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Communication technology and governance : the case of NigeriaAkande-Alasoka, Kosmos Ebenezer January 2018 (has links)
Considering its level of sophistication and complexity communication can be understood as a fundamental characteristic of humankind. Since early times humanity has continued to devise novel techniques and tools to enhance the process of communication and governance procedures. This study explores and analyses developments in internet and communication technology (ICT) in relation to governance procedures in Nigeria. It looks at the rapid expansion of ICT and examines levels of assimilation by the population. This study includes an investigation of the challenges and impediments encountered in the process of the integration of ICT into the fabric of Nigeria’s governance. The data and information gained about ICT is then employed towards the development of a theoretical framework to identify and assess good governance. A mixed method and hermeneutical approach were used in the collection and analysis of data. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 100 selected professionals with varied backgrounds as users or experts regarding communication. Those chosen to receive questionnaires were members of the public and individuals from professional and stakeholder groups in the communication industry. Survey questions addressed the frequency of use of ICT in Nigeria in commonly-cited activities as well as areas of success where future improvement may be identified. The questionnaires provided an overview of the benefits of ICT regarding the developments and challenges confronting the communication industry and governance. This overview formed the basis for semi-structured interview questions and focus group sessions. This thesis demonstrates the interconnectivity between communication and governance and how triangulation and hermeneutics were combined to study ICT use in the context of Nigeria. The results also indicated that in certain population groups and in some economic sectors of government ICT use is rapidly growing. However, the study and theoretical framework illustrate that many opportunities and challenges remain for optimal use of ICT for Nigerian governance procedures.
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L’intégration des multimédias (aspects pédagogiques, méthodologiques et technologiques)dans la didactique du FLE comme facteur de motivation chez les apprenants plurilingues deFLE au Nigeria / The integration of multimedia (pedagogical, methodological andtechnological aspects) in the teaching of French language as a motivating factor for multilingual learners of French in NigeriaObaigbona, Grace Amarachukwu 12 April 2018 (has links)
L’intégration des multimédias (aspects pédagogiques, méthodologiques et technologiques) dans la didactique du FLE comme facteur de motivation chez les apprenants plurilingues de FLE au Nigeria. Dans notre recherche, nous nous proposons d’étudier l’usage du multimédia comme facteur de motivation chez des apprenants plurilingues et dans l’enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) au Nigeria, un pays en voie de développement.L'un des défis auxquels est confronté l’enseignement des langues étrangères au Nigeria est la situation linguistique générale des apprenants. Avec plus de 400 langues, Le Nigeria est connu pour son "extrême diversité linguistique" (Elugbe 1994:62). Dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage du français, les enseignants et les étudiants sont confrontés à cette réalité multilingue mais aussi à d'autres facteurs négatifs tels que le nombre d’élèves par classe, leur hétérogénéité et souvent leur manque de motivation. Nous constatons que certaines technologies ont déjà été mises en place dans presque toutes les universités nigérianes. Dans tous les ministères, les gouvernements obligent les fonctionnaires à acquérir une connaissance de base en informatique. Dans toutes les villes, il existe des cybercafés et maintenant on peut même surfer chez soi.L’enseignement hybride est un dispositif qui associe l’apprentissage traditionnel en classe avec un apprentissage médiatisé par ordinateur (Graham, 2006:5). L’apprentissage d’une langue est une pratique sociale et culturelle totale, d'autant plus quand il intègre de nouvelles technologies qui favorisent une grande variété d'interactions sociales (Kern & Warschauer, 2000). Si une approche communicative est souhaitable alors il convient de s’intéresser aux possibilités qu’offre l’apprentissage hybride pour améliorer l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues au Nigeria.Pour la méthodologie de recherche et la collecte de données, nous avons utilisé un questionnaire qui a été envoyé aux enseignants et aux étudiants du FLE au Nigéria pour déterminer les différentes approches et méthodes dans l’enseignement et l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère au Nigeria.En conclusion, cette recherche présente les résultats d'une étude sur les motivations des enseignants et des apprenants nigérians pour l’apprentissage du français, avec ou sans recours à des dispositifs hybrides. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas prétendre que les résultats que nous avons obtenus seront valables pour l'ensemble du pays (Nigéria). Mais il reste cependant important de noter que ces résultats faciliteront l'application de l'apprentissage hybride (blended learning) dans le système général d'enseignement et d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère dans le pays. / The integration of multimedia (pedagogical, methodological and technological aspects) in the teaching of French language as a motivating factor for multilingual learners of French in Nigeria. In our research, we propose to study the use of multimedia as a motivating factor for multilingual learners and in the teaching of the French as a foreign language (FLE) in Nigeria, a developing country.One of the challenges of foreign language teaching and learning in Nigeria is the general language situation of learners. Nigeria is home to over 400 languages and it is known for its “extreme linguistic diversity” (Elugbe 1994:62). In teaching and learning French, both teachers and students are confronted with this multilingual reality and other factors such as the predominance of large mixed-level classes and learners’ lack of motivation.Presently, new technologies are already in place in almost all the Nigerian universities. In almost all Nigerian institutions, governments now compel teachers to acquire at least some basic knowledge in multimedia tools. Also, in most major towns and cities, there are cybercafés and access to online services. With the increase in mobile internet access, many more people can now go internet surfing from home and on the go, thus ensuring ready access to educational instructional materials.Blended Learning systems combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction (Graham, 2006:5). Language learning is a comprehensive social and cultural experience, even more so when it involves new technologies that promote a variety of social interactions (Kern & Warschauer, 2000). If a communicative approach is desirable then blended learning should at least be examined as one potential means of improving language teaching & learning in Nigeria.For the research methodology and collection of data, we used a survey through a questionnaire which was sent to teachers and students of FLE in Nigeria to determine the various teaching methodology and approaches to learning.In conclusion, this research presents the results of a study into teachers’ and learners’ motivations for learning French and for using (or not) blended learning. However, we cannot claim that the results that were obtained will resolve the whole issues discussed in this study in relation to French language acquisition in the Nigerian context and we cannot pretend that the recommendations will be valid for the whole country (Nigeria). But it remains, however, important to note that these results/recommendations will facilitate the application of Blended learning in the general system of teaching and learning of French in the country.
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