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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neue Ansätze zur Identifizierung niedermolekularer Inhibitoren der STAT3-Aktivierung und -Homodimerisierung / New approaches to identify small molecule inhibitors of STAT3 activation and dimerization

Schust, Jochen January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die STATs (signal transducers and activators of transcription) sind eine Familie latent zytoplasmatischer Transkriptionsfaktoren, die Signale von der Zellmembran in den Zellkern weiterleiten. Ein Mitglied der Proteinfamilie, STAT3, ist aufgrund übermäßiger Tyrosinkinase-Aktivität in einer breiten Vielzahl von Krebszelllinien und menschlichen Tumoren konstitutiv-aktiv. Um kleine organische Moleküle zu identifizieren, die die Funktion der SH2-Domäne von STAT3 blockieren und dadurch die Aktivität und die Dimerisierung des Proteins inhibieren, wurde ein Hochdurchsatz-Verfahren entwickelt, welches auf Fluoreszenzpolarisation beruht. Das Prinzip dieses Verfahrens war die Bindung eines Fluorescein-markierten Phosphotyrosin-Peptids, welches von gp130, einer Untereinheit des Interleukin-6-Rezeptors, abgeleitet war, an nicht phosphoryliertes STAT3-Protein. Der Kd Wert dieser Bindung betrug 150 nM und der Assay war stabil im Hinblick auf die Salzkonzentration, der Konzentration an Dimethylsulfoxid und der Zeit. Der Assay wurde auf ein 384-Lochplattenformat angepasst und wies einen Z’-Wert von 0,87 auf. Das Fluorscein-markierte Phosphotyrosin-Peptid band spezifisch an die SH2-Domäne von STAT3 und die Bindung konnte durch Phosphotyrosin-Peptide unterschiedlich stark inhibiert werden. Die Hochdurchsatz-Analyse mehrerer Substanzbibliotheken führte schließlich zur Identifikation eines spezifischen STAT3-Inhibitors, Stattic (STAT three inhibitory compound). Stattic ist das erste nicht-peptidische kleine Molekül, welches selektiv die Funktion der STAT3-SH2-Domäne beeinträchtigte. Dabei spielte der Aktivierungszustand von STAT3 in vitro keine Rolle. Die gleichzeitige Inkubation mit Stattic führte im Fluoreszenzpolarisations-Assay zur Inhibition der Bindung des Fluorescein-markierten Phosphotyrosin-Peptids an die SH2-Domäne von STAT3. Diese antagonistische Reaktion stellte sich als stark temperaturabhängig heraus und hatte in vitro bei der physiologisch relevanten Temperatur von 37°C nach 60 Minuten einen IC50 Wert von 5,1 µM. Zusammen mit einer Abhängigkeit von der Zeit wiesen die Ergebnisse auf eine irreversibel ablaufende Reaktion unter Knüpfung einer kovalenten Bindung zwischen Stattic und STAT3 hin. Die Inhibition war spezifisch gegenüber der Bindung verschiedener Fluorescein-markierten Phosphotyrosin-Peptide an die jeweiligen Proteine STAT1, STAT5b und Lck und Stattic hatte ebenfalls nur einen sehr geringen Effekt auf die Proteindimerisierung von c-Myc/Max und Jun/Jun. Die genauere Betrachtung der Kinetik der antagonistischen Reaktion zeigte eine signifikante Verlangsamung der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit beim Vergleich zwischen STAT3 und STAT1 bzw. STAT3 und STAT5b. Die Inhibierung der Bindung des entsprechenden Fluorescein-markierten Phosphotyrosin-Peptids an das Protein Lck durch Stattic war hingegen nicht zeitabhängig. Diese Versuche zeigten eine deutliche Präferenz der Bindung von Stattic an das Protein STAT3. Die Verdrängung des Fluorescein-markierten Phosphoytrosin-Peptids von der STAT3-SH2-Domäne durch Stattic verlief kompetitiv zur Inhibition mit einem Phophotyrosin-Peptid, welches an die SH2-Domäne von STAT3 bindet. In Verbindung mit den vorherigen Experimenten wies dies auf eine kovalente Bindung von Stattic innerhalb des STAT3-Proteins hin. Eine abschließende Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehung in vitro zeigte die Notwendigkeit sowohl von der Nitrogruppe als auch von der Doppelbindung der Vinylsulfongruppe in Stattic für die Bindung an STAT3 und untermauerte die These, dass Stattic kovalent innerhalb des STAT3-Proteins bindet. In zellbiologischen Systemen wurde die Wirksamkeit von Stattic anhand verschiedener molekularbiologischer Assays bestätigt. Stattic inhibierte selektiv die Tyrosinphosphorylierung von STAT3 in HepG2 Zellen, in NIH3T3/v-Src Zellen und in den Brustkrebszelllinien MDA-MB-231 und MDA-MB-435S. Aber auch bereits phosphorylierte STAT3-Proteine wurden durch Stattic in vitro an der Homodimerisierung gehindert, was in einer EMSA-Analyse gezeigt wurde. Somit inhibierte Stattic in vitro selektiv die Signalkette von STAT3 unabhängig von dessen Aktivierungszustand. Andere Signalketten oder die Funktion der in der Signalkette über STAT3 liegenden Tyrosinkinasen wurden in Zellen nicht beeinflusst. Im Folgenden konnte demonstriert werden, dass Stattic als direkter STAT3-Inhibitor dessen Lokalisierung in den Zellkern