Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informal urbanization"" "subject:"unformal urbanization""
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La ville et la terre, apprendre de Bamako : le cas de Bozobuguni, un quartier autoconstruit / The city and the earth, learning from Bamako : the case of Bozobuguni an autoconstructed districtLaureau, Vincent 14 February 2014 (has links)
La construction en terre devient un sujet d’actualité pour l’architecture contemporaine occidentale. En revanche, au Mali, le matériau terre est aujourd’hui délaissé. Ce paradoxe invite à porter notre attention sur le territoire malien, afin d’apprendre du terrain les implications du matériau terre, notamment à l’échelle urbaine. Au Mali, la ville en terre est aujourd’hui essentiellement synonyme de patrimoine figé. Il existe pourtant un secteur urbain bien vivant : l’urbanisation informelle, qui, stimulée par les énergies de survie, génère une dynamique spatiale spécifique. C’est à partir de cette réflexion générale que l’étude s’est resserrée sur un petit quartier informel essentiellement construit par des pêcheurs Bozo de la ville de Bamako, capitale du Mali. Le filtre employé pour analyser le terrain utilise la triade d’Henri Lefebvre : Temps, Espace, Energie. La posture du narrateur consiste ici à profiter du regard décalé du voyageur pour dévoiler ce qui renvoie à des questions universelles. Le statut d’étranger permet, en effet, de voir la réalité du terrain informel sous un jour nouveau. L’écriture opère ici comme un révélateur du terrain, elle élabore un « point de vue » qui modifie en profondeur les représentations urbaines. L’essence de cette recherche porte sur la mise en lumière d’une logique urbaine enfouie et dissimulée dans l’espace informel. Ce travail consiste à monter en théorie des processus qui font émerger une culture constructive et urbaine particulière au contexte du quartier. L’enseignement ainsi issu du terrain suggère un potentiel d’exploitation sur le lieu lui-même (valorisation), et sur d’autres contextes (déterritorialisation). / Earth construction is becoming a popular topic in Western architecture, yet in the context of traditional Malian construction techniques earth has largely been abandoned. This paradox asks us to turn our attention to the reality on the ground in West Africa, in order to understand the implications of using earth as a building material, especially on an urban scale. Today the earthen city is essentially synonymous with cultural heritage, but there is one place where it is alive and well— informal urbanization. This sector is stimulated by the necessities of survival, which generate remarkable spatial dynamics. From this general observation, this study was narrowed to a small informal fishing district in the city of Bamako. The ultimate purpose of this research is to highlight an urban logic buried and hidden in informal space. This work consists in writing a theory of informal urbanization that is contextually and culturally specific, according to a "bottom-up" principle. The narrator takes advantage of the peculiar perspective of the traveler in order to shed light on more universal questions. Indeed, the position of the stranger allows us to see the reality of informal spaces in a new light. The act of writing makes explicit certain processes that animate the site; it develops a "point of view" that fundamentally changes urban representations. Lessons learned as well as derived from the field pave the way for certain vernacular principles to be reused on site. At the same time, such a vernacular theory allows us to transfer these principles to other sites by means of deterritorialization.
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Viviendas comunitarias vinculadas al patrimonio del valle Chillón / Community housing vinculated to the heritage of the Chillón valleyAstete Hernandez, Daniel Andres 03 April 2021 (has links)
Uno de los más grandes desafíos que tiene la ciudad de Lima en la actualidad es hacer frente al avance de la expansión urbana informal, esto ha generado consecuencias como: desertificación de los valles limeños, incongruencias urbanas y sobre todo un deterioro abismal en los monumentos arqueológicos que son parte de la trama urbana de la ciudad, desde esta perspectiva el proyecto de vivienda comunitaria surge como un elemento unificador, el cual propone una tipología capaz de integrar equilibradamente la vivienda con el patrimonio arqueológico de la ciudad a través de espacios comunitarios (jardines compartidos, huertos y áreas comunes), los cuales al estar estrictamente relacionados a las viviendas dan lugar al desarrollo de un master plan que consolide el entorno como un ecosistema comunitario - cultural sostenible.
Asimismo, el proyecto está ligado a criterios de biomimesis, reinterpretando la forma, funcionalidad, espacialidad, atmósfera y pensamiento de un elemento probado por la naturaleza, en este caso las Huacas. Es así, que las viviendas se desarrollan en base a dos módulos bases, los cuales son resultados de una decodificación del elemento natural. Finalmente, el desarrollo de las áreas comunes (equipamiento urbano, jardines compartidos, huertos y áreas comunes de recreación) tienen el objetivo de fortalecer los lazos comunitarios de los usuarios del proyecto con la atmósfera cultural del entorno, a través de un eje central de coexistencia, el cual remata en el Museo de Sitio propuesto en el Master Plan, generando así la interacción necesaria capaz de estimular el desarrollo de la vida comunitaria. / One of the biggest challenges that the city of Lima has is facing the urban informal expansion. This has led to different consequences, such us the desertification of the Lima valleys, urban inconsistencies, and above all, a huge damage on the archeological monuments that conform the urban pattern of the city. From this perspective, the community housing project takes place as a unifying item that proposes a typology. This typology is able to equally integrate the housing with the archeological heritage of the city through the creation of community spaces (gardens, orchards and common areas). These exclusively housing-related areas result in the development of a master plan that consolidates the environment as a sustainable community and cultural ecosystem.
Besides, the project is linked to biomimetic criteria, reinterpreting the shape, functionality, speciality, atmosphere and thinking of an element tested by the nature, like the Huacas. In this way, the housing is developed based on a two-modules base, which result from a decoding of a natural element. Finally, the development of the common areas (urban equipment, gardens, orchards, and recreational common areas) have been intended to strengthen the community bonds of the project’s users with the cultural atmosphere of the environment. This can be achieved through a central axis of coexistence, which ends with the Site Museum suggested in the Master Plan, that generates the necessary interaction to stimulate the development of the community life. / Tesis
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