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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de Implementación de Gestión de Servicios de TI en una Empresa Farinacea

Dulanto Ramírez, Ricardo Martín, Palomino Vidal, Carlos Efraín 12 December 2014 (has links)
El crecimiento que han tenido las tecnologías de información (TI) actualmente ha generado la necesidad de controlar, gestionar y minimizar la problemática que pueden tener las áreas de tecnología. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una propuesta a través de la cual se pueda minimizar los problemas del área de TI mediante la implementación de una correcta gestión de servicios de TI (ITSM) usando para ello estándares de clase mundial, específicamente ITIL V3 2011 (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) y COBIT 5 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology). Para esto, se analizó la problemática de una empresa específica, determinando y clasificando los problemas apoyados en el estándar COBIT y con ITIL y se presenta una propuesta de solución. Los resultados propuestos permitirán minimizar la problemática y obtener beneficios cuantitativos y cualitativos, con lo cual buscamos incentivar a las empresas y áreas de TI a implementar estándares propuestos para controlar la correcta gestión de servicios de TI.

Návrh programové podpory finančního řízení poskytovatele IT služeb v souladu s ITIL

Vitouch, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the financial management of IT services and preparation of existing commercial tools for PinkVerify certification. The theoretical part describes the problems of the financial management of IT services according to ITIL and basic concepts of IT service management in general. The current state of the existing commercial tools and interpretation of certification criteria against which is the current state of tools compared are examined in the practical part.Furthermore, a program modifications are proposed. Implementation of the program modifications should lead to successfull tools certification. Estimated effort and cost of provided program adjustments are determined.

SW nástroje pro řízení provozu IS dle ITIL v DHL

Herceg, Rastislav January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této práce je popsat řízení provozu IS dle standardů ITIL v datovém centru společnosti DHL ITSC v Praze konkrétně v oddělení Operations Control Center (OCC) a přiblížit softwarové nástroje, které jsou zde k tomuto účelu používány. Tohoto cíle je dosaženo za pomoci studia dostupných zdrojů a autorova osobních zkušeností z práce systémového administrátora v OCC. Přínosem této práce je popis řízení IS v praxi, zejména v oblasti správy CMDB (configuration management database) incident managementu, change managementu, problem managementu a knowledgebase, zhodnocení stávající praxe a nalezení možností jak ji vylepšit.

Návrh zavedení ITSM s využitím rámce ITIL se zaměřením na bezpečnost / Design for ITSM implementation with the use of the ITIL framework focusing on security

Antalík, Dominik January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis solves proposals for improving the quality of providing IT services and their optimization in the interest of the company and its business goals. For the needs of user-friendly IT services with optimized cost, the processes, functions, roles of employees and technology need to be a benefit for the business. By adopting and adapting the ITIL framework, it will be possible to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of providing IT services, to clearly define the IT service management and to define the main processes with the relevant objectives. The ITIL framework uses best practices that have been successfully used in other organizations. Practically proven processes, improved service quality and long-term optimization with continuous improvement offer cost-cutting potential. ISO/IEC 27013:2015 provides guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 200001 will be helpful in maintaining the integrity of the current information security management system with the design of IT services management.

Validierung, Vergleich und Bewertung verschiedener AIOps-Modelle und -Algorithmen zur Steigerung der Problem- und Anomalieerkennung basierend auf Daten aus Zeitreihendatenbanken

