Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coming"" "subject:"boming""
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Performance of Network Redundancy in SCTP : Introducing effect of different factors on Multi-homingAli, Rashid January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of designing the Stream Control Protocol (SCTP) was tooffer a robust transfer of traffic between the hosts over the networks. For this reasonSCTP multi-homing feature was designed, in which an SCTP sender can access destinationhost with multiple IP addresses in the same session. If the primary path between the sourceand the destination is down, the traffic may still be sent to the destination by utilizingredundant path. And SCTP multi-homing also supports for the concurrent multipathtransfer of traffic. This paper introduces the effect of different network factors likeconcurrent cross traffic, congestion control algorithms and SACK timers on multi -homingfeature of SCTP. Throughput and end-to-end packet delay were used as performancemetrics to introduce the effect of these factors. From the study it was introduced thatconcurrent cross traffic in the network behaves same on multi -homed interfaces and bothinterfaces were affected almost same. It was concluded that congestion control algorithmsalso affects on multi-homing, the RED congestion control algorithm reduced delay andimproved throughput of the SCTP multi-homing. In RFC4960 recommended SACK timeris 200ms, but when 100ms SACK timer was used with concurrent multipath transfer inSCTP (CMT-SCTP) multi-homing, the high throughput and low delay was achieved ascompared with 200ms and 300ms, which indicated that different SACK timers affects onmulti-homing feature of SCTP. All the simulation works have been conducted in NS2network simulator.
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Role of CD26/DPPIV in the Homing and Engraftment of Long-Term CD34- Negative Hematopoietic Stem CellsAllehaibi, Hanaa S. 04 1900 (has links)
CD26/DPPIV is a dipeptidyl peptidase that cleaves and destroys a variety of substrates
such as the chemokine SDF-1α, a chemokine expressed along bone marrow endothelium,
which is essential for the recruitment of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) via binding with its receptor CXCR4 to the bone marrow. Thus, CD26 is thought to interfere with the second step, chemokine/chemokine receptor interactions, of the cellular migration paradigm. To further study the role of CD26 in the migration of HSCs, we screened several human leukemic cell lines to find a model cell line that expresses active CD26 and discovered that the pro-monocytic cell line, U937 was optimal for this purpose. U937 cells were used to optimize a variety of assays including an CD26 activity assay and transwell migration assay with and without the use of a CD26 inhibitor, Diprotin A. Then, we isolated short-term and long-term HSCs from the bone marrow of C57BL/6N mice using a combination of surface markers and a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. The expression levels of Step 2’s homing molecules were measured by FACS in both fractions of HSCs. Interestingly, we detected differences in the expression of CD26 between these two populations that may help explain the inability of long-term HSCs to migrate to the bone marrow. Thus, through the use of a CD26 inhibitor the long-term HSCS migration to the bone marrow could be enhanced, leading to a prolonged and efficient stem cell engraftment activity. Such studies are could help develop protocols to improve stem cell engraftment for patients suffering from hematological diseases such as leukemia.
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Resilient visual perception for multiagent systemsKarimian, Arman 15 May 2021 (has links)
There has been an increasing interest in visual sensors and vision-based solutions for single and multi-robot systems. Vision-based sensors, e.g., traditional RGB cameras, grant rich semantic information and accurate directional measurements at a relatively low cost; however, such sensors have two major drawbacks. They do not generally provide reliable depth estimates, and typically have a limited field of view. These limitations considerably increase the complexity of controlling multiagent systems. This thesis studies some of the underlying problems in vision-based multiagent control and mapping.
The first contribution of this thesis is a method for restoring bearing rigidity in non-rigid networks of robots. We introduce means to determine which bearing measurements can improve bearing rigidity in non-rigid graphs and provide a greedy algorithm that restores rigidity in 2D with a minimum number of added edges.
The focus of the second part is on the formation control problem using only bearing measurements. We address the control problem for consensus and formation control through non-smooth Lyapunov functions and differential inclusion. We provide a stability analysis for undirected graphs and investigate the derived controllers for directed graphs. We also introduce a newer notion of bearing persistence for pure bearing-based control in directed graphs.
The third part is concerned with the bearing-only visual homing problem with a limited field of view sensor. In essence, this problem is a special case of the formation control problem where there is a single moving agent with fixed neighbors. We introduce a navigational vector field composed of two orthogonal vector fields that converges to the goal position and does not violate the field of view constraints. Our method does not require the landmarks' locations and is robust to the landmarks' tracking loss.
The last part of this dissertation considers outlier detection in pose graphs for Structure from Motion (SfM) and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problems. We propose a method for detecting incorrect orientation measurements before pose graph optimization by checking their geometric consistency in cycles. We use Expectation-Maximization to fine-tune the noise's distribution parameters and propose a new approximate graph inference procedure specifically designed to take advantage of evidence on cycles with better performance than standard approaches.
These works will help enable multi-robot systems to overcome visual sensors' limitations in collaborative tasks such as navigation and mapping.
