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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consequences of the thermal effects generated during fatigue crack growth on the mode one stress intensity factor / Consequences of the thermal effects generated during fatigue crack growth on the mode one stress intensity factor

Boussattine, Zaid 12 November 2018 (has links)
Lors du chargement cyclique d’une pièce métallique fissurée, un champ de température hétérogène est créé à la pointe de la fissure. Ce champ de température est dû à trois types de sources de chaleur : (i) la première source est une source de couplage thermoélastique liée à la partie hydrostatique du tenseur des contraintes résultant de la sollicitation mécanique cyclique. Elle fluctue périodiquement dans le temps et l’énergie qui lui est associée est nulle à la fin de chaque cycle de chargement ; (ii) la deuxième source de chaleur est une source dissipative et intrinsèque au comportement du matériau. Elle est reliée au phénomène de l’auto-échauffement dû à la microplasticité dissipée en chaleur dans le matériau à l’échelle microscopique. Elle est positive et s’accumule dans le temps ; (iii) enfin, la troisième source de chaleur a les mêmes origines et propriétés que la deuxième source, mais elle est associée à la plasticité, à l’échelle macroscopique, qui se dissipe en chaleur dans la zone de plasticité cyclique à la pointe de la fissure. En présence de ces trois sources de chaleur, le champ de température résultant génère un champ de contrainte dû au phénomène de la dilatation thermique. Ce nouveau champ des contraintes s’ajoute au champ des contraintes dû au chargement mécanique cyclique, et donc l’état des contraintes sur la fissure est modifié. En conséquence, le facteur d’intensité des contraintes, qui est un paramètre clé dans la modélisation de la propagation des fissures, est modifié. D’où l’objectif de cette thèse qui vise à quantifier les conséquences de ces trois sources de chaleur sur le facteur d’intensité des contraintes, et ce dans le cas d’une fissure longue de fatigue. / By subjecting a cracked specimen to a cyclic loading, thermal effects take place and create a heterogeneous temperature field around the crack tip. Those thermal effects are associated with coupling and dissipative heat sources, namely: (i) the heat source due to thermoelastic coupling generated by the hydrostatic part of the stress tensor related to cyclic mechanical loading; (ii) the heat source due to intrinsic dissipation associated with the self-heating phenomena originating from plasticity at the microscopic scale; (iii) and the heat source due to cyclic plasticity, at the macroscopic scale, which occurs in the reverse cyclic plastic zone ahead of the crack tip, and dissipates into heat. The overall heterogeneous temperature field resulting from the heat sources induces a heterogeneous stress field due to thermal expansion phenomena. As a consequence, the stress state over the crack is modified and leads to modify the stress intensity factor, which is a key parameter in modeling fatigue crack growth. Therefore, the aim of this PhD thesis is to quantify the consequences of the heat sources on the stress intensity factor, in the case of a long propagating fatigue crack.

Corrosão sob tensão de um aço inoxidável austenítico em soluções aquosas contendo cloretos / Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel in chlorides environments

Mariano, Neide Aparecida 20 February 1997 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de um aço inoxidável austenítico do sistema Fe-Cr-Mn-N, nas condições como recebido, solubilizado e sensitizado, quando submetidos à meios contendo cloretos. Para analisar a suscetibilidade à corrosão sob tensão foram utilizados corpos de prova dos tipos DCB (\"Double Cantilever Beam\") e C(T) (\"Compact- Tension\"), pré-trincados em fadiga, com entalhes laterais e carregados com cunhas. Os meios empregados foram as soluções aquosas 45% em peso de MgCl2 na temperatura de ebulição de 154°C, água do mar sintética na temperatura ambiente e de ebulição de 100°C e 3,5% em peso de NaCI na temperatura ambiente. A suscetibilidade à corrosão sob tensão foi avaliada em termos do fator limite de intensidade de tensão, KISCC, e foram caracterizados os aspectos fractográficos dos corpos de prova em que ocorreram propagação de trinca por corrosão sob tensão. Foi verificado que apenas os corpos de prova do aço E3949 nas condições como recebido e sensitizado, foram suscetíveis à corrosão sob tensão em solução aquosa de 45% em peso de MgCl2 na temperatura de ebulição. Também foi determinado o comportamento eletroquímico do material nas condições citadas acima com relação aos meios empregados. Os resultados das curvas de polarização obtidas mostraram que o material apresenta baixa resistência à corrosão, principalmente em meios de MgCl2. / The present work studies the stress corrosion cracking behavior in austenitic Fe-Cr-Mn-N stainless steel, in as received, solubilized and sensitized conditions, when submited to several chlorides environments. To evalued the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility, DCB (\"Double Cantilcver Beam\") and C(T) (\"Compact- Tension\") specimens, fatigue precracked, side grooved and wedge loaded were used. The environments employed were boiling solution of 45 wt% of MgCl2 at 154ºC, synthetic sea water at room and 100°C temperatures, and a solution with 3,5 wt% of NaCI at room temperature. The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking has been evaluated in terms of the threshold stress intensity factor, KISCC, and the fracture surface appearance of those specimens whose the crack propagation took place was characterized. The results showed that only the specimens in the as received and sensitized conditions, were suceptible to the stress corrosion cracking effect in the solution with 45 wt% of MgCl2 at the boilling temperature. Also, it has been verified the electrochemical behavior of this steel when submited in the above environments. The results of polarization curves showed that the material presents low corrosion strength, mainly in MgCl2 environments.

