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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des mécanismes d’action de l’anticorps anti-CTLA4 et de leurs liens avec le microbiote intestinal / Study of Anti-CTLA4 Antibody Mechanisms of Action and their Association with the Gut Microbiota

Vétizou, Marie 08 July 2015 (has links)
Le CTLA4 permet de maintenir la tolérance du soi et prévient le développement d’auto-immunités. Contenu au sein de vésicules intra-cytoplasmiques des lymphocytes T au repos, le CTLA4 est exprimé à la membrane plasmique suite à l’activation du TCR, on le qualifie de rétrocontrôle inhibiteur du système immunitaire (ICB). L’anticorps bloquant le CTLA4, l’ipilimumab induit un contrôle immunitaire à long terme chez une fraction de patients atteints de mélanomes métastatiques. Deux études cliniques de phase III ont conduit à son autorisation de mise sur le marché dans le traitement du mélanome métastatique par la FDA et l’EMA en 2011. Cependant le blocage du CTLA4 est souvent associé au développement d’effets indésirables liés à l’immunité, irAEs, majoritairement au niveau de la peau et de l’intestin, deux sites colonisés par la flore microbienne. Afin de continuer le développement des ICB et des combinaisons de traitements, de nombreux efforts visent à découpler l’efficacité anti-tumorale de la toxicité associée à l’anti-CTLA4. Bien que la stimulation du système immunitaire soit responsable des effets thérapeutiques de l’anti-CTLA4, aucun biomarqueur immunologique d’efficacité n’a été décrit. Dans notre première étude nous avons étudié le mécanisme d’action de l’anti-CTLA4 et nous avons décrit un rôle de l’IL-2 et de ses récepteurs dans l’activité anti-tumorale de l’anticorps. Nous avons également décrit la fraction soluble du récepteur à l’IL-2, le sCD25 comme un biomarqueur potentiel de résistance au traitement. Une concentration élevée de sCD25 dans le sérum des patients atteints de mélanome prédit la résistance à l’ipilimumab. Dans notre second projet, nous avons révélé le rôle du microbiote intestinale et particulièrement de bactéries Gram négatives, des Bacteroides, dans l’efficacité anti-tumorale de l’anti-CTLA4. L’absence d’efficacité du blocage du CTLA4 chez les animaux dépourvus de flore intestinale peut être rétablie par l’administration de Bacteroides fragilis, ou bien de DC, ou encore de lymphocytes T spécifiques de B. fragilis, sans déclencher de colites. Ces travaux suggèrent de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour espérer améliorer la balance bénéfice / toxicité / coût de l’ipilimumab. / CTLA4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4, which is present in the intracytoplasmic vesicles of resting T cells, is upregulated at the surface of activated T cells where it maintains self-tolerance and prevents autoimmunity. The CTLA4-blocking antibody, ipilimumab, induces immune-mediated long term control of metastatic melanoma in a fraction of patients, leading to its approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medical Agency (EMA) in 2011 for the treatment of advanced metastatic melanoma. However, blockade of CTLA4 by ipilimumab often results in immune-related adverse events (irAEs) at sites that are exposed to commensal flora, namely the gut and the skin. Uncoupling efficacy from toxicity is a challenge for the development of immune checkpoint blockers and therapeutic combinations. Although ipilimumab undoubtedly exerts its therapeutic effects via immunostimulation, relevant immune biomarkers that predict treatment efficiency remain elusive. Firstly, we unravel a role for IL-2 and IL-2 receptors in the anticancer activity of CTLA-4 blockade. Importantly, our study provides an immunologically relevant biomarker, elevated serum sCD25, which predicts resistance to CTLA-4 blockade in patients with melanoma. Secondly, we show that the antitumor effects of CTLA4 blockade depend upon intestinal Gram-negative bacteria, mostly Bacteroides species. These bacteria accumulate at the bottom of the intestinal crypts and elicit an IL-12-dependent Th1 immune response specific for distinct Bacteroides species, both in tumor bearing mice and in cancer patients. CTLA4 blockade lost its anticancer efficacy in antibiotic-treated or germ-free mice. This defect could be overcome by oral administration of Bacteroides fragilis (Bf), immunization with Bf polysaccharides, or adoptive transfer of Bf-specific T cells, all of which in the absence of colitis. Our study unravels the key role of Bacteroides in the immunostimulatory effects of CTLA4 blockade, suggesting novel strategies for safely broadening its clinical use

