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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úrazovost v ledním hokeji v rámci mužských profesionálních soutěží v České republice / Ice Hockey Injuries in the Professional Ice Hockey Leagues in Czech Republic

Šulcová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Title: Ice Hockey Injuries in the Professional Ice Hockey leagues in Czech Republic Objective: The aim of this thesis is to investigate the incidence, types, severity and mechanisms of injury in Czech ice hockey players at the highest competition level during the season 2010/2011. Methods: Data were collected by the non-standardized six-side questionnair from 11 teams in the highest ice hockey league in Czech Republic for season 2010/2011. Findings: There were a total of 559 injuries, 18,4% injuries occured during praktice, 75% during games. The overall game injury rate was 57,4 per 1000 games. The most common injury was laceration in the face. Collision with an oponent, with the boards or fall on ice caused nearly 38% of injuries. As for severity, 45,1% injuries were classified as minor and 14,3% as major injuries. Of the 419 game injuries, 65,2 % occured in forwards, 28,1% in defensemen and 6,7% in goalkeepers. Keywords: ice hockey, injury rate, questionnair

Zhodnocení a analýza úrazů u atletických hodů a vrhů v rámci oficiálních klubů v České republice / Evaluation and Analysis of Injuries in Athletic Throws in Official Clubs in the Czech Republic

Jílková, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
Title: Evaluation and Analysis of Injuries in Athletic Throws in Official Clubs in the Czech Republic Objective: The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the incidence of injury among active athletes involved in official clubs of the Czech Republic. Determine the time of their genesis, frequency of injury, time of healing process and the search of connection between individual disciplines and injuries. Method: The research was performed using non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 15 athletic clubs - Extra League, The First League and The Second League. In total data from 145 athletes were analyzed. For the data analysis was used software Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: The total number of detected accidents was 403 injuries. The results show that the most commonly injured anatomical areas of the body was the ankle joint with 24%. The most common type of injury was soft tissue injuries of the joints of the upper and lower extremities. They make up 65% of all injuries. The most common injuries caused on the competition was injuries of the upper limbs, in the training was the most common injuries of the lower extremities. The largest representation had injuries classified as "medium severe" with continued treatment 8-21 days. Shot put throwers had the most commonly...

Krepšininkų traumų dažnis, priežastys ir specifika priklausomai nuo amžiaus / Basketball players injury frequency, causes and specificity depended on age

Kalnutytė, Indrė 30 June 2011 (has links)
Sportinė trauma – viena iš pagrindinių priežasčių, dėl kurios sportininkas negali dalyvauti treniruotėse, varžybose. Plintant aktyviam gyvenimo būdui, sportinių pažeidimų problema tampa vis aktualesnė ir kasdieniniam gyvenime (Barkauskas, 1995). Traumas sukeliančių mechanizmų ir veiksnių žinojimas leidžia veiksmingiau atlikti profilaktinį darbą. Dėl to labai svarbu į jį įtraukti tyrėjus, trenerius, gydytojus, kurie pasinėrę į sporto traumatizmo problemas (Ренстрём, 2003). Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir palyginti Lietuvos vaikų, jaunių ir didelio meistriškumo krepšinio komandų traumų pasireiškimo dažnį, priežastis ir specifiką priklausomai nuo amžiaus. Tikslui pasiekti įgyvendinome uždavinius, t.y. nustatėme dažniausiai krepšininkų tarpe pasitaikančių traumų priežastis ir traumų dažnį priklausomai nuo amžiaus. Nustatėme traumų specifiką priklausomai nuo amžiaus. Nustatėme kokios yra taikomos prevencinės priemonės sumažinti traumingumui. Atlikus tyrimą priėjome prie išvadų jog dažniausiai pasitaikančios traumos vaikų 10-14 m. (45 proc.) ir jaunių 14-18 m. (45 proc.) yra rankų pirštų traumos, o aukšto meistriškumo krepšininkų tarpe dažniausiai pasitaikanti yra čiurnos trauma (28 proc.). Vaikų komandos vidutiniškai per sezoną patyrė 13 ± 2, jauniai – 14 ± 2 ir aukšto meistriškumo komandos 4 ± 2 traumos per sezoną. Daugiausia sportinių traumų patiriama karjeros pradžioje, vėliau su lyg sportine patirtimi traumų skaičius mažėja. Didelį stažą turintys sportininkai traumas patiria... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sport injury – is one of the main reasons why athlete can not participate in practise or competitions. Sports infringement problem become more acute in daily life (Barkauskas, 1995). Injury causing mechanisms and factors knowledge allows more effectively carry out preventive work. So therefore it is important to include researchers, coaches, doctors, who are immersed in sports injuries issues (Ренстрём, 2003). Aim of the study – to compare Lithuanian children, youth and professional basketball teams injury frequency, causes and specificity depending on age. In order we achieved implementation, i.e.we find out the mostly among common basketball injuries and injury rate depended on age. We found what preventive measures are used. After the research had been made we concluded that the most commin injury in children 10-14 (45 percent) and Junior 14-18 (45 percent) was fingers injury, and in professional basketball players ankel injuries (28 percent) were he most common injury. Children‘s team had a season averge of injuries - 13±2, youth - 14±2 and professional teams - 4±2 innjury during the season. The main causes of children injuries was the lack of warm up (82 percent), youth – body contact (92 percent) and poor condition (91 percent) and for the professional basketball teams body contact (46 percent) was the main causes of injuries. Among children, youth and professional basketball players , during training proces, coaches and physiotherapists focuses on warming up and... [to full text]