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Moderne Tissue Engineering Konzepte für die Knochendefektheilung: Funktionalisierung von Scaffolds auf Basis von mineralisiertem Kollagen zur Stimulation von Angiogenese und OsteogeneseQuade, Mandy Ilona 11 October 2021 (has links)
Der Bedarf an modernen Konzepten der regenerativen Medizin für die Therapie von Knochensubstanzdefekten steigt zunehmend angesichts unserer sich demographisch wandeln-den Gesellschaft und der damit einhergehenden, steigenden Zahl altersrelevanter orthopädisch-unfallchirurgischer Erkrankungen. Die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahrzehnte erlauben es, grundlegende biologische Prozesse der Knochenregeneration nicht nur besser zu verstehen, sondern diese auch durch gezielte Einflussnahme zu nutzen. Auf Grundlage dieser Erkenntnisse fokussiert die Forschung die Entwicklung moderner bioaktiver Biomaterialien mit dem intrinsischen Potenzial, die körpereigene Geweberegeneration lokal im Defektbereich – in situ – zu stimulieren. Die Stimulation zellulärer Regenerationsmechanismen kann entweder direkt durch Zell-Material-Interaktion induziert werden (in situ Regeneration), oder durch chemotaktische Attraktion von Zellen mit regenerativem Potenzial aus dem umliegenden Gewebe, welche ihrerseits die Geweberegeneration induzieren (in situ Tissue Engineering). Ohne extrakorporale Besiedlung der Scaffolds und deren in vitro-Kultivierung vor der Implantation umgehen diese in situ-Strategien mehrere Limitationen und Herausforderungen des klassischen Tissue Engineering-Konzepts. Dem in situ-Konzept folgend wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation zwei Strategien zur gezielten Funktionalisierung eines Knochenersatzmaterials aus mineralisiertem Kollagen unter-sucht: I) Zum einen wurde mineralisiertes Kollagen mit dem osteoanabol wirksamen Erdalkalimetall Strontium modifiziert, um lokal die Osteogenese zu stimulieren. II) Zum anderen wurden poröse Scaffolds aus mineralisiertem Kollagen mit einem zentralen Depot funktionalisiert, welches mit einem Wirkstoffgemisch beladen wurde, welches aus dem Sekretom Hypoxie-konditionierter hBMSC (HCM) generiert wurde. Durch gezielte Attraktion von Zellen mit regenerativem Potenzial und gleichzeitiger Stimulation der Vaskularisierung soll dieses Scaffoldsystem gezielt die Knochendefektheilung induzieren. Für die Strontium-Modifikation wurde während der Scaffoldsynthese das Calcium der Mineralphase sukzessive durch Strontium substituiert und die hergestellten Scaffolds eingehend materialwissenschaftlich charakterisiert (Publikation 2.1; Quade et al., 2018a). Die simultane Fibrillierung und Mineralisierung von Kollagen führte zur Bildung von Nanokompositen, wobei die Mineralphasen von nanokristallinem Hydroxylapatit (Sr0), über schwach kristalline Strontium-reiche Phasen zu einer gemischten Mineralphase (Sr100) aus amorphem Strontiumphosphat und hochkristallinem Strontiumhydroxylapatit verschoben wurde. Freisetzungsversu-che über 28 Tage zeigten, dass die getesteten Varianten Sr50 und Sr100 anhaltend Sr2+-Ionen in einem Konzentrationsbereich freisetzten, in dem sowohl die Knochenneubildung stimuliert, als auch die zelluläre Knochenresorption gehemmt wird. In vitro zeigte sich der osteoanabole Effekt Strontium-modifizierter mineralisierter Kollagenscaffolds durch eine signifikant gesteigerte Proliferation und osteogene Differenzierung von hBMSC. In vivo – als Knochenersatzmaterial im murinen segmentalen FemurdefektModell – zeigten Strontium-modifizierte Scaffolds aus mineralisiertem Kollagen zwar ein tendenziell gesteigertes Knochenvolumen mit erhöhter Osteoblastenzahl, signifikant weniger Osteoklasten und signifikant gesteigerter Vaskularisierung, jedoch war der Effekt verhältnismäßig schwach und allein nicht ausreichend für eine knöcherne Überbrückung des Defektbereiches (Publikation 2.2; Quade et al., 2020a). Durch Kombination von Sr-Modifikation und BMP-2-Funktionalisierung konnte die Qualität des neugebildeten Knochens signifikant gesteigert werden. Um das Konzept des neuartigen Wirkstoffdepot-basierten Scaffoldsystems zu testen, wurde das zentrale Depot zunächst mit dem Modell-Wachstumsfaktor VEGF beladen. Der Einsatz der Biopolymere Alginat, Hyaluronsäure und Heparin als Depotbildner erlaubt die Modulation der Wirkstofffreisetzung. Während die Hydrogele Alginat und Hyaluronsäure dabei als physikalischen Barriere fungieren, ermöglichte die hohe ionische Bindungsaffinität von Heparin und VEGF dessen nahezu lineare Freisetzung über den Versuchszeitraum von 28 Tagen. Im Migrationsversuch bewirkte die retardierte VEGF-Freisetzung und damit die Stabilisierung des Wirkstoffgradienten die gerichtete Migration von HDMEC in den Scaffold. Je verzögerter die VEGF-Freisetzung – und damit je steiler der Wirkstoffgradient – desto tiefer migrierten HDMEC in die Scaffolds (Publikation 2.3; Quade et al., 2017a). Entscheidend für eine effiziente Knochenregeneration ist sowohl die Attraktion von Zellen mit regenerativem Potenzial, als auch die Stimulation der Vaskularisierung, um den Gasaustausch, die Nähstoffversorgung und den Abtransport metabolischer Nebenprodukte der Zel-len im Defektbereich zu gewährleisten. Im Sinne des in situ Tissue Engineering-Konzepts wurde das zentrale Wirkstoffdepot mit einem natürliche Wirkstoffgemisch, welches aus dem Sekretom Hypoxie-konditionierter hBMSC (HCM) gewonnen wurde, beladen (Publikation 2.4; (Quade et al., 2020b). Unter hypoxischen Bedingungen sezernieren hBMSC einen Wirkstoffcocktail, der unter anderem Wachstumsfaktoren, Chemokine, Hormone und Exosomen enthält und ein starkes angiogenes und chemotaktisches Potenzial gegenüber hBMSC zeigt. Um das Wirkstoffdepot möglichst effizient zu beladen, wurde zum einen die Wirkstoffausbeute von HCM durch Anpassung der Herstellungsparameter optimiert. Gemessen am Wachstumsfaktor VEGF konnte so die Ausbeute bis zu 100-fach gesteigert werden. Des Weiteren konnte durch Dialyse, Gefriertrocknung und Resuspension mit dem Depot-bildenden Biopolymer zusätzlich eine bis zu 50-fache Konzentrierung des Wirkstoffgemisches erreicht wer-den ohne Verlust der Bioaktivität. Mit steigender HCM-Konzentration im Depot konnte sowohl eine tiefere Migration von hBMSC, als auch eine Verbesserung der Angiogenese erzielt wer-den. Zusätzlich bewirkte die retardierte HCM-Freisetzung aus Alginat-basierten Depots eine signifikante Steigerung von Länge, Dichte und Einsprosstiefe prävaskulärer Strukturen. Zwar ist die Charakterisierung und standardisierte Herstellung des natürlichen HCM-basierten Wirkstoffgemisches eine Herausforderung, jedoch ist davon auszugehen, dass dessen be-deutendes therapeutisches Potenzial gerade durch die Komplexität der sezernierten Faktoren und deren synergistisches Zusammenspiel bedingt wird. Die Standardisierung der HCM-basierten Wirkstoffherstellung, sowie eine bessere Quantifizierung und Charakterisierung der sezernierten Proteine sollte in zukünftigen Studien forciert werden. Beide Strategien, die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation untersucht wurden, haben das Potenzial, als zellfreie „ready-to-use“-Knochenersatzmaterialien zu erschwinglichen Kosten, bei geringerer regulatorischer Komplexität und mit gleichbleibend hoher Qualität produziert zu wer-den. Während Strontium-modifiziertes mineralisiertes Kollagen allein in vivo nur ein schwaches osteoinduktives Potenzial zeigte, konnte die Qualität und Festigkeit des neugebildeten Knochengewebes in Kombination mit BMP-2 signifikant verbessert werden. Als leicht-osteogenes Biomaterial könnte dieses zur Unterstützung etablierter therapeutischer Konzepte eingesetzt werden – vor allem bei Patienten mit systemischen Knochenerkrankungen wie beispielsweise Osteoporose. Das komplexere Depot-basierte Scaffoldsystem hingegen hat ein großes Potenzial für die klinische Translation. Zum einen kann das Depot je nach Bedarf mit verschiedensten Wirkstoffen beladen werden, deren Freisetzung in Abhängigkeit des Depot-bildenden Biopolymers manipuliert werden kann. Beladen mit dem natürlichen HCM-basierten Wirkstoffgemisch zeigte das Scaffoldsystem ein beeindruckendes chemotaktisches und angiogenes Potenzial. Gegenüber etablierten rhBMP-2-Applikationen, stellt dieser in situ Tissue Engineering-Ansatz damit eine vielversprechende Alternative für die Knochen-defekt-Therapie dar, bei gleichzeitig deutlich reduzierten Kosten und Nebenwirkungen. Zu-künftige in vivo-Studien im Großtiermodell sollten das regenerative Potenzial des Depot-basierten Scaffoldsystems umfassend verifizieren. / Our demographically changing society causes a rising number of age-related orthopaedic and trauma surgical diseases. Modern approaches following the concept of regenerative medicine are needed for the therapeutical treatment of bone defects. Scientific findings of the last decades not only allow for a better understanding of fundamental biological processes in the field of bone regeneration, but also to use this knowledge for effective therapeutic concepts. Therefore, research is focusing on the development of modern bioactive biomaterials with the intrinsic potential to locally stimulate the body's own regeneration capacity - in situ. The stimulation of tissue regeneration can either be induced directly by cell-material interaction (in situ regeneration), or by chemotactic attraction of cells with regenerative potential from the surrounding tissue, which would in turn induce local tissue regeneration (in situ tissue engineering). Since these in situ strategies forgo the extracorporeal seeding and in vitro cultivation of scaffolds prior implantation, several limitations and challenges of the classical tissue engineering concept can be circumvented. Within the scope of this dissertation two strategies were investigated. Following the in situ concept, scaffolds based on mineralized collagen were specifically functionalized in order to locally induce bone defect healing: I) On the one hand, mineralised collagen was modified with strontium to locally stimulate osteogenesis. II) On the other hand, porous scaffolds of mineralised collagen were functionalised with a central depot loaded with a cocktail of signalling factors generated from the secretome of hypoxia-conditioned hBMSC (HCM). By specifically attracting cells with regenerative potential and simultaneously stimulating vascularisation, this scaffold-system could actively induce bone defect healing. For the strontium modification, the calcium of the mineral phase was successively substituted by strontium during the scaffold synthesis. The generated scaffolds were characterised in detail from a material science perspective (publication 2.1; Quade et al.et al., 2018a). In all tested approaches simultaneous collagen fibrillation and mineralisation led to the formation of nanocomposites. With