Uso de IL-2 humana recombinante em pacientes com imunodeficiência comum variável / Use of recombinant human IL-2 in patients with common variable immunodeficiency

Narciso, João Henrique Fagundes Bastos 06 May 2008 (has links)
Na imunodeficiência comum variável (ICV) têm sido descritas alterações de linfócitos T, incluindo a produção diminuída da interleucina-2 (IL-2). Desde que a IL-2 pode promover a produção de imunoglobulinas in vitro, nosso principal objetivo foi investigar os efeitos in vivo do tratamento com IL-2 recombinante (IL-2r) em pacientes com ICV. Foram selecionados 4 pacientes que apesar de tratamento adequado com imunoglobulina EV apresentavam infecções recorrentes. Após um período de observação de 12 meses, os pacientes receberam doses crescentes de IL-2r durante 16 semanas com reposição de imunoglobulina apenas se a IgG sérica atingisse níveis menores do que 400mg/dL. A seguir, permaneceram em observação por mais 12 meses recebendo imunoglobulina . A gravidade das infecções foi avaliada segundo um \"score\" numa escala de 3 a 10. A avaliação in vitro incluiu: quantificação dos níveis de IgG, IgA e IgM séricas; resposta linfoproliferativa à PHA; populações linfocitárias CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ e CD25+ no sangue periférico. As reações adversas à IL-2r foram leves e localizadas. Houve redução aparente do número e gravidade das infecções durante os 12 meses subseqüentes ao término da IL-2r. Os níveis da IgG sérica e das células CD4+, CD8+ e CD19+ mantiveram-se estáveis durante todo o estudo. Em 3 pacientes houve relação entre melhora clínica e aumento da proporção de linfócitos T CD25+. Isto permite supor que a remissão de infecções em alguns pacientes com ICV , sob terapêutica com IL-2r associada ou não à imunoglobulina EV, esteja parcialmente relacionada à melhora da imunidade celular. Adicionalmente, nossos dados indicam que a IL-2r pode ser utilizada de modo seguro nas dosagens e período utilizados como terapêutica adjuvante em alguns pacientes com ICV que apresentam infecções recorrentes e má resposta terapêutica à imunoglobulina endovenosa / In Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) T cell function may be impaired and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production diminished. Since IL-2 stimulates immunoglobulin production in vitro, the aim of this study was to determine the in vivo effects of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) in patients with CVID. We selected four CVID patients, who despite intravenous immunoglobulin infusion (IVIG) had recurrent infections. After a twelve-month run-in period, escalating dosages of rIL-2 were administered during 16 weeks, during which rescue IVIG treatment was performed whenever serum IgG levels dropped below 400 mg/dL. During follow-up (12 months), patients were observed and treated with IVIG. Infection severity was assessed using a 3 to 10 infection score. In vitro analysis included: measurement of serum levels of IgG, IgA and IgM; lymphocyte proliferative responses to phytohaemaglutinin (PHA); CD4+, CD8+,CD19+ and CD25+ lymphocyte populations in peripheral blood. Few local side-effects were observed in 2 patients. In the follow-up period after rIL-2 treatment, patients experienced reduction of the number and severity of infections. Levels of serum IgG, CD4+, CD8+ and CD19+ were stable throughout the study. In 3 patients we observed a relation between improvement of clinical parameters and number of T CD25+ cells. These findings suggest that remission of infections in some CVID patients treated with rIL-2, in combination or not with IVIG is, in part, associated with the improvement of cell immunity. Additionally, our results indicate that rIL-2 administration is safe and may serve as adjuvant therapy in some CVID patients with recurrent infections and poor response to IVIG treatment

