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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controllo Vettoriale generalizzato per Macchine Elettriche Trifase / Generalized Vector Control for Three-Phase AC Machines

Pilati, Alessio <1976> 08 May 2012 (has links)
Nell’ambito della presente tesi verrà descritto un approccio generalizzato per il controllo delle macchine elettriche trifasi; la prima parte è incentrata nello sviluppo di una metodologia di modellizzazione generale, ossia in grado di descrivere, da un punto di vista matematico, il comportamento di una generica macchina elettrica, che possa quindi includere in sé stessa tutte le caratteristiche salienti che possano caratterizzare ogni specifica tipologia di macchina elettrica. Il passo successivo è quello di realizzare un algoritmo di controllo per macchine elettriche che si poggi sulla teoria generalizzata e che utilizzi per il proprio funzionamento quelle grandezze offerte dal modello unico delle macchine elettriche. La tipologia di controllo che è stata utilizzata è quella che comunemente viene definita come controllo ad orientamento di campo (FOC), per la quale sono stati individuati degli accorgimenti atti a migliorarne le prestazioni dinamiche e di controllo della coppia erogata. Per concludere verrà presentata una serie di prove sperimentali con lo scopo di mettere in risalto alcuni aspetti cruciali nel controllo delle macchine elettriche mediante un algoritmo ad orientamento di campo e soprattutto di verificare l’attendibilità dell’approccio generalizzato alle macchine elettriche trifasi. I risultati sperimentali confermano quindi l’applicabilità del metodo a diverse tipologie di macchine (asincrone e sincrone) e sono stati verificate nelle condizioni operative più critiche: bassa velocità, alta velocità bassi carichi, dinamica lenta e dinamica veloce. / The Ph.D. work is focused on the development of a generalized method for controlling AC machines. The thesis is subdivided in three main sections. The first section presents the general method for modeling AC machines. Here is described the mathematical analysis that allows to describes the model of the main three-phase AC machine configurations using an unified approach. The second section describes a control algorithm for AC machines that is based on the exploitation of the characteristics and results given by the generalized model described in section one. This field oriented control algorithm (FOC) includes several advanced control strategies for improving dynamic performance and exploitation of the maximum torque all over the speed range of the AC drive. The third section collects the results of the experimental tests which are carried out for verifying the most important aspect of the proposed AC drives. First of all the precision and reliability of the proposed general model are presented, such as its parameter variation sensitivity. The performance of the full control system is then verified, especially during transients in many operating condition: low speed, high speed, low torque, and slow and fast dynamic. The experimental tests also demonstrate the control capability of the proposed system for different machine configurations (synchronous and asynchronous).

New eco-friendly polyesters from renewable resources

Sullalti, Simone <1983> 25 May 2012 (has links)
Nowadays the development of sustainable polymers, with convenient properties to substitute the traditional petroleum-based materials, is one of the major issues for material science. The utilization of renewable resources as feedstock for biopolyesters is a challenging target.The research work described in the present thesis is strictly connected to these urgent necessities and is focused mainly in finding new biopolymers, in particular biopolyesters, which are obtainable from biomass and characterized by a wide range of properties, in order to potentially substitute polyolefins and aromatic polyesters (for example, poly(ethylene terephthalate))

La caratterizzazione probabilistica del sottosuolo come strumento per l’ottimizzazione della progettazione integrata dei sistemi geotermici / The probabilistic characterization of underground as a tool for the optimization of integrated design of shallow geothermal systems

