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Evaluation of insect monitoring radar technology for monitoring locust migrations in inland Eastern AustraliaWang, Haikou, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
To evaluate the utility of insect monitoring radar (IMR) technology for long-term monitoring of insect migration, a mini-network of two IMR units in Bourke, NSW, and Thargomindah, Qld, and a base-station server in Canberra, ACT, was set up in eastern Australia. The IMR operated automatically every night under the control of a personal computer that also conducted data acquisition and processing. Digitisation of radar signals, their analysis (delimitation of echoes from background noise and adjoining echoes, followed by extraction of estimates for each target's speed, displacement direction, body alignment, radar cross-section, and wingbeat frequency and modulation pattern), and generation of observation summaries were implemented as a fully automated procedure. Wingbeat frequency was found to be retrievable from the IMR's rotary-beam signals, and this allowed each individual target to be characterised by its wingbeat as well as its size and shape. By drawing on ancillary information from the Australian Plague Locust Commission's database of field survey and light trap records, the echo characters indicative of Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera (Walker), were identified. Using these, about 140 nights with detectable plague locust migrations were identified for the Bourke IMR site during 1998 - 2001 and 31 nights for Thargomindah during 1999 - 2000. Analysis of these nights confirmed that C. terminifera migrates in association with disturbed weather, especially tropical troughs, in eastern Australia. Trajectory simulation based on IMR-derived displacement directions and flight speeds allowed the identification of population movements likely to reach favourable habitats and thus to develop rapidly and possibly cause a plague. The outbreak during 1999 - 2001 most likely originated from the southeastern agricultural belt after migrations and multiplications over several generations. The IMR observations demonstrated that C. terminifera migrates over long distances with the wind at night and indicated that it may have an orientation behaviour that prevents it from being taken too far into the arid inland, a trait that could be highly adaptive in this environment. The two IMRs were operational for more than 85% of scheduled time during the study period and provided a wealth of information of potential value for locust management and migration research
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Retinoic Acid Receptors and Tissue-Transglutaminase Mediate Short-Term Effect of Retinoic Acid on Migration and Invasion of Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y CellsJoshi, S., Guleria, R., Pan, J., DiPette, D., Singh, U. S. 12 January 2006 (has links)
Long-term treatment with all trans-retinoic acid (RA) induces neuronal differentiation and apoptosis. However, the effect of short-term RA treatment on cell proliferation, migration and invasion of neuroblastoma cell lines (SH-SY5Y and IMR-32) remains unclear. RA induces expression of tissue-transglutaminase (TGase) and promotes migration and invasion after 24 h of treatment in SH-SY5Y cells, but not in IMR-32 cells. RA receptor (RAR) agonist (4-(E-2-[5,6,7,8- tetrahydro-5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-2-naphthalenyl]-1-propenyl) benzoic acid) and RAR/retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonist (9-cis-RA) promote expression of TGase, migration and invasion of SH-SY5Y cells, while RXR agonist has no significant effect. RAR antagonist blocks RA effect on migration and invasion, indicating that RAR receptors are required. Retinoid receptors are expressed and activated by RA in both cell lines. However, only transient activation of RAR is observed in IMR-32 cells. These findings suggest that different responses observed in SH-SY5Y and IMR-32 cells could be due to differential activation of retinoid receptors. Overexpression of TGase has no effect on migration or invasion, while overexpression of antisense TGase blocks RA-induced migration and invasion, indicating that other molecules along with TGase mediate RA effects. In addition to the long-term effects of RA that are coupled with cell differentiation, short-term effects involve migration and invasion of neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells.