Das pH-regulierte Protein 1 (Pra1) von \(Candida\) \(albicans\) moduliert CD4\(^+\) T-Zell-Antworten der Maus in vitro durch direkte Bindung an die T-Zell-Oberfläche / The pH-regulated protein 1 (Pra1) of \(Candida\) \(albicans\) modulates mouse CD4\(^+\) T cell responses in vitro by directly binding to the T cell surface

Bergfeld, Arne January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Infektionen durch C. albicans auf den Schleimhäuten sind eine häufige Erkrankung bei Patienten mit einer Schwächung der T-Zellimmunität. Blutstrominfektionen mit der Hefe C. albicans (Candidämie) stellen, vor allem bei Patienten auf Intensivstationen, eine nach wie vor bedrohliche Komplikation mit hoher Letalität dar. Das pH-regulierte Antigen 1 (Pra1) ist ein Protein, das von C. albicans produziert wird, auf der Oberfläche des Pilzes gebunden vorkommt und auch vom Pilz in den Überstand sezerniert wird. Im humanen System bindet das Protein an T-Zellen an das Oberflächenprotein CD46. Es ist des Weiteren bekannt, dass das Pra1 an bestimmte Immunzellen der Maus (Monozyten und Phagozyten) binden kann. Eine Bindung an T-Zellen der Maus ist bisher nicht beschrieben. Eine genaue Charakterisierung der Interaktion von Pra1 mit Immunzellen der Maus ist interessant, da die Maus als biologischer Modellorganismus zur Erforschung der Infektion mit C. albicans dient. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass rekombinantes Pra1 (rPra1) auch an Maus-CD4+ T-Zellen binden kann. Es wurden Einflussfaktoren auf die gefundene Bindung von Pra1 an CD4+ T- Zellen gesucht. Als ein Einflussfaktor wurde Zink identifiziert. Pra1 kann an freies Zink binden und durch Zugabe von ZnCl2 während der Inkubation von Pra1 mit T-Zellen kann das Signal von gebundenem Pra1 an CD4+ T-Zellen erhöht werden. Aspf2, ein Protein aus Aspergillus fumigatus mit großer Homologie zu Pra1, kann nicht an diese Zellen binden. Im in-vivo-Experiment mit Tieren, die mit C. albicans infiziert wurden, konnte kein wildtypisches sezerniertes Pra1 gebunden an T-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Zellkulturüberstände von C. albicans zeigten nach Inkubation in vitro mit T-Zellen ein Signal für gebundenes Pra1 an CD4+ T-Zellen. Die Bindungskinetik von Pra1 an T-Zellen zeigte eine über die Zeit der Inkubation konstante Zunahme des Signals von zellgebundenem rPra1 an CD4+ T-Zellen. In der off-Kinetik fand sich eine Abnahme des Signals über die Zeit bis an die Grenze der Nachweisbarkeit. Der Bindungspartner von Pra1 auf T-Zellen konnte nicht identifiziert werden. Die strukturell und funktionell verwandten Oberflächenproteine Crry, CD59a und CD55 wurden auf Bindungsfähigkeit an T-Zellen in entsprechenden Knockout- Mäusen getestet, konnten jedoch als Rezeptor für Pra1 ausgeschlossen werden. Durch die Bindung von sezerniertem Pra1 an neutrophile Granulozyten wird die Fähigkeit dieser Zellen zur Phagozytose eingeschränkt. Die Bindung von Pra1 an CD4+ T-Zellen führt zur Kostimulation der T-Zellen, also zur verstärkten Zellaktivierung und Proliferation. Durch die Zugabe von 10 μM Zinkchlorid wird die kostimulatorische Aktivität von Pra1 verstärkt. Während der Zellaktivierung von Effektor-Memory-CD4+ T-Zellen reduziert rPra1 die Sekretion von IFN-γ. Diese Reduktion von IFN-γ-produzierenden Zellen entsteht nicht durch einen Einfluss von Pra1 während der