Tinti, Francesco <1982> 08 May 2012 (has links)
L’utilizzo del reservoir geotermico superficiale a scopi termici / frigoriferi è una tecnica consolidata che permette di sfruttare, tramite appositi “geoscambiatori”, un’energia presente ovunque ed inesauribile, ad un ridotto prezzo in termini di emissioni climalteranti. Pertanto, il pieno sfruttamento di questa risorsa è in linea con gli obiettivi del Protocollo di Kyoto ed è descritto nella Direttiva Europea 2009/28/CE (Comunemente detta: Direttiva Rinnovabili). Considerato il notevole potenziale a fronte di costi sostenibili di installazione ed esercizio, la geotermia superficiale è stata sfruttata già dalla metà del ventesimo secolo in diversi contesti (geografici, geologici e climatici) e per diverse applicazioni (residenziali, commerciali, industriali, infrastrutturali). Ciononostante, solo a partire dagli anni 2000 la comunità scientifica e il mercato si sono realmente interessati ed affacciati all’argomento, a seguito di sopraggiunte condizioni economiche e tecniche. Una semplice ed immediata dimostrazione di ciò si ritrova nel fatto che al 2012 non esiste ancora un chiaro riferimento tecnico condiviso a livello internazionale, né per la progettazione, né per l’installazione, né per il testing delle diverse applicazioni della geotermia superficiale, questo a fronte di una moltitudine di articoli scientifici pubblicati, impianti realizzati ed associazioni di categoria coinvolte nel primo decennio del ventunesimo secolo. Il presente lavoro di ricerca si colloca all’interno di questo quadro. In particolare verranno mostrati i progressi della ricerca svolta all’interno del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e dei Materiali nei settori della progettazione e del testing dei sistemi geotermici, nonché verranno descritte alcune tipologie di geoscambiatori innovative studiate, analizzate e testate nel periodo di ricerca. / The use of the shallow geothermal reservoirs for heating and cooling purposes is a proven technique that allows to exploit, through appropriate geo-exchangers, omnipresent and inexhaustible energy, with a reduced cost in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the full exploitation of this resource is in line with the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol and it is described in European Directive 2009/28/EC (commonly known as: Renewables Directive). Given the considerable potential and affordable installation and operation costs, shallow geothermal energy has been exploited since the middle of the twentieth century in various contexts(geographical, geological and climate) and for different applications (residential, commercial, industrial, infrastructure). However, only since the year 2000, the scientific community and the market really began to be interested in the argument, which occurred as a result of economic and technical conditions. A simple and immediate proof of this can be found in the fact that in 2012 there is still no clear technical reference shared internationally, nor for design, nor for installation, nor for testing of the different shallow geothermal applications, despite a multitude of scientific articles published, thermal plants built and industry associations involved in the first decade of the twenty-first century. This research falls within this framework. In particular the progress of research undertaken within the Department of Civil Environmental and Materials Engineering in design and testing of geothermal systems will be shown, as well as some innovative geo-exchangers studied, analyzed and tested will be described

Studio del comportamento flesso-torsionale di un telaio in materiale composito per vettura sportiva / Study of bending and torsional stiffness behavior of a composite frame for sport car

Bonelli, Giovanni Paolo <1982> 18 May 2012 (has links)
Lo studio svolto in merito alle tecniche di produzione di componenti strutturali in materiale composito ha permesso il raggiungimento di una precisa consapevolezza dello stato dell’arte del settore, in particolare in riferimento ai processi attualmente utilizzati per l’industrializzazione in media-grande serie. Con l’obiettivo di sintetizzare i principali vantaggi delle tecnologie suddette e permettere la realizzazione di forme più complesse, si è proceduto all’analisi di fattibilità, attraverso uno studio funzionale e una prima progettazione di una tecnologia di produzione per nastratura automatizzata di componenti strutturali in materiale composito. Si è voluto quindi dimostrare la flessibilità e la consistenza del processo disegnando un telaio nastrato in carbonio, intercambiabile al telaio FSAE 2009 in tubolare d’acciaio (stessi punti di attacco motore, punti di attacco telaietto posteriore, attacchi sospensioni anteriori) e che garantisca un sostanziale vantaggio in termini di peso, a pari rigidezza torsionale. La caratterizzazione di tale telaio è stata eseguita mediante l'utilizzo del calcolo strutturale, validato da prove sperimentali. / The study done on the techniques of structural components production made ​​in composite materials has permitted the achievement of a precise knowledge of the state of art, particularly in reference to the processes currently used for the industrialization in medium-large series. With the aim to synthesize the main advantages of these technologies and to allow the production of more complex shapes, the feasibility was examined, through a functional study and a first design of a production technology for automated taping of structural components in composite material. The flexibility and consistency of the process was demonstrated by drawing a frame interchangeable with the 2009 FSAE chassis with tubular steel (same engine attachment, same rear frame attachments and same front suspension attacks), and which guarantees a substantial advantage in terms of weight, maintaining the same torsional stiffness. The characterization of such frame has been made ​​through Cae analisys, validated by experimental tests.

