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Left-Right Symmetric Model : Putting lower bounds on the mass of the heavy, charged WR gauge bosonHarris, Melissa January 2017 (has links)
In this project I have studied the left-right symmetric model (LRSM) as a candidate beyond standard model theory of particle physics. The most common version of the theory, called the minimal LRSM, has been studied and tested extensively for several decades. I have therefore modied this minimal LRSM by adapting the scalar sector and computing the mass of the charged right-handed gauge bosons WR for this particular scalar sector. I carried out a study of the theory and implemented it into FeynRules, in order to simulate LHC events using MadGraph. This allowed computation of the cross-section for the decay WR to a top and a bottom quark as a function of the mass of WR , which was compared with CMS data for the same decay, with proton-proton collisions at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV. The final result was a constraint on the mass of WR , with a lower bound of 3 TeV.
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Mucin preparation and assembly into new biomaterialsZhong, Xueying January 2016 (has links)
Mucins, the main macromolecular constituent responsible for gel-forming property in mucus, have great potential to act as new biological hydrogel for medical applications. Click chemistry reaction is an attractive tool to be applied in both bioconjugation and material science to form covalent bonds between molecules. Herein the click chemistry reaction of tetrazine-norbornene ligation was adapted to form click mucin hydrogel using purified commercial available bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM). This study included the characterization, purification and chemical modification of commercial available BSM. The flow filtration purification was chosen after investigating the effectiveness and yields of four different purification strategies. The reactivity of tetrazine and norbornene-functionalized BSM was evident from the formation of robust mucin hydrogel within minutes after mixing the two components. / Mucin, den viktigaste makromolekylära beståndsdel som ansvarar för den gelbildande egenskapen i slem, har stor potential att fungera som en ny biologisk hydrogel för medicinska tillämpningar. Klick-kemi reaktioner är attraktiva verktyg som kan användas i både biokonjugering och materialvetenskap för att bilda kovalenta bindningar mellan molekyler. I detta projekt användes renat kommersiellt köpt bovint submaxillärt mucin (BSM) i en klick-kemi reaktion för att sammanlänka tetrazin och norbornylen. Denna reaktion anpassades för att bilda en mucin hydrogel. Detta projekt inkluderade karakterisering, rening och kemisk modifiering av kommersiellt köpt BSM. Flödesfiltrering valdes som reningsmetod efter undersöking av effektivitet och utbyte av fyra olika reningsstrategier. Reaktiviteten hos tetrazin och norbornen-funktionaliserad BSM var uppenbar från bildandet av robust mucin hydrogel inom några minuter efter de två komponenterna sammanblandats.
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Automated calculation of one-loop processes within MadGolemWigmore, Ioan Tomos January 2013 (has links)
In the current LHC era, a vast number of models for BSM physics are being tested. For predictions accurate enough to match experimental errors, theoretical calculations have to go beyond LO estimates. However, calculating one-loop corrections in BSM models involves many new particles with specific model dependent properties. Therefore, they are done largely by hand, or in partially–automated ways. I present a fully automated tool for the calculation of generic massive one-loop Feynman diagrams with four external particles, implemented as a module within the fully automated MadGolem framework. With this one can compute the NLO–QCD corrections to generic BSM heavy resonance production processes, for example in the context of supersymmetric theories.
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Searches for Dark Matter and Large Extra Dimensions in Monojet Final States with the ATLAS ExperimentLundberg, Olof January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents searches for evidence for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) and Extra Dimensions in proton-proton collisions recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The WIMP is one of the main candidates to constitute the particle content of Dark Matter. Extra Dimensions are introduced in several theories in order to explain the apparent weakness of gravity when compared to the other interactions in Nature. Theories with WIMPs as well as Extra Dimensions can manifest themselves at the LHC, with experimental signatures characterized by an energetic hadronic jet associated with large missing momentum. These signatures are known as monojet signatures, and are investigated in this thesis. The first analysis is performed using L = 20.3 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV recorded in the ATLAS Run 1. The second analysis is performed using L = 3.2 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV recorded in the ATLAS Run 2. No significant excess over the expected background is found in either of the analyses. New exclusion limits are set at 95% confidence level on Dark Matter particle production. New limits are also set on graviton production in the so-called ADD scenario with Extra Dimensions.
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An Examination of the phrase QARA BESEM YHWHDeSousa, Joel David. January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 1984. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [62]-69).
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An Examination of the phrase QARA BESEM YHWHDeSousa, Joel David. January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 1984. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [62]-69).
