Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cmmunity, cellular."" "subject:"cmmunity, acellular.""
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Avaliação da imunidade celular em pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço e sua correlação com nutrição, tamanho tumoral e recidiva / Avaliation of the cellular imunity in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and its correlation with nutrition, tumor size and recurrenceMaria Teresa Assumpção Machado Sodré 14 March 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: a imunidade celular de pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço tem sido foco de muitos estudos nas últimas décadas. As alterações do sistema imune parecem estar relacionadas com a progressão da doença. A avaliação da imunidade celular desses casos é necessária para programar estratégias de imunoterapia. A deficiência nutricional, o tamanho tumoral e a recidiva são fatores que também podem estar relacionados com a piora imunitária e clínica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se portadores de carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço têm imunidade celular e estado nutricional diferente de controles e sua correlação com tamanho tumoral e recidiva. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 155 pacientes admitidos nos serviços de cirurgia de cabeça e pescoço e cirurgia geral do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, entre 16 de agosto de 2005 a 31 de julho de 2006. Houve 52 controles e 103 casos com diagnóstico de carcinoma epidermóide de trato aerodigestivo alto, subdivididos em 29 casos pré-tratamento, 47 pós-tratamento sem doença e 27 pós-tratamento com doença. Foi realizada entrevista clínica, contendo dados demográficos, presença de tabagismo, etilismo e co-morbidades, e avaliado o índice de Karnofsky. Dados do tumor e tratamento foram anotados. Foi realizada avaliação nutricional antropométrica, através da medida do peso, estatura e índice de massa corpórea (IMC). A avaliação da composição corpórea foi feita através de bioimpedância elétrica, utilizando-se a porcentagem de massa magra em homens e mulheres. Os critérios bioquímicos usados foram concentração plasmática de albumina e contagem total de linfócitos (CTL). A avaliação da imunidade celular foi feita através de testes cutâneos com 3 antígenos (PPD, tricofitina e candidina). O tamanho tumoral também foi medido. A análise estatística foi feita através de média, desvio padrão, ANOVA e Bonferroni para variáveis numéricas e teste qui-quadrado de Pearson para as categóricas. RESULTADOS: As médias de IMC, albumina e CTL foram diferentes entre os grupos (p<0,0001), sendo que os recidivados diferiram nos 3 critérios nutricionais dos outros grupos, com média menor. Quanto à resposta aos testes cutâneos, comparando-se todos os grupos, não houve diferença (p=0,08). Quando comparados os grupos 2 a 2, no entanto, houve diferença entre controles e recidivados (p=0,02) e casos pré-tratamento e recidivados (p<0,002). A idade não alterou a positividade ao teste cutâneo nos casos, porém ela foi diferente nos controles, com idosos apresentando mais anergia em relação a adultos (p=0,04). A resposta aos testes cutâneos não foi diferente de acordo com o estado nutricional e com o tipo de procedimento realizado. Porém, nos casos pós-tratamento sem doença, a média de IMC e CTL diferiu entre grupos tratados por cirurgia e os que incluíram, além de cirurgia, radioterapia (p<0,05). O estádio clínico não apresentou relação com a nutrição e imunidade. A resposta ao teste cutâneo também não foi diferente de acordo com o tamanho tumoral. CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço têm estado nutricional diferente de controles, sendo pior nos casos recidivados. Houve diferença de porcentagem de anergia entre os recidivados, quando comparados com controles e casos pré-tratamento, sendo maior nos primeiros. Não houve relação da imunidade celular com o estado nutricional e com o tamanho tumoral. / INTRODUCTION: the cellular immunity of patients with head and neck cancer has been studied for many authors at the last decades. The alterations of the immune system seems to be related with the progress of the disease. The avaliation of the cellular immunity at these patients is necessary in order to program strategies of immunotherapy. Malnutrition, tumor size and recurrence are related to a worse immunity and clinical outcome. This study was intended to verify if patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck have different cellular immunity and nutrition from others that do not have cancer, and their correlation with tumor size and recurrence. METHODS: there were 155 patients admitted at Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, from August, 2005 to July, 2006. There were 52 controls and 103 cases with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, which were divided in cases pretreatment (n=29), posttreatment without evidence of disease (n=47) and with recurrence (n=27). All patients were interviewed. Questions about age, sex, smoking, drinking and comorbidities were asked. The Karnofsky status performance was evaluated. Tumor\'s site, stage and treatment were noted. Nutritional assessment with anthropometric measures as weight, height and body mass coefficient (BMC) was done. Electrical bioimpedance was used to get men and women thin mass percentage. The level of albumin and total lymphocyte count (TLC) were used as biochemical criterias of nutrition. The cellular immunity was checked by the pattern of response to skin tests with 3 antigens (PPD, tricophitin and candidin). Tumor size was measured. Statistics were performed with median, ANOVA and Bonferroni for numeric variables and with Pearson\'s chi-square test for the string ones. RESULTS: The medians of BMC, albumin anc TLC were different between cases and controls (p<0,0001), and patients with recurrence had all nutritional criterias lower than the others. Skin tests were different , and cases with recurrence were more anergic thatn controls. Age does not alter the skin test response in cases, but in controls, patients with age above 65 years had more anergy than the others (p=0,04). Skin tests response was not different in relation of nutritional status and with the treatment used in cases that were treated. But, in cases treated and without evidence of recurrence, the nutritional status was different for all criterias. Stage of the tumour does not reveal any relation with nutrition and cellular immunity. So do the cellular immunity for tumor size. CONCLUSIONS: patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck have nutritional status different from controls, and worse at the patients with recurrence. There was no difference at the cellular immunity relationated with tumor size and nutritional status.
