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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors that influence attitude, beliefs and barriers of caregivers regarding complementary feeding practices of infants aged 6 – 12 months in the Breede valley district of the Western Cape

Matthysen, Mariska 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mnutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Inappropriate feeding practices are a major cause of malnutrition in young children. Within this context, it has been well documented that the incidence of malnutrition rises sharply during the period from six to 18 months of age in most countries. Complementary feeding typically covers the period from six to 24 months of age. Renewed focus has been placed on the promotion of breastfeeding. Similar attention should be paid to complementary feeding. Six percent of deaths per year are preventable through good complementary feeding practises. To improve infant nutrition it is important to know the local infant and young child feeding practises present in communities but also to identify and understand the underlying factors that influence these practises. Aim The study aimed to describe the various factors that influence complementary feeding practices of infants aged 6 – 12 months in 2 communities (Avian Park and Zweletemba) in the Breede Valley district of the Western Cape. Methods The study was conducted from May – July 2012. A descriptive study design was used. A qualitative approach was followed with the use of focus group discussions with mothers / primary caregivers, fathers and grandmothers of infants aged 6 – 12 months. Results The findings of this study provide insight into different aspects regarding early cessation of breastfeeding that could lead to early introduction of complementary foods. In both Avian Park and Zweletemba the age of introduction of liquids and solids ranged from birth to 12 months. Various liquids such as water, over the counter medicine, high concentrated sugar beverages and low nutrient beverages were given to infants from as young as two days post-partum by means of a feeding bottle. Cow’s milk was also introduced before six months of age for reasons such as affordability, availability and because cow’s milk does not need boiling water for reconstitution like formula milk, especially when access to electricity is inadequate. Infants from both communities also received meelbol (flour and water beverage) fed either via feeding bottles (as a beverage) or as porridge fed to the infant with a spoon. Porridge (especially rice cereal and maize meal porridge) was introduced to infants from one week post-partum and infants from both areas also received family “food from the pot” before the age of 6 months. In this study it was found that it was most often a female (either the mother or the grandmother) in the household who was responsible for buying and preparing food and for feeding the infant. Health care workers, members of the mothers’ household as well as community members were identified as key role players in conveying information regarding breastfeeding and complementary feeding from birth to 1 year. Various factors were identified in this study that influenced suboptimal infant feeding practises in Avian Park and Zweletemba. The main factors identified were i) health, ii) physiological, iii) nutritional, iv) educational, v) behavioural, vi) financial and vii) social factors. Other aspects mentioned were viii) demographic and x) commercial factors. Conclusion Results indicated that the current practices and factors influencing the feeding practices in Avian Park and Zweletemba were similar there was very little to no cultural differences between the two communities in terms of current practices and influencing factors. The findings of this study have highlighted the importance of involving all household members in interventions, as well as the larger community in a public nutrition approach. Factors influencing current feeding practises should be considered carefully when planning future interventions to improve infant feeding practises. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onvanpaste voedingspraktyke is ‘n groot oorsaak van wanvoeding in jong kinders. Binne hierdie konteks is dit goed gedokumenteer dat die voorkoms van wanvoeding skerp styg gedurende die tydperk vanaf ses tot 18 maande ouderdom in die meeste lande. Komplimentêre voeding dek tipies die tydperk van ses tot 24 maande oud. Hernude fokus word geplaas op die bevordering van borsvoeding. Komplimentêre voeding behoort soortgelyke aandag te kry. Ses persent van sterftes per jaar is voorkombaar deur goeie komplimentêree voedingpraktyke. Om kindervoeding te verbeter is dit belangrik om bekend te wees met plaaslike baba- en jong kind praktyke in gemeenskappe, en ook om die onderliggende faktore wat hierdie praktyke beïnvloed te identifiseer en verstaan. Doelwit Hierdie studie het gepoog om die verskillende faktore ten opsigte van die komplimentêre voeding praktyke van babas tussen 6 – 12 maande te beskryf in 2 gemeenskappe (Avian Park en Zweletemba) in die Breede Vallei distrik van die Wes-Kaap. Metodes Die studie is uitgevoer vanaf Mei – Julie 2012. ‘n Beskrywende studie ontwerp is gebruik. ‘n Kwalitatiewe benadering is gevolg met die gebruik van fokusgroepbesprekings met moeders / primêre versorgers, vaders en oumas van babas tussen 6 – 12 maande. Resultate Die bevindinge van hierdie studie voorsien insae in die verskillende aspekte van die vroeë beëindiging van borsvoeding wat kan lei tot vroeë bekendstelling van komplimentêre voeding. In beide Avian Park en Zweletemba het die ouderdomme van insluiting van vloeistowwe en vaste stowwe gewissel van geboorte tot 12 maande.Verskeie vloeistowwe soos water, oor-die-toonbank-medisyne, hoë konsentrasie suiker drankies en lae voedingswaarde drankies was aan babas gegee so vroeg as twee dae post-partum deur middel van ‘n voedingsbottel. Koeimelk was ook gegee voor 6 maande, om redes soos bekostigbaarheid, beskikbaarheid en omdat koeimelk nie kookwater benodig vir hersamestelling soos formule melk nie, veral in situasies waar toegang tot elektrisiteit onvoldoende is. Babas van beide gemeenskappe was ook meelbol (meel en water drankie) gevoer óf via voedingsbottels (as ‘n vloeistof) of as ‘n pap wat gevoer word met ‘n lepel. Pap (veral ryspap en mieliemeelpap) was gegee vanaf een week post-partum en babas van beide gebiede het ook familie kookkos ontvang “vanuit die pot” voor 6 maande. In hierdie studie is bevind dat dit heel dikwels ‘n vrou (óf die moeder of ouma) in die huishouding is wat verantwoordelik is vir die koop en voorbereiding van voedsel asook die voer van die baba. Gesondheidswerkers, lede van die moeder se huishouding sowel as lede van die gemeenskap is geïdentifiseer as belangrike rolspelers in die oordrag van inligting oor borsvoeding en komplimentêre voeding vanaf geboorte tot een jaar. Die belangrikste faktore geïdentifiseer was verwant aan: i) gesondheid, ii) fisiologie, iii) voedingswaarde , iv) opvoedkunde, v) gedrag, vi) finansies en vii) sosiale faktore. Ander aspekte genoem is: vii) demografiese en x) kommersiële faktore. Gevolgtrekking Resultate het aangedui dat die huidige voedingpraktyke soortgelyk was in Avian Park en Zweletemba en dat daar baie min kulturele verskille tussen die twee gemeenskappe was in soverre huidige praktyke en faktore wat dit beïnvloed. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het die belangrikheid daarvan uitgelig om al die lede van die huishouding, sowel as die breër gemeenskap in te sluit in intervensies met ‘n openbare voeding benadering. Faktore wat die huidige babavoeding praktyke beïnvloed moet versigtig oorweeg word tydens die beplanning van toekomstige intervensies om babavoeding praktyke te verbeter.