rising strontium substitution, the mineral phases shifted from nanocrystalline hydroxylapatite (Sr0), via weakly crystalline strontium-rich phases to a mixed mineral phase of amorphous strontium phosphate and highly crystalline strontium hydroxylapatite (Sr100). Release experiments showed that the scaffold variants Sr50 and Sr100 released Sr2+-ions continuously over 28 days in a range, which is known to exploit the dual effect of strontium by simultaneously promoting proliferation and osteogenic differentiation as well as inhibiting the osteoclastic bone resorption without impairing the osteoclastogenesis. In vitro, the osteoanabolic effect of strontium-modified mineralised collagen scaffolds was demonstrated by significantly increased proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hBMSC. In vivo - in the murine segmental femoral defect model - strontium-modified scaffolds made of mineralised collagen showed a tendency to increase bone volume with an increased number of osteoblasts, significantly reduced osteoclasts and significantly increased vascularisation. However, the effect was relatively weak and not sufficient to cause a bridging of the defect area (publication 2.2; Quade et al., 2020a). By combining Sr modification and BMP-2 functionalisation, the quality of the newly formed bone was significantly improved. To test the concept of the novel depot-based scaffold system, the central depot was loaded with the model growth factor VEGF. The use of the biopolymers alginate, hyaluronic acid and heparin as depot-forming agents allowed the modulation of drug release. While the hydrogels alginate and hyaluronic acid act as a physical barrier, the high ionic binding affinity of heparin and VEGF facilitated an almost linear VEGF-release over the experimental period of 28 days. In migration experiments, the retarded VEGF release and thus the stabilisation of the VEGF- gradient caused the directed migration of HDMEC into the scaffolds. The slower the VEGF release - and thus the steeper the drug gradient - the deeper HDMEC migrated into the scaffolds (publication 2.3; Quade et al., 2017). Crucial for an efficient bone regeneration is both the attraction of cells with regenerative potential and the stimulation of vascularisation to ensure gas exchange, nutrient supply and removal of metabolic by-products in the defect area. In line with the in situ tissue engineering concept, the central depot was loaded with a natural factor mix obtained from the secretome of hypoxia-conditioned hBMSC (HCM) (publication 2.4; (Quade et al., 2020b). Under hypoxic conditions, hBMSC secrete a cocktail of active substances that contains, among others, growth factors, chemokines, hormones and exosomes. This factor mix shows a strong angiogenic potential and is highly chemo-attractive to hBMSC. In order to load the scaffold depot as efficiently as possible, the signalling factor-yield of HCM was optimised by adjusting the cultivation settings for HCM-generation. Measured by VEGF as a model growth factor, the yield was increased up to 100 times. In addition, dialysis, freeze-drying and resuspension with the depot-forming biopolymer made it possible to achieve another 50-fold concentration without loss of bioactivity. With increasing HCM-concentration in the depot, both a deeper migration of hBMSC and an improvement in angiogenesis could be achieved. In addition, the retarded release of HCM from alginate-based depots resulted in a significant increase in length, density and sprouting depth of prevascular structures. Although the characterisation and standardised production of the natural HCM-based signalling factor cocktail is challenging, it can be assumed that its significant therapeutic potential relies particularly on that complexity of the secreted factors and their synergistic interaction. The standardized production of HCM-derived signalling factor cocktails, as well as a better quantification and characterisation of the secreted proteins should be focused by future studies. Both strategies investigated in this dissertation have the potential to be produced as cell-free 'ready-to-use' bone substitute materials at affordable costs, with less regulatory complexity and with consistently high quality. While strontium-modified mineralised collagen alone showed only a weak osteoinductive potential in vivo, the quality and strength of the newly formed bone tissue was significantly improved in combination with BMP-2. This light-osteogenic biomaterial could be used to support established therapeutic concepts - especially in patients with systemic bone diseases such as osteoporosis. The more complex depot-based scaffold system on the other hand has great potential for clinical translation. Depending on the application, the depot can be loaded with a wide variety of active substances – their release kinetics in turn can be manipulated depending on the depot-forming biopolymer. Loaded with the natural HCM-derived cocktail of signalling molecules, the scaffold system showed an impressive chemotactic and angiogenic potential. Compared to established rhBMP-2 applications, this in situ tissue engineering approach represents a promising alternative for bone defect therapy, at significantly reduced costs and side effects. Future in vivo studies in large animal models should verify the regenerative potential of the herewith developed depot-based scaffold system.
