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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Déploiement de réseaux optiques d'accès NGPON dans des métropoles de pays en développement : proposition de nouvelles techniques d'implémentation de l'OFDM / Deployment of NGPON optical access networks in metropolitan cities of developing countries : proposition of new OFDM implementation techniques

Sanya, Max Frejus Owolabi 22 October 2015 (has links)
L’évolution rapide des services et applications multimédias (Internet haut débit, 3G, LTE) a entrainé un besoin chez les clients qui contraint les opérateurs à augmenter le débit de tous les segments du réseau, y compris le réseau d’accès. Les solutions utilisant la fibre optique tendent à remplacer progressivement les liaisons câblées (cuivre ou coaxial) afin de garantir des capacités de transfert plus importantes. La fibre optique est un medium très attractif car son atténuation linéique est très faible et sa bande passante importante. Cependant la dispersion chromatique de la fibre associée au chirp des sources optiques limite la montée en débit dans les futurs réseaux d’accès optiques (débits au-delà de 10 Gb/s) NG-PON (Next Generation Passive Optical Network). Dans ce contexte, des formats de modulation à efficacité spectrale meilleure que le NRZ pourraient être retenus. L’OFDM est une solution pour accroître l’efficacité spectrale, tout en garantissant une meilleure performance et une grande robustesse face aux canaux sélectifs en fréquence comme la fibre optique. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons proposé de nouvelles techniques d’implémentation de l’OFDM pour le NG-PON et évalué leurs performances dans un canal IM/DD. Nous avons montré par des simulations système dans un canal optique réaliste, que les techniques New DCO, New INC-ACO et DC-ACO sont capables d’augmenter les limitations de distances de transmission imposées par la modulation NRZ-OOK (Non-Return to Zero On-Off Keying) avec l’utilisation de composants bas coût. Ainsi, nous avons montré qu’avec les méthodes «MET (Minimization E-Tight)» et Levin-Campello, les techniques New DCO et DC-ACO permettent de réaliser des débits de 10 Gb/s sur une distance de 70 km en New DCO et 55 km en DC-ACO avec un taux de partage de 1×64. Cela permet d’affirmer que l’approche New AMOFDM serait un bon candidat pour le déploiement de réseaux d’accès optiques dans les métropoles de pays en développement. / The rapid development of multimedia services and applications such as broadband Internet, 3G, LTE, has led customers to force operators to increase throughput of all network segments, including the access network. Solutions using optical fiber tend to gradually replace cable based-copper or coaxial communications to ensure larger transfer capacity. The optical fiber is a very attractive medium because its linear attenuation is very low and its bandwidth very high. However, the chromatic dispersion of the fiber associated with the chirp of the optical sources limit the rise in flowrate in future optical access networks (beyond rates of 10 Gb/s) NG-PON (Next Generation Passive Optical Network). In this context, modulation formats with higher spectral efficiency than NRZ-OOK could be selected. OFDM is a solution to increase the spectral efficiency, while ensuring a better performance and high robustness against frequency selective channel such as fiber optics. In this thesis, we proposed a new OFDM techniques implementation for NG-PON and evaluated their performance in an IM/DD channel. We showed by simulations system of a realistic optical channel, that New DCO, New INC-ACO and DC-ACO OFDM techniques are able to increase the limited transmission distances imposed by the NRZ-OOK modulation with the use of low-cost components. Thus, we showed that using the “Minimization and E-Tight (MET)”or the Levin-Campello algorithm, the New DCO and DC-ACO techniques permit to achieve data rates of 10 Gb/s with a split ratio of 1 × 64 over a distance of 70 km with New DCO and 55 km for DC-ACO. Then we conclude that the New AMOFDM approach is a good choice for the deployment of optical access networks in metropolitan cities of developing countries.

Algoritmos y arquitecturas hardware para la implementación de OFDM en sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos

Bruno, Julián Santiago 02 May 2019 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis explora en profundidad la viabilidad técnica y las prestaciones de un sistema de transmisión para comunicaciones ópticas, de bajo coste y alta velocidad, basado en la multiplexación por división de frecuencia ortogonal (OFDM) mediante la implementación de los algoritmos de procesamiento digital de la señal en tiempo real sobre dispositivos de lógica programable (FPGA). Los sistemas de transmisión de modulación de intensidad y detección directa (IM/DD) parecen ser la solución más interesante para las redes ópticas pasivas (PONs) de bajo coste que serán necesarias para responder a la gran demanda de tráfico de los próximos años, producto del aumento significativo de dispositivos conectados a internet, servicios y programas en la nube, vídeo de alta definición, entre otros. Por tanto, esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal obtener la máxima tasa binaria y eficiencia espectral posible de un sistema IM/DD OFDM en PON (de una sola banda y una sola longitud de onda). Con esta finalidad se ha desarrollado la arquitectura hardware de un receptor OFDM de alta velocidad que opera en tiempo real en un dispositivo FPGA Virtex-7 a una frecuencia de reloj de 312,5 MHz utilizando un conversor analógico digital con una tasa de muestreo de 5 GS/s. Para lograr las mejores prestaciones posibles, se ha intentado aprovechar al máximo el ancho de banda del sistema (acercándose al límite de Nyquist) y se ha realizado una carga variable de las subportadoras del símbolo OFDM atendiendo a las características del canal electro-óptico. Además, se han diseñado e implementado los algoritmos de procesamiento necesarios para la detección y demodulación de los símbolos OFDM, y se ha desarrollado una plataforma experimental que ha permitido validarlos en tiempo real a través de un enlace de fibra monomodo estándar (SSMF). El principal resultado de esta tesis es el haber demostrado experimentalmente que con el sistema propuesto se puede alcanzar una tasa binaria de 19,63 Gb/s y una eficiencia espectral de 8,07 bit/s/Hz sobre 20 km de SSMF, lo cual implica casi duplicar las mejores prestaciones publicadas hasta la fecha. Para completar el diseño del receptor, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de sincronización de tiempo basado en la correlación cruzada entre un preámbulo conocido y la señal OFDM recibida, el cual presenta una tasa de error extremadamente baja, aun en condiciones de muy baja SNR, y su diseño optimizado requiere menos recursos que otros sincronizadores publicados hasta la fecha. También se ha desarrollado un procesador de FFT de longitud variable mediante una arquitectura paralela segmentada que permite alcanzar hasta una tasa de 10 GS/s en dispositivos Virtex-7 con una eficiencia (área/velocidad) superior a la de otros trabajos publicados, y un ecualizador de canal basado en una técnica de estimación y compensación en frecuencia, que utiliza un preámbulo característico para poder disminuir la complejidad hardware y aumentar la precisión de la estimación. Todos los algoritmos implementados en esta tesis doctoral han sido diseñados para procesar 16 muestras en paralelo, y así poder reducir la frecuencia de reloj (5 GHz/16) hasta valores aceptables para los dispositivos FPGA. / [CA] Aquesta tesi explora en profunditat la viabilitat tècnica i les prestacions d'un sistema de transmissió per a comunicacions òptiques, de baix cost i alta velocitat, basat en la multiplexació per divisió en freqüència ortogonal (OFDM) mitjançant la implementació d'algorismes de processat digital del senyal en temps real sobre dispositius de lògica programable (FPGA). Els sistemes de transmissió de modulació d'intensitat i detecció directa (IM/DD) semblen ser la solució més interesant per a les xarxes òptiques passives (PON) de baix cost que seran necessàries per respondre a la gran demanda de tràfic dels propers anys, producte de l'augment significatiu de dispositius connectats a Internet, serveis i programari al núvol, vídeo d'alta definició, entre d'altres. Per tant, aquesta tesi té com objectiu principal obtenir la màxima taxa binaria i eficiència espectral possible d'un sistema IM/DD OFDM en PON (amb una sola banda i una sola longitud d'ona). Amb aquesta finalitat s'ha desenvolupat l'arquitectura hardware d'un receptor OFDM d'alta velocitat que treballa en temps real a un dispositiu FPGA Virtex-7 amb una freqüència de rellotge de 312,5 MHz utilitzant un convertidor analògic a digital amb una taxa de mostreig de 5 GS/s. Per aconseguir les millors prestacions possibles, s'ha intentat aprofitar al màxim l'ample de banda del sistema (aproximant-se al límit de Nyquist) i s'ha realitzat una càrrega variable de les subportadores del símbol OFDM atenent a les característiques del canal electró-òptic. A més, s'han dissenyat e implementat els algorismes de processament necessaris