Produzione automatizzata per nastratura di componenti strutturali in materiale composito / Automated Structural Composites Components Production for Taping

Maldini, Federico <1982> 18 May 2012 (has links)
Questa dissertazione tratterà l’argomento dello studio di metodi di progettazione e processi tecnologici innovativi per l’industrializzazione in medio-grande serie di componenti strutturali in materiale composito. L’interesse della ricerca verso questo ambito è suscitato dai notevoli vantaggi che l’utilizzo di materiali dall’alto rapporto prestazioni meccaniche/peso danno nella ricerca di elevate prestazioni in applicazioni sportive e diminuzione dei consumi ed emissioni inquinanti in mezzi di trasporto di grande serie. Lo studio di componenti in materiale composito è caratterizzato dalla peculiarità di non poter disgiungere la progettazione della geometria della parte da quella del materiale e del processo, ed in questo senso nella figura del progettista si vanno a riassumere sinergicamente competenze riguardanti i tre ambiti. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è la proposizione di una metodologia di progettazione e produzione di componenti strutturali che permetta l’utilizzazione ottimale della natura fibrosa del materiale composito sia dal punto di vista del trasferimento dei carichi tra diversi componenti, sia dal punto di vista del processo di laminazione che avviene per nastratura automatizzata. Lo studio è volto a mostrare in quali termini tale tecnologia sia potenzialmente in grado di superare i vincoli di forma ed i limiti di efficienza meccanica delle giunzioni tra le parti e di garantire maggiore produttività e costi inferiori rispetti ai diversi metodi di produzione che rappresentano oggi lo stato dell’arte dell’industrializzazione in medio-grande serie. Particolare attenzione verrà posta sull’utilizzo della tecnologia oggetto di studio per la produzione di telai automobilistici. / This dissertation will address the topic of the study of methods of design and technological innovation for the industrialization processes in medium to large number of structural components made of composite materials. The focus of research into this area is caused by the considerable advantages that the use of materials from mechanical performance ratio / weight loss in the search for high performance sports applications and reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in transports. The study of composite materials is characterized by the peculiarity of not being able to separate the design of the part geometry from that of the material and process, and in this sense in the figure of the designer is going to summarize synergistically skills on the three areas. The purpose of this work is the proposition of a methodology of design and production of structural components which allows optimum utilization of the fibrous nature of the composite material both from the point of view of the transfer of loads between different components, both from the point of view of the rolling process which takes place by taping automated. The study is intended to show in what way this technology has the potential to overcome the constraints of the form and the limits of mechanical efficiency of the junctions between the parties and to ensure higher productivity and lower costs to comply with different production methods, which have become the state of industrialization in medium to large series. Particular attention will be placed on the use of the technology being studied for the production of automotive frames.

A Design Method for Flexure-Based Compliant Mechanisms on the Basis of Stiffness and Stress Characteristics

Meng, Qiaoling <1978> 27 April 2012 (has links)
Geometric nonlinearities of flexure hinges introduced by large deflections often complicate the analysis of compliant mechanisms containing such members, and therefore, Pseudo-Rigid-Body Models (PRBMs) have been well proposed and developed by Howell [1994] to analyze the characteristics of slender beams under large deflection. These models, however, fail to approximate the characteristics for the deep beams (short beams) or the other flexure hinges. Lobontiu's work [2001] contributed to the diverse flexure hinge analysis building on the assumptions of small deflection, which also limits the application range of these flexure hinges and cannot analyze the stiffness and stress characteristics of these flexure hinges for large deflection. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to analyze flexure hinges considering both the effects of large-deflection and shear force, which guides the design of flexure-based compliant mechanisms. The main work conducted in the thesis is outlined as follows. 1. Three popular types of flexure hinges: (circular flexure hinges, elliptical flexure hinges and corner-filleted flexure hinges) are chosen for analysis at first. 2. Commercial software (Comsol) based Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method is then used for correcting the errors produced by the equations proposed by Lobontiu when the chosen flexure hinges suffer from large deformation. 3. Three sets of generic design equations for the three types of flexure hinges are further proposed on the basis of stiffness and stress characteristics from the FEA results. 4. A flexure-based four-bar compliant mechanism is finally studied and modeled using the proposed generic design equations. The load-displacement relationships are verified by a numerical example. The results show that a maximum error about the relationship between moment and rotation deformation is less than 3.4% for a flexure hinge, and it is lower than 5% for the four-bar compliant mechanism compared with the FEA results.

