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Matematiklärares användning av lärplattformar vid bedömning : En undersökning av gymnasielärares arbete / Mathematics teacher’s use of learning platforms when assessing at an upper secondary school level : A study of teacher’s workBölin, Andreas, Tingsborg, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Svenska skolan digitaliseras och fler skolor använder digitala lärplattformar för att hantera allt ifrån administrativa sysslor till kommunikation kring specifika uppgifter mellan lärare och elev. Dessa lärplattformar följer inga statliga direktiv eller kravspecifikationer, utan utformning styrs av skolledningens uttryckta behov. Målet med denna studie är dubbelt, dels att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur matematiklärare på gymnasiet arbetar med bedömning i dagsläget och hur de upplever att lärplattformar passar in i detta arbete; dels att förstå om arbetet med bedömning går i linje med Skolverkets direktiv för bedömning. Då kunskapskrav och bedömningskriterier skiljer sig mellan ämnen begränsades studien till endast matematiklärares arbete och åsikter. För att undersöka detta intervjuades gymnasielärare som använder digitala lärplattformar i sitt vardagliga arbete. Utöver intervjuerna har denna studie använt sig av en enkätundersökning i enlighet med blandade metoder för att få en bredare bild av lärares åsikter. Enkäten skapades digitalt och distribuerades via sociala medier till aktiva lärare för att få en generell bild av problematik inom bedömning som uppmärksammades under intervjuerna. En jämförelse mellan lärares bedömningsprocess och Skolverkets allmänna råd och riktlinjer utfördes för att förstå och presentera strukturer inom bedömningsprocessen. Studiens resultat visar att matematiklärarna till viss del är nöjda med bedömningen på lärplattformar. De ser det som fördelaktigt att dokumentera digitalt men anser att det finns förbättringar att göra. Mycket tyder på att upplevda problem inte ligger hos lärplattformar utan hos ledningen som beställare av dessa samt utbildningen kring implementeringen av dem. Studiens resultat visar även att lärare i större utsträckning jobbar med själv- eller kamraträttning om de har tillgång till verktyget Kunskapsmatrisen samt använder egna kalkylark för summativ bedömning och dokumentation. I en stor utsträckning följer lärares bedömningspraktik Skolverkets råd och riktlinjer, detta beror troligen på att råd och riktlinjer är löst formulerade för att täcka in ett stort spektrum av lärarpraktiker. Diskussioner internt på skolor är ett av råden som inte följs enligt 18% av lärarna men ökade samtal och utbildning för lärare skulle kunna vara gynnsamt för deras användning av lärplattformar vid bedömning. Denna studie har bidragit med nya infallsvinklar att undersöka lärplattformar via för att få en bättre uppfattning av deras roll i bedömningen och digitaliseringen av skolan. / The Swedish school is being digitized and many schools use digital learning platforms to manage everything from administrative tasks to communication of specific tasks between teachers and students. However, these platforms do not follow any government directives or requirement specifications. Instead the platforms’ design is governed by the school management's expressed needs. This can lead to less fair and equivalent grades on a national scale since the platform dictates how grading is performed and structured to some extent. The goal of this study is twofold. First, it aims to create a deeper understanding of i) how mathematics teachers at the upper secondary school work with assessment in their current teaching practices and ii) teachers experiences of how digital platforms fit into their work with assessment. This study also aims to investigate whether the teachers’ work with assessment follows Skolverket’s (the National Agency for Education in Sweden) directives for assessment. This study limits itself to only examining the work and experiences of teachers in mathematics. To investigate teacher’s opinions and experiences of grading, six upper secondary teachers in mathematics were interviewed. Based on the interviews, a questionnaire survey was developed to quantify collected qualitative data. The questionnaire was created digitally and distributed online via social media to practicing teachers. 50 teachers answered the questionnaires. A comparison between the teachers' assessment process and Skolverket's directives and guidelines was performed to problematize structures within the assessment process. The study's results show that teachers to a greater extent let students assess their own work if the teachers have access to the tool Kunskapsmatrisen. Most teachers use private spreadsheets for documenting summative assessment. The guidelines set by Skolverket are followed to a wide extent but this can be because the guidelines are designed to cover a broad range of teaching practices. Internal discussions is one of the guidelines that isn’t followed by 18% of teachers while increased discussions and training for teachers could be beneficial for their ability to implement platforms in their work with assessment. The study concludes that teachers for the most part are satisfied with their work regarding grading on learning platforms. They appreciate the ability to document results online but express that several improvements still have to be made. The results indicate that the responsibility for the platforms’ shortcomings is partially caused by the schools’ board whom is responsible for purchasing and implementation of platforms. This study offers new viewpoints worth investigating in order to further better the understanding of learning platforms and their role in assessment.
