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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of the structures necessary for the enabling approach to housing process in South Africa to perform better : a comparative study of Wiggins Fast Track and Lovu Housing Projects.

Ngcongo, Khulekani Musawenkosi Beresford. January 2002 (has links)
The right to adequate housing is recognized internationally as a basic human right. South Africa is one of the countries that include this basic right as one of the cornerstones in its constitution. Quite a number of ways and means have been implemented and various kinds of mechanisms have been put into place to kickstart and spearhead the process of providing shelter mainly to the poor segments of the communities in South Africa at large. Towards this end the South African Housing Policy is formulated around the notion of the enabling approach whereby state assistance in the form of a lump sum subsidy is given to households to enhance and intensify the beneficiaries' own efforts towards improving their housing. In other words the smooth operation of the enabling approach is to a large extent dependent on the individuals' substantial contribution in many if not all aspects of housing process. The study demonstrates that since the implementation of this enabling approach too little has been achieved in terms of housing delivery. The study therefore identifies three key issues (among other issues) that are seen as major bottlenecks in the implementation of the enabling approach in housing delivery for all. The study argues that in order for the beneficiaries to consolidate their housing, they need to augment their low-income with a loan or any other form of a housing credit. It is the central argument of this study in this regard that proper housing credit mechanisms suited to the circumstances of the low-income groups have not been adequately addressed. The study further observes that the majority of low-income groups do not have proper labour and employment skills in that these groups also lack access to employment opportunities. This study therefore adopts the position that proper structures need to be put in place in-order to eradicate these above-mentioned major hurdles standing in the way of the enabling approach. The study argues that if these issues are not adequately addressed, housing consolidation among low-income groups will remain a major problem and the enabling approach will eventually be regarded as non-viable and incompetent. / Thesis (M.Arch.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.

Preconditions for housing consolidation : towards a suitable package of support for incremental housing in South Africa : a case study of eThekweni municipality.

Adebayo, Pauline Wambui. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis set out to examine the application of the supporter paradigm in the incremental housing process in South Africa, and the way support for housing consolidation has been orchestrated in practice. It aimed to determine the forms of housing support that constitute preconditions of housing consolidation in the South African low income housing context. The supporter paradigm upon which post-apartheid housing policy is based takes its cue from the proponents of self-help housing, and the institutions that have entrenched it internationally. It outlines the housing support actions that would enable poor households to achieve housing adequacy incrementally . In South Africa, such households would constitute housing subsidy beneficiaries, seeking to achieve housing 'depth' through the process of housing consolidation, where the national subsidy programme would primarily only have delivered housing 'width' , or housing starts. Contrary to the expectations of the policy, the pace of housing consolidation has been slow, and the standard of the resultant housing poor. The thesis ' point of departure is that households which have not improved their dwellings, or whose improvement efforts have only yielded temporary housing, continue to experience housing inadequacy, despite subsidy support. This outcome contradicts the policy 's goal of enabling households to reach housing adequacy. That subsidy support is but one of a number of supports needed to enable housing consolidation is acknowledged by current policy. This study critiques the way support has been lent to households in consolidating situations conceptually and empirically. Conceptually, the study analyses the international and South African policy discourse around the support approach to housing delivery, as well as looks at some precedents in housing support practice internationally for useful lessons. Empirically, the study makes use of qualitative and quantitative research instruments to examine and analyse the housing support experience in three different types of incremental housing projects, located in eThekwini municipality, in the KwaZulu Natal Province of South Africa . The housing support findings are analysed within the context of what both the housing policy and the study 's key informants consider to be a holistic packaging of housing support, that should be attendant to any incremental housing project. On the basis of the study's findings, housing support practice is critiqued on two levels. At policy level, the study reveals that the foundation of South African housing policy in a neoliberal context, in the absence of support targeted at improving the incomes of the mainly very poor beneficiaries, sets them up for failure in their housing improvement efforts. At the implementation level, the study identifies three key areas of weakness. Firstly, there is absence of strategic direction at the National level, resulting in the treatment of housing support as an optional function by the housing implementation levels. Secondly, most housing authorities experience difficulty in understanding what housing support entails, because of its multifaceted nature and lack of specificity . Consequently, the support attendant to incremental housing projects is ad hoc and intermittent in nature, and is delivered on the basis of how the particular authorities or project staff understand housing support. As a result, in any given project, housing support is rarely comprehensively packaged. It is also largely an unfunded mandate. Thirdly, at project level, the thesis establishes that many of the problems that confront consolidating households can be attributed to projects that are poorly planned from the outset, and that support in this regard lies in the development of capacity at municipal level, to plan projects that have the potential to be consolidated in the first instance. As its main contribution, the thesis develops a multidimensional, comprehensive framework for packaging housing support. One dimension specifies upfront, the support elements considered important in the pre- and post-subsidy phases of the project, as well as in the project implementation phase. The exact form these would take in any project would be informed by the project and beneficiary characteristics. The second dimension packages the institutional roles for housing support, thereby removing the institutional ambivalence towards the housing support function, and specifying the institutional and role changes needed to enable housing support to occur. The third dimension packages support according to project type, indicating which forms of support apply to all types of projects, and which to specific modes of delivery in the South African context. The study concludes that while current housing policy is clear on the need to support households to meet consolidation goals, specificity of both process and actions needs to be lent to housing support practice. The multidimensional support package developed by the study is deemed a useful tool in providing such specificity, and clarifying how support for housing consolidation in South Africa should be set up in both policy and practice. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.