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Una metodología de gestión de servicios de negocio orientados a una arquitectura empresarialBahamondes Vergara, Patricio Alejandro January 2013 (has links)
Magíster en Tecnologías de la Información / La gestión de servicios de negocio es un tema complejo, debido a la gran cantidad de procesos, componentes y actores que deben tenerse en consideración para obtener un análisis completo del servicio que se desea administrar. Junto con esto, existen al menos tres factores (personas, procesos, sistemas) que podrían llegar a impactar positiva o negativamente la calidad del servicio entregado al cliente final.
Para dar inicio a la gestión de un servicio, es necesario llevar a cabo una gran cantidad de actividades, que demandan una gran cantidad de tiempo y esfuerzo, más aun si no se cuenta con una metodología que apoye su ejecución. Esta tesis presenta una metodología que pretende simplificar o apoyar el inicio de la gestión de servicios de negocio en una organización.
El trabajo fue realizado en una entidad bancaria, en la cual, el primer acercamiento a gestionar servicios de negocio (liderada por la gerencia de informática) fue demasiado complejo. Dada esa primera experiencia, se propuso crear una metodología que permitiera a la organización disminuir los tiempos y el esfuerzo necesario para abordar la gestión de un servicio. Para ello, se reformularon las actividades realizadas anteriormente, generando seis etapas como parte del proceso de gestión: Definición, Levantamiento, Análisis, Factorización, Generación de Métricas y Presentación. Para cada una de ellas se definieron actividades y la manera en que éstas deberían ser realizadas.
Finalmente, la metodología fue utilizada para el levantamiento de nuevos servicios de negocio de la entidad bancaria antes mencionada, logrando una mejora tanto en el tiempo como en el esfuerzo involucrado en dicha actividad. En forma paralela, se obtuvieron resultados positivos no esperados, los cuales impactaron a toda la organización, como por ejemplo: la gestión del conocimiento generado y la estandarización de métricas.
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Exploring New Physics in the Dark Matter and Neutrino SectorsTammaro, Michele 22 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterizing Quirky SignalsForsyth, Joshua D. 12 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Large collider facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) employ a variety of search methods in hopes of finding new particles. It may be that new physics beyond the SM is waiting to be discovered at energies accessible to the LHC. Quirks are particles charged under a new confining gauge group with masses much larger than their confinement scale. This project details the dynamics of quirks, as well as the production and decay of electrically charged bound states of scalar quirks. The cross section for these states is compared to existing Wγ resonance searches at the LHC. Such a state is above the most sensitive LHC search up to an invariant mass of about M ≲ 640 GeV.
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Searching for the charged Higgs boson in the tau nu analysis using Boosted Decision TreesHallberg, Jesper January 2016 (has links)
his thesis implements a multivariate analysis in the current cut- based search for the charged Higgs bosons, which are new scalar particles predicted by several extensions to the Standard Model. Heavy charged Higgs bosons (mH± mtop) produced in association with a top quark de- caying via H± → τν are considered. The final state contains a hadronic τ decay, missing transverse energy and a hadronically decaying top quark. This study is based on Monte Carlo samples simulated at CM-energy √ s = 13 TeV for signal and backgrounds. The figure of merit to measure the improvement of the new method with respect to the old analysis is the separation between the signal and background distributions. Four mass points (mH± = 200, 400, 600, 1000 GeV) are considered, and an increase of the separation ranging from 2.6% (1000 GeV) to 29.2% (200 GeV) com- pared to the current cut-based analysis is found. / Denna studie implementerar en flervariabel-analys till den befintliga snitt-baserade analysen av laddade Higgs-bosoner, nya skal ̈arpartiklar fo ̈rutsagda av flertalet fo ̈rl ̈angningar av Standardmodellen. Studien antar tunga lad- dade Higgs-bosoner (mH± mtop) producerade tillsammans med en top- kvark som fo ̈rfaller via H± → τν. Sluttillst ̊andet best ̊ar av ett hadroniskt τ-so ̈nderfall, f ̈orlorad transversell energi och en hadroniskt so ̈nderfallande √ toppkvark. Studien a ̈r baserad p ̊a data f ̈or signal och bakgrund. Fo ̈r att ma ̈ta fo ̈rba ̈ttringen av analysens ka ̈nslighet anva ̈nds avst ̊and mellan bakgrundens och signalens distribu- tioner som godhetstal. Fyra masspunkter (mH± = 200, 400, 600, 1000 GeV) anva ̈nds, och en o ̈kning av avst ̊and fr ̊an 2.6% (1000 GeV) till 29.2% (200 GeV) hittades.
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