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Processo de incubação e características empreendedoras: a percepção de gestores de EBT’s graduadas / Incubation process and entrepreneurship characteristics: the perception of graduated tbc managersGoulart, Cristiane Silveira 13 January 2017 (has links)
The present work was carried out in the Santa Maria technological incubator (ITSM), in order to analyze how the incubation process contributes to the development of the entrepreneurial characteristics, in the perception of TBC managers graduated at ITSM. Thus, the data were collected through semi-structured interviews with nine managers of graduated companies, and the questions during the interview focused on their life history, professional trajectory and incubation process and through the application of the questionnaire developed by Mansfield et al. (1987), on entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics (CCE's), with the same interview respondents.The categories of analysis defined a priori were: Incubation process and Entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics. The categories of analysis defined not a priori, based on the interviewees' reports, were: Influence of family on professional choice and Need for management knowledge. The profile of the managers participating in the survey according to the measurement made from the application of the questionnaire indicates a satisfactory level of development of the CCE’s. Through the analysis of the data collected in the interviews and in the questionnaire, it was possible to evaluate that the objective of the study has been met, since according to the perception of TBC managers graduated at ITSM, the incubation process was decisive for their enterprises sustainability and, in addition, it provided the development of these individuals as entrepreneurs. / O presente trabalho foi realizado na incubadora tecnológica de Santa Maria (ITSM), com o intuito de analisar como o processo de incubação contribui com o desenvolvimento das características empreendedoras, na percepção de gestores de EBT’s graduadas na ITSM. Assim sendo, os dados foram coletados através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com nove gestores de empresas graduadas, sendo que os questionamentos abordados na entrevista tiveram foco na história de vida, trajetória profissional e processo de incubação e através da aplicação do questionário desenvolvido por Mansfield et al. (1987), sobre características comportamentais empreendedoras (CCE’s), com os mesmos respondentes das entrevistas. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo das entrevistas, baseada em Bardin (2011), os questionários foram analisados qualitativamente devido ao baixo número de respondentes (nove). As categorias de análise definidas a priori foram: processo de incubação e características comportamentais empreendedoras. As categorias de análise definidas não a priori, com base nos relatos dos entrevistados, foram: influência da família na escolha profissional e necessidade de conhecimento em gestão. O perfil dos gestores participantes da pesquisa de acordo com a mensuração feita a partir da aplicação do questionário aponta um nível satisfatório de desenvolvimento das CCE’s. Através do cruzamento da análise dos dados coletados nas entrevistas e no questionário foi possível avaliar que o objetivo do estudo foi atendido, visto que, de acordo com a percepção dos gestores de EBT’s graduadas na ITSM, o processo de incubação foi decisivo para a sustentabilidade de seus empreendimentos, e, além disso, propiciou o desenvolvimento desses indivíduos como empreendedores.
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An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Software Management and IT Service ManagementRamachandran, Selvakumar, Santapoor, Lavanya January 2011 (has links)
Aims and Objectives: Information Technology (IT) service management has gained importance in the recent years. A service is a means of delivering value to the customers by facilitating outcomes, which customers want to achieve without ownership of the specific costs and risks. As IT services’ efficient execution revolves around its implementation through software management, the need for understanding the relationship between IT service management and software management has become crucial. The aim of this thesis is to explore this relationship. Methodology: We designed this thesis study as an exploratory study. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to explore the role of software engineering in IT service management and the interconnection between them. Then, we performed a case study at Telenor Sweden AB by conducting interviews in order to further investigate the intersecting elements between ITIL v3 Framework, which is an international standard for IT service management and software engineering considering ISO/IEC 12207 standard on software processes. Results: The outcome of this thesis is a mapping between IT service management and software engineering considering ISO/IEC 12207 for software engineering processes and ITIL V3 Framework for IT service management. These mappings have been recommended to use by the case company to incorporate ‘in-house’ software models in line with ITIL V3 Framework implementation. Conclusion: Though ITIL V3 framework gives in depth guidelines for IT Service Management, it does not give sufficient details for managing applications that constitute IT Services. As ITIL V3 is a framework, it is flexible to accommodate the software engineering processes defined in ISO/IEC 12207 standard. Though we brought three-way relationship between ITIL V3, ISO/IEC 12207 and case company’s software process models, it is found out that replacing existing models with ISO/IEC 12207 shall be difficult as it would be two new standards for the employees. The in house software process models are already inspired from standards. In this thesis, we provide a mapping between ITIL V3 and inhouse models of the case company to support the implementation of ITIL V3 for managing software applications to realize IT Services. / The thesis gives mapping between ITIL V3 Framework and ISO/IEC 12207 Software Engineering processes to incorporate them in integrated Service Management and Software Management / +46762509249
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Analys och förslag till förbättringar med avseende på GUI och funktion ur ett användbarhetsperpektiv av programvaran Service Desk ManagerLindström, Håkan January 2012 (has links)
Företaget Kerfi AB i Norrköping är en leverantör av informationsteknik och har bland annat specialistkompetens inom service management. För detta använder de programvara från företaget CA technologies. CA Service Desk Manager är en så kallad IT Service Management applikation med processer för samordning och styrning av service management. Under inledande diskussioner kom det fram att även om programvaran har varit i bruk under flera år så finns det fortfarande problem med användargränssnittet. Uppgiften består i att analysera användargränssnittet ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv för att kunna ta fram förslag på olika lösningar till programvarans påpekade brister. För insamling av data användes en expertutvärdering vilket omfattade en heuristisk utvärdering och en consistency inspection. Dessa metoder kompletterades med intervjuer och enkäter för att få fram användarnas åsikter och synpunkter om programvaran. Examensarbetet har resulterat i en samling av förslag till sådant som kan förbättras för de delar av användargränssnittet där brister har upptäckts.
