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Integrating Differential Global Positioning Systems And Geographic Information Systems For Analysis And Mapping Of Skeletal DispersalsWalter, Brittany 01 January 2012 (has links)
Scene mapping is an integral part of processing a forensic scene with scattered human remains. By utilizing the appropriate mapping technique, investigators can accurately document the location of human remains and maintain a precise geospatial record of this evidence at a scene. Global positioning system (GPS) units have been used for years to survey the spatial distribution of large-scale archaeological sites. However, differential global positioning (DGPS) unit now provide decreased positional error suitable for small-scale surveys, such as forensic scenes. Because of the lack of knowledge concerning this utility in mapping a scene, controlled research is necessary to determine the practicality of using DGPS in mapping scattered human remains in different environments. The purpose of this research is to quantify the accuracy of a DGPS unit for mapping skeletal dispersals and to determine the applicability of this utility in mapping dispersed remains. First, the accuracy of the DGPS unit was determined using known survey markers in different environments. Secondly, several simulated scenes were constructed and mapped in open, tree-covered, and structure-obstructed environments using the DGPS. Factors considered included the extent of the dispersal, data collection time, and the use of offsets. Data were differentially postprocessed and compared in a geographic information system (GIS) to evaluate the most efficient recordation methods. Results of this study show that the DGPS is a viable option for mapping human remains in open areas. Furthermore, guidelines for accurate scene mapping using a DGPS unit will be provided, along with a discussion concerning the integration of DGPS into GIS for scene analysis and presentation
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Mapping Plant Biodiversity Hotspots at the County Scale: A New Tool for Establishing Resource Conservation StrategiesHaydu, Kristie 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Myers first identified the world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots and pioneered innovative ideas about the usefulness of biodiversity models for establishing long-term resource conservation strategies at global scales. Since Myers, most of the subsequent studies using hotspot science for biodiversity modeling have used large spatial scales like countries, provinces or states, and other biogeoraphic regions. The California Floristic Province continues to be one of the recognized global biodiversity hotspots. Our study site, San Luis Obispo County is within this hotspot and we created a map of plant biodiversity hotspots at the county scale using GIS technology. We wanted to determine the effectiveness and applicability of biodiversity hotspot mapping at this scale with anticipation that the map will serve as a new tool for establishing long-term resource conservation strategies in the County. Our plant biodiversity hotspot map is based on distribution data collected from herbarium specimens of San Luis Obispo County’s rare flora. These data were extracted from the Hoover Herbarium at Cal Poly and manually digitized into GIS. We built a model with GIS to identify, locate, and quantify the resultant hotspots from the data. The overall approach was successful at identifying and quantifying the attributes and geographic extents of plant biodiversity hotspots at the county scale. Our results are highly applicable for establishing local and regional plant conservation priorities at lower resolutions, which is frequently where land acquisition and reserve establishment occurs. We conclude that biodiversity hotspot modeling with GIS is an effective tool that can be applied to many other finer-scale biological inventories for conservation purposes.
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An empirical investigation of information systems success. An analysis of the factors affecting banking information systems success in Egypt.Hussein, Safaa A. January 2009 (has links)
Information technology (IT) plays an important role in contemporary organisations and this role continues to expand in scope and complexity and affects business operations dramatically. Advances in the IT industry have caused major changes in every industry sector. The banking industry is no exception and it has undergone a dramatic change over the past few decades. With the coming of the information age, IS investments are becoming increasingly important to banks` survival, growth and prosperity. IS managers are under increasing pressure to justify the value and contribution of IS expenditure to the productivity, quality and competitiveness of the organisation.
This study aims to propose a model which investigates the success of information systems in the banking industry in order to help bank managers to evaluate the success of their IS, to be able to develop these systems and to improve the performance of bank managers and employees. Given that the ultimate dependent variable for this research is individual impacts, DeLone and McLean (2003) updated IS success model is leveraged and extended in this research.
The study proposes a research model which is guided by the decision to select a suitable number of key potential demographic and situational variables, in addition to the adoption of DeLone and McLean (2003) updated model. This model proposes that a variety of factors were found to affect IS success in general, however, from the socio-technical viewpoint, IS success should capture both technological and human elements. Therefore, an effective Banking Information System (BIS) typically requires an appropriate combination of both. As such, Thus, the technological dimensions (i.e. system, service and information quality) and the human dimensions (e.g. user satisfaction, perceived system benefits, user involvement, user training, age, education and system use) can be a good starting point when considering suitable constructs for measuring BIS success.
The research methodology of this study involved interviews with BIS practitioners and professionals to shape and refine the research model. Further, questionnaire survey was employed to collect data from bank managers in Egyptian banks. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using Partial Least Square (PLS) was used to test the research model.
Three research models were proposed according to age groups and initial results from PLS analysis reported different results in each research model. Findings indicated that system, information and service quality, level of training, age, length of system use, user involvement and top management support were the main predictors (success constructs) of user satisfaction and individual impacts in the three proposed research models. However, the relationships between these constructs varied according to each age group of managers.
