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An Exploratory Approach to the Diffusion of ICT in a Project EnvironmentPeansupap, Vachara, vachara.peansupap@rmit.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
The research aims to understand the nature of ICT diffusion at the intra-organisational level. It uses both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to identify factors and processes influencing ICT diffusion at the actual implementation phase. The result indicates that management, individual and technology group factors are essential to ICT diffusion at the initial adoption stage. In addition, the integration of change management and knowledge sharing and learning theory to diffusion of innovation theory can help to better explain ICT diffusion at the actual implementation stage.
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Determinanty šíření mobilních telefonů a Internetu / Internet and mobile phone diffusion and its determinantsKračmerová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines determinants of an Internet and mobile phones diffusion and potentially different impacts of these determinants in case of developing and developed countries. For this purpose panel data from 199 countries for period from 1995 to 2012 are used. There is a number of variables including economic, technological, political and human capital factors. Benefits of this thesis are that the research uses updated dataset and it also adds new variables into its econometric model. This thesis also examines in detail the adoption of information and communication technologies in the Czech Republic, which has not been published previously. One of the conclusions is a finding that penetration of mobile phones and the Internet is faster in developing countries than in developed countries. Fixed effects method in the global testing also showed that the economic wealth of a country is an important determinant for the Internet only for developed countries, while for the mobile phones the GDP is a significant variable in both groups of countries. Analysis of the Czech Republic brings different results for both technologies, but the unemployment rate, which was added to the basic model, has proven to be an important determinant for both the Internet and mobile phones. Key words: Mobile phone,...
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Banking the Unbanked – The Case of Mobile Money in NepalPersson, Johan, Torbiörnsson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates ICT diffusion in the context of developing countries, morespecifically in the case of Mobile Money in the Asian country Nepal. Mobile Moneyhas recently emerged in Nepal and has the potential to improve the lives of millions.The aim of the thesis was to examine the dominant business models in Nepal and thebarriers and drivers for the future diffusion of Mobile Money in Nepal. This was donethrough a case study consisting of a field study in Nepal and an extensive literaturereview in the field of ICT diffusion and Mobile Money. Interviews with stakeholdersin the Mobile Money business ecosystem, observations and databases fromorganizations such as the World Bank were used as data sources. The results showthat there are both barriers and drivers for Mobile Money and that the attitudes ofinstitutions, in this case the central bank, have a high impact on diffusion. The introduction of a technology into a new context was affirmed to be a complex,multi-dimensional process. However, in the case of Nepal, one of the solutions couldbe to improve institutional attitudes and make the regulations more accommodating. / Detta examensarbete undersöker spridningen av informations- och kommunikationsteknik(ICT) i utvecklingsländer. Fallet som undersöks är ‘Mobile Money’ i Nepal.‘Mobile Money’ har nyligen introducerats i Nepal och har potentialen att förbättralivet för miljontals människor. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka dedominerande affärsmodellerna i Nepal samt vilka drivkrafter och hinder det finns föratt ‘Mobile Money’ ska spridas inom landet. För att möta syftet genomfördes enfältstudie i Nepal tillsammans med en omfattande litteraturstudie inom ICT spridningoch ‘Mobile Money’. Intervjuer med intressenter inom ‘Mobile Money’,observationer samt information från databaser från t.ex. Världsbanken har använtssom datakällor. Resultaten av studien visar att det finns både hinder och drivkrafterför ‘Mobile Money’ i Nepal och att inställningen hos landets institutioner, i detta fallCentralbanken, har en stor påverkan på spridningen. Införandet av teknik i en ny kontext, eller land i detta fall, visade sig vara en komplex,multidimensionell process. En lösning i Nepal skulle dock kunna vara att förbättraden institutionella attityden och göra regleringarna mer tillmötesgående.
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