e 2005) e Milton (2009) foram base para a descrição destas fontes primárias e para a explicação sobre as mesmas, por meio das fontes secundárias, constituídas pelas biografias e demais textos de missionários. As questões levantadas serão desenvolvidas com vistas à compreensão das relações entre os debates racionalistas do século XVII e alguns métodos de tradução protestantes. Além disso, haja vista a complexa história social da língua geral amazônica, foram destacados aspectos de ruptura e continuidade destas traduções da NTM em comparação à documentação histórica do nheengatu, sobretudo nos séculos XIX e XX, contida na chamada Filologia Tupi, com vistas a contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre a transição de uma língua supra-étnica a uma língua materna. / The analysis of translations to the nheengatu made by New Tribes Mission provides historical data on the most present texts written in indigenous languages, namely the biblical scriptures. How the Novo Testamento em Nyengatu (1973) can be understood in the Bible translation history for indigenous languages? What are the social impacts of the translation of a biblical book to an indigenous language in the process of being built a writing tradition? What were the agents of translations analyzed? What methods are highlighted in this translational path of NTM? The different agents, involved in the network of texts to the Novo Testamento em Nyengatu (1973) and the Livro de Cânticos (s/d), are articulated will be quoted. The methodology employed Pym (1998 and 2005) and Milton (2009) were the basis for the description of these primary sources and then for explanation on them by means of secondary sources, formed by missionary biographies and other texts. The issues raised will be developed with a view to understanding the relationship between the rationalists discusses of the seventeenth century and some Protestant translation methods. Moreover, given the complex social history of the Amazon general language, will be highlighted aspects of rupture and continuity of these translations of NTM compared to historical documentation nheengatu, especially in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, contained in the so called Tupi Philology, with the aim to contribute to explain the changes from a general language to a ethnic language.

The Art of Future Discourse: Rhetoric, Translation and an Interdisciplinary Pedagogy for Transglobal Literacy

Olid-Pena, Estefania 16 July 2012 (has links)
Theorists who have categorized translation as an imperfect and never-ending task have also questioned the legitimacy of this field over the years. It is uncommon for other disciplines to consider translation a topic of study. Except for translation classes in which students discuss in detail the nature of the translators’ tasks and their methodology, professors of other disciplines rarely address the fact that the voice of the translator is an overlooked, yet an important component of any translation. As a consequence, students around the globe read translated works without acknowledging translators’ ethos and their rhetorical situation. The consideration of this voice in those translated texts is mentioned only in passing, if at all. Due to the lack of discussion that relates the disciplines of translation and rhetoric, it is imperative to re/examine and re/frame the current state of the rhetoric of translation and comment on the traditional and historiographical ties that intertwine these two disciplines. In this way I argue that translation, as a discipline, should be considered part of the rhetorical tradition, and a key element within rhetorical education. This relationship between rhetoric and translation is further complemented with the pedagogical application of practical rhetorical and translation tools in the analysis and critical interpretation of selected Western translated texts. The fruition of this goal will be presented through a new approximation to the reading of these very same texts. To this end, I am also introducing a new literacy called Transglobal whose aim is twofold: For one, it aims to decenter preconceived patterns of thought that confine the interpretation of translated texts within the boundaries of mere ideological superstructures, but it is also based upon a pedagogy that is global, transcending all national boundaries. In sum, what I am proposing is that professors of all disciplines engage in a rhetorical and translation dialogue with their students to broaden the understanding and current perception of translated texts.

O Novo Testamento em nyengatu (1973): um capítulo na história das traduções bíblicas para línguas indígenas / O Novo Testamento em nyengatu (1973): a chapter in the History of Bible translations to indigenous languages.

