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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of individual differences and instructional aids on learners' disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in a hypermedia learning system

Ruttun, Rishi Dev January 2011 (has links)
Hypermedia Learning Systems (HLS) are being used increasingly widely in Higher Education, offering non-linear navigation through complex learning materials and, it is argued, leading to improve cognitive flexibility. For some learners, though, nonlinear navigation in HLS leads to higher levels of disorientation, which can have an impact on their learning performance and attitudes towards the learning system. There has been significant research into the factors that can influence individual learners‘ experiences. For example, a number of studies have confirmed that individual differences such as cognitive style, domain knowledge and computer experience affect individuals‘ levels of disorientation and learning performance, and influence their attitudes towards HLS. It has also been suggested that instructional aids (in the form of certain visual elements and audio elements) can reduce levels of disorientation and, in turn, increase learning performance in, and positive attitudes towards, HLS for some learners. However, existing studies have tended to look at only a subset of these three individual differences in relation to an individual and/or consider only a small number of visual instructional aids. No study up to this point has considered the impact of cognitive style, domain knowledge and computer experience on disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in a HLS that incorporates a full range of visual instructional aids. In terms of the research related to audio instructional aids, no studies have looked into the effects of audio aids and these three individual differences in relation to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in HLS. This thesis addresses these two shortcomings through two experiments. The aim of experiment 1 was to examine the effects of and between these three individual differences with respect to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in two versions of a HLS: one that incorporated the set of visual instructional aids and one that did not. Experiment 2 aimed to do the same, but with respect to a HLS that provided audio instructional aids. The experiments used quantitative and qualitative approaches to gather data to address a set of research questions and research hypotheses. The participants were 384 university students from across London. The Cognitive Style Analysis (CSA) test was administered to determine participants‘ field dependence, and participants‘ demographic information, levels of computer experience and levels of prior knowledge were gathered using questionnaires. Learning performance was measured through achievement tests and a practical task. Levels of disorientation were measured using questionnaires, and attitudes were assessed using questionnaires and interviews. Participants were also observed when they were interacting with the HLS to perform learning tasks. A number of interesting results were revealed. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to disorientation, learning performance and attitudes in the HLS that provided no instructional aids. No significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to disorientation or learning performance in the other two versions of the HLS – those providing visual and audio instructional aids. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to the use of the visual and audio instructional aids to perform learning in the HLS. No significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to attitudes in the HLS that provided visual instructional aids. Significant effects were found between the three individual differences with respect to attitudes in the version that provided audio instructional aids. Analysis of the results led to the framing of a set of HLS design guidelines which are presented in this thesis. Finally, an agenda for future research leading on from the study‘s findings is presented.

A social cognitivist view of hypermedia learning

Cortese, Juliann 13 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

O aprendizado na margem hipermidiática: aproximações hermenêuticas no cotidiano da pós-modernidade / -

