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Pozitivní ovlivňování sféry cestovního ruchu v oblasti marketingu vlivem inovativních technologií. / Positive influence sphere of tourism in marketing due to innovative technologiesMališ, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the positive influence on the tourism sector in marketing due to innovative technologies. The main objective of this work is to acquaint the reader with the basic typology and characteristics of marketing tools, with particular emphasis on selected species, taking into consideration the specificities of the tourism industry and based on the business described company. The whole concept is designed to reflect the very real conditions, focusing on the possibility of using various communication tools in terms of limited financial resources. Assumption is that despite the limited budget for marketing department, which does not allow the use of marketing tools is applying appropriate communications mix to create an effective form of promotion. Another point is the claim that the shift from the concept of "learning organization" to the concept of "mutually learning organization" and build a lasting relationship of partnership, allowing to obtain a competitive advantage.
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O desenvolvimento de negócios sociais tecnológicos no Brasil: um estudo exploratório / The development of technology social ventures in Brazil: an exploratory studyRosa, Guilherme Salvador Santa 18 October 2018 (has links)
A tecnologia tem o poder de empoderar e transformar a vida das pessoas. No entanto, o desenvolvimento tecnológico não é impulsionado para maximizar objetivos da sociedade de forma universal, gerando uma lacuna entre o possível e o lucrativo em tecnologias com potencial benéfico para a sociedade (FRUCHTERMAN, 2004). O papel de abordar este desafio tem sido realizado por um gênero bastante singular de organização, os Negócios Sociais Tecnológicos (NSTs), que possuem como missão comum o desenvolvimento e uso de tecnologias inovadoras e escaláveis para atender às necessidades sociais (DESA; KOTHA, 2012). Nesse contexto, este estudo se aprofundou na compreensão do fenômeno dos Negócios Sociais Tecnológicos com o objetivo de identificar elementos-chave e analisar sua influência no desenvolvimento desses negócios no Brasil. O trabalho realizado caracteriza-se como qualitativo exploratório, e utiliza-se levantamento como estratégia de pesquisa. A coleta de dados foi realizada, por sua vez, por entrevistas semiestruturadas com 9 empreendedores de NSTs no Brasil e pesquisa documental online sobre os negócios e empreendedores. Baseou-se no modelo de Song et al. (2008), composto por 4 dimensões (Time Empreendedor, Recursos, Oportunidade e Estratégia), para analisar os elementos influenciadores nos negócios. O levantamento permitiu identificar a existência de 12 elementos que exercem influência sobre o desenvolvimento de NSTs: 5 elementos relacionados ao time empreendedor - Motivação, Momento de Vida, Coesão do Time Empreendedor, Conhecimento do Mercado e Capacitação Tecnológica; 3 elementos relacionados a recursos - Perfil do Investidor, Investimento Inicial Externo e Recursos Reputacionais e Relacionais; 2 elementos relacionados à oportunidade - Oferta Efetiva e Demanda Efetiva; e 2 elementos relacionados à estratégia - Estratégia Competitiva e Estratégia de Escalabilidade de Inovações Sociais. O estudo buscou identificar a relação de influência entre os fatores com os objetivos de identificar elementos de importância mais central e elementos de maior grau de influência. Os resultados consolidados observaram que a Oferta efetiva é o único elemento comum passível de ser influenciado de forma direta ou indireta por todos outros elementos, sugerindo ser este o elemento que melhor representa o objetivo final dos negócios e, portanto, é o mais essencial. Em relação ao grau de influência, Recursos Reputacionais e Relacionais é o elemento com maior intensidade, sendo capaz de influenciar outros 5 elementos, seguido de Conhecimento do mercado, que pode influenciar outros 3 elementos. Estes dados sugerem que estes dois elementos têm características especiais oferecendo o maior poder de catalisar de forma sistêmica o desenvolvimento dos negócios. O estudo também sugere que o principal elemento que distingue NSTs de negócios tecnológicos tradicionais é a presença da motivação pelo propósito, por ser este um fator determinante para a resiliência do time empreendedor, sendo um elemento-chave para a sobrevivência dos negócios no período de maiores incertezas. Por fim, a pesquisa propôs um conjunto de recomendações para a prática direcionadas a empreendedores e futuros empreendedores, buscando contribuir para os praticantes no desenvolvimento de negócios sociais tecnológicos no Brasil. / Technology can empower and transform people\'s lives. However, technological development is not driven to maximize the goals of society in a universal way, creating a gap between the possible and the profitable in technologies with potential to benefit society (FRUCHTERMAN, 2004). The role of addressing this challenge has been achieved by a very unique genre of organization, the Technology Social Ventures (TSV), whose common goal is the development of innovative scalable technology to meet social needs (DESA and KOTHA, 2012). In this context, this study has deepened the understanding of the phenomenon of Technology Social Ventures with the objective of identifying key elements and analyzing their influence in the development of these businesses in Brazil. This study is characterized as exploratory qualitative, and a survey is used as a