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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational chemistry investigation of gas-phase structures, infrared spectroscopy, and dissociation pathways of isomeric molecules

Kaushalya, Widana 25 November 2020 (has links)
While chemical isomers typically have distinct properties, differentiating between them is often an analytical challenge, especially for mass spectrometric methods. Infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy and ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) can be useful in analysis of such isomeric compounds; however, experimental results alone do not directly provide in-depth structural information. In this thesis, computational chemistry is first used to explain experimental results and understand the conformational preference of the gas phase ions formed from the lithiation of cis-3, cis-4 and trans-4 hydroxyproline isomers and then used in a predictive manner to evaluate IRMPD spectroscopy and IMS as potential paths forward for the characterization of isomeric dye species. Finally, theoretical methods are used to begin to understand the dissociation pathways of lithiated hydroxyproline isomers in the gas phase, which is ongoing.

Etude structurale de biomolécules de grandes tailles, en phase gazeuse, par spectroscopie infrarouge, spectrométrie de mobilité ionique et dissociation induite par attachement d'électron / Gas-phase structures of large biomolecules investigated through IRMPD spectroscopy, Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Electron Capture Dissociation

Lê, Thi Ngà 11 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude expérimentale et théorique de peptides protonés contenant plusieurs dizaines d’atomes en phase gazeuse. Le premier objectif de ce travail consistait à coupler trois techniques expérimentales complémentaires, la spectroscopie IRMPD, la spectrométrie de mobilité ionique et la dissociation induite par attachement d’électron (ECD), afin de caractériser la structure des peptides amyloïdes Aβ₁₂-₂₈ et de tryptophane zippers TZ1 et TZ4. L’originalité de cette étude porte sur l’analyse de la distribution d’intensité des fragments c/z obtenus en ECD en relation avec les informations structurelles obtenues par mobilité et IRMPD. Grâce à cette approche combinée, nous avons pu proposer les structures les plus probables adoptées en phase gazeuse par ces peptides flexibles. Nous avons montré que la structure native des peptides n’était pas conservée au passage en phase gazeuse. L’interprétation des données expérimentales repose sur un travail théorique important alliant des dynamiques moléculaires utilisant un champ de force AMBER aux méthodes de chimie quantique au niveau DFT pour simuler les spectres vibrationnels des peptides. Le second axe de ce travail a porté sur la conception, la réalisation et la caractérisation d’une nouvelle technique de mise en phase gazeuse de biomolécules et leurs complexes non-covalents par désorption laser IR sur une micro-gouttelette liquide directement sous vide. Cette technique originale pourrait être une alternative aux techniques ESI et MALDI. Nous avons obtenu les premiers spectres de masse et optimisé les paramètres importants de l’expérience : longueur d’onde, intensité laser, résolution en masse du spectromètre à temps de vol. D’autres développements sont en cours pour améliorer la détection et la résolution en masse de ce type de source qui produit des ions avec une grande dispersion en énergie cinétique : piéger les ions dans une trappe quadrupolaire et entraîner les ions dans une détente supersonique. / Gas-phase studies of large biological molecules have emerged with the advent of soft production methods of biomolecular ions under vacuum (like ESI or MALDI) combined to mass spectrometry. The first aim of this work was to use three complementary experimental techniques, namely IRMPD spectroscopy, ion mobility mass spectrometry and electron capture dissociation ECD to probe the gas-phase structures of amyloïd Aβ₁₂-₂₈ and tryptophan zippers TZ1 and TZ4 peptides. The main originality of this study is to analyse the specific c/z product ion abundances in ECD experiments with the structural information gained through IR spectroscopy and ion mobility experiments. With this complementary approach, we were able to assign the most probable gas-phase structures of these flexible peptides. In particular, it is shown that the native structure of the peptides is not conserved in the gas phase. This study relies on the interplay between experiments and theoretical calculations. To that end, we used several theoretical methods, ranging for molecular dynamics using a classical force field (AMBER) to quantum mechanics calculations to simulate the vibrational spectra of the peptides. The second aim of this work was to design, develop and optimize a unique device, coupling a novel source introducing biomolecules in the gas phase, based on laser desorption from liquid micro-droplets directly into vacuum, coupled with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. This desorption source is an original alternative to the usual methods (ESI or MALDI). Through mass spectrometry techniques, it should allow investigating the complexation processes of non-covalently bound species in conditions as close as the ones encountered in solution. We have recently obtained the first mass spectra. Due to the high velocity spread of the desorbed ions, new developments are needed to improve the mass resolution. In particular, we plan to transfer the ions in a quadrupole ion trap and to perform the laser desorption in front a pulsed valve to stream the ions in the supersonic expansion.

