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Techniques for the Visualization of Positional Geospatial UncertaintyBarré, Brent A. 20 December 2013 (has links)
Geospatial data almost always contains some amount of uncertainty due to inaccuracies in its acquisition and transformation. While the data is commonly visualized (e.g. on digital maps), there are unanswered needs for visualizing uncertainty along with it. Most research on effectively doing this addresses uncertainty in data values at geospatial positions, e.g. water depth, human population, or land-cover classification. Uncertainty in the data’s geospatial positions themselves (positional uncertainty) has not been previously focused on in this regard. In this thesis, techniques were created for visualizing positional uncertainty using World Vector Shoreline as an example dataset. The techniques consist of a shoreline buffer zone to which visual effects such as gradients, transparency, and randomized dots were applied. They are viewed interactively via Web Map Service (WMS). In clutter testing with human subjects, a transparency-gradient technique performed the best, followed by a solid-fill technique, with a dots-density-gradient technique performing worst.
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Gamification : En studie av spelmekanismers påverkan på användare av informationssystemGannå, Josefine January 2016 (has links)
Gamification in informationsystem and it´s influence on the users is processed in this study. Gamification means bringing elements from the gaming community and applicate them in another context. Purpose of the study is to look closer to how the users affects by gamification in informationsystem and also identify important aspects from a user-perspective point of view. To perform this study, semi-structured in-depth interviews were made, including nine users of a gamified informationsystem. The conclusion is the following: Gamification influence the commitment, working conditions, performance and progress of the users in a significant way. 17 elements important to consider from a user-perspective point of view when using gamification in informationsystem has been detected. / Denna studie behandlar gamifiering av informationssystem och gamifieringens påverkan på användarna. Gamifiering innebär att ta element ifrån spelvärlden och applicera dem i ett annat sammanhang, här ett informationssystem. Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer som ur ett användarperspektiv är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid gamifiering av informationssystem. För att genomföra denna undersökning har semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomförts med nio användare av ett gamifierat informationssystem. Resultatet visar att gamifieringen påverkar användarnas engagemang, arbetssituation, prestation samt utveckling. Baserat på resultatet ges förslag på 17 faktorer, som ur ett användarperspektiv är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid användandet av gamifiering i informationssystem.
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Web-Based Information System for SME / Webový informační systém pro SMEHornof, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays, every single company needs to operate with large amount of data to support daily operation. Although there is pretty good market offer with information systems for managing various kinds of data, only small part of them is suitable for the company that does not deal with sale of goods but provides services, particularly marketing services or IT services (e.g. programming). This thesis describes the design and development of such a system which has a main goal to satisfy the needs of small to medium companies whose needs are still different than what currently marketed products can offer. Such a system will, apart from other functions, be able to manage projects and track work time of employees.
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Zabezpečování kvality vzdělávání v prostředí vysokých škol / Quality assurance of education in higher educationČrepaňa, Radek January 2009 (has links)
University in providing quality education needs to determine degree of fulfilment of customer needs. Therefore, the college needs to collect feedback on teaching evaluation by students in a systematic evaluation of teaching quality and its assurance. This thesis first looks at examining the current state of the problem in theory. The goal of the theoretical background of the problem is to provide a facilitator for further studying the problem in a particular situation. The output of the study is therefore an overview of the current state of problems in the Czech Republic and development opportunities. The next step is to map and description of current efforts in the system of the University of Economics, Prague. The work also carried out and evaluates own research among students of the faculty on student quality assessment of education. Work on the basis of these findings and analysis summarizes the recommendations in the issues under consideration, including proposals to modify the information system of the school. Another basis for these recommendations is the experiences of other universities. The main contribution is the proposal of the strategic map, which contains the structural elements of the problems embedded in the institution's strategic goals. The final recommendations of this work are a comprehensive summary of the steps necessary for the effective quality assurance of education in a school.
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The information system’s impact on the user’s readiness for change : A study of DeLone and McLean IS success model’s impact on the user’s readiness for changeLeifland, Gustav, Selelyo, Sandor January 2019 (has links)
Information system is a crucial topic in today’s business world. Without a proper information system, it is very difficult to compete on the market. The purpose of the study was to analyze the impact an information system has on the users work and how those factors are assessing the users’ readiness to change to e.g. switch from an existing information system to a new more advanced one. The study was based on the DeLone and McLean IS success model and a single case study was conducted with an inductive research approach. The empirical data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews and the findings show that reliability, response time and IT service of the IS system are the factors with the most influence on the user’s perceived readiness to change. Moreover, the users are not ready to change the current information system that is running within the company for a more advanced one. Position, technical skills and top management are all impacting the user’s readiness to change. Organizationscan use these findings to analyze the users’ satisfaction, their behavior and readiness to face the future changes.