inhibierte, nicht jedoch die Lokalisierung des Gegenspielers STAT1. Weiterhin reduzierte der Einsatz von Stattic selektiv das von v-Src in NIH3T3 Zellen induzierte und von STAT3-abhängige Wachstum von Kolonien in Weichagar. Dass Stattic schließlich selektiv die Apoptoserate in Zellen mit konstitutiver STAT3-Aktivtät erhöhte, bestätigte die bisherigen Daten. Mit Stattic konnte daher ein neues biologisches Werkzeug generiert werden, um selektiv STAT3 in Zelllinien oder Tumoren in Tiermodellen auszuschalten, die eine konstitutive STAT3-Aktivität aufweisen. / Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STATs) are a family of latent cytoplasmic transcription factors which signals from the cell membrane to the nucleus. One member of the protein family, STAT3, is constitutively activated by aberrant upstream tyrosine kinase activities in a broad spectrum of cancer cell lines and human tumors. A high-throughput assay based on fluorescence polarization was developed to identify small organic molecules blocking the function of the STAT3 SH2 domain and thereby inhibiting STAT3 activity and dimerization. The principle of the assay was the binding of a fluorescein-labeled phosphotyrosine-peptide derived from the interleukin-6 receptor subunit gp130 to unphosphorylated STAT3 with a Kd of 150 nM. The assay was stable with regard to salt concentration, dimethyl sulfoxide concentration, and time. It has been adapted to a 384-well format, with a Z’ value of 0.87. The fluorecein-labeled phosphotyrosine-peptide bound specifically to the STAT3 SH2 domain and this binding could be inhibited by different phosphotyrosine-peptides with varying activities. The high-throughput screening of a number of compound libraries finally lead to the identification of a specific STAT3 inhibitor, dubbed Stattic (STAT three inhibitory compound). Stattic is depicted as the first non-peptidic small molecule having an selective impact on the function of the STAT3 SH2 domain. Thereby the activation state of STAT3 was irrelevant in vitro. Simultaneous incubation with Stattic inhibited the binding of the fluorescein-labeled phosphotyrosine-peptide to the SH2 domain of STAT3 in the fluorescence polarization assay. This antagonistic reaction turned out to be strongly temperature-dependent and showed an IC50 of 5.1 µM in vitro at the physiological relevant temperature of 37°C after 60 minutes incubation. With regard to an time-dependency these results suggested an irreversible reaction with the formation of a covalent bond between Stattic and STAT3. The inhibitory reaction was specific over the binding of different fluorescein-labeled phosphotyrosin-peptides to the particular proteins STAT1, STAT5b and Lck, and Stattic also only marginally inhibited the protein dimerization of c-Myc/Max or Jun/Jun. A closer look on the kinetics of the reaction revealed a significant slowdown of the reaction speed comparing STAT3 to STAT1 or STAT3 to STAT5b. Stattic inhibited the binding of the corresponding fluorescein-labeled phosphotyrosine-peptides to Lck in a time-independent way altogether showing a clear preference of Stattic binding to STAT3. The displacement of the fluorescein-labeled phosphotyrosine-peptide from the STAT3 SH2 domain through Stattic was competitive to a phosphotyrosine-peptide binding to the SH2 domain of STAT3. With regard to other results, this result indicated Stattic covalently binding to STAT3. A structure-activity relationship in vitro showed the nitro moiety and the double bond within the vinylsulfone moiety of stattic being important for binding to STAT3. This confirmed the indication that Stattic covalently binds to STAT3 domain. The effectiveness of Stattic in cellular systems was proven by different molecular biological assays. Stattic selectively inhibited the tyrosine phosphorylation in HepG2 cells, in NIH3T3/v-src cells as well as in the breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435S. But also STAT3 proteins which already were phosphorylated could not dimerize after incubation with stattic in vitro which was shown with an EMSA analysis. Therby Stattic also inhibited STAT3 signaling in vitro regardless of STAT3 phosphorylation. Other signalling pathways or function of upstream tyrosinkinases in cells were not inhibited at the same time. It could be demonstrated that the direct STAT3 inhibitor Stattic specifically inhibited nuclear localization of STAT3, but not of its counterpart STAT1. Stattic reduced v-src induced STAT3 dependent colony growth of NIH3T3 cells in soft agar. The results were confirmed by Stattic selectively increasing the apoptotic rate in cell lines having constitutively active STAT3. In summary Stattic turned out to be a novel biological tool to selectively inhibit STAT3 in cell lines or tumor animal models which show constitutive active STAT3.

