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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of vein graft haemodynamics using computational fluid dynamics techniques.

Jackson, Mark John, Clinical School - St Vincent's Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Atherosclerosis, the leading cause of mortality in Western societies, affects large elastic arteries, causing focal deposition of proliferative inflammatory and lipid-laden cells within the artery. Several risk factors have been causally implicated in the ???reaction to injury??? hypothesis first described by Ross in 1969. The ???injury??? sustained by endothelial cells may be either mechanical or chemical. Environmental factors have a role in the production of chemical agents that are injurious to the endothelium. Mechanical stresses such as wall tensile stress are proportional to systemic blood pressure and pulse pressure. Essentially, these systemic pressures are fairly evenly distributed throughout the circulation. However, atherosclerotic lesions characteristically occur at focal sites within the human vasculature; at or near bifurcations, within the ostia of branch arteries and at regions of marked or complex curvature, where local haemodynamic abnormalities occur. The most discussed haemodynamic factor seems to be low or highly oscillating wall shear stress which exists on the outer wall of bifurcations and on the inner aspect of curving vessels. The magnitude of these haemodynamic forces may not be great but the subtleties of their variable spatial distribution may help to explain the multifocal distribution of atherosclerotic plaques. With the altered haemodynamics there is endothelial injury and phenotypic changes in the endothelium result, which in turn lead to endothelial cell dysfunction. These haemodynamic variables are difficult to measure directly in vivo. In this work a novel model is developed utilising human autologous vein bypass grafts as a surrogate vessel for the observation of pathological structural changes in response to altered haemodynamics. The influence of haemodynamic factors (such as wall shear stress) in the remodeling of the vein graft wall and the pathogenesis of Myointimal Hyperplasia (MIH) and resultant wall thickening in femoral bypass grafts is analysed. The haemodynamic determinants of MIH (which have been established in many animal models) are similar to those implicated in atherosclerosis. The accelerated responses of the vein (Intimal hyperplasia develops much more rapidly than atherosclerotic lesions in native vessels) make it an ideal model to expediently examine the hypothesised relationships prospectively in an in vivo setting. Furthermore, the utilisation of in vivo data acquired from non-invasive diagnostic methods (such as Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Duplex ultrasound) combined with the application of state-of-the-art Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) techniques makes the model essentially non-invasive. The following hypotheses are examined: 1) regions of Low shear and High tensile stress should develop disproportionately greater wall thickening, 2) regions of greater oscillatory blood flow should develop greater wall thickening, and 3) regions of lower wall shear should undergo inward (or negative) remodelling and result in a reduction in vessel calibre. The conclusions reached are that abnormal haemodynamic forces, namely low Time-averaged Wall Shear Stress, are associated with subsequent wall thickening. These positive findings have great relevance to the understanding of vein graft MIH and atherosclerosis. It was also evident that with non-invasive data and CFD techniques, some of the important haemodynamic factors are realistically quantifiable (albeit indirectly). The detection of parameters known to be causal in the development of graft intimal hyperplasia or other vascular pathology may improve ability to predict clinical problems. From a surgical perspective this might be employed to facilitate selection of at-risk grafts for more focused postoperative surveillance and reintervention. On a broader stage the utilisation of such analyses may be useful in predicting individuals at greater risk of developing atherosclerotic deposits, disease progression, and the likelihood of clinical events such as heart attack, stroke and threat of limb loss.

Die Bedeutung von Entzündung und reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies in der Intimahyperplasie / The role of inflammation and reactive oxygen species in intimal hyperplasia