The study offers important academic and practical contributions. Firstly, as a contribution to research, the study serves to extend the DeLone and McLean (2003) IS success model by introducing some key human and situational dimensions and confirming certain links in that model with the context of banking industry. The contribution to practice is especially relevant for bank CIOs, software designers and developers looking for ways to improve BIS developments by providing them with directions regarding the BIS success dimensions that should be considered to encourage bank managers to adopt and be more satisfied with BIS which in turn influence their job performance. / Egyptian Higher Education Ministry
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Information quality assessment in e-learning systems.Alkhattabi, Mona A. January 2010 (has links)
E-learning systems provide a promising solution as an information exchanging channel. Improved technology could mean faster and easier access to information but does not necessarily ensure the quality of this information. Therefore it is essential to develop valid and reliable methods of quality measurement and carry out careful information quality evaluations.
Information quality frameworks are developed to measure the quality of information systems, generally from the designers¿ viewpoint. The recent proliferation of e-services, and e-learning particularly, raises the need for a new quality framework in the context of e-learning systems. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose a new information quality framework, with 14 information quality attributes grouped in three quality dimensions: intrinsic, contextual representation and accessibility. We report results based on original questionnaire data and factor analysis. Moreover, we validate the proposed framework using an empirical approach. We report our validation results on the basis of data collected from an original questionnaire and structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in particular.
However, it is difficult to measure information quality in an e-learning context because the concept of information quality is complex and it is expected that the measurements will be multidimensional in nature. Reliable measures need to be obtained in a systematic way, whilst considering the purpose of the measurement. Therefore, we start by adopting a Goal Question Metrics (GQM) approach to develop a set of quality metrics for the identified quality attributes within the proposed framework. We then define an assessment model and measurement scheme, based on a multi element analysis technique. The obtained results can be considered to be promising and positive, and revealed that the framework and assessment scheme could give good predictions for information quality within e-learning context.
This research generates novel contributions as it proposes a solution to the problems raised from the absence of consensus regarding evaluation standards and methods for measuring information quality within an e-learning context. Also, it anticipates the feasibility of taking advantage of web mining techniques to automate the retrieval process of the information required for quality measurement. This assessment model is useful to e-learning systems designers, providers and users as it gives a comprehensive indication of the quality of information in such systems, and also facilitates the evaluation, allows comparisons and analysis of information quality.
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Understanding the later prehistoric field systems of the Yorkshire DalesBrown, Hannah J. January 2016 (has links)
The Yorkshire Dales National Park contains some of the UK’s most extensive and well-preserved prehistoric landscapes. Of particular interest are a number of coaxial field systems, which cover hundreds of hectares and exhibit significant time-depth, yet remain little studied and poorly understood
in relation to comparable resources elsewhere in Britain and north western Europe. This research aims to address this situation, bringing together existing disparate source materials for the first time, alongside supplementary field observation, to develop a detailed record of the coaxial landscapes. Using a Geographic Information System to manage, interpret and interrogate the combined datasets, analysis focuses on form and character, and explores prehistoric use of the iconic landscape. The study seeks to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the landscapes’ place in space and time, setting them against the backdrop of systems elsewhere, and attempts to place them within the context of later prehistoric society. The research, conducted in association with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, also informs the management and public understanding of the archaeological resource of the Dales via the Historic Environment Record. / Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Award.
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Ett steg i rätt riktning : En studie om att förebygga mobbning med stöd av teknik. / A step in the right direction : A study on preventing bullying in primary school with the support of technology.Aspeqvist, Agnes, Eriksson, Michelle January 2022 (has links)
Mobbning och kränkande behandling är att betrakta som ett allvarligtsamhällsproblem. Om mobbning inte får mer riktad uppmärksamhet och ett störreingripande, fortsätter ett tyst godkännande för kränkning av en annan människa.Därför ämnade denna studie att undersöka hur en potentiell mobilapplikation skullekunna hjälpa till och förebygga mobbning i grundskolan. Syftet med den här studieninnebar att få en djupare förståelse för den potentiella användningen av enmobilapplikation som skulle kunna användas för att förebygga mobbning igrundskolan, samt vad som skulle vara de önskade designegenskaperna för en sådanmobilapplikation ur grundskoleelevers perspektiv. Forskningsfrågorna som studienämnade att besvara var: Vilka förslag har elever i grundskolan för att förebygga ochförhindra mobbning? Hur uppfattar elever i grundskolan den potentiellaanvändningen av en mobilapplikation för att förebygga mobbning? Hur beskriverelever i grundskolan de önskade designegenskaperna av en mobilapplikation för attförebygga mobbning? För att få en bredare förståelse om forskningsområdetgenomfördes en litteraturstudie kring fenomenet mobbning, det digitaliseradesamhället samt att designa för användaren. I studien så tillämpandes även detteoretiska ramverket HMSAM. För att lyckas svara på studiens forskningsfrågor togstudien en kvalitativ ansats där enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförtsmed åtta grundskoleelever i åldern 15-17år. Utifrån studiens upptäckter tillsammansmed ramverkets teorier om användarvänlighet och användbarhet framkomrekommendationer för en potentiell mobilapplikation för att förebygga mobbningvilket således kan ses som svaret på studiens tre forskningsfrågor. / Bullying and abusive treatment are considered a serious societal problem. If bullyingdoes not receive more targeted attention and greater intervention, a silent approval forthe violation of another person continues. Therefore, this study aimed to investigatehow a potential mobile application could help and prevent bullying in primary school.The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the potential use ofa mobile application that could be used to prevent bullying in primary school, andwhat would be the desired design characteristics for such a mobile application fromthe perspective of primary school students. The research questions that the studyintended to answer were: What suggestions do elementary school students have toprevent and deter bullying? How do primary school students perceive the potentialuse of a mobile application to prevent bullying? How do elementary school studentsdescribe the desired design features of a mobile application to prevent bullying? Inorder to gain a broader understanding of the research area, a literature study wasconducted on the phenomenon of bullying, the digital society and designing for theuser. In the study, the theoretical framework HMSAM was also applied. In order tosucceed in answering the study's research questions, the study took a qualitativeapproach where individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with eightprimary school students aged 15-17 years. Based on the study's discoveries togetherwith the framework's theories on user friendliness and usability, recommendationsemerged for a potential mobile application to prevent bullying, which can thus beseen as the answer to the study's three research questions.