The eIF2 phosphatase : characterization and modulation

Crespillo Casado, Ana January 2018 (has links)
Cellular needs are fulfilled by the combined activity of functional proteins. Consequently, cells are equipped with a complex proteostatic network that controls protein production in response to cellular requisites. Thereby, protein synthesis is induced or attenuated depending on the particular cellular conditions. One of the mechanisms to control protein synthesis is the phosphorylation of eIF2, which triggers the so-called Integrated Stress Response (ISR). Kinases that sense stresses induce the phosphorylation of eIF2, which, on the one hand, attenuates global rates of protein synthesis and, on the other hand, activates the expression of specific proteins that help to alleviate the stress. One of the proteins preferentially expressed during the ISR is PPP1R15A, a regulatory subunit of Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1). The PP1/PPP1R15A holophosphatase dephosphorylates eIF2 and terminates the ISR once the stresses are resolved. Hence, eIF2 kinases and phosphatases work together to control levels of phosphorylated eIF2. Maintaining the right balance between the activity of these kinases and phosphatases is important, as is seen by the correlation between their perturbance and the appearance of certain cellular malfunctions or diseases. However, affecting this balance has been also suggested to have beneficial effects. For example, genetic interference with the PPP1R15A regulatory subunit is proposed to confer protection to mice and cells under ER-stress conditions. This observation led to the search for compounds with the ability to modulate the ISR, in particular, by acting on the eIF2 phosphatases. Three compounds (Salubrinal, Guanabenz and Sephin1) have been proposed as eIF2 phosphatase inhibitors with potential use as therapeutic tools in protein misfolding diseases. However, their precise mechanism of action and their direct effect on the enzyme remains an open question. This thesis focuses on the in vitro reconstitution of the eIF2 phosphatase, which served as a platform for characterizing the enzyme (in terms of its structure, activity and assembly) and for studying the proposed inhibitors. This report details key structural features of the PPP1R15/PP1 holophosphatase, the discovery of a cellular cofactor of the enzyme and the conclusions obtained after analysing the effect of its proposed inhibitors. It also includes the development of several in vitro assays, which could potentially be used to screen libraries of compounds in search for modulators of the enzyme.