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Illness Management and Recovery : Implementation and evaluation of a psychosocial program for schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorderFärdig, Rickard January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis was to examine the effectiveness of the Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) program for teaching clients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder to better manage their illness and to promote recovery. This was accomplished through an examination of the program’s effects on psychosocial functioning and psychopathology, the evaluation of general and specific impact of neurocognition on learning the fundamentals of illness self-management, and the impact of symptom severity on outcome of the IMR program. The utility of the illness management and recovery scale to evaluate illness self-management of clients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder was also investigated. The effects of the IMR program were evaluated in a randomized controlled trial that compared participants in the program to participants receiving treatment as usual. 41 participants were recruited at six psychiatric outpatient rehabilitation centers in Uppsala, Sweden, and were randomly assigned to IMR groups for approximately 40 sessions or to a treatment as usual control condition. The IMR program participants demonstrated greater improvement compared to participants in treatment as usual in illness self-management, reduced psychiatric symptoms, improved coping skills, and decreases in suicidal ideation. The findings suggest that the IMR program is effective in improving the ability of individuals with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder to better manage their illness. Possible association between neurocognitive functioning and the acquisition of illness self-management skills was investigated in a total of 53 participants who completed the IMR program. Speed of processing was related to client reported illness self-management skills acquisition, before and after controlling for psychiatric symptoms and medication, but neurocognitive functioning did not predict improvement in clinician ratings of client illness self-management skills. The findings suggest that compromised neurocognitive functioning does not reduce response to training in illness self-management. The impact of symptom severity on outcome of the IMR program was explored in 52 participants who completed the program. The results suggest that significantly more participants met the severity criterion of remission at post-treatment, and it appears that participants not reaching the severity criterion at post-treatment, also benefited from the IMR program, as indicated by the similar effect sizes of the two subgroups (meeting versus not meeting the severity criterion at post-treatment). The psychometric properties of the Illness Management and Recovery Scale (IMRS) were evaluated in 107 participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. And an item-by-item investigation was conducted in order to establish their utility in monitoring the clients' progress in the IMR program. Both the client and clinician version of the IMRS demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency, large test-retest reliability, and convergent validity with conceptually related measures of psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and perception of recovery. The findings support the utility of the IMRS as a measure of illness self-management and recovery in clients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. The general findings of this thesis support the IMR program to be effective in improving the ability of the participants to manage their disorder. The impact of neurocognitive dysfunction on the participants’ ability to learn the fundamentals of illness self-management seems to be limited, and symptom severity did not limit the benefits of the IMR program. Support for the utility of the IMRS to monitor the participants’ progress in the program was also found, providing a brief and economical method for assessing outcome of the IMR program. / Syftet med föreliggande avhandlingsarbete var att undersöka Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) programmets effekter av att lära klienter att bättre hantera negativa konsekvenser av schizofreni eller schizoaffektiv sjukdom och att främja återhämtning. Detta åstadkoms genom en utvärdering av IMR programmets inverkan på psykosocial funktion och psykopatologi, en undersökning av specifik och generell påverkan av neurokognition avseende deltagarnas möjligheter att lära in grundläggande sjukdomshanteringsfärdigheter (illness self-management), samt en undersökning av huruvida schizofrenisymtomens svårighetsgrad inverkar på programutfallet. Vidare undersöktes Illness Management and Recovery Skalans (IMRS) användbarhet för att utvärdera sjukdomshantering och återhämtning (illness self-management and recovery) hos personer med schizofreni eller schizoaffektiv sjukdom. IMR programmets effekter