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Karakteristike toka plućne tuberkuloze kod obolelih od šećerne bolesti / Characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis course in patients suffering from diabetes mellitusVukosav Danijela 09 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Povezanost dijabetesa melitusa i tuberkuloze je odavno primećena i bila je predmet ispitivanja mnogih studija. Dijagnoza šećerne bolesti pre otkrića insulina značila je smrtni ishod u roku od pet godina, a najčešći uzrok smrti su bile infekcije, uključujući tuberkulozu. Poslednjih godina incidenca tuberkuloze je u padu, ali je i dalje prisutan značajan broj obolelih od tuberkuloze u zemljama u razvoju. Sa druge strane incidenca dijabetes melitusa je u porastu, pre svega zbog tendencije porasta broja gojaznih osoba. Procenjeno je da će prevalencija obolelih od dijabetes melitusa dostići 438 miliona obolelih do 2030, a 80% svih slučajeva će biti stanovnici zemalja u razvoju gde je i dalje visoka prevalencija tuberkuloze. Kao rezultat ovakve epidemiološke situacije ove dve bolesti će se sve češće javljati uporedo, modifikujući tok jedna drugoj. Preduslov za uspešno lečenje dijabetičara obolelih od tuberkuloze je postizanje zadovoljavajuće metaboličke regulisanosti šećerne bolesti. smrtni ishod u roku od pet godina, a najčešći uzrok smrti su bile infekcije, uključujući tuberkulozu. Poslednjih godina incidenca tuberkuloze je u padu, ali je i dalje prisutan značajan broj obolelih od tuberkuloze u zemljama u razvoju. Sa druge strane incidenca dijabetes melitusa je u porastu, pre svega zbog tendencije porasta broja gojaznih osoba. Procenjeno je da će prevalencija obolelih od dijabetes melitusa dostići 438 miliona obolelih do 2030, a 80% svih slučajeva će biti stanovnici zemalja u razvoju gde je i dalje visoka prevalencija tuberkuloze. Kao rezultat ovakve epidemiološke situacije ove dve bolesti će se sve češće javljati uporedo, modifikujući tok jedna drugoj. Preduslov za uspešno lečenje dijabetičara obolelih od tuberkuloze je postizanje zadovoljavajuće metaboličke regulisanosti šećerne bolesti. Cilj istraživanja: Cilj rada je bilo ispitivanje uticaja dijabetesa melitusa na tok plućne tuberkuloze, prvenstveno na bakteriološki status, radiološku prezentaciju bolesti, dužinu terapijskog režima i učestalost recidiva bolesti. Materijal i metode: Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćene dve grupe od po pedeset bolesnika koji su hospitalizovani u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine. Prvu grupu činili su bolesnici sa plućnom tuberkulozom i pridruženom šećernom bolešću, a drugu grupu bolesnici sa plućnom tuberkulozom bez pridružene šećerne bolesti. Svi bolesnici su analizirani po sledećim karakteristikama: starost, pol, klinička slika, bakteriološki status, radiološka prezentacija, prisustvo neželjenih efekata antituberkulotika, prisustvo rezistencije M. tuberculosis na lekove, trajanje terapijskog režima, ishod lečenja, pojava recidiva i dužina hospitalizacije. Oboleli od šećerne bolesti bili su dodatno analizirani prema: tipu bolesti, dužini trajanja bolesti, metaboličkoj regulisanosti bolesti i prisustvu komplikacija. Svi bolesnici obuhvaćeni ispitivanjem bili su podvrgnuti standardnom dijagnostičkom algoritmu koji obuhvata: anamnezu i fizikalni pregled, direktnu mikroskopiju sputuma, kultivaciju sputuma, radiogram grudnog koša, CT grudnog koša u slučaju postavljenih kliničkih indikacija. Invazivna dijagnostika će se sprovesti kod bolesnika kod kojih dijagnoza nije mogla biti postavljena prethodno sprovedenom neinvazivnom dijagnostikom. Terapijski režim će biti započet tokom hospitalizacije u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine, a nastavljen ambulantno pod kontrolom Dispanzera za plućne bolesti. Po završetku terapijskog režima predviđena je kontrola u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine koja obuhvata procenu kliničke slike, bakteriološkog statusa, radiološkog nalaza i eventualnu potrebu za produženjem terapijskog režima. Rezultati: Istraživanje je pokazalo da je u grupi obolelih od tuberkuloze bez pridruženog dijabetes melitusa bio sličan broj bolesnika muškog i ženskog pola, a veći broj ispitanika se nalazio u starosnim kategorijama do 50 godina starosti, dok je u grupi obolelih od tuberkuloze sa dijabetes melitusom bio značajno više zastupljen muški pol i značajno više ispitanika se nalazilo u starosnim kategorijama preko 50 godina starosti. Beleži se statistički značajno veći broj recidiva u grupi obolelih od tuberkuloze sa dijabetes melitusom (p=0,001). Između ispitvanih grupa se ne beleži statistički značajna