Zellaktivierung von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen zu Th1-Zellen und auch nicht durch die Auslösung von Apoptose in IFN-γ-produzierenden Th1-Zellen. Die Bindung von Pra1 an CD4+- T-Zellen, die über den T-Zell-Rezeptor aktiviert werden, reduziert in vitro die Sekretion des Zytokins. Zusätzlich werden weitere Zytokine in ihrer sezernierten Menge reduziert wie IL-2 und TNF-α. / Infections caused by C. albicans on mucosal surfaces are a common disease in patients suffering from suppression of the T cell immune defense. Blood stream infections by the yeast C. albicans (candedemia) represent still a severe complication in patients in intensive care units with high rates of lethality. The pH-regulated antigen 1 (Pra1) is a protein produced by C. albicans which is present on the surface of the fungi and is secreted into the supernatant of fungal cultures as well. Pra1 can bind to human T cells via the surface protein CD46. It is known, that this protein can also bind to certain immune cells of mice (monocytes and phagocytes). Binding to T cells of mice is not yet known. A characterization of the interaction of Pra1 with immune cells of mice would be valuable, because mice act as a biological model system for the investigation of infections with C. albicans. In this paper, it could be shown that recombinant Pra1 (rPra1) can bind to mouse CD4+ T cells as well. After the finding that rPra1 can bind to CD4+ T cells, different parameters determining this binding have been studied. Zinc was found to be one influencing factor on the binding. Pra1 can bind free zinc ions and by the addition of ZnCl2 while incubating T cells with Pra1 the signal of bound Pra1 to CD4+ T cells could be increased. Aspf2, a protein from Aspergillus fumigatus with high homology to Pra1, was not able to bind to these cells. In in-vivo-experiments with animals infected with C. albicans, no wild-typic secreted Pra1 was found bound to T cells. Supernatant from C. albicans cultures produced, after incubation in vitro, a signal for cell-bound Pra1 on CD4+ T cells. Kinetics of the binding of rPra1 to T cells showed a constant increase of signal over the time of incubation. The off-kinetics revealed a decrease of cell-bound rPra1 over time to the edge of detectability. The receptor of Pra1 on T cells has not been identified yet. The structurally and functionally comparable surface proteins Crry, CD59a and CD55 were tested in knockout mice for each of these proteins and could be excluded as possible receptors. After binding of secreted Pra1 to neutrophilic granulocytes these cells experience a decreased capacity to phagocytose pathogens. The binding of Pra1 to CD4+ T cells leads to a costimulation of T cells, which results in increased cell activation and proliferation. This costimulatory capacity of Pra1 can be augmented by adding 10 μM zinc chloride. During activation of naïve CD4+ T cells Pra1 reduces the secretion of IFN-γ. The reduction of IFN-γ-producing cells is not due to an influence of Pra1 during cell activation of naive CD4+ T cells to Th1 cells and is also not due to induction of apoptosis in IFN-γ-producing Th1 cells. The binding of Pra1 to ex-vivo isolated CD4+ T cells reduces the in vitro secretion of IFN-γ after stimulating these cells via their T cell receptor. Additionally, the secretion of IL-2 and TNF-α was reduced.