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Vertical Navigation in the Whip Spider and Insights into its Sensory ControlMoore, Meghan Elysse 26 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Owners Versus Renters: Comparative Homing Behaviors in Primary and Tertiary Burrowing CrayfishKamran, Maryam 15 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Correlates of Mucosal Humoral Immunity in Peripheral BloodFernandes, Jason R. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>Several labs have previously demonstrated that humoral immune responses at one mucosal tissue can disseminate to other mucosal sites, giving rise to the theory of the common mucosal immune system (CMIS). Evidence that demonstrates a similar link between systemic immune responses and mucosal protection is lacking despite indications that both mucosal and systemic memory B cells share common circulatory pathways. The focus of this study is to determine the contribution of blood-borne B cells to mucosal immunity in humans, and how B cells trafficking through blood can be induced to traffic to mucosal tissues.</p> <p>To address these aims, I have performed several analyses of active and inactive peripheral blood memory B cell (MBC) populations in normal, healthy humans. Analysis of recently activated blood B cells confirmed the revealed that the majority of pre-plasma cells (PPC) in blood of healthy, normal humans secrete IgA, and that the majority of IgA- positive PPC secrete primarily polymeric IgA. A large fraction of blood PPC also express CCR10, and this population contains the highest fraction of IgA-expressing and pIgA-secreting PPC in blood. In contrast, most CCR10- PPC secrete IgG, although a small fraction secretes and stains positive for IgA, and analysis of α4β7expression by blood MBC revealed that CCR10 is more inclusive of IgA-switched and pIgA-secreting PPC in blood. The data presented in this study demonstrate that IgA+/CCR10+ PPC represent the mucosal subset of PPC in the blood of healthy humans, and can be investigated as representative of recent or ongoing mucosal immune responses.</p> <p><em>In vitro </em>polyclonal stimulation of blood MBC through CD40 was able to induce CCR10 expression by blood MBC treated with IL-21, IL-2, IL-10 with additions of other germinal center (GC) cytokines such as IL-5 and TGF-β enhancing CCR10 induction. Surprisingly, CCR10 expression by IgG MBC stimulated under these conditions was similar to that of IgA MBC, demonstrating that CCR10 expression is not limited to IgA- switched B cell clones. The results of this study demonstrate that CCR10 expression is inducible by many GC factors, and importantly, is not limited to IgA-switched B cells.</p> <p>Systemic immunization of healthy volunteers with tetanus toxoid/diphtheria vaccine induced a robust systemic IgG response, but also resulted in a post-immunization mobilization of IgA PPC in blood. These PPC were not specific for tetanus or diphtheria, and in several volunteers showed specificity for mucosal pathogens such as poliovirus (PV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoproteins. In addition, stimulation of anti-HSV IgG memory was also observed. Thus we have demonstrated that a systemic immune response is capable of inducing antibody relevant to mucosal immunity, possibly exposing a mechanism through which systemic and mucosal humoral immune responses are linked.</p> <p>The studies presented here demonstrate the presence of mucosal B cell memory in blood and thus provide new insight into ways to assess and manipulate mucosal immunity.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science)
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Homing and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 3D In Vitro ModelsPopielarczyk, Tracee 31 August 2017 (has links)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have great potential to improve clinical outcomes for many inflammatory and degenerative diseases through delivery of exogenous MSCs via injection or cell-laden scaffolds and through mobilization and migration of endogenous MSCs to injury sites. MSC fate and function is determined by microenvironmental cues, specifically dimensionality, topography, and cell-cell interactions. MSC responses of migration and differentiation are the focus of this dissertation. Cell migration occurs in several physiological and pathological processes; migration mode and cell signaling are determined by the environment and type of confinement in three-dimensional (3D) models.
Tendon injury is a common musculoskeletal disorder that occurs through cumulative damage to the extracellular matrix (ECM). Studies combining nanofibrous scaffolds and MSCs to determine an optimal topographical environment have promoted tenogenic differentiation under various conditions. We investigated cellular response of MSCs on specifically designed nanofiber matrices fabricated using a novel spinneret-based tunable engineered parameters production method (STEP). We designed suspended and aligned nanofiber scaffolds to study cellular morphology, tendon marker gene expression, and matrix deposition as determinants for tendon differentiation.