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[pt] O fluxo intenso de mercadorias entre países é uma
característica marcante
da globalização. Isto ocorre porque cada vez mais
procuram instalar
unidades produtivas próximas aos mercados consumidores,
enquanto que seus
fornecedores situam-se em vários países.
cresce a
importância do planejamento da movimentação de materiais
dentro de um
sistema logístico internacional. Decisões relativas à
escolha dos meios de
transportes, dos terminais multi-modais de carga, dos
equipamentos para
manuseio, das estratégias de armazenagem, da embalagem e
unitização dos
produtos, e de sistemas de informação, são estratégicas
para o sucesso do
projeto de rede. As cadeias de suprimentos projetadas
pelas multinacionais
automotivas são um dos os maiores exemplos de redes de
fluxos internacionais
de produtos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação
realiza uma análise da
logística de importação de partes e peças amparadas
conceitos de
produção, embalagem e transporte Completely-Knocked-Down
(CKD) e Part-By-
Part (PBP), através do estudo de caso dos projetos dos
automóveis Classe A e
Classe C, produzidos pela montadora DaimlerChrysler do
Brasil na sua unidade
produtiva localizada na cidade de Juiz de Fora. / [en] The increase of material flows between countries is a
strong characteristic
of globalization. It happens because more and more
companies are installing
production units near their main markets and their
suppliers` plants can be in
located in different sites around the world. Therefore the
importance of supply
chain planning increases into the logistics system.
Decisions about warehousing,
transport modes, inter-modal terminals, handling
equipments, packaging,
unitization and information systems are strategic for the
success of the network
project. The multinational automakers are one of the
biggest players of the
international material flow. Within this context, the
present master`s thesis
proposes a supply chain analysis of automotive import
parts involving
Completely-Knocked-Down (CKD) and Part-By-Part (PBP)
production, packaging
and transport concepts, by the analysis of a case study of
A-Class and C-Class
logistics project models assembled by DaimlerChrysler in
Juiz de Fora city
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La Question foncière et immobilière en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas de l'Adressage de la ville de San-Pedro (Sud-ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire) / Land and property issue in Sub-Saharan Africa : the case of Addressing San Pedro (South-western Côte d'Ivoire)Berte, Nouvou 27 September 2013 (has links)
La ville africaine est marquée par un dualisme du modèle urbain. A côté de la ville moderne, administrée, équipée, " légale ", se développent les quartiers " illégaux ", sans équipements ni services urbains de base. La Côte d'Ivoire n'échappe pas à cette situation. Au lendemain des indépendances, elle entreprend la plus vaste opération de géographie volontaire en vue de réduire les injustices spatiales et les inégalités entre régions du Sud forestier ; « l'opération San-Pedro ». Objectif: mettre en valeur une région jusqu'alors totalement enclavée et en marge du « miracle économique ivoirien » ; le Sud-ouest du pays avec comme point d'ancrage, la création d'un port en eau profonde et d'une ville nouvelle. Malgré un projet d'urbanisme largement concerté, San-Pedro abrite aujourd'hui l'un des plus grands quartiers précaires de l'Afrique de l'ouest, favorisant ainsi une fragmentation de plus en plus accentuée de la ville. On observe aujourd'hui dans la ville, moins de 10% des occupations immobilières ayant faits l'objet d'un enregistrement cadastral et d'un droit foncier réel inattaquable. Ce faible pourcentage illustre l'échec du système de l'immatriculation foncière, seule voie légale de sécurisation foncière et immobilière. Cela pose la question fondamentale d'autres voies alternatives à la sécurisation foncière et immobilière. D'où le nécessaire développement des systèmes d'adressage qui, à l'absence de cadastre général, permet de localiser les parcelles à partir de l'espace public afin d'améliorer la connaissance du patrimoine immobilier c'est-à-dire assurer une identification publique des biens et des droits existants facilitant ainsi leur sécurisation et leur reconnaissance juridique ultérieure. A cet effet, de nombreux pays africains ont lancé ces dernières années, des opérations d'adressage visant à servir d'alternative au cadastre fiscal et aux projets difficiles et lents de « régularisation foncière » en promouvant des formes simplifiées et principalement littérales d'identification des parcelles.Cette thèse vise donc à établir à San-Pedro, l'intérêt de l'utilisation d'un système d'adressage dans les politiques de sécurisation foncière et immobilière. Elle cherche à comprendre les relations entre l'adressage et le "droit à la ville", c'est-à-dire le droit d'accès aux ressources urbaines notamment d'accès à la propriété et à la sécurité du logement. Pour appréhender ces relations, il s'avère nécessaire d'entreprendre l'analyse sous l'angle de la justice spatiale tout en soulignant l'importance de l'adressage comme outil de reconnaissance des droits fonciers locaux et surtout d'intégration sociale et économique des populations.Cette approche ouvre de nouvelles perspectives méthodologiques à exploiter dans la réforme des systèmes fonciers et cadastraux des pays africains. / The African city is marked