razlika u kliničkoj prezentaciji bolesti. U grupi obolelih od tuberkuloze sa dijabetes melitusom, statistički značajno je veći broj direktno pozitivnih nalaza sputuma (p=0,046). Utvrđeno je postojanje statistički značajne razlike u prosečnoj dužini vremena potrebnoj za direktnu konverziju sputuma (p=0,000) i prosečnoj dužini vremena potrebnoj za konverziju kulture sputuma (p=0,000). U oba slučaja je grupa obolelih od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim dijabetes melitusom imala duže prosečno vreme potrebno za konverziju. U grupi obolelih od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim dijabetes melitusom bilo je statistički značajno više bolesnika sa prisustvom kaverne (p=0,006) i lokalizacijom promena u sva tri režnja (p=0,000). Nije zapažena statistički značajna razlika u trajanju terapijskog režima, ispoljavanju neželjenih efekata lekova, pojavi rezistencije na lekove i ishodu lečenja između dve ispitivane grupe. Grupa obolelih od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim dijabetesom imala je statistički značajno veći broj bolničkih dana (p=0,000). Poređenjem grupa obolelih od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim zadovoljavajuće regulisanim dijabetesom i grupe obolelih od tuberkuloze sa loše regulisanim dijabetesom uočeno je statistički značajno duže trajanje terapijskog režima kod dijabetičara sa loše regulisanom bolešću (p=0,018). Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u zastupljenosti recidiva, kliničke prezentacije bolesti, bakteriološkog i radiološkog statusa, ispoljavanju neželjenih efekata lekova, pojavi rezistencije na lekove, ishoda lečenja i broja bolničkih dana između dve ispitivane grupe. Dodatnim poređenjem grupa (oboleli od tuberkuloze bez pridruženog dijabetesa, oboleli od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim zadovoljavajuće regulisanim dijabetesom i oboleli od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim loše regulisanim dijabetesom) primećeno je da je grupi bolesnika obolelih od tuberkuloze sa loše regulisanim dijabetesom potrebno najduže vreme za direktnu konverziju i konverziju kultura sputuma na MT i da imaju najveći broj bolničkih dana. U grupi obolelih od tuberkuloze sa pridruženim loše regulisanim dijabetesom je bilo statistički značajno veći broj bolesnika koji su lečeni osam meseci u odnosu na druge dve grupe (p=0,011). Poređenjem grupa obolelih od tuberkuloze sa tipom 1 dijabetesa tipom 2 dijabetesa nije uočena statističk značajna razlika između grupa po svim ispitivanim varijablama. U grupi dijabetičara sa dobro regulisanim dijabetesom nalazi se veći broj onih koji imaju tip 2 bolesti, u odnosu na grupu bolesnika sa loše regulisanim dijabetesom. Grupa dijabetičara sa loše regulisanom bolesti ima statistički značajno veći broj komplikacija šećerne bolesti. Zaključak: Dokazano je da šećerna bolest značajno utiče na bakteriološki status, radiološku prezentaciju, dužinu terapijskog režima, učestalost recidiva tuberkuloze i broj bolničkih dana obolelih od tuberkuloze,kao i da je regulisanost šećerne bolesti imala značajan uticaj na dužinu terapijskog režima.</p> / <p>Introduction: The association of diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis has long been observed and has been the subject of many studies. The diagnosis of diabetes before the discovery of insulin meant death within five years, a leading cause of death were infections, including tuberculosis. Last years the incidence of tuberculosis has declined, but there is still a significant number of TB patients in developing countries. On the other hand, the incidence of diabetes is on the rise, primarily due to the tendency of an increasing number of obese people. It is estimated that the prevalence of patients with diabetes will reach 438 million sufferers by 2030, and 80% of all cases will be people in developing countries where it is still a high prevalence of tuberculosis. As a result of the epidemiological situation, these two diseases will increasingly occur in parallel, modifying the current one another. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of diabetes mellitus on the course of pulmonary tuberculosis, primarily in the bacteriological status, radiological presentation of disease, duration of the treatment regimen and the frequency of disease relapse. Materials and Methods: The study included two groups of fifty patients who were hospitalized at the Institute for pulmonary diseases. The first group consisted of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant diabetes mellitus, a second group consisted of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without associated diabetes. All patients were analyzed by the following characteristics: age, gender, clinical picture, bacteriological status, radiological presentation, the presence of side effects of antituberculosis drugs, the presence of M. tuberculosis resistant to the drugs, the duration of the therapeutic regimen, treatment outcome, recurrence and length of hospitalization. Diabetics were further analyzed with respect to: the type of disease, duration of disease, a metabolic disease and the regulation for the presence of a complication. All patients completed this study were subjected to a diagnostic algorithm comprising: history and physical examination, direct microscopy of sputum, cultivation of sputum, radiographs of the chest, chest CT scan in case positioned on clinical indications. Invasive diagnostic will be performed in patients in whom the diagnosis could not be set previously conducted noninvasive diagnostics. The treatment regimen will be started during the hospitalization in the Institute of pulmonary diseases and is set under the control of ambulatory pulmonary dispensaries. Results: The study showed that in the group of TB patients without concomitant diabetes mellitus was a similar number of patients male and female, a greater number of respondents was in the age groups up to the age of 50, while in the group of TB patients with diabetes mellitus was significantly more frequent male half and significantly more respondents were in the age groups over 50 years of age. Significantly higher number of relapses is recorded in a group of TB patients with diabetes mellitus (p = 0,001). Between the two study groups was not significant difference in the clinical presentation of the disease. In the group of TB patients with diabetes mellitus, is statistically significant higher number of smear positive findings (p = 0,046). There is a statisticaly significant difference in the average length of time required for the smear conversion (p = 0,000) and average length of time needed for the conversion of sputum cultures (p = 0,000). In both cases, the group of TB patients with associated diabetes mellitus had a longer average time needed for the conversion. In the group of patients with tuberculosis associated with diabetes mellitus was statistically significantly more patients with the presence of the cavern (p = 0,006), and the localization of the pulmonary changes in all three lobes (p = 0,000). Between the two study groups was not observed a statistically significant difference in duration of the treatment regimen, the expression of adverse drug effects, develop resistance to the drugs, and the outcome of the treatment. Group of patients with tuberculosis associated with diabetes had a statistically significantly greater number of hospital days (p = 0,000). Between the groups of patients with tuberculosis associated with satisfactory controlled diabetes and the group of TB patients with poorly controlled diabetes was statistically significantly longer duration of the therapeutic regimen in diabetic patients with poor regulation of the disease (p = 0,018). There was no significant difference in the appearance of relapses, the clinical presentation of disease, the bacteriological status, radiology, the expression of adverse drug effects, develop resistance to the drugs, outcome of the treatment, number of hospital days between the two study groups. Comparing the three groups (tuberculosis without associated diabetes mellitus, TB patients with associated satisfactorily controlled diabetes and TB patients with associated poorly controlled diabetes), it was observed that the group of patients suffering from tuberculosis with poorly controlled diabetes takes the longest time to smear conversion and conversion of sputum culture and to have the highest number of hospital days. In the group of patients with tuberculosis associated with poorly controlled diabetes was significantly greater number of patients who were treated for eight months compared to the other two groups (p = 0,011). Comparing the group of TB patients with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes is not a statistically significant difference between the groups in all variables. In the group of diabetic patients with satisfactorily controlled diabetes, there are a large number of those with type 2 disease, in comparison to the group of patients with poorly controlled diabetes. Group of diabetics with poorly regulated disease has a significantly greater number of diabetes comlications. Conclusion: It has been shown that diabetes mellitus has a significant effect on the bacteriological status, radiological presentation, the length of the treatment regimen, the frequency of recurrence of tuberculosis and the number of hospital days of patients with tuberculosis, and that the adjustment of diabetes had a significant effect on the length of the treatment regimen.</p>