Molecular Characterization of the Induction of Cell Cycle Inhibitor p21 in Response to Inhibition of the Mitotic Kinase Aurora B / Untersuchungen zur Induktion des Zellzyklusinhibitors p21 nach Inhibition der Mitotischen Kinase Aurora B

Kumari, Geeta January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Aurora B ist eine mitotische Kinase, die entscheidende Funktionen in der Zellteilung ausübt. Aurora B ist außerdem in einer Vielzahl von Krebsarten mutiert oder überexprimiert. Daher ist die Aurora B Kinase ein attraktives Ziel für die Tumortherapie. Gegenwärtig werden Aurora B-Inhibitoren zur Behandlung von soliden Tumoren und Leukämien in verschiedenen klinischen Studien getestet. Es fehlen jedoch Informationen, welche molekularen Mechanismen den beschriebenen Phänotypen wie Zellzyklusarrest, Aktivierung des Tumorsuppressors p53 und seines Zielgens p21 nach Aurora B-Hemmung zugrunde liegen. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war es die Mechanismen der p21-Induktion nach Hemmung von Aurora B zu untersuchen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach Hemmung von Aurora B die p38 MAPK phosphoryliert und somit aktiviert wird. Experimente mit p38-Inhbitoren belegen, dass p38 für die Induktion von p21 und den Zellzyklusarrest benötigt wird. Die Stabilisierung von p53 nach Aurora B-Inhibition und die Rekrutierung von p53 an den p21-Genpromotor erfolgen jedoch unabhängig vom p38-Signalweg. Stattdessen ist p38 für die Anreicherung der elongierenden RNA-Polymerase II in der kodierenden Region des p21-Gens und für die Bildung des p21 mRNA Transkripts notwendig. Diese Daten zeigen, dass p38 transkriptionelle Elongation des p21-Gens nach Aurora B Hemmung fördert. In weiteren Untersuchungen konnte ich zeigen, dass die Aurora B-Hemmung zu einer Dephosphorylierung des Retinoblastoma-Proteins führt und dadurch eine Abnahme der E2F-abhängigen Transkription bewirkt. Dies löst indirekt einen Zellzyklusarrest aus. Weiterhin konnte mit Hilfe von synchronisierten Zellen gezeigt werden, dass p21 nach Durchlaufen einer abnormalen Mitose induziert wird, jedoch nicht nach Aurora B-Hemmung in der Interphase. Interessanterweise werden p38, p53 und p21 schon bei partieller Inhibition von Aurora B aktiviert. Die partielle Inhibition von Aurora B führt zu chromosomaler Instabilität aber nicht zum Versagen der Zytokinese und zur Bildung polyploider Zellen. Damit korreliert die Aktivierung des p38-p53-p21-Signalweges nicht mit Tetraploidie sondern mit vermehrter Aneuploidie. Die partielle Hemmung von Aurora B führt außerdem zur vermehrten Entstehung von reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), welche für die Aktivierung von p38, p21 und für den Zellzyklusarrest benötigt werden. Basierend auf diesen Beobachtungen kann folgendes Modell postuliert werden: Die Hemmung von Aurora B führt zu Fehlern in der Chromosomenverteilung in der Mitose und damit zu Aneuploidie. Dies führt zu vermehrter Produktion von ROS, möglicherweise durch proteotoxischer Stress, hervorgerufen durch die Imbalanz der Proteinbiosynthese in aneuploiden Zellen. ROS bewirkt eine Aktivierung der p38 MAPK und trägt damit zur Induktion von p21 und dem resultierenden Zellzyklusarrest bei. Aneuploidie, proteotoxischer und oxidativer Stress stellen Schlüsselmerkmale von Tumorkrankungen dar. Anhand der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit könnte die Kombination von Aurora B-Hemmstoffen mit Medikamenten, die gezielt aneuploide Zellen angreifen, in Tumorerkrankungen therapeutisch wirksam sein. / Aurora B is a mitotic kinase that is essential for cell division. Because it is mutated or overexpressed in a range of cancer types, it has been suggested as a novel therapeutic target. Currently chemical inhibitors against Aurora B are in various phases of clinical trials for treatment of solid tumors and leukemia. Information regarding the molecular requirements for the reported phenotypes of Aurora B inhibition such as cell cycle arrest, activation of the tumor suppressor p53 and its target p21 are not well understood. In this study, I investigated the requirements for p21 induction after Aurora B inhibition. I found that p38 is phosphorylated and activated when Aurora B is inhibited. Experiments with chemical inhibitors against p38 indicate that p38 is required for p21 induction and cell cycle arrest in response to Aurora B inhibition. p53 induction after impairment of Aurora B function and the recruitment of p53 to its binding site in the p21 gene promoter occur independently of p38 signaling. Instead, I found that p38 is required for the enrichment of the elongating RNA Polymerase II in the coding region of the p21 gene. Furthermore, p38 is required for formation of the full-length p21 mRNA transcript. These data indicate that p38 promotes the transcriptional elongation of p21 gene in response to Aurora B inhibition. In further experiments I could show that the p21 causes cell cycle arrest due to a decrease in E2F-dependent transcription by promoting the dephosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein. Using synchronized cells I could show that the induction of p21 in response to Aurora B inhibition requires transition through an aberrant mitosis and does not occur in cells that are arrested in interphase. Interestingly, p38, p53 and p21 are already induced by partial inhibition of Aurora B, which results in aneuploidy but not in cytokinesis failure and in tetraploidy. This supports the notion that activation of p38-p53-p21 signaling correlates with aneuploidy but not with tetraploidy or binucleation. Partial inhibition of Aurora B also leads to increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are required for the activation of p38, p21 and cell cycle arrest. Based on these observations I propose the following model: Inhibition of Aurora B leads to chromosome missegregation resulting in aneuploidy. This results in increased generation of ROS (reactive oxygen species) possibly through proteotoxic stress caused by an imbalance of protein synthesis in aneuploid cells. ROS triggers the activation of p38, which then stimulates the transcriptional elongation of p21 resulting in cell cycle arrest. Aneuploidy, proteotoxic stress and oxidative stress are hallmarks of cancer cells. Based on my results reported in this study, I suggest that the combination of Aurora B inhibitors with drugs that specifically target aneuploid cells might be a novel strategy for cancer therapy, as this is a lethal combination for proliferation of cancer cells.