Antonio Fernandes Goes Neto 18 June 2015 (has links)
A análise das traduções para o nheengatu realizadas pela New Tribes Mission fornece dados históricos sobre um dos textos mais presentes na escrita das línguas indígenas, as escrituras bíblicas. Como o Novo Testamento em Nyengatu (1973) pode ser compreendido numa história da tradução bíblica para as línguas indígenas? Quais os possíveis impactos sociais da tradução de um livro bíblico para uma língua indígena em vias de construir uma tradição escrita? Quais foram os agentes das traduções analisadas? Quais métodos se destacam neste percurso tradutório da NTM? Foram levantados os diferentes agentes envolvidos na rede de textos a que o Novo Testamento em Nyengatu e o Livro de Cânticos (s/d) estão articulados. As propostas metodológicas de Pym (1998 e 2005) e Milton (2009) foram base para a descrição destas fontes primárias e para a explicação sobre as mesmas, por meio das fontes secundárias, constituídas pelas biografias e demais textos de missionários. As questões levantadas serão desenvolvidas com vistas à compreensão das relações entre os debates racionalistas do século XVII e alguns métodos de tradução protestantes. Além disso, haja vista a complexa história social da língua geral amazônica, foram destacados aspectos de ruptura e continuidade destas traduções da NTM em comparação à documentação histórica do nheengatu, sobretudo nos séculos XIX e XX, contida na chamada Filologia Tupi, com vistas a contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre a transição de uma língua supra-étnica a uma língua materna. / The analysis of translations to the nheengatu made by New Tribes Mission provides historical data on the most present texts written in indigenous languages, namely the biblical scriptures. How the Novo Testamento em Nyengatu (1973) can be understood in the Bible translation history for indigenous languages? What are the social impacts of the translation of a biblical book to an indigenous language in the process of being built a writing tradition? What were the agents of translations analyzed? What methods are highlighted in this translational path of NTM? The different agents, involved in the network of texts to the Novo Testamento em Nyengatu (1973) and the Livro de Cânticos (s/d), are articulated will be quoted. The methodology employed Pym (1998 and 2005) and Milton (2009) were the basis for the description of these primary sources and then for explanation on them by means of secondary sources, formed by missionary biographies and other texts. The issues raised will be developed with a view to understanding the relationship between the rationalists discusses of the seventeenth century and some Protestant translation methods. Moreover, given the complex social history of the Amazon general language, will be highlighted aspects of rupture and continuity of these translations of NTM compared to historical documentation nheengatu, especially in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, contained in the so called Tupi Philology, with the aim to contribute to explain the changes from a general language to a ethnic language.

Francisco Ayala a jeho přínos k vývoji translatologie / Francisco Ayala and his Contribution to Translation Studies

Buaiscia, Romana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to present the renowned Spanish author Francisco Ayala as a translator and translation theorist. The core of the thesis is then the analysis of Ayala's main writings concerning translation. Moreover, we outline the history of translation and translation studies in Spain and Hispanic America to put Ayala's work into a broader context. We also inquire into other areas of Ayala's interest closely related to translation − publishing, lexicography and professional proofreading. To conclude the thesis, we discuss the general situation of the exiled Spanish translators who worked in Hispanic America during the Franco's regime.

Réception, traduction et retraduction des poèmes de S.T. Coleridge / Reception, translation and re-translation of the poems by S.T. Coleridge

Metzger, Florence 15 December 2017 (has links)
Meschonnic soulignait l’importance de l’« inséparabilité entre histoire et fonctionnement, entre langage et littérature », la nécessité de « reconnaître l’historicité du traduire, et des traductions » (poétique du traduire, introduction). En s’appuyant sur l’analyse des différentes traductions françaises de l’œuvre du poète-philosophe Coleridge, traductions publiées entre 1825 et 2015, nous tenterons de mettre en perspective ces traductions plurielles et les différentes théories de la traduction. Entre théorie de la traduction et pratique du traduire, comment peut-on définir le rôle et la place du traducteur ? La poésie est souvent considérée comme « intraduisible ». Pourtant, la poésie se traduit depuis des siècles. S’agit-il de traduction ou de « transposition créatrice », comme le pensait Jakobson ? Nous analyserons les différents procédés mis en œuvre pour compenser « what gets lost in translation », selon la formule de Robert Frost. En se plaçant dans une perspective comparative, nous examinerons le rôle joué par la traduction dans l’introduction de la poésie et de la pensée de Coleridge en France, ainsi que les échanges intellectuels entre France et Angleterre au moment de la naissance du Romantisme. / Meschonnic emphasized the importance of the "inseparability of history and modes of operating, between language and literature", the necessity of "recognizing the historicity of translating, and of translations" (Poetics of translating, introduction). By analyzing the different French translations of the work of the poet-philosopher Coleridge, published between 1837 and 2006, I will try to put these translations in the context of the different theories of translation and the different aesthetics of reception. Between the theory of translation and the practice of translating, how can the role and position of the translator be defined? Poetry is often considered as "untranslatable". Yet poetry has been translated for centuries. Is it translation or, what Jakobson calls a process of "creative transposition"? I will analyse the different processes used to make up for "what gets lost in translation" (Robert Frost). In a comparative perspective, I will discuss the role played by translation in the reception of Coleridge's poetry and thought in France and examine the intellectual exchanges between France and Great-Britain at the time of the birth of Romanticism.