'n Ondersoek na die implementering van verdigting deur beleid binne Paarl munisipale gebied

Van der Linde, N. M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Town and regional planning)--Stellenbosch University , 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An ever increasing segment of the population in the current low density category contributes to the sprawling South African city as we know it today. To provide for the housing needs o f people, precious agricultural land is being used, and the historic character o f towns is being destroyed. Densification of the city structure has been put forward as a solution to this problem. In this way, different components of the city may be connected and existing infrastructure may be optimally utilised. The concept of densification is gaining popularity in all spheres o f planning. The implementation of densification requires suitable policy, as well as the strict application of the aforesaid. A densification policy must include consultation with all parties involved with a view to finding a balance between the need for land for development purposes, the conservation of agricultural land, the conservation of the historic character o f towns and cities, as well as being in the public interest. A theoretical investigation was done in which all aspects regarding densification, and its implementation in the South African context were studied. Attention was also given to policy formulation. This was followed by an empirical study, based on the Paarl municipal region as an example, in an attempt to reconcile theory and practice. It was found that although densification enjoys great support, the perception held by professional planners as to appropriate methods for the achievement o f higher densities did not correspond wholly with theoretical arguments in this regard. It was also found that it is important to view densification in relation to the environment in which it is applied, and to create an executable policy for a specifically designated area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Snelgroeiende bevolkingsgetalle in ‘n lae-digtheidsmilieu dra by tot die uitgebreide Suid- Afrikaanse stad soos ons dit vandag ken. In die proses word kosbare landbougrond gebruik om in die behuisingsbehoefte van die mens te voorsien en die historiese karakter van dorpe word vernietig. As oplossing vir hierdie probleem word verdigting van die stad voorgestel, om sodoende verskillende komponente van die stad te verbind en reeds bestaande infrastruktuur tot die optimum te benut. Die konsep van verdigting geniet toenemende gewildheid in alle sfere van beplanning. Implementering van verdigting kan slegs deur die daarstelling van geskikte beleid en die toepassing daarvan geskied. By die formulering van ‘n verdigtingsbeleid moet alle rolspelers in die proses geraadpleeg word en ‘n middeweg tussen die behoefte aan grond vir ontwikkeling, die bewaring van kosbare landbougrond, die bewaring van die historiese karakter van ‘n stad en die publiek se belange gevind word. ‘n Deeglike teoretiese ondersoek is geloods, wat teoretiese aspekte omtrent verdigting en die implementering van verdigting binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks ondersoek het. Daar is ook aandag aan beleidsformulering gegee. Dit is opgevolg deur ‘n empiriese studie wat binne Paarl se munisipale gebied uitgevoer is en teoretiese inligting met die praktyk probeer versoen. In hierdie studie is bevind dat alhoewel verdigting van die stad groot ondersteuning geniet, die persepsie van professionele persone in die beplanningsprofessie oor metodes om hoër digthede te bereik, nie heeltemal met die voorgestelde metodes vervat in teoretiese bronne ooreenstem nie. Daar is ook bevind dat dit belangrik is om verdigting binne die konteks van die omgewing waarin dit toegepas word, te beskou en sodoende ‘n uitvoerbare beleid vir ‘n spesifieke omgewing op te stel.