Ion Structure and Energetics in the Gas Phase Characterized Using Fourier Transfom Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry

Jones, Chad A 01 September 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation, I use Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) to study the structure and energetics of gas phase ions. Infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy (IRMPD) is a technique for measuring the IR spectrum of gas phase ions in a Penning trap. I use this technique to investigate the conformation of cucurbituril complexes, terminal diamines, and protonated amino acids. Cross sectional areas by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (CRAFTI) is a technique developed by the Dearden lab to measure the cross section of gas phase ions. In this work, I further develop a fundamental understanding of this technique. I investigate the role that dissociation plays in this and other FTICR-MS techniques. I also show that the principles of the CRAFTI technique can be used to measure the pressure inside the cell of an FTICR-MS. This technique, linewidth pressure measurement (LIPS), allows for a quantitative measurement and comparison of CRAFTI cross sections. To demonstrate the improvements to the technique, I measure the CRAFTI cross sections for the 20 standard amino acids and compare these to literature values measured by ion mobility measurements.

Da fase gasosa à solução: reatividade e estrutura de ésteres e funções análogas de Si, N, S e espectroscopia de íons solvatados em fase gasosa / From the gas-phase to solution: gas-phase reactivity and structure of Si, N and S esters and their analogs and spectroscopy of gas-phase solvated ions.

Correra, Thiago Carita 21 March 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo inicial estudar a reatividade de ésteres de Si, N, S e seus análogos em fase gasosa para obter informações detalhadas do mecanismo destas espécies quando submetidas a ataque nucleofílico, sobretudo no que tange a competição entre as vias de substituição nesses centros e no carbono. Esses estudos são realizados experimentalmente através da técnica de espectrometria de massas por transformada de Fourier e ressonância ciclotrônica de íons (FT-ICR) e amparados por cálculos de estrutura eletrônica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, para o Si, as alcoxissilanas reagem com os nucleófilos através de um aduto pentacoordenado que desloca, preferencialmente, um alcóxido. De forma minoritária, pode ocorrer o deslocamento de outro ligante gerando silóxidos ou carbânions. Neste estudo, foi caracterizada uma reação inédita de troca de Me por F nos silóxidos mediada por NF3. Os estudos dos ésteres de nitrogênio indicam que as reações de eliminação são mais favoráveis que as de substituição e que a substituição no nitrogênio, apesar de ser considerada mais favorável pelos cálculos, não é observada. Esse comportamento foi elucidado através do uso de dinâmica molecular e indica que o complexo de entrada para a via de reação no nitrogênio não é formado devido à repulsão sofrida pelo nucleófilo pelos oxigênios que rodeiam o centro de N. Resultados teóricos semelhantes foram encontrados para os ésteres de enxofre e, em adição aos resultados experimentais disponíveis, indicam que não só a dinâmica de reação exerce um papel importante nesses sistemas, como também sugerem uma compensação entre o caráter dinâmico e a termoquímica destes sistemas. Para nucleófilos fracos que não são favoráveis do ponto de vista termoquímico, a formação do complexo de entrada não é impedida pela repulsão, dado que esses nucleófilos não costumam ter centros nucleofílicos com carga muito localizada. O oposto ocorre com nucleófilos fortes, que procederiam pelo caminho de substituição no S por uma via praticamente sem barreira, mas não o fazem já que a repulsão do nucleófilo é muito intensa. Em uma segunda etapa a solvatação dos íons F-, Br- e I- foram estudadas na fase