Problemi di consolidamento di matrici lapidee di differente microstruttura esposte a sollecitazioni ambientali e microclimatiche di varia origine / Problems of consolidation of stones with different microstructure exposed to various environmental solicitations

Mameli, Pier Luca <1969> 25 May 2012 (has links)
Questa ricerca presenta i risultati di una indagine volta a verificare la reale efficacia di rinforzo corticale su rocce carbonatiche di differenti caratteristiche mineralogiche, utilizzando consolidanti inorganici in soluzione acquosa quali l’Ossalato Ammonico (AmOX) e il Diammonio Fosfato Acido (DAHP). Le matrici carbonatiche scelte sono quelle del marmo invecchiato e una biomicrite. Sui campioni sono state effettuate indagini (SEM,MIP,XRD,MO,TG-DTA) di caratterizzazione prima e dopo i trattamenti volte a valutare eventuali effetti di rinforzo e misure fisiche di suscettività all’acqua. L’efficacia dei consolidanti inorganici è stata comparata con diversi consolidanti organici e ibridi presenti in commercio ed utilizzati in ambito conservativo. L'efficacia si è mostrata fortemente legata al fabric del materiale e alle modalità di strutturazione del prodotto di neomineralizzazione all’interno della compagine deteriorata. Nel caso del trattamento con AmOx il soluzione acquosa al 4%, la whewellite è l’unica fase di neoformazione riscontrata; la sua crescita avviene con un meccanismo essenzialmente topochimico. Nei materiali carbonatici compatti si possono ottenere solo modesti spessori di coating di neoformazione; per le rocce porose, contenenti difetti come lesioni, pori o micro-fratture, l’efficacia del trattamento può risultare più incisiva. Questo trattamento presenta lo svantaggio legato alla rapidissima formazione dei cristalli di whewellite che tendono a passivare le superfici impedendo la progressione della reazione; il vantaggio è connesso alla facile applicazione in cantiere. Nel caso del DAHP sulla matrice carbonatica trattata, si formano cluster cristallini contenenti specie più o meno stabili alcune riconducibili all’idrossiapatite. La quantità e qualità delle fasi, varia fortemente in funzione della temperatura, pH, pressione con conseguenze interferenza nelle modalità di accrescimento dei cristalli. Il trattamento alla stato attuale appare comunque di notevole interesse ma allo stesso tempo difficilmente applicabile e controllabile nelle reali condizioni operative di un cantiere di restauro. / We present the results of a survey aimed at assessing the actual effectiveness of a cortical reinforcement over carbonate rock, using as inorganic consolidants in an aqueous solution the ammonium oxalate (AmOx) and diammonium phosphate acid (DAHP). We chose the carbonate matrix of a marble naturally degraded, and a biomicritic stone with poor physical and mechanical qualities. We carried out over the samples several characterisation exams (SEM,MIP,XRD,MO,TG-DTA) before and after the treatments, aimed at evaluating possible reinforcement effects and physical measures of susceptibility to water. We compared the effectiveness of inorganic consolidants against several organic and hybrid consolidants sold on the market. The relative effectiveness of these treatments is strongly bounded both to the structure of the material and to the structuring of the neomineralisation in the deteriorated structure. Regarding the treatment with AmOx (aq) of weight 4%, the whewellite was the only new formation phase found, and its growth takes part in a topochemical process. In compact materials, it is only possible to obtain small depths of new formation coating, while in porous and deteriorated rock with ruptures and micro-fractures, the treatment results in a more effective reinforcement. This treatment has its disadvantages in the extremely quick formation of whewellite crystals tending to passivate the surfaces and to impede the reaction progression. As an advantage it can be easily used on the working site. Regarding the DAHP, crystalline clusters are formed over the carbonate matrix, and they contain species referable to the hydroxiapatite. The quantity and quality of the phases changes greatly depending on temperature, pH, pressure, and, as a result, the phase of crystal-increase is modified. At this stage the treatment appears to be of great interest but at the same time it is hard to use it and control it in a real working site.