utvärderades genom en randomiserad kontrollerad studie i vilken 41 programdeltagare jämfördes med deltagare i kontrollgrupp vilka fick enbart sedvanlig psykiatrisk behandling. Deltagarna rekryterades vid sex subspecialiserade psykiatriska öppenvårdsmottagningar och slumpades till att antingen delta i IMR programmet eller kontrollgrupp. IMR programmets deltagare uppvisade i jämförelse med kontrollgruppen förbättring i sjukdomshantering, minskade psykiatriska symtom, förbättrade coping-färdigheter samt minskade självmordsbeteenden. Resultaten stöder antagandet att IMR programmet är effektivt vad gäller att förbättra deltagarnas förmåga att hantera negativa effekter av schizofreni och schizoaffektiv sjukdom. Möjliga associationer mellan neurokognitiv funktion och förmågan att tillägna sig färdigheter för sjukdomshantering undersöktes hos 53 deltagare som genomförde IMR programmet. Resultaten pekar på att neurokognitiva svårigheter inte inverkar på deltagarnas möjligheter att lära sig sjukdomshantering enligt IMR modellen. Processhastighet var relaterad till klientrapporterad sjukdomshantering men inte till klinikerrapporterad sjukdomshantering. Processhastighet tycks vara relevant för klientens upplevelse av hur väl han eller hon tillägnat sig programmets strategier och färdigheter, snarare än sjukdomshantering per se. Huruvida schizofrenisymtomens svårighetsgrad inverkar på utfallet av IMR programmet undersöktes hos 52 deltagare som genomförde IMR programmet. Resultaten pekar på att signifikant fler deltagare uppfyllde svårighetsgradskriteriet för remission av schizofrenisymtom efter genomfört IMR program. Även deltagare som inte uppfyllde svårighetsgradskriteriet har nytta av IMR programmet något som indikeras av de båda gruppernas (uppfyllde jämfört med uppfyllde inte svårighetsgradskriteriet) likartade effektstorlekar. Illness Management and Recovery Skalans (IMRS) psykometriska egenskaper undersöktes för 107 deltagare med en schizofreni eller schizoaffektiv diagnos. Skalans enskilda frågor analyserades för att undersöka skalans användbarhet för att utvärdera deltagares progress och utfall i IMR programmet. Både klient och kliniker versionen av skalan uppvisade tillfredsställande intern konsistens, stor test-retest reliabilitet och konvergent validitet med konceptuellt relaterade instrument för psykiatriska symtom, livskvalité och återhämtning. Resultaten stöder antagandet att IMRS är ett användbart instrument för att utvärdera sjukdomskontroll och återhämtning för personer med schizofreni eller schizoaffektiv sjukdom. Avhandlingsarbetets resultat stöder antagandet att IMR programmet är effektivt vad gäller att förbättra deltagarnas förmåga att hantera de negativa konsekvenserna av schizofreni och schizoaffektiv sjukdom. Neurokognitiva svårigheter inverkar i begränsad utsträckning på deltagarnas möjligheter att lära sig sjukdomshantering och schizofrenisymtom tycks ha begränsad inverkan på programutfallet. Resultaten stöder även antagandet att IMRS är ett användbart instrument för att utvärdera sjukdomskontroll och återhämtning för personer med schizofreni eller schizoaffektiv sjukdom, vilket erbjuder en kortfattad och ekonomisk metod att utvärdera effekterna av IMR.
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Development and evaluation of automated radar systems for monitoring and characterising echoes from insect targetsDean, Timothy J., Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes the construction of a mobile Insect Monitoring Radars (IMR) and investigations of: the reliability of IMRs for observing insect migration in inland Australia; possible biases in IMR migration estimates; the relation between an insect???s size and its radar properties; radar discrimination between insect species; the effect of weather on the migrations of Australian plague locusts and of moths; the scale of these migrations; and here IMRs are best located. The principles of entomological radar design, and the main features of insect migration in inland Australia, are reviewed. The main procedures used in the study are: calculation of radar performance and of insect radar cross sections (RCSs); reanalysis of a laboratory RCS dataset; statistical analysis of a fouryear dataset of IMR and weather observations; and a field campaign using both two existing fixed IMRs and the new mobile unit. Statistical techniques used include correlation, multiple regression, discriminant analysis, and principal components analysis. The original results of this work include design details of the mobile IMR, extension of radar performance calculations to IMRs and evaluation of flight speed biases, a holistic approach to IMR design, the relation of insect RCS magnitudes and polarization patterns to morphological variables, an estimate of the accuracy of the retrieved parameters, evaluations of three approaches (oneparameter, theory-based, and a novel two-stage method) to target identification, and verification of inferred target identities using results from nearby light traps. Possible sites for future IMRs are identified. The major conclusions are that: a mobile IMR can be built with a performance equal to that of a fixed IMR but at half the cost; significant biases in the signal processing results arise from insect speed; locusts and moths can be distinguished if all RCS parameters are used; IMRs can be designed to match particular requirements; weather has a significant effect on insect migration, the best single predictor of insect numbers being temperature; moonlight has no effect; the spatial correlation of migration properties falls to 50% at a separation of 300 km; and migrating insects can be carried by the wind for 500 km in a single night