Mechanistic Insights into the Inhibition of Cathepsin B and Rhodesain with Low-Molecular Inhibitors / Mechanistische Untersuchungen zur Inhibition von Cathepsin B und Rhodesain mit niedermolekularen Inhibitoren

Heilos, Anna January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Cysteine proteases play a crucial role in medical chemistry concerning various fields reaching from more common ailments like cancer and hepatitis to less noted tropical diseases, namely the so-called African Sleeping Sickness (Human Arfican Trypanosomiasis). Detailed knowledge about the catalytic function of these systems is highly desirable for drug research in the respective areas. In this work, the inhibition mechanisms of the two cysteine proteases cathepsin B and rhodesain with respectively one low-molecular inhibitor class were investigated in detail, using computational methods. In order to sufficiently describe macromolecular systems, molecular mechanics based methods (MM) and quantum mechanical based method (QM), as well as hybrid methods (QM/MM) combining those two approaches, were applied. For Cathespin B, carbamate-based molecules were investigated as potential inhibitors for the cysteine protease. The results indicate, that water-bridged proton-transfer reactions play a crucial role for the inhibition. The energetically most favoured pathway (according to the calculations) includes an elimination reaction following an E1cB mechanism with a subsequent carbamylation of the active site amino acid cysteine. Nitroalkene derivatives were investigated as inhibitors for rhodesain. The investigation of structurally similar inhibitors showed, that even small steric differences can crucially influence the inhibition potential of the components. Furthermore, the impact of a fluorination of the nitroalkene inhibitors on the inhibition mechanism was investigated. According to experimental data measured from the working group of professor Schirmeister in Mainz, fluorinated nitroalkenes show – in contrast to the unfluorinated compounds – a time dependent inhibition efficiency. The calculations of the systems indicate, that the fluorination impacts the non-covalent interactions of the inhibitors with the enzymatic environment of the enzyme which results in a different inhibition behaviour. / Cysteinproteasen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der medizinischen Chemie. Nicht nur im Bereich bekannterer Krankheiten wie Krebs oder Hepatitis, sondern auch bezüglich weniger verbreiteter, tropischer Krankheiten wie der sogenannten afrikanischen Schlafkrankheit (Afrikanische Trypanosomiasis) haben diese Enzyme eine große Bedeutung. Im Bereich der Wirkstofffindung ist ein detailliertes Wissen über die katalytische Funktion der an einer Krankheit beteiligten Enzyme unabdingbar .In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Inhibitionsmechanismen der beiden Cysteinproteasen Cathepsin B und Rhodesain in Verbindung mit zwei niedermolekularen Inhibitorklassen anhand theoretischer Berechnungen untersucht. Um die makromolekularen Systeme ausreichend genau beschreiben zu können, wurden neben molekularmechanischen (MM) und quantenmechanischen (QM) Ansätzen auch Hybridmethoden verwendet, welche beide Ansätze (QM/MM) verbinden. Für Cathepsin B wurden Carbamat-basierte Moleküle als potenzielle Inhibitoren der Cysteinprotease untersucht. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass wasser-verbrückte Protonentransferreaktionen eine entscheidende Rolle für die Inhibition spielen. Der laut den Rechnungen energetisch günstigste Mechanismus beinhaltet eine Eliminierungsreaktion nach einem E1cB Mechanismus gefolgt von der Carbamylierung der Aminosäure Cystein in der aktiven Tasche des Enzyms. Nitroalken-Derivate wurden als potenzielle Rhodesain Inhibitoren untersucht. Der Vergleich strukturell ähnlicher Verbindungen weist darauf hin, dass schon kleine sterische Veränderungen einen großen Einfluss auf das Inhibitionspotenzial der Nitroalkene haben können. Außerdem wurde der Einfluss einer Fluorierung der Inhibitoren anhand von Berechnungen untersucht. Messungen der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Schirmeister in Mainz zu fluorierten und unfluorierten Nitroalkenen zeigen, dass die fluorierten Verbindungen ein zeitabhängiges Inhibitionspotenzial in Rhodesain aufweisen. Die Berechnungen der Systeme deuten darauf hin, dass die Fluorierung die nicht-kovalenten Wechselwirkungen der Inhibitoren mit der enzymatischen Umgebung des Systems beeinflussen, was zu einem unterschiedlichen Inhibitionsverhalten führt.

