Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ITS applicatication"" "subject:"ITS ratios:application""
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Learning in large state spaces with an application to biped robot walkingVogel, Thomas U. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Cambridge, 1991. / "November 1991." Includes bibliographical references.
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An Investigation into the Performance Evaluation of Connected Vehicle Applications: From Real-World Experiment to Parallel Simulation ParadigmAhmed, Md Salman 01 May 2017 (has links)
A novel system was developed that provides drivers lane merge advisories, using vehicle trajectories obtained through Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC). It was successfully tested on a freeway using three vehicles, then targeted for further testing, via simulation. The failure of contemporary simulators to effectively model large, complex urban transportation networks then motivated further research into distributed and parallel traffic simulation. An architecture for a closed-loop, parallel simulator was devised, using a new algorithm that accounts for boundary nodes, traffic signals, intersections, road lengths, traffic density, and counts of lanes; it partitions a sample, Tennessee road network more efficiently than tools like METIS, which increase interprocess communications (IPC) overhead by partitioning more transportation corridors. The simulator uses logarithmic accumulation to synchronize parallel simulations, further reducing IPC. Analyses suggest this eliminates up to one-third of IPC overhead incurred by a linear accumulation model.
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Utilização da sentença de improcedência prima facie como mecanismo aceleratório do julgamento de demandas repetitivas / Use of prima facie dismissal sentence as a mechanism for accelerating the trial of repetitive claimsFidelis, Vanessa 10 June 2013 (has links)
O artigo 285-A do Código de Processo Civil foi introduzido em nosso ordenamento jurídico pela Lei nº 11.277/2006, uma dentre outras tantas modificações advindas da denominada terceira fase da reforma do CPC, em clara tentativa de dar efetividade à garantia constitucional da razoável duração do processo. Para melhor compreensão da norma, o presente estudo faz uma breve incursão sobre a temática da morosidade processual, a relação entre o processo e os anseios da sociedade em relação à justiça, bem como acerca da necessária adequação dos institutos processuais ao mundo moderno, globalizado e informatizado. Investiga-se, ainda, a existência ou não de similares da norma em apreço em outros ordenamentos estrangeiros. O referido dispositivo permite ao magistrado o julgamento de plano, pela total improcedência, antes mesmo da citação do réu, de ações repetitivas, nos casos em que a matéria for unicamente de direito e já houver sido proferida sentença de improcedência em outros casos idênticos no mesmo juízo. Trata-se de evolução do ordenamento, surgindo como um novo momento processual para prolação de sentença de mérito, estabelecendo um procedimento todo peculiar para sua aplicação. No presente estudo, para além de temas como a polêmica existente em torno da inovação legislativa e os requisitos para sua incidência, surgem, ainda, o sistema recursal que a regra comporta, a possibilidade de aplicação do art. 285-A quando houver cumulação de pedidos, bem como sua aplicação nos processos de competência originária dos tribunais. Por fim, diante da existência de várias críticas ao dispositivo legal, bem como do pedido de declaração de sua inconstitucionalidade pelo Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, por intermédio da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 3.695/06, analisa-se a constitucionalidade do art. 285-A do CPC e sua consonância com os princípios processuais. Neste contexto, procura-se demonstrar que o julgamento prima facie de demandas repetitivas a que faz alusão o artigo 285-A não colide com a Constituição Federal, sendo, ao contrário, medida de efetivação da economia e celeridade processuais. / Article 285-A of the Civil Procedure Code was introduced in our legal system by Law nº. 11.277/2006, one among many other changes arising from the so-called third phase of the CPC reforms, in an attempt to give effectiveness to the constitutional guarantee of reasonable duration of the procedure. For better understanding of the institute, this paper presents an overview about the matter of the procedural slowness, the relation between the process and the society expectations in respect to justice, as well as talks about the necessary adequacy of procedural institutes to the modern, globalized and computerized world. Also, it investigates if there are similar rules in other foreign legal system. The referred rule allows the prima facie judgment of dismissal for the judge, even before the defendants citation, of repetitive actions where the matter is solely of law and has already been pronounced a merit sentence, denying the request, in other similar cases. It is the legal system evolution, emerging as a new procedural time for delivery of merit judgment, establishing a very specific application procedure. In this paper, besides issues like the controversy that exists around the legislative innovation, the requirement to its application, other questions emerge, such as: how is its appeal system, the applicability of art. 285-A when there is overlapping of demands, as well as in cases of original jurisdiction of the courts. Finally, given the existence of a lot of criticism to such article as well as the request for declaration of its unconstitutionality for the Federal Council of Brazilian Lawyers Association, through the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality nº 3.695/06, it is analyzed the constitutionality of article 285-A of the CPC and its consonance with the procedural principles. In this context, it seeks to demonstrate that the prima facie judgment of repetitive demands referred in article 285-A does not conflict with the Federal Constitution and is, instead, a measure to bring economy and celerity to the process.
