Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cousing - south africa."" "subject:"cousing - south affrica.""
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A Christian development appraisal of the Ubunye Cooperative Housing initiative in Pietermaritzburg.Ntakirutimana, Ezekiel. January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation reflects on the growing social problem of housing in South Africa, and reviews the contribution that Christians should make to address the issue. One basic assumption is that the Church as God's agent has a role to play in issues affecting the wider society. Drawing on the social teaching and pastoral care in the Wesleyan tradition, the Ubunye Free Methodist Church in Pietermaritzburg is dedicated to offer housing services to the poor including survivors of domestic violence, through the Ubunye Cooperative Housing initiative. The dissertation builds on the vision of Wesley and in dialogue with Paulo Freire, argues that 'humanization' is the key goal of Christian social witness. This dissertation then explores to what extent the Ubunye Free Methodist Church promotes humanization and what humanization means in the practice and implementation of housing policy. The research has unveiled that residents' training and participation in the running of the Ubunye Cooperative Housing initiative are some of the key issues, which need more attention in an attempt to bring about change. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.
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Landscapes of dispossession : farm dwellers' experiences of relocation in the context of private game farming.Kjelstrup, Liv Kristin. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the material and non-material impacts of private game farming for a group of farm dwellers in KwaZulu-Natal. The thesis is located within the context of an increasing trend whereby farm dwellers are being relocated in order to provide farm owners with the economic opportunity that commercial game farming entails. The thesis emphasises the marginalised position of the farm dwellers and points to the fact that the farm dwellers themselves often have little control and knowledge regarding their legal rights. It further emphasises the lack of protection that this group receives from the authorities. Even though legislation has been implemented to address tenure insecurity, in reality this legislation has made little difference to the lives of farm dwellers. The thesis concludes that as a direct consequence of the relocation the farm dwellers were affected materially, but perhaps more important were their ‘invisible’ non-material losses. Their non-material losses include loss of self-esteem, increased social marginalisation and the cutting of their ties to their ancestral land. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.
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Government subsidies : are the beneficiaries happy with their houses? : a case study of France, Edendale, Pietermaritzburg.Hadebe, Ntombiningi Jennifer Jeaneth. January 2012 (has links)
In 1994 the new government introduced a subsidy scheme where the beneficiaries are provided with houses through housing projects. The houses have been vastly criticised for being small and poorly built. The sites provided are perceived to be small. The recreational facilities are perceived to be non existent and educational facilities scarce. The places where the projects are, is perceived to be far away from job opportunities.
A sample of 200 beneficiaries was drawn from 1024 beneficiaries residing in the housing project in the area of France, Edendale in Pietermaritzburg, Phases 1 and 11. In this study, the respondents were composed of 32.9% males and 67.1% females. The respondent’s age group who participated in this project was 3.9% between 0-21 years, 28.9% between 22-35 years, 34.2% between 36-45 years, 16.4% between 46-55 years, and 11.8% between 55- 65 years and 4.6% did not reveal their age status. 80.9%, indicated they were owners of the houses, 6.6% indicated that they were not and those that did not reply are 12.5%.
The study is descriptive in nature and explored the extent to which the beneficiaries were happy with their houses. The study explored the perceptions on the size of the sites, the small starter houses, the sanitation provided and the location of the houses.
The findings suggest that the provision of sustainable housing in South Africa is still a challenge. The houses are still located far from the places of work and they are so small and there is overcrowding. The sizes of the sites are small and the sanitation provided unacceptable. The recreational facilities are nonexistent. Beneficiaries expressed dissatisfaction with the educational facilities. / Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2012.
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Mixed-use development as a strategy for urban growth, development and planningPaul, John David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has moved into a new political era in which all citizens are entitled to
equal access to opportunities. Disadvantaged communities are cherishing high
expectations of what the future will hold for them. To avoid trade-offs that can lead to
the escalation of violence, more efficient management strategies are necessary to
restructure the urban environment and address the problems of a rapidly urbanising
The primary goal of this study is to examine to what extent mixed-use developments
can facilitate economic development within low income communities. The results
indicate that the planning of mixed-use developments, can create strong, welldefined
city structures which will address the current urban deficiencies experienced
in metropolitan areas. Mixed-use developments offer a means to integrate those
parts of the metropolitan area with no coherent and integrated structure into the
larger urban environment. An increase in densities, land use intensification and
passing traffic can create the necessary market thresholds to sustain a wide range of
economic and social activities and facilities that are typically not found in inwardly
turned, peripheral communities. This can increase the standard of living of these
communities by improving their access to economic opportunities, providing
employment and supporting the fulfilment of their economic and social needs.
