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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies of natural vitamin E forms and their synthetic derivatives for potential anticancer application in human breast cancer cell lines and mouse tumor models

Park, Sook Kyung 14 October 2011 (has links)
Vitamin E is a group of naturally occurring fat soluble compounds which consists of eight distinct forms of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Although a well-defined physiological function of vitamin E is as an antioxidant, beneficial effects of individual vitamin E compounds on chronic human diseases such as cancer need to be better understood. Studies in this dissertation investigated potential application of gamma-tocopherol (gamma-T), gamma-tocotrienol (gamma-T3) or synthetic derivatives of tocotrienols as anticancer agents in comparison to alpha-tocopherol (alpha-T), its redox-silent acetic acid derivative (alpha-TEA) or alpha-tocotrienol (alpha-T3). Redox-silent derivatives of alpha- and gamma-T3; namely alpha-T3EA and gamma-T3EA exhibited potent anti-proliferative and proapoptotic activities in a murine mammary cancer cell line as well as in human breast cancer cell lines. Moreover, studies using human vascular endothelial cells in cell culture showed that the tocotrienol derivatives exhibited strong antiangiogenic activities which were markedly improved over those of the parent compounds. An antitumor efficacy study using the 66cl-4-GFP syngeneic mouse mammary tumor model showed that each tocotrienol derivative, when delivered in the diet, significantly suppressed mammary tumor growth; however serum and tissue concentrations of these novel compounds were lower than those of alpha-TEA, suggesting that the next generation of vitamin E derivatives will need to be modified to improve bioavailability. On the other hand, some natural-source vitamin E forms, especially gamma-forms, display anticancer activities without any chemical modification in both in vitro cell culture studies and in vivo animal models. Dietary delivery of gamma-T3 suppressed tumor growth in a syngeneic implantation mouse mammary cancer model by inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis. Cell culture studies using human breast cancer cells showed that gamma-T3 triggered apoptosis by inducing endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress mediated by acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) action. Activation of stress-activated mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), JNK and p38, was associated with gamma-T3-induced ER stress followed by upregulation of extrinsic death receptor-5 (DR5) expression in a CHOP transcription factor dependent manner. Gamma-T also triggered extrinsic apoptosis signaling by increasing DR5 mRNA, protein and cell surface expression levels followed by mitochondria-dependent apoptotic signaling. In agreement with in vitro studies, gamma-T delivered in the diet suppressed the tumor growth of MDA-MB-231-GFP human breast cancer cells in a xenograft model but the antitumor activity of gamma-T was hampered by co-administration of alpha-T. The preferential tissue retention of alpha-T over gamma-T could be overcome by use of sesamin, a dietary source of human cytochrome P450 inhibitor. Based on data presented, gamma-T and gamma-T3 show preclinical potential for cancer treatment either as single agents or in combination with other agents. / text

Characterization of Effects of Muc1 Expression on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling in Breast Cancer

Pochampalli, Mamata Rani January 2006 (has links)
EGF receptors are key regulators of cell survival and growth in normal and transformed tissues. Ligand binding results in formation of homo/hetero dimers of these receptors, followed by activation of the kinase activity and subsequent tyrosine phosphorylation of many downstream molecules. The activation of these receptors is not only mediated by the binding of their cognate ligands, but by transactivaton by other molecules as well. Recent studies have identified an oncogenic glycoprotein MUC1 as a binding partner for EGFR and that MUC1 expression can potentiate EGFR-dependent signal transduction. After receptor activation, EGFR is typically downregulated via an endocytic pathway that results in receptor degradation or recycling. We report here that MUC1 expression inhibits the degradation of ligand-activated erbB1. In addition, MUC1 expression results in prolonged activation of Akt, but not ERK1,2 MAPKinase. The MUC1-mediated protection against degradation occurs with a decrease in EGF-stimulated ubiquitination of erbB1, and an increase in erbB1 recycling. We then utilized the WAP-TGFα transgenic mouse model of breast cancer and determined that a loss of Muc1 expression dramatically alters mammary tumor progression. While 100% of WAP-TGFα/Muc1^(+/+) mice form mammary gland tumors, only 37% of WAP-TGFα/Muc1^(-/-) form tumors. Furthermore, expression of cyclin D1 expression is significantly suppressed in tumors derived from WAPTGFα/Muc1^(-/-) animals, and loss of Muc1 expression resulted in a significant inhibition in the formation of hyperplastic lesions in the mammary gland. We also observed metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma (1/29) and perivascular lymphoma of unknown origin (28/29) in the WAP-TGFα transgenic mice but not in the WAP TGFα/Muc1^(-/-) animals. To determine the effects of Muc1 expression on metastasis in a model lacking perivascular lymphoma, we crossed MMTV-Wnt-1 and MMTV-MUC1 transgenic mice and evaluated interactions between Muc1 and EGFR. Although the MMTV-Wnt-1 mice are non-metastatic, a majority (6/10) of the bitransgenic MMTVWnt- 1/MMTV-MUC1 formed pulmonary metastases. Furthermore, overexpression of MUC1 increases the breast cancer cell invasion in vitro. The MUC1 induced increase in invasion is found to be EGF and EGFR-kinase dependent. Collectively, these data indicate that MUC1 expression contributes to many of the hallmarks of cancer and in addition, is an important modulator of EGFR-associated mammary tumor progression.