Defensins and cytokines in inflammatory bowel disease /

Rahman, Arman, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Genetic modification of human natural killer cells and possible applications thereof /

Konstantinidis, Kyriakos, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Ikaros affects the expression of the interleukin-2 receptor beta chain and lymphoid cell potential /

Tucker, Sean Newton. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2000. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-79).

Uso de IL-2 humana recombinante em pacientes com imunodeficiência comum variável / Use of recombinant human IL-2 in patients with common variable immunodeficiency

João Henrique Fagundes Bastos Narciso 06 May 2008 (has links)
Na imunodeficiência comum variável (ICV) têm sido descritas alterações de linfócitos T, incluindo a produção diminuída da interleucina-2 (IL-2). Desde que a IL-2 pode promover a produção de imunoglobulinas in vitro, nosso principal objetivo foi investigar os efeitos in vivo do tratamento com IL-2 recombinante (IL-2r) em pacientes com ICV. Foram selecionados 4 pacientes que apesar de tratamento adequado com imunoglobulina EV apresentavam infecções recorrentes. Após um período de observação de 12 meses, os pacientes receberam doses crescentes de IL-2r durante 16 semanas com reposição de imunoglobulina apenas se a IgG sérica atingisse níveis menores do que 400mg/dL. A seguir, permaneceram em observação por mais 12 meses recebendo imunoglobulina . A gravidade das infecções foi avaliada segundo um \"score\" numa escala de 3 a 10. A avaliação in vitro incluiu: quantificação dos níveis de IgG, IgA e IgM séricas; resposta linfoproliferativa à PHA; populações linfocitárias CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ e CD25+ no sangue periférico. As reações adversas à IL-2r foram leves e localizadas. Houve redução aparente do número e gravidade das infecções durante os 12 meses subseqüentes ao término da IL-2r. Os níveis da IgG sérica e das células CD4+, CD8+ e CD19+ mantiveram-se estáveis durante todo o estudo. Em 3 pacientes houve relação entre melhora clínica e aumento da proporção de linfócitos T CD25+. Isto permite supor que a remissão de infecções em alguns pacientes com ICV , sob terapêutica com IL-2r associada ou não à imunoglobulina EV, esteja parcialmente relacionada à melhora da imunidade celular. Adicionalmente, nossos dados indicam que a IL-2r pode ser utilizada de modo seguro nas dosagens e período utilizados como terapêutica adjuvante em alguns pacientes com ICV que apresentam infecções recorrentes e má resposta terapêutica à imunoglobulina endovenosa / In Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) T cell function may be impaired and interleukin-2 (IL-2) production diminished. Since IL-2 stimulates immunoglobulin production in vitro, the aim of this study was to determine the in vivo effects of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) in patients with CVID. We selected four CVID patients, who despite intravenous immunoglobulin infusion (IVIG) had recurrent infections. After a twelve-month run-in period, escalating dosages of rIL-2 were administered during 16 weeks, during which rescue IVIG treatment was performed whenever serum IgG levels dropped below 400 mg/dL. During follow-up (12 months), patients were observed and treated with IVIG. Infection severity was assessed using a 3 to 10 infection score. In vitro analysis included: measurement of serum levels of IgG, IgA and IgM; lymphocyte proliferative responses to phytohaemaglutinin (PHA); CD4+, CD8+,CD19+ and CD25+ lymphocyte populations in peripheral blood. Few local side-effects were observed in 2 patients. In the follow-up period after rIL-2 treatment, patients experienced reduction of the number and severity of infections. Levels of serum IgG, CD4+, CD8+ and CD19+ were stable throughout the study. In 3 patients we observed a relation between improvement of clinical parameters and number of T CD25+ cells. These findings suggest that remission of infections in some CVID patients treated with rIL-2, in combination or not with IVIG is, in part, associated with the improvement of cell immunity. Additionally, our results indicate that rIL-2 administration is safe and may serve as adjuvant therapy in some CVID patients with recurrent infections and poor response to IVIG treatment

Efeito dos ácidos graxos sobre a via de sinalização da interleucina-2 em linfócitos humanos. / Regulation of IL-2 signaling by fatty acids in human lymphocytes.

Renata Gorjão 19 May 2008 (has links)
Neste estudo investigamos os efeitos dos ácidos graxos sobre a função e sinalização intracelular de linfócitos humanos. Os ácidos oléico (OA) e linoléico (LA), em baixas concentrações, estimularam a proliferação celular induzida pela IL-2 através do aumento da fosforilação da proteína PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z que levou a um aumento da fosforilação de ERK 1/2. Já os ácidos palmítico (PA), esteárico (SA), DHA e EPA diminuíram a proliferação destas células e inibiram a fosforilação de JAK1 e 3, STAT5, ERK e Akt. Os resultados obtidos são sugestivos de que o efeito inibitório promovido por PA, SA, DHA e EPA sobre a proliferação de linfócitos ocorreu devido à diminuição da fosforilação de proteínas fundamentais para a proliferação celular. Por outro lado, OA e LA estimularam a proliferação de linfócitos aumentando a fosforilação de ERK 1/2 através da ativação de PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z, efeito dependente da PI3K. O efeito inibitório promovido pelo DHA está associado a uma alteração na quantidade de lipid rafts na membrana plasmática nos quais o receptor de IL-2 está localizado. / The effect of fatty acids (FA) on interleukin -2 (IL-2) signaling pathway in human lymphocytes was investigated. Docosahexaenoic (DHA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), palmitic (PA) and stearic (SA) acids decreased lymphocyte proliferation in concentrations above 50 <font face=\"symbol\">mM. However, oleic (OA) and linoleic (LA) acids increase lymphocyte proliferation at 25 <font face=\"symbol\">mM. PA, SA, DHA and EPA decreased JAK 1, JAK 3, STAT 5 and AKT phosphorylation induced by IL-2 but OA and LA did not cause any effect. OA and LA increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation whereas the other FA caused a marked decrease. PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z phosphorylation was decreased by OA and LA only. In conclusion, the inhibitory effect of PA, SA, DHA and EPA on lymphocyte proliferation observed in our previous study was due to a decrease in protein phosphorylation activated by IL-2. Probably, OA and LA stimulated lymphocyte proliferation by increasing ERK 1/2 phosphorylation throught PKC-<font face=\"symbol\">Z activation. The inhibition of JAK 1, JAK3, STAT 5, ERK1/2 and Akt phosphorylation caused by DHA is associated to a decrease in membrane lipid rafts contend.