per la detecció i desmodulació dels símbols OFDM, i s'ha desenvolupat una plataforma experimental que ha permès validar-los en temps real a través d'un enllaç de fibra monomode estàndard (SSMF). El principal resultat d'aquesta tesi és haver demostrat experimentalment que amb el sistema proposat es pot arribar a una taxa binaria de 19,63 Gb/s amb una eficiència espectral de 8,07 bits/s/Hz sobre 20 km de SSMF, la qual cosa implica quasi duplicar les millors prestacions publicades fins aquest moment. Per completar el disseny del receptor, s'ha desenvolupat un algorisme de sincronització de temps basat en la correlació creuada entre un preàmbul conegut i el senyal OFDM rebut, el qual presenta una taxa d'error extremadament baixa, inclòs en condicions de molt baixa SNR, i el seu disseny optimitzat requereix menys recursos que altres sincronitzadors publicats fins el moment. També s'ha desenvolupat un processador de FFT de longitud variable mitjançant una arquitectura paral·lela segmentada que permet arribar fins una taxa de 10 GS/s en dispositius Virtex-7 amb una eficiència (àrea/velocitat) superior a la d'altres treballs publicats, i un equalitzador de canal basat en una tècnica d'estimació i compensació en freqüència, que utilitza un preàmbul característic per poder disminuir la complexitat hardware i augmentar la precisió de l'estimació. Tots els algorismes implementats a aquesta tesi doctoral han sigut dissenyats per processar 16 mostres en paral·lel, i així poder reduir la freqüència de rellotge (5 GHz/16) fins valors acceptables pels dispositius FPGA. / [EN] This thesis presents an in-depth exploration of the technical feasibility and achievable performance of a low-cost and high-speed optical communication system based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) through the implementation of real-time digital signal processing algorithms over programmable logic devices (FPGA). Optical transmission systems based on intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) is considered as one of the most interesting solutions for the deployment of the low-cost passive optical networks (PONs) that will be needed to cover the high traffic demand in the coming years. This demand is fueled, among others, by the significant increase of connected devices to the Internet, services and programs in the cloud, high definition video, etc. The main objective of this thesis is to achieve the maximum bitrate and spectral efficiency of an IM/DD PON OFDM system (using a single band and a single wavelength). To this end, the hardware architecture of a high-speed real-time OFDM receiver, including all the necessary algorithms to perform the detection and demodulation of the OFDM symbols, has been implemented in a Virtex-7 FPGA device at a clock frequency of 312.5 MHz using a digital analog converter with a sampling rate of 5 GS/s. To reach the best possible performance, all the system bandwidth has been employed and the OFDM subcarriers have been loaded according to the characteristics of the electro-optical channel. An experimental platform for optical transmission through standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) has been developed to evaluate in real-time the performance of the implemented receiver. The main result of this thesis is the experimental validation of the proposed system that has achieved a bit rate of 19.63 GS/s and a spectral efficiency of 8.07 bit/s/Hz over 20 km SSMF. These results almost double the best performance published to date. The receiver implementation included the design and development of several algorithms. First, it was designed a time synchronization algorithm (TSA) based on the cross-correlation between a known preamble and the received OFDM signal. This TSA has a good performance in low-SNR scenarios and its optimized design requires fewer resources than other synchronizers published in the literature. Second, a variable length parallel pipelined FFT processor has been implemented in a Virtex-7 device, it reaches a throughput of 10 GS/s with an efficiency (area/speed) higher than that of other published works. And finally, a channel equalizer working in the frequency domain to estimate and compensate channel distortions, which uses a known preamble to decrease the hardware complexity and increase the accuracy of the estimation, has been implemented. All the algorithms in this thesis have been developed to process 16 samples in parallel, thus reducing the required clock frequency (5 GHz/16) to acceptable values for the FPGA devices. / Deseo expresar mi gratitud a las autoridades de la Facultad Regional Buenos Aires de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional por el apoyo económico y personal recibido durante la realización de esta tesis. / Bruno, JS. (2019). Algoritmos y arquitecturas hardware para la implementación de OFDM en sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/119988