An intervention programme to promote exclusive breastfeeding strategies in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mudau, Azwinndini Gladys 03 1900 (has links)
PhDPH / Department of Public Health / The benefits of breastfeeding, particularly exclusive breastfeeding, are well recognized. It can reduce the risk of mortality related to malnutrition, otitis media and respiratory infection. Breastfeeding may also decrease the risk of obesity in later life for infants who have been breastfed for more than six months. Besides, breastfeeding improves cognition, and children who have been breastfed show higher intelligence quotient test scores and improved school performance. In addition, long-period breastfeeding is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer for mothers. The World Health Organization and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund recommended exclusive breastfeeding for six months and breastfeeding to two years and beyond. However, this study showed that only 27% of children under six months have had been exclusively breastfed. In this situation, an intervention programme was required. The aim of this study was to develop an intervention programme to promote exclusive breastfeeding strategies in Limpopo Province. Intervention mapping was used to guide the development of a programme. A convergent, parallel mixed-method was used wherein qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analysed concurrently. A qualitative approach was used to assess the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding and to explore challenges experienced by health care workers in the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding in Limpopo Province. This was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with 30 professional nurses. Trustworthiness was ensured through credibility, confirmability, dependability and transferability. A quantitative approach was used to determine the factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding. Reliability and validity of the instrument was ensured through extensive literature review and test-retest methodology. Questionnaires were distributed to 400 respondents. Tesch’s eight steps of data analysis was used to analyse qualitative data. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 26, was used to analyse the quantitative data. The results were merged, and the interpretation discussed. Five higher-order themes emerged from quantitative data analysis. The themes emerged from qualitative data were confirmed by the findings from statistical data, thus merging both qualitative and quantitative data. Findings were presented to the stakeholders, managers and dieticians and their inputs further confirmed and supported the findings. The findings informed the development of an intervention programme. The intervention comprises of the three components, training of community health workers, healths talks focusing on lactating mothers and health talks focusing on families and community. The developed intervention was validated by the stakeholders and the results were analysed through simple descriptive statistics where the data were summarized using frequency distributions and graphic representations. The results revealed that the programme was feasible, compatible and applicable to current practice. Recommendations were made and topics for further research were also suggested. / NRF

The current infant feeding practices and related factors of Zulu mothers with 0-6 month old infants attending PMTCT and non-PMTCT clinics in central Durban, KwaZulu-Natal : an exploratory study.

Kassier, Susanna Maria. January 2005 (has links)
Abstract: Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant's life is recommended worldwide. In 1998 the South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) showed that only 10% of mothers exclusively breastfeed at three months. As the HIV virus is transmissible via breast milk, UNAIDS (2002) recommends that women in developing countries should be given a choice of feeding method after being counselled on the risks and benefits of breast feeding versus formula feeding. As a result, the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme was launched in KwaZulu-Natal with the aim of providing interventions to prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of the HIV virus. However, research has shown that infant feeding practices are influenced by numerous factors. Ultimately mothers will feed their infants in a manner they feel comfortable with, even if it is not always the most appropriate choice. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine and compare current infant feeding practices and some of the factors that influenced these practices among Zulu mothers with 0 - 6 month old infants attending PMTCT and non-PMTCT clinics in Central Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Methodology: A cross-sectional, descriptive survey was conducted amongst 150 mothers sampled from three non-PMTCT clinics and 150 mothers sampled from three PMTCT clinics. Systematic random sampling of mothers attending the two types of clinics was used to ensure an equal number of mothers· with infants aged 0 - < 6 weeks, 6 - < 14 weeks and 14 weeks to 6 months. The number of mothers interviewed per clinic was determined proportionate to clinic size. Interviews were conducted in Zulu by trained fieldworkers according to a structured interview schedule consisting of 87 open- and closed-ended questions. Summary of most important findings and conclusion: Overall, one quarter of the mothers attending non-PMTCT and one third of mothers at PMTCT clinics were practising