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蔡銘芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究重點在台灣航空票務市場上的銷售通路分析,利用國外市場包括已開發國家美國、日本市場在這領域的趨勢發展,來和台灣國內的市場現況作比較分析;而大陸市場以(上海為主)的引用,則是著眼在兩岸直航業務正大力發展,市場潛力和影響力都有無限可能,因此也特別收集資料作為比較參考的目標之一。也由於票務市場的銷售通路多元發展、多管齊發,在總結歸納下依同業(B2B)和直客(B2C)來作區隔。因二者的通路業務在市場上仍有部份重疊衝突的地方,可透過理論模式的導入分析,清楚得知。特別介紹 E航國內前三大代理批售旅行社在市場通路上的開發建構情況與實際業績佔比的消長比較,都深受各家業者在市場策略的制定和經營重心的支配。 研究中主要以票務銷售的市場通路經營為核心。因此首先利用STP模式來作市場區隔和產品定位,輔以AIETA模式說明,再透過4P+4C的銷售工具和邏輯作奧援解析,清楚明白B2B2C的通路生態鏈的異同之處。利用垂直銜接和水平整合作互補,提高效益的同時,也能降低成本,不論是業者或消費者都能達到多贏策略。在文中又以競合策略理論論述三批售商在通路經營上的轉型歷程所面臨的狀況,雖能研究之前的業績消長和影響因素,但仍需要時間驗證優勝劣敗,端賴往後決策者的經營智慧和執行力。最後再以策略管理中的產業矩陣模式分析,在產業環境中產品通路與營運範疇的公司競爭力,透過SWOT分類出弱勢和威脅落點的策略型態,作最後的總檢視,也將全文研究作一對應結論。希望能更清楚現行的市場通路競爭力不足之處,也可明白未來努力改進強化的方向! 可以發覺到任何通路、任何市場網際網路的電子商務開發和專業平台的建置已是趨勢,更是現在競爭力爭高下的決戰點!不只是入門的基本配備,也都更持續研發高階進化的功能,以簡化流程、加速大量去化!雖然機位機票的銷售對通路批售商無任何的庫存壓力,但對供應商航空公司卻有無比沉重的時效性負擔!因為機位和飯店是最無存貨價值的商品,起飛後空位價值轉為零。因應配合產品銷售特性,讓我們拭目以待更快速、更高效率的電子商務模式出現。 能有機會親上一線市場通路佈局規劃銷售競爭,結合所知所學和所體驗、所經歷彙整成此一研究,是不可多得的際遇!雖然市場通路銷售歸類畫分為二:B2B,B2C。但就猶如當今的尖端3C產業也是在0和1的程式邏輯中演化銳變成今日超級明星產業,看似簡單其實包含無窮的變化與複雜。 / This research report is focused on analyzing the air tickets sales channels in Taiwan’s airline industry market through the comparison of its evolving trend in the developed country such us United States and Japan versus that in the Taiwan market. Furthermore, Mainland China’s booming travel market is adduced in this research while using Shanghai as the focal city because of the impact and the unlimited potentiality that have been brought onto it by the unfolding cross-strait direct flight service. I particularly collected relevant data for this market with the intension to use it as one of the comparison targets. Moreover, due to the multiple developed sales channels present in the market, I have segmented my conclusion into 2 categories: B2B and B2C. Nevertheless, I adduce theories and models as analysis tool to illuminate the overlapped and conflicting area between the B2B and B2C sales channels. In my research, I also use E-airline’s top 3 wholesalers in Taiwan’s air tickets sales market to explore on how each of its market strategy and business focus attribute to their business performance and market share. The core target of my research thesis is aimed at the sales channels of air tickets. STP model is firstly being used for market segmentation and product positioning; AIETA model is used as a supporting measure. It is then followed by 4P + 4C sales tool to support the logic flow and to illuminate the discrepancy on B2B2C channel chain. The combination of both the vertical link and horizontal integration has served as a complement to increase efficiency and reduce cost. This in return brings forward a win-win strategy that benefits both the general agencies and consumers. In the thesis, the concept of co-opetition is being adopted to discourse upon the situations being encountered by the aforementioned 3 wholesalers during their transitional process. Although my study can focus on the ebb and flow of their performance as well as the co-related attributing factors, it takes time to attest to the survival of the fittest depending on the business operation wisdom and the executing ability of their policy makers. Lastly the industry-matrix model is being applied to analyze the company’s competing edges on the product sale and operation scope in the industry; while SWOT model is adduced as a final review to verify which strategic pattern falls on the quadrant of weakness and threat; this overall derives to the conclusion of my thesis. Hopefully, it will shed lights on the lacking area that lies in the present market sales channels and will illuminate the direction leading to a more prominent future in the industry. It is also worth mentioning that the trend in the e-commerce and professional platform development through internet has inevitably become the crucial factor that leads to success in the competing battle field. Not only the basic threshold, the continual research for advancement, the simplified procedures and the capacity for expansion are all important competing factors. Although the air tickets wholesalers carry no ticket inventory pressure upon themselves, the airliners have to bear the heavy burden of timely sales of their products. Empty airline seat loses its commodity value the moment the aircraft taking off, just like the hotel room inventory which zeros out its value with the past of time. To better utilize the time sensitive products provided by the airliners and hotels, it is foreseeable that more speedy and high efficient sales channels will be prevalent in the days ahead of us through the evolving e-commerce business model. Having the opportunity to involve my research with the forefront sales channel distribution and to intertwine it with the competitive edges in the market based on my personal background and related knowledge is quite a unique experience. Although the sales channels in my research have been segmented into B2B and B2C, the emerging 3C technology will inevitably become tomorrow’s superstar in the industry. Just like the progressive evolution of 0 and 1 equation through the logic flow, something appears easy and simple on the surface may carry an inexplicable complexity of its own.


