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Framgång eller förfall? : Utvecklingen, riskerna och potentialen av BYODBerglund, Emil, Facklam, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker fenomenet Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), dess för- och nackdelar samt hur riskerna BYOD medför kan hanteras. För att uppnå detta har en litteraturstudie genomförts. Denna kompletteras av en enkätstudie på Stockholms Läns Landsting och tre intervjuer på Uppsala Kommun med målet att se hur dessa organisationer hanterar BYOD. Arbetet ger en djup insikt i BYOD olika aspekter och visar även på hur de risker som uppkommer kan hanteras.
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Information systems in pharmaceutical industry research, development and regulationShaw, Brian January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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What is the driving strategy? creative business management, state of the art technology or smart textiles, focussing on the T&C industry of PakistanBASHIR, IKRAM, KHAN, SHAHZAD January 2013 (has links)
What is the driving strategy? creative business management, state of the art technology or smart textiles, focussing on the T&C industry of Pakistanthesis is about finding out the strategy which is driving the Pakistani textile industry and the problems this industry is facing and the problems in terms of creative business management, state of the art technology or the smart textiles that are keeping the industry for making further progress / Program: Master programme in Applied Textile Management
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Koncepty virtuální organizace ve vztahu k IS/ICT / Virtual organization concepts in relation to IS/ICTKlas, Jan January 2007 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou teoretických konceptů virtuální organizace zejména ve vztahu k IS/ICT. Mezi základní cíle práce patří srovnání konceptů virtuální organizace, rozdělení konceptů do skupin, zhodnocení role IS/ICT, vytvoření obecného abstraktního modelu virtuální organizace a rozbor problematiky virtuální organizace ze systémového pohledu. Výsledky práce by měly sloužit jako podklad pro specifikaci oblastí, které má IS/ICT ve virtuálních organizacích podporovat, jako podklad pro vytvoření referenčního modelu implementace IS/ICT a v neposlední řadě by měly tvořit významný příspěvek k teorii virtuální organizace.
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Analýza nákladů alternativ uschování pacientských datRadonský, Tomáš Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Provést ekonomickou analýzu způsobu získávání a uchování pacientských dat ?moderními? metodami (IS +PACS) v porovnání se ?staršími? (fotografie, rentgeny, papír). Zhodnotit přínos zavedení moderních metod.
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The molecular characterisation of sol-gel biocatalystsRodgers, Lisa Elizabeth, Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
Sol-gel matrices may be used to immobilise enzymes, facilitating retention of the catalyst while allowing a flow of substrates and products through the matrix. Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB), a commonly used industrial enzyme, has been shown to have a prolonged catalytic life and enhanced activity when encapsulated in these sol-gel materials. However, the molecular basis for this effect had yet to be elucidated. This study investigated the effect of encapsulating CALB in sol-gel matrices by comparison of CALB in solution with its encapsulated form. Use of complementary techniques revealed the presence of complex interactions between the enzyme and the evolving sol-gel material. 29Si Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements demonstrated that CALB influenced sol-gel structure by altering silica speciation. Inclusion of CALB also altered the mesoporosity of the matrices as determined using nitrogen sorption and electron microscopy. Correlation of activity assays with 29Si speciation changes indicated that the catalytic activity of the enzyme in solution was directly involved in sol-gel hydrolysis and condensation reactions. Increased specific activity of CALB in the sol-gel aqueous precursor solution resulted in measurable changes in the gel structure of matrices containing 3.1mg of CALB/ml of gel. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) was used to examine the structure of CALB in solution. The influence of the sol-gel reactants glycerol, sodium fluoride and isopropanol upon the radius of gyration of CALB in solution was determined. SANS was also employed in an investigation of encapsulated CALB molecules which utilised contrast matching of the sol-gel matrix. However, contrast variation studies found that the match point for the silica matrix, both with and without enzyme present, was lower than predicted (~35% vol% D2O). Consequently, the contrast match point of the protein was close to that of the encapsulating material. Scattering from the encapsulated protein at this point was therefore minimal; it is clear that the contrast match point of the protein should be moved through in vivo deuteration in future experiments of this type. These investigations advance the understanding of interactions between the matrix and the encapsulated enzyme in sol-gel biomaterials.