The informal sector plays an important role in the urban economy. The creation of
multi-functional markets within mixed-use development will stimulate groWth and
employment creation within the informal sector. The higher economic thresholds and
better access to markets and supplies can improve the viability of small -scale informal enterprises. These markets will benefit the local communities by providing a
variety of economic activities and services within the same location. The stimulation
of economic activity within the low income communities can improve the circulation of
money and assist in the prevention of income leakage to other centres.
The implementation of mixed-use development has the potential of addressing the
problems currently inhibiting economic development of low-income communities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het 'n nuwe politieke era betree, waarin alle burgers op toegang tot
gelyke geleenthede geregtig is. Die agtergeblewe gemeenskappe koester hoë
verwagtinge vir die nuwe toekoms. Om te verhoed dat uitruiling ly tot 'n toename in
geweld, is 'n meer doeltreffende stedelike bestuurstrategieë noodsaaklik om die
snelgroeiende bevolking aan te spreek.
Die studie het ten doel om die ekonomiese ontwikkelingskapasiteit van gemengde
grondgebruiksontwikkeling, te ondersoek. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat
gemengde grondgebruiksontwikkeling 'n goed ontwikkelde stadstruktuur tot stand
kan bring, waardeur die bestaande tekortkominge van stedelike gebiede
aangespreek kan word. Dit bied 'n doeltreffende manier om stedelike gebiede,
sonder 'n samehorige en geïntegreerde struktuur, met die groter stedelike gebied te
skakel. 'n Toename in digthede, grondgebruiksintensiteit en deurverkeer sal die
drempelwaardes, wat nodig is om 'n wye verskeidenheid ekonomiese en sosiale
aktiwiteite te ondersteun, skep. Verhoogde toegang tot ekonomiese- en werks
geleenthede sal die lewenstandaard van lae- inkomste gemeenskappe verhoog.
Die informele sektor speel ook 'n belangrike rol in stedelike ekonomie. Die
ontwikkeling van multi-funksionele markte, binne die gemengde grondgebruiksontwikkeling,
kan groei en werkskepping binne die informele sektor stimuleer. Hoër
drempelwaardes en beter toegang tot markte en voorraad kan die lewensvatbaarheid
van informele ondernemings verbeter. Plaaslike gemeenskappe sal voordeel trek uit
die toeganklikheid van 'n verskeidenheid ekonomiese aktiwiteite en dienste binne die
mark. Die stimulering van ekonomiese aktiwiteite binne lae-inkomste gemeenskappe sal die sirkulasie van geld verbeter en die lekkasie van inkomste na ander sentrums
Die implementering van gemengde grondgebruiksontwikkelings het die potensiaal
om die probleme, wat die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van lae-inkomste gemeenskappe
strem, die hoof te bied.
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Evaluating the provision of low cost housing in the context of developmental local government : the case of WesbankWyngaard, Deon A. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Constitution (1996), guarantees everyone access to adequate
housing, and obligates the State to take all reasonable legislative and other
measures, within its available resources, to achieve such right. This commitment
to housing stands in sharp contrast to the previous housing regime, which was
characterised by fragmented housing policy and administrative systems, unclear
role definitions and a lack of accountability. In addition, Section 152 of the
Constitution also sets out objectives for Local Government in the creation of
sustainable communities.
The new approach to housing saw the formation of the National Housing Forum
(NHF) in the early 1990's. The NHF, consisting of a broad range of stakeholders
in the State housing sector, sought to reach consensus on a new housing policy
and strategy for South Africa. That consensus eventually led to the adoption of
the White Paper on Housing (1994) and finally the promulgation of the Housing
Act (1997). Subject only to the Constitution, the latter would eventually become
the supreme law on housing in South Africa.
Fundamental to the new approach to housing, is the notion that the environment
in which a house is situated, is equally important as the house itself. As such,
emphasis is placed on the potential contribution of housing delivery in the
creation of sustainable communities. The concept of Development Local
Government is advanced as the key tool to achieving that ideal. This study traces the evolution of the historical, policy and legislative contexts of
housing in South Africa during the transition period (1990 -1994) and beyond,
and evaluates the provision of low-cost housing in the context of Developmental
Local Government. This is done by way of a case study of the Wesbank housing
development in the Oostenberg region of the City of Cape Town. The question is
raised whether the Wesbank housing development adheres to the principles of a
sustainable housing development as prescribed by the Housing Act (1997) and
Developmental Local Government.