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Utilização da sentença de improcedência prima facie como mecanismo aceleratório do julgamento de demandas repetitivas / Use of prima facie dismissal sentence as a mechanism for accelerating the trial of repetitive claimsVanessa Fidelis 10 June 2013 (has links)
O artigo 285-A do Código de Processo Civil foi introduzido em nosso ordenamento jurídico pela Lei nº 11.277/2006, uma dentre outras tantas modificações advindas da denominada terceira fase da reforma do CPC, em clara tentativa de dar efetividade à garantia constitucional da razoável duração do processo. Para melhor compreensão da norma, o presente estudo faz uma breve incursão sobre a temática da morosidade processual, a relação entre o processo e os anseios da sociedade em relação à justiça, bem como acerca da necessária adequação dos institutos processuais ao mundo moderno, globalizado e informatizado. Investiga-se, ainda, a existência ou não de similares da norma em apreço em outros ordenamentos estrangeiros. O referido dispositivo permite ao magistrado o julgamento de plano, pela total improcedência, antes mesmo da citação do réu, de ações repetitivas, nos casos em que a matéria for unicamente de direito e já houver sido proferida sentença de improcedência em outros casos idênticos no mesmo juízo. Trata-se de evolução do ordenamento, surgindo como um novo momento processual para prolação de sentença de mérito, estabelecendo um procedimento todo peculiar para sua aplicação. No presente estudo, para além de temas como a polêmica existente em torno da inovação legislativa e os requisitos para sua incidência, surgem, ainda, o sistema recursal que a regra comporta, a possibilidade de aplicação do art. 285-A quando houver cumulação de pedidos, bem como sua aplicação nos processos de competência originária dos tribunais. Por fim, diante da existência de várias críticas ao dispositivo legal, bem como do pedido de declaração de sua inconstitucionalidade pelo Conselho Federal da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, por intermédio da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 3.695/06, analisa-se a constitucionalidade do art. 285-A do CPC e sua consonância com os princípios processuais. Neste contexto, procura-se demonstrar que o julgamento prima facie de demandas repetitivas a que faz alusão o artigo 285-A não colide com a Constituição Federal, sendo, ao contrário, medida de efetivação da economia e celeridade processuais. / Article 285-A of the Civil Procedure Code was introduced in our legal system by Law nº. 11.277/2006, one among many other changes arising from the so-called third phase of the CPC reforms, in an attempt to give effectiveness to the constitutional guarantee of reasonable duration of the procedure. For better understanding of the institute, this paper presents an overview about the matter of the procedural slowness, the relation between the process and the society expectations in respect to justice, as well as talks about the necessary adequacy of procedural institutes to the modern, globalized and computerized world. Also, it investigates if there are similar rules in other foreign legal system. The referred rule allows the prima facie judgment of dismissal for the judge, even before the defendants citation, of repetitive actions where the matter is solely of law and has already been pronounced a merit sentence, denying the request, in other similar cases. It is the legal system evolution, emerging as a new procedural time for delivery of merit judgment, establishing a very specific application procedure. In this paper, besides issues like the controversy that exists around the legislative innovation, the requirement to its application, other questions emerge, such as: how is its appeal system, the applicability of art. 285-A when there is overlapping of demands, as well as in cases of original jurisdiction of the courts. Finally, given the existence of a lot of criticism to such article as well as the request for declaration of its unconstitutionality for the Federal Council of Brazilian Lawyers Association, through the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality nº 3.695/06, it is analyzed the constitutionality of article 285-A of the CPC and its consonance with the procedural principles. In this context, it seeks to demonstrate that the prima facie judgment of repetitive demands referred in article 285-A does not conflict with the Federal Constitution and is, instead, a measure to bring economy and celerity to the process.