Bandlimited Optical Intensity Modulation Under Average and Peak Power Constraints

Zhang, Dingchen January 2016 (has links)
Bandlimited optical intensity channels, arising in applications such as indoor infrared communications and visible light communications (VLC), require that all signals satisfy a bandwidth constraint as well as average, peak and non-negative amplitude constraints. However, the signaling designed for conventional radio frequency (RF) electrical channels cannot be applied directly, since they take energy constraints into consideration instead of amplitude constraints. In addition, conventional transmission techniques optimized for broad-band optical channels such as fiber optics, terrestrial/satellite-to-satellite free-space optical (FSO) communications are typically not bandwidth efficient. In this thesis, a two-dimensional signal space for bandlimited optical intensity channels is presented. A novel feature of this model is that the non-negativity and peak amplitude constraints are relaxed. The signal space parameterizes the likelihood of a negative or peak amplitude excursions in the output. Although the intensity channel only supports non-negative amplitudes, the impact of clipping on system performance is shown to be negligible if the likelihood of negative amplitude excursion is small enough. For a given signal space, a tractable approximation approach using a finite series is applied to accurately compute the likelihood of clipping under average and peak optical power constraints. The uncoded asymptotic optical power and spectral efficiencies using two-dimensional lattice constellations are computed. The Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation results show that for a given average or peak optical power, schemes designed in the presented signal space haver higher spectral efficiency than M-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) using previously established techniques. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Radio over Fiber (RoF) for the future home area networks / Radio sur fibre pour la future génération de réseau locaux domestiques

Guillory, Joffray 30 October 2012 (has links)
L'évolution des Réseaux Locaux Domestiques (RLD) est influencée par l'augmentation irréfrénée du nombre de terminaux connectés dans nos domiciles et par le déploiement de réseaux d'accès optiques haut débit qui délivrent désormais des services dépassant le Gigabit/s. Pour continuer à échanger efficacement les données, les RLD doivent évoluer vers le multi-Gigabit/s, et plus particulièrement la très appréciée connectivité sans fil. Les systèmes radio actuels ont des capacités limitées, néanmoins de nouveaux standards dont le débit excède 7Gbit/s voient le jour. Mais comme ces derniers exploitent la bande millimétrique, entre 57 et 66 GHz, leur couverture radio est limitée à la taille d'une pièce. En effet, à de telles fréquences, les pertes en espace libre sont très élevées et les ondes ne traversent pas les murs. Cette thèse propose de résoudre cette limitation au moyen de solutions Radio sur Fibre (RoF pour Radio over Fiber). Cette technique consiste à capturer les signaux radio émis dans une première pièce, puis à les convertir en signaux optiques pour les transmettre par fibre optique jusqu'à une seconde pièce où ils seront réémis. Plusieurs transducteurs RoF seront donc installés dans le domicile et interconnectés entre eux au moyen d'une infrastructure optique adaptée, créant ainsi des systèmes se comportant à la fois comme répéteurs and comme système de distribution. Pour le marché du RLD, de telles solutions sont compétitives que si elles sont bas coût. Par conséquent, ce travail se focalise sur la modulation directe avec détection directe (IM-DD) en Fréquence Intermédiaire (FI). En d'autres termes, le signal radio à 60GHz est translaté à une plus faible fréquence, autour de 5GHz, pour moduler directement un laser, puis il est restitué à 60GHz après la détection directe. Concernant la fibre optique, la multimode silice (MMF) est privilégiée puisqu'elle permet l'utilisation de composants optoélectroniques bas coût et largement disponible. Cette thèse propose différentes architectures RoF, de la point-à-point reliant deux pièces à la multipoint-à-multipoint agissant comme un bus logique. Après une caractérisation analogique des composants optoélectroniques, du lien RoF et du câble domestique, ces architectures sont construites et caractérisées étape par étape sur la base d'une modulation OFDM conforme aux standards radio 60GHz. Des transmissions temps réel entre terminaux commerciaux sont également réalisées afin de valider ces architectures. Pour finir, des infrastructures RoF avancées sont proposées. Premièrement, les systèmes RoF peuvent être améliorés si l'accès à leur couche optique est contrôlé par la couche MAC radio. Cette approche est donc étudiée, démontrant ainsi sa faisabilité. Deuxièmement, les systèmes optiques, perçus par les utilisateurs comme des produits premium, doivent supporter aussi bien les services de base du RLD que ceux qui vont émerger dans les années à venir. Ainsi, des infrastructures multiservice and multiformat innovantes transportant sur un unique câble optique des données IP, la télévision hertzienne et satellite, les signaux radio 60GHz et d'autres formats spécifiques tels que l'HDMI sont proposées puis testées / The evolution of the Home Area Network (HAN) is lead by the proliferation of connected devices inside the home and the deployment of high broadband access network which now allows the delivery of services that can exceed 1Gbit/s. To ensure efficient in-house exchanges, the HAN has to move rapidly toward multi-Gigabit/s connections, in particular the wireless connectivity generally preferred by the customers. Current wireless systems have limited capacities, but new radio standards delivering data-rates up to 7Gbit/s are emerging. Nevertheless, as they address the unlicensed millimeter-wave band, from 57 to 66 GHz, their radio coverage is limited to a single room. Indeed, at such frequencies, the free-space losses are high and the waves do not cross the walls. This thesis proposes to solve this problem by means of the Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology. This consists in capturing the 60GHz radio signals emitted in one room, converting them into optical signals for transmission through optical fibers, and reemitting them in another room. Thus, several RoF transducers will be installed in the home and interconnected by a suitable optical infrastructure to create systems acting at the same time as repeaters and as distribution systems. From the viewpoint of the HAN market, such systems will be competitive only if they are low cost. As a consequence, this work focuses on direct modulation with direct detection (IM-DD) at Intermediate Frequency (IF). In other words, the 60GHz signal is down-converted at a lower frequency around 5GHz before the laser modulation and up-converted to 60GHz after the photodetection. Concerning the optical fiber, silica multimode fiber (MMF) is privileged as it allows the use of low cost and largely available optoelectronic devices working at 850nm.The thesis proposes different RoF architectures, from point-to-point interconnecting two rooms to multipoint-to-multipoint acting as logical buses. After an analog characterization of the optoelectronic components, the RoF link and the domestic cable, these architectures are designed, built and characterized step by step using OFDM modulation according to existing wireless 60GHz standards. Real-time transmissions between commercial devices have also been performed to validate these architectures. Moreover, advanced RoF infrastructures are proposed. First, the RoF systems can be easily improved if the access to their optical media is managed by the radio MAC layer. This approach is therefore studied showing its feasibility. Secondly, an optical system, seen by users as a premium product, has to support the legacy home services commonly used as well as the new ones that could emerge in the future. Thus, innovative multiservice and multiformat infrastructures conveying on a unique optical cable wired IP data, broadcast terrestrial or satellite television, the 60GHz wireless connectivity, and specific formats as HDMI signals are proposed and tested

