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電視傳播產業互動電視服務運作之探討 / The study of interactive TV service in the TV industry黃瓊玉 Unknown Date (has links)
而業者投入互動電視購物頻道型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重以提供用戶電視線上購物的內容與服務,則提供吸引用戶進行電視線上購物的內容及便利性是其著力點,亦即完善提供吸引用戶購物之前端內容以及購物前、購物時與購物後的(包括物流、客服等)商務流程,是提供此型互動電視服務的要件。而用戶呈現於購物前反應與購物後意見的回傳資料,可助業者對商品挑選、流程設計、服務內容等營運層面的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以互動電視觀看型服務市場結構-行為-績效分析為前端內容基礎,並於節目製作項目納入電視購物服務內容分析之考量,以表達對電視購物情境設計的重視,再加上流通業與Scherer and Ross(1990)產業研究的結構-行為-績效模型發展後端買賣執行的市場結構-行為-績效分析。而個別公司投入績效之探討,可以與其相近的線上零售商 (Afuah and Tucci,2003) 為探討方向。
對後續的研究建議,從研究內容與研究方法提出。在研究內容方面,一則可深入互動電視服務運作以外層面的探討,如與收入、投資、產業合作等層面,以利互動電視服務的實務發展。二則可深入其他互動電視服務類型的探討,如Tsaih et al. (2005)所提的互動電視網際網路型服務等類型,以促研究的完整。在研究方法方面,一則可以個案方式進行研究,而以第一手的實務資料擴大或深入研究。二則可以量化方式進行研究,而以數據資料的佐證、統計檢定的類推、真偽假說的實證等量化資料而強化研究。 / The development of information and televisual technology has led to a nascent market for interactive TV (hereafter, itv ) service. Since the provision of itv involves numerous sectors, this study discusses the different aspects of itv service including viewing, shopping and business service.
In this study, the performance of individual service provider is analyzed at two different phases: the phase of development and the phase of competition. The study of the former focuses on pioneering authority, service differentiation and information, whereas study of the latter examines the value chain of user-viewing, business-advertising and data collection.
The study shows that providers of itv shopping channel service are concerned with creating attractive content and managing easy shopping service. In analyzing the market structure, conduct and performance, this study includes the “TV shopping service content” and “design of TV-shopping surroundings” factors in investigation of the front end, and utilizes the model of market structure and economic performance of Scherer and Ross (1990) for examination of the back end.
The study demonstrates that providers of business service are concerned with enhancing the content and improving communication service for users and third parties. Market research on viewing and communication patterns can offer significant insights for service providers. In analyzing market structure, conduct and performance, this study builds upon the model of front end research with the addition of “portal service” with particular emphasis on the factor of “guidance”. The performance of individual provider is assessed by examining the value chain of user-viewing, business-advertising and data collection. Issues of authority, differentiation and operational costs are taken into consideration.
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智慧型互動電視之實驗平台的設計-SITV / An Experimental Platform for Smart Interactive TV-SITV劉炳億, Liu, Ping-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧型互動電視是不少數位生活研究的焦點。我們認為,一個好的互動電視系統設計,必須了解使用者觀看電視時的行為與周遭情境。因此,在本研究中,我們以Windows Media Center為基礎,提出一套互動電視的實驗平台系統─「SITV」,希望可輔助我們找出使用者在觀看電視時的行為特徵以及主觀上的需求反應。在SITV上,實驗設計者可以模擬一般有線電視節目的瀏覽方式,安排頻道順序與節目流程,定義電視上的功能,收集使用者的操作資訊,以及整合其他外部應用系統。我們亦設計了幾個實驗來評估我們所設計的電視新功能之效用性,包括新的音量控制方式,快速地檢視最近觀看過的頻道,個人化的節目推薦功能以及幾個具情境感知的應用規則(以電腦視覺技術為主)。我們相信SITV將作為一個創新的實驗平台,可以使得智慧型互動電視的設計更為容易。我們也將持續的進行更多的心理實驗來了解使用者的行為,以及如何設計出有用的電視新功能。 / Smart interactive TV has been the focus of much research on digital life in recent years. We regard that a good design for interactive TV should be based on better understanding of user behaviors and viewing contexts in TV watching. Therefore, in this research, on top of the Windows Media Center, we propose to build an experimental platform called Smart Interactive TV (SITV) to help us find out the characteristics of user behavior and subjective needs when watching the kind of TV. On SITV, designers are allowed to emulate broadcasting programs, schedule the programs, define control functions, collect user interaction data, and incorporate external application systems. We have designed several experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our new context-aware control functions including volume control, fast retrieval of newly viewed programs, personalized program recommendation, and rule-based context-aware functions by the use of computer vision techniques. We believe that SITV will serve as a novel experiment platform to facilitate the design of smart interactive TV. We will continue to conduct more psychological experiments to better understand user behaviors and how to design effective functions on this kind of TV environment.
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