gasosa a partir da espectroscopia dissociação no infravermelho. A partir da formação por uma fonte de eletrospray de agregados altamente solvatados, foi possível determinar o efeito dos íons na organização das moléculas de solvente, determinar a mudança da solvatação interna para solvatação de superfície e determinar o número de hidratação em fase gasosa para os íons Br- e F-. Além disso, tanto os resultados experimentais quanto teóricos mostram que a natureza do íon influencia a primeira camada de solvatação e que a carga formal tem um efeito predominante em longo alcance, podendo organizar até centenas de moléculas de solventes. Por fim, realizamos a adaptação do sistema de aquisição do FT-ICR do laboratório. Isso não só confere um sistema atualizado ao nosso instrumento, como possibilita que novos experimentos, como a espectroscopia de íons, possam ser realizados no nosso grupo de pesquisa. / This thesis comprises the study of the reactivity of gas-phase ions in the gas-phase and the structural modifications observed for gas-phase ions as a function of progressive solvation by spectroscopic techniques. In the first part, we describe the gas-phase reactivity of Si, N, and S esters and their analogs towards simple nucleophiles and a detailed analysis of the competition between different reaction channels namely substitution vs. elimination. These studies were carried out by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR) and supported by theoretical calculations. Our results suggest that alkoxysilanes react with nucleophiles via a pentacoordinated adduct that results in alkoxide displacement as the major reaction channel. The displacement of other ligands can also occur to yield siloxides or carbanions. As part of these studies, we also report a Me/F exchange reaction in siloxide ions mediated by NF3. Results obtained for the nitrogen esters show elimination-type reactions to be the most favorable pathway followed by nucleophilic displacement. No displacement was observed at the nitrogen center in spite of the fact that calculations predict this channel to be the most favorable pathway. This behavior was further explored by ab initio molecular dynamics calculations that show that the entrance complex for the nitrogen pathway is avoided because of the strong electrostatic repulsion exerted by the oxygen atoms as the nucleophile approaches the N center. Similar theoretical results were obtained for the sulfur esters. Comparison of these calculations with the experimental results also suggests that the reaction dynamics play an important role in these systems. Furthermore, we propose that a combination of thermochemical and dynamic balance hinders substitution at the heteroatom. For strong nucleophiles that could undergo substitution at the S center via a barrierless pathway, the reaction is hindered by the strong repulsion experienced by these nucleophiles. In the second part, we study the structure of gas-phase solvated F-, Br- and I- by infrared dissociation spectroscopy. The highly solvated clusters were generated by electrospray ionization and their structures probed to gather information regarding the short and long-range effect of these ions on the solvation network. Solvation parameters such as the number of water molecules needed for a switch from internal to surface solvation and the hydration numbers for F- and Br- were determined. Theoretical and experimental results show that the solvation pattern of the first solvation shell for these ions depends on the nature of the ion while the ion charge prevails in determining the long-range pattern. This pattern effect is shown to prevail up to hundreds of solvent molecules. Finally, a new data acquisition and control system is described for our FT-ICR spectrometer. This system not only updates the original instrument but it also brings in new capabilities to the spectrometer such as the ability to carry out gas-phase ion dissociation spectroscopy.