by a dualism of urban model. Alongside the modern city, administered equipped "legal" grow "illegal" areas, no equipment or basic urban services. Côte d'Ivoire is no exception to this. After independence, she undertook the largest operation of voluntary geography to reduce spatial injustices and inequalities between regions of southern forest; "Operation San Pedro." Objective: To develop a region until completely enclosed and outside the "Ivorian economic miracle", the South-west of the country with as an anchor, creating a deep water port and a new city . Despite a largely collaborative project planning, San Pedro now houses one of the largest shantytowns of West Africa, thereby promoting fragmentation increasingly accentuated the city. We observe today in the city, less than 10% of real estate occupations having made the subject of a land registration and real property of an indefeasible right. This low percentage shows the failure of the system of land registration, the only legal way of land and property security. This raises the fundamental question of alternative ways to land and property security. Where necessary the development of addressing systems, the lack of general survey, used to locate plots from public space to improve the knowledge of the real estate that is to say, ensure public identification of property and existing rights and facilitating their security and their subsequent legal recognition. To this end, many African countries have launched in recent years, addressing operations to serve as an alternative to fiscal cadastre and slow and difficult projects "land regularization" promoting simplified forms and mostly literal identification plots.Therefore this thesis aims to establish in San Pedro, the interest of the use of an addressing system in the policies of land and property security. It seeks to understand the relationship between the address and the "right to the city", that is to say, the right of access to urban resources including homeownership and housing security. To understand these relationships, it is necessary to undertake an analysis in terms of spatial justice while emphasizing the importance of addressing as a tool for recognition of local land rights, especially social and economic integration populations.This approach opens new methodological perspectives to operate in the reform of land tenure and cadastral African
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Informationsäkerhet vid användning av SaaS : En studie om vilka aspekter som påverkar om informationsäkerheten höjs vid användning av Saas / Informations system security when using SaaS : A study of wich aspects affecting information system security when using SaaSÅman, Petter January 2019 (has links)
I den tidiga IT-historien utgick data från att endast kunna angripas genom att befinna sig på fysisk plats för att kunna genomföra ett intrång och tillförskaffa sig data eller information. I äldre actionfilmer syns ofta någon rysk eller amerikansk spion som överför data från en fysisk dator till en lika fysisk disk. I takt med den ökade globaliseringen finns också ett ökat behov av tillgång till data och information på olika platser samt på olika sätt. För att tillfredsställa ett ökande behov av tillgänglighet och rörlighet har IT-världen fått skapa nya lösningar vilka uppfyller det behovet. Första steget var i och med införandet av internet och numera med nya olika molnlösningar tillgängliga för företag, privatpersoner och även angripare via internet. Moderna tekniker frambringar också i princip alltid nya risker och hot. Där det tidigare i mänskligheten användes lås för dörrar, måste nu beaktning tas där vilken typ av kryptering, virusskydd och andra åtgärder krävs för att skydda privat information. Cloud Computing och användningen av molntjänster som Software as a Service (SaaS), Plattform as a Service (PaaS) och Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) fortsätter att öka vilket kan bidrar med många fördelar för företag (Balco, Drahošová & Law, 2017; Basishtha & Boruah, 2013; SCB, 2018; Sultan, 2011; Shahzad, 2014). Dock ger inte en flytt av data, från marken upp till molnet, en garanti för säkerhet eftersom molnets tillgänglighet och förflyttning av data utanför företagets gränser ställer frågor kring informationssäkerheten och kommer med många utmaningar samt risker (Kavitha & Subashini, 2011; Dorey & Leite, 2011). I och med utökad globalitet borde det väl vara passande att data lagras på olika platser i världen. Men hur säkert är det egentligen när ett företag baserat i exempelvis Finland har viktig data lagrad på andra sidan jordklotet? Eftersom ”Molnet” fortsätter att öka finns ett behov att undersöka hur, var och när användning av molnet kan bidra till att öka informationssäkerheten samt även varför och under vilka omständigheter. Studien kommer fokusera på användningen kring informationssäkerheten inom SaaS och vilka aspekter som påverkar om företag kan tillförskaffa ökad informationssäkerhet. SaaS har valts ut då molntjänsten är mest frekvent förekommen inom företag. Studiens rapport är uppbyggd på följande sätt: kapitel två tar upp relevanta begrepp samt bakgrund till ämnet. Därefter i kapitel tre beskrivs problemområdet samt rapportens syfte och frågeställning. I kapitel fyra presenteras studiens vetenskapliga metod vilken har använts för att samla in och analysera data. I kapitel fem presenteras analysen av arbetet vilket har lett fram till kapitel sex slutmodell. Slutligen följer en diskussion kring studien.