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Efekti primene matematičkog modelovanja na obradu pojma izvoda funkcije u visokom strukovnom obrazovanju / Effects of application of mathematical modeling on the teaching of the derivative of function in the higher education of applied sciencesSekulić Tanja 24 September 2020 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je prezentovano pedagoško istraživanje koje se odnosi na teorijsko i eksperimentalno ispitivanje efekata primene metodskih pristupa zasnovanih na matematičkom modelovanju u obradi izvoda funkcije i njegove primene u visokom strukovnom obrazovanju. Na osnovu teorijskih principa na kojima je zasnovan proces matematičkog modelovanja, osmišljen je način za implementaciju modelovanja u nastavni proces i kreirani su modeli za realizaciju obrade sadržaja iz oblasti izvoda funkcije i njegove primene. Predložen je i originalni pristup matematičkom modelovanju koji se realizuje u računarskom okruženju i istaknute su sve prednosti novog pristupa<br />koje se tiču realizacije nastavnog procesa i rezultata učenja i poučavanja. Disertacija se bavi i savremenim trendovima u obrazovanju nastavnika i njegovom unapređenju. Poseban akcenat je stavljen na osmišljavanje elemenata obuke nastavnika za primenu matematičkog modelovanja u školskoj praksi.<br />Istraživanje o efektima primene matematičkog modelovanja je sprovedeno u dva ciklusa. Prvi ciklus istraživanja je realizovan u periodu od 2009-2014. godine sa četiri generacije studenata strukovnih studija. U eksperimentu je učestvovalo ukupno 555 studenata organizovanih u paralelne grupe. U prvom ciklusu istraživanja je praćen uticaj primene matematičkog modelovanja na postignuća studenata iz oblasti izvoda funkcije i njegove primene. Od instrumenata primenjenih za ispitivanje postignuća studenata su korišćeni testovi znanja (kolokvijum i ispit) i anketa koja je ispitivala stavove studenata o realizaciji nastave matematike i njenoj korisnosti.<br />Drugi ciklus istraživanja je sproveden školske 2016/2017. godine. Eksperiment je realizovan sa paralelnim grupama u kojima su učestvovala 204 studenta Visoke tehničke škole strukovnih studija.U drugom ciklusu istraživanja su ispitani efekti primene novog pristupa matematičkom modelovanju u računarskom okruženju na znanja studenata iz oblasti izvoda funkcije i njegovih primena (eksperimentalna grupa) i dobijeni rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima koje su studenti ostvarili kada je nastava realizovana primenom tradicionalnog ciklusa modelovanja (kontrolna<br />grupa).Na osnovu rezultata oba pedagoška istraživanja, utvrđeno je da realizacija nastave matematike primenom matematičkog modelovanja, kao i matematičkog modelovanja u računarskom okruženju, na obradu pojma izvoda funkcije i njegovih primena ima značajan uticaj na kvalitet znanja studenata i ostvarenost optimalnih rezultata u učenju, razumevanju nastavnih sadržaja i nji hovoj primeni na rešavanje problema iz ove oblasti.</p> / <p>In the doctoral dissertation, pedagogical research is presented, which refers to the theoretical and experimental examination of the effects of the application of methodological approaches based on mathematical modeling in the field of the derivative of the function and its application in college education.<br />Based on the theoretical principles on which the process of mathematical modeling is based, a way has been devised for the implementation of modeling in the teaching process and models have been created for the teaching process in the field of function derivative and its applications. An original approach to mathematical modeling that is realized in a computer environment is also proposed, and all the advantages of the new approach concerning the realization of the teaching process and the results of learning and teaching are highlighted. The dissertation also deals with modern trends in teacher education and its improvement. Special emphasis is placed on designing elements of teacher training for the application of mathematical modeling in school practice.<br />The research on the effects of the application of mathematical modeling was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle of research was realized in the period from 2009-2014 with four generations of students. A total of 555 students organized in parallel groups participated in the experiment. In the first cycle of research, the influence of the application of mathematical modeling on the achievements of students in the field of function derivative and its applications was examined. Among the instruments used to examine students achievements, knowledge tests (colloquium and final exam) and a survey that examined students' attitudes toward the teaching process and usefulness of mathematics were created and used.