The study concludes that, based on a "narrow" and "broad" interpretation of
"sustainable housing development" as defined in the Housing Act (1997), the
problem statements contain both elements of validity and invalidity. In terms of
the narrow interpretation, it is concluded that the Wesbank housing development
has delivered on some elements in the definition, while the broader definition
concluded that the development was less successful in achieving the desired
Regarding the planning process followed in Wesbank, it is concluded that the
notion of Integrated Development Planning has not been followed, there
appeared to be some level of political interference in the planning processes, the
process of community participation, which represents a crucial component of
lOP, was non-existent, and while funding was secured for the construction of
5147 dwellings, no timely provision was made for associated community facilities
such as schools, clinics, etc. More telling though, is the absence of any
meaningful community bonding in Wesbank
Finally, having considered the conclusions made, a number of recommendations
are offered in respect of improving the environment for the Wesbank community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika (1996), waarborg aan almal toegang tot voldoende
behuising, en verplig die Staat om alle redelike wetgewende en ander maatreëls,
binne hul beskikbare bronne te gebruik ten einde hierdie basiese reg te
verwesenlik. Hierdie verbintenis tot behuising staan in skrille kontras teenoor die
vorige behuisingsbedeling, wat gekenmerk was deur gefragmenteerde
behuisingsbeleid en administratiewe sisteme, onduidelike definisies en rol
uitklarings, en 'n gebrek aan aanspreeklikheid. Bykomend, stel Artikel 152 van
die Grondwet ook doelwitte vir plaaslike regering vir die daarstel van volhoubare
Hierdie nuwe benadering tot behuising, het gelei tot die stigting van die
Nasionale Behuisingsforum (NBF) in die vroeë 1990's. Die NBF, bestaande uit 'n
breë groep belanghebbendes in die openbare behuisingsektor, was vasbeslote
om konsensus te bereik oor 'n nuwe behuisingsbeleid en strategie vir Suid-Afrika.
Sodanige konsensus het eventueel gelei tot die aanvaarding van die Witskrif op
Behuising (1994) en uiteindelik tot die afkondiging van die Behuisingswet (1997).
Onderworpe slegs aan die Grondwet, sou die Behuisingswet (1997) uiteindelik
die oorkoepelende wet op behuising in Suid Afrika word.
Fundamenteel tot hierdie nuwe benadering tot die voorsiening van behuising, is
die gedagte dat die omgewing waarin 'n huis geleë is, net so belangrik soos die
huis self is. As sodanig, word die potensiële bydrae van behuising tot die
lewering van volhoubare gemeenskappe, beklemtoon. Die konsep van
Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering word voorgehou as sleutel gereedskap
tot die bereiking van sodanige ideaal. Hierdie studie volg die ontwikkeling van die historiese, beleids, en wetlike
konteks van behuising in Suid-Afrika gedurende die oorgangsfase (1990 - 1994)
en daarna, en evalueer die voorsiening van laekoste behuising in die konteks van
Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering. Dit word gedoen by wyse van 'n
gevallestudie van die Wesbank behuisingsontwikkeling in die Oostenberg streek
van die Stad Kaapstad. In die finale instansie, word die vraag gestel of die
Wesbank ontwikkeling voldoen aan die beginsels van volhoubare ontwikkeling
soos voorgeskryf in die Behuisingswet (1997) en Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike
Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, gebaseer op beide 'n "eng" en "breë"
interpretasie van "volhoubare behuisingsontwikkeling", soos in die Behuisingswet
(1997) gedefinieer, die navorsingsvrae beide elemente van geldigheid sowel as
ongeldigheid bevat. Ingevolge die eng definisie, is die gevolgtrekking dat die
Wesbank behuisingsontwikkeling wel aan sommige elemente in die definisie
voldoen, terwyl die breër definisie bepaal dat die ontwikkeling minder suksesvol
was in die bereiking van die beoogde uitkomste.
Met verwysing na die beplanningsproses wat in Wesbank gevolg is, is die
gevolgtrekking dat 'n Geïntegreerde Onwikkelingsproses (GOP) nie gevolg is nie,
daar sprake van 'n mate van politieke inmenging in die beplanningsproses was,
die proses van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, wat 'n kritieke komponent van GOP
verteenwoordig, afwesig was, en terwyl befondsing vir die konstruksie van 5147
wonings verkry is, geen tydige voorsiening gemaak is vir gepaardgaande
gemeenskapsfasilitieite soos skole, klinieke, ens. nie. Meer beduidend egter, is
die afwesigheid van enige mate van gemeenskapssamehorigheid in Wesbank.
