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Optimalizace a funkcionální rozšíření informačního systému / Optimisation and Functional Expansion of an Information SystemNeřold, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the information system of translation agency NK Translators s.r.o. Furthermore, changes and functionality extensions should be proposed in order to improve the existing system and subsequently these proposals should be implemented and embedded into the system of the company. The agency uses this information system for the registration of customers and freelance translators and mainly for the project management (the term project means a translation job, a proofreading or an interpretation). Up until now, the agency has been operating with the first version of this system that has been in use for three years. Currently, the emphasis is put on both user-friendly interface and process automatisation so the expansion of the information system represents a significant potential for an effective way of running business. The system is programmed as a web application and mainly uses technologies such as PHP, HTML and JavaScript.
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Informační strategie firmy / Corporate Information StrategyHanák, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the design of enterprise information strategy, which has been in operation for several years. The first part consists of theoretical knowledge, which builds on the analytical part of the master's thesis. Individual analyzes are dealing surrounding the company, its internal state and the current state of information strategy. From these analyzes, based on the design part of the thesis, which supports the development of an information strategy. This solution supports the core business processes. Improving support these processes will increase the company's competitiveness.
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Informační strategie firmy / Corporate Information StrategyDulovič, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on designing an information strategy for an organisational unit of a civic association. Based on an analysis of internal and external environment of the unit, this thesis formulates the information strategy which will support achieving the set of strategic objectives, using selected components of information technology and information system.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Efectiveness Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationFremel, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The master‘s thesis foceses on the analysis of inforamtion system and makes proposal for ICT modification. The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes problems and terms concerning information systems. The thesis via selected analytical methods assesses the current state of the information system. Based on the outcome of the analytical methods, is made proposal for ICT modification.
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Řízení informačních toků využíváním systému Business Intelligence ve vybrané firmě / Management of Information Flows Use of Business Intelligence in the CompanyZemanovičová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis proposes usage of Business Intelligence tools in the chosen company. It considers the costs for installing, assesses the economic benefits and based on the analysis, it proposes appropriate solutions to the currently unsatisfactory situation in the company.
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Návrh na zlepšení procesů skladového hospodářství / Proposal for an Improvement of Warehousing ProcessesRáček, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis includes the creation of proposals leading to an improvement of warehousing processes of the specific company. Master´s thesis consists of three main parts. The first part explains concepts relating to business processes, stock management, mentioned reguirements for the business process management and than described business processes modeling and function of information systems. The second part is focused on global processes analysis of the selected company and detailed analysis of the present warehousing processes status. The third part contains description of possible proposals for an improvement of warehousing processes and than description of specific proposals for necessary changes of the process support by information system.
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Návrh informačního systému / Information System DesignSedlák, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis provides solution for development of a customer support information system according to specific needs of a company. It contains process analysis and suggestions to improve processes, data and function model creation and evaluation of economic benefits after introduction of the system.
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Výběr informačního systému / Information System SelectionRichter, Vít January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes a careful selection of an information system for Ekoplast Telc Ltd Company. Theoretical part deals with a problematic of information systems, ERP systems, and their evaluation and assessment in general. Practical part focuses on an analysis of the currently used system, main requirements and criteria for newly selected system. In addition to that, an evaluation of the preferred options, a choice of an effective system, and a proposal of its alteration as well as an overall economic assessment is included in this part.
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Návrh projektu zavedení IS ve firmě / Project Design of IS Implementation in the CompanyDobrovolný, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with choice and IS implementation problematics in the company with using project management methods. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part there are the most important terms from the project management and information systems described. In the next part there is a history and the firm analysis. The last part deals with concrete project design.
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Návrh a realizace mobilní aplikace pro zařízení Android / Design and Implementation of Mobile Application for Android DevicesBoháč, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on mobile application design and development for Android operating system. Mobile application development methods and tools were used in order to accomplish set goals. The application is implemented in Java programming language with use of Jsoup library. The main purpose of the application is to allow access to Brno University of technology’s information system on mobile devices.
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