Evaluating the provision of low cost housing in the context of developmental local government : the case of Wesbank

Wyngaard, Deon A. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Constitution (1996), guarantees everyone access to adequate housing, and obligates the State to take all reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve such right. This commitment to housing stands in sharp contrast to the previous housing regime, which was characterised by fragmented housing policy and administrative systems, unclear role definitions and a lack of accountability. In addition, Section 152 of the Constitution also sets out objectives for Local Government in the creation of sustainable communities. The new approach to housing saw the formation of the National Housing Forum (NHF) in the early 1990's. The NHF, consisting of a broad range of stakeholders in the State housing sector, sought to reach consensus on a new housing policy and strategy for South Africa. That consensus eventually led to the adoption of the White Paper on Housing (1994) and finally the promulgation of the Housing c Act (1997). Subject only to the Constitution, the latter would eventually become the supreme law on housing in South Africa. Fundamental to the new approach to housing, is the notion that the environment in which a house is situated, is equally important as the house itself. As such, emphasis is placed on the potential contribution of housing delivery in the creation of sustainable communities. The concept of Development Local Government is advanced as the key tool to achieving that ideal. This study traces the evolution of the historical, policy and legislative contexts of housing in South Africa during the transition period (1990 -1994) and beyond, and evaluates the provision of low-cost housing in the context of Developmental Local Government. This is done by way of a case study of the Wesbank housing development in the Oostenberg region of the City of Cape Town. The question is raised whether the Wesbank housing development adheres to the principles of a sustainable housing development as prescribed by the Housing Act (1997) and Developmental Local Government. The study concludes that, based on a "narrow" and "broad" interpretation of "sustainable housing development" as defined in the Housing Act (1997), the problem statements contain both elements of validity and invalidity. In terms of the narrow interpretation, it is concluded that the Wesbank housing development has delivered on some elements in the definition, while the broader definition concluded that the development was less successful in achieving the desired outcomes. Regarding the planning process followed in Wesbank, it is concluded that the notion of Integrated Development Planning has not been followed, there appeared to be some level of political interference in the planning processes, the process of community participation, which represents a crucial component of lOP, was non-existent, and while funding was secured for the construction of 5147 dwellings, no timely provision was made for associated community facilities such as schools, clinics, etc. More telling though, is the absence of any meaningful community bonding in Wesbank Finally, having considered the conclusions made, a number of recommendations are offered in respect of improving the environment for the Wesbank community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika (1996), waarborg aan almal toegang tot voldoende behuising, en verplig die Staat