Os desdobramentos do funcionalismo alemão no Brasil / The developments of German functionalism in Brazil

Moreira, Marcelo Victor de Souza 01 July 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho, localizado nos domínios da historiografia dos estudos da tradução, tem como objetivo investigar o percurso do funcionalismo alemão no Brasil, com foco, por um lado, na ação de lideranças para a promoção da abordagem teórica no país e, por outro, no tratamento conceitual atribuído aos conceitos fundamentais da abordagem teórica por pesquisadores brasileiros. Ademais, o trabalho visa a propor uma metodologia útil à pesquisa histórica dos estudos da tradução, amparada por um modelo teórico interdisciplinar, bem como a contribuir para o mapeamento do campo disciplinar e para a promoção da abordagem funcionalista. Parte-se de duas hipóteses: no plano social, a disseminação do Funcionalismo teria se dado, no inicio, através da ação de lideranças funcionalistas na divulgação teórica, um posto depois assumido por agentes difusores em instituições de ensino superior no Brasil; no plano conceitual, as pesquisas fundamentadas pelo funcionalismo no Brasil fariam uso do arsenal conceitual estabelecido pela teoria em seus primeiros anos, sobretudo por meio dos trabalhos de Christiane Nord, expandindo ou reformulando os conceitos da teoria-base ao aplicá-los no exame de um problema específico de tradução. Para confirmar ou refutar essas hipóteses, são empregados, no âmbito teórico, noções de historiografia, em especial da história das ciências, assim como noções da filosofia e da sociologia da ciência e da sociobiologia. No âmbito metodológico, a linguística de corpus e a cientometria fornecem procedimentos e ferramentas de análise. Desse modo, essas abordagens são coadunadas em dois vieses de pesquisa: uma pesquisa contextual (externalista) e uma pesquisa conceitual (internalista). A partir desses dois vieses, almeja-se uma compreensão holística da difusão da teoria no Brasil. Como parte da pesquisa externalista, delineia- se um mapa do campo disciplinar no Brasil desde o seu início, nos anos de 1950, com especial ênfase ao período entre 1990 e 2005. Esse mapa revela um crescimento bastante significativo do campo, sobretudo a partir da década de 1990, impulsionado por sua institucionalização. Outrora concentrada em instituições no Sudeste e no Sul brasileiros, as investigações de temas ligados à tradução disseminam-se para outras localidades, surgindo assim outros polos de pesquisa. No que tange ao funcionalismo, observa-se, conforme uma das hipóteses de trabalho, que sua entrada no âmbito dos estudos da tradução no país ocorre, de modo preponderante, pela ação dos fundadores da abordagem teórica. Seu crescimento e disseminação ocorrem apenas em tempos mais recentes, sobretudo em torno de temas como a tradução técnica, a tradução de quadrinhos e o emprego da tradução em aulas de língua estrangeira. Quanto à pesquisa conceitual, ela revela que os pesquisadores brasileiros absorvem algumas noções fulcrais do funcionalismo, tais como o fato de a tradução ser um proceder entre culturas, orientado pela função do texto traduzido. Em conformidade com as hipóteses iniciais, observa-se também que as ideias que circulam nos estudos da tradução no Brasil foram introduzidas principalmente pelas obras de Christiane Nord. Por fim, ressalta-se o fato de que o funcionalismo, como qualquer teoria, não contemplar todos os casos específicos de tradução, sendo necessária a contribuição de aportes teóricos advindos de outras áreas disciplinares, o que é um valoroso exemplo da interdisciplinaridade inerente aos estudos da tradução. / This study, inserted in the field of historiography of translation studies, seeks to investigate the course of German functionalism in Brazil, focusing, on the one hand, on the leaderships action to promote the theoretical approach in the country and, on the other hand, in the conceptual treatment attributed to the fundamental concepts of the theoretical approach by Brazilian researchers. Moreover, the study aims to propose a useful methodology for the historical research of translation studies, supported by an interdisciplinary theoretical model, as well as to contribute to the mapping of the disciplinary field and to promote the functionalist approach. It is based on two hypotheses: at the social level, the dissemination of Functionalism would have taken place, in the beginning, by the functionalist leaderships actions to promote the theory, a position later assumed by promoters in higher education institutions in Brazil; and, on the conceptual level, the researches based on functionalism in Brazil would make use of the conceptual array established by the theory in its early years, especially through the studies by Christiane Nord, expanding or reformulating the concepts of the basic theory by applying them to the examination of a specific translation problem. In order to confirm or refute these hypotheses, notions of historiography are used in the theoretical scope, especially notions of history of sciences, as well as notions of philosophy and sociology of science and sociobiology. In the methodological scope, corpus linguistics and scientometrics provide analysis procedures and tools. Therefore, these approaches are linked by two research models: a contextual research (externalist) and a conceptual research (internalist). From these two models, we aim for a holistic understanding of the dissemination of the theory in Brazil. As part of the externalist research, a map of the disciplinary field in Brazil is outlined since its inception in the 1950s, with special emphasis on the period between 1990 and 2005. This map shows a very significant growth of the field, especially since the 1990s, driven by its institutionalization. Formerly centred in institutions in the Southeast and South of Brazil, research studies on themes related to translation are disseminated to other localities, thus, other research centres emerge. Regarding functionalism, it can be seen that, according to one of the hypotheses of this study, its inclusion into the scope of translation studies in the country occurs, predominantly, by the action of the founders of the theoretical approach. Its growth and dissemination only occur in more recent times, especially involving themes such as technical translation, translation of comic books, and the use of translation in foreign language lessons. As for the conceptual research, it reveals that Brazilian researchers absorb some key notions of functionalism, such as the fact that translation is a proceeding between cultures, guided by the function of the translated text. In accordance with the initial hypotheses, it is also noted that the ideas that circulate in translation studies in Brazil were mainly introduced by the works of Christiane Nord. Finally, we emphasize the fact that functionalism, like any theory, does not contemplate all specific cases of translation, requiring the contribution of theoretical inputs from other disciplinary areas, which is a valuable example of the inherent interdisciplinarity of translation studies.

