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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Tetor, Kamil January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with analysis of project management information system within company Aprova s.r.o. and subsequent draft of new solution to increase efficiency of processes associated with the system. The teoretical part offers the introduction to the topic of information systems. In the analytical part, the thesis reveals current status of the information system which was predominantly evaluated using the HOS 8 method. Based on the analyzes, the draft of new solution was designed. The new solution will ensure more efficient project management within the company.

Informační strategie firmy / Information Strategy of the Company

Hlavenková, Miluše January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the existing information system and proposals suitable for strengthening the automation of business processes and further growth of the company. The work is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the theoretical knowledge from the field of information technologies, which are the basis for clarifying the concepts and methods that will be described in the work. An analysis of the current state of the information system forms the second part of this work. On the basis of these analysis are presented proposals and changes which will lead to the improvement of the company's information strategy and changes in the simplification of the business processes in the company.

Studie průběhu zakázky organizací se zaměřením na informační systém / Study of the Company Order Processing with the Focus on Information System

Šebesta, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with study of the comapany order processing with the focus on information system. It monitors the particular activities in the processing of the order and the use of the information system in the particular departments of the company. It includes draft of changes, which was made on the basis of actual state analyzes. Changes are aimed at achieving optimal quality and delivery terms in the creation of a value chain.

Posouzení informačního systému a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Puklická, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the information system Time Mission owned by ARTIN Ltd. The main part of the thesis is composed of analysis of the system including description of the network infrastructure and used technologies which are useful for another development of software. On the basis of analysis possible changes will be proposed. These changes should lead to increase in efficiency of the information systém.

Using geographical information systems to investigate the bushmeat phenomenon in KwaZulu-Natal

Kammer, Annelene 29 March 2007 (has links)
The bushmeat phenomenon is spreading throughout the African continent. Wildlife species are slain and conservation areas are under increasing strain. Although studies have been conducted in east, central and western Africa, limited resources regarding this phenomenon exist. This is the first study to be conducted in the southern African region. Initially the study was intended for the whole of South Africa, but due to a lack of co-operation from other provincial governments and the unavailability of data, the study was focussed on conservation areas within KwaZulu-Natal. Data regarding bushmeat occurrences were collected from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and the South African Police Services. With the help of a Geographical Information System, the data was overlain with other datasets such as the National Census data and a real-world model was created to establish the correlation and relationship between the bushmeat phenomenon in southern Africa compared to other regions of the continent. The results confirmed a steady increase in the number of reported bushmeat occurrences in KwaZulu-Natal from year to year. The increase in the number of bushmeat occurrences in KwaZulu-Natal can be attributed to an increase in population and poverty as well as the lack of a substantial alternative protein source. Bushmeat are primarily targeted by members of impoverished communities in the surrounding rural areas. Bushmeat are sold at local commercial markets as a subsistence protein source for consumption by the local communities. There is no evidence of a significant international commercial trade in bushmeat in the study area. Poachers travel great distances on foot to hunt inside conservation areas where the targeted animal species are still relatively abundant. Snares are utilised as the most preferred method for poaching in all areas. Hunters also utilise traditional weapons and dogs, but the use of firearms are relatively limited. According to the information derived from the analysis, Nyala and Wildebeest were the most targeted species during poaching activities. The highest percentage of bushmeat occurrences in KwaZulu-Natal take place in Mkhuze- and Ndumo Game Reserves. One of the most troubling results of the study was the police action associated with bushmeat occurrences. In most cases no Police Action was involved and only a limited amount of bushmeat incidents resulted in arrests being made. More effective policing by the South African Police Services are recommended as well as an increase in judiciary participation. More effective documentation of bushmeat occurrences by utilising a Global Positioning System to accurately log the specific locations as well as standardised documentation procedures are recommended for all field officers in all protected areas and regions. This will enable more effective monitoring of the bushmeat phenomenon. It is essential to address the key socio-economic problems as the main cause for the increase in the number of bushmeat occurrences in KwaZulu-Natal. The illicit bushmeat trade in the areas surrounding Mkhuze- and Ndumo Game Reserve can only be brought under control once the quality of life for the surrounding communities improves and more employment opportunities are created. Community conservation and awareness programmes as well as a better understanding of, and an increase in partnerships with surrounding communities will help to alleviate the bushmeat problem. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / MSc / Unrestricted