Assessing the cyto-genotoxic impacts of un-neutralised and pH-neutralised acid mine drainage on the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7

Botha, Shirmone 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of toxicity tests to evaluate the quality of streams affected by mixtures such as acid mine drainage (AMD), adds value to assessments whereby site-specific toxicological data may identify toxicants that pose a threat to humans. To successfully evaluate the risk of combined mixtures, an improved understanding of the individual components, their uptake, metabolism, excretion and mode of action is required. This study aimed to identify the extent of AMD toxicity in a dose dependant manner on the MCF-7 cell line. The first study site associated with gold mining was chosen as the Tweelopies Stream situated in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The AMD effluent (un-neutralised) contaminating the Tweelopies Stream had undergone pH-neutralisation using a reactor-bed limestone technology incorporating the use of both calcium carbonate (CaCO3) powder and limestone beds. The second study site, the Kromdraai River, is situated in the eMalahleni region of South Africa where a predominance of coal mining exists. The pH -neutralisation of the AMD (un-neutralised) contaminated Kromdraai River was performed using a caustic soda (NaOH) precipitation technique. This study demonstrated the rapid and effective application of the comet assay as a screening tool for AMD-associated DNA breakages in the human cell line, MCF-7. Moreover, the study analysed parameters of cellular survival, DNA fragmentation and variations in morphologies indicative of cellular death. Collectively, the cyto-genetic aberrations observed in the MCF-7 cells as a result of exposure to gold and coal mining associated AMD, confirms the urgency of incorporating high-throughput screening in ecological toxicity assessment to evaluate cellular damage at genetic levels in low dose exposures where detection might be missed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van toksisiteitstoetse om die gehalte van strome te evalueer wat geraak word deur mengsels soos suur mynwater (SM), gee waarde aan spesifieke toksikologiese data van gifstowwe wat 'n bedreiging vir die mens kan identifiseer. Om die risiko van gekombineerde mengsels en hul individuele komponente beter te begrip en suksesvol evalueer, is hul opname, metabolisme, uitskeiding en modus van aksie nodig. Hierdie studie het gepoog om die omvang van SM-toksisiteit in 'n dosis afhanklike wyse op die MCF-7-sellyn te identifiseer. Die eerste studie-area wat gekies is, hou verband met goudmyn-ontginning, en is die Tweelopiesspruit, geleë in die Gauteng-provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Die SM-uitvloeisel (on-geneutraliseerde) wat die Tweelopiesspruit besoedel, het pH-neutralisasie ondergaan met behulp van die integrasie van 'n reaktor-bed kalksorpsietegnologie wat gebruik maak van beide kalsiumkarbonaat (CaCO3) poeier en kalksteenbeddens. Die tweede studie-area, is die Kromdraairivier geleë in die eMalahleni-streek van Suid-Afrika, waar steenkoolontginning die oorheersende aktiwiteit is. Die pH-neutralisasie van die SM (on-geneutraliseerde) in die geval van die Kromdraairivier word met behulp van 'n bytsoda (NaOH) neerslag tegniek, uitgevoer. Hierdie studie het die komeet-toets getoon as 'n vinnige en doeltreffende toepassing vir SM-geassosieerde DNA-breekskade in die menslike sel lyn, MCF-7. Verder het die studie parameters van sellulêre oorlewing, DNA-fragmentasie en variasies in sel morfologieë wat ‘n aanduiding van sellulêre dood is, ontleed. Gesamentlik dui die resultate daarop dat die sitogenetiese afwykings wat in die MCF-7-selle waargeneem is, as 'n gevolg van blootstelling aan goud- en steenkool-geassosieerde SM is. Die studie het verder die dringendheid van die integrasie van hoë-deurset tegnologieë in ekologiese toksisiteitstoetse in selle wat genetiese skade mag ondergaan, na 'n lae dosis blootstelling waar opsporing dalk gemis word, ondersteun.

Development Of Bio-Photonic Sensor Based On Laser-Induced Fluorescence

Kim, Chan Kyu 15 December 2007 (has links)
Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) has been shown to be potentially useful for identifying microorganisms in real time. It is a selective and sensitive technique because the excitation is performed at one wavelength while the emission is monitored at longer wavelengths so that background from the excitation source can be eliminated. This specialized optical property of LIF can be applied to development of an optical sensor capable of quickly, non-invasively, and quantitatively probing complex biochemical transformations in microorganisms. Various bio-photonic optical fiber sensors based on laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy were developed as diagnostic tools for microorganisms. In the first phase, the enhancement of the sensitivity and selectivity of the optical sensor system focused on diagnosis of human breast cancer cell lines and Azotobacter vinelandii (an aerobic soil-dwelling organism). Autoluorescence spectra from human breast cancer cell lines and Azotobacter vinelandii corresponding to different growth environments were investigated. Then, the study has expanded to include the use of gold nanoparticles for specific DNA detection. The use of gold nanoparticales opens a door into construction of a compact, highly specific, inexpensive and userriendly optical fiber senor for specific DNA detection. An optical fiber laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) sensor based has been developed to detect single-strand (ss) DNA hybridization at the femtomolar level. Effects of various experimental parameters and configuration were investigated in order to optimize sensor performance and miniaturize sensor size.