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Оптимизация бизнес процессов компании путем внедрения многофункциональной системы «Битрикс24» : магистерская диссертация / Optimization of the company's business processes through the implementation of the multifunctional system "Bitrix24"Пяткова, А. Н., Pyatkova, A. N. January 2020 (has links)
Предприятия среднего и малого бизнеса нацелены на рост прибыли и закреплении позиций на рынке. Когда компания осуществляет свою деятельность продолжительное время и наблюдается постоянный стабильный рост, некоторые руководители упускают из внимания тот факт, что бизнес-процессы организации нуждаются в модернизации, а при росте продаж прибыль компании не увеличивается. Работающие долгое время сотрудники привыкают к решению рабочих задач одинаковым путем. Если изменить подход сотрудников к работе и оптимизировать время на выполнение задач, то таким образом пропадёт необходимость в найме новых работников и увеличится производительность работающих сотрудников. Исследования, проводимые в рамках данной работы, будут полезны предприятиям малого и среднего бизнеса находящихся на завершении этапа жизненного цикла «рост» и переходящих в этап «зрелость» в оптимизации бизнес-процессов путем внедрения подходящей информационной системы. Данная работа иллюстрирует каким образом организация сможет внедрить информационную систему и получить прибыль на сокращении времени выполнения задач сотрудниками. / Small and medium-sized enterprises are focused on increasing profits and consolidating their positions in the market. When a company has been in business for a long time and there is constant stable growth, some leaders overlook the fact that the organization's business processes need to be modernized, and when sales increase, the company's profit does not increase. Long-term employees get used to solving work problems in the same way. If you change the way employees work and optimize the time spent on completing tasks, then the need to hire new employees will disappear and the productivity of existing employees will increase. The research carried out within the framework of this work will be useful for small and medium-sized businesses at the end of the "growth" stage of the life cycle and moving into the "maturity" stage in optimizing business processes by implementing a suitable information system. This work illustrates how an organization can implement an information system and make a profit on reducing the time it takes to complete tasks for employees.
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Lokalisering av nya bostadsområden i översiktlig planering : En rumslig multikriterieanalys över GävleAndersson, Jacob, Norbäck, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Urbanisering i kombination med miljöfarliga utsläpp från fordonstrafiken ställer högre krav på bostadsplaneringen i städer. Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur multikriterieanalyser inom geografiska informationssystem kan tillämpas i den översiktliga planeringen för att bidra till ett hållbarare samhälle. En effektivare strategisk bostadsplanering med anslutning till befintliga samhällsfunktioner kan bidra till att miljövänligare transportalternativ prioriteras före bilen. Med hjälp av intervjuer från två tjänstemän inom offentlig och privat sektor har ett antal kriterier tagits fram till analysen. Utifrån befintliga samhällsfunktioner var målet med studien att lokalisera nya områden för bostadsutveckling med hjälp av en multikriterieanalys. Detta kan bidra till att miljövänligare transportmedel kan prioriteras före bilen eftersom avstånden till samhällsfunktionerna blir kortare. Utöver detta var även målet att undersöka hur politiska intressen skiljer sig åt med hjälp av en rangordning utifrån de framtagna kriterierna. Resultatet visar att representanterna från de två största politiska partierna i en svensk småstad rangordnar kriterierna olika gällande vilka samhällsfunktioner som bör finnas i närhet till nya bostadsområden. Däremot visar slutresultatet att de lokaliserade områdena för bostadsutveckling inte skiljer sig nämnvärt mycket ifrån varandra, trots politikernas varierande bostadspolitik. Studien kan bidra till en effektivare politisk hantering av ärenden eftersom politiska skiljaktigheter i slutändan inte alltid visar skillnader i vilka aktiviteter eller objekt som bör placeras var. / Urbanization combined with toxic emissions from motor traffic calls forhigher demands when house planning in cities. The purpose of this study is toincrease understanding about how to apply multi criteria analyses whenmaster planning to contribute to a more sustainable society. A more effectivehouse planning connected to existing societal functions might add to the usageof more sustainable transportation alternatives rather than that of cars. Using the input from interviews with representatives from both the privateand the public sector, a number of criterias have been developed for theanalysis. Considering existing societal functions, this study was intended toidentify new areas for housing development using a multi criterial analysis.This might contribute to more sustainable transportation because of thedistance to the societal functions. In addition to this, the intention extended tothe investigation of how political interests differs from one another, using aranking system based on the developed criterias. The results show that representatives from the two largest political parties in asmall town in Sweden rank the criterias different when it comes to whatsocietal functions a new housing area should have in close proximity. On theother hand, the end results show that the areas chosen for housingdevelopment have similar qualities, in spite of varying housing politics amongthe politicians. This study might contribute to a more effective politicalhandling of business, since political differences does not ultimately showdifferences in where activities or objects should be placed.