Um novo algoritmo para modelagem de mecânica da fratura usando o método dos elementos de contorno. / A novel algorithm fot the modeling of fracture mechanics using the boundary element method.

Nunes, Marina Rocha Pinto Portela 04 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da análise de problemas da Mecânica da Fratura Elástica Linear (MFEL) utilizando o Método dos Elementos de Contorno (MEC). Esse método constitui uma poderosa e precisa técnica de análise numérica. A necessidade da discretização somente do contorno do modelo é um dos grandes atrativos do MEC. Na Mecânica da Fratura, o MEC é adequado pela própria natureza de sua formulação, a qual está baseada em soluções fundamentais. Dentre os parâmetros da MFEL, destaca-se o Fator de Intensidade de Tensão (FIT). No presente desenvolvimento, esse parâmetro é analisado numericamente pela técnica da correlação dos deslocamentos e por uma técnica alternativa a qual emprega o campo de tensões presente na extremidade da trinca. A direção do crescimento da trinca é analisada por meio do critério da Máxima Tensão Circunferencial. Os resultados obtidos são comparados à solução analítica e a outros resultados encontrados na literatura. / This work deals with the analysis of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) problems using the Boundary Element Method (BEM). This method is a powerful and accurate technique of numerical analysis. The need of discretization only of the boundary of the model is one of the major advantageous features of the BEM. In Fracture Mechanics, the BEM is adequate due to its intrinsic formulation, which is based on fundamental solutions. In the LEFM, the Stress Intensity Factors (SIF) is one of the most important parameters. In the present study, this parameter is numerically analyzed by the correlation displacement technique and by an alternative technique which considers the stress field at the crack tip. The direction of the crack growth is analyzed using the criterion of Maximum Circumferential Stress. The results are compared to the analytical solution and to other results of literature.

Failure of Sandwich Structures with Sub-Interface Damage

Shipsha, Andrey January 2001 (has links)
No description available.


來海, 博央, KIMACHI, Hirohisa, 田中, 拓, TANAKA, Hiroshi, 田中, 啓介, TANAKA, Keisuke, 吉田, 康一, YOSHIDA, Koichi 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Development Of A New Method For Mode I Fracture Toughness Test On Disc Type Rock Specimens

Alkilicgil, Cigdem 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
A new testing method was introduced and developed to determine Mode I fracture toughness of disc type rock specimens. The new method was named as Straight Notched Disc Bending and it uses disc specimens under three-point bending. 3D Numerical modeling was carried out with a finite element program ABAQUS to find stress intensity factors for both well-known Semi-circular Bending specimen models and Straight Notched Disc Bending specimen models for varying disc geometries. Both specimen types included notches where a crack front is introduced at the tip of the notch to compute the stress intensity factors. For stress intensity analysis, crack front-upper loading point distance and span length between the two roller supports at the bottom boundary of the specimens were changed. Fracture toughness testing was carried on Ankara G&ouml / lbaSi pink colored andesite for both specimen types / crack front-upper loading point distance and span length between the two roller supports at the bottom boundary of the specimens were changed during the tests. For both specimen geometries, notch lengths changing from 5 mm to 20 mm were used. For each notch length, two different roller supports with span lengths 60 mm and 70 mm were used. For both methods, fracture toughness values determined by using numerically computed stress intensity factors and failure loads obtained from the experiments were very close / the new method was verified by comparing the results. The new method had advantages of lower confining pressure at the crack front and lower stress intensities with a possible smaller crack tip plasticity region.

Development Of Specimen Geometries For Mode I Fracture Toughness Testing With Disc Type Rock Specimens

Alkilicgil, Cigdem 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Flattened Brazilian disc and modified ring test methods are attractive methods being simpler compared to the other mode I fracture toughness testing methods on rock cores. The aim of this study is to improve these simple methods to yield fracture toughness values that are close to the ones determined by the suggested methods. ABAQUS finite element program was used to determine stress intensity factors of models with various dimensions. Comparing fracture toughness to the results obtained by semicircular bending method tests (0.94 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for andesite and 0.56 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for marble) and the cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc method tests (1.45 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for andesite and 1.08 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for marble), proper geometrical parameters were investigated by changing diameter, central-hole diameter, and loading angle of Ankara andesite and Afyon marble specimens. Semicircular bending method results were lower than the cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc method results. With flattened Brazilian disc method, the closest results (1.45 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for andesite and 1.12 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for marble) to the suggested method was obtained by 54 mm diameter discs with loading angles between 32.5&deg / and 38.0&deg / and with thicknesses between 19 mm and 34 mm. With modified ring test on andesite, the closest results to the suggested method was obtained by 75 mm diameter discs with 8 mm central-hole diameter and 25&deg / loading angle (1.47 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for andesite and 1.07 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for marble), and with 14 mm central-hole diameter and 16&deg / loading angle (1.50 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for andesite and 1.05 MPa&amp / #8730 / m for marble).