<br />The second cycle of research was conducted in the 2016/2017 school year. The experiment was realized with parallel groups in which participated 204 students of the Technical College of Applied Sciences. In the second cycle of the research, the effects of applying a new approach to mathematical modeling in the computer environment on students' knowledge of function derivative and its applications (experimental group) were examined and the obtained results were compared with the results achieved by students using traditional modeling cycle (the control group).<br />Based on the results obtained from both pedagogical researches, it was determined that the realization of teaching mathematics by applying mathematical modeling, as well as mathematical modeling in the computer environment, has a significant impact on the quality of students' knowledge and the realization of optimal learning outcomes, and their application on solving the problems from this area.</p>
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Mezipředmětové vztahy na úrovni plánovaného kurikula pro 1. stupeň základní školy / Interdisciplinary relationships at the level of the planned curriculum for elementary school.MACHÁČKOVÁ, Edita January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis Cross-curricular Links Matching Proposed Curriculum for Lower Primary School deals with an issue of cross-curricular links and their usage in Maths teaching. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part provides an analysis of issues of cross-curricular links and curriculum integration, it introduces The Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education, characterises a curriculum of Maths and its application and other areas of education with which a link within the practical part was implemented. It also summarises important features of a Middle Primary School child and it surveys a quality of cross-curricular links usage in contemporary textbooks of Maths. The practical part contains a set of exercises that combine curricula of two areas to apply the cross-curricular links which are intended for practical usage in teaching at Lower Primary School, and evaluating part that describes and evaluates a practical course of implementation.
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Průřezová témata ve výuce matematiky na prvním stupni základní školy / Cross-Curricular subjects in the teaching of mathematics at primary schoolŠIMANOVÁ, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Cross-Curricular topics in the teaching of mathematics at primary schools" describes possible ways of involving personality and social education, education of a democratic citizen, education towards thinking in European and global contexts, multicultural education, environmental education and media education in primary school mathematics. The thesis is divided into a theoretical, practical and an evaluative section. The theoretical part of this thesis analyses domestic and foreign findings on cross-curricular topics, outlines the historical development of the curriculum in relation to this issue and characterizes the educational area of "Mathematics and its application RVP ZV". It further focuses on interconnecting particular cross-curricular subjects with mathematics and examines their integration in current mathematics schoolbooks. The practical part contains proposals of activities (methodical activity sheets) connecting the area of "Mathematics and its application" with cross-curricular topics. It further presents organizational teaching forms and work methods used in activities including their descriptions. The last part evaluates the application of the activities in practice in terms of the development of pre-assigned mathematical skills and knowledge and the involvement of thematic units of cross-curricular topics.
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Potenciál využití semi-interpenetrovaných polymerních sítí na bázi poly-HEMA v moderních nosičových systémech / Utilization of semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Networks based on poly-HEMA in modern drug-carrier systemsPapežíková, Hana January 2021 (has links)
Hydrogel, semi-interpenetrating polymer network, poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), diffusion
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