Immunothérapie par faibles doses d'IL-2 : potentiel therapeutique dans le diabète de type 1 / Low doses interleukin-2 therapy : therapeutic potential in type 1 diabetes

Pérol, Louis 09 September 2014 (has links)
L'interleukine-2 (IL-2) est nécessaire à l'homéostasie des lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+ Foxp3+ (Tregs) et son administration à faibles doses permet d'induire une expansion spécifique et dose-dépendante de ces cellules. Nous avons précédemment démontré que l'administration d'IL-2 à faibles doses permet de restaurer la tolérance immunitaire chez la souris NOD (modèle murin de diabète autoimmun). Toutefois cette stratégie n'est efficace à long terme que chez 30% des souris traitées.Mon travail de thèse a porte? sur l'amélioration de la thérapie par faibles doses d'IL-2. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que la combinaison de l'IL-2 avec la rapamycine, une drogue ciblant préférentiellement les lymphocytes T effecteurs et épargnant les Tregs, ne permet pas d'améliorer le traitement. Au contraire, la rapamycine abolit de façon transitoire la tolérance induite par l'IL-2. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons essayé d'augmenter les doses d'IL-2, dans le but d'induire une activation plus forte des Tregs. Néanmoins, le traitement par fortes doses d'IL-2 ne prévient pas le diabète autoimmun mais accélère son développement et est associé à une très forte toxicité.Ensuite, un deuxième axe de ma thèse s'est articulé autour de notre découverte de l'existence d'autoanticorps anti-IL-2 neutralisants chez la souris NOD et les patients souffrant de diabète de type 1. Ces autoanticorps modulent négativement l'homéostasie des Tregs in vivo, suggérant un rôle potentiel dans la physiopathologie du diabète autoimmun.Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats permettent de reconsidérer l'utilisation de l'IL-2 à faibles doses, seule ou combinée, dans le contexte du diabète de type 1. / CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Treg cells) are essential for the maintenance of immune tolerance. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is mandatory for the homeostasis of Treg cells and its administration at low-doses induces a specific dose-dependent boost of Treg cells. Previous work has demonstrated that a short-tem treatment with low-doses IL-2 can revert established autoimmune diabetes in the NOD mouse model. However, this strategy induces long-term reversal in only 30% of the treated mice and can be optimized. During my PHD, my work has focused on the optimization of T1D therapy with low-doses of IL-2. First, we tried to combine low-doses of IL-2 with rapamycin, an immunosuppressive drug known to mainly affect Teff cells. The combined treatment (IL-2/Rapa) did not induce diabetes reversal and even reversibly broke IL-2-induced tolerance. Then, we tried to increase the IL-2 dose in order to increase the amplitude of the Treg boost. However, despite an important Treg cell boost, high-doses IL-2 administration to pre-diabetic NOD mice was toxic and precipitated T1D onset. In a second project, we described the existence of neutralizing anti-IL-2 autoantibodies in NOD mice and T1D patients. Our data suggested that anti-IL-2 autoantibodies negatively impacted on Treg cell homeostasis in vivo, contributing to the impaired immune tolerance observed in NOD mice and T1D patients. Altogether, our results lead to the consideration of low-doses IL-2, alone or combined, for the treatment of T1D. In addition, our demonstration of the existence of anti-IL-2 autoantibodies in NOD mice and T1D patients leads to a better understanding of T1D physiopathology.