Da fase gasosa à solução: reatividade e estrutura de ésteres e funções análogas de Si, N, S e espectroscopia de íons solvatados em fase gasosa / From the gas-phase to solution: gas-phase reactivity and structure of Si, N and S esters and their analogs and spectroscopy of gas-phase solvated ions.

Thiago Carita Correra 21 March 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo inicial estudar a reatividade de ésteres de Si, N, S e seus análogos em fase gasosa para obter informações detalhadas do mecanismo destas espécies quando submetidas a ataque nucleofílico, sobretudo no que tange a competição entre as vias de substituição nesses centros e no carbono. Esses estudos são realizados experimentalmente através da técnica de espectrometria de massas por transformada de Fourier e ressonância ciclotrônica de íons (FT-ICR) e amparados por cálculos de estrutura eletrônica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, para o Si, as alcoxissilanas reagem com os nucleófilos através de um aduto pentacoordenado que desloca, preferencialmente, um alcóxido. De forma minoritária, pode ocorrer o deslocamento de outro ligante gerando silóxidos ou carbânions. Neste estudo, foi caracterizada uma reação inédita de troca de Me por F nos silóxidos mediada por NF3. Os estudos dos ésteres de nitrogênio indicam que as reações de eliminação são mais favoráveis que as de substituição e que a substituição no nitrogênio, apesar de ser considerada mais favorável pelos cálculos, não é observada. Esse comportamento foi elucidado através do uso de dinâmica molecular e indica que o complexo de entrada para a via de reação no nitrogênio não é formado devido à repulsão sofrida pelo nucleófilo pelos oxigênios que rodeiam o centro de N. Resultados teóricos semelhantes foram encontrados para os ésteres de enxofre e, em adição aos resultados experimentais disponíveis, indicam que não só a dinâmica de reação exerce um papel importante nesses sistemas, como também sugerem uma compensação entre o caráter dinâmico e a termoquímica destes sistemas. Para nucleófilos fracos que não são favoráveis do ponto de vista termoquímico, a formação do complexo de entrada não é impedida pela repulsão, dado que esses nucleófilos não costumam ter centros nucleofílicos com carga muito localizada. O oposto ocorre com nucleófilos fortes, que procederiam pelo caminho de substituição no S por uma via praticamente sem barreira, mas não o fazem já que a repulsão do nucleófilo é muito intensa. Em uma segunda etapa a solvatação dos íons F-, Br- e I- foram estudadas na fase gasosa a partir da espectroscopia dissociação no infravermelho. A partir da formação por uma fonte de eletrospray de agregados altamente solvatados, foi possível determinar o efeito dos íons na organização das moléculas de solvente, determinar a mudança da solvatação interna para solvatação de superfície e determinar o número de hidratação em fase gasosa para os íons Br- e F-. Além disso, tanto os resultados experimentais quanto teóricos mostram que a natureza do íon influencia a primeira camada de solvatação e que a carga formal tem um efeito predominante em longo alcance, podendo organizar até centenas de moléculas de solventes. Por fim, realizamos a adaptação do sistema de aquisição do FT-ICR do laboratório. Isso não só confere um sistema atualizado ao nosso instrumento, como possibilita que novos experimentos, como a espectroscopia de íons, possam ser realizados no nosso grupo de pesquisa. / This thesis comprises the study of the reactivity of gas-phase ions in the gas-phase and the structural modifications observed for gas-phase ions as a function of progressive solvation by spectroscopic techniques. In the first part, we describe the gas-phase reactivity of Si, N, and S esters and their analogs towards simple nucleophiles and a detailed analysis of the competition between different reaction channels namely substitution vs. elimination. These studies were carried out by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR) and supported by theoretical calculations. Our results suggest that alkoxysilanes react with nucleophiles via a pentacoordinated adduct that results in alkoxide displacement as the major reaction channel. The displacement of other ligands can also occur to yield siloxides or carbanions. As part of these studies, we also report a Me/F exchange reaction in siloxide ions mediated by NF3. Results obtained for the nitrogen esters show elimination-type reactions to be the most favorable pathway followed by nucleophilic displacement. No displacement was observed at the nitrogen center in spite of the fact that calculations predict this channel to be the most favorable pathway. This behavior was further explored by ab initio molecular dynamics calculations that show that the entrance complex for the nitrogen pathway is avoided because of the strong electrostatic repulsion exerted by the oxygen atoms as the nucleophile approaches the N center. Similar theoretical results were obtained for the sulfur esters. Comparison of these calculations with the experimental results also suggests that the reaction dynamics play an important role in these systems. Furthermore, we propose that a combination of thermochemical and dynamic balance hinders substitution at the heteroatom. For strong nucleophiles that could undergo substitution at the S center via a barrierless pathway, the reaction is hindered by the strong repulsion experienced by these nucleophiles. In the second part, we study the structure of gas-phase solvated F-, Br- and I- by infrared dissociation spectroscopy. The highly solvated clusters were generated by electrospray ionization and their structures probed to gather information regarding the short and long-range effect of these ions on the solvation network. Solvation parameters such as the number of water molecules needed for a switch from internal to surface solvation and the hydration numbers for F- and Br- were determined. Theoretical and experimental results show that the solvation pattern of the first solvation shell for these ions depends on the nature of the ion while the ion charge prevails in determining the long-range pattern. This pattern effect is shown to prevail up to hundreds of solvent molecules. Finally, a new data acquisition and control system is described for our FT-ICR spectrometer. This system not only updates the original instrument but it also brings in new capabilities to the spectrometer such as the ability to carry out gas-phase ion dissociation spectroscopy.