Optimising geographic accessibility in rural areas : a case study of the Thusong Service Centres in Limpopo province

Snyman, Lourens F. January 2017 (has links)
This research presents a novel method to assess the availability and geographic accessibility of Thusong Service Centres and Thusong Service Clusters in Limpopo province. The distances that people in urban and rural areas travel to their nearest Thusong Service Centre or Cluster were compared. Accessibility in rural areas was optimised by identifying additional locations where accessibility was inadequate and where the establishment of additional Thusong Service Centres and Clusters could improve accessibility. The novel method to measure geographic accessibility considers factors such as population size and density, as well as the availability of roads. Since rural areas in Limpopo province tend to have limited road infrastructure, people are likely to travel between settlements on unofficial trails and footpaths that are not mapped. To include an approximated representation of these trails and footpaths in the overall travel network, a triangular irregular network was created to connect rural settlements to each other, as well as to the road network. Natural barriers, such as mountain ranges and large rivers or dams were also considered. Optimal locations were identified through different facility location procedures in a geographic information system. The objective was to identify the minimum number of additional locations for Service Centres that would maximise accessibility in the province. Results emanating from this research indicate that accessibility to Thusong Service Centres and Clusters is uneven between urban and rural settlements. People in rural areas need to travel significantly further to their nearest Service Centre compared to those living in urban areas. In order to increase accessibility in rural areas and to achieve a more equitable distribution of Service Centres across the province, five optimal locations were identified. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / MA / Unrestricted

Executable Semantics of Recursively Nestable Dialog Flow Specifications for Web Applications

Blom, Sören, Book, Matthias, Gruhn, Volker 09 November 2018 (has links)
Information systems for the support of complex business processes are often equipped with web-based front-ends to allow convenient user access. To produce executable specifications of the users’ interactions with such web-based applications, we use a visual language that enables developers to model their complex dialog structures. In this paper, we introduce the formal semantics of the core constructs of this Dialog Flow Notation: We define its syntax in terms of invariants about the permitted elements and their relations, and show how any words of the language (i.e. any syntactically correct dialog flow specifications) can be mapped to a deterministic pushdown automaton whose behavior defines the notation’s semantics. This gives us and other tool developers a formal basis for the design and implementation of tools and frameworks that mirror the precise meaning of all DFN constructs.

Predicting Delays In Delivery Process Using Machine Learning-Based Approach

Shehryar Shahid (9745388) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div>There has been a great interest in applying Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI-related technologies in recent years. Industries are adopting these technologies very rapidly, which has enabled them to gather valuable data about their businesses. One such industry that can leverage this data to improve their business's output and quality is the logistics and transport industry. This phenomenon provides an excellent opportunity for companies who rely heavily on air transportation to leverage this data to gain valuable insights and improve their business operations. This thesis is aimed to leverage this data to develop techniques to model complex business processes and design a machine learning-based predictive analytical approach to predict process violations.</div><div>This thesis focused on solving delays in shipment delivery by modeling a prediction technique to predict these delays. The approach presented here was based on real airfreight shipping data, which follows the International Air and Transport Association industry standard for airfreight transportation, to identify shipments at risk of being delayed. By leveraging the shipment process structure, this research presented a new approach that solved the complex event-driven structure of airfreight data that made it difficult to model for predictive analytics.</div><div>By applying different data mining and machine learning techniques, prediction techniques were developed to predict delays in delivering airfreight shipments. The prediction techniques were based on random forest and gradient boosting algorithms. To compare and select the best model, the prediction results were interpreted in the form of six confusion matrix-based performance metrics. The results showed that all the predictors had a high specificity of over 90%, but the sensitivity was low, under 44%. Accuracy was observed to be over 75%, and a geometric mean was between 58% – 64%.</div><div>The performance metrics results provided evidence that our approach could be implemented to develop a prediction technique to model complex business processes. Additionally, an early prediction method was designed to test predictors' performance if complete process information was not available. This proposed method delivered compelling evidence suggesting that early prediction can be achieved without compromising the predictor’s performance.</div>