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Assessing environmental equivalents for water quality tradingLee, Ming-Chieh January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Kyle R. Douglas-Mankin / Water quality trading (WQT) is a market-based approach to improve water quality. It is an innovative, voluntary program that connects point source (PS) dischargers who need to reduce their pollutant loads with land managers who could offset those loads with nonpoint source (NPS) reductions to economically achieve water quality improvements in a watershed. The potential issues impeding WQT are its inability to address trading risks and quantify the uncertainty of potential load reduction in trades between PS and NPS. Recent research has also shown that trading information level and transaction costs cause problems in implementing WQT. Therefore, the goals of this study were to quantify the uncertainties of pollutant load reduction and delivery effect for potential trades, to estimate their spatiotemporal variations, and to provide information for stakeholders to reduce intangible costs of WQT. This study simulated agricultural cropland with more than 225 alternative land management practices to identify trends among these scenarios. Both total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads were modeled with SWAT and EUTROMOD for 36 years to analyze the potential load reduction, in-field uncertainty ratio, in-stream delivery ratio, and overall trading ratio (TR) in Lower Kansas watershed, Kansas. The analyses of site-specific effects in both geospatial and temporal aspects were also applied on subbasin level. The variant loading patterns and time distributions of each subbasin showed strong site-specific phenomena. The ANOVA of in-field nutrient load showed significant differences among the design criteria of scenarios. The results also showed a significant delivery and lake effects within the subbasins. The overall TR ranged from 1 to 2.2 or more in different scenarios. The advanced cluster analysis presented a potential method to eliminate the problems involved in fixed TRs while keeping the method simpler than finer-resolution floating TR system. Based on WQT geospatial data model, a three-tier GIS-based web interface Water Quality Trading Information Platform System (WQTIPS) was then developed for WQT information and assessment. A case study demonstrated WQTIPS can provide systematic, spatially information for stakeholders to assess the potential environmental benefit changes from the land management shifts using a simple interface. This study demonstrated that it is possible to automate water-quality trades, use watershed models to minimize trading risk and maximize water-quality benefits, and prioritize among possible trades both spatially and by BMP.
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Alignment of IT strategy with business strategy / Impact on IT effectiveness and business perfomance.Musuka, Patrick 30 November 2006 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research is to establish to what extent, if any Zimbabwean
companies proactively align their IT strategy with the business strategy as a way of
building and sustaining business competitive advantage.
The research seeks to provide further insights into the business performance
implications of the alignment between IT and business strategies. It also seeks to
determine if there are any linkages between strategic alignment, IT managerial
resources and IT effectiveness. Last but not least, it examines whether alignment
directly leads to increased business performance which Sabherwal & Chan (2001) terms
‘perceived business performance’. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL
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Conducting water and sanitation survey using Personal Digital Assistants and Geographic Information System technologies in rural ZimbabweNtozini, Robert 06 1900 (has links)
Access to clean water and improved sanitation are basic human right. This quantitative, descriptive study sought to establish current water and sanitation coverage in Chirumanzu and Shurugwi districts in Zimbabwe and develop methods of assessing coverage using Geographic Information Systems. Google Earth was used to identify homesteads. Personal digital assistant-based forms were used to collect geo-referenced data on all water points and selected households. Geospatial analysis methods were used to calculate borehole water coverage.
Using Google Earth, 29375 homesteads were identified. The water survey mapped 4134 water points; 821 were boreholes; and only 548 were functional. Functional borehole water coverage was: 57.3%, 46.2%, and 33.5% for distance from household to water point of within 1500 m, 1000 m, and 500 m respectively. Sanitation coverage was 44.3%, but 96% of the latrines did not meet Blair Ventilated Pit latrine standards. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health) (Medical Informatics)
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Water quality information system for integrated water resource managementTukker, Mary Jean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The processes of monitoring, modelling and managing the water quality of a catchmerit
system including all its unique complexities and interrelationships requires an innovative tool
or set of tools to help water managers with their decision making.
Numerous methods and tools have been developed to analyse and model the real world.
However, many of these tools require a fair degree of technical expertise and training to
operate correctly and their output may have to be translated or converted to meaningful
information for decision-making using a further set of analytical and graphical display tools.
A more appropriate technique for management would be to combine all these functions into a
single system. The objective of this research was to develop one such tool, an integrated water
quality information system (WQIS).
A review of the literature revealed that there has been extensive research and development of
tools for the management of individual aspects of water resource distribution, augmentation
and quality. However, these tools have rarely been integrated into a comprehensive
information system offering decision support to a wide variety of river users and managers.
Many of the literature sources also noted that a process of interactive development and
integration (i.e. including the intended users in the decision of which components to include,
the interface design and the graphical display and output) was vital to ensuring the
information system becomes an integral part of the users routine work and decision-making.
The WQIS was developed using the recommendations from numerous knowledgeable persons
in response to questionnaires, interviews and a prototype demonstration. It includes the results
of hydrodynamic river and reservoir simulations and the ability to perform operational river
scenario testing. However, the development process is continual and always evolving based
on the current or local requirements of water managers. These further developments and
research needs are discussed in more detail in the conclusion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proses om die waterkwaliteit van 'n opvanggebied, met al die unieke kompleksiteite en
onderlinge verhoudings van so 'n stelsel te monitor, modelleer en bestuur, vereis 'n
innoverende instrument om waterbestuurders te ondersteun in hul besluitnemings.