Yoon, Sung Hwan January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents dissociation mechanism and dissociation kinetics studies of gas-phase ions using mass spectrometry (MS). Dissociation of a gas-phase ion is related to its fundamental properties such as composition and structure. However, the detailed processes, internal energy deposition during ion activation as well as the mechanism of dissociation, are not fully known. In the present work, ion structural studies from which mechanisms can be inferred were performed using infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy, soft-landing, IR spectroscopy, and quantum chemical calculations. Kinetics studies involved instrument modification to add surface-induced dissociation (SID) capability and peak shape analysis. Structural studies were performed to determine dissociation mechanisms. The b₂⁺ ion from AGG is an oxazolone structure as indicated by the IRMPD spectrum and quantum chemical calculations. Protonated 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-2-oxazolin-5- one is also an oxazolone-type structure, while protonated cyclo-AG is a diketopiperazine structure. Soft-landing experiments were carried out to corroborate IRMPD results. Soft-landed protonated cyclo-AG and protonated 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-2- oxazolin-5-one underwent neutralization and retained their structures. The soft-landed b₂⁺ ion of AGG showed evidence of ring opening and conversion into a linear structure. The modified matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometers with SID capability were used to study fast dissociation kinetics (sub-microsecond dissociation). Silicon nanoparticle assisted laser desorption/ionization (SPALDI) allows the study of small molecule dissociation kinetics for ions without the matrix interference observed in MALDI. Well characterized systems, such as, N(CH₃)₄⁺, N(CD₃)₄⁺, and substituted benzylpyridinium ions were used to confirm reliability of the peak shape analysis. Obtained dissociation rates, of submicrosecond order, are consistent with the known dissociation theories. Dissociation of fullerenes, C₆₀ and C₇₀, was also investigated with the SID method using a fluorocarbon self-assembled monolayer (FSAM) surface. Fullerene ions produced C(2n)⁺ fragments ion in the kinetic energy range of 150-300 eV. At higher than 400 eV, mass spectra showed additional small fragment ions composed of odd numbers of C units. Energy resolved MS/MS curves support parallel dissociation at high SID energies while peak shape analysis explains sequential dissociation at about 150 eV range. Instrument modification of a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer with SID capability allowed successful studies of fast unimolecular dissociation kinetics of small ions and fullerenes.

Přímé monitorování reakcí katalyzovaných kovy pomocí hmotnostní spektrometrie s elektrosprejovou ionizaci / Direct monitoring of metal-catalyzed reactions using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

Tsybizova, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
The current dissertation thesis is focused on the investigation of metal-catalyzed reactions using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry as the primary research technique. However, other gas- phase methods such as tandem mass spectrometry, infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations have also been involved to unravel and support the findings and proposals. As organometallic chemistry is a very broad and complicated topic, this thesis is only focused on a few projects. The fist of them is dedicated to copper acetate speciation in organic solvents, the second - to the mechanistic investigation of copper catalyzed aerobic cross coupling of thiol esters and arylboronic acids, the third studied coordination and bond activation of nickel(II) - phenylpyridine complexes and the last investigated carboxylate assisted C-H activation reactions.

Étude théorique des saccharides : structures et spectres infrarouges / Theoretical study of saccharides : structures and infrared spectra

Barnes, Loic 22 September 2017 (has links)
Notre travail s'effectue dans le but de fournir une méthode pour permettre le séquençage des oligosaccharides, des biopolymères jouant un rôle clé dans le domaine de la santé comme dans certains domaines industriels tels que l'énergie ou l'alimentation.Les méthodes utilisées pour séquencer les protéines sont limitées pour l'étude des oligosaccharides.En revanche, nous montrons que l'alliance entre la méthode expérimentale de spectroscopie d'action (IRMPD) et les calculs théoriques est une méthode prometteuse pour le séquençage des oligosaccharides.Notre méthode théorique consiste à obtenir des minima de la surface d'énergie potentielle.Les spectres infrarouges de ces minima sont calculés avec la DFT et en utilisant une grande base.Les spectres calculés sont alors comparés aux spectres expérimentaux afin d'obtenir des informations sur la structure des constituants ou la composition du mélange dans l'échantillon.Notre approche alliant les calculs théoriques aux mesures IRMPD s'est avérée particulièrement efficace pour obtenir les structures des mono ou disaccharides présents dans l'échantillon.De plus elle permet d'identifier des signatures spécifiques à des anomères ou à des conformères / Our work aims to develop a method to allow the sequencing of oligosaccharides, which are biopolymers playing a key role in the field of Health as in several industrial fields such as energy or nutrition.The methods used for sequencing proteins are limited in the study of oligosaccharides.However, we show that the combination of action spectroscopy experimental method (IRMPD) and theoretical calculations is a promising method to sequence oligosaccharides.Our theoretical method consist of obtaining minima of the potential energy surface.The infrared spectra of these minima are computed with DFT and a large basis.The calculated spectra are then compared to the experimental ones to gain informations on the structure of the compounds or on the composition of the mixture in the sample.Our approach combining theoretical computations to IRMPD measurements is particularly effective to obtain the structures of mono and disaccharides present in the sample.Moreover, it allows to identify specific signatures of anomers and conformers