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Etude des dimuons de la région des masses intermédiaires produits dans les collisions d'ions lourds auprès du SPS du CERNCapelli, Laurent 14 March 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la production des dimuons dans une région de masse entre les résonances Phi et J/Psi (Région des Masses Intermédiaires, IMR) dans les collisions proton-noyau et noyau-noyau de haute énergie.<br /><br />L'expérience NA50, installée auprès de l'accélérateur SPS du CERN, détecte les paires de muons émises dans ces interactions au moyen d'un spectromètre spécifique. La mesure de la centralité des collisions repose sur trois détecteurs indépendants : un calorimètre électromagnétique, un détecteur de multiplicité et un calorimètre à zéro degré.<br /><br />Les résultats des analyses proton-noyau fournissent une valeur de référence pour l'étude des interactions noyau-noyau. Les distributions expérimentales, corrigées de l'acceptance et de la résolution par une méthode quadri-dimensionnelle, des dimuons IMR sont correctement reproduites par la superposition des processus conventionnels DY et DDbar (désintégration des mésons charmés). L'extrapolation linéaire avec le nombre de masse des noyaux des résultats p-A aux collisions S-U et Pb-Pb, sous-estime systématiquement les spectres mesurés dans la région des masses intermédiaires.<br /><br />Cet excès de dimuons IMR augmente avec la centralité des collisions. Plusieurs modèles théoriques sont présentés et comparés aux données noyau-noyau. Nous montrons qu'un modèle basé sur la diffusion des mésons D et Dbar dans l'état final ne reproduit pas les distributions expérimentales. Finalement, cette étude permet de proposer deux explications possibles de l'excès observé. Les spectres noyau-noyau peuvent être reproduits soit par une augmentation de la production de charme soit par la présence de dimuons thermiques émis par un milieu dense et chaud.
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Development and evaluation of automated radar systems for monitoring and characterising echoes from insect targetsDean, Timothy J., Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes the construction of a mobile Insect Monitoring Radars (IMR) and investigations of: the reliability of IMRs for observing insect migration in inland Australia; possible biases in IMR migration estimates; the relation between an insect???s size and its radar properties; radar discrimination between insect species; the effect of weather on the migrations of Australian plague locusts and of moths; the scale of these migrations; and here IMRs are best located. The principles of entomological radar design, and the main features of insect migration in inland Australia, are reviewed. The main procedures used in the study are: calculation of radar performance and of insect radar cross sections (RCSs); reanalysis of a laboratory RCS dataset; statistical analysis of a fouryear dataset of IMR and weather observations; and a field campaign using both two existing fixed IMRs and the new mobile unit. Statistical techniques used include correlation, multiple regression, discriminant analysis, and principal components analysis. The original results of this work include design details of the mobile IMR, extension of radar performance calculations to IMRs and evaluation of flight speed biases, a holistic approach to IMR design, the relation of insect RCS magnitudes and polarization patterns to morphological variables, an estimate of the accuracy of the retrieved parameters, evaluations of three approaches (oneparameter, theory-based, and a novel two-stage method) to target identification, and verification of inferred target identities using results from nearby light traps. Possible sites for future IMRs are identified. The major conclusions are that: a mobile IMR can be built with a performance equal to that of a fixed IMR but at half the cost; significant biases in the signal processing results arise from insect speed; locusts and moths can be distinguished if all RCS parameters are used; IMRs can be designed to match particular requirements; weather has a significant effect on insect migration, the best single predictor of insect numbers being temperature; moonlight has no effect; the spatial correlation of migration properties falls to 50% at a separation of 300 km; and migrating insects can be carried by the wind for 500 km in a single night
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