Radio over Fiber (RoF) for the future home area networks

Guillory, Joffray, Guillory, Joffray 30 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The evolution of the Home Area Network (HAN) is lead by the proliferation of connected devices inside the home and the deployment of high broadband access network which now allows the delivery of services that can exceed 1Gbit/s. To ensure efficient in-house exchanges, the HAN has to move rapidly toward multi-Gigabit/s connections, in particular the wireless connectivity generally preferred by the customers. Current wireless systems have limited capacities, but new radio standards delivering data-rates up to 7Gbit/s are emerging. Nevertheless, as they address the unlicensed millimeter-wave band, from 57 to 66 GHz, their radio coverage is limited to a single room. Indeed, at such frequencies, the free-space losses are high and the waves do not cross the walls. This thesis proposes to solve this problem by means of the Radio over Fiber (RoF) technology. This consists in capturing the 60GHz radio signals emitted in one room, converting them into optical signals for transmission through optical fibers, and reemitting them in another room. Thus, several RoF transducers will be installed in the home and interconnected by a suitable optical infrastructure to create systems acting at the same time as repeaters and as distribution systems. From the viewpoint of the HAN market, such systems will be competitive only if they are low cost. As a consequence, this work focuses on direct modulation with direct detection (IM-DD) at Intermediate Frequency (IF). In other words, the 60GHz signal is down-converted at a lower frequency around 5GHz before the laser modulation and up-converted to 60GHz after the photodetection. Concerning the optical fiber, silica multimode fiber (MMF) is privileged as it allows the use of low cost and largely available optoelectronic devices working at 850nm.The thesis proposes different RoF architectures, from point-to-point interconnecting two rooms to multipoint-to-multipoint acting as logical buses. After an analog characterization of the optoelectronic components, the RoF link and the domestic cable, these architectures are designed, built and characterized step by step using OFDM modulation according to existing wireless 60GHz standards. Real-time transmissions between commercial devices have also been performed to validate these architectures. Moreover, advanced RoF infrastructures are proposed. First, the RoF systems can be easily improved if the access to their optical media is managed by the radio MAC layer. This approach is therefore studied showing its feasibility. Secondly, an optical system, seen by users as a premium product, has to support the legacy home services commonly used as well as the new ones that could emerge in the future. Thus, innovative multiservice and multiformat infrastructures conveying on a unique optical cable wired IP data, broadcast terrestrial or satellite television, the 60GHz wireless connectivity, and specific formats as HDMI signals are proposed and tested

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