Nering, Erica Masiero 17 December 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo realizar uma reflexão teórico-filosófica sobre a inserção da hipermídia no cotidiano do aprendizado humano. Partimos da hipótese de que essa inserção é essencial em vias de uma mudança no paradigma escolar tradicional no contexto da pós-modernidade. Entendemos aqui, com base na filosofia hermenêutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer e sua crítica à epistemologia moderna e na crítica construtivista pelas vozes de Jean Piaget e Paulo Freire, que o conhecimento se constrói a partir da experiência cotidiana, da realidade do ser no mundo, e não pela inserção dos paradigmas científicos por eles mesmos, sem abertura ao diálogo com os saberes prévios. Sob essa ótica, desenvolvemos a noção da hipermídia como uma abertura a esse diálogo entre o senso comum cotidiano e os saberes científicos por meio de recursos como o hibridismo de linguagens, a organização hipertextual, a alinearidade e a interatividade, como conceituou a pesquisadora brasileira Lúcia Santaella. Entendemos aqui que a exploração dessas possibilidades leva a uma realocação do papel do sujeito na produção do conhecimento. Dessa forma, reposiciona-se o papel do professor, do estudante e das instituições escolares no contexto das novas tecnologias em uma estratégia descrita por J. J. Brunner que passa pela necessidade de ofertar à população uma educação contínua ao longo da vida e uma aprendizagem distribuída, que pode ser realizada a distância, para todos. Como metodologia para desenvolver esta tese, lançamos mão da análise de alguns fenômenos da atualidade, como hipermídias, experiências no âmbito artístico e científico e cursos a distância. / The purpose of this research was a theoretical and phylosophical pondering on the use of hypermedia in everyday learning, Our hypothesis considered such use as essential for a shift in the traditional education paradigm in a post-modern context. Based on Hans-Georg Gadamer\'s hermeneutics and his critic to modern epistemology, as well as on Jean Piaget\'s and Paulo Freire\'s contributions, we assume that knowledge is constructed by everyday experience, by a person\'s environment and being in the world, and not by their incorporation of scientific paradigm with no opening for dialogue with previous knowledges. Thus, we understand hypermedia as a manner of opening for such dialogue between common sense and scientific knowledge through resources such as hybrydization of languages, hypertextual organization, nonlinearity and interactivity, as defined by Brazilian researcher Lúcia Santaella. We believe that the exploration of these possibilities allows for a repositioning of the subject\'s role in the production of knowledge. Thus, there is a repositioning of the roles of teachers, students and schools in the context of the new technologies in a strategy described by J. J. Brunner as one that is based on the need of offering to all people a continuous education throughout their lives, which may be offered as distance education. We also analyze some recent phenomena, such as hypermedia, digital artistic and scientific experiences and distance courses

O Estudo de Eletricidade no Ensino Médio, enfocando Associação de Resistores Elétricos: a interação das TICs com a sala de aula

