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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obstacles to innovation management in SMEs : A case study of Libo Airport

WEI, YI, XU, XIANGYUN January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines innovation, innovation management and the innovation process in SMEs (small and medium enterprises). There are many academic researchers who work on innovation management but there are very few studies on SME innovation management. The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate of the characteristics and obstacles for implementing innovation management in SMEs. The study is limited to the airport industry as an example of a customer service intensive company. By using case study and survey methods, the thesis analysis new trends of airport business and the problems of implementing innovation management in such customer service intensive company. Data was primarily collected through interviews, observations and questionnaires. Secondary data was collected from literary sources in order to provide context and background. The results display the characteristics of SMEs innovation management, which in this case for instance concern limited resources, short-term strategy and flexible administration management. The results also point out the obstacles on SMEs innovation management implementation, for example informal process model, low involvement of employees, limited budgets, slow upgraded technology and low degree of communications.

The adoption of eco-innovations : a study of SMEs in the Scottish food and drink sector

Dakup, Karan January 2018 (has links)
The increasing government and consumer interest in, and growing concerns about environmental issues have pressured businesses to adopt eco-innovative measures and activities. These pressures have been felt particularly by the food and drink sector in Scotland, a sector that is of considerable importance to the Scottish economy. To date, few studies have considered the challenges businesses in this sector face with regard to the adoption of eco-innovations. In particular, there has been little research on the challenges faced by the SMEs in the sector and how they are adopting eco-innovations. This study seeks to address this research gap through utilization of the diffusion of innovation theory to explore the adoption of eco-innovations by the Scottish food and drink SMEs. A qualitative survey of the website of 52 businesses was used to collect data and analysed using content analysis to generate five categories of eco-innovations namely; Waste, Energy, GSCM, Carbon and Embedding. This data collected informed the next phase of the research where in-depth interviews was conducted with 18 businesses to understand their eco-innovation adoption processes. The findings revealed two groups of attitudes among the participants namely; the positive and the sceptics. The main motivators to adoption were found to be; moral principles and beliefs, eco-consumer drive, cost saving, legislation and the creation of jobs and new opportunities. The major barriers to eco-innovation were more profound and found to include; non-recyclable waste, non-compliance by suppliers, cost of adoption, lack of interest, the challenge of finding credible and reliable sources, attitudes and behaviours, and a general lack of education and awareness. Using the categorisation of eco-innovations that emerged from the website data analysis, the research developed a scale of greenness reflecting the adoption of eco-innovation along with a classification of adopter types namely; advanced, intermediate and basic adopters. The thesis contributes to the theory of diffusion by illustrating ways to capture and evidence innovation adoption without dependency on the time element and enabled a classification of eco- innovation adopters. The contribution to methodology is viewed from the application of a qualitative approach that enabled the categorisation of the forms of eco-innovation which resulted in the model depicting eco-innovation adoption and the profiling tool for innovation diffusion. Practical contributions are offered to enable businesses to understand their adoption of eco-innovation through the use of the model, adopter type classification and the application of a best practice guide to facilitate adoption. Recommendations for policy, practice and further areas for research are also proposed within the thesis.

El diseño como motor de innovación e infraestructura para pequeñas y medianas empresas en Chile