om alle redelike wetgewende en ander maatreëls, binne hul beskikbare bronne te gebruik ten einde hierdie basiese reg te verwesenlik. Hierdie verbintenis tot behuising staan in skrille kontras teenoor die vorige behuisingsbedeling, wat gekenmerk was deur gefragmenteerde behuisingsbeleid en administratiewe sisteme, onduidelike definisies en rol uitklarings, en 'n gebrek aan aanspreeklikheid. Bykomend, stel Artikel 152 van die Grondwet ook doelwitte vir plaaslike regering vir die daarstel van volhoubare gemeenskappe. Hierdie nuwe benadering tot behuising, het gelei tot die stigting van die Nasionale Behuisingsforum (NBF) in die vroeë 1990's. Die NBF, bestaande uit 'n breë groep belanghebbendes in die openbare behuisingsektor, was vasbeslote om konsensus te bereik oor 'n nuwe behuisingsbeleid en strategie vir Suid-Afrika. Sodanige konsensus het eventueel gelei tot die aanvaarding van die Witskrif op Behuising (1994) en uiteindelik tot die afkondiging van die Behuisingswet (1997). Onderworpe slegs aan die Grondwet, sou die Behuisingswet (1997) uiteindelik die oorkoepelende wet op behuising in Suid Afrika word. Fundamenteel tot hierdie nuwe benadering tot die voorsiening van behuising, is die gedagte dat die omgewing waarin 'n huis geleë is, net so belangrik soos die huis self is. As sodanig, word die potensiële bydrae van behuising tot die lewering van volhoubare gemeenskappe, beklemtoon. Die konsep van Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering word voorgehou as sleutel gereedskap tot die bereiking van sodanige ideaal. Hierdie studie volg die ontwikkeling van die historiese, beleids, en wetlike konteks van behuising in Suid-Afrika gedurende die oorgangsfase (1990 - 1994) en daarna, en evalueer die voorsiening van laekoste behuising in die konteks van Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering. Dit word gedoen by wyse van 'n gevallestudie van die Wesbank behuisingsontwikkeling in die Oostenberg streek van die Stad Kaapstad. In die finale instansie, word die vraag gestel of die Wesbank ontwikkeling voldoen aan die beginsels van volhoubare ontwikkeling soos voorgeskryf in die Behuisingswet (1997) en Ontwikkelingsgerigte Plaaslike Regering. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, gebaseer op beide 'n "eng" en "breë" interpretasie van "volhoubare behuisingsontwikkeling", soos in die Behuisingswet (1997) gedefinieer, die navorsingsvrae beide elemente van geldigheid sowel as ongeldigheid bevat. Ingevolge die eng definisie, is die gevolgtrekking dat die Wesbank behuisingsontwikkeling wel aan sommige elemente in die definisie voldoen, terwyl die breër definisie bepaal dat die ontwikkeling minder suksesvol was in die bereiking van die beoogde uitkomste. Met verwysing na die beplanningsproses wat in Wesbank gevolg is, is die gevolgtrekking dat 'n Geïntegreerde Onwikkelingsproses (GOP) nie gevolg is nie, daar sprake van 'n mate van politieke inmenging in die beplanningsproses was, die proses van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, wat 'n kritieke komponent van GOP verteenwoordig, afwesig was, en terwyl befondsing vir die konstruksie van 5147 wonings verkry is, geen tydige voorsiening gemaak is vir gepaardgaande gemeenskapsfasilitieite soos skole, klinieke, ens. nie. Meer beduidend egter, is die afwesigheid van enige mate van gemeenskapssamehorigheid in Wesbank. Laastens, gegewe die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, word 'n aantal aanbevelings gemaak ten einde die omgewing van die Wesbank gemeenskap te verbeter.