exclusive breastfeeding at the time of the survey. The general trend was that mothers attending PMTCT clinics were more inclined than those attending non-PMTCT clinics to breastfeed their infants exclusively (34% versus 24% respectively) or to formula feed (16,7% versus 12,7% respectively). Furthermore, there was a significant decline in exclusive breastfeeding and predominant breastfeeding with increasing infant age in both clinic groups. The opposite held true for mixed feeding and formula feeding in that infants were more inclined to mixed feeding or formula feeding with increasing infant age. In both clinic groups, exclusive breastfeeding was the method of choice in the 0 - < 6 week age category, while a preference for mixed feeding was shown in the 6 - < 14 week category. This trend persisted in the 14 week - < 6 month age category, especially in the non-PMTCT clinics, while there was a small but pronounced increase in formula feeding amongst PMTCT mothers. Although these findings can be explained as a result of implementing the PMTCT programme, the positive trends observed in non-PMTCT clinics serve as an indicator that the Integrated Nutrition Programme (INP) and Baby Friendly Hospital initiative have also had an impact on the feeding choices mothers make. Despite the limited duration of the PMTCT programme at the time of the study, indicators of the impact of the intervention include that a lower percentage of PMTCT mothers introduced foods and/or liquids in addition to breast milk to their infants before six months of age compared to non-PMTCT mothers. Furthermore, more mothers attending PMTCT clinics were shown how to breastfeed and were more likely to have received information about formula feeding. Despite these indicators of a positive impact of the PMTCT programme, the mean age for introducing liquids and/or solids in addition to breast milk was about six weeks and the incidence of this practice was very high for both groups. The similar incidence of formula feeding observed between the two clinic groups suggests the presence of constraints to safe infant feeding choices among mothers attending PMTCT clinics. As observed, infant feeding practices were still not ideal in either of the two clinic groups. However, the high level of antenatal clinic attendance documented for both groups serves as evidence that, if opportunities for providing mothers with appropriate infant feeding advice are utilized optimally, the antenatal clinic could serve as an ideal medium through which infant feeding education can take place, especially as the clinic-based nursing staff were cited as the most important source of infant feeding information by both groups of mothers in the antenatal and postnatal phases. The documented infant feeding practices should be interpreted against the backdrop of factors such as socio-demographic characteristics of the mothers, availability of resources such as social support from peers and significant others and reigning infant feeding beliefs that could influence infant feeding decisions. Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding in PMTCT and non-PMTCT clinics were determined by means of multivariate logistic regression analysis. Significant values were obtained for both clinic groups in terms of the infant not having received liquids in addition to breast milk. No additional predictors were found amongst mothers attending non-PMTCT clinics, however predictors amongst mothers attending PMTCT clinics included whether the mother had not visited the clinic since the infant's birth, whether she practiced demand feeding and whether she was experiencing stress at the time of the study. The limited number of predictors of exclusive breastfeeding documented in this study, especially among non-PMTCT mothers may be explained by the fact that infant feeding behaviour is multifactorial by nature and the interaction between factors that influence feeding choice is strong. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme : how "informed" is the literate mother's decision regarding infant feeding options in the Gert Sibande district, Mpumalanga province, South Africa

Davis, Annemarie, Labadarios, D., Marais, D., Cotton, M. F. 12 1900 (has links)
225 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- xxiii and numbered pages 1-203. Includes bibliography, list of abbreviations, list of definitions, list of tables and figures and list of appendices. / Digitized at 330 dpi color PDF format (OCR), using KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner. / Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "A comprehensive package of care for the Prevention of Mother- To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV" states that all mothers participating in the PMTCT Programme should receive education that will enable them to make informed decisions about infant feeding options. Rapid, same-day HIV testing and results that are available immediately, enable health care workers to be responsible for providing pre- and post-test counselling (which includes infant feeding options) on the same day. This could place a tremendous workload and time pressure on the health care workers. The aim of this study was to determine how "informed" is the literate mother's decision regarding infant feeding options, who participated in the PMTCT Programme, in the Gert Sibande District, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Method: Data was collected from health care workers and mothers on the PMTCT Programme at 23 PMTCT sites in the Gert Sibande District, with the help of 6 field workers and the PMTCT site manager at each PMTCT site, by means of once-off, self-administered