Talle instrumente en metodes vir die ontleding en modellering van die werklikheid is reeds
ontwikkel. Die gebruik van hierdie instrumente vereis gewoonlik 'n redelike mate van
tegniese kundigheid en opleiding. Dit mag verder nodig wees om die uitvoer van sulke
instrumente te vertaal en/of om te skakel na betekenisvolle inligting vir besluitneming deur
die gebruik van bykomende analitiese en grafiese vertoon instrumente. 'n Meer toepaslike
bestuurstegniek sou wees om al die funksies in 'n enkele stelsel te kombineer. Die doel van
hierdie navorsing was om een so 'n instrument, naamlik 'n geïntegreerde waterkwaliteit
inligtingstelsel (WQIS), te ontwikkel.
'n Hersiening van bestaande literatuur het getoon dat daar omvattende navorsing en
ontwikkeling van instrumente gedoen is vir die bestuur van individuele aspekte van
waterbronverspreiding, waterbronaanvulling en waterkwaliteit. Integrasie van hierdie
instrumente, in 'n uitgebreide stelsel wat besluitnemingsondersteuning aan 'n verskeidenheid
riviergebruikers en bestuurders bied, kom egter selde voor. Verskeie literatuurbronne het ook
aangedui dat 'n proses van interaktiewe ontwikkeling en integrasie (m.a.w. in agname van die
voorgenome gebruikers se behoeftes in die kense van komponente, die gebruiker raakvlak
ontwerp en grafiese vertoon instrumente en uitvoer) noodsaaklik is om te verseker dat die
inigtingstelsel 'n integrale deel word van die gebruiker se daaglikse roetine en
Die WQIS is ontwikkel deur gebruikmaking van die insette en aanbevelings van verskeie
kenners in reaksie op vraelyste, onderhoude en 'n demonstrasie van 'n prototype. Dit sluit in
die resultate van hidro-dinamiese rivier en dam simulasies en die vermoë om operasionele
rivier scenario ontledings uit te voer. Die ontwikkeling is egter 'n deurlopende proses,
gebaseer op huidige of plaaslike behoeftes van waterbestuurders. Hierdie verdere
ontwikkelings- en navorsingsbehoeftes word meer breedvoerig in die gevolgtrekkings
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A stepwise approach towards achieving a multimodal platform within the context of the CoCT’s land transport networksStruwig, Claudia Bernadine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The importance of transport should not be underestimated. Transport progresses a person’s quality of life: it connects people to one another and provides access to work, services and recreational opportunities. However, post-apartheid South Africa is unfortunately still faced with a legacy of segregation. While the less-privileged, who mostly live at the fringe of Central Business Districts (CBDs), are captive users of public transport, the private vehicle trend, under the privileged, is becoming more evident.
This research project thus proposes that a balanced and integrated sustainable transport system be promoted. That is, one that will aid South Africa in growing and improving its general socio-economical status by providing all its citizens with (equal) access to a balanced transport network. It is believed that, if a multimodal system is promoted, the deficiencies of the current heterogeneous non-integrated systems may be overcome. Therefore, if South Africa’s transport network is augmented with a multimodal platform, the nation will be able to move its citizens effectively and efficiently, without jeopardising the economy, social matters and the environment, today and in the future. Moreover, South Africa will also have the necessary stimulus to utilise the already available resources at its disposal by working together as ‘one’.
This research project thus stipulates a (generic) sequential approach needed in achieving an integrated (sustainable) public transport system. The goal of this research project is to create awareness of the benefits that may arise from, and the implementation steps required in obtaining, such a multimodal platform. The focus area for researching the proposition made herein is the City of Cape Town’s (CoCT’s) land transport networks. The City has a management facility, with resultant transport data repository, known as the Transport Management Centre (TMC). This TMC is regarded as one of the finest state of the art facilities in the world and the features thereof offer a sufficient base and point of departure for the promotion of a multimodal transport system.
By conducting research in this field, the following portraying aspects, needed for the realisation of the proposition made herein, were found. Firstly, in order to obtain an integrated sustainable transport system, the appropriate Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) need to be integrated. It is believed that, if an intelligent transport scheme, grounded on ITS applications, is advocated, the City will be in the position to more effectively monitor what is going on, to more accurately predict what might happen in the future, and to manage its transport system proactively on an area-wide basis. Secondly, in order to meet the integration requirements imposed by multimodal transport, a centralised database needs to be created. With such a database in place, information sharing across all modes of private- and public land transport, and thus also between the investors or the operators, will be possible. An example of such a database was developed in Microsoft Access and the modes considered therein are: MyCiti, Metrorail and Golden Arrow Bus Service (GABS). The data stored in this database is historic, but the incorporation of real time information was also catered for.