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The development of the ASEAN trade dispute settlement mechanism: from diplomacy to legalismKoesrianti, Koesrianti, Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
In the late twentieth century international trade moved from a political multi-polar system based on the nation-state to a system featuring unified regional trading regimes. An inevitable feature of increased cooperation through bilateral, regional and international arrangements is the emergence of disputes over the interpretation and implementation of the agreed upon commitments. Accordingly, reliable mechanisms for the settlement of trade related disputes have become necessary to ensure the effective and continued functioning of these arrangements. Over the years these dispute settlement mechanisms have evolved from the relatively simple, diplomacy based structures called for in the GATT, to the detailed, legalistic, adjudication based mechanism found in the WTO. Bilateral and regional initiatives, such as NAFTA and MERCOSUR, as well as the EU, have similarly adopted dispute settlement mechanisms which adopt, in varying degrees, legalistic adjudicatory processes. Since 1967 ASEAN has spearheaded the creation of a regional trading bloc in the South East Asian region. As in other trading blocs, this has inevitable led to the need to develop effective and workable dispute settlement mechanisms. This thesis examines the development of trade dispute settlement mechanisms in ASEAN tracing its development from a model based on pragmatic diplomacy to a legalistic adjudicatory system with particular reference to the ASEAN context. It examines the extent to which the ASEAN context has influenced the content and the adoption of trade dispute settlement mechanisms in the region, as well as the extent to which the recently adopted 2004 Enhanced Protocol on Dispute Settlement can adequately address trade disputes in the region while remaining sensitive and responsive to the ASEAN context. Based on a comparative examination of dispute settlement mechanisms in other trade agreements, a range of key procedural issues are identified and examined with a view to identifying the prospects and challenges which ASEAN faces in the implementation of its dispute settlement mechanism. The thesis analyses the prospects and challenges of implementation the 2004 Enhanced Protocol on DSM.
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The Flinders current and upwelling in submarine canyonsArthur, William Craig, School of Mathematics, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
The continental shelf off South Australia is incised by some of the largest known submarine canyons. Extensive observations of submarine canyons in other parts of the world have shown submarine canyons can result in locally persistent upwelling regions. Along the southern coastline, westward slope currents including anticyclonic eddies and the Flinders Current (FC) can result in favourable conditions for upwelling in the vicinity of these canyons. Little data is available to describe the FC and so we review three global ocean circulation models and their representation of the FC. Though there are considerable differences between the outputs of these three models, this analysis provides a range of potential scales for the structure and transport of the FC. The reasons for the differences between the output of the three models are extensive, but to a first approximation, climatological surface wind stress products are compared. Dynamical descriptions of the flow past submarine canyons are reviewed and in part extended, in particular the vertical scale of the induced motion is estimated as the Rossby height RH. A description of upwelling and downwelling flow incorporating vorticity stretching is also presented. An idealised model of the southern Australian continental shelf and the submarine canyons reveals the circulation is heavily modified by the presence of the canyons, inducing persistent upwelling of dense water onto the downstream shelf. In addition, one prominent feature of the induced circulation ??? a coastal jet ??? is found to be peculiar to flat inner shelf topographies. More realistic topography including a sloped inner shelf results in reduced shoreward transport within the canyon and hence reduced upwelling.
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Living free radical and photo initiation studies of acrylate, methacrylate and itaconate polymerization systemsSzablan, Zachary Peter, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
This thesis work has focused on the study of itaconate monomers and photo-initiation processes in acrylate, methacrylate and itaconate monomer systems. Novel information pertaining to photo-initiator derived radical species and their reactivity, as well as the behaviour of itaconate polymerization systems is presented in detail. The knowledge gained from the photo-initiation studies is utilized as a precursor to mark polymer chains using nitrones as radical spin traps and the applicability of this technique discussed. The sterically hindered monomers dimethyl itaconate (DMI), di-n-butyl itaconate (DBI) and dicyclohexyl itaconate (DCHI) were polymerized via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) free radical polymerization. The RAFT mediated polymerization of these monomers displayed hybrid living behaviour (a mix of conventional and living free radical polymerization characteristics) of varying degrees depending on the molecular structure of the RAFT agent employed. DCHI was also polymerized using atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). The resulting molecular weight distributions are broad for the RAFT mediated systems (1.2 ≤ PDI ≤ 3.4). The molecular weight distributions generated via the ATRP of DCHI are narrower (1.2 ≤ PDI ≤ 1.5). Chain transfer to monomer constants for the itaconate monomers DMI, DBI and DCHI have been determined at 60 ??C (CDMI = 1.4⋅10-3, CDBI = 1.3⋅10-3 and CDCHI = 1.0⋅10-3) and are relatively large in comparison to similar 1,1-disubstituted systems, suggesting that the transfer to monomer reaction is significant. PREDICI?? simulations confirm that a significant chain transfer to monomer step results in broad molecular weight distributions. Viscosity of the polymerizing system has also been shown to be an important factor in the resulting width of the molecular weight distributions. Chain extension of RAFT capped pDCHI and pDBI yield molecular weight distributions that progressively shift to higher molecular weights. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of pDCHI-block-pStyrene copolymers indicates thermal degradation in two separate steps for the pDCHI and pStyrene blocks. Conventional pulsed laser polymerization coupled with size exclusion chromatography (PLP-SEC) as well as multi-pulse pulsed laser polymerization (MP-PLP) has been employed to study the depropagation kinetics of DMI, DBI DCHI and di(4-tert butylcyclohexyl) itaconate (DBCHI). The effective rate coefficient of propagation, kp eff, was determined for DMI, DBI and DCHI in bulk and solution of cyclohexanone (DCHI), N-methylformamide (DMI and DBI) and anisole (DBCHI) for monomer concentrations between 0.7 < cM 0 < 7.1 mol L-1 in a wide temperature range (0 < T < 90 ??C). The resulting Arrhenius plots (i.e. ln kp eff vs. 1/RT) displayed a significant curvature in the higher temperature regimes and were analyzed in their respective linear and curved sections to yield the activation parameters of the forward and reverse reaction. Mark-Houwink-Kahn Sakurada parameters for pDBI and pDBCHI were determined in tetrahydrofuran at 40 ??C using triple detection gel permeatation chromatography. High resolution Electrospray Ionization - Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry (ESIMS) was applied to study the polymeric product spectrum generated by the pulsed laser polymerization (PLP) of methyl methacrylate (MMA), methyl acrylate (MA), butyl acrylate (BA) and DMI at temperatures ≤ 0 ??C in the presence of various photo-initiators including 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone (DMPA), benzoin, benzil, benzoin ethyl ether (BEE) 2,2-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) and bis(2,4,6-trimethyl-benzoyl)- phenylphosphinoxide (Irgacure 819) to study the reactivity of primary and potential secondary derived radical fragments from photolytically induced fragmentation. Termination products, both combination and disproportionation, were identified with high accuracy. Results have been compiled in a user friendly table presenting the reactivity of the various photolysis product fragments towards the different monomers. Energy deposition into the MA/photo-initiator systems is found to have no influence on the product distributions of the MA polymers produced via photo-initiation under the conditions examined. For various photo-initiators employed, products congruent to that of chain transfer to monomer species in the DMI photo-polymerizations are observed, conclusively illustrating that chain transfer to monomer is a significant reaction pathway in itaconate free radical polymerizations. Both the benzoyl and acetal fragments generated as a result of DMPA photo cleavage were found to initiate and highly likely terminate polymerization. Under the conditions studied, the acetal radical produced upon DMPA photolysis fragment further to yield methyl radicals which seem to act predominantly as terminating moieties. Both the benzoyl and ether fragments produced as a result of benzoin photo cleavage were found to act as initiating and probable terminating species, indicating that the ether radical fragment does not act exclusively as a terminating species. Additionally, increasing laser intensity and/or irradiation repetition rate (i.e., energy deposition into the system) results in more complex product distributions of the MMA polymers produced via photo-initiation (with the exception of AIBN). Temperature was determined to have a minor influence on the resulting product distribution under the conditions examined. Polymerization systems utilizing Irgacure 819 give complex product spectra due to the formation of second generation radical species resulting in several initiator fragments incorporated into a single polymer chain. A novel method utilizing PLP in free radical polymerization has been developed for marking of polymer chains with radical spin traps. By introducing a so-called marker (nitroxide derived from a nitrone), which specifically terminates propagating radicals via combination, a polymer subdistribution is generated which can be measured by ESI-MS and may potentially be utilized to determine propagation rate coefficients of ultimate accuracy. The general methodology of the technique in which such marker radicals are generated via reaction of an initiating radical with a nitrone is demonstrated on the examples of butyl acrylate (BA) and vinyl acetate (VAc).
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Investigating the key determinants in up-scaling undifferentiated growth of human embryonic stem cells in bioreactor systemsProwse, Andrew Benjamin James, Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Human Embryonic Stem (hES) cells will potentially have important applications in regenerative medicine, drug discovery and therapeutics. However, the current methods of hES cell culture limit their use in future applications due mostly to the inability to culture undifferentiated hES cells in sufficient numbers and the concern of animal derived products used in culture methods potentially implementing an immune rejection in transplantiation recipients. This project investigated two approaches for improving the culture of undifferentiated hES cells for future application in bioreactor systems. Firstly, proteins from the conditioned medium of three hES cell supportive fibroblast lines (human fetal, human neonatal and mouse embryonic fibroblasts) were identified using two-dimensional liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry. This proteomic analysis identified 175 unique proteins including those from key pathways already implicated in the maintenance of human embryonic stem cell pluripotency including the Wnt, BMP/TGF-β1, activin/inhibin and insulin like growth factor-1 pathways. Identification of proteins in fibroblast conditioned medium will aid the development of a defined medium for undifferentiated hES cell culture. The second approach examined culture of hES cells in hypoxic conditions (5% O2) compared to standard normoxic conditions in CO2 incubators (20% O2). Feeder layer and feeder free culture conditions were examined in the two O2 concentrations. hES cell colonies grown in hypoxic culture had improved percentages of pluripotent cells (judged by increases in cells expressing SSEA-4, Tra-1-60 and nanog and reduction of BMP-4), stable karyotypes and increased proliferation. The maintenance of pluripotency, apoptosis and proliferation was complicated by the detection of the cell surface marker CD30. Proteomic identification and investigation into oxidative stress indicated the presence of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutases, catalases and peroxiredoxins in human fetal fibroblast conditioned medium and their regulation of redox homeostasis may play a significant role in the maintenance of hES cell pluripotency, apoptosis and proliferation. Together these investigations significantly contribute to the current body of knowledge for the undifferentiated culture of hES cells. Identification of conditioned medium proteins and the benefits of hypoxic culture of hES cells will aid the development of a defined, reproducible method of hES cell scale-up in bioreactor systems.
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