Perceptions and preferences on high density residential development in low-cost housing : a case study of Langa

Madikane, Thulani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of low-cost housing constitutes one of South Africa's biggest challenges. As a result, high density residential development, amid an ever increasing urban population in South Africa, is seen as the answer to address the housing problems by the authorities. The concept of densification presupposes, upon its implementation, the advantages of promoting an integrated urban system, more economical use of land, a better quality of life for the recipients, containing urban sprawl and the protection of the agricultural and natural resources. However, the application of the concept of high density development in low-cost housing has been criticised for failing to fulfil its main objectives which are intended to better the lives of the people. The hypothesis is that the concept of densification may impact negatively on the quality of family living. As a result, the main objective of this study is to seek statistical data which is related to quality of family living and to uncover the views and experiences of household members. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire, interviews and literature-based research method was adopted in this study. In addition, built housing models complemented the questionnaire. Since part of the government's high density development strategy is to expand the existing townships, the Langa township in the Western Province was chosen to conduct the study. The findings of this study revealed that the application of the concept of high density development in Langa has resulted in situations of overcrowding and noise, a lack of privacy, smaller housing structures and erven, a lack of space for children to play and adults to socialise and regular clashes between the residents and the authorities regarding these issues. Therefore, the hypothesis that although densification may have resulted in more housing units being built whilst at the same time impacting negatively on the quality of family living has been proven to be true by this study. However, this study has revealed the fact that although there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of densification, the problem lies with the manner in which the concept is applied in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van laekostebehuising vorm deel van Suid-Afrika se grootste uitdagings. Die resultaat is dat die ontwikkeling van woongebiede met hoë digthede deur die owerhede gesien word as een van die oplossings vir behuisingsprobleme van 'n steeds snelgroeiende stedelike bevolking. Met die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting word daar veronderstel dat die voordele van 'n geintegreerde stedelike stelsel, die ekonomiese gebruik van grond, beter lewensgehalte vir burgers, die beperking van stedelike uitgestrektheid en die beskerming van landbou- en natuurlike hulpbronne, verwesenlik sal word. Die toepassing van die konsep van verdigting in laekostebehuising word egter gekritiseer omdat dit tekortskiet in die primere doelwit wat daarop gemik is om die lewensgehalte van burgers te bevorder. Die hipotese is dat die konsep van verdigting gesinslewe en daarby die lewenskwaliteit van persone negatief kan beinvloed. Die doel van die studie is dus om statistiese data wat verband hou met die gehalte van gesinslewe , in te win ten einde sienswyses en ervarings van gesinne in laekoste woonbuurte te verwoord. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is 'n vraelys, onderhoude en 'n literatuurgebaseerde navorsingsmetode gevolg. Bykomende behuisingsmodelle het die vraelys gekomplementeer. Aangesien die regering se verdigtingstrategie vir ontwikkeling ten doel het om bestaande townships uit te brei, is Langa in die Wes-Kaap gekies as studiegebied. Die bevindinge van die studie toon aan dat die implementering van die konsep van die ontwikkeling van hoë digte, laekostebehuising oorbevolking en geraas, 'n gebrek aan privaatheid, kleiner huisstrukture en erwe, 'n gebrek aan speelplek vir kinders en onvoldoende plek vir volwassenes om te sosialiseer, teweeg gebring het - die toestande het tot gereelde botsings tussen die inwoners en owerhede gelei. Die studie bewys dus die hipotese dat hoewel verdigting tot die bou van meer behuisingseenhede gelei het, dit ook 'n negatiewe impak op die gehalte van gesinslewe meegebring het. Die studie bewys dat hoewel daar niks inherent met die konsep van verdigting verkeerd is nie, die probleem Iê in die manier waarop die konsep binne Suid-Afrika toegepas word.

Management of official accommodation in the Department of Roads and Public Works in Port Elizabeth

Mthathi, Noxolo January 2017 (has links)
The study investigates management of official accommodation in the Department of Roads and Public Works. Government immovable asset plays an essential role in ser-vice delivery. The official accommodation policies were not implemented as intendant and as a result, the former government employees are illegal occupants in government properties. The implementation of legislation and departmental policy for official ac-commodation are problematic when illegal occupants occupied government immova-ble assets without lease agreement. The present of illegal occupants has a negative impact to officials who qualify to occupy government properties in terms of the depart-mental policy for service delivery purposes. The study proposed to provide literature search using books, legislation, policies, and personal interviews among others. The research methodology employed in this study was described, followed by the legislative framework employed in this study. Some of the findings on a legislative framework for official accommodation in the department of Roads and Public Works in the department of Roads and Public Works include gaps at the implementation of departmental policy on Allocation of Official Housing in rela-tion to the lease of state owned properties. Recommendations as a result of descriptive literature search are presented and how the existing problem of implementation of official accommodation policies can be changed to enhance service delivery and to provide accommodation to officials who qualify to occupy government immovable assets. The recommendations will enable the Department of Roads and Public Works as custodian of immovable assets, to fulfil its Constitutional mandate to provide official accommodation to their officials and cli-ents departments who qualify in terms of the policy for service delivery purposes.

Universal design for low-cost housing in South Africa : an exploratory study of emerging socio-technical issues