The delivery and maintenance of MSCs at sites of inflammation or injury are major challenges in stem cell therapies. Enhancing stem cell homing could improve their therapeutic effects. Homing is a process that involves cell migration through the vasculature to target organs. This process is defined in leukocyte transendothelial migration (TEM); however, far less is known about MSC homing. We investigated two population subsets of MSCs in a Transwell system mimicking the vasculature; migrated cells that initiated transmigration on the endothelium and nonmigrated cells in the apical chamber that failed to transmigrate. Gene and protein expression changes were observed between these subsets and evidence suggests that multiple signaling pathways regulate TEM.
The results of these experiments have demonstrated that microenvironmental cues are critical to understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of MSC response, specifically in homing and differentiation. This knowledge has identified scaffold parameters required to stimulate tenogenesis and signaling pathways controlling MSC homing. These findings will allow us to target key regulatory molecules and cell signaling pathways involved in MSC response towards development of regenerative therapies. / Ph. D. / Stem cell therapy is one way to improve tissue injury and inflammatory conditions, but to optimize such therapy, we need to study how the environment around cells influence turning them into the injured tissue and how to control their movement to these sites in order for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to exert their therapeutic functions. MSCs move through and detect their environment through the material around them, including organization of the fibers they attach to and neighboring cells. Cell migration is an important cell behavior that occurs in normal and diseased processes. MSCs have great potential to improve clinical outcomes for many inflammatory and degenerative diseases whether through delivery of exogenous MSCs or through mobilization and migration of endogenous MSCs to injury sites.
Tendon damage can occur slowly over time and optimal treatment for normal function after injury remains unknown. Equine MSCs were harvested from bone marrow and subjected to scaffolds of different fiber orientation to study whether cells develop characteristics of tendon cells. Cellular responses were similar between scaffolds of aligned fiber orientation. Manipulation of equine bone marrow MSCs through the use of specifically designed nanofiber scaffolds aid in understanding the mechanisms by which the cells respond and function in tendon development, injury, and repair.
Inflammation is a necessary process after tissue injury; however, it must progress in a controlled manner and be resolved before it leads to tissue damage and dysfunction. MSCs function in regulating the effects of inflammation and immune cells; however, getting them to these sites and keeping them there remains challenging. MSCs adhere to and migrate through capillaries towards these sites, known as stem cell homing. Human bone marrow MSCs were loaded onto human synovial microvascular endothelial cells to study migration towards an inflammatory stimulus. This stimulus acted on the endothelial cells to produce another stimulus that attracted MSCs to the endothelial cells. These actions resulted in complete MSC migration through the endothelial cells and activated intracellular signals that can be used to increase the number of MSCs that reach the inflammatory sites and stimulate tissue-healing effects.
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Estudo da biodistribuição de células tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humana (CTPDDh) após o transplante intra-uterino no modelo canino (Canis lupus familiares) / Biodistribution of human immature dental pulp stem cells following in utero transplantation in canine model (Canis lupus familiaris)Reginato, Ana Luísa 19 June 2012 (has links)
O transplante intrauterino de células-tronco (TIUCT) é um método de tratamento de doenças genéticas, congênitas, hematológicas e imunológicas em um feto durante a gestação. Em pesquisa básica este modelo permite o estudo da dinâmica de migração, enxertia e estado funcional de diferentes tipos de células-tronco (CT). Estas células podem ser transplantadas em diferentes momentos do período gestacional, que pode ser dividido em três momentos do desenvolvimento fetal, sendo estes, diferentes funcionalmente. A escolha deste momento para o transplante influenciará tanto no comportamento celular quanto no resultado. Para o TIUCT são utilizadas as CT mesenquimais derivadas da medula óssea ou fetais ou hematopoiéticas. Para esta pesquisa utilizamos células-tronco derivadas da polpa dentária imatura humana (CTIPDh) as quais apresentam potencial pluripotente e propriedades imunomodulatórias. Nosso principal objetivo foi avaliar a capacidade migratória, bem como de proliferação e endereçamento (homing) das CTIPDh durante o terceiro período gestacional do desenvolvimento fetal no modelo canino. Todos os