來海, 博央, KIMACHI, Hirohisa, 田中, 拓, TANAKA, Hiroshi, 佐藤, 敏弘, SATOH, Toshihiro, 田中, 啓介, TANAKA, Keisuke 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Failure of Sandwich Structures with Sub-Interface Damage

Shipsha, Andrey January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

BEM solutions for linear elastic and fracture mechanics problems with microstructural effects / Επίλυση προβλημάτων γραμμικής ελαστικότητας και θραυστομηχανικής σε υλικά με μικροδομή με τη μέθοδο συνοριακών στοιχείων

Καρλής, Γεράσιμος 02 November 2009 (has links)
During this thesis, a Boundary Element Method (BEM) has been developed for the solution of static linear elastic problems with microstructural effects in two (2D) and three dimensions (3D).The second simplified form of Mindlin's Generalized Gradient Elasticity Theory (Mindlin's Form II)has been employed. The fundamental solution of the 4th order partial differential equation, that describes the aforementioned theory, has been derived and the integral equations that govern Mindlin's Form II Gradient Elasticity Theory have been obtained. Furthermore, a BEM formulation has been developed and specific Boundary Value Problems (BVPs) were solved numerically and compared with the corresponding analytical solutions to verify the correctness of the formulation and demonstrate its accuracy. Moreover, two new partially discontinuous boundary elements with variable order of singularity, a line and a quadrilateral element, have been developed for the solution of fracture mechanics problems. The calculation of the unknown fields near the crack tip (or front) demanded the use of elements that could interpolate abruptly varying fields. The new elements were created in a way that their interpolation functions were no longer quadratic but their behavior depended on the order of singularity of each field. Finally, the Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) of the crack has been calculated with high accuracy, based on the element's nodal traction values. Static fracture mechanics problems for Mode I and Mixed Mode (I & II) cracks, have been solved in 2D and 3D and the corresponding SIFs have been obtained, in the context of both classical and Form II Gradient Elasticity theories. / Κατά τη διάρκεια της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής, αναπτύχθηκε Μέθοδος Συνοριακών Στοιχείων (ΜΣΣ) για την επίλυση στατικών προβλημάτων ελαστικότητας με επιδράσεις μικροδομής σε δύο και τρεις διαστάσεις. Η θεωρία στην οποία εφαρμόστηκε η ΜΣΣ είναι η δεύτερη απλοποιημένη μορφή της γενικευμένης θεωρίας ελαστικότητας του Mindlin. Για τη συγκεκριμένη θεωρία ευρέθη η θεμελιώδης της μερικής διαφορικής εξίσωσης 4ης τάξης που περιγράφει τη συμπεριφορά των συγκεκριμένων υλικών και κατασκευών. Επίσης διατυπώθηκε η ολοκληρωτική εξίσωση των αντίστοιχων προβλημάτων και έγινε η αριθμητική εφαρμογή μέσω της ΜΣΣ. Επιλύθηκα αριθμητικά συγκεκριμένα προβλήματα συνοριακών τιμών και έγινε σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων με τα αντίστοιχα θεωρητικά. Στη συνέχεια αναπτύχθηκαν δύο νέα ασυνεχή στοιχεία μεταβλητής τάξης ιδιομορφίας με σκοπό την επίλυση προβλημάτων θραυστομηχανικής, ένα για δισδιάστατα και ένα για τρισδιάστατα προβλήματα. Συγκεκριμένα, επειδή τα πεδία των τάσεων απειρίζονται στην κορυφή μιας ρωγμής και περιέχουν συγκεκριμένων τύπων ιδιομορφίες δεν ήταν δυνατός ο ακριβής υπολογισμός των πεδίων αυτών κοντά στη ρωγμή με τα συνήθη τετραγωνικά συνοριακά στοιχεία. Ως εκ τούτου τα νέα στοιχεία κατασκευάστηκαν με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε οι συναρτήσεις παρεμβολής τους να μην είναι τετραγωνικες, αλλά να εξαρτώνται από τον τύπο ιδιομορφίας του κάθε πεδίου. Έπειτα, έγινε ακριβής υπολογισμός του συντελεστή έντασης τάσης της ρωγμής με βάση τις τιμές του πεδίου των τάσεων κοντά σε αυτή. Τέλος επιλύθηκαν στατικά προβλήματα θραυστομηχανικής σε δύο και τρεις διαστάσεις και υπολογίστηκαν οι συντελεστές έντασης τάσης για ρωγμές σε υλικά με επίδραση μικροδομής.

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