research strategy. Data collection was carried out, in turn, by semi-structured interviews with 9 entrepreneurs of NSTs in Brazil and online documentary research on business and entrepreneurs. This work is based on the model of Song et al. (2008), composed of 4 dimensions (Entrepreneurial Team, Resources, Opportunity and Strategy) to analyze influential elements in the business. The collection of data allowed to identify the existence of 12 elements that influence the development of NSTs: 5 elements related to the entrepreneurial team - Motivation, Moment of Life, Cohesion of the Entrepreneurial Team, Market Knowledge and Technological Capacitation; 3 elements related to resources - Investor Profile, External Initial Investment and Reputational and Relational Resources; 2 elements related to the opportunity - Effective Offer and Effective Demand; and 2 elements related to the strategy - Competitive Strategy and Scalability Strategy of Social Innovations. The study sought to identify the relationship of influence between the factors with the objectives of identifying elements of more central importance and elements of greater degree of influence. The consolidated results showed that the Effective Offer is the only common element that can be influenced directly or indirectly by all other elements, suggesting that this is the element that best represents the ultimate business goal and therefore is the most essential. In relation to the degree of influence, Reputational and Relational Resources is the element with greater intensity, being able to influence other 5 elements, followed by Knowledge of the market, that can influence other 3 elements. These data suggest that these two elements have special characteristics offering the strongest capacity to systemically catalyze business development. The study also suggests that the main element that distinguishes TSVs from traditional technological businesses is the presence of motivation for purpose, since this is a determining factor for building resilience on the entrepreneurial team, being a key element for the business survival the period of greater uncertainties. Finally, the research proposed a set of recommendations for practice aimed at entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs, seeking to contribute to practitioners in the development of technology social business in Brazil.
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Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity SectorTo, Hong Thi-Dieu 28 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks.
Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated.
The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins.
In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.
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Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity SectorTo, Hong Thi-Dieu 28 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks.
Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated.
The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins.
In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.
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Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity SectorTo, Hong Thi-Dieu 28 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks.
Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated.
The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins.
In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.
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Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change and the Electricity SectorTo, Hong Thi-Dieu January 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three essays on the economics of climate change and the electricity sector. The first essay deals with the subject of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and economic growth. The second essay addresses the issues of climate change policies, especially the role of the emergent innovative technologies, and the restructuring of the electricity sector. The third essay presents a model of transmission investments in electric power networks.
Chapter One studies the impacts of climate change on economic growth in the world economies. The paper contains explicit formalization of the depletion process of exhaustible fossil fuels and the phase of technology substitution. The impacts of climate change on capital flows and welfare across countries are also investigated.
The restructuring of the electricity sector is studied in Chapter Two. It also analyzes how climate change policies can benefit from emergent innovative technologies and how emergent innovative technologies can lower GHG emissions. It is shown that the price of electricity is strictly rising before emergent innovative firms with zero GHG emissions enter the market, but strictly declining as the entry begins.
In Chapter Three, a model of electricity transmission investments from the perspective of the regulatory approach is formulated. The Mid-West region of Western Australia, a sub-system of the South West Interconnected System is considered. In contrast with most models in the literature that deal only with network deepening, this model deals with both network deepening and network widening. Moreover, unlike the conventional investment models which are static and deal only with the long run, this model is dynamic and focuses on the timing of the infrastructure investments. The paper is a study of an optimal transmission investment program which is part of the optimal investment program for an integrated model in which investments in transmission and investments in generation are made at the same time.