The Role of IkZF Factors in Mediating TH1/TFH Development and Flexibility

Bharath Krishnan Nair, Sreekumar 24 January 2020 (has links)
The ability of cells within the adaptive immune system to develop into specialized subsets allow for a robust and tailored immune response in the advent of an infection or injury. Here, CD4+ T-cells are a crucial component within this system, with subsets such as TH1, TH2, TH17, TFH and TREG cells playing vital roles in propagating cell-mediated immunity. For example, TH1 cells are essential in combating intracellular pathogens such as viruses, while TFH cells communicate with B-cells to optimize antibody responses against an invading pathogen. The development (and functionality) of these subsets is ultimately dictated by the appropriate integration of extracellular cues such as cytokines with cell intrinsic transcription factors, thereby promoting the necessary gene profile. Moreover, the observation that T-helper cells could exhibit a flexible nature (i.e having shared gene profiles and effector functions) not only demonstrate the efficiency of our immune system but also how such flexibility could have unintended consequences during adverse events such as autoimmunity. An important mediator of such flexibility is cytokines. However, the complete network of factors that come together to co-ordinate cytokine mediated plasticity remain unknown. Thus, the work in this dissertation hope to delineate the factors that collaborate to regulate cytokine induced T-helper cell flexibility. As such, we see that in the presence of IL-2, the Ikaros Zinc Finger (IkZF) transcription factor Eos is upregulated in TH1 cells, with this factor playing a significant role in promoting regulatory and effector functions of TH1 cells. Moreover, we show that Eos forms a novel protein complex with STAT5 and promotes STAT5 activity in TH1 cells. However, depleting IL-2 from the micro-environment leads to the upregulation of two other members within the IkZF family, Ikaros and Aiolos. Aiolos in turn collaborate with STAT3, induces Bcl-6 expression within these cells, thus promoting these cells to exhibit characteristic features of TFH cells. The work in this dissertation hopes to advance our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms involved in cytokine mediated T-cell flexibility thereby hoping to open new avenues for the development of novel therapeutic strategies in the event of autoimmunity. / Ph. D. / T-helper (TH) cells are an important component of the immune system, as these cells aid in the fight against pathogens by secreting factors that either accentuate the inflammatory response during infection or attenuate immune responses post infection. Such effects are made possible because T-helper cells can differentiate into a variety of subsets, with each subset being an important mediator in maintaining immune homeostasis. For example, the T-helper cell subset called TH1 plays a vital role in the fight against intracellular pathogens such as viruses and certain parasites, while T-follicular helper (TFH) cells aid in the production of antibodies specific to the invading pathogen. The development of such subsets occur when cell extrinsic signals, called cytokines, lead to the activation or induction of cell intrinsic proteins called transcription factors. Interestingly, research over the years have shown that T-helper cells are highly adaptable in nature, with one subset having the ability to attain certain characteristic features of other subsets. This malleable nature of T-helper cells relies on several factors, with cytokines within the micro-environment being an important one. Although this form of flexibility is efficient and beneficial at times, it can also be detrimental, as such flexibility is known to promote certain autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. Such detrimental effects are thought to be due to cytokines within the environment. Therefore understanding how cytokines influence the flexible nature of T-helper cells is important; as controlling such flexibility (either by regulating cytokines or the transcription factors activated as a consequence) could prevent the propagation of undesired T-helper cell functions. As such, the work in this dissertation hopes to uncover how one such cytokine, termed Interleukin-2 (IL-2) mediates the flexibility between TH1 and TFH cells. The work highlighted in this dissertation broadens our understanding of how cytokines influence T-helper cell development and flexibility, and consequently allows the design of novel therapeutic strategies to combat autoimmune diseases.

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