Système de surveillance épidémiologique au Burkina Faso : contribution à la mise en place d'un dispositif informatisé de remontée des données du paludisme et analyses géo-épidémiologiques pour la prise de décision / Epidemiological surveillance system in Burkina Faso : contribution to the implementation of computerized system for reporting malaria data and geo-epidemiological analyses for decision-making

Ouedraogo, Boukary 03 December 2018 (has links)
Notre travail a montré qu’un système de surveillance épidémiologique (SEpi), comme ceux basés sur la téléphonie mobile, doit être obligatoirement intégré au système national. Souvent les acteurs extérieurs imposent et décident de la mise en place d’un système d'information (SI), sans réelle concertation avec les utilisateurs et responsables, sans intégration au système national, sans réflexion à long terme, sur le fonctionnement, les coûts, les développements. Les utilisateurs et les responsables doivent s’approprier le dispositif, tant dans sa mise en place que dans le maintien, le développement et l’analyse. L’exemple de la variation spatio-temporelle du paludisme a montré que des facteurs non sanitaires, en l’occurrence environnementaux, impactent sur la survenue d’épidémies. Il est donc nécessaire, pour avoir une vision de la situation épidémiologique dans un contexte de décision nationale, d’intégrer ces facteurs pour optimiser l’analyse et la SEpi. Il est indispensable, pour une analyse utile d’une situation épidémiologique, d’avoir, en temps réel, des échelles spatiales et temporelles très fines. Le succès du développement d’un SI réside principalement dans l’implication des autorités à chaque niveau hiérarchique. Sans politique de SIS décidée au plus haut niveau, structurée et activement coordonnée, toute mise en œuvre d’un nouvel outil (tablette, téléphone etc.) est vouée à l’échec, quel que soit le budget alloué.Il faut sortir de la tradition de bilan/rapport annuels qui n’analyse que des informations agrégées passées, déconnectées du SI national, pour entrer dans la SEpi 2.0 en temps réel, réactive, intégrée dans un SIS structuré et coordonnée nationalement. / Our work has shown that an epidemiological surveillance system (SEpi), such as those based on mobile phones, must be integrated into the national system. Often external actors impose and decide on the implementation of an information system (IS), without real consultation with users and managers, without integration into the national system, without long-term reflection on the functioning, costs and developments. Users and managers must take ownership of the system, both in its implementation and in its maintenance, development and analysis. The example of the spatial and temporal variation of malaria has shown that non-health factors, in this case environmental factors, have an impact on the occurrence of epidemics. It is therefore necessary, in order to have a vision of the epidemiological situation in a national decision-making context, to integrate these factors to optimize the analysis and the SEpi. It is essential, for a useful analysis of an epidemiological situation, to have, in real time, very fine spatial and temporal scales. The success of IS development depends mainly on the involvement of authorities at each hierarchical level. Without an SIS policy decided at the highest level, structured and actively coordinated, any implementation of a new tool (tablet, mobile phone, etc.) is doomed to failure, regardless of the budget allocated.It is necessary to move away from the tradition of annual review/reporting, which only analyses past aggregated information, disconnected from the national IS, to enter SEpi 2.0 in real time, reactive, integrated into a structured and nationally coordinated SIS.

Automated Spatial Visualization of Bid Data Using Geographic Information System

Shrestha, Joseph, Jeong, H. David 01 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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