Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enternal market."" "subject:"ainternal market.""
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Austria, Finland and Sweden after 10 years in the EU. Expected and achieved integration effects.Breuss, Fritz January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Austria, Finland and Sweden - all small highly developed industrial and rich countries - entered the EU in 1995. Their macroeconomic performance since then was quite different. Real GDP in Finland und Sweden increased faster than in EU average, while those of Austria fell back. Austria lost its second rank in GDP per capita (at PPS) and is now the fourth richest EU country; Sweden fell back from the seventh to the eight rank, while Finland improved its position from rank 11 to nine. In a referendum in September 2003 Sweden refused to take over the Euro, whereas the other two countries are members of the Euro area. Ex post model simulations indicate that Finland appears to have profited most from EU membership (0.7 percentage point greater annual GDP growth since 1995), followed by Austria (+0.4 percent) and Sweden (+0.3 percent). / Series: EI Working Papers / Europainstitut
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Společná politika ochrany životního prostředí ve světle úpravy vnitřního trhu Evropské unie / The common policy for the protection of the environment in the light of the internal market of the European UnionScheu, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
English abstract Protecting the environment is currently one of the complex issues of law and policy. Necessary response to adverse changes in the environment lays down binding rules on environmental protection in international law, EU law and national law. The EU internal market is secured by four fundamental market freedoms - the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. The relationship with the environment is reflected in the quality and characteristics of the products, and the conditions under which these products are marketed in different Member States. Environmental protection is strongly linked with service area, which concerns matters such as the operation of landfills. The EU's objectives in the areas of internal market and environmental protection very often collide. Then it is necessary to find a balanced approach between the protection of environmental objectives and ensuring the economic principles of the European Union.
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Escravidão miúda em Atibaia (SP): análise de uma vila de abastecimento no Brasil oitocentista / Small size slave force in Atibaia (SP): analysis of a supply village in nineteenth- century BrazilRodrigues, Patrícia Junqueira 29 March 2019 (has links)
A presença da mão de obra escrava na produção de gêneros destinados ao mercado regional foi uma das características distintivas da escravidão brasileira. Com base nas listas nominativas, a mais importante coleção de levantamentos populacionais na América portuguesa, observa-se entre 1810 e 1825 a inserção da vila de Atibaia, a 60 quilômetros de São Paulo, no comércio da capitania. Mostramos com esta pesquisa como plantéis de até 5 cativos resultavam no aumento da produtividade de domicílios produtores de milho, aumentando a renda de pequenos lavradores. / The presence of slave labor in the production of goods for the regional market was one of the distinguishing characteristics of Brazilian slavery. Based on the most important collection of population surveys known for Portuguese America between 1810 and 1825, it is possible to observe the inclusion of the village of Atibaia, 60 kilometers away from São Paulo, in the regions commerce. This research shows that owning up to five captives caused and increase in corn productivity, therefore resulting in more wealth for small farmers.
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A quimera da modernização: do terceiro distrito de engenhos centrais ao complexo agroindustrial sucroalcooleiro paulista, mineiro e fluminense. 1875-1926 / The chimera of modernization: from the third district of central mills to the agroindustrial sugar-ethanol complex in São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. 1875-1926Meira, Roberta Barros 21 February 2013 (has links)
Essa tese tem por objetivo analisar o crescimento da produção açucareira em Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. A primeira parte preocupa-se com o uso dado as ideias associativistas nesta área e a montagem dos engenhos centrais. A segunda chama a atenção para a transformação destes engenhos centrais em usinas e a ampliação da importância do açúcar nesta que ainda seria uma área secundária da produção açucareira. Na última parte analisam-se as características específicas da introdução de avanços técnicos no cultivo da cana. Encontra-se em comum em todo o estudo a tentativa de contribuir para a melhor compreensão de questões como a importância do crescimento do mercado interno, a atuação do Estado no processo de modernização da indústria açucareira nesta área, a inter-relação que se criou entre o café e o açúcar e o papel desempenhado pelos outros subprodutos da cana, como o álcool e a aguardente. Como não foi um contexto isolado que lastrearia o que se afirmou neste trabalho, embora a delimitação dos seus contornos regionais seja clara, explorou-se tanto a influência da realidade mundial na produção açucareira destes estados como também a de um campo menor, mas essencial: o Norte. Buscou-se conseguir na abertura que se deu ao tema uma visão menos fragmentada da indústria sucroalcooleira mineira, fluminense e paulista se valendo de um conjunto de fontes primárias constituídas por fontes oficiais, periódicos agrícolas, relatórios técnicos e uma documentação produzida pelos próprios produtores de açúcar. / The objective of this thesis is to analyze the growth of sugar production in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The first part of it deals with the utilization the ideas of the associativism in the area and the construction of central sugar mills. The objective of the second part is to call the attention to the transformation of such central sugar mills into modern mills and the enlargement of the importance of sugar in the secondary area of sugar production. In the last part of this thesis, some characteristics have been analyzed for the introduction of technical improvements in the cultivation of sugar cane. Attempts towards the contribution for a better comprehension of several factors, such as the importance of the internal market growth, the participation of the State in the modernization process of the sugar industry in this area and the interrelation between coffee and sugar are present throughout the whole study, as well as the role performed by other sugarcane sub products, such as alcohol and sugar cane spirits (aguardente). As no isolated context would support the present work, although the limitation of its regional outlines is clear the influence of the worldwide sugar production reality has been explored as well as the one existing in another smaller field, although essential, the North. The beginning of this work has dealt with a less fragmented vision of the sugar-ethanol industry in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo through a set of primary sources obtained by official sources, technical reports and a documentation produced by the sugar producers themselves.