Pavlek, Antonio 27 May 2022 (has links)
Mit dem Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) für den IT-Betrieb suggeriert AIOps (”Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations”) einen vielversprechenden Ansatz zur Überwachung, Optimierung und Automatisierung komplexer betrieblicher Prozesse in IT-Organisationen. AIOps-Plattformen nutzen statistische Methoden, maschinelles Lernen (ML) und andere fortschrittliche Analysetechnologien, um sich abzeichnende Probleme zu erkennen und diese proaktiv und automatisiert zu beheben. Forschungsbeiträge zu AIOps sind verstreut und unorganisiert. Deshalb gestaltet sich die Entdeckung und der Vergleich von bereits entwickelten AIOps-Modellen als nicht praktikabel. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt darin, Hauptmerkmale, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede verschiedener Modelle aufzuzeigen und einen Ansatz für die Validierung dieser Modelle aufzustellen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein systematisches Literaturreview durchgeführt und die Möglichkeiten zur Validierung von AIOps-Modellen anhand einer Einzelfallstudie, insbesondere aus Gesichtspunkten des IT-Service-Managements (ITSM), näher beleuchtet. Somit verschat die vorliegende Arbeit einen Literaturüberblick zu implementierten AIOps-Modellen und stellt einen Ansatz zur Validierung, die auf drei Ebenen erfolgt, vor. Es stellt sich heraus, dass insbesondere Kennzahlen aus dem Problem-Management für die Validierung des proaktiven Vorgehens von AIOps geeignet sind.:1. Einleitung 2. Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1. Künstliche Intelligenz 2.2. Maschinelles Lernen 2.3. Datenaufbereitung 2.4. Zeitreihendaten 2.5. DevOps 2.6. Anomalien 2.7. IT-Service-Management 2.8. Automatisierung in der IT 3. Künstliche Intelligenz für den IT-Betrieb 3.1. Definition von AIOps 3.2. Relevanz von AIOps 3.3. Ziele von AIOps 3.4. Komponenten und Anwendungsfälle von AIOps 3.5. Verwandte Forschungsarbeiten 4. Methodik 4.1. Systematische Übersichtsarbeit 4.1.1. Planung 4.1.2. Formulierung 4.1.3. Suche und Auswahl 4.2. Fallstudie 5. Ergebnisse der Literaturübersicht 5.1. Statistische Auswertung der Ergebnisse 5.2. Verschiedene Ansätze von AIOps-Modellen 5.3. Interpretation und Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 6. Validierung und Bewertung von AIOps-Modellen 6.1. Hintergrund 6.2. Ein motivierendes Beispiel 6.3. Ein neuer Ansatz zur Validierung von AIOps-Modellen 6.4. Demonstratives Beispiel 6.5. Ausblick 7. Limitationen 8. Zusammenfassung und Fazit A. Anhang

Upplevda framgångsfaktorer för kommunal IT-support : Är ITSM svaret på pedagogernas önskan om att minska supportbehovet?

Thorson, Pehr January 2015 (has links)
Det senaste decenniet har svenska skolor fått tillgång till stora mängder tekniska hjälpmedel. Skolverket har de senaste åren kunnat konstatera att det finns ett stort behov av kompetenshöjning vad gäller IT-kunskaper hos pedagoger. Samtidigt är tillgången på support för pedagoger på vissa håll begränsad. IT Service Management (ITSM) är en strategi för hur IT-tjänster kan hanteras för olika organisationer, och används för att se till att tjänsterna levereras med rätt kvalité och så kostnadseffektivt som möjligt. Syftet var att undersöka om ITSM, eller delar av strategin, fungerar som framgångsfaktorer som bidrar till att minska den tid pedagoger måste lägga på teknikstöd. Undersökningen skedde i form av två enkäter, där en var riktad mot IT-avdelningar och en mot skolrepresentanter. Dessa båda enkäter skickades ut till 29 kommuner som valdes ut genom systematiskt urval. Resultaten visade att en klar majoritet av respondenterna i kommuner som använder sig av delar av ITSM också anser att dessa komponenter är framgångsfaktorer för att minska behovet av teknikstöd. Resultaten visade också att det inte finns någon stark koppling mellan antalet ITSM-komponenter en kommun har och dess storlek. / During the last decade, Swedish schools have gained asset to a large amount of technical resources. The Swedish National Agency for Education has during the last couple of years identified a big need of increasing the skills when it comes to knowledge in IT among the educators. At the same time the access to technical support for the educators is somewhat limited. IT Service Management is a strategy for handling IT services in different organisations, and is used to make sure that the services are delivered with the right quality and as cost-effectively as possible.The objective of this study is to examine if IT Service Management (ITSM), or parts of the strategy, works as a success factor that decrease the amount of time that educators have to spend with technical support. The investigation consisted of two surveys, one was meant for the IT department and one was directed towards the representatives of the schools. Both of these surveys were sent to 29 municipalities that were selected through systematical selection.The results showed that a clear majority of the respondents that use parts of the ITSM strategy also think that these components are success factors that decrease the need of technical support. The results also show that there were not any clear connections between the number of ITSM components used in a municipality and the size of the municipality.