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Technická podpora managementu incidentů / Technical Assistance of Incident Management SupportSoukup, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this Master Thesis is Incident Management process as well as other processes which are inseparably linked to it, such as Problem Management, Change Management, Knowledge Management, etc. Main focus of this work is taken to the mentioned processes implementation in the real environment of the real company. Those processes are to be supported by selected information system whereas the selection itself is also part of the project. The processess are compared and optimized with use of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
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Návrh procesů pro společnost poskytující IT služby s ohledem na ISMS a ITSM / Draft of Processes for IT Outsourcing Company Considering ISMS and ITSMHaller, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design processes for existing ICT company mainly providing services. This work contains models of the designed processes and proposes convenient information system. All the designed processes are evaluated against ISO/IEC 27000 and ISO/IEC 20000 standards.
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Technická podpora managementu změn / Technical Assistance of Change Management SupportVaněk, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The project inspects and discusses improvements of the technical assistance of Change Management support within IT service provider. The primary objective of the procet is to analyse and implement a new software tool to display possible improvements. This project involves whole software development proces including requirements collection, systém analysis, design, implementation. In the first part, the IT service management, especially Change Management area and ITIL methodology is described. In the second part, the analysis of current state of the proces implementation and software tool is discussed and proposed opportunities for improvement. In the end, the results are summarized and possibilities of the future improvements are proposed.
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Användning av prestationsmätning inom IT Service Management hos fem små och medelstora företag : En kvalitativ studie om upplevda fördelar, utmaningar och risker / Use of Performance Measurement in IT Service Management in five Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : A qualitative study on experienced benefits, challenges and risksStrandberg, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Att leverera IT-relaterade tjänster är utmanande för många företag och verksamheter. För att underlätta för leverantörer av IT-tjänster har processtöd tagits fram som går under namnet IT Service Management där det ledande ramverket ITIL tillhandahåller riktlinjer för bland annat processer i form av incident- och problemhantering. Införandet av IT Service Management handlar till stora delar om resurskrävande aktiviteter som förändringar i arbetssätt och införande av processer. Detta gör att många små och medelstora företag upplever att det är kostsamt och svårt samtidigt som det behöver skapas förståelse för vilka värdeskapande effekter ramverket kan medföra, för att motivera den insats som krävs. För att tydliggöra effekterna av IT Service Management används prestationsmätning - processen att mäta effektivitet och verkningsgrad av ett antal åtgärder. Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera och beskriva användningen av prestationsmätning inom IT Service Management enligt små och medelstora företag. Bisyftet är att identifiera och beskriva utmaningar och risker som företrädare för små och medelstora företag uppfattar med prestationsmätning inom IT Service Management. Därtill ställs frågan om hur små och medelstora företag har arbetat för att minimera risker och hantera utmaningar som kommer med prestationsmätning inom IT Service Management. Kvalitativa data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem respondenter där intervjusvar har bearbetats genom tematisk analys för att besvara studiens fyra undersökningsfrågor. Studiens slutsatser är att de mätbara organisatoriska fördelar som små och medelstora företag har identifierat med IT Service Management är uttalat arbetssätt, gemensamt språk, tekniskt verktyg, beprövade metoder samt processeffektivitet. Därutöver identifierades utmaningar som omfattar att identifiera adekvata prestationsmått, det administrativa arbetet samt att upprätthålla engagemang. Studiens slutsatser om risker omfattar arbetsmiljöns påverkan av synliggjorda resultat och vilseledande resultat av mätningar. Små och medelstora företag kan hantera utmaningar och minimera risker genom utbildning, dra nytta av tillgängliga resurser och genom stöd av företagsledningen.