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De centro a periferia: as transformações sofridas pelo Nordeste Paulista na chegada do café (1873 - 1905) / Centrality becames periphery: the arrival of the coffee economy in Northeast of São Paulo (1873 - 1905)Costa, Rafael Giorgi 02 May 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do mercado externo (agroexportação) no desenvolvimento do mercado interno de abastecimento, durante o século XIX, no Estado de São Paulo. Primeiramente, foram coletados e sistematizados os dados referentes à composição social e à produção de alimentos para os anos de 1836 e 1854, revelando regiões da Província de São Paulo onde se concentravam diferentes circuitos do mercado interno de abastecimento, não só no que se refere ao artigo produzido como também à quantidade e ao valor gerado. Com base nos resultados, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica específica para cada região, o que permitiu a caracterização mais completa das formações sociais em questão e, com isso, a definição de dois setores bem distintos do mercado interno: pecuário e alimentício. O mercado pecuário, concentrado no Nordeste Paulista e nos caminhos do sul, possuía circuitos mais longos e enriquecedores do que o mercado de gêneros alimentícios, por sua vez majoritariamente localizado em meio às zonas agroexportadoras de café e açúcar, fator que limitava seu desenvolvimento. O Nordeste Paulista, mais especificamente o município de Franca, foi responsável por articular o Brasil central pecuário (Goiás, Mato Grosso e Triângulo Mineiro) com a faixa litorânea centro-sul (Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo), constituindo-se como importante centro de cria e (re)engorda. Operou nessa centralidade uma elite composta principalmente de fazendeiros chefes-de-parentelas, cuja reprodução como classe dominante envolvia sua inserção em cargos políticos e militares, a propriedade da terra e, consequentemente, o domínio sobre grande contingente populacional, incluindo agregados, escravos, compadres e parentes. A fim de avaliar se essa centralidade do mercado interno resistiu ao avanço cafeeiro que atingiu a região na década de 1880, questão ainda em aberto na historiografia, procurou-se pela presença das parentelas e suas linhagens nas listas dos maiores fazendeiros do período de transição. Revelou-se que a elite não só se inseriu como foi protagonista da economia cafeeira na região nas décadas de 1880 e 1890. No entanto, já na virada do século, todo o Estado de São Paulo sofreria com uma forte crise na economia cafeeira, demonstrando a fragilidade e suscetibilidade do mercado externo. Os dados da produção cafeeira do ano de 1905 apontam para a baixa relevância de Franca e Batatais no universo da agroexportação, enquanto os números da produção de gado desse mesmo ano indicam o deslocamento do eixo principal de articulação pecuária para oeste, mais precisamente para os municípios de Jaboticabal e Barretos, que assumiram a primazia no setor. Conclui-se que a aproximação da agroexportação impôs a reestruturação do mercado interno para áreas contíguas, devido ao grande desvio de investimentos por parte daquela elite pecuária para a economia cafeeira, o que revelou, em última instância, a dificuldade de ancoragem da produção endógena no espaço quando seu território se mostra atrativo para o estabelecimento da agroexportação. / This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the external market (agricultural exports) in the development of the internal market during the nineteenth century, in the State of São Paulo. Data about the social composition and food production for the years 1836 and 1854 were collected and systematized, revealing regions which focused different sectors of the domestic market supply. Based on the results, specific literature was consulted for each region, allowing a complete characterization of the different sectors of the internal Market: livestock and food. The livestock market, located in the Northeast of São Paulo and in the southern ways, had longer and more enriching circuits comparing to the foodstuff market, in turn mostly located in the agro-exporting region of coffee and sugar. Specifically the city of Franca, was responsible for articulating the livestock central Brazil (Goiás, Mato Grosso and Triângulo Mineiro) to the south-central coastal region (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), constituting an important center on (re)fattening cattle. This centrality was operated by an elite composed mainly of farmers, whose reproduction involved their insertion in political and military positions, land ownership and consequently the domain of large populations. In order to assess whether the centrality of the internal market resisted the coffee advance that hit the region in the 1880s, an issue still open in historiography, this research sought by the presence of those farmers and their lines in the population lists for the transitional period. It was revealed that the elite entered in the world of agricultural exports, but in the end of the nineteenth century a huge crisis in the coffee economy, showing the fragility of external Market. Data of coffee production in 1905 points to the low relevance of Franca and Batatais in the world of agricultural exports, while livestock production indicate the displacement of the main shaft of livestock to the West, specifically for the cities of Jaboticabal and Barretos. Concluding, the approach of agricultural exports imposed the restructuring of the internal market for contiguous areas, because of the diversion of investments by that livestock elite for the coffee economy, which proved ultimately, the difficulty of anchoring the endogenous production in space when its territory shown attractive for the establishment of agro-export.