questionnaires, which had been previously tested and validated. Results: Health care workers' attitude towards the PMTCT Programme was positive, although some (14%) indicated that what was expected of them was not achievable in their working environment. The most prominent change relating to the personal preferences of health care workers regarding infant feeding options for HIV-infected mothers, after attending the 5-day PMTCT course, was from formula-feeding to breast-feeding. Most (65%) indicated it was possible to stay neutral in a counselling session regardless of personal preference for infant feeding and 60% of those who could not stay neutral, still thought it was in the mother's best interest to be counselled by them. Most (98%) agreed mothers had the right to make informed decisions and 80% agreed mothers were able to make such a decision. Most (67%) health care workers indicated that not enough staff was stationed at PMTCT sites, only 53% used the feeding option cards when counselling mothers and indicated that more educational material was needed. Sixty one percent of the health care workers demonstrated the preparation of the formula to the mothers and allowed the mothers to demonstrate back to them. Between 49-82% and 37-56% of the health care workers knew the correct answers to knowledge questions relating to breastfeeding and formula-feeding, respectively. Not one health care worker, nor mother, knew all the steps in preparing a formula feed. Most (80%) mothers made decisions based on information provided to them by health care workers and only a small (13%) percentage were influenced by the community to practise a different feeding option than what they had chosen. Conclusions: The attitude, personal preferences, knowledge of and resources available to health care workers, influenced the decision made by mothers regarding infant feeding options and seeing that most mothers made their decision, based on information provided by health care workers, it is concluded that mothers can only make an informed decision about infant feeding options if they are advised appropriately by well trained, equipped and informed health care workers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "A comprehensive package of care for the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV", vermeld dat moeders, wat deelneem aan die Voorkoming van Moeder-Tot-Kind Oordrag (VMTKO) progam, voorligting behoort te ontvang ten opsigte van voedingsopsies vir hul babas, sodat hulle in staat sal wees om 'n ingeligte keuse te maak. Gesondheidswerkers is verantwoordelik om voorligting voor en na die HIV toets te gee, wat die voedingsopsies vir babas insluit, op dieselfde dag. Dit kan 'n ontsaglike werkslading op die gesondheidswerkers plaas. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe "ingelig" is die geletterde moeder se keuse ten opsigte van voedingsopsies, wat deelneem aan die VMTKO program, in die Gert Sibande distrik, Mpumalanga, Suid-Afrika. Metode: Die data is ingesamel by 23 VMTKO-klinieke en -hospitale in die Gert Sibande distrik onder gesondheidswerkers en moeders op die VMTKO-program, met behulp van 6 veldwerkers en VMTKO-bestuurders, deur middel van eenmalige, selfvoltooide vraelyste, wat van tevore getoets en gevalideer was. Resultate: Die gesondheidswerkers se houding teenoor die VMTKO-program was positief, alhoewel 14% aangedui het dat wat van hulle verwag word nie prakties of moontlik is in hul werksomgewing nie. Die prominentste verandering rakende die persoonlike voorkeure van die gesonheidswerkers teenoor voedingsopsies vir HIV -geinfekteerde moeders, na die 5-dag VMTKO kursus, was van formulevoeding na borsvoeding. Meeste (65%) het aangedui dit is moontlik om neutraal te bly gedurende 'n voorligtingssessie, ten spyte van persoonlike voorkeure vir voedingsopsies en 60% van die wat nie neutraal kon bly nie, het steeds gedink dit is in die beste belang van die moeder om deur hulle voorgelig te word. Meeste (98%) het saamgestem dat dit die moeder se reg is om 'n ingeligte keuse te maak en 80% het saamgestem dat die moeder wel in staat is om so 'n besluit te neem. Meeste (67%) gesondheidswerkers het aangedui dat personeel tekorte bestaan by die VMTKO klinieke en hospitale. Slegs 53% gebruik die voedingsopsie kaarte gedurende 'n voorligtingsessie met die moeder en het aangedui dat meer voorligtingsmateriaal benodig word. Een en sestig persent van die gesondheidswerkers het die voorbereiding van die formulevoeding aan die moeders gedemonstreer en het moeders toegelaat om ook die demonstrasie te doen. Nege en veertig tot twee en tagtig persent en 37-56% van die gesondheidswerkers kon die korrekte antwoorde verskaf vir vrae oor borsvoeding en formulevoeding, afsonderlik. Nie een gesondheidswerker of moeder kon al die stappe vir die voorbereiding van die formulevoeding noem nie. Meeste (80%) moeders maak keuses gebaseer op inligting wat aan hulle verskaf word deur die gesondheidswerkers en slegs 'n klein persentasie (13%) word beinvloed deur familielede om die teenoorgestelde voedingsopsie te praktiseer as wat hulle gekies het. Gevolgtrekking: Die houding, persoonlike voorkeure, kennis van en hulpbronne beskikbaar aan die gesongheidswerkers, beinvloed die besluit wat moeders neem ten op sigte van voedingsopsies en aangesien die moeders hulle besluit baseer op inligting wat deur die gesondheidswerkers aan hulle gegee word, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat moeders slegs 'n ingeligte keuse aangaande voedingsopsies kan maak indien hulle voorligting ontvang deur goed opgeleide en ingeligte gesondheidswerkers.

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