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ITIL4 & DEVOPS : EN STUDIE OM ITIL4 OCH DESS SAMEXISTENS MED DEVOPS / ITIL4 & DevOps : A Study About ITIL4 and its Coexistence with DevOpsThornberg, Emil, Arvidsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
I dagens IT-landskap kan det vara väldigt besvärligt för organisationer att navigera sig. Med den snabba utveckling som sker med teknik och applikationer, men även kring ramverk och arbetsmetoder som alla säger sig vara det bästa för just ens egen organisation. Det är därför viktigt att skapa sig en förståelse för vad som lämpar sig att kombinera, men även vilka kombinationer som bör undvikas. Ett av de största ramverken rörande IT-service Management (ITSM) är Information technology infrastructure library (ITIL). ITIL har funnits sedan 80-talet och har som syfte att hjälpa organisationer med sin hantering av tjänster. Sedan finns DevOps som är ett arbetssätt som växte fram ur den agila rörelsen. Syftet med DevOps är att bryta ned de silos som finns mellan utveckling och den operativa verksamheten i en organisation. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera hur väl ITIL:s senaste version, ITIL4 kan kombineras med DevOps med syftet att hjälpa till att effektivisera organisationer. Detta för att tidigare forskning har påvisat att DevOps och ITIL är uppbyggda på ett sätt som gör det svårt för organisationer att kombinera dem. Tidigare forskning har granskats för att identifiera vilka problem men även vilka möjligheter det kan finnas med att kombinera dem. Utöver det genomfördes även fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med experter gällande ITIL4 och DevOps. Detta för att få en klarare bild kring hur de båda fungerar och kan användas i verkligheten, samt få en inblick hur utövarna ser på kombinationen med varandra. Det studien kommer fram till är att ITIL4 och DevOps har mer gemensamt än vad tidigare versioner av ITIL haft. Det finns flera olika organisatoriska områden som berörs av ITIL4 respektive DevOps som har stora likheter. Där de båda skapar ett holistiskt synsätt som man bör använda på sin organisation, men även hur kontinuerlig utveckling i kombination med återkoppling är centralt i både ITIL4 och DevOps. Men även där går det att se skillnader i hur de kan komplettera varandra. ITIL4 kompletterar DevOps i form av att vidga dess vyer utifrån de centrala element som DevOps har. Medan DevOps kan hjälpa ITIL4 med att etablera ett iterativt arbetssätt inom organisationen, men även vara en starkt bidragande faktor till kontinuerlig förbättring. / It can be difficult for organizations to navigate the IT-landscape that we have today. Through rapid development regarding technology and applications, but also with frameworks and work methods saying they’re perfect for your organization. Therefore, it’s important to create an understanding for which things you can combine, but also which combinations should be avoided. One of the biggest frameworks regarding IT-Service management (ITSM) is called information technology infrastructure library (ITIL). ITIL has been around since the 80’s and its main purpose is to help organizations with management of their services. Then there’s DevOps which is a work method that emerged from the agile movement. The purpose of this study was to identify how the latest version of ITIL can be combined with DevOps to help organizations to become more effective. The reason behind that is because previous studies have shown that ITIL and DevOps are structured in a way that makes it hard for organizations to combine them. Therefore, a qualitative study was conducted with a literature review surrounding both ITIL4 and DevOps, to create a better understanding of what they are, and how they are used. But additional research was also reviewed to understand which problems and possibilities there were if they both were combined. Four semi-structured interviews were also conducted with experts regarding ITIL4 and DevOps. These interviews were conducted to create a better understanding of how ITIL and DevOps operate in the real world, but also to get an understanding of the respondents view of the combination. The result from this study shows that ITIL and DevOps have more in-common than previous versions. There are several areas that both ITIL4 and DevOps touch which have big similarities. They both create a holistic view for organizations, but also shows continual development in combination with feedback is essential for them both. But where there are differences, it can be identified where they complement each other. ITIL4 complements DevOps by expanding its views based on the three central elements in DevOps. While DevOps can help ITIL4 by establishing an iterative workflow throughout the organization, but also be a strong contributor to continual improvement.