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On the Structural Link Between Ontologies and Organised Data SetsMarinache, Alicia January 2016 (has links)
The proposed work focuses on articulating a mathematical framework to capture the structure of an ontology and relate it to organised data sets. In the discussed framework, the ontology structure captures the mereological relationships between concepts. It also uses other relationships relevant to the considered domain of application. The organised dataset component of the framework is represented using diagonal-free cylindric algebra. The proposed framework, called the domain-information structure, enables us to link concepts to data sets through a number of typed data operators. The new framework enhances concurrent reasoning on data for knowledge generation, which is essential for handling big data. We illustrate the advantage of the obtained framework by using it in generating new knowledge from an ontology and a given data set. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Автоматизация основных процессов медицинской организации на основе прикладного решения «1С:Медицина. Поликлиника» : магистерская диссертация / Automation of the main processes of the medical organization on the basis of the applied solution "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic"Чечулина, К. А., Chechulina, K. A. January 2018 (has links)
В диссертации был проведен анализ литературы и нормативно-справочной документации по теме диссертации, по результатам исследования была сформирована таблица сравнений медицинских информационных систем.
Разработаны требования к медицинским системам. В ходе работы были построены модели исследуемых бизнес-процессов и разработан новый блок медицинской информационной системы для клиники «Геном-Волга». / The analysis of literature and normative-reference documentation on the subject of the thesis was carried out in the thesis, the table of comparisons of medical information systems was formed based on the results of the research.
Requirements to medical systems are developed. In the course of the work, models of the studied business processes were built and a new block of medical information system for Genom-Volga clinic was developed.
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A Method for Assessing Regional Bioenergy Potentials Based on GIS Data and a Dynamic Yield Simulation ModelBao, Keyu, Padsala, Rushikesh, Coors, Volker, Thrän, Daniela, Schröter, Bastian 18 April 2023 (has links)
The assessment of regional bioenergy potentials from different types of natural land cover is an integral part of simulation tools that aim to assess local renewable energy systems. This work introduces a new workflow, which evaluates regional bioenergy potentials and its impact on water demand based on geographical information system (GIS)-based land use data, satellite maps on local crop types and soil types, and conversion factors from biomass to bioenergy. The actual annual biomass yield of crops is assessed through an automated process considering the factors of local climate, crop type, soil, and irrigation. The crop biomass yields are validated with historic statistical data, with deviation less than 7% in most cases. Additionally, the resulting bioenergy potentials yield between 10.7 and 12.0 GWh/ha compared with 13.3 GWh/ha from other studies. The potential contribution from bioenergy on the energy demand were investigated in the two case studies, representing the agricultural-dominant rural area in North Germany and suburban region in South Germany: Simulation of the future bioenergy potential for 2050 shows only smaller effects from climate change (less than 4%) and irrigation (below 3%), but the potential to cover up to 21% of the transport fuels demand in scenario supporting biodiesel and bioethanol for transportation.
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Bahamian Cave and Karst Geodatabase, and GIS Analysis of San Salvador Island, BahamasWalker, Adam Dennis 05 August 2006 (has links)
A geodatabase and a data management program have been created to store and manipulate cave and karst feature data from the Bahamas. A geographic information system was used to recognize any spatial patterns in the cave and karst data from San Salvador Island. Elevation data for banana holes, vadose pits and flank margin caves were obtained from a digital elevation model and are consistent with values predicted by the Carbonate Island Karst Model. The slope and aspect of the hill on which a flank margin cave is found showed no relationship to cave sizes and shapes, emphasizing the hypogenic nature of flank margin caves. The digital elevation model further demonstrated the position of lakes on San Salvador Island during the last interglacial (OIS 5e) highstand, and the lack of flank margin caves along the shores of these lakes provides evidence for a paleoclimate on San Salvador Island similar to today?s.
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