Thirdly, it is believed that the success of the City’s transport system, and the development of a multimodal system, is dependent on the provision of an efficient Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS). The idea is to promote multimodal transport as a convenient transit option by providing travellers with information on journey planning that aims to counteract their reluctance to change. In order to develop such a multimodal Journey Planner (JP), the unimodal networks considered herein were combined into a supernetwork on which Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm was applied. This algorithm was programmed in Microsoft Excel’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and it incorporates the following user criteria: the origin, the destination, the user’s mode preference, and the user’s optimisation preference of either time or distance.
In conclusion, it can be argued that, with information becoming such a vital commodity in everyday life, the catering for informed travellers are the key to successful future transport services. If travellers are informed about the transport networks’ performance, a positive attitude is fostered. Moreover, by providing travellers with information on journey planning, their feelings of uncertainty and fear of the unknown, that are present in (especially) public transport services, may be neutralised. This information will give the public carte blanche to make decisions that give them the perception of having more ‘control over their lives’. Therefore, if a multimodal JP that can be accessed from one portal is created, people’s inclination to acquire more information will be met. And as a result, traversing in an integrated manner may become the norm. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikheid van vervoer mag nie onderskat word nie. Vervoer speel ’n belangrike rol in die bevordering van ’n persoon se lewenskwaliteit: dit verbind mense met mekaar en verskaf toegang tot die werksplek, diensteverskaffers, en vryetydsbesteding. Post-apartheid Suid-Afrika is egter nog steeds vasgevang in ’n nalatenskap van rasseskeiding. Die minderbevoorregtes, wat meestal aan die buitewyke van die stad woon, is geforseerde gebruikers van openbare vervoer, terwyl die neiging (onder die bevoorregtes) om privaatvoertuie te gebruik, aan die toeneem is.
Hierdie navorsingsprojek beveel dus aan dat ’n gebalanseerde, geïntegreerde en volhoubare vervoerstelsel bevorder moet word. ’n Sodanige stelsel sal help om die sosio-ekonomiese status van Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Dít kan net bereik word as alle landsburgers gelyke toegang tot ’n gebalanseeerde vervoernetwerk het. As ’n multimode-stelsel dus bevorder word, kan die tekortkominge van die huidige heterogene, nie-geïntegreerde stelsels oorkom word. Indien Suid-Afrika se vervoernetwerk ’n multimodale platform het, kan die landsburgers effektief en doeltreffend vervoer word sonder om die ekonomie, sosiale aangeleenthede of omgewing, tans en in die toekoms, in gedrang in te bring. Suid-Afrika sal boonop, met so ’n platform in plek, ook die nodige stimulus hê om die bestaande hulpbronne optimaal te gebruik.
Hierdie navorsingsprojek verskaf ’n (generiese) in-volgorde-benadering om ’n volhoubare, geïntegreerde openbare vervoerstelsel daar te stel. Die doel is om bewustheid van die voordele wat uit ’n multimodale platform spruit, sowel as die nodige stappe vir die uitvoering daarvan, te kweek. Die fokusarea van die navorsing is die Stad van Kaapstad se land-vervoernetwerke. Die Stad het ’n beheerfasiliteit waar vervoerdata versamel word. Dit staan bekend as die vervoer-beheersentrum (TMC: Transport Management Centre). Hierdie fasiliteit word as toonaangewend in die wêreld beskou. Die kenmerkende eienskappe van hierdie fasiliteit bied verder ook ’n goeie vertrekpunt vir die bevordering van ’n multimodale stelsel.
Die navorsing in hierdie veld het die volgende bydraende faktore, wat benodig word om die voorstelling te realiseer, geïdentifiseer. In die eerste plek moet die intelligente vervoerstelsels (ITS: Intelligent Transport Systems) geïntegreer word om ’n geïntegreerde volhoubare vervoerstelsel daar te stel. Indien ’n intelligente vervoerskema, gebaseer op tegnologiese inisiatiewe, aangemoedig word, sal die Stad van Kaapstad in die posisie wees om sy vervoerstelsel pro-aktief te bestuur deur meer effektief te monitor wat aangaan en meer akkuraat te voorspel wat in die toekoms mag gebeur. Tweedens moet daar ’n gesentraliseerde databasis geskep word. Met hierdie databasis sal die nodige integrasievereistes vir ’n multimodale vervoerstelsel, bereik word. Inligting kan dan gedeel word tussen privaat- en openbare landvervoer, asook tussen die beleggers en die operateurs van die verskillende vervoermodusse. ’n Voorbeeld van so ’n databasis is in Microsoft Access geskep en die modusse wat deel daarvan uitmaak, is: MyCiti, Metrorail en Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS). Die data wat hierin vervat is, is histories, maar daar is vir intydse inligting voorsiening gemaak.
