Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bindustrial productivity evaluation"" "subject:"0industrial productivity evaluation""
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Simulating a production environment for managerial decision makingLaw, J. 25 March 2010 (has links)
M.Ing. / The purpose of this research investigation is to develop and simulate a current manufacturing production line, for a company by the name of Aerosud, using a 3- dimensional software tool called Delmia Quest ®. The company in question is a mechanical and aeronautical manufacturing organisation that supplies components to both the civil and military sectors to a variety of global points. The aim of this investigation was to develop a simulation model that, initially, mapped the actual workings of the real production line with the use of actual time data recorded through measurement. Secondly, various observations were made to discover how much work-in-progress (WIP) remains idle during the manufacturing procedure and how much productivity is reached after a standard production week of forty-five hours. Hence, the aim of the simulation model is to improve those two factors by increasing the productivity of the entire production line and reduce the amount of WIP idle to a minimum. To achieve this, the author created a baseline model for both the throughput time and the WIP at each cell of production. The results of these curves were obtained using actual statistical time data obtained during the observation period. These results were then plotted onto individual axis to visually identify the outputs. Next, the author analysed the baseline model, within the 3D virtual world of the software, to witness where possible errors exist in terms of throughput time and the amount of WIP idle at various stations of production. It was clearly identified that the cell with the most production problems, was assembly. The author thus identified possible methods of reducing these problems and simulated those actions. The results showed various improvements in the amount of throughput time gained as well as a significant reduction to the amount of WIP idle at that particular cell. The simulations were thus mapped onto the same axis as the baseline model, in terms of throughput time and WIP respectively. This provides visual identification to the outcome of such simulations so that the reader can identify clarity in the results. A basic comparison of each simulation was described with reference to the baseline curve in order to clarify what the results had shown. Finally, the investigation was concluded highlighting that the baseline model created was a good start to analysing the company’s production line; however, as further research, it was recommended that various types of improvements can still be made to this model in order to improve its realism when compared to the real production line.
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The manufacturing performance measurement matrix modelScholtz, Reginald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Graduate School of Business))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globalisation, constant innovations and well-informed customers have made modern business environments dynamic and complex. Organisations, with their ever-changing business models, are striving to improve the quality of their products and services. Congruently, several management theories have evolved. Total Quality Management (TQM),Just in Time (JIT), Benchmarking, Lean Management, Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma are some of the more well known. Each movement with its own life span, its share of popularity and level of acceptance has the same basic goal – improvement in quality by measuring performance. Recent years have seen an upsurge in the approaches and contributions to the field of performance measurement. Are these management theories just a flavour of the month or do they add value. The object of this study is to provide industry specific manufacturing business with a Manufacturing Performance Measurement Matrix Model, which can be used over time to measure improvement and serve as a basis for Knowledge Management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering, konstante inbring van veranderinge en goed ingeligte kliënte het die moderne besigheidsomgewing dinamies en kompleks gemaak. Organisasies, met hulle ewig veranderende besigheidsmodelle, streef daarna om die kwaliteit van hulle produkte en dienslewering te verbeter. Verskeie bestuursteorieë het as gevolg hiervan ontwikkel. Die mees bekende bestuursteorieë is onder andere: Total Quality Management (TQM), Just in Time (JIT), Benchmarking, Lean Management, Balanced Scorecard en Six Sigma. Elkeen van hierdie planne, met sy eie leeftyd, porsie van die gewildheid en vlak van aanvaarding, het dieselfde basiese doel – verbetering van kwaliteit deur die meet van prestasie. Onlangse jare het ‘n opvlam gesien in die benaderings en bydraes tot die veld van prestasiemeting. Is hierdie bestuursteorieë net ‘n nuutjie of is hulle waardevol vir die besigheidswêreld? Die doel van hierdie studie is om industrie spesifieke vervaardigingsbesighede met ‘n Vervaardigings Prestasiemetings Matriks Model te voorsien wat deur die verloop van tyd verbeterings kan meet en kan dien as ‘n basis vir die bestuur van kundigheid.
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