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適合台灣製造業CMDB導入方法之研究劉丹雯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業越來越重視資訊科技服務管理及流程效能的議題,加上過去兩年由國內外資訊大廠所倡導的ITIL觀念也漸漸成形,部分大型企業已開始依據ITIL所定義的資訊處理流程,逐步導入於其企業內部作業流程中。除了ITIL標準與解決方案外,如何有效地建置CMDB 成為實施ITIL重要的一環。
1. 組織成員是否願意接受、付出及執行。
2. 高階管理階層是否願意支持、並提供足夠的資源。
3. 如何將ITIL整合到現有的管理流程、執行及評價ITIL的成功價值。
4. 設計及具體呈現ITIL的執行過程。
5. 如何建立一個合適的組織架構、如角色定位、責任及權利劃分……等。
6. 如何獲得及整合各種支援技術或工具。
ITIL 所強調「IT 即業務,業務即IT」的資訊化社會之成形,也是必然的發展方向。從各學術期刊文獻中可以找出以ITIL 為研究主題之學術論文,然而,卻難以找到以ITIL 之核心 CMDB為探討主題之學術論文。本研究從探討台灣製造業電子化特性,佐以各家導入CMDB的方法論,透過案例分析探討導入CMDB 之方法論,推論出台灣製造業導入CMDB前考慮之特性以及更適合台灣的製造業之CMDB之導入方法論。藉由此四大階段的CMDB導入方法,能協助資訊部門在導入 CMDB時能有一個指引可遵循,能夠有效率的導入CMDB,達到Quick Win的目標。效益包括:
1. 依據ITIL或BSM 藍圖,找出企業IT 服務管理問題所在。 並由台灣製造業商業模式,製造模式及運籌模式推出製造業導入CMDB前考慮的特性,得出核心服務並定義服務模型,依重要狀況先後導入。
2. 從四家CMDB導入方法整理出四大階段,此四大階段導入方法符合製造業快速得出成效的要求,並定義每一階段步驟、里程碑及產出文件。
3. 台灣製造業可將此方法論做為導入CMDB 之參考。其他產業亦可將此方法論做為參考。企業可根據實際情況,決定自那個階段切入。 / As the concept of ITIL is widely being promoted across various industries, the topics of IT Service Management and Process Availability are becoming the focal points for many enterprises. Many large enterprises have already implemented ITIL-compliant processes throughout their internal IT organizations. Among many ITIL-related projects, the effective and efficient implementation of CMDB is of particular importance. Nevertheless, it is hard to find research conducted on CMDB, the integral component of ITIL, even though there is no shortage of academic literature on ITIL subject alone. This thesis seeks to define the pre-implementation requirements and implementation methodologies of CMDB that are most suited to manufacturing industries in Taiwan through the application of case studies.
The focus on business priority is no doubt the next step in the IT evolution. This paper seeks to assist IT organizations accomplishing the goals of implementing CMDB effectively and efficiently, and define the critical success factors needed to achieve quick wins. The benefits include:
1. Explore the issues within the enterprise IT Service Management with the help of ITIL or Business Service Management Blueprint. Define CMDB’s pre-implementation requirements, implementation phases, and the resulting service models while considering the unique business model and strategy-making processes of Taiwanese manufacturing industries.
2. Consolidate the four CMDB implementation phases necessary to achieve quick-wins from four CMDB implementation cases, and define the procedures, milestones and deliverables of each phase.
3. This four-phase methodology can act as the reference to CMDB implementation not only to Taiwanese manufacturing industries, but other industries as well. Enterprises can decide the most suitable phase to initiate the CMDB project as they see fit.
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<p dir="ltr">Historically, CIOs have struggled to realize IT investment values and planning involved. In the IT industry, these issues have become a critical C-level topic (Haffke, 2016). Since the establishment of the position of the State Chief Information Officer (CIO), CIO roles have expanded and evolved tremendously as new modern technologies became a part of organization’s information technology (IT) enterprise infrastructure. Multiple State CIOs struggled with modern IT technologies, but successfully completed projects to meet customer business needs and requirements and furthermore, IT investments involved an arduous effort to prepare, execute, complete, and assess for return on investment (ROI) and value realization (NASCIO, 2021). During the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of remote collaboration technology allowed the workforce to perform at remote locations to prevent spread of the virus. Academic research on the topic of State CIO’s involvement in IT strategic planning is limited and yields scarce search results compared to other subject areas. State CIOs’ involvement in IT strategic planning was further researched for enabling remote collaboration for the new remote workforce. Scholarly databases and more than 100 various sources of articles were reviewed for search results that addressed the problem and purpose of this research.<b> </b>Grounded theory research, data triangulation, and Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis software (CAQDAS) were used to analyze the resulting articles. The research deliverables included a document analysis of State CIO involvement in IT strategic planning to enable remote collaboration. There were significant involvements of State CIOs in IT strategic planning to enable remote collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic across the analyses. This study developed a course of actions (COAs) for State CIOs, and recommendations for future research.</p>
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