Kamann, Stefanie January 2012 (has links)
Die Restenose stellt ein zentrales Problem der interventionellen Kardiologie dar und ist häufigste Komplikation nach perkutanen Angioplastieverfahren. Hauptursache dieser Wiederverengung des Gefäßes ist die Bildung einer Neointima durch die Proliferation transdifferenzierter vaskulärer glatter Muskelzellen und die Sekretion extrazellulärer Matrix. Die Entstehung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) und die Entzündungsreaktion nach der Gefäßverletzung werden als frühe, die Neointimabildung induzierende Prozesse diskutiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden mehrere Projekte bearbeitet, die Aufschluss über die während der Neointimabildung statt findenden Prozesse geben sollen. Mit Hilfe eines Verletzungsmodells der murinen Femoralarterie wurde der Einfluss der Entzündung und der ROS-Bildung auf die Neointimabildung in der Maus untersucht. Die Behandlung mit dem mitochondrialen Superoxiddismutase-Mimetikum MitoTEMPO verminderte die Bildung der Neointima besser, als die Behandlung mit dem globalen ROS-Fänger N-Acetylcystein. Die stärkste Hemmung der Neointimabildung wurde jedoch durch die Immunsuppression mit Rapamycin erreicht. Interferon-γ (INFγ) ist ein wichtiges Zytokin der Th1-Immunantwort, das in Folge der Gefäßverletzung freigesetzt wird und die proinflammatorischen Chemokine CXCL9 (MIG, Monokine Induced by INF), CXCL10 (IP-10, INF inducible Protein of 10 kDa) und CXCL11 (I-TAC, Interferon inducible T cell-Chemoattractant) induziert. CXCL9, CXCL10 und CXCL11 sind Liganden des CXC-Chemokinrezeptors 3 (CXCR3) und locken chemotaktisch CXCR3 positive Entzündungszellen zum Ort der Gefäßverletzung. Daher wurde die spezielle Bedeutung des Chemokins CXCL10 in der Restenose untersucht. Dazu wurden CXCL10-defiziente Mäuse dem Femoralisverletzungsmodell unterzogen und die Gefäße nach 14 Tagen morphometrisch und immunhistologisch untersucht. CXCL10-Defizienz führte in Mäusen zu einer verminderten Neointimabildung, die mit einer verringerten Inflammation, Apoptose und Proliferation im verletzten Gefäß korrelierte. Neben der Inflammation beeinflusst aber auch die Reendothelialisierung der verletzten Gefäßwand die Restenose. Interessanterweise war im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Mäusen in den CXCL10-Knockout-Mäusen auch die Reendothelialisierung erheblich verbessert. Offensichtlich ist das CXCR3-Chemokinsystem also in völlig unterschiedliche biologische Prozesse involviert und beeinflusst nicht nur die Bildung der Neoimtima durch die Förderung der Entzündung, sondern auch die Unterdrückung der Reendothelialisierung der verletzten Gefäßwand. Tatsächlich wird der CXCR3 nicht nur auf Entzündungszellen, sondern auch auf Endothelzellen exprimiert. Zur separaten Untersuchung der Rolle des CXCR3 in der Inflammation und der Reendothelialisierung wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit damit begonnen konditionelle CXCR3-Knockout-Mäuse zu generieren, in denen der CXCR3 entweder in Entzündungszellen oder in Endothelzellen ausgeschaltet ist. Zum besseren Verständnis der molekularen Mechanismen, mit denen der CXCR3 seine Funktionen vermittelt, wurde zudem untersucht ob dieser mit anderen G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren (GPCR) interagiert. Die Analyse von Coimmunpräzipitaten deutet auf eine Homodimerisierung der beiden CXCR3 Splicevarianten CXCR3A und CXCR3B, sowie auf die Heterodimerbildung von CXCR3A und CXCR3B mit sich, sowie jeweils mit CCR2, CCR3, CCR5 und den Opioidrezeptoren MOR und KOR hin. Die getestete Methode des Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energietransfers (FRET) erwies sich jedoch als ungeeignet zur Untersuchung von CXCR3, da dieser in HEK293T-Zellen nicht korrekt transient exprimiert wurde. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit darauf hin, dass das CXCR3-Chemokinsystem eine zentrale Rolle in unterschiedlichen, die Neointimabildung beeinflussenden Prozessen spielt. Damit könnten der CXCR3 und insbesondere das Chemokin CXCL10 interessante Zielmoleküle in der Entwicklung neuer verbesserter Therapien zur Verhinderung der Restenose darstellen. / Restenosis represents a central problem after coronary angioplasty procedures and is caused by intimal hyperplasia, also called neointima, as a result of transdifferentiation, proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and secretion of extracellular matrix. Formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and inflammation after vascular injury caused by angioplasty are discussed as early inducers of neointima formation. In several projects the processes causing the development of intimal hyperplasia were investigated. First of all, the impact of inflammation and ROS in neointima formation was investigated using the mouse femoral injury model. The mitochondrial superoxide dismutase mimetic mitoTEMPO could reduce neointima formation better than the global ROS scavenger N-acetylcystein. However, the strongest reduction of neointima formation was achieved by the treatment with the immunosuppressant rapamycin. Interferon-γ(INFγ) is a major cytokine of the Th1 immune response. It is released as a result of vessel injury and induces the proinflammatory chemokines CXCL9 (MIG, Monokine Induced by INF), CXCL10 (IP-10, INF inducible Protein of 10 kDa) and CXCL11 (I-TAC, Interferon inducible T-cell-Chemoattractant), which are ligands of the CXC chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3) and by this chemotactically recruit CXCR3 positive cells to the site of vessel injury. In this work the special role of CXCL10 in restenosis was investigated. Therefore, CXCL10 decient mice underwent the mouse femoral injury model. The vessels were analysed morphometrically and immunohistologically 14 days after injury. CXCL10 deciency lead to decreased neointima formation that correlated with a reduced recruitment of inflammatory cells as well as diminished numbers of apoptotic and proliferating cells at the site of vessel injury. In addition to inflammation the reconstitution of the endothelium has also impact on the development of restenosis. Interestingly reendothelialisation was strongly improved in CXCL10 decient mice compared to wildtype mice. Obviously the CXCR3 chemokine system is involved in different biological prosesses and impairs neointima formation on one hand by the advancement of inflammation and on the other hand by the suppression of reendothelialisation. In fact the CXCR3 is not only expressed on inflammatory cells but also on endothelial cells. To investigate the role of CXCR3 in inflammation and reendothelialisation separatly the generation of conditional CXCR3 knockout mice with a CXCR3 knockout in T-cells or endothelial cells was started in an additional project. For a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms on which the CXCR3 mediates its biological functions the protein-protein interactions of the CXCR3 with other G-protein coupled recteptors (GPCR) was analysed. Coimmunoprecipitation showed homodimerization of the CXCR3 splice variants CXCR3A and CXCR3B, as well as heterodimerization of CXCR3A and CXCR3B with each other and with the chemokine receptors CXCR4, CCR2, CCR3, CCR5 and the opioid receptors MOR and KOR. The additional tested Fluorecence resonance energy transfer (FRET) method proved to be not suitable to measure interactions of CXCR3, since this receptor could not be expressed correctly on the cell surface after transient transfection. To summarise, the results indicate that the CXCR3 chemokine system plays a central role in different processes that mediate neointima formation. Thus, the CXCR3 and especially the chemokine CXCL10 could be interesting therapeutic targets in the development of new or improved treatments to reduce the risk of restenosis.