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Avaliação da ativação de linfócitos T em indivíduos com infecção anorretal assintomática por Chlamydia trachomatis e/ou Neisseria gonorrhoeae em uma população de homens que fazem sexo com homens / Evaluation of T cell activation in individuals with asymptomatic anorectal Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a cohort of men who have sex with menVieira, Vinicius Adriano 17 November 2017 (has links)
A profilaxia pré-exposição (PrEP) ao HIV se consolidou como uma importante estratégia de combate ao avanço da epidemia. Ainda assim, a incidência de casos da infecção vem aumentando na população jovem, assim como a de outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (ISTs), que atuam como importante fator de risco para transmissão do HIV-1. Entre as infecções mais frequentemente diagnosticadas estão Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG). A presença de lesões na mucosa genital e anal são fatores de risco estabelecidos para a transmissão do HIV-1, porém o impacto das infecções assintomáticas ainda é pouco conhecido. Dados recentes mostram que a ativação sistêmica de linfócitos T é um fator de risco para a aquisição da infecção pelo HIV-1. Nesse estudo, estudamos a ativação de linfócitos T na presença de infecção anorretal assintomática por CT e/ou NG. Células mononucleares do sangue periférico de voluntários do PrEP Brasil, um estudo clínico demonstrativo de PrEP ao HIV em homens que fazem sexo com homens, foram descongeladas para análise da ativação de linfócitos T. Trinta e quatro participantes com swab anorretal positivo para CT e/ou NG foram selecionados, enquanto assintomáticos e negativos para outras ISTs. Trinta e cinco controles foram selecionados randomicamente. Encontramos uma maior frequência de linfócitos T CD8+ HLA-DR+CD38+ (1,5 vs. 0,9% p < 0,005) no grupo com infecção assintomática. Os linfócitos T CD8+ de memória também apresentaram uma maior expressão dos marcadores de ativação. Os marcadores de exaustão e senescência foram significantemente mais expressos no grupo com a infecção. Não foi observado aumento ou diferença nos níveis de CD14 solúvel no plasma. Nossos achados demonstram que as infecções anorretais assintomáticas por CT e NG induzem a ativação sistêmica de linfócitos T CD8+. Considerando a alta prevalência dessas infecções e o risco associado de aquisição da infecção pelo HIV-1, o rastreamento periódico e o tratamento sistemático devem sem explorados em conjunto com as estratégias de prevenção ao HIV / Oral antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been established as a pivotal strategy in the prevention against HIV epidemic. However, the incidence of HIV-1 infections has been rising among the youth, as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), acting as an important risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition. Infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) are among the most diagnosed. Although the presence of mucosal lesions is a known risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition, the potential increase in risk associated with asymptomatic STIs is not completely understood. Recent data defined higher T cell activation as a single risk factor for sexually acquired HIV-1 infection. We examined the effect of asymptomatic CT and/or NG anorectal infection on immune activation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from participants of PrEP Brasil, a study of daily oral PrEP among healthy men who have sex with men, were analyzed for T cell activation by flow cytometry. Thirty-four participants with positive anorectal swab for CT and/or NG were selected, while negative for other STIs and without any reported symptoms. Thirty-five controls were randomly selected. We found a higher frequency of CD8+ HLA-DR+CD38+ T cells (1.5 vs. 0.9% p < 0.005) in the group with CT and/or NG infection and a greater median proportions of activation markers expression in CD8+ T cells with memory phenotype. Exhaustion and senescence markers were also significant higher in the infected group. No difference was observed in the soluble CD14 levels. Our findings suggest that asymptomatic CT and NG anorectal infection lead to a systemic activation of the T cell compartment. Considering the high prevalence of asymptomatic infection and the risk of HIV-1 acquisition associated, regular screening and treatment should be explored as an adjuvant tool for HIV prevention