Metodiky řízení informatických procesů - Implementace ISO 20 000 / Methodologies of information processes management - Implementation of ISO 20 000

Rajnyš, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The text is considering methodologies of information processes management in MSP and is highlighting problems that can arise in this segment. The work consists of theoretical outputs as well as experience from planning the implementation of ISO 20000 in a small Business Intelligence company. In the first part of this work are methodologies put in general frame of informatics management (IT Governance) and is discussed their purpose and impacts of standardization of management processes to which their use is leading. The main attention is paid to ITIL and ISO 20000 and their mutual relationship. In both methodologies is apprised suitability for segment MSP. In scope of the practical part are defined conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve successful implementation of ISO 20000 in MSP. The main output of this part is concrete methodology of implementation of ISO 20000 in a small company.

Metodiky řízení informatických procesů / IT processes management methodics

Řenč, Leoš January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the IT processes management methodics, their comparison in terms of content, aim and support offered during implementation, employee training and in terms of international recognition and spread among businesses. The thesis also deals with mutual methodics relation and their respective use in business practice. The first part includes the characteristics of individual methodics and their basic concepts and relations description. The possible future development trend and the spread of individual methodics in selected countries are also mentioned in this section. The following part deals with the possibilities of certification and training for all mentioned methodics and methodics support during implementation. The current offer state of the training and IT processes management methodics support in the Czech Republic is characterized there. Contribution of these first two parts is arranged comparison of methodics to defined criteria of comparison. The final part is aimed at practical application of IT management methodics in their interrelationship. It contains raw analysis of the use of individual methodics at Česká pojišťovna and the consequent detailed analysis of the selected IT processes. Following proposals for the optimization are made for processes which were detail analyzed. This is the main contribution of this work according to following update of selected IT processes.The current valid approaches to these problems in Česká pojišťovna as well as expected future development are described in this section as well.

Decision-making in IT investment and ROI as a measure of ITSM business benefits / Investiční rozhodování v IT a ROI jako prostředek měření přínosů ITSM pro business

Zakharenkava, Sviatlana January 2008 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis is dealing with questions of investment decision-making in the area of IT and can be a complete guidance on the basic concepts of decision-making on the investment projects, methods of financial evaluation of such projects and the ways of its application in the sphere of IT. It is mainly aimed on the projects dealing with internal processes in IT organizations and optimalization of its management – IT Service Management (ITSM). The paper deals with existing methodologies and standards applicable to IT Service Management and closely works with the latest library of best practices ITIL V3. The introduction gets the reader into the basics of the IT management, introduces the existent market standards and creates a liaison between the IT and business in questions of investments. The second part pays attention to the principles of ITSM and describes the benefits that can process optimalization bring to the company. The third chapter opens up the IT investment topic and introduces various methodological concepts and models used not only in the classical financial theory, but in the modern management practice as well. It offers a basic overview on the methods of investment project evaluation, e.g. Net Present Value (NPV), The Payback Period Method, The Internal Rate of Return (IRR), The Profitability Index, and the most popular one – Return on Investment (ROI). The following chapter applies the measure of Return on Investment (ROI) to the projects of ITSM implementation according to ITIL. It shows the basic principles of the method usage, describes its main components and introduces the way of identification and evaluation of the benefits, which those projects bring to the business. Gained knowledge is based on the real practical examples – several worked-out business cases created for the customers of the Hewlett-Packard Company. The last part of this chapter shortly describes several software tools for building the similar business cases and their own methodology. The last chapter in devoted to the situation on the local and world market and addresses the practical application of the methods of IT projects evaluation in the companies. The conclusion then summarizes important parts and key elements of the paper.

Are the principles of ITIL service desk applicable to the environment of SME? / Are the principles of ITIL service desk applicable to the environment of SME?

Semianenka, Yauheni January 2011 (has links)
The goal of my master's theses was to analyze the requirements of the ITIL framework for a service desk implementation, identify specifics of SME companies and to try to scale down the ITIL implementation of a service desk to the size applicable to SME. In my practical part I'd like devise a functional model of the ITIL compliant service desk featuring Incident, Request, Change, and Problem Management processes based on the Atlassian Jira sotware. After completing the theasis I will answer a question - if it is possible to use ITIL in the SME segment.

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