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Vnitřní trh EU - postavení trhu elektrickou energií / The Internal Electricity Market in the European UnionSysel, Ctibor January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the process of creating the internal electricity market in the European Union. The first part focuses on the development of EU energy policy and on the influence of legislative and institutional framework on the creation of the internal electricity market. The second part describes the specifics of electricity and the process of liberalization. It also deals with the interconnection of energy networks. The third part of the thesis is devoted to electricity markets and their regulation. The fourth section examines the development of electricity prices in European countries. Analysis of price convergence shows the current state of creating the single internal market in electricity.
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Liberalization Process of the EU Electricity Market / Proces liberalizace trhu s elektřinou v EUŠátralová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
This Master Thesis conducts a survey of the process of the liberalization of the electricity market, exclusively in the context of the European Union. The method of the review of the contemporary literatury is used to analyze reforms in the electricity supply industry. The thesis provides readers with the basic characteristics of the liberalization of this strategic net industry. The main focus is on one particular reform-unbundling- as it influences all principles of the eletricity energy markets. Scholars argue there are direct advantages and at the same time direct disadvanatges resulting from these reforms and it is almost impossible to find a clear agreement on if positive or negative effects prevails. In the thesis there is an attempt to evaluate whether contemporary research literature is able to decide if the liberalization reforms will bring about pure benefits for participants of the electricity markets.
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De centro a periferia: as transformações sofridas pelo Nordeste Paulista na chegada do café (1873 - 1905) / Centrality becames periphery: the arrival of the coffee economy in Northeast of São Paulo (1873 - 1905)Rafael Giorgi Costa 02 May 2016 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do mercado externo (agroexportação) no desenvolvimento do mercado interno de abastecimento, durante o século XIX, no Estado de São Paulo. Primeiramente, foram coletados e sistematizados os dados referentes à composição social e à produção de alimentos para os anos de 1836 e 1854, revelando regiões da Província de São Paulo onde se concentravam diferentes circuitos do mercado interno de abastecimento, não só no que se refere ao artigo produzido como também à quantidade e ao valor gerado. Com base nos resultados, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica específica para cada região, o que permitiu a caracterização mais completa das formações sociais em questão e, com isso, a definição de dois setores bem distintos do mercado interno: pecuário e alimentício. O mercado pecuário, concentrado no Nordeste Paulista e nos caminhos do sul, possuía circuitos mais longos e enriquecedores do que o mercado de gêneros alimentícios, por sua vez majoritariamente localizado em meio às zonas agroexportadoras de café e açúcar, fator que limitava seu desenvolvimento. O Nordeste Paulista, mais especificamente o município de Franca, foi responsável por articular o Brasil central pecuário (Goiás, Mato Grosso e Triângulo Mineiro) com a faixa litorânea centro-sul (Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo), constituindo-se como importante centro de cria e (re)engorda. Operou nessa centralidade uma elite composta principalmente de fazendeiros chefes-de-parentelas, cuja reprodução como classe dominante envolvia sua inserção em cargos políticos e militares, a propriedade da terra e, consequentemente, o domínio sobre grande contingente populacional, incluindo agregados, escravos, compadres e parentes. A fim de avaliar se essa centralidade do mercado interno resistiu ao avanço cafeeiro que atingiu a região na década de 1880, questão ainda em aberto na historiografia, procurou-se pela presença das parentelas e suas linhagens nas listas dos maiores fazendeiros do período de transição. Revelou-se que a elite não só se inseriu como foi protagonista da economia cafeeira na região nas décadas de 1880 e 1890. No entanto, já na virada do século, todo o Estado de São Paulo sofreria com uma forte crise na economia cafeeira, demonstrando a fragilidade e suscetibilidade do mercado externo. Os dados da produção cafeeira do ano de 1905 apontam para a baixa relevância de Franca e Batatais no universo da agroexportação, enquanto os números da produção de gado desse mesmo ano indicam o deslocamento do eixo principal de articulação pecuária para oeste, mais precisamente para os municípios de Jaboticabal e Barretos, que assumiram a primazia no setor. Conclui-se que a aproximação da agroexportação impôs a reestruturação do mercado interno para áreas contíguas, devido ao grande desvio de investimentos por parte daquela elite pecuária para a economia cafeeira, o que revelou, em última instância, a dificuldade de ancoragem da produção endógena no espaço quando