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Dynamic thermal performance of building components and application to the experimental and theoretical analysis of a ventilated façadeMarinosci, Cosimo <1974> 13 April 2011 (has links)
The general aim of this work is to contribute to the energy performance assessment of ventilated
façades by the simultaneous use of experimental data and numerical simulations.
A significant amount of experimental work was done on different types of ventilated façades with
natural ventilation. The measurements were taken on a test building.
The external walls of this tower are rainscreen ventilated façades. Ventilation grills are located at
the top and at the bottom of the tower.
In this work the modelling of the test building using a dynamic thermal simulation program (ESP-r)
is presented and the main results discussed.
In order to investigate the best summer thermal performance of rainscreen ventilated skin façade a
study for different setups of rainscreen walls was made. In particular, influences of ventilation grills,
air cavity thickness, skin colour, skin material, orientation of façade were investigated.
It is shown that some types of rainscreen ventilated façade typologies are capable of lowering the
cooling energy demand of a few percent points.
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The potential of the 3-UPU translational parallel manipulator and a procedure to select the best architectureChebbi, Ahmed Hachem <1981> 19 April 2011 (has links)
The 3-UPU three degrees of freedom fully parallel manipulator, where U and P are for universal and prismatic pair respectively, is a very well known manipulator that can provide the platform with three degrees of freedom of pure translation, pure rotation or mixed translation and rotation with respect to the base, according to the relative directions of the revolute pair axes (each universal pair comprises two revolute pairs with intersecting and perpendicular axes).
In particular, pure translational parallel 3-UPU manipulators (3-UPU TPMs) received great attention. Many studies have been reported in the literature on singularities, workspace, and joint clearance influence on the platform accuracy of this manipulator. However, much work has still to be done to reveal all the features this topology can offer to the designer when different architecture, i.e. different geometry are considered.
Therefore, this dissertation will focus on this type of the 3-UPU manipulators. The first part of the dissertation presents six new architectures of the 3-UPU TPMs which offer interesting features to the designer. In the second part, a procedure is presented which is based on some indexes, in order to allows the designer to select the best architecture of the 3-UPU TPMs for a given task. Four indexes are proposed as stiffness, clearance, singularity and size of the manipulator in order to apply the procedure.
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Caratterizzazione e studio dei meccanismi di azione del silicato di etile per il consolidamento e la protezione delle superfici architettoniche antiche e modernePigino, Barbara <1981> 25 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Environmental weathering of natural and artificial stones used in historical architecture: influence of microstructure and new restoration methodsSassoni, Enrico <1982> 25 May 2011 (has links)
For some study cases (the Cathedral of Modena, Italy, XII-XIV century; the Ducal Palace in Mantua, Italy, XVI century; the church of San Francesco in Fano, Italy, XIV-XIX century), considered as representative of the use of natural and artificial stones in historical architecture, the complex interaction between environ-mental aggressiveness, materials’ microstructural characteristics and degradation was investigated. From the results of such analyses, it was found that materials microstructure plays a fundamental role in the actual extent to which weathering mechanisms affect natural and artificial stones.
Consequently, the need of taking into account the important role of material microstructure, when evaluating the environmental aggressiveness to natural and artificial stones, was highlighted. Therefore, a possible quantification of the role of microstructure on the resistance to environmental attack was investigated. By exposing stone samples, with significantly different microstructural features, to slightly acidic aqueous solutions, simulating clean and acid rain, a good correlation between weight losses and the product of carbonate content and specific surface area (defined as the “vulnerable specific surface area”) was found.
Alongside the evaluation of stone vulnerability, the development of a new consolidant for weathered carbonate stones was undertaken. The use of hydroxya-patite, formed by reacting the calcite of the stone with an aqueous solution of di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate, was found to be a promising consolidating tech-nique for carbonates stones. Indeed, significant increases in the mechanical prop-erties can be achieved after the treatment, which has the advantage of simply con-sisting in a non-hazardous aqueous solution, able to penetrate deeply into the stone (> 2 cm) and bring significant strengthening after just 2 days of reaction. Furthermore, the stone sorptivity is not eliminated after treatment, so that water and water vapor exchanges between the stone and the environment are not com-pletely blocked.
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Comportamento elastodinamico di meccanismi in catena chiusa bilanciati: analisi numerica e sperimentale di un quadrilatero articolatoMartini, Alberto <1981> 19 April 2011 (has links)
The study presented in this work deals with the investigation of the effects produced by two common techniques of static balancing on the dynamic performances of closed-chain linkages, taking into account the compliance of the mechanism components. The long-term goal of the research consists in determining an optimal balancing strategy for parallel spatial manipulators.
The present contribution is a starting point and it focuses on the planar four-bar linkage, intended as the simplest example of closed-chain mechanism. The elastodynamic behaviour of an unbalanced four-bar linkage and two balanced ones, respectively obtained by mass and elastic balancing, is investigated by means of both numerical simulations and experimental tests. The purpose of this work is to obtain preliminary results, to be refined and broadened in future developments
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Materiali compositi e ibridi con predefinite proprietà funzionali. Sviluppo ed applicazioni, con particolare riguardo alla funzionalizzazione superficiale di materiali ceramici.Acquasanta, Francesco <1982> 25 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Caratterizzazione, fabbricazione e applicazione di manufatti in schiuma metallicaBertuzzi, Giacomo <1979> 10 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelling, diagnostics and transport properties of thermal plasmas for industrial applicationsSanibondi, Paolo <1983> 10 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Integrated approaches for designing and optimizing thermal plasma processing for metal cutting and material treatmentConcetti, Alessia <1982> 10 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Institutional pluralism within science-based firms: a scientist-environment fit perspectiveSantoni, Simone <1983> January 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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