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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trois essais en économie des déchets : comportements individuels et politiques publiques / Three essays on waste economic : individuals behavior and publics policies

Kirakozian, Ankinée 11 June 2015 (has links)
Le constat d'un volume de déchets en augmentation constante en France et dans le monde appelle des études permettant de comprendre les comportements de tri des ménages. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans cette perspective et a pour ambition de comprendre comment modifier le comportement des consommateurs afin que ces derniers réduisent leurs déchets. Nous présentons d'abord une revue de la littérature analysant les différentes politiques publiques en matière de gestion des déchets. L'approche traditionelle consistant à dire que les individus répondent avant tout à un comportement rationnel, la recherche de gain, a ses limites. Nous soutenons l'idée que des politiques spécifiques prenant en compte les facteurs comportementaux sont nécessaires dans l'élaboration des politiques publiques en faveur du recyclage. Dans un second temps, nous nous intéressons aux déterminants du tri sélectif à partir de données issues d'une enquête originale auprès de 694 habitants de la région PACA. Nous estimons avec un modèle Probit la probabilité d'adopter un comportement de tri sélectif. Ce modèle teste les hypothèses étudiées jusqu'ici principalement par les sociologues et psychologues. Notre analyse empirique démontre que l'influence sociale impacte négativement le recyclage. Enfin, nous complétons cette étude avec un modèle mutli-agent qui cherche à expliquer le tri des déchets et l'impact des politiques publiques. Notre modèle considère des ménages hétérogènes choisissant de recycler selon quatre caractéristiques: leurs préférences environnementales, le coût d'opportunité de la taxe, le coût du tri et leur image de soi. Trois politiques sont testées : l'information, la taxe, et les "nudges". / The observation of a positive trend in the amount of waste in France and in the world has called for studies explaining household sorting behavior. This thesis lies in this perspective and aims at determining how to lead consumers to reduce their waste. We first present a review of the literature analyzing the portfolio of waste management public policies. We discuss the limits of the traditional approach stating that individuals adopt a rational behavior, seeking utility gains. Instead we support the idea that addressing behavioral factors is required for public policies supporting recycling behavior to succeed. In a second step, we investigate the the determinants of sorting behavior by building an original survey on 694 individuals in the PACA region. Our study combines and tests hypotheses first developed by sociologists and psychologists with concepts from behavioral economics. We use a probit model to estimate the probability to adopt a selective sorting behavior. Our empirical analysis shows that social influence negatively impacts recycling. Finally, we complete this study with an agent-based model which seeks to explain the sorting of waste as well as how such behavior is impacted by public policies. Our model considers heterogeneous households whose recycling decision is affected by four elements: individual environmental preferences and self-image, the opportunity cost of a tax on sorting, and the cost of sorting. Three public policies are tested: information, tax and "nudges".

Not (B)interested? Using Persuasive Technology to Promote Sustainable Household Recycling Behaviour : An Identification and Implementation of Key Elements with Focus on Young Adults in Sweden

Bremer, Christina January 2018 (has links)
As waste is separated at the source, the success of the Swedish recycling system largely depends on an active participation of households. However, especially young people were found to not consistently follow their local recycling schemes. A recent and promising approach to tackle such suboptimal household recycling behaviour (HRB) is the use of persuasive technology. To understand and further its context-specific potential, this research aims to explore the key elements of persuasive technology which aspires to promote sustainable household recycling behaviour among adults in Sweden. The chosen methodology is research through design. Based on the results of a literature review and online survey among target users (N=50), a mobile phone application was designed in an iterative manner. Through these activities, the following key elements were established: (1) easy access to information about optimal household recycling behaviour, (2) employment of several motivational strategies, (3) recognition of differences between local recycling schemes, (4) regard of users as equals and (5) use of a readily accessible technology channel. The impact of these elements depends on the users’ ability to carry out the target behaviour and therefore on a well-functioning recycling system. The technological format of persuasive technology interventions was found to spark the target users’ curiosity. Using this as a ‘carrot’, a well-designed content is argued to encourage repeated use and a reflection process to help break unsustainable household recycling habits. / Eftersom avfall separeras vid dess källa, beror Sveriges återvinningssystems framgång i stor utsträckning på aktivt deltagande hushåll. Studier har visat att särskilt unga inte följer lokala återvinningsrutiner på ett konsekvent sätt. Ett nytt och lovande tillvägagångssätt för att hantera detta suboptimala hushållsåtervinningsbeteende (English: household recycling behaviour (HRB)) är användningen av övertygande teknik. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska de viktigaste delarna av övertygande teknik som strävar till att främja ett hållbart hushållsåtervinningsbeteende hos vuxna i Sverige. Den valda metodiken är forskningsdriven design. Baserat på resultat från en litteraturstudie samt en online enkätundersökning fokuserad på målgruppen unga (N=50), designades en mobilapplikation genom ett iterativt tillvägagångssätt. Studien identifierade följande nyckelelement för en övertygande design i domänen: (1) Lättillgänglig information angående optimalt hushållsåtervinningsbeteende, (2) Användning av flera motivationsstrategier, (3) Identifiering av skillnader mellan lokala återvinningsrutiner, (4) Betrakta användare som jämställda och (5) Användning av lättillgänglig teknikkanal. Effekterna av dessa element är beroende av att användarna även har möjlighet att utföra den önskade sopsorteringen, och därför på ett välfungerande återvinningssystem. Designlösningen att använda sig av övertygande teknik i form av en app visade sig väcka målanvändarnas nyfikenhet. Studien visar att en väldesignad app kan fungera som en 'morot' för att uppmuntra användning över en längre tid, och skapa en reflektionsprocess som kan bryta ohållbara återvinningsvanor.

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