seu território se mostra atrativo para o estabelecimento da agroexportação. / This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the external market (agricultural exports) in the development of the internal market during the nineteenth century, in the State of São Paulo. Data about the social composition and food production for the years 1836 and 1854 were collected and systematized, revealing regions which focused different sectors of the domestic market supply. Based on the results, specific literature was consulted for each region, allowing a complete characterization of the different sectors of the internal Market: livestock and food. The livestock market, located in the Northeast of São Paulo and in the southern ways, had longer and more enriching circuits comparing to the foodstuff market, in turn mostly located in the agro-exporting region of coffee and sugar. Specifically the city of Franca, was responsible for articulating the livestock central Brazil (Goiás, Mato Grosso and Triângulo Mineiro) to the south-central coastal region (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), constituting an important center on (re)fattening cattle. This centrality was operated by an elite composed mainly of farmers, whose reproduction involved their insertion in political and military positions, land ownership and consequently the domain of large populations. In order to assess whether the centrality of the internal market resisted the coffee advance that hit the region in the 1880s, an issue still open in historiography, this research sought by the presence of those farmers and their lines in the population lists for the transitional period. It was revealed that the elite entered in the world of agricultural exports, but in the end of the nineteenth century a huge crisis in the coffee economy, showing the fragility of external Market. Data of coffee production in 1905 points to the low relevance of Franca and Batatais in the world of agricultural exports, while livestock production indicate the displacement of the main shaft of livestock to the West, specifically for the cities of Jaboticabal and Barretos. Concluding, the approach of agricultural exports imposed the restructuring of the internal market for contiguous areas, because of the diversion of investments by that livestock elite for the coffee economy, which proved ultimately, the difficulty of anchoring the endogenous production in space when its territory shown attractive for the establishment of agro-export.
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Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet : En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stadDahlin, Mikaela, Kristiansson, Tove January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p><strong>Titel:</strong> Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet - En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stad</p></p></p><p><p><p><strong>Problem: </strong>Konsult och Service är en serviceförvaltning som tillhandahåller stödtjänster till kommunens förvaltningar. I dagsläget genomför de en förändring av sitt interna IT-pris. De forskningsfrågor vi ställer oss är:</p></p></p><ul><li>Vad använder Konsult och Service för internprissystem och varför detta system?</li><li>Anser Konsult och Service att internprissättningen har medfört minskat resursslöseri?</li><li>Ger internprissättningen en rättvis kostnadsfördelning, enligt Konsult och Service?</li><li>Varför och hur förändrar Konsult och Service sitt interna IT-pris?</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att studera Konsult och Services internprissättning och den eventuella förmågan att minska resursslöseri och skapa en rättvis kostnadsfördelning med internprissättning. Syftet är även att beskriva den pågående förändringen av Konsult och Services interna IT-pris.</p><p><p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts som bygger på sekundärdata samt intervjuer med tre personer som vi anser har bra kunskaper om internprissättning.</p><p><strong>Resultat och Slutsats: </strong>Konsult och Service använder sig av självkostnad, för att prissätta den interna handeln mellan kommunens enheter. De använder självkostnad<strong> </strong>på grund av att de måste täcka alla sina kostnader och inte är vinstdrivande. Internprissättningen ökar medarbetarnas kostnadsmedvetenhet vilket leder till minskat resursslöseri. Internprissättningen möjliggör även en rättvis kostnadsfördelning enligt Konsult och Service där enheterna som utnyttjar tjänsten även belastas med dess kostnad. IT-affärsområdet inom Konsult och Service genomgår i dagsläget en förändring av IT-priset. Förändringen syftar till en rättvisare kostnadsfördelning av de omdiskuterade IT-kostnaderna.</p></p></p> / <p><p><p><strong>Title: </strong>Transfer Pricing in a public organization - A Study of Konsult och Service in Västerås City</p></p></p><p><p><p><strong>Research Issue: </strong>Konsult och Service is an administrative unit which provides support services to Västerås stad's units. In the present situation there is a change taking place in the internal IT pricing. The research issues of this master thesis are:<strong> </strong></p></p></p><ul><li>What kind of transfer pricing does Konsult och Service use and why?</li><li>Does Konsult och Service think their transfer pricing has reduced the waste of resources?