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Impacts of Innovative Technologies and Services in Supply Chain via Mobile AppsZhou, Zenan 04 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Adoção de inovações tecnológicas: um estudo sobre o uso de sistemas de informação na área de saúde / Adoption of technological innovations: a study about the use of information systems in the health areaPerez, Gilberto 16 January 2007 (has links)
A proposta desta Tese é estudar quais os principais fatores que afetam o processo de adoção de uma Inovação Tecnológica introduzida por Sistemas de Informação (SI) na área de saúde. Um outro aspecto estudado diz respeito aos resultados dessa adoção para os indivíduos e vários grupos sociais nas instituições dessa área. Muito se tem pesquisado, ultimamente, sobre a importância e a eficiência dos SI e Tecnologia da Informação (TI) nas organizações, como possível fonte geradora de vantagem competitiva. Para se poder obter tal competitividade é necessário que se façam investimentos adequados em tecnologia, assim como, uma boa gestão desses recursos. Paralelamente a isso, é necessário garantir um uso adequado da inovação tecnológica disponível, uma vez que o uso adequado dessa tecnologia pode trazer melhorias para os usuários, bem como para os negócios de uma organização. Optou-se pelo estudo no setor de Saúde (Pronto Socorro / Faculdade de Medicina), pois esse é um dos setores em que a tecnologia disponível pode ser utilizada para oferecer um melhor atendimento a seus clientes, e na melhoria de seus processos internos. Para a consecução da pesquisa optou-se por utilizar técnicas de natureza Qualitativa e Quantitativa. Na parte qualitativa, caracterizada como exploratória efetuaram-se entrevistas em profundidade com os principais gestores e usuários- chave que podem influenciar no processo de adoção de uma inovação tecnológica em SI. Na análise qualitativa, efetuada por intermédio da análise de conteúdo, buscou-se a elaboração de um modelo completo, segundo o qual futuros pesquisadores poderão identificar de que forma a adoção de uma inovação pode afetar seu uso futuro e melhorar o desempenho da organização. Na parte quantitativa, caracterizada como descritiva, foram aplicados questionários fechados junto a usuários do SI, como: professores, médicos, médicos residentes, administradores e demais usuários finais, com o propósito de se verificar de que maneira os mesmos percebem as características de uso em uma inovação tecnológica e como a utilizam na realização dos serviços e processos. Na análise quantitativa utilizaram-se técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise de Regressão Linear Múltipla e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. As inovações tecnológicas alvo desta pesquisa foram: o Prontuário Eletrônico e o EClass (Sistema para ensino em uma Faculdade de Medicina). Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o processo de adoção de inovações tecnológicas na área de saúde, como é o caso de sistemas de informação, depende de uma conjunção de fatores, que devidamente interligados podem contribuir de forma mais efetiva na adoção de inovações tecnológicas nesta área. / This thesis investigates the main factors that affect the process of adoption of an Innovative Technology introduced by Information Systems (IS) in the health care area. This research also looks at what the results of this adoption of Innovative Technology mean for individuals in different social groups within health care institutions. Recently, there has been a lot of research on the importance and efficiency of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in organizations as a possible source of competitive advantage. To acquire this competitive edge an adequate investment in technology is necessary as well as an effective management of these resources. At the same time, care must be taken to guarantee the adequate use of the innovative technology, especially when we take into consideration that the proper use of this technology can benefit users and the institution in which they are implemented. It was decided to study the health care area (Emergency Ward / Faculty of Medicine) as it is one of the areas where available technology can be used to improve the quality of service for end-users as well as improve internal processes. In order to carry out this research, we opted to use techniques both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative part consists of in-depth interviews with the main managers and key users who could influence the adoption process of an innovative technology. The qualitative analysis, consisting of content analysis, has as its objective the development of a comprehensive model with which future researchers can identify in what way the adoption of an innovative technology affects its future use as well as improvements in the performance of the organization. For the quantitative part, which can be characterized as descriptive, questionnaires were given to IS users such as professors, doctors, doctors in residence, administrators and other end-users with the aim of discovering how these users perceive the user characteristics of an innovative technology and how they use this technology in the course of their work routines and processes. The qualitative analysis uses multivariate statistics techniques such as Linear Regression Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The specific innovative technologies that were focused on in this research are Electronic Medical Register and EClass (a teaching system used by the Faculty of Medicine). The results of the research indicate that the successful adoption of innovative technologies in the health care area, such as the case of information systems, depend on a conjunction of interrelated factors.