Séquençage par couplage de spectrométrie de masse et spectroscopie infrarouge de fragments de glycosaminoglycanes / Sequencing by coupling Mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy of glycosaminoglycan fragments

Renois Predelus, Gina 09 May 2019 (has links)
Les carbohydrates font partie des trois grandes classes de biopolymères présents dans la nature. Ils représentent 75% de la biomasse. Les glycosaminoglycanes font partie des carbohydrates, ils sont présents à la surface des cellules et sont responsables de la signalisation cellulaire. Ils sont importants dans de nombreux processus biologiques. Vu leur importance en biologie et en santé, il est nécessaire de comprendre leur fonctionnement. Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié deux types de tétrasaccharides de glycosaminoglycanes (chondroïtine sulfate et dermatane sulfate) avec une nouvelle méthode qui couple la spectrométrie de masse à la spectroscopie vibrationnelle (MS/IR). Nous avons montré qu’avec cette méthode la signature de l’empreinte OH fonctionne pour les glycosaminoglycanes qui présentent des groupements Coo- et des groupements sulfate contrairement aux oses simples. Cette méthode a également validé la pertinence du séquençage pour l'élucidation de profils de sulfate et la nature de l’hexuronique dans les oligosaccharides de glycosaminoglycanes. L’approche du séquençage améliore considérablement la résolution structurelle par rapport à la simple analyse spectroscopique de l'ion précurseur. Elle permet d’avoir plus d’information sur les oligosaccharides. Et pour finir nous avons proposé un protocole pour l’analyse de mélanges afin de déterminer le ratio des différents éléments présents dans le mélange / Carbohydrates are among the three major classes of biopolymers found in nature. They represent 75% of the biomass. Glycosaminoglycans are carbohydrates, they are present on the surface of cells and are responsible for cell signaling. They are important in many biological processes. Given their importance in biology and health, it is necessary to understand their mechanism. In this thesis we studied two types of glycosaminoglycan tetrasaccharides (chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate) with a new method that combines mass spectrometry with vibrational spectroscopy (MS / IR). We have shown that with this method the signature of the OH-fingerprint works for glycosaminoglycans which have COO- groups and sulfate groups in contrast to simple carbohydrates. This method also validated the relevance of sequencing for the elucidation of sulfate profiles and the nature of hexuronic in oligosaccharides of glycosaminoglycans. The sequencing approach significantly improves the structural resolution compared to the simple spectroscopic analysis of the precursor ion. It provides more information on oligosaccharides. And finally we proposed a protocol for the analysis of mixtures to determine the ratio of the different elements present in the mixture

Gas Phase Structure Characterization of Host-Guest Systems Using Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Shrestha, Jamir 11 April 2022 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the investigation of gas-phase characteristics of cucurbituril host-guest systems using ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and related techniques. Collision cross-sections (CCS) of alkylammonium complexes of cucurbit[n]uril (CB[n]) are measured to understand the allosteric interactions that induce conformational changes in the complex in the presence of metal cations on one of the portals of the cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) host. Cationic species on one CB[6] rim sterically force longer linear alkylammonium guests out of the cucurbituril cavity during complex formation. Similarly, rigid cucurbituril-metal complexes were studied using IMS to demonstrate the effect of long-range ion-neutral interactions on the gas phase mobility of ions. The contributions of charge state and charge distribution to the ion mobility CCS measured using a drift tube ion mobility spectrometer (DTIMS) were studied. This IMS method characterization will help in the study of biomolecules and may answer some of the questions regarding CCS measurements in protein structures, that are still being debated. While most of the studies were done using an IMS system, this dissertation also includes gas phase characterization studies done using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry. A novel gas-phase CCS measurement technique - cross sectional areas using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (CRAFTI) was attempted on bigger systems like the [cucurbit[6]uril-n-alkylammonium]+ complexes. Infrared multi-photon dissociation (IRMPD), collision induced dissociation (CID), and sustained off-resonance irradiation (SORI) studies were done on many CB[n] systems, which helped to extract useful structural information about the complexes.

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