Mainardi, Nadir Laci Dieckel 16 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by MARCIA ROVADOSCHI (marciar@unifra.br) on 2018-08-14T13:38:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_NadirLaciDieckelMainardi.pdf: 5429138 bytes, checksum: d4be23b9d4642d6e82afe1c1a85e8489 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T13:38:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_NadirLaciDieckelMainardi.pdf: 5429138 bytes, checksum: d4be23b9d4642d6e82afe1c1a85e8489 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-16 / This dissertation consists of a proposed interaction of existing technologies in our school with classroom content Electricity contemplating having as support concepts resulting from the perspective of Vygotsky (1997). The guiding question was: what is the contribution of the use of a virtual page in interaction with the classroom in the learning process of content on Electricity Electrical Resistors in the discipline of physics? The action was applied to third-year students "A" students with 23 members of the State College of Santo Antão of Bela Vista Caroba - PR. To accomplish this work was necessary to divide into two main phases: the first time we developed a virtual page (wikispaces) containing content Electricity headquartered initially with a controversial issue experienced by the student, causing him to interact with the simulations, virtual experiments , videos, current scientific texts and curiosities that contribute to student learning. In the second time in the classroom has developed content using electrical resistors as support for virtual page concomitantly with scientific text and slides, occurring just one student-computer interaction, student-student and student-teacher, with discussions, questions, interpretations and resolutions of the activities presented in the classroom. The methodology of qualitative observations proved efficient in the discussions among students instant access to the virtual page in the computer lab at school, but there was also efficient in the analysis of discussions and absorptions of content applied in the classroom. Three activities were prepared in the form of testing containing content electricity and applied to participants: the first questionnaire served as propellant forwarding all activities in this dissertation, his resulting demonstrated a low level of knowledge in solving exercises, with answers without nexus as usual without any scientific knowledge. In the second activity, students applied the issues between the two moments (virtual page - classroom), there were some concepts Association of Electrical Resistors more significantly, with some confusion, destabilizing the existing concepts, emerging discussions, reflections and training hypotheses of the concepts acquired in the computer room, taking the students curiosity and desire to understand and interpret the content. Applying the third activity after discussions, interactions and interpretation of students on the content presented in the classroom, it was necessary to determine whether the use of our interaction with the virtual classroom helped in the process of learning the content of Association Electrical Resistors. The results demonstrated satisfactorily in student learning through cultural mediation, appears in the interaction of ICT, teacher and classmates. In activities (testing III) developed by the students, was the domain knowledge of scientific concepts, creating stability and security in the discussions and resolutions of the exercises presented in the classroom. / A presente dissertação consiste em uma proposta de interação das tecnologias existentes em nossa escola com a sala de aula, contemplando o conteúdo de Eletricidade tendo como suporte conceitos decorrentes da perspectiva de Vygotsky (1997). A questão orientadora foi: qual a contribuição do uso de uma página virtual em interação com a sala de aula no processo da aprendizagem do conteúdo de Eletricidade em Resistores Elétricos na disciplina de Física? A ação foi aplicada em alunos do terceiro ano ―A‖ com 23 alunos integrantes do Colégio Estadual Santo Antão de Bela Vista da Caroba – PR. Para realizar este trabalho se fez necessário dividir em dois momentos principais: no primeiro momento foi desenvolvida uma página virtual (wikispaces), contendo o conteúdo Eletricidade sediado inicialmente com uma questão polêmica vivenciada pelo aluno, provocando-o a interagir com as simulações, experimentos virtuais, vídeos, textos científicos e curiosidades atuais que contribuem para aprendizagem dos alunos. No segundo momento em sala de aula se desenvolveu o conteúdo de resistores elétricos usando como apoio a página virtual concomitantemente com o texto científico e slides, ocorrendo assim uma interação entre aluno-computador, aluno-aluno e aluno-professor, com debates, questionamentos, interpretações e resoluções das atividades apresentadas em sala de aula. A metodologia utilizada de cunho qualitativo se mostrou eficiente nas observações das discussões entre os alunos no instante de acesso à página virtual no laboratório de informática da escola, como também houve a eficiência na analise das discussões e absorções do conteúdo aplicado em sala de aula. Foram elaboradas três atividades em forma de testagem contendo o conteúdo de eletricidade e aplicado aos participantes: o primeiro questionário serviu como propulsor do encaminhamento de todas as atividades desenvolvidas nesta dissertação, seu resultando demonstrou um baixo nível de conhecimento na resolução dos exercícios, com respostas sem nexo de forma usual sem nenhum conhecimento científico. Na segunda atividade, as questões aplicadas aos alunos entre os dois momentos (página virtual – sala de aula), surgiram alguns conceitos de Associação de Resistores Elétricos de forma mais significativa, com alguns equívocos, desestabilizando as concepções existentes, surgindo discussões, reflexões e formação de hipóteses dos conceitos adquiridos na sala de informática, levando os alunos a curiosidade e o desejo de entender e interpretar o conteúdo. Aplicando a terceira atividade após as discussões, interpretação e interações dos alunos sobre o conteúdo apresentado em sala de aula, houve a necessidade de verificar se o uso da página virtual em interação com a sala de aula auxiliou o processo da aprendizagem do conteúdo de Associação de Resistores Elétricos. Os resultados se manifestaram satisfatoriamente na aprendizagem dos alunos via mediação cultural, exibida na interação dos TICs, professor e colegas. Nas atividades (testagem III) desenvolvidas pelos alunos, houve domínio no conhecimento dos conceitos científicos, criando uma estabilidade e segurança nas discussões e nas resoluções dos exercícios apresentados na sala de aula.

O aprendizado na margem hipermidiática: aproximações hermenêuticas no cotidiano da pós-modernidade / -