Fransolet, Colette Ghislaine Claudine January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Design))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / Low-cost housing is always an important / a weighty topic for discussion in South Africa and the construction or occupation of such houses often makes media headlines. The media usually raises the negative aspects of such housing, for instance, the fact that these houses are sometimes poorly constructed, or that the administration systems for allocating such houses to their new owners are often faulty, or that physical access to them is limited, particularly for people with disabilities, and that social interactions among the inhabitants of these houses is often problematic. It therefore appears that the ‘design for all’ – or ‘Universal Design’ – approach has not been considered during the design phases of these developments. Although Universal Design is not a new concept, the South African National Building Regulations has a section specially for creating physical access, but it is not widely practiced or implemented in South Africa, let alone with the local housing sector. There is general lack of awareness, technical know-how for the implementation and a lack of enforceable penalties for non-compliance with this specific section of the Building Regulations (SANS 10400 Part S of 2011). This study aims to investigate some of the socio-technical issues that have arisen in the low-cost housing sector, by specifically focusing on informal settlements in Cape Town, South Africa. During the period of apartheid, pre-1994, population groups in South Africa were segregated into separate residential areas; the aftermath of this is still prevalent, as is the continued exclusion of marginalized groups within the low-cost housing sector. Data was collected through interviews with various people within the professional sector including Architects, experts in Universal Design and people from organisations that specialise in the planning/design/construction of low-cost Housing in Cape Town, focusing on the lack of a more community orientated design approach that utilises the principles of Universal Design as well as Universal Access building audits. Such audits were conducted on houses and communities that were constructed prior to 2004, on houses and communities that were designed and constructed after the passing of the Breaking New Ground (BNG) policy (2010), as well as on proposed new housing designs that were being considered for the future construction. The audits looked at general circulation spaces, community involvement, sustainability and means of construction. On the basis of these highlighted elements, in conjunction with the tender requirements of low-cost housing, and the findings of the interviews / National Research Foundation

Securitisation and its application to low cost housing finance in South Africa

Zimbwa, Allan Golden January 2007 (has links)
Section 26 of the Constitution of South Africa Act 108 of 1996 provides that housing is a basic human right and that the government must take reasonable legislative and other measures to achieve the realisation of this right. A number of measures were taken to try to resolve this socio-economic issue. A number of housing institutions were established , various pieces of legislation were passed and housing subsidies were provided. However, housing backlogs remain a challenge. In March 1994 the housing backlog was estimated between 1,3 and 1,8 million units. When more than a million houses were provided by 2001 , the housing backlog had increased to between 2 and 3 million houses. To date subsidies in excess of R29 billion have been spent on housing provision. A study by the Department of Housing concluded that, at the current rate of increase of housing funding vis-a-vis the growing backlog and rapid urbanisation, the household backlog will not be changed in ten years' time. The United States of America (USA) had a similar low cost housing problem, but securitisation alleviated it with the participation of government agencies Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae and Freddie Mac. In South Africa, the NHFC tried to emulate the USA model by establishing Gateway Home Loans (Pty) Limited (Gateway) in 1999. Gateway, however, was not a success. This research investigates whether securitisation can be applied in South Africa to alleviate the low cost housing issue. The study finds that there is a credit availability gap for the low income sector earning less than R8 000 per month because of the perceived risk of default and unwillingness by banks to lend to this sector. The increase in housing backlog that continues unabated, inadequate housing finance system to low income earners, the lessons learnt from the failure of Gateway, the success factors of the USA securitisation model and the sound and sophisticated South African financial system are the rationale for applying securitisation. A proposal of how to effectively apply securitisation to low cost housing in South Africa is provided with recommendations to revive the primary market.

Some aspects of housing economics with reference to the coloured population of South Africa

Farabi, Sadraddin 02 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of factors affecting housing delivery in the Nyandeni local municipality with specific reference to the Extension 4 Housing Project: a case study of Ward 21 in Ngqeleni

Madzidzela, Liyanda January 2008 (has links)
The study investigates problems and challenges that, the Nyandeni local municipality faces in terms of housing delivery to its communities. The purpose is to look at the factors that affect housing delivery at Nyandeni local municipality in the Extension 4 Housing Project in Ngqeleni and what can be done in order to improve it. The housing development at Nyandeni Local Municipality is not up to standard, the situation is worse in rural areas where there is not a single rural housing project that has been implemented thus far instead, there is a lack of infrastructure and other essential services. This is a serious problem that the Nyandeni local municipality faces, as a result the most vulnerable people are the poorest of the poor particularly those residing in rural areas. The study has investigated housing delivery at Nyandeni local municipality with reference to the Extension 4 Housing Project in Ngqeleni. The investigation indicates that there are serious challenges facing housing delivery. Hence the beneficiaries of the project could not get their houses in time and the project could not be completed within the scheduled period.

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