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Monitoramento e avaliação da qualidade da água na microbacia do córrego campestre no município de Lins-SP /Cuelbas, Leandro Pereira. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Luis de Carvalho / Banca: Edson Pereira Tangerino / Banca: Maria José Alencar Vilela / Resumo: O estudo foi realizado na microbacia do Córrego Campestre que está localizada no Município de Lins, Estado de São Paulo, compreendendo uma área de 80 km2. Nessa área está inserida a Cidade de Lins com uma área urbana de 20 km2, perfazendo 25% da microbacia em estudo. Através das coletas e análises de amostras de água, no período de seca e chuva, dos principais córregos da microbacia do Córrego Campestre, foi possível obter resultados do Índice de Qualidade da Água - ÍQA. Com bases nos resultados combinados, com as informações obtidas através das imagens de satélite e fotos dos locais, constatou-se que os efeitos das atividades antrópicas principais desenvolvidas na região urbana, a urbanização e lançamentos de resíduos nos cursos d'água sem nenhuma forma de tratamento, provocaram elevados teores de matéria orgânica e coliformes, comprovado através da analise das características físico-químicas e bacteriológicas. Constatou-se também, a partir das observações feitas "in loco", fortes evidências de degradação da microbacia, principalmente por um antigo lixão que está localizado às margens do Córrego Campestre. Através da analise das imagens de satélite, utilizando um Sistema de Informações Geográficas - SIG, foi possível identificar a inexistência de vegetação ciliar, o que contribuiu para o carregamento de resíduos poluentes do solo aos cursos d'água após as chuvas intensas. / Abstract: The study it was carried through in the microwatershed of the Campestre Stream that is located in the region of the Lins city, São Paulo State, understanding an area of 80 km 2. In this area the Lins city with an urban area of 20 is inserted km 2, with about 25% of the microwatershed in study. Through the collections and analyze chemistry of samples of water, in the drought periods and rain, of the main streams in the microwatershed of the Rural Stream, it was possible like this to obtain results of the Index of Quality of the Water - ÍQA and analyses of the parameters physical, chemical and biological. Those combined results with the information obtained through the satellite images and pictures of the places, it was verified that the effects of the activities main human actions developed in the urban area, the urbanization and releases of residues in the courses of water without any handling form, they provoked high tenors of organic matter, coliformes and nutritious, proven through it analyzes it of the physiochemical and bacteriological characteristics. It was also verified, starting from the observations done " in loco ", strong evidences of degradation of the microwatershed mainly for an old deposit garbage that is located to the margins of the Rural Stream. Through it analyzes her/it of the satellite images, being used... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Um sistema informatizado de apoio a usuários de transporte coletivo. / An eletronic system to support collective transport users.Caetano, Daniel Jorge 29 November 2005 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um sistema informatizado para o auxílio na escolha modal pelos usuários de transporte público. Neste sistema, as alternativas a considerar e soluções geradas devem se basear nas solicitações do usuário e poderão ser usadas para o planejamento tático e/ou estratégico do sistema de transporte considerado. O sistema foi modelado para solução através do algoritmo de fluxo em rede Label Correcting, capaz de lidar com esse problema multimodal, implementado em uma linguagem de programação orientada a objetos. O sistema foi concebido como uma aplicação de internet e, embora seja voltado para um sistema de transporte genérico, foi aplicado e testado com base nas alternativas de transporte disponíveis e malha de ruas da Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira. / The main target of this master of science research is the development of a tool to help on modal selection by the public transportation users, which will be implemented as an eletronic information system.Since the infomation must be provided in real time to the user,it is important to the system to be fast and easy to use.It is also a requirement that the system presents options and information to help the user on the selection of the best choice among all possible ones. The alternatives to be considered and generated solutions shall be based on the user requests related to origin and destination of the desired trip. The requests will be stored and could be used for tactic and/or strategic planning of the concerned system of transport. This multimodal problem will be modeled to be solved with the Label Correcting network flow algorithm and implemented using an object oriented language. Although addressed to a generic transport system,it will be implemented and tested based on the available transport alternatives and street mesh of the Cidade Universitaria Armando de Salles Oliveira. The system may be available to users through internet.
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