In die derde plek is die sukses van die Stad van Kaapstad se vervoerstelsel en die ontwikkeling van ’n multimodale stelsel afhanklik van die daarstelling van ’n effektiewe, gevorderde inligtingsstelsel vir pendelaars (ATIS: Advanced Traveller Information Systems). Die idee is om ’n multimodale vervoerstelsel as ’n gerieflike opsie onder pendelaars te bevorder. Dit kan bereik word deur inligting rakende reisbeplanning aan pendelaars daar te stel. Met die verkryging van sodanige kennis sal die pendelaar se weerstand teen verandering ook afneem. Om so ’n multimodale reisbeplanner (JP: Journey Planner) te ontwikkel, is die eenmodaal-netwerke gekombineer om ’n supernetwerk te skep. Dijkstra se algoritme is op die supernetwerk toegepas. Die algoritme is in Microsoft Excel se VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) geprogrammeer en dit bevat die volgende gebruikerskriteria, nl. die begin- en eindpunt, die gebruiker se modes-voorkeur en die gebruiker se gekose optimeringsvoorkeur van tyd of afstand.
Ten slotte kan gesê word dat inligting ’n groot rol in die mens se daaglikse lewe en aktiwiteite speel. Daar kan dus geredeneer word dat die sleutel tot suksesvolle vervoerdienste daarin lê om vir ingeligte pendelaars voorsiening te maak. As pendelaars ingelig is oor die stand van die vervoernetwerk maak dit hul houding meer positief. Verder, as pendelaars ook inligting oor reisbeplanning het, kan dit hul gevoel van onsekerheid en vrees jeens (veral) openbare vervoer teenwerk. Met al hierdie inligting tot sy beskikking kan ’n persoon dus sy eie keuses maak en dit lei daartoe dat die persoon meer in beheer voel. As ’n multimodale JP geskep word, voed dit die mens se begeerte vir meer inligting. En met ’n sodanige JP in plek, kan geïntegreerde pendel moontlik die norm word.
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Κατολισθήσεις στο νομό Αχαΐας: Ανάπτυξη μοντέλου επικινδυνότηταςΚάβουρα, Αικατερίνη - Παρασκευή 11 July 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία γίνεται μια προσπάθεια ανάδειξης του φαινομένου των κατολισθήσεων στο Νομό Αχαΐας με κύρια συνιστώσα το χρόνο (παρελθόν - παρόν- μέλλον). Οι κατολισθήσεις αποτελούν ένα σημαντικό φυσικό κίνδυνο (Natural Hazard) καθώς είναι ευρέως διαδεδομένες και κατέχουν μία θέση στη λίστα των λεγόμενων Φυσικών Καταστροφών (Natural Disasters). Έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι στη Δυτική Ελλάδα τα φαινόμενα των κατολισθήσεων είναι περισσότερα και συχνότερα απ’ ότι στη κεντρική και ανατολική Ελλάδα, κυρίως λόγω της λιθολογικής σύστασης των σχηματισμών, της έντονης και ενεργής τεκτονικής καθώς και των υψηλών βροχοπτώσεων. Ο Ν. Αχαΐας είναι μία από τις πιο χαρακτηριστικές περιοχές μελέτης κατολισθήσεων καθότι εκτός της μεγάλης συχνότητας του φαινομένου, υπάρχει μεγάλη ποικιλία ως προς την έκφρασή του (γεωλογία, μέγεθος, αίτια, συνέπειες κα).
Εδώ και δεκαετίες, από το Εργαστήριο Τεχνικής Γεωλογίας του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, μελετώνται τα φαινόμενα κατολισθήσεων στο Νομό οπότε υπάρχει αρκετός όγκος πληροφόρησης που μας δίνει στοιχεία για το παρελθόν μέσω των υφιστάμενων Βάσεων Δεδομένων. Σήμερα, παρόν, υπάρχει σχετικά άμεση ανταπόκριση και αντιμετώπιση των φαινομένων και καλύτερη καταγραφή αυτών. Το ερώτημα που τίθεται είναι κατά πόσο είναι εφικτό παρακολουθώντας και καταγράφοντας την ενεργότητα των κατολισθήσεων, να προβλέψουμε μία μελλοντική εξέλιξή τους, μέλλον.
Για τον σκοπό αυτόν έγινε μία διεξοδική συλλογή στοιχείων και ανάπτυξη μιας νέας Βάσης Δεδομένων Κατολισθήσεων για το Ν. Αχαΐας. Αρχικά, αναπτύχθηκε μία Φόρμα Καταγραφής Κατολισθήσεων (Landslide Inventory Form) στην οποία καταγράφηκαν 123 περιπτώσεις για την Αχαΐα (ιστορικές καταγραφές), από τις οποίες διατηρήθηκε ένα μέρος. Έγινε προσπάθεια αναγνώρισης και αποτύπωσης των καταγεγραμμένων θέσεων με χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφόρησης - ΓΠΣ (Geographical Information System – GIS). Η αποτύπωση έγινε με την βοήθεια ορθοφωτοχαρτών της ΚΤΗΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΟ ΑΕ και κατά περιπτώσεις σαν βοηθητικό εργαλείο του GoogleEarth. Παράλληλα με τις παλαιές (ιστορικές) θέσεις αναγνωρίστηκαν μία σειρά επιπλέον κατολισθήσεων (νέες) οι οποίες αποτέλεσαν μία σειρά νέων καταγραφών. Προέκυψε έτσι μία αρκετά ενημερωμένη Βάση Κατολισθήσεων η οποία και αναρτήθηκε στο Διαδίκτυο στον ιστότοπο του Εργαστηρίου Τεχνικής Γεωλογίας.