A study of vein graft haemodynamics using computational fluid dynamics techniques.

Jackson, Mark John, Clinical School - St Vincent's Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Atherosclerosis, the leading cause of mortality in Western societies, affects large elastic arteries, causing focal deposition of proliferative inflammatory and lipid-laden cells within the artery. Several risk factors have been causally implicated in the ???reaction to injury??? hypothesis first described by Ross in 1969. The ???injury??? sustained by endothelial cells may be either mechanical or chemical. Environmental factors have a role in the production of chemical agents that are injurious to the endothelium. Mechanical stresses such as wall tensile stress are proportional to systemic blood pressure and pulse pressure. Essentially, these systemic pressures are fairly evenly distributed throughout the circulation. However, atherosclerotic lesions characteristically occur at focal sites within the human vasculature; at or near bifurcations, within the ostia of branch arteries and at regions of marked or complex curvature, where local haemodynamic abnormalities occur. The most discussed haemodynamic factor seems to be low or highly oscillating wall shear stress which exists on the outer wall of bifurcations and on the inner aspect of curving vessels. The magnitude of these haemodynamic forces may not be great but the subtleties of their variable spatial distribution may help to explain the multifocal distribution of atherosclerotic plaques. With the altered haemodynamics there is endothelial injury and phenotypic changes in the endothelium result, which in turn lead to endothelial cell dysfunction. These haemodynamic variables are difficult to measure directly in vivo. In this work a novel model is developed utilising human autologous vein bypass grafts as a surrogate vessel for the observation of pathological structural changes in response to altered haemodynamics. The influence of haemodynamic factors (such as wall shear stress) in the remodeling of the vein graft wall and the pathogenesis of Myointimal Hyperplasia (MIH) and resultant wall thickening in femoral bypass grafts is analysed. The haemodynamic determinants of MIH (which have been established in many animal models) are similar to those implicated in atherosclerosis. The accelerated responses of the vein (Intimal hyperplasia develops much more rapidly than atherosclerotic lesions in native vessels) make it an ideal model to expediently examine the hypothesised relationships prospectively in an in vivo setting. Furthermore, the utilisation of in vivo data acquired from non-invasive diagnostic methods (such as Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Duplex ultrasound) combined with the application of state-of-the-art Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) techniques makes the model essentially non-invasive. The following hypotheses are examined: 1) regions of Low shear and High tensile stress should develop disproportionately greater wall thickening, 2) regions of greater oscillatory blood flow should develop greater wall thickening, and 3) regions of lower wall shear should undergo inward (or negative) remodelling and result in a reduction in vessel calibre. The conclusions reached are that abnormal haemodynamic forces, namely low Time-averaged Wall Shear Stress, are associated with subsequent wall thickening. These positive findings have great relevance to the understanding of vein graft MIH and atherosclerosis. It was also evident that with non-invasive data and CFD techniques, some of the important haemodynamic factors are realistically quantifiable (albeit indirectly). The detection of parameters known to be causal in the development of graft intimal hyperplasia or other vascular pathology may improve ability to predict clinical problems. From a surgical perspective this might be employed to facilitate selection of at-risk grafts for more focused postoperative surveillance and reintervention. On a broader stage the utilisation of such analyses may be useful in predicting individuals at greater risk of developing atherosclerotic deposits, disease progression, and the likelihood of clinical events such as heart attack, stroke and threat of limb loss.