Laastens, gegewe die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, word 'n aantal
aanbevelings gemaak ten einde die omgewing van die Wesbank gemeenskap te
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Housing knowledge of final year student teachers at Esikhawini College of Education : implications for the development of housing unit standardsDlamini, Buyi P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MConsumerScience)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of housing in South Africa is a national priority. As many aspirant homeowners
are first-time homeowners, they are not necessarily informed about the pitfalls of home
ownership. Although the Government has attempted short-term solutions aimed at equipping
these housing consumers with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed and
responsible housing-related decisions, research pointed to the need for a sustainable longterm
solution in the form of education and training of the housing consumer. There must be a
concentrated effort to provide housing education to consumers, since everyone has a
constitutional right of access to adequate housing. Unless consumers are equipped with
adequate knowledge and information to make informed choices, this right will not be realised
and the housing market shall not function effectively.
The main objective of the research study was to determine the basic housing knowledge of
the senior student teachers of the Esikhawini College of Education in KwaZulu Natal. The
second objective was to develop an illustrative Unit Standard for teacher qualification
programmes on the fifth level of the National Oualificationa Framework (NOF).
The sixteen housing education and training core concepts identified by Serfontein (2001 :120)
namely Basic Housing Technology, Community, Cultural Aspects of Housing, Environment,
Financial Aspects of Housing, Housing Consumerism, Housing Design and Decoration,
Housing Market, Housing Needs, Housing Policy, Legal Aspects of Housing, Resource
Management, Role-players in Housing, Sources of Housing Information, Tenure Options and
Types of Housing were used to compile a questionnaire which was administered to the senior
students of Esikhawini College of Education. The aim was to determine the basic knowledge
that respondents possessed. The data collected formed the background for the illustrative
Unit Standard for Housing Education that was developed in this research study. The
development of Unit Standards for Housing Education is very necessary and timely as the
Department of Housing, who seeks to develop a systematic housing consumer education
framework for South Africa, have recommended that Housing Education should be included in
the formal education curriculum. If the recommendations of the Department of Housing are implemented and housing
education is included in the school curriculum, well-qualified and trained teachers would be
needed to facilitate the learning of the content. Therefore housing education should be
included in student teacher training programmes. The illustrative Unit Standard for Housing
Education developed in this research study is ideally suited for this purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskikbaarstelling van behuising in Suid-Afrika is 'n nasionale prioriteit. Aangesien baie
aspirant huiseienaars nog nie vantevore huise besit het nie, is hulle nie noodwendig ingelig
oor die struikelblokke van huiseienaarskap nie. Alhoewel die regering korttermyn pogings
aangewend het om behuisingverbruikers toe te rus met die nodige kennis en vaardighede om
ingeligte en verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te kan neem, toon navorsing dat daar 'n
behoefte is aan 'n langtermyn, standhoudende oplossing in die vorm van opvoeding en die
opleiding van behuisingsverbruikers. Daar moet 'n doelgerigte strewe wees om
behuisingsopvoeding aan verbruikers te verskaf aangesien almal die konstitusionele reg tot
gepaste behuising het. Tensy verbruikers toegerus word met gepaste kennis en inligting om
ingeligte besluite te kan neem, sal hierdie reg nie gerealiseer kan word nie, en sal die
behuisingsmark nie effektief kan funksioneer nie.
Die hoofdoelwit van die navorsingstudie was om die basiese behuisingskennis van senior
onderwysstudente aan die Esikhawini College of Education in KwaZulu Natal te bepaal. Die
tweede doelwit was om 'n Eenheidstandaard vir Behuisingsopvoeding vir
onderwysprogramme op die vyfde vlak van die Nasionale Kwalifikasie Raamwerk (NKR) te
Die sestien Behuisingsopvoeding en -opleiding kernkonsepte wat deur Serfontein (2001: 120)
geïdentifiseer is, naamlik Basiese Behuisingstegnologie, Gemeenskap, Kulturele Aspekte van
Behuising, Omgewing, Finansiële Aspekte van Behuising, Behuisingsverbruik,
Behuisingsontwerp en -versiering, Behuisingsmark, Behuisingsbehoeftes, Behuisingsbeleid,
Regsaspekte van Behuising, Hulpbronbestuur, Rolspelers in Behuising, Bronne van
behuisingsinformasie, Huisverblyfopsies en Tipes Behuising is gebruik om 'n vraelys op te
stel wat ingevul is deur die senior onderwysstudente aan die Esikhawini College of Education.