Počátky českého překladu z portugalsky psaných literatur (1898-1948) / The Beginnings of Czech Translation from Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures (1898-1948)

Šantorová, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The present diploma thesis is focused on the history of Czech translations from Portuguese and Brazilian literatures between 1898, when the first book translation from Portuguese was published, and 1948, when the Czechoslovak coup d'état took place, causing changes in the reception of foreign literatures. The first part of the thesis includes a theoretical model of research in the history of translation, a list of examined translations, a brief summary of Czech- Portuguese and Czech-Brazilian relations, an insight into Czech publishing activity and a reflection on Portuguese language literatures in Czech periodicals. The second part of the thesis deals with all sixteen book translations and, to a limited extent, also magazine and manuscript translations. This part presents information about the original books and their authors and it deals with the circumstances of the origin and publication of their translations, the personalities of the translators, publishers and, last but not least, the reception of the translations on the Czech literary scene. Key words History of Translation, Reception of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Literature, Brazilian Literature

Swahili Literature in the Russian Language

Gromov, Mikhail 11 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ženy-překladatelky jako aktérky v kontaktu mezi češtinou a němčinou v 19. století a na počátku století dvacátého / Female translators as active stakeholders in the contact between the Czech and German languages in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century

Greňová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Greňová, Martina: Female translators as stakeholders in the contact between the Czech and German languages in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century Abstract (in English): The purpose of this thesis in the field of history of translation is to describe the role of women in the Czech lands in the translation process from German to the Czech language. We focus on the period between the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. During this period, among other things, the status of women changed as well as the relationship between the Czech and German speaking population. When defining the new relationship between the two groups, translating into the Czech language played a crucial constitutive role. Our main research question is, whether and how women participated in this cultural process, and whether their involvement could eventually result in a professional career as a translator. Apart from that, there are also many other questions to be answered in relation to the historical context which had a major impact on the status and activities of women. For historical reconstruction of the period we apply the method of quantitative analysis of extant translations and directories. This data is supplemented by information from texts written by women themselves where they reflect on...

Magický realismus v Čechách a německy mluvících zemích: Studie interkulturní komunikace / Magical realism in Bohemia and in German speaking countries: A Study to intercultural communication".

Pačisková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
In the presented thesis I focused on the translations (specifically between Czech and German) of a particular literary movement, that appeared in the first half of the 20th century - of magic(al) realism. As for the topic and metodological directing of the thesis, it falls within the history of translation. The main aim is to present the original literary production of magical realism in the German speaking countries and in Bohemia and to demonstrate, to what extent the both cultural areas have connected during the existence of magical realism by means of translations. The research is led especially with quantitative respect - I primarily focus on collecting of the originals and their translations (if there are any). By the existing translations I studied mainly the cultural-historical context of their origin and their eventual integration into the literary tradition of the target culture. Finding out the number of existing translations proceeded in form of extensive searches in the national libraries. It shows itself that only ca. one third of the so called magical realist titles was translated from German into Czech so far. From the Czech titles around a half came out in German. Though this thesis cannot be taken as an exhaustive summary of all topics bound with magical realism from the point of...

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