Análise morfométrica da carótida de suínos submetidos à angioplastia com implante de stent de cromo-cobalto

Elesbão, João Luiz de Lara January 2009 (has links)
OBJETIVO: analisar, por meio de morfometria digital, a reação intimal presente na artéria carótida de suínos submetidos à angioplastia isoladamente e à angioplastia seguida de implante de stent de cromo - cobalto. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: em oito suínos sadios foi realizada a angioplastia isolada da artéria carótida comum (ACC) direita e angioplastia com implante de um stent de cromo – cobalto expansível por balão na artéria carótida comum esquerda. Após período de quatro semanas, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia para a retirada de amostras de tecido arterial e preparo de lâminas histológicas divididas do seguinte modo: grupo 1, segmento médio da artéria carótida comum direita (angioplastia isolada); grupo 2, segmento médio da artéria carótida comum esquerda em localização “intra stent”. As imagens das lâminas foram digitalizadas e analisadas por programa de morfometria digital com cálculo da área luminal, área da camada íntima e área da camada média dos cortes histológicos. A análise estatística foi realizada através da média e desvio padrão das áreas em cada grupo, utilizando-se Teste t de Student. O valor de p<0,05 foi considerado significativo. RESULTADOS: na análise das médias das áreas obtidas, foi encontrada maior hiperplasia em resposta ao implante de stent e diferença estatisticamente significativa quando realizada a comparação entre a área do lúmen (5,841 x 106μm2 X 1,287 x 106μm2), da lâmina elástica interna (6,566 x 106μm2 X 1,287 x 106μm2) e lâmina elástica externa (9,832 x 106μm2 X 4,559 x 106μm2) dos dois grupos (ATP + STENT X ATP; medidas em micrômetros quadrados). Não se observou diferença significativa do ponto de vista estatístico quando se realizou a comparação entre as camadas médias dos dois grupos (3,266 x 106μm2 X 3,271 x 106μm2). CONCLUSÃO: o implante de stent de cromo-cobalto expansível por balão na ACC do suíno gerou um espessamento intimal maior do que aquele produzido apenas pela angioplastia, porém este não foi suficiente para afetar o lúmen arterial. / OBJECTIVE: to analyze, through digital morphometry, the intimal reaction in the carotid artery of pigs submitted to isolated angioplasty and angioplasty followed by implantation of cobalt-chromium stent. MATERIALS AND METHODS: eight healthy pigs had their common carotid artery (CCA) submitted to isolated angioplasty in the right side and angioplasty plus stenting in the left side. Four weeks latter, all animals were submitted to euthanasia for arterial tissue sampling and preparation of histological blades sorted as follows: group 1, middle segment of common right carotid artery (isolated angioplasty); group 2, middle segment of common left carotid artery (intra-stent). Blade images were scanned and analyzed through a digital morphometry program with calculation of luminal, intimal and media layers area in the histological sections. The statistical analysis was performed through mean values and standard deviations of the areas in each group, using the Student’s t-Test. The value of p<0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: When compare to angioplasty alone, the stent group showed greater hyperplasia in response to implantation regarding the lumen area (5.841 x 106μm2 X 1.287 x 106μm2), the internal elastic lamina area (6.566 x 106μm2 X 1.287 x 106μm2) and the external elastic lamina area (9.832 x 106μm2 X 4.559 x 106μm2). No statistically significant difference was observed when comparing the media layers of both groups (3.266 x 106μm2 X 3.271 x 106μm2). CONCLUSION: angioplasty followed by the implantation of a cobalt-chromium balloon expandable stent in the CCA of the pig creates more intimal thickening than angioplasty alone. Nevertheless intimal thickening was not enough to affect the luminal area thanks to a positive elastic remodeling effect.

Análise morfométrica da carótida de suínos submetidos à angioplastia com implante de stent de cromo-cobalto

Elesbão, João Luiz de Lara January 2009 (has links)
OBJETIVO: analisar, por meio de morfometria digital, a reação intimal presente na artéria carótida de suínos submetidos à angioplastia isoladamente e à angioplastia seguida de implante de stent de cromo - cobalto. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: em oito suínos sadios foi realizada a angioplastia isolada da artéria carótida comum (ACC) direita e angioplastia com implante de um stent de cromo – cobalto expansível por balão na artéria carótida comum esquerda. Após período de quatro semanas, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia para a retirada de amostras de tecido arterial e preparo de lâminas histológicas divididas do seguinte modo: grupo 1, segmento médio da artéria carótida comum direita (angioplastia isolada); grupo 