Die doel was om die basiese kennis van die respondente te bepaal. Die data wat ingesamel
is, het die onderbou gevorm van die Behuising Eenheidstandaard wat in dié navorsingstudie
ontwikkel is. Die ontwikkeling van Eenheidstandaarde vir Behuisingsopvoeding en Opleiding
is noodsaaklik en tydig vir die Departement van Behuising, aangesien hulle poog om 'n sistematiese behuisingsverbruikers-opvoedingsraamwerk vir Suid-Afrika daar te stel. Die
Departement het aanbeveel dat behuisingsopvoeding ingesluit moet word in die formele
As die aanbevelings van die Departement van Behuising geïmplementeer word, en
behuisingsopvoeding in die skoolkurrikulum ingesluit word, sal goedgekwalifiseerde,
opgeleide onderwysers benodig word om hierdie inligting aan die leerders voor te hou. Om
hierdie rede moet behuisingsopvoeding ingesluit word in die opleidingsprogramme van
onderwysstudente. Die Eenheidstandaard vir Behuising wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is, sou
optimaal aangewend kon word vir hierdie doel.
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Management of official accommodation in the Department of Roads and Public Works in Port ElizabethMthathi, Noxolo January 2017 (has links)
The study investigates management of official accommodation in the Department of Roads and Public Works. Government immovable asset plays an essential role in ser-vice delivery. The official accommodation policies were not implemented as intendant and as a result, the former government employees are illegal occupants in government properties. The implementation of legislation and departmental policy for official ac-commodation are problematic when illegal occupants occupied government immova-ble assets without lease agreement. The present of illegal occupants has a negative impact to officials who qualify to occupy government properties in terms of the depart-mental policy for service delivery purposes. The study proposed to provide literature search using books, legislation, policies, and personal interviews among others. The research methodology employed in this study was described, followed by the legislative framework employed in this study. Some of the findings on a legislative framework for official accommodation in the department of Roads and Public Works in the department of Roads and Public Works include gaps at the implementation of departmental policy on Allocation of Official Housing in rela-tion to the lease of state owned properties. Recommendations as a result of descriptive literature search are presented and how the existing problem of implementation of official accommodation policies can be changed to enhance service delivery and to provide accommodation to officials who qualify to occupy government immovable assets. The recommendations will enable the Department of Roads and Public Works as custodian of immovable assets, to fulfil its Constitutional mandate to provide official accommodation to their officials and cli-ents departments who qualify in terms of the policy for service delivery purposes.
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The impact of macroeconomic and financial factors on the performance of the housing property market in South AfricaKwangware, Debra January 2009 (has links)
This study exammes the impact of macroeconomic and financial variables on the performance of the housing property market in South Africa using monthly data for the period January 1996 to June 2008. Orthogonalised and non-orthogonalised house price returns and real estate returns are utilised as proxies for the housing property market in separate models. Three main issues were empirically analysed in relation to the linkage between selected variables and the housing property market. The first aspect examined the relationship between selected macroeconomic and financial factors and property returns. Secondly, the study examined the influence that a unit shock to each variable has on property returns over a period of time. The third aspect focused on determining the proportion of property returns variation that results from changes in the macroeconomic and financial variables. VAR modelling was thus adopted to empirically analyse these three aspects. The results reveal that house price returns are influenced by most of the macroeconomic and financial variables used in this study. Specifically, the real effective exchange rate, interest rate spread and manufacturing production positively impact on house price returns while the domestic interest rate, the dividend yield and expected inflation have a negative effect. Furthermore, manufacturing production has a lagged effect on house price returns while the real effective exchange rate and domestic interest rate have a contemporaneous effect. Real estate returns are not influenced by most of the variables except for the domestic interest rate and dividend yield which have a negative effect.
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Some aspects of housing economics with reference to the coloured population of South AfricaFarabi, Sadraddin 02 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Sustainable livelihoods in a new housing development : the case of Kuyga, Nelson Mandela Bay MunicipalityGugwini, Khululwa January 2013 (has links)
The study was undertaken to satisfy the following objectives of the research study: To determine the livelihoods of residents of a low income housing development; To assess the role played by the local economic development initiatives in the Kuyga community; and To make recommendations regarding policies and actions that could reduce the unemployment rate and create sustainable and viable livelihoods for the Kuyga community in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. To note, what triggered the researcher to undertake the study, are the high levels of unemployment, poverty and poor monitoring of the local economic initiatives within the area. In this study, the researcher explores the livelihoods of the Kuyga community and the opportunities for creating more sustainable and viable livelihoods. Attention is drawn to Government policies, Local economic Development as well as Integrated Development Plans of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, simultaneously realising that the South African government cannot work in isolation to deliver all the community needs effectively as expected.
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