procedimentos experimentais foram elaborados sob protocolo anestésico apropriado e aprovados pelo comitê de ética da FMVZ da USP. Foram transplantadas via intraperitoneal (IP) 1x106 CTIPDh GFP+ em cada feto, durante procedimento cirúrgico de laparotomia exploratória com ultrassonografia guiada intraoperatóriamente em quatro fetos com idade gestacional aproximada de 45 dias, e outros dois fetos os quais não receberam o transplante, utilizados como controle. Avaliamos os fetos pré e pós-transplante através do ultrasson. Após sete dias, realizamos a ovário-salpingo-histerectomia (OSH) para a colheita dos fetos. Em seguida coletamos seus órgãos e tecidos os quais foram fixados em paraformoldeído a 4% e criopreservados a temperatura de -80oC. Analisamos a biodistribuição das CTIPDh dentro dos órgãos e tecidos em criocortes de 5µm sob microscopia Confocal. Constatamos o homing das CTIPDh nos órgãos derivados das linhas germinativas endodermais, ectodermais e mesodermais. No estômago e intestinos as CTIPD/GFP+ foram identificadas tanto no espaço intraglandular, como na camada muscular da mucosa; no fígado no parenquima hepático; no coração especialmente no tecido muscular do miocárdio; no cérebro nos vasos da substância branca, e cerebelo entre células de Purkinje. Na placenta estas células foram encontradas especialmente junto aos vasos. Quantificamos as CTIPD GFP+ utilizando a citometria de fluxo. Comparativamente dentre os órgãos analisados, obtivemos resultados expressivos do homing celular no miocárdio (~50%), no baço e fígado. Nossos resultados foram confirmados através das análises de imunohistoquímica e imunofluorescência utilizando os anticorpos Anti-núcleo (HuNu), Anti-CTIPD e Anti-GFP humanos. Concluímos que as CTIPDh apresentam grande potencial migratório e proliferativo após o TIUCT em fetos caninos. Estas células indiferenciadas demonstraram homing, especialmente nos tecidos: hematopoiéticos fetais (placenta, fígado e baço), tecido epitelial e glandular de órgãos, bem como de nichos perivasculares de CT. Estes dados sugerem que as CTIPD através do TIU, é uma alternativa viável, segura e promissora para o tratamento de doenças genéticas, congênitas, hematológicas e imunológicas. / Intra-uterine stem cells transplantation (IUSCT) is a method for the treatment of genetic, congenital, hematological, and immunological diseases. In basic research it provides a model for studying the dynamics of migration, graft and functional status of different types of stem cells. The cells can be transplanted in different moments of gestational period, which can be divided into quarters that are not functionally equivalent. The choice of the cells and quarter where the stem cells will be applied can influence cells behavior and results of transplantation. Fetal and adult hematopoietic or bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were mainly used for IUSCT. We previously obtained human immature dental pulp stem cell (IDPSCs), which showed pluripotent potential and immune-compatible properties. The goal of our study was to evaluate migration capacity, proliferation and homing of IDPSCs after IUSCT during the third fetal period in dogs. All experimental procedures were approved by the Ethical Committee of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of São Paulo University and were performed under appropriate anesthesia. 1x106 of undifferentiated GFP-positive human IDPSCs were transplanted following laparotomy and intraperitoneal injection under intra-operative ultrasound control into 5 fetuses at the 45 days of gestation. Five fetuses, which did not receive IDPSCs, were used as a control. Ultrasound analyses were performed daily before collection of the fetuses. After 7 days ovarian hysterectomy was performed, fetuses were collected; organs and tissues were isolated and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or cryopreserved. Biodistribution of IDPSCs within the organs and tissues were analyzed on cryosections (5µm) under Confocal Microscopy. Homing of IDPSCs was observed in organs derived from three germ lines, endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. In stomach and in intestine GFP IDPSCs were found in intraglandular space as well as in muscularis mucosae. In liver they appeared in hepatic parenchyma; in heart in myocardium and in brain in bold vessels, in cerebellum within Purkinje cells. Using Flow cytometry assay GFP IDPSCs graft was quantified. Among the different organs an expressive homing was observed in myocardium of heart (~50%), in spleen and liver. The IDPSCs were also found in canine placenta, especially in blood vessels. These data were confirmed using anti-human nucleus (HuNu), anti-GFP and anti-IDPSCs anti-bodies. Human IDPSCs showed high migration and proliferation potential after IUSCT in dog fetuses. Undifferentiated IDPSCs demonstrated homing in fetal hematopoietic (placenta), epithelial (gastric glands) and perivascular stem cells niches. Our data suggest that IDPSCs is a new promising source for genetic, congenital, hematological, and immunological treatment for those diseases through IUSCT.