Από τις θέσεις που καταγράφηκαν τελικά επιλέχθηκαν οι τέσσερις (4) πλέον σημαντικές και «ενεργές» κατολισθήσεις μερικές από τις οποίες έχουν απασχολήσει αρκετά επιστήμονες και τεχνικούς τα παλαιότερα χρόνια, για περαιτέρω παρακολούθηση (monitoring) με ενόργανο εξοπλισμό (αποκλισιόμετρο) και μεθόδους τηλεπισκόπισης (remote sensing - SAR interferometry). Οι θέσεις αυτές είναι: (α) η κατολισθαίνουσα ζώνη Πλατάνου, (β) η κατολίσθηση της Παναγοπούλας, (γ) η κατολίσθηση της Καρυάς και (δ) η κατολίσθηση στον οικισμό Πλατανίτη Ναυπάκτου του Νομού Αιτωλοακαρνανίας. Στις θέσεις αυτές έγινε λεπτομερής γεωτεχνική έρευνα και εγκατάσταση αποκλισιομετρικών σωλήνων για συστηματική παρακολούθηση της κινηματικής και την ανάπτυξη ενός μοντέλου επικινδυνότητας. / The objective of this thesis is the study of landslide hazard. It’s an attempt to highlight the phenomenon of landslides in the Prefecture of Achaia function of time (past - present - future). Landslides constitute a major geologic hazard because they are widespread and we can add them in the hall of fame of natural disasters. It has been observed that in western Greece phenomena of landslides are more frequent than in the central and eastern Greece, mainly due to the lithology of the formations, the strong and active tectonics and high rainfall.
For decades, the Laboratory of Engineering Geology, Department of Geology, University of Patras, studied the effects of landslides in the Prefecture, as a result, there is enough volume of data that gives us information about the past through the existing Database. Today, there is immediate response and handling of landslide phenomena as well as better recording methods. The question that arises is whether it is possible by monitoring and recording the activity of landslides to predict a future evolution, future.
For this purpose took place a detailed collection of data and developed a new landslide database for the Prefecture of Achaia. At first, we developed a Landslide Inventory Form which recorded and archived 123 historical cases from Achaia, a part of that study was recorded and kept for further study. After that, the landslide recordings were imported to the Geographical Information Systems - GIS. Additionally, we used orthophotos from KTIMATOLOGIO S.A. and occasionally we used, as an auxiliary tool GoogleEarth. Alongside with the old (historical) landslide sites we identified a series of additional landslides (new ones) which helped us constitute a new archive with new recordings. As a result, there is an updated Landslide Database which was published on the webpage of the Laboratory of Engineering Geology.
From this point of view, we selected the four (4) most important and "active" landslides from which some of them have been the major study of several scientists and technicians in the past. Further monitoring (monitoring) with instrumental equipment (inclinometer) and remote sensing methods (remote sensing - SAR interferometry) was used in the study. These positions are as recorded : (a) the landslide zone at Platanos area (b) the landslide of Panagopoula area, (c) the landslide of Karia village and (d) the landslide at Platanitis area, near Nafpaktos village, Aitoloakarnania Prefecture. On these studies, a detailed geotechnical investigation and installation of inclinometer tubes for systematic monitoring of the kinematics and the development of a risk model was used.
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Υδρογεωλογικές και υδροχημικές συνθήκες των υδροφόρων της λεκάνης του Σπερχειού ποταμούΚαρλή, Αικατερίνη 17 July 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας, είναι η διερεύνηση των υδροχημικών παραμέτρων των κοκκωδών υδροφόρων της λεκάνης του Σπερχειού, καθώς και η πιθανή τροφοδοσία τους από τα ανθρακικά πετρώματα. Για το σκοπό αυτό πραγματοποιήθηκαν μετρήσεις στάθμης, καθώς και υδροχημικές αναλύσεις κύριων στοιχείων, ιχνοστοιχείων και σπάνιων γαιών.