Potencial antitumoral do composto 7-epi-clusianona em linhagens celulares de câncer de mama humano cultivadas como monocamadas e esferoides. / Antitumoral potential of 7-epi-clusianone in human breast cancer cell lines cultured in monolayer and as spheroids.

Sales, Bianca Rocha 25 September 2015 (has links)
A biodiversidade de plantas brasileiras é uma fonte muito rica de moléculas bioativas, dentro da proposta da busca por novas drogas antitumorais, avaliamos neste estudo o potencial antiproliferativo do composto 7-epi-clusianona. Foram utilizadas duas linhagens celulares derivadas de tumor de mama humana, Hs 578T e MCF-7, cultivadas em monocamada e como esferoides. O IC50 após 48 horas de tratamento das células é de 20 μM para Hs 578T e 6 μM para MCF-7. A análise do ciclo celular mostrou que o composto é capaz de reter as células em fase G1/G0 em ambas as linhagens em 2D, mas não em 3D. O composto é capaz de induzir as células a senescência celular, como mostrado pelo ensaio de detecção de β-galactosidase. Esses dados indicam que o composto 7-epi-clusianona é uma molécula promissora, que demonstrou potencial antitumoral em células de tumor de mama. A cultura tridimensional se mostrou mais resistente ao tratamento com 7-epi-clusianona, portanto estudos mais abrangentes são necessários para melhor entendimento dos efeitos do composto sobre esse tipo de cultura. / Brazilian flora is considered one of the most diverse in the world and natural products are some of the important sources of new antitumoral compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative potential of 7-epi-clusianone. Two cell lines derived from human breast tumor were used, Hs 578T and MCF-7, cultured in monolayer and as spheroids. The IC50 after 48 hours of treatment is 20 μM to Hs 578T cells and 6 μM to MCF-7 cells. Cell cycle analysis showed induction of cell cycle arrest in G1/S phase in cells cultured in monolayers, but not in spheroids. The amount of cells in senescence after the treatment with 7-epi-clusianone is higher than the control group, as seen by the senescence β-galactosidase staining assay. These data suggest that 7-epi-clusianone is a promising molecule against breast cancer cells. We show that 3D culture was more resistant to treatment than 2D culture, therefore more comprehensive studies are needed to better understand the effects of 7-epi-clusianone on this kind of culture.

Potencial antitumoral do composto 7-epi-clusianona em linhagens celulares de câncer de mama humano cultivadas como monocamadas e esferoides. / Antitumoral potential of 7-epi-clusianone in human breast cancer cell lines cultured in monolayer and as spheroids.

Bianca Rocha Sales 25 September 2015 (has links)
A biodiversidade de plantas brasileiras é uma fonte muito rica de moléculas bioativas, dentro da proposta da busca por novas drogas antitumorais, avaliamos neste estudo o potencial antiproliferativo do composto 7-epi-clusianona. Foram utilizadas duas linhagens celulares derivadas de tumor de mama humana, Hs 578T e MCF-7, cultivadas em monocamada e como esferoides. O IC50 após 48 horas de tratamento das células é de 20 μM para Hs 578T e 6 μM para MCF-7. A análise do ciclo celular mostrou que o composto é capaz de reter as células em fase G1/G0 em ambas as linhagens em 2D, mas não em 3D. O composto é capaz de induzir as células a senescência celular, como mostrado pelo ensaio de detecção de β-galactosidase. Esses dados indicam que o composto 7-epi-clusianona é uma molécula promissora, que demonstrou potencial antitumoral em células de tumor de mama. A cultura tridimensional se mostrou mais resistente ao tratamento com 7-epi-clusianona, portanto estudos mais abrangentes são necessários para melhor entendimento dos efeitos do composto sobre esse tipo de cultura. / Brazilian flora is considered one of the most diverse in the world and natural products are some of the important sources of new antitumoral compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative potential of 7-epi-clusianone. Two cell lines derived from human breast tumor were used, Hs 578T and MCF-7, cultured in monolayer and as spheroids. The IC50 after 48 hours of treatment is 20 μM to Hs 578T cells and 6 μM to MCF-7 cells. Cell cycle analysis showed induction of cell cycle arrest in G1/S phase in cells cultured in monolayers, but not in spheroids. The amount of cells in senescence after the treatment with 7-epi-clusianone is higher than the control group, as seen by the senescence β-galactosidase staining assay. These data suggest that 7-epi-clusianone is a promising molecule against breast cancer cells. We show that 3D culture was more resistant to treatment than 2D culture, therefore more comprehensive studies are needed to better understand the effects of 7-epi-clusianone on this kind of culture.

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