Moreno Muñoz, Cristóbal 01 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta investigación mantiene como hipótesis la necesidad de establecer la figura del diseñador como un agente articulador dentro de la empresa capaz de crear pequeñas y grandes innovaciones en toda etapa del proceso empresarial, para facilitar la interacción entre el cliente/usuario y los productos/servicios. Para ello, este estudio busca consolidar el Diseño como motor de la innovación para pequeñas y medianas empresas en Chile a través de una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. Esta noción se apoya en un marco teórico que valida la innovación como la base del crecimiento económico de los emprendimientos. Sin embargo, para llegar a la innovación, es necesario hacer uso del Diseño como herramienta empresarial por sobre una asistencia estética y comunicacional. Con esto en mente, esta investigación presenta una puesta en escena de los elementos que componen el entorno de las actividades de producción, la sociedad y la economía del conocimiento global, y el ecosistema del emprendedor, específicamente, en Chile. También se esclarecen los conceptos del desarrollo sostenible, la innovación, el Diseño y las políticas de fomento del Diseño en Chile. Luego, se realiza un estudio sobre el emprendedurismo en Chile, enfocado en pequeñas y medianas empresas que participan en tres Centros de Desarrollo de Negocios del Servicio de Cooperación Técnica (SERCOTEC), de tres comunas representativas de tres niveles socioeconómicos del país (Estación Central, La Florida, y Ñuñoa), en la ciudad capital de Santiago; el Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social (FOSIS); la Asociación de Emprendedores de Chile (ASECH); y, el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación (MinCiencia), a través de entrevistas a los directores de cada institución y encuestas a emprendedores de los Centros de Desarrollo de Negocios. Los resultados principales de este estudio se dividieron en categorías: perfil del emprendedor, urgencias del emprendimiento, la función del diseño y ecosistema del emprendimiento e innovación. Estas categorías descubrieron que la figura del diseñador suele estar limitada a funciones básicas de estética y comunicación y se conoce muy poco sobre los beneficios empresariales del Diseño. Por ello, es crucial educar y difundir conocimiento en torno al rol del diseñador y su función desde la gestión empresarial del Diseño que lo sitúa más allá del orden creativo en el área formal y artística en una posición estrechamente vinculada al área de la economía. / [CA] This investigation maintains the need to establish the figure of the designer as an articulating agent within in businesses, capable of creating small and large innovations at all stages of the entrepreneurial process, to facilitate the interaction between the client/user and the products/services. To this end, this study seeks to consolidate Design as a driver of innovation for small and medium-sized businesses in Chile through qualitative and quantitative research. This notion is supported by a theoretical framework that validates innovation as the basis for the economic growth of entrepreneurship. However, in order to achieve innovation, it is necessary to make use of Design as a business tool over an aesthetic and communicational assistance. With this in mind, this research presents the current state of the elements that make up the environment of production activities, society and the global knowledge economy, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Chile. It also clarifies the concepts of sustainable development, innovation, design, and design promotion policies in Chile. A study on entrepreneurship in Chile is conducted, focusing on small and medium businesses that participate in three Centers for Business Development (Centros de Desarrollo de Negocios) of the Technical Cooperation Service (Servicio de Cooperación Técnica) of three communes that characterize three distinct socioeconomical levels of the country (Estación Central, La Florida and Ñuñoa), in the capital city of Santiago; the Solidarity and Social Investment Fund (Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversión Social), the Association of Entrepreneurs in Chile; and, the Ministry of Science, Knowledge, Technology and Innovation, through interviews with the directors of each institution and forms to entrepreneurs of the Centers for Business Development. The main results of this study were divided into categories: entrepreneur profile, entrepreneurship urgencies, the role of design, and entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem. These categories found that the figure of the designer is often limited to basic aesthetic and communication functions and very little is known about the business benefits of Design. Therefore, it is crucial to educate and disseminate knowledge on the role of the designer and its function of Design in business management that places him or her beyond the creative role in a formal and artistic area and into position closely linked to the area of economics. / [EN] Aquesta investigació manté com a hipòtesi la necessitat d'establir la figura del dissenyador com un agent articulador dins de l'empresa capaç de crear petites i grans innovacions en tota etapa del procés empresarial, per a facilitar la interacció entre el client/usuari i els productes/serveis. Per a això, aquest estudi busca consolidar el Disseny com a motor de la innovació per a petites i mitjanes empreses a Xile a través d'una investigació qualitativa i quantitativa. Aquesta noció es recolza en un marc teòric que valguda la innovació com la base del creixement econòmic de les emprenedories. No obstant això, per a arribar a la innovació, és necessari fer ús del Disseny com a eina empresarial per sobre una assistència estètica i comunicacional. Amb això en ment, aquesta investigació presenta una posada en escena dels elements que componen l'entorn de les activitats de producció, la societat i l'economia del coneixement global, i l'ecosistema de l'emprenedor, específicament, a Xile. També s'esclareixen els conceptes del desenvolupament sostenible, la innovació, el Disseny i les polítiques de foment del Disseny a Xile. Després, es realitza un estudi sobre l'emprenedoria a Xile, enfocat en petites i mitjanes empreses que participen en tres Centres de Desenvolupament de Negocis del Servei de Cooperació Tècnica (SERCOTEC), de tres comunes representatives de tres nivells socioeconòmics del país (Estació Central, La Florida, i Ñuñoa), a la ciutat capital de Santiago; el Fons de Solidaritat i Inversió Social (FOSIS); l'Associació d'Emprenedors de Xile (ASECH); i, el Ministeri de Ciència, Tecnologia, Coneixement i Innovació (MinCiencia), a través d'entrevistes als directors de cada institució i enquestes a emprenedors dels Centres de Desenvolupament de Negocis. Els resultats principals d'aquest estudi es van dividir en categories: perfil de l'emprenedor, urgències de l'emprenedoria, la funció del disseny i ecosistema de l'emprenedoria i innovació. Aquestes categories van descobrir que la figura del dissenyador sol estar limitada a funcions bàsiques d'estètica i comunicació i es coneix molt poc sobre els beneficis empresarials del Disseny. Per això, és crucial educar i difondre coneixement entorn del rol del dissenyador i la seua funció des de la gestió empresarial del Disseny que el situa més enllà de l'ordre creatiu en l'àrea formal i artística en una posició estretament vinculada a l'àrea de l'economia. / Moreno Muñoz, C. (2022). El diseño como motor de innovación e infraestructura para pequeñas y medianas empresas en Chile [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182166

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