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Návrh a analýza modulů systému student - school relationship management / Design and Analysis of Modules of Student-School Relationship Management SystemKulík, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This diploma work is concerned with planning and analysing modules of Student-School Relationship Management system (referred to as S-SRM) at universities in the Czech Republic. The goal of this diploma work is to basically devise and afterwards to verify the modules of the S-SRM system from the point of view of their contents and peripherally also its functionality. The part of the goal, that is concerned with the design, is accomplished by the description of the individual modules of the S-SRM system. One part of the goal dealing with the verification of these modules is fulfilled by the means of a research in the group of future users of the S-SRM system (students). This research is realised via the questionnaire on the Internet, and by the means of the comparison of the chosen parts of proposed modules of the S-SRM system with the goals gained in the previous requirements analysis (which means the questionnaire on the Internet). The diploma work is divided into six parts. The first part states the topic. The second part is concerned with the CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management) which are the basis for S-SRM systems. This part is followed by the third section that describes the individual modules of the S-SRM systems, and it also shows the options for its enlargement. The fourth part is dedicated to the questionnaire survey and determination of hypothesis. The analysis of the data gained in the survey is stated in the fifth section that are hypothesis evaluated. In the last, the sixth part, there are inferred the conclusions emerging from the previous parts. The theory of the suggested parts of the modules of the S-SRM system and the practice, the results gained in the previous analysis of the requirements, are compared in this last section. There are two main assets of this diploma work. One of the main assets is the proposal of the modules of the S-SRM itself from the point of view of its content and peripherally its functionality. The second main asset is the realisation of the questionnaire survey and the analysis of the gained data that show the preferences of one group of the users of the S-SRM system, namely the students.
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Analýza dalšího rozvoje studijního informačního systému na VŠE / The analysis of further development of study information system of University of Economics in PragueMynařík, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on the study information systems used in Czech universities. The biggest part concerns the development of information system used in the University of Economics Prague. The goal of this thesis is to propose a way of a new development of this system, based on the analysis of other systems and to support it with the opinions of a representative sample of University of Economics students. The thesis itself is divided into 3 main parts. The first part shows the 4 most used study systems. Each system is analyzed from different viewpoints and its specifics are stressed. The analysis are made from interviews of the system developers and also web presentations of each subject. Each application solutions are compared with each other. The second part is devoted to the development of the information system of the University of Economics Prague. The author of this thesis expresses his opinion of the information system and proposes a recommendation concerning new functions and possibilities. The proposals are based on the experiences of other students of study information systems, or of the developer himself. All proposals are now in the third part introduced through the questionnaire to students of all other faculties of University of Economics Prague, where they themselves can express their opinions to proposed innovations or to the system in general. The results of the questionnaire are interpreted both in words and graphically.
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Digital Acceptans : En undersökning av attityd till digitala verktyg / Digital Acceptance : A survey of attitudes towards digital toolsLevin, Gustav, Elvemo, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Idag kommer fler och fler i kontakt med nya digitala tekniker både inom yrket men även privat. Det är därför viktigare än någonsin att de digitala verktygen når upp till slutanvändares förväntningar såväl som krav. Syftet med denna studien var att undersöka fenomenet digital acceptans. Därför valdes modeller och teorier för utvärdering ut för att jämföras mot individens upplevelser och acceptans av digitala verktyg. En teoretisk grund har lagts genom att samla in och analysera nio modeller för utvärdering av system och användaracceptans, där tre modeller valdes ut. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer där respondenter från olika yrkesbakgrunder har fått möjligheten att berätta om sina upplevelser kring digitaliseringen. Materialet från dessa intervjuer har därefter analyserats för att kategoriseras i olika teman med underkategorier, detta tillät undersökningen att jämföra resultatet från intervjuerna med aktuell forskning. Utifrån slutsatsen har studien tagit fram ett förslag på en konceptuell modell för hur acceptans av digitala verktyg skulle kunna se ut. / Today, more and more people come into contact with new digital technologies both in their profession but also privately. It is therefore more important than ever that digital tools meet the end-users’ expectations and requirements. The purpose of this research was to explore the phenomenon of digital acceptance. Therefore, models and theories for evaluation were selected to be compared against the individual's experience and acceptance of digital tools. A theoretical foundation was created by collecting and analyzing nine models for evaluation of systems and user acceptance, where three were selected. The research was conducted with the help of interviews where participants from different professional backgrounds were given the opportunity to talk about their experiences with digitalization. The material from these interviews was then analyzed and categorized into different themes with subcategories, this allowed the research to compare the results from the interviews with current research. Based on the conclusion, the research has produced a proposal with a conceptual model for what acceptance of digital tools could look like.
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Analýza a návrh změn informačního systému firmy / Company's Information System Analysis and Modifications ConceptZahradník, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis and design changes to a specific company information system under real conditions, and is therefore more practically oriented. The information system is studied both from the perspective of the end user, which is the focus, and in terms of operation and implementation of program solutions. The information system is studied as a whole in a broader context, not only in terms of applications (software), but also in terms of the flow of information, storage and organization of data, users, security, hardware, etc. It should serve to the company as a guide for the elimination of inefficient and / or risk areas, thereby helping to improve work productivity and employee satisfaction.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationHrouzková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment and evaluation of the current state of the information system in the company ABC, s.r.o. Based on the outputs of the analyzes, author of this thesis evaluated the achieved results and then proposed possible solutions which should lead to improved work with the information system and increase the efficiency of its use.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Efectiveness Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationMolík, David January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the information system in the joint-stock company UNIKOM a.s. The thesis is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter presents the theoretical background necessary to understand the concepts related to this topic in the field of information technology and information systems. This section also presents the analytical tools that were used to elaboration of analysis in the following section. The second chapter of this diploma thesis is focused on the company UNIKOM a.s. and analysis of its internal and external factors and assessment of the information system using selected methods. The output of the second chapter is information about problematic parts of the company and the IS. In the third part, the information obtained in the analysis section is used to create suggestions for improvement of the situation in the company.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationTrinh, Ngoc Minh January 2021 (has links)
The thesis‘ topic is “Assessment of the company's information system and proposal of changes.” The thesis deals with the information system of Brno-based company Sneakergallery s.r.o., that sells clothing, footwear and offers commission sales services. The thesis is concluded by a proposal of changes for the insufficiencies pointed out in the analysis, improving the functionality of the company’s information system.
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Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Implementation of the information systemCichra, Petr January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the selection and implementation of an information system for the Pavlovín winery s.r.o. In this thesis is firstly introduces the theoretical foundation necessary for the understanding of this topic and subsequently is analysed the current state of the company with an emphasis on the information system and production processes related to process procedures in the field of cellar management. The penultimate part of the thesis is connected with the evaluation of the information system variant and the subsequent selection of the optimal variant, its implementation is described in the last chapter using the technique of project management.
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Hodnocení informačních systémů. / Information System AssesmentMatuška, Marian January 2008 (has links)
This work is evaluating information system from several different aspects. First of them is evaluation from customers point of view when choosing or using the information system. Second aspect is evaluation of information system itself by producer. The goal of this evaluation is to have high quality information system.
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Hodnocení informačních systémů / Information System AssesmentMenšík, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with information systems evaluation from user and producer aspects. The theoretical part presents current trends and actual ways of using, including practical application used in real firms. The practical part is focused on proposals and changes for concrete producer of information system.
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