c-Myc-abhängige Regulation des Zellzyklusinhibitors p27Kip1

Thieke, Katja Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Marburg, Univ., Diss., 2001

Cloning and functional expression of Taiwan cobra chymotrypsin inhibitor

Cheng, Yun-Ching 20 June 2003 (has links)
Previous studies showed that dendrotoxins and B chain of b-Bungarotoxin shared sequence and structural homology with Kunitz-type protease inhibitors. In the present study, the cDNA of Kunitz¡Vtype protease inhibitor was successfully amplified from Taiwan cobra venom gland total RNAs using the primers designed from the B chain of b-Bungarotoxin. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA exhibited the structural character of chymotrypsin inhibitor, and the mature protein contained 57 amino acids with six Cys residues. The chymotrypsin inhibitor was subcloned into pET29a(+) and transformed into BL21(DE3) E.coli strain. The expressed protein was isolated from inclusion bodies of E.coli and subjected to refolding into its folded structure. The inhibitor potency of the recombinant protein on chymotrypsin activity had a Ki value of 461.3 mM. However, removal of its N-terminal fused peptide with thrombin further increased the Ki value to 31.7 mM. Removal of the N-terminal residues further reduced its inhibitory potency, and the inhibitory activity completely lost after deleting three residues at the N-terminus of mature protein. This reflects that the N-terminal region of protease inhibitor should be associated with its activity. The genomic DNA encoding the precursor of the inhibitor was also amplified using PCR. The genetic structure composed of three exons and three introns, which shared the same organization with the b-Bungarotoxin B chain gene. Moreover, the two genes showed a high degree of sequence identity up to 83%. This observation emphasizes the idea that the B chain of b-Bungarotoxin and protease inhibitor are evolutionarily related.