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Estudo da biodistribuição de células tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humana (CTPDDh) após o transplante intra-uterino no modelo canino (Canis lupus familiares) / Biodistribution of human immature dental pulp stem cells following in utero transplantation in canine model (Canis lupus familiaris)Ana Luísa Reginato 19 June 2012 (has links)
O transplante intrauterino de células-tronco (TIUCT) é um método de tratamento de doenças genéticas, congênitas, hematológicas e imunológicas em um feto durante a gestação. Em pesquisa básica este modelo permite o estudo da dinâmica de migração, enxertia e estado funcional de diferentes tipos de células-tronco (CT). Estas células podem ser transplantadas em diferentes momentos do período gestacional, que pode ser dividido em três momentos do desenvolvimento fetal, sendo estes, diferentes funcionalmente. A escolha deste momento para o transplante influenciará tanto no comportamento celular quanto no resultado. Para o TIUCT são utilizadas as CT mesenquimais derivadas da medula óssea ou fetais ou hematopoiéticas. Para esta pesquisa utilizamos células-tronco derivadas da polpa dentária imatura humana (CTIPDh) as quais apresentam potencial pluripotente e propriedades imunomodulatórias. Nosso principal objetivo foi avaliar a capacidade migratória, bem como de proliferação e endereçamento (homing) das CTIPDh durante o terceiro período gestacional do desenvolvimento fetal no modelo canino. Todos os procedimentos experimentais foram elaborados sob protocolo anestésico apropriado e aprovados pelo comitê de ética da FMVZ da USP. Foram transplantadas via intraperitoneal (IP) 1x106 CTIPDh GFP+ em cada feto, durante procedimento cirúrgico de laparotomia exploratória com ultrassonografia guiada intraoperatóriamente em quatro fetos com idade gestacional aproximada de 45 dias, e outros dois fetos os quais não receberam o transplante, utilizados como controle. Avaliamos os fetos pré e pós-transplante através do ultrasson. Após sete dias, realizamos a ovário-salpingo-histerectomia (OSH) para a colheita dos fetos. Em seguida coletamos seus órgãos e tecidos os quais foram fixados em paraformoldeído a 4% e criopreservados a temperatura de -80oC. Analisamos a biodistribuição das CTIPDh dentro dos órgãos e tecidos em criocortes de 5µm sob microscopia Confocal. Constatamos o homing das CTIPDh nos órgãos derivados das linhas germinativas endodermais, ectodermais e mesodermais. No estômago e intestinos as CTIPD/GFP+ foram identificadas tanto no espaço intraglandular, como na camada muscular da mucosa; no fígado no parenquima hepático; no coração especialmente no tecido muscular do miocárdio; no cérebro nos vasos da substância branca, e cerebelo entre células de Purkinje. Na placenta estas células foram encontradas especialmente junto aos vasos. Quantificamos as CTIPD GFP+ utilizando a citometria de fluxo. Comparativamente dentre os órgãos analisados, obtivemos resultados expressivos do homing celular no miocárdio (~50%), no baço e fígado. Nossos resultados foram confirmados através das análises de imunohistoquímica e imunofluorescência utilizando os anticorpos Anti-núcleo (HuNu), Anti-CTIPD e Anti-GFP humanos. Concluímos que as CTIPDh apresentam grande potencial migratório e proliferativo após o TIUCT em fetos caninos. Estas células indiferenciadas demonstraram homing, especialmente nos tecidos: hematopoiéticos fetais (placenta, fígado e baço), tecido epitelial e glandular de órgãos, bem como de nichos perivasculares de CT. Estes dados sugerem que as CTIPD através do TIU, é uma alternativa viável, segura e promissora para o tratamento de doenças genéticas, congênitas, hematológicas e imunológicas. / Intra-uterine stem cells transplantation (IUSCT) is a method for the treatment of genetic, congenital, hematological, and immunological diseases. In basic research it provides a model for studying the dynamics of migration, graft and functional status of different types of stem cells. The cells can be transplanted in different moments of gestational period, which can be divided into quarters that are not functionally equivalent. The choice of the cells and quarter where the stem cells will be applied can influence cells behavior and results of transplantation. Fetal and adult hematopoietic or bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were mainly used for IUSCT. We previously obtained human immature dental pulp stem cell (IDPSCs), which showed pluripotent potential and immune-compatible properties. The goal of our study was to evaluate migration capacity, proliferation and homing of IDPSCs after IUSCT during the third fetal period in dogs. All experimental procedures were approved by the Ethical Committee of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of São Paulo University and were performed under appropriate anesthesia. 1x106 of undifferentiated GFP-positive human IDPSCs were transplanted following laparotomy and intraperitoneal injection under intra-operative ultrasound control into 5 fetuses at the 45 days of gestation. Five fetuses, which did not receive IDPSCs, were used as a control. Ultrasound analyses were performed daily before collection of the fetuses. After 7 days ovarian hysterectomy was performed, fetuses were collected; organs and tissues were isolated and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or cryopreserved. Biodistribution of IDPSCs within the organs and tissues were analyzed on cryosections (5µm) under Confocal Microscopy. Homing of IDPSCs was observed in organs derived from three germ lines, endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. In stomach and in intestine GFP IDPSCs were found in intraglandular space as well as in muscularis mucosae. In liver they appeared in hepatic parenchyma; in heart in myocardium and in brain in bold vessels, in cerebellum within Purkinje cells. Using Flow cytometry assay GFP IDPSCs graft was quantified. Among the different organs an expressive homing was observed in myocardium of heart (~50%), in spleen and liver. The IDPSCs were also found in canine placenta, especially in blood vessels. These data were confirmed using anti-human nucleus (HuNu), anti-GFP and anti-IDPSCs anti-bodies. Human IDPSCs showed high migration and proliferation potential after IUSCT in dog fetuses. Undifferentiated IDPSCs demonstrated homing in fetal hematopoietic (placenta), epithelial (gastric glands) and perivascular stem cells niches. Our data suggest that IDPSCs is a new promising source for genetic, congenital, hematological, and immunological treatment for those diseases through IUSCT.
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