Γεωλογικά η περιοχή, στο βορειοανατολικό και νοτιοανατολικό τμήμα της ,δομείται από τους σχηματισμούς της Υποπελαγονικής ζώνης, στο νότιο από τους σχηματισμούς της ζώνης Παρνασσού-Γκιώνας και στο δυτικό από τους σχηματισμούς της ζώνης της Πίνδου. Οι Ολοκαινικές και Πλειο-πλειστοκαινικές αποθέσεις, δομούν το πεδινό τμήμα της λεκάνης και φιλοξενούν τον κύριο υδροφόρο ορίζοντα της περιοχής. Ο ελεύθερος αυτός υδροφόρος μεταπίπτει σε υπό πίεση, εξαιτίας της παρουσίας αργιλικών σχηματισμών, στα ανατολικά της περιοχής. Στα ορεινά τμήματα της λεκάνης, εντός των ανθρακικών σχηματισμών, αναπτύσσονται σημαντικοί υδροφόροι ορίζοντες.
Με βάση τον πιεζομετρικό χάρτη της περιοχής προκύπτει ότι η διεύθυνση της ροής του υπόγειου νερού, είναι κυρίως ΒΑ-ΝΑ και o προσχωματικός υδροφόρος, τροφοδοτείται πλευρικά, από τους ανθρακικούς σχηματισμούς, που βρίσκονται νότια και βορειοανατολικά του πεδινού τμήματος.
Τα υπόγεια νερά της περιοχής, ομαδοποιούνται σε τρεις κύριους υδροχημικούς τύπους: Ca-HCO3, Ca-Mg-HCO3 και (Ca)-Νa-Cl-(HCO3). Ο πρώτος υδροχημικός τύπος χαρακτηρίζει τα φρέσκα νερά της περιοχής, ο δεύτερος τα νερά που παρέμειναν για μεγαλύτερο χρονικό διάστημα στον υδροφόρο και εμπλουτίστηκαν σε Μg+2, και ο τρίτος τα νερά που δέχονται την επίδραση είτε της θάλασσας, είτε των θερμών νερών από μεγαλύτερα βάθη. Από τα αποτελέσματα των υδροχημικών αναλύσεων προέκυψε ότι στην πλειοψηφία τους τα δείγματα είναι κορεσμένα σε ασβεστίτη και δολομίτη. Eπίσης σε μία ομάδα δειγμάτων, διαπιστώθηκε απεμπλουτισμός σε Na, γεγονός που αποδόθηκε σε διαδικασίες ιοντοανταλαγής.
Οι αυξημένες συγκεντρώσεις Fe, Mn, αποδόθηκαν στη διάλυση των ορυκτών του φλύσχη της Πίνδου, ενώ ο Zn και τα NΟ3 σε ανθρωπογενείς παρεμβάσεις (βιομηχανικά απόβλητα και λιπάσματα). Το As το Li και το Β συνδέονται με την παρουσία θερμών πηγών. Τέλος η μεθοδολογία των σπάνιων γαιών, επαλήθευσε τα αποτελέσματα της πιεζομετρίας αλλά και τα υδροχημικών αναλύσεων, ότι δηλαδή ο προσχωματικός υδροφόρος της περιοχής, τροφοδοτείται πλευρικά από τα ανθρακικά πετρώματα της περιοχής και συγκεκριμένα από τους ασβεστόλιθους της Υποπελαγονικής ζώνης και της ζώνης Παρνασσού-Γκιώνας. / In the frames of this study the hydrochemical parameters of porous aquifers at Sperchios basin, were investigated. Moreover their possible recharge by carbonate rocks was examined. Therefore, a series of water level measurements and a sampling campaign were carried out. The samples were analysed for main, trace and rare earth elements.
Regarding the area’s geological setting, its northeastern and southeastern part is comprised of formations of the Subpelagonic Zone, its southern edge of Parnassos-Giona Zone and its western part of Pindos Zone. At the lowlands these formations are overlain by Holocene and Pleistocene deposits which host the most important aquifer of the region. It is an unconfined aquifer, which at the eastern part turns into a confined one, due to the presence of clay formations. Many important aquifers have been also developed in the basin’s carbonate formations. The region’s piezometric map at the southern area indicates that the main water flow direction is NE-SE. Moreover it points out that the carbonate formations recharge the porous aquifer.
According to their hydrochemical characteristics groundwater can be divided into three main types: Ca-HCO3, Ca-Mg-HCO3 and (Ca)-Na-Cl-(HCO3). The first one is typical of the region’s fresh water, the second one indicates longer residence time of the water that was enriched in Mg+2 and the third one of water that was either influenced by sea water or hot springs.
The elaboration of the hydrochemical data also showed that the majority of water samples are saturated in calcite and dolomite. There is also a depletion of certain samples in Na+ which was attributed to ion exchange processes.
High Fe and Mn concentrations originate from the dissolution of Pindos Flysch minerals, As, Li and B to the presence of hot springs, while Zn and NO3 were related to human impact (industrial waste and fertilizers). The rare earth elements confirmed the original hypothesis, which was based on piezometric data and hydrochemical data analysis, that the region’s porous aquifer is laterally recharged by the carbonate rock formations of Subpelagonic and Parnassos-Giona Zone limestones.
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