</li><li>Does transfer pricing give a fair dividing of costs, according to Konsult och Service?</li><li>Why and how are Konsult och Service changing their transfer pricing?</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this master thesis is to study Konsult och Service's transfer pricing and the ability to reduce waste of resources and create a fairer dividing of costs with transfer pricing. The purpose is as well to investigate the change in progress of Konsult och Service's internal IT pricing.</p><p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The master thesis is built on a qualitative approach, with secondary information and on interviews made with three persons who we consider having good knowledge of transfer pricing.</p></p><p><strong>Results and Conclusion: </strong>Konsult och Service uses cost price for the internal trading between units within the municipal organization. Needing to cover all their costs, they use cost price but have no claim to earnings. Transfer pricing increases the employer's awareness of costs which leads to reduced waste of resources. Transfer pricing renders the fairest dividing of costs possible, where the units who uses the service have to pay accordingly for it. At the moment the computer technology business center of Konsult och Service is undergoing a change in its services pricing. The purpose of the change is to make a fairer dividing of computer technology costs.</p>
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Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet : En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stadDahlin, Mikaela, Kristiansson, Tove January 2009 (has links)
Titel: Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet - En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stad Problem: Konsult och Service är en serviceförvaltning som tillhandahåller stödtjänster till kommunens förvaltningar. I dagsläget genomför de en förändring av sitt interna IT-pris. De forskningsfrågor vi ställer oss är: Vad använder Konsult och Service för internprissystem och varför detta system? Anser Konsult och Service att internprissättningen har medfört minskat resursslöseri? Ger internprissättningen en rättvis kostnadsfördelning, enligt Konsult och Service? Varför och hur förändrar Konsult och Service sitt interna IT-pris? Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att studera Konsult och Services internprissättning och den eventuella förmågan att minska resursslöseri och skapa en rättvis kostnadsfördelning med internprissättning. Syftet är även att beskriva den pågående förändringen av Konsult och Services interna IT-pris. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts som bygger på sekundärdata samt intervjuer med tre personer som vi anser har bra kunskaper om internprissättning. Resultat och Slutsats: Konsult och Service använder sig av självkostnad, för att prissätta den interna handeln mellan kommunens enheter. De använder självkostnad på grund av att de måste täcka alla sina kostnader och inte är vinstdrivande. Internprissättningen ökar medarbetarnas kostnadsmedvetenhet vilket leder till minskat resursslöseri. Internprissättningen möjliggör även en rättvis kostnadsfördelning enligt Konsult och Service där enheterna som utnyttjar tjänsten även belastas med dess kostnad. IT-affärsområdet inom Konsult och Service genomgår i dagsläget en förändring av IT-priset. Förändringen syftar till en rättvisare kostnadsfördelning av de omdiskuterade IT-kostnaderna. / Title: Transfer Pricing in a public organization - A Study of Konsult och Service in Västerås City Research Issue: Konsult och Service is an administrative unit which provides support services to Västerås stad's units. In the present situation there is a change taking place in the internal IT pricing. The research issues of this master thesis are: What kind of transfer pricing does Konsult och Service use and why? Does Konsult och Service think their transfer pricing has reduced the waste of resources? Does transfer pricing give a fair dividing of costs, according to Konsult och Service? Why and how are Konsult och Service changing their transfer pricing? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to study Konsult och Service's transfer pricing and the ability to reduce waste of resources and create a fairer dividing of costs with transfer pricing. The purpose is as well to investigate the change in progress of Konsult och Service's internal IT pricing. Method: The master thesis is built on a qualitative approach, with secondary information and on interviews made with three persons who we consider having good knowledge of transfer pricing. Results and Conclusion: Konsult och Service uses cost price for the internal trading between units within the municipal organization. Needing to cover all their costs, they use cost price but have no claim to earnings. Transfer pricing increases the employer's awareness of costs which leads to reduced waste of resources. Transfer pricing renders the fairest dividing of costs possible, where the units who uses the service have to pay accordingly for it. At the moment the computer technology business center of Konsult och Service is undergoing a change in its services pricing. The purpose of the change is to make a fairer dividing of computer technology costs.
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