吳樹煌, wu,Jeff. Unknown Date (has links)
1989年起,對台灣零售產業發展是一巨大的變革,萬客隆、家樂福等量販店產業的崛起是最具備現代化改革的代表,2000年以後,福元批發倉儲等相繼退出量販店市場,2003年年初萬客隆的停業與高峰百貨2003年年底的跳票倒閉事件更令人震撼,藉由本產業分析的研究期望能對成功與失敗案例背後成因有更深入的了解。 本文中第一章主要說明研究動機、目的、架構與限制,並對部分學者提出的產業分析文獻做一番探討,藉此,突顯與本研究中「產業矩陣分析法」之差異。第二章對量販店產業的定義與其發展沿革做說明,由於量販店所販售的商品與超商、超市、專賣店、百貨公司與甚至傳統市場有所競爭,對於超商、超市、專賣店、百貨公司與傳統市場等本文將其界定為量販店之間接競爭相關產業,文中也做了簡略的介紹,在本章最後說明量販店產業經營時所面臨的種種困難。 「產業矩陣分析法」的應用在於對產業經營流程中所涉及的價值單元(value unit)從投入(input)到產出(output)的產業價值鏈做系統化的分析,第三章主要在界定量販店產業經營流程與產業價值鏈,並對產業中投入部分的價值單元與產出部分的價值單元給予適切的定義。企業的策略需要因應產業環境變化而做適度的調整。「產業矩陣分析法」是從個別企業的立場著手,將產業價值鏈與策略型態構面和產業型態構面交叉分析,透過產業矩陣的應用,將產業分析與策略分析結合,從中為自己所屬的企業找出最適宜之經營策略應是「產業矩陣分析法」之真正精髓所在。第四章是藉由「產業矩陣分析法」來分析台灣量販店產業特性,將量販店產業的產業背景資料一一呈現,就如同一幅產業空照圖,而個別量販店業者要以哪一種策略進入這個寶山,就看個別企業的本事了。 第五章為本文之總結,文中對量販店產業可能的發展趨勢與經營策略做一些整理,並對政府有關單位提出一些建議,也期望對台灣量販店產業的發展有些許的貢獻。 / Since 1989, the development of Taiwan’s retail industry has been through a dramatic transformation with Marko and Carrefour representing the most contemporary innovative changing Hypermarkets. From year 2000 onwards, Fu-Yuan warehouse subsequently disappeared from the Hypermarket industry. At the beginning of year 2003, the stopping of operation of Marko and the closing of Kao-Mart department store represented more shocking news. Therefore the purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the hypermarket industry in order to gain a deeper insight of the successful and failed cases of hypermarkets. The first chapter explains the motive , objective, structure and limitation of this study and also gives a brief discussion of the exiting literature of the analysis of the industry through which the uniqueness of “The analysis of the Industry Matrix” could be emphasized. The second chapter explains the definition of the hypermarket industry and the chronicle of the development of the industry. The products sold by convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores and traditional markets are similar to the products of those of the hypermarkets. Therefore convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores and traditional markets are regarded as indirect competitors of those of the hypermarkets .The definition of these above mentioned industries will also be explained. The later parts of this study explain the various difficulties that may be encountered during the operation of the hypermarkets. The main application of “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method” is to systematically analyze every value unit from input to output of the entire industry value chain. The third chapter mainly explains the operation procedure and the industry value chain of the hypermarket industry and also gives the appropriate definition of the input value units and output value units of the industry value chain. The strategies of a firm must be constantly reviewed and changed according to the changing in the industry environment. “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method” is based on individual firms and is used to analyze the strategy dimensional types and industry dimensional types crossly with the entire industry value chain. By means of“The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”, the industry and strategy analysis could then be combined to find out the most appropriate operation strategies of the firms. This is the core spirit of “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”. The fourth chapter involves using the “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”to analyze the characteristics of Taiwan’s hypermarket industry and to present the background information of the hypermarket industry as same as the industry’s bird’s eye perspective picture. Which strategies the firm will take and which firms may dominate the hypermarket industry market depending on their own competence. The last chapter includes the summary of this study. The possible future trend and appropriate operation strategies are summarized. Suggestions for the government are also included. The author expects that this study could make some useful contributions for the development of Taiwan’s hypermarket industry.

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