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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projev zásady opatrnosti v účetnictví / Prudence principle in accounting

Geržová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with prudence principle in accounting - especially with provisions and impairment of assets. The thesis focuses on comparison of IAS/IFRS requirements and the czech legislation.

Projevy zásady opatrnosti v účetnictví / Implements of prudence principle in accounting

Erhartová, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
The thesis defines prudence principle in accounting as are impairment of assets, provisions, depreciation of assets and deferred tax. In the first part discourses about them in light of International Financial Reporting Standards and in the second part according to Czech legislation, where are also both approaches compared within the scope of the end of each chapter.

NIC 36: Deterioro del Valor de los Activos y su impacto financiero y tributario de las empresas del sector comercial de útiles de oficina, insumos de cómputo y papelería de Lima, Año 2017 / IAS 36: Impairment of Assets and their financial and tax impact on companies in the commercial sector of office supplies, computer supplies and stationery in Lima, Year 2017

Cisneros Avila, Giuliana, Inchicaqui Cueva, Juan Jose 31 March 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto financiero y tributario de la NIC 36: Deterioro del Valor de los Activos en empresas del sector comercial de útiles de oficina, insumos de cómputo y papelería de Lima, Año 2017. Para el desarrollo de la presente tesis se tiene como respaldo la Norma Internacional Contable 36, que se ejecutó a partir del 31 de Marzo del 2004. La NIC 36 nos señala establecer las políticas y procedimientos que una entidad debe aplicar para realizar un correcto cálculo de las estimaciones; asi como su registro utilizando como base de criterio el importe recuperable, para mostrar los importes correctos en los Estados Financieros. Capitulo I Marco teórico, se realiza una investigación de fuentes primarias para obtener información de las normas internacionales de información financiera (NIIFs), impacto financiero y tributario, que permite respaldar la investigación. En el capitulo II se trata de plantear la situación problemática del tema, el problema principal, el objetivo principal y específicos, la hipótesis principal y específicos para que sean validadas en la investigación. El capitulo III Metodologia de investigación se define la población y la muestra para la realizacion de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. El capitulo IV se realiza la investigación a través de las entrevistas, encuestas y el desarrollo del caso practico. Capitulo V Analisis de resultados, se realiza el análisis de los instrumentos y el caso practico. Y se culmina con la validación de las hipótesis por medio de los resultados obtenidos en el CHI cuadrado. / The objective of this research is to evaluate the financial and tax impact of IAS 36: Impairment of Assets in companies in the commercial sector of office supplies, computer supplies and stationery in Lima, Year 2017. For the development of this thesis the International Accounting Standard 36, which was executed as of March 31, 2004, is supported. IAS 36 indicates that we establish the policies and procedures that an entity must apply in order to calculate the estimates correctly; as well as its registration using the recoverable amount as a criterion basis, to show the correct amounts in the Financial Statements. Chapter I Theoretical framework, an investigation of primary sources is made to obtain information of the international financial information standards (IFRS), financial and tax impact, which allows to support the investigation. In chapter II, we try to state the problematic situation of the subject, the main problem, the main and specific objective, the main and specific hypothesis to be validated in the investigation. Chapter III Research methodology is defined population and sample for the realization of qualitative and quantitative research. Chapter IV carries out the research through interviews, surveys and the development of the practical case. Chapter V Analysis of results, the analysis of the instruments and the practical case is carried out. And it culminates with the validation of the hypotheses by means of the results obtained in the square CHI. / Tesis

Impacto financiero de la medición posterior de Propiedad, Planta y Equipo en el sector bebidas no alcohólicas de consumo masivo en Perú, 2017