L’utilisation des mesures d’exposition dans les études sur la sécurité cycliste : revue de littérature quasi-systématique et démonstration de leur effet sur les résultats d’analyse du risque

Vasil, Pier-Alexandre 12 1900 (has links)
La littérature sur la sécurité cycliste présente des résultats parfois contradictoires, car l’utilisation des mesures d’exposition est peu fréquente. Ce mémoire de maîtrise cherche à décrire les mesures d’exposition et la méthodologie associée dans le calcul du risque de blessures chez les cyclistes dans le contexte québécois, ainsi que montrer l’impact de leur utilisation. D’abord une revue narrative quasi-systématique sur les mesures d’exposition aidant à préciser leur utilisation dans le calcul du taux d’incidence de blessures chez les cyclistes est effectuée en incluant les concepts de sécurité, du vélo et des mesures d’exposition. Puis, des mesures d’exposition sont utilisées pour comparer les taux d’incidence de blessures à vélo obtenus dans deux régions du Québec, soit l’Outaouais et Laval, qui se distinguent considérablement au regard de la proportion de port du casque chez les cyclistes et au regard de la quantité d’infrastructures cyclables totales disponibles. Des taux d’incidence des blessures à la tête et blessures totales chez les cyclistes sont calculés pour ces deux régions en utilisant au dénominateur une mesure de fréquence populationnelle et des mesures d’exposition (distance, déplacements, nombre de cyclistes). Les régions sont comparées entre elles en calculant les ratios de taux d’incidence. Les ratios de taux d’incidence utilisant les mesures de fréquence populationnelle montrent peu de différence pour les blessures chez les cyclistes entre les deux régions, alors que les ratios calculés avec les trois mesures d’exposition montrent la région de Laval comme étant plus à risque. Ceci montre l’impact de l’utilisation des mesures d’exposition dans les études de sécurité cycliste. / Cyclists’ safety literature often presents contradictory findings. Infrequent use of exposure in those studies is one reason why. This work aims to describe how to use exposure variables to calculate cyclists’ injury incidence rate in the province of Quebec. A quasi-systematic narrative review on exposure variable in the context of safety of bicyclists was conducted to guide their use. Then, exposure variables were used to compare the incidence rates of head and total injuries between the regions of Outaouais and Laval. These two regions were chosen because they differ in helmet usage and quantity of cycling infrastructures. Incidence rates for head and total injuries were calculated for both regions by controlling population frequency and three exposure variables (distance, trips and number of cyclists). Both regions were compared with incidence rate ratios. The incidence rate ratios using population frequency showed little to no difference in safety between both regions, while those using exposure variables showed that Laval presented greater risks for cyclists. These results show the importance of using exposure in safety studies for cyclists.

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