Panigrahi, Soumya 03 September 2009 (has links)
The non-receptor tyrosine kinase activity of fusion gene BCR-ABL derived oncoproteins is the key factor responsible for development and progress of Philadelphia positive (Ph+) chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). In the search for a superior and novel peptide-based inhibitor of Bcr-Abl, here I investigated a naturally occurring molecule, called apoptin. Apoptin is a 13.6 kDa protein derived from chicken anemia virus (CAV) and known to induce apoptosis in a wide range of transformed but not in primary cells. Apoptin is a protein without any reported structural and/or functional homolog and is an interesting candidate to initiate protein-protein interactions and subsequent downstream effects. Initially by an array-based analysis I found that apoptin interacts with the SH3 domain of Abl. By high stringency pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays the apoptin and Bcr-Abl interaction was further confirmed. Subsequently, a set of apoptin and Bcr-Abl deletion mutants were used to map this interaction precisely that mainly occurred between a proline rich domain of apoptin and the SH3 domain of Bcr-Abl. I further investigated the role of apoptin on Bcr-Abl. Apoptin was able to modify the phosphorylation of a series of targets (e.g. CrkL, STAT5, c-Myc) downstream of Bcr-Abl kinase. In addition, I used computational algorhythms for protein modeling to study the 3D structure of apoptin and it’s docking with Bcr-Abl at the molecular level. In controlled studies using the 2-pheny-laminopyrimidine derived specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor Imatinib® I found that apoptin has comparable effects on CML cells, suggesting that the interacting segment of the apoptin molecule acts as an adaptor and negatively regulates the Bcr-Abl kinase by deactivating many cell proliferation and anti-apoptotic pathways in CML cells. Briefly, this work provides important insights towards the development of peptide based tyrosine kinase inhibitors as new anti-cancer agents.

Development of macrocyclic β-strand calpain cysteine protease inhibitors

Chen, Hongyuan January 2011 (has links)
The work in this thesis reports studies directed to developing a calpain cysteine protease inhibitor that could be of value in slowing cataract development in humans. The work focuses on the development of macrocyclic compounds which can have advantages over acyclic compounds due to their resistance to proteolytic hydrolysis, improved selectivity, bioavailability and membrane permeability. A review of X-ray crystal structures of natural and synthetic calpain inhibitors complexed with the cysteine protease calpain show the inhibitors generally bind in the enzyme active site in an extended β-strand conformation. The calpain inhibitor SJA-6017 has been identified as a suitable lead compound. The importance of the para-fluoro group in SJA-6017 has been investigated. Modifications have been made to constrain this basic structure within a macrocycle and restrict the peptide chain as a β-strand conformation. Macrocycle CAT811 is a potent calpain 1 and 2 inhibitor and shows promise in slowing the progression of cortical cataract in trials with sheep having a hereditary propensity towards the development of cataract. In this thesis I report studies directed to improve the yield of the key RCM macrocyclisation step in the synthesis of aldehyde CAT811 and of three ester analogues (2.1, 2.3 and 2.4). I also report the development of a more commercial route to CAT811 not involving RCM but using intramolecular nucleophilic cyclisation. This intramolecular nucleophilic cyclisation strategy was attempted for the preparation of a histidine containing macrocyclic ester (4.1a) but was unsuccessful. An alternate strategy involving intramolecular lactamization proved successful for the synthesis of histidine-based macrocyclic esters (4.1a-4.3a). Reduction to the corresponding alcohols (4.1b-4.3b) was successful and oxidation of (4.1b and 4.3b) afforded the corresponding aldehydes (4.1c and 4.3c) for biological assay against ovine calpain 2. Aldehyde 4.3c has an IC50 of 1 μM and the corresponding alcohol 4.3b shows no activity (IC50 > 50 μM) consistent with the modelling which indicated that these two compounds did not adopt a β-strand conformation in the docking studies. Aldehyde 4.1c, on the other hand, shows significant inhibitory activity with an IC50 of 238 nM but as expected the corresponding alcohol 4.1b shows little activity (IC50 = 29 μM). Modelling studies showed that both the aldehyde 4.1c and the alcohol 4.1b on docking can form a β-strand with appropriate H-bonding interactions. The aldehyde is more active than the alcohol due to the reactivity of the aldehyde warhead allowing for the reversible formation of a hemiacetal. A similar difference in reactivity is observed for CAT811 (30 nM) and its alcohol analogue (700 nM). These results demonstrate the value of molecular modelling as a screening mechanism before unproductive synthetic work is considered.

The characteristics of endplate ion channel block produced by disopyramide and two erythrina alkaloids

Jones, S. V. P. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

The synthesis of inhibitors specific to hydroxymethyldihydropterin pyrophosphokinase

Stirling, D. M. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

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