Alcalá Raymundo, Daniel Antonio, Guinetti Ortiz, Claudia Stephanie 20 February 2019 (has links)
El presente Trabajo de tesis fue elaborado con la finalidad de determinar el impacto financiero de la medición posterior de Propiedad, Planta y Equipo en el sector de bebidas no alcohólicas de consumo masivo en Perú, 2017. Por consiguiente, la investigación se cimentará en aplicar la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad 16 (en adelante, NIC 16) “Propiedad, Planta y Equipo” y la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad 36 (en adelante, NIC 36) “Deterioro del valor de los activos”. Esta investigación se basará en las empresas del sector de bebidas no alcohólicas de consumo masivo, categoría denominada “Soft Drinks”. Este mercado está compuesto por bebidas carbonatadas, agua embotellada, néctares, jugos, bebidas energizantes, entre otras. El rubro más importante del total de activos en los EEFF de las compañías del sector es Propiedad, Planta y Equipo (PPE). Representa aproximadamente el 55% del total de activos. Por lo que, se considera tan importante analizar la medición posterior de PPE para que se tenga la mejor representación fiel de sus Estados Financieros. En el marco teórico se analizan los conceptos de ambas NICs y se desarrolla cómo está compuesto el sector en estudio y sus tendencias a futuro. Luego, en el plan de investigación se define el problema, hipótesis y objetivos. Después, se desarrolla la metodología donde se utilizarán instrumentos cualitativos, tales como entrevistas a profundidad e instrumentos cuantitativos, tales como encuestas. Ambos instrumentos se realizaron a expertos en el sector de bebidas no alcohólicas de consumo masivo y a socios de las más importantes empresas auditoras del país (PWC Perú y EY Perú). Asimismo, se desarrolla un caso práctico donde se cuantificará aplicar un nuevo modelo de medición posterior, el deterioro de activos y el impacto en los ratios financieros. Finalmente, en el capítulo de desarrollo se muestran los resultados de los instrumentos y en el capítulo de análisis se evalúan los efectos obtenidos con las hipótesis planteadas. Se concluye que la medición posterior de Propiedad, Planta y Equipo impacta en la situación financiera y económica de las empresas del sector bebidas no alcohólicas de consumo masivo en el Perú, 2017. / The present Thesis work was developed with the purpose of determine the financial impact of the subsequent measurement of property, plant and equipment in the non-alcoholic beverage sector of mass consumption in Peru, 2017. Therefore, the research will be based on the International Accounting Standard 16 (hereinafter, IAS 16) "Property, Plant and Equipment" and the International Accounting Standard 36 (hereinafter, IAS 36) "Impairment of assets”. This research is based on companies in the non-alcoholic beverage of mass consumption industry, category called “Soft Drinks”. This market is composed by carbonated drinks, bottled water, nectars, juices, energy drinks and others. The most important item of total assets in this sector is "Property, Plant and Equipment". It represents approximately 55% of total assets. Therefore, it is considered so important to analyze the subsequent measurement of PPE to have the best faithful representation of the Financial Statements. In the theoretical framework, the concepts of both NICs are analyzed and the composition of sector under study and its future trends. Then, in the research plan, the problem, hypothesis and objectives are defined. After that, the methodology is developed where qualitative instruments will be used, like depth interviews and quantitative instruments, such as surveys. Both instruments were made to experts in the non-alcoholic beverages sector and to partners of the most important audit companies of this country (PWC Peru and EY Peru). In addition, a case study will be developed to quantify the application of a new model of subsequent measurement, the impairment of assets and the impact on financial ratios. Finally, in the development chapter, the results of the instruments are shown and in the chapter of analysis the effects obtained with the hypotheses proposed are evaluated. It is concluded that the subsequent measurement of Property, Plant and Equipment impacts on the financial and economic situation of companies in the sector of non- alcoholics mass consumption in Peru, 2017. / Tesis

Análisis del impacto financiero y tributario de los desembolsos por contenido propio y derechos de transmisión bajo NIC38 de los activos intangibles en los canales de televisión de banda VHF en el Perú, 2017 / Analysis of the financial and tax impact of the disbursements for own content and transmission rights under IAS 38 of the intangible assets in the VHF band TV channels in Peru, 2017