Erica Masiero Nering 17 December 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo realizar uma reflexão teórico-filosófica sobre a inserção da hipermídia no cotidiano do aprendizado humano. Partimos da hipótese de que essa inserção é essencial em vias de uma mudança no paradigma escolar tradicional no contexto da pós-modernidade. Entendemos aqui, com base na filosofia hermenêutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer e sua crítica à epistemologia moderna e na crítica construtivista pelas vozes de Jean Piaget e Paulo Freire, que o conhecimento se constrói a partir da experiência cotidiana, da realidade do ser no mundo, e não pela inserção dos paradigmas científicos por eles mesmos, sem abertura ao diálogo com os saberes prévios. Sob essa ótica, desenvolvemos a noção da hipermídia como uma abertura a esse diálogo entre o senso comum cotidiano e os saberes científicos por meio de recursos como o hibridismo de linguagens, a organização hipertextual, a alinearidade e a interatividade, como conceituou a pesquisadora brasileira Lúcia Santaella. Entendemos aqui que a exploração dessas possibilidades leva a uma realocação do papel do sujeito na produção do conhecimento. Dessa forma, reposiciona-se o papel do professor, do estudante e das instituições escolares no contexto das novas tecnologias em uma estratégia descrita por J. J. Brunner que passa pela necessidade de ofertar à população uma educação contínua ao longo da vida e uma aprendizagem distribuída, que pode ser realizada a distância, para todos. Como metodologia para desenvolver esta tese, lançamos mão da análise de alguns fenômenos da atualidade, como hipermídias, experiências no âmbito artístico e científico e cursos a distância. / The purpose of this research was a theoretical and phylosophical pondering on the use of hypermedia in everyday learning, Our hypothesis considered such use as essential for a shift in the traditional education paradigm in a post-modern context. Based on Hans-Georg Gadamer\'s hermeneutics and his critic to modern epistemology, as well as on Jean Piaget\'s and Paulo Freire\'s contributions, we assume that knowledge is constructed by everyday experience, by a person\'s environment and being in the world, and not by their incorporation of scientific paradigm with no opening for dialogue with previous knowledges. Thus, we understand hypermedia as a manner of opening for such dialogue between common sense and scientific knowledge through resources such as hybrydization of languages, hypertextual organization, nonlinearity and interactivity, as defined by Brazilian researcher Lúcia Santaella. We believe that the exploration of these possibilities allows for a repositioning of the subject\'s role in the production of knowledge. Thus, there is a repositioning of the roles of teachers, students and schools in the context of the new technologies in a strategy described by J. J. Brunner as one that is based on the need of offering to all people a continuous education throughout their lives, which may be offered as distance education. We also analyze some recent phenomena, such as hypermedia, digital artistic and scientific experiences and distance courses

Learning Strategies Of Students With Different Cognitive Styles In A Hypermedia Environment

Yecan, Esra 01 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The use of hypermedia for educational purposes gained a great deal of importance for educators. There are many opportunities provided to learners by these environments such as independence from time and place, availability and accessability of the course material, non-linear interaction that provides the learner to regulate his/ her own learning and so on. Although many advantages of hypermedia environment are suggested in the literature, there are also many studies concerning with learning in hypermedia environment concluding that many learners face with problems on these settings. This qualitative study aimed to investigate the affects of three important factors in terms of learning with hypermedia revealed by the literature / cognitive styles, computer competency levels, and domain knowledge levels of the students. To the purpose of the study, participants from a web-enhanced course were selected considering these factors, and interviews and observations were conducted to reveal their learning strategies. Results indicated some differences among the different cognitive style groups of students in terms of their preferred learning strategies. Computer competency levels of the students were also found to be quite important in terms of their patterns to use the hypermedia program. Students&rsquo / prior knowledge levels were also important in this study, since different needs and expectations were revealed related to the domain knowledge levels of the participants. Furthermore, a deep understanding about the behaviors, experiences, feelings, and expectations of the students in an instructional hypermedia environment related to suggested different characteristics were gained at the end of the study.

Postavení chemického pokusu v době ICT - hliník a jeho sloučeniny / The position of the chemical experiment at the time of ICT - aluminum and its compounds

Sloup, Radovan January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to describe a position of the real experiment in chemistry at the beginning of the 21 century and to contribute to solution of speculations if this didactic tool is or is not at current schools such a rarity as it's often described. The starting point of the thesis is extensive research of the literature related to history of natural science literacy which is condition not only for the right experiment interpretation but also of its suitable usage in the lessons. The theoretical part observes also the ensuring of the chemical experiment in the curricular documents and its position in the chemistry teaching in recent past. The experiment is a dynamic visualia therefore the visualias are classified in particular part of the thesis and their occurrence and function are described - in today's information society, chemistry textbooks, as a part of hypermedia programs for chemistry teaching and in lessons in general. The thesis focuses partly on hypermedia programs, especially then on materials for chemistry teaching that proved to be helpful in e-learning. Through the questionnaire inquiry at primary and secondary schools in Czech Republic were discovered not merely material also personal options of the schools and chemistry teachers in relation to the experiment...

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