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Avaliação da ativação de linfócitos T em indivíduos com infecção anorretal assintomática por Chlamydia trachomatis e/ou Neisseria gonorrhoeae em uma população de homens que fazem sexo com homens / Evaluation of T cell activation in individuals with asymptomatic anorectal Chlamydia trachomatis and/or Neisseria gonorrhoeae in a cohort of men who have sex with menVinicius Adriano Vieira 17 November 2017 (has links)
A profilaxia pré-exposição (PrEP) ao HIV se consolidou como uma importante estratégia de combate ao avanço da epidemia. Ainda assim, a incidência de casos da infecção vem aumentando na população jovem, assim como a de outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (ISTs), que atuam como importante fator de risco para transmissão do HIV-1. Entre as infecções mais frequentemente diagnosticadas estão Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG). A presença de lesões na mucosa genital e anal são fatores de risco estabelecidos para a transmissão do HIV-1, porém o impacto das infecções assintomáticas ainda é pouco conhecido. Dados recentes mostram que a ativação sistêmica de linfócitos T é um fator de risco para a aquisição da infecção pelo HIV-1. Nesse estudo, estudamos a ativação de linfócitos T na presença de infecção anorretal assintomática por CT e/ou NG. Células mononucleares do sangue periférico de voluntários do PrEP Brasil, um estudo clínico demonstrativo de PrEP ao HIV em homens que fazem sexo com homens, foram descongeladas para análise da ativação de linfócitos T. Trinta e quatro participantes com swab anorretal positivo para CT e/ou NG foram selecionados, enquanto assintomáticos e negativos para outras ISTs. Trinta e cinco controles foram selecionados randomicamente. Encontramos uma maior frequência de linfócitos T CD8+ HLA-DR+CD38+ (1,5 vs. 0,9% p < 0,005) no grupo com infecção assintomática. Os linfócitos T CD8+ de memória também apresentaram uma maior expressão dos marcadores de ativação. Os marcadores de exaustão e senescência foram significantemente mais expressos no grupo com a infecção. Não foi observado aumento ou diferença nos níveis de CD14 solúvel no plasma. Nossos achados demonstram que as infecções anorretais assintomáticas por CT e NG induzem a ativação sistêmica de linfócitos T CD8+. Considerando a alta prevalência dessas infecções e o risco associado de aquisição da infecção pelo HIV-1, o rastreamento periódico e o tratamento sistemático devem sem explorados em conjunto com as estratégias de prevenção ao HIV / Oral antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been established as a pivotal strategy in the prevention against HIV epidemic. However, the incidence of HIV-1 infections has been rising among the youth, as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), acting as an important risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition. Infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) are among the most diagnosed. Although the presence of mucosal lesions is a known risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition, the potential increase in risk associated with asymptomatic STIs is not completely understood. Recent data defined higher T cell activation as a single risk factor for sexually acquired HIV-1 infection. We examined the effect of asymptomatic CT and/or NG anorectal infection on immune activation. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from participants of PrEP Brasil, a study of daily oral PrEP among healthy men who have sex with men, were analyzed for T cell activation by flow cytometry. Thirty-four participants with positive anorectal swab for CT and/or NG were selected, while negative for other STIs and without any reported symptoms. Thirty-five controls were randomly selected. We found a higher frequency of CD8+ HLA-DR+CD38+ T cells (1.5 vs. 0.9% p < 0.005) in the group with CT and/or NG infection and a greater median proportions of activation markers expression in CD8+ T cells with memory phenotype. Exhaustion and senescence markers were also significant higher in the infected group. No difference was observed in the soluble CD14 levels. Our findings suggest that asymptomatic CT and NG anorectal infection lead to a systemic activation of the T cell compartment. Considering the high prevalence of asymptomatic infection and the risk of HIV-1 acquisition associated, regular screening and treatment should be explored as an adjuvant tool for HIV prevention
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