Llerena Gallardo, Tania Katherine, Roca Tenorio, Gisell 01 March 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad evaluar el impacto financiero y tributario de los desembolsos por contenido propio y derechos de transmisión en base a la NIC 38 “Activos Intangibles”. Los canales de televisión son la principal fuente de información, según CONCORTV en el 2017 los ciudadanos indican que uno de los medios de comunicación que tiene mayor presencia a nivel local y regional es la televisión, aunque existe una cierta insatisfacción por parte del ciudadano con respecto a la programación, ya que no es cultural ni educativa. Nos interesa investigar sobre los desembolsos por contenido propio y derechos de transmisión desde la perspectiva de los activos intangibles a nivel contable, al ser un caso particular en un sector poco investigado. La metodología utilizada es el diseño no experimental, el alcance es investigación exploratoria, ya que es un plan de investigación contable aplicado en Perú, el tamaño de la muestra son los canales de televisión que tienen una mayor participación de mercado, el cual concentra el 84 % en el sector de telecomunicaciones. La presente tesis se desarrollará en cinco capítulos. En el primer capítulo, se describirá investigaciones locales e internacionales. En el segundo capítulo, se plantean los problemas, las hipótesis a validar y los objetivos propuestos. En el tercer capítulo, se procederá a describir la metodología a utilizar es enfoque mixto. En el cuarto capítulo, se presentan los resultados del análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo y se plasma en un caso práctico con el que se pretende identificar la capitalización los desembolsos por contenido propio y derechos de transmisión, identificar la variable independiente las cuales puedan generar expectativa de cuan material representa dentro de los estados financieros. En el quinto capítulo se analizan conclusiones y recomendaciones. / The purpose of this research is to evaluate the financial and tax impact of disbursements for own content and transmission rights based on IAS 38 "Intangible Assets". Television channels are the main source of information, according to CONCORTV in 2017, citizens indicate that one of the media that has a greater presence at the local and regional level is television, although there is a certain dissatisfaction on the part of the citizen with respect to programming, since it is not cultural or educational. We are interested in investigating the own contents and transmission rights from the perspective of the intangible at the accounting level to be a particular case in a sector little investigated. The methodology used is the non-experimental design, the scope is exploratory research, since it is an accounting research plan applied in Peru, and the size of the sample is the television channels that have a greater market share, which concentrates 84 % in the telecommunications sector. This thesis will be developed in five chapters. In the first chapter, local and international investigations will be described. In the second chapter, the problems are posed, the hypotheses to be validated and the proposed objectives. In the third chapter, we will proceed to describe the methodology to be used is a mixed approach. In the fourth chapter, the results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis are presented and it is embodied in a practical case with which it is intended to identify capitalization disbursements by own content and transmission rights, identify the independent variables which can generate expectation of materials represent in the financial statements. In the fifth chapter conclusions and recommendations are analyzed. / Tesis

Snížení hodnoty aktiv podniku / Impairment of Assets

Mikeš, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this master thesis is an Impairment of assets. Theoretical part is focused on International Financial Reporting Standards related to the issue of impairment of assets. This part also focuses on theoretical issues of discount rate and cost of capital. The goal of practical part is to determinate company’s cash flow and cost of capital and test company’s assets for impairment loss.

Zásada opatrnosti ve světově uznávaných účetních systémech / Prudence principle in generally accepted accounting systems

Tichá, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on a prudence principle under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) a US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) in accounting of a reporting unit. In the first part I described the prudence principle (conservatism principle) in the general way. In the second part of this thesis I introduced impairment testing, recognition of impairment of assets and reversal of previously recognized impairment of assets under IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. It is obviously focused on recoverable amount as a fair value less costs to sell and value in use, methods of the fair value valuation, computing value in use and identifying the appropriate discount rate to apply expected future cash flows. Third chapter of this master's thesis, named "Provisions under IAS 37", is dealing with relation between provisions and contingent liabilities, initial liability measurement and subsequent applying IAS 37. There are also stated disclosure requirements under IAS 37 (as well as under IAS 36). Within the scope of this part are in detail described Exposure Draft ED/2005 and Exposure Draft ED/2010/1 published from International Accounting Standard Board IASB in 2005 and 2010 as proposal to improvement of current version of standard IAS 37. This thesis is also focused on differences between accounting principles of prudence principle in IFRS and US GAAP. Finally, in the last chapter I analysed 15 annual reports of airlines companies in the world, which present their financial statements under IFRS. The results according to impairment of assets including goodwill, provisions and disclosures of contingent liabilities are presented in the charts. This master's thesis, named "Prudence principle in generally accepted accounting systems" is completed with practical insights and cases in each of chapters.

Účetní závěrka akciových společností / Presentation of the Financial Statements in shareholders corporations

Mandryková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe all areas of presentation of the financial statements in shareholders corporation according to the Czech accounting standards and Czech legal environment. Theoretical part of the thesis describes the general principles of the preparation of the financial statements followed by detailed analysis of four key areas associated with the financial statements. Theoretical part starts with focus on the year ending accounting procedures including inventory, control of accruals and deferrals, impairment of assets, depreciation, appreciation and tax due as well as deferred tax. Subsequently, it describes the actual closing of the accounts followed by the description of the financial statements. Theoretical part is completed by description of all related subsequent events such as audit, declaration of taxes, preparation of annual report and publication duties of the corporation. Practical part of the thesis focused on application of the theoretical findings on the process of the 2008 financial statements preparation of Planet A Corporation and evaluation of the financial statements and accounting as a true presentation of the company. Discrepancies and potential mistakes were commented with recommendation of possible solutions presented to the company management. Finally, the financial statements were considered as representing the true financial situation of the company.

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