Design And Implementation Of An End-To-End Simulator For The BepiColombo Rotation Experiment

Palli, Alessandra <1983> 12 April 2012 (has links)
Among the scientific objectives addressed by the Radio Science Experiment hosted on board the ESA mission BepiColombo is the retrieval of the rotational state of planet Mercury. In fact, the estimation of the obliquity and the librations amplitude were proven to be fundamental for constraining the interior composition of Mercury. This is accomplished by the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE) via a strict interaction among different payloads thus making the experiment particularly challenging. The underlying idea consists in capturing images of the same landmark on the surface of the planet in different epochs in order to observe a displacement of the identified features with respect to a nominal rotation which allows to estimate the rotational parameters. Observations must be planned accurately in order to obtain image pairs carrying the highest information content for the following estimation process. This is not a trivial task especially in light of the several dynamical constraints involved. Another delicate issue is represented by the pattern matching process between image pairs for which the lowest correlation errors are desired. The research activity was conducted in the frame of the MORE rotation experiment and addressed the design and implementation of an end-to-end simulator of the experiment with the final objective of establishing an optimal science planning of the observations. In the thesis, the implementation of the singular modules forming the simulator is illustrated along with the simulations performed. The results obtained from the preliminary release of the optimization algorithm are finally presented although the software implemented is only at a preliminary release and will be improved and refined in the future also taking into account the developments of the mission.

Investigation on the Navigation Anomaly of Pioneer 10 and 11 probes

Modenini, Dario <1983> 12 April 2012 (has links)
The present work consists of the investigation of the navigation of Pioneer 10 and 11 probes becoming known as the “Pioneer Anomaly”: the trajectories followed by the spacecrafts did not match the ones retrieved with standard navigation software. Mismatching appeared as a linear drift in the Doppler data received by the spacecrafts, which has been ascribed to a constant sunward acceleration of about 8.5×10-10 m/s2. The study presented hereafter tries to find a convincing explanation to this discrepancy. The research is based on the analysis of Doppler tracking data through the ODP (Orbit Determination Program), developed by NASA/JPL. The method can be summarized as: seek for any kind of physics affecting the dynamics of the spacecraft or the propagation of radiometric data, which may have not been properly taken into account previously, and check whether or not these might rule out the anomaly. A major effort has been put to build a thermal model of the spacecrafts for predicting the force due to anisotropic thermal radiation, since this is a model not natively included in the ODP. Tracking data encompassing more than twenty years of Pioneer 10 interplanetary cruise, plus twelve years of Pioneer 11 have been analyzed in light of the results of the thermal model. Different strategies of orbit determination have been implemented, including single arc, multi arc and stochastic filters, and their performance compared. Orbital solutions have been obtained without the needing of any acceleration other than the thermal recoil one indicating it as the responsible for the observed linear drift in the Doppler residuals. As a further support to this we checked that inclusion of additional constant acceleration as does not improve the quality of orbital solutions. All the tests performed lead to the conclusion that no anomalous acceleration is acting on Pioneers spacecrafts.

Experimental analysis and FE Modeling of Aluminium alloys Microstructural Evolution in Extrusion / Analisi sperimentale e modellazione EF dell'evoluzione microstrutturale di leghe di alluminio nel processo di estrusione

Segatori, Antonio <1981> 05 June 2012 (has links)
Extrusion is a process used to form long products of constant cross section, from simple billets, with a high variety of shapes. Aluminum alloys are the materials most processed in the extrusion industry due to their deformability and the wide field of applications that range from buildings to aerospace and from design to automotive industries. The diverse applications imply different requirements that can be fulfilled by the wide range of alloys and treatments, that is from critical structural application to high quality surface and aesthetical aspect. Whether one or the other is the critical aspect, they both depend directly from microstructure. The extrusion process is moreover marked by high deformations and complex strain gradients making difficult the control of microstructure evolution that is at present not yet fully achieved. Nevertheless the evolution of Finite Element modeling has reached a maturity and can therefore start to be used as a tool for investigation and prediction of microstructure evolution. This thesis will analyze and model the evolution of microstructure throughout the entire extrusion process for 6XXX series aluminum alloys. Core phase of the work was the development of specific tests to investigate the microstructure evolution and validate the model implemented in a commercial FE code. Along with it two essential activities were carried out for a correct calibration of the model beyond the simple research of contour parameters, thus leading to the understanding and control of both code and process. In this direction activities were also conducted on building critical knowhow on the interpretation of microstructure and extrusion phenomena. It is believed, in fact, that the sole analysis of the microstructure evolution regardless of its relevance in the technological aspects of the process would be of little use for the industry as well as ineffective for the interpretation of the results.

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