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Adoção de inovações tecnológicas: um estudo sobre o uso de sistemas de informação na área de saúde / Adoption of technological innovations: a study about the use of information systems in the health areaGilberto Perez 16 January 2007 (has links)
A proposta desta Tese é estudar quais os principais fatores que afetam o processo de adoção de uma Inovação Tecnológica introduzida por Sistemas de Informação (SI) na área de saúde. Um outro aspecto estudado diz respeito aos resultados dessa adoção para os indivíduos e vários grupos sociais nas instituições dessa área. Muito se tem pesquisado, ultimamente, sobre a importância e a eficiência dos SI e Tecnologia da Informação (TI) nas organizações, como possível fonte geradora de vantagem competitiva. Para se poder obter tal competitividade é necessário que se façam investimentos adequados em tecnologia, assim como, uma boa gestão desses recursos. Paralelamente a isso, é necessário garantir um uso adequado da inovação tecnológica disponível, uma vez que o uso adequado dessa tecnologia pode trazer melhorias para os usuários, bem como para os negócios de uma organização. Optou-se pelo estudo no setor de Saúde (Pronto Socorro / Faculdade de Medicina), pois esse é um dos setores em que a tecnologia disponível pode ser utilizada para oferecer um melhor atendimento a seus clientes, e na melhoria de seus processos internos. Para a consecução da pesquisa optou-se por utilizar técnicas de natureza Qualitativa e Quantitativa. Na parte qualitativa, caracterizada como exploratória efetuaram-se entrevistas em profundidade com os principais gestores e usuários- chave que podem influenciar no processo de adoção de uma inovação tecnológica em SI. Na análise qualitativa, efetuada por intermédio da análise de conteúdo, buscou-se a elaboração de um modelo completo, segundo o qual futuros pesquisadores poderão identificar de que forma a adoção de uma inovação pode afetar seu uso futuro e melhorar o desempenho da organização. Na parte quantitativa, caracterizada como descritiva, foram aplicados questionários fechados junto a usuários do SI, como: professores, médicos, médicos residentes, administradores e demais usuários finais, com o propósito de se verificar de que maneira os mesmos percebem as características de uso em uma inovação tecnológica e como a utilizam na realização dos serviços e processos. Na análise quantitativa utilizaram-se técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como a Análise de Regressão Linear Múltipla e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. As inovações tecnológicas alvo desta pesquisa foram: o Prontuário Eletrônico e o EClass (Sistema para ensino em uma Faculdade de Medicina). Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que o processo de adoção de inovações tecnológicas na área de saúde, como é o caso de sistemas de informação, depende de uma conjunção de fatores, que devidamente interligados podem contribuir de forma mais efetiva na adoção de inovações tecnológicas nesta área. / This thesis investigates the main factors that affect the process of adoption of an Innovative Technology introduced by Information Systems (IS) in the health care area. This research also looks at what the results of this adoption of Innovative Technology mean for individuals in different social groups within health care institutions. Recently, there has been a lot of research on the importance and efficiency of Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) in organizations as a possible source of competitive advantage. To acquire this competitive edge an adequate investment in technology is necessary as well as an effective management of these resources. At the same time, care must be taken to guarantee the adequate use of the innovative technology, especially when we take into consideration that the proper use of this technology can benefit users and the institution in which they are implemented. It was decided to study the health care area (Emergency Ward / Faculty of Medicine) as it is one of the areas where available technology can be used to improve the quality of service for end-users as well as improve internal processes. In order to carry out this research, we opted to use techniques both qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative part consists of in-depth interviews with the main managers and key users who could influence the adoption process of an innovative technology. The qualitative analysis, consisting of content analysis, has as its objective the development of a comprehensive model with which future researchers can identify in what way the adoption of an innovative technology affects its future use as well as improvements in the performance of the organization. For the quantitative part, which can be characterized as descriptive, questionnaires were given to IS users such as professors, doctors, doctors in residence, administrators and other end-users with the aim of discovering how these users perceive the user characteristics of an innovative technology and how they use this technology in the course of their work routines and processes. The qualitative analysis uses multivariate statistics techniques such as Linear Regression Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The specific innovative technologies that were focused on in this research are Electronic Medical Register and EClass (a teaching system used by the Faculty of Medicine). The results of the research indicate that the successful adoption of innovative technologies in the health care area, such as the case of information systems, depend on a conjunction of interrelated factors.
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Artificial Intelligence: From Data to Insights : Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation Strategies in the Semiconductor IndustryBergh, Mikael, Strugholz, Sophie January 2023 (has links)
Emerging technologies are reshaping the digital landscape and competitive environment of highly technological companies with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). Firms are reacting by implementing digital transformation (DT) strategies aligning the organizational and technological factors towards leveraging AI-generated information. This thesis sheds new light on the topics of knowledge management (KM), DT, and AI in organizational practices with an emphasis on AI-enhanced software-as-a-service (SaaS). The research results in a conceptual framework, designed from the literature on AI, DT, KM, and dynamic capability view (DCV) uncovering three overarching concepts (internal capabilities, absorptive capacity, and technological competitiveness). This conceptual framework was then complemented by empirical data featuring primary data gathered from a single case study and secondary data from an internet-mediated data collection. The interviews in the case study were focused on managers with extensive experience in the semiconductor industry and operators working with the AI-enhanced SaaS tool. The analysis concludes in an updated conceptual framework, highlighting the interplay of a firm’s internal capabilities and an AI-enhanced absorptive capacity indicating three pathways toward achieving technological competitiveness in a highly technological environment. Additionally, a proposed solution is presented featuring an AI-enhanced tool operator as a new role, responsible for supporting organization-wide activities with AI-generated information.
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