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The Impact of Environment on Building IT Technical CompetencyWierwille, Benjamin Joseph 01 May 2012 (has links)
Information Technology Technical Competency is critical for the optimal functioning of any organization. IT personnel need to be competent in their technical skills. Studying how IT personnel build their technical competencies is a critical but under-studied area of research. To date, very little research has been done on how to build IT Technical Competencies, and virtually none of this research begins with qualitative data or uses IT personnel as key respondents. Initially, we evoke a revealed causal map that shows four concepts in the IT Environment construct: the Technical Environment, the People Environment, the Business Environment, and the Job Environment. Our model first proposes a relationship between the IT Environment and IT Technical Competency. An original survey based on the qualitative data was developed for this study. Data was collected at four research sites: a manufacturing organization, a healthcare organization, a government organization, and an education organization. All together 101 respondent's survey answers were analyzed. We tested the proposed model of IT Technical Competency using the method of path analysis with linear regression. Our results indicated that the Technical and Business Environments are viewed as one, so we end up with a three environment concept model of IT Technical Competency. Our model achieved a R-squared value of above 0.5, meaning that the environment surrounding IT personnel, the IT Environment, is 50% related to IT Technical Competency. This is the first model to this author's knowledge that holistically looks at environment in relation to technical competency. Future research will continue look more in-depth at each of the concepts in this environment individually.
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Enseigner et apprendre en ligne : vers un modèle de la navigation sur des sites Web de formation universitaire / Teach and learn on-line : towards a model of educational browsingMeza Fernandez, Sandra 29 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de cartographier le parcours de navigation des usagers des EIAH pour le visualiser, visualiser pour interpréter et interpréter pour anticiper. Les profils d'apprentissage ont une influence sur les modes de navigation dans un environnement d'apprentissage en ligne. S’appuyant sur une méthodologie capable de modéliser le parcours de navigation d’un usager et d’anticiper son prochain clic sur une plateforme, notre étude cherche à élargir le champ des connaissances de l'efficacité/performance des styles d'apprentissage. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur l’analyse des traces d'utilisation élaborée à partir de 63 archives logs Web, incluant 4637 lignes de registre et 13 206 possibilités de choix de module. Le travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre d’approches associant sémiologie, des sciences de l’information, psychologie cognitive et sciences de l’éducation. Trois observations ont été menées, générant des informations sur le profil de l’usager, la représentation des parcours et l’impact du style d’apprentissage dans le choix des fonctionnalités de travail offertes disponibles sur la plateforme. Les principaux résultats sont de deux types : d’une part, l’élaboration d’un outil convertissant les traces des fichiers log en parcours de navigation, et d’autre part, la confirmation d’un lien entre style d’apprentissage et mode de navigation. Ce deuxième résultat permet d’élaborer une méthode d’anticipation du nouveau choix de module sur une plateforme numérique de travail. Les applications pratiques visant à rendre exploitables ces traces dans les formations universitaires sont l’élaboration de bilans de qualité (ressources préférées, fonctionnalités moins utilisées) et l’identification des besoins de médiation pédagogique pour la compréhension de la tâche ou du processus (identifié par exemple dans l’insistance sur le module de consignes, le temps investi par un groupe ou par des trajets répétés). Cette thèse s’adresse principalement aux responsables pédagogiques universitaires décideurs de l’intégration des TIC, et par extension, aux étudiants universitaires et aux concepteurs d’outils d’apprentissage. / This thesis presents a methodology capable of modelling the course of educational browsing of an EIAH user to visualise it in order to interpret it and to anticipate. The learning profiles influence browsing styles in e-learning environment. Based on a methodology able to create models of the browsing behaviour of a user and to anticipate the following step on a platform, our study tries to widen the knowledge of the efficiency of different learning styles. The applied methodology is the analysis of the marks left by the user taken from 63 archives of Web logs including 4637 lines of register and 13 206 possible choices of modules. This research study combines theoretical approaches mixing semiology, sciences of information, cognitive psychology and sciences of education. Three observations have been led, giving information on users’ profile, representations of courses and impacts of the mode of learning in the choice of working features offered on the platform.The main contributions are two types: On one hand, the elaboration of a tool converting tracks of files log in signs possible to be visualized as courses of educational browsing. On the other hand, the confirmation of the relationship between ways of learning and styles of browsing giving rise to a method of anticipation of a new choice of module on the digital working platform. The practical applications aim at making exploitable these tracks in university education which can be of use to the elaboration of quality assessments (resources preferred, less used features) and the identification of the needs of educational mediation for clarification of the task or of the process (identified by the emphasis on the module of instructions, on time invested by a group or repeated routes).This thesis addresses mainly persons in charge of integrating ICTS at university level and further, university students and designers of learning tools.
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Identifiering och bedömning av IT-relaterade risker enligt ISA 315 : En kvalitativ studie om revisorns utmaningar och möjligheter / Identification and assessment of IT-related risks according to ISA 315 : A qualitative study on the auditor’s challenges and opportunitiesPettersson, Stefan, Welday, Michael, Kateferi, Blaise January 2023 (has links)
IT-utvecklingen har förändrat företags sätt att bedriva verksamheter och den snabba förändringen som följer med IT-utvecklingen har haft en betydande inverkan på revisionsbranschen. Enligt ISA 315 behöver revisorer ha en bred förståelse för företagets IT-miljö för att kunna genomföra en noggrann revision. Samtidigt finns det en potential för revisorn att använda automatiserade verktyg och tekniker för att förbättra både kvaliteten och effektiviteten i revisionsprocessen. Det är därför avgörande att revisorer inte bara utökar sina IT-kompetenser utan också använder dessa automatiserade verktyg och tekniker på ett effektivt sätt för att möta de utmaningar och krav som följer med den moderna revisionen. Syfte: Med anledning av de nya kraven som ställs på revisorn i ISA 315 syftar vår studie till att ge oss en förståelse om vilka utmaningar och möjligheter revisorer möter under revisionsprocessen när det gäller identifiering och bedömning av IT-relaterade risker av det reviderade företaget. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, en kombination av kvalitativa intervjuer och en dokumentstudie. Genom att använda dessa metoder samlades data in och insikter erhölls om de utmaningar och möjligheter som revisorer står inför vid identifiering och bedömning av IT-relaterade risker under revisionsprocessen. Resultat: Studiens slutsatser indikerar att revisorer står inför utmaningar när det gäller att förstå och anpassa sig till kraven i ISA 315, vilket kräver en djup förståelse av företagets IT-miljö och investering av tid och resurser för att utföra en grundlig revision. Revisorer behöver öka sin IT-kompetens och uppdatera sina kunskaper för att kunna utföra avancerade analyser med hjälp av automatiserade verktyg och tekniker. Vidare understryks betydelsen av professionell skepticism och behovet av att kombinera IT-kompetens med en djupare förståelse av företagets IT-miljö för att utföra en effektiv revision. Slutligen identifieras användningen av automatiserade verktyg och tekniker som en möjlighet för revisorer att hantera utmaningar i den snabbt föränderliga teknologiska miljön, vilket kan förbättra revisionens kvalitet och effektivitet. / IT development has transformed how companies conduct their operations, and the rapid changes accompanying IT development have had a significant impact on the auditing industry. According to ISA 315, auditors need to have a comprehensive understanding of a company's IT environment to perform a meticulous audit. Simultaneously, there is potential for auditors to leverage automated tools and techniques to enhance both the quality and efficiency of the audit process. It is therefore crucial for auditors not only to expand their IT competencies but also to utilize these automated tools and techniques effectively in order to address the challenges and requirements associated with modern auditing. Purpose: With reference to the new requirements imposed on auditors in ISA 315, our study aims to provide us with an understanding of the challenges and opportunities auditors encounter during the audit process regarding the identification and assessment of IT-related risks of the audited company. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a qualitative research methodology was employed, using a combination of qualitative interviews and document analysis. These methods were used to collect data and gain insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by auditors in identifying and assessing IT-related risks during the audit process. Results: The study's findings indicate that auditors face challenges in understanding and adapting to the requirements of ISA 315, which necessitates a deep understanding of the company's IT environment and investment of time and resources to perform a thorough audit. Auditors need to enhance their IT competence and update their knowledge to conduct advanced analyses using automated tools and techniques. Furthermore, the importance of professional skepticism is emphasized, along with the need to combine IT competence with a deeper understanding of the company's IT environment to carry out an effective audit. Lastly, the use of automated tools and techniques is identified as an opportunity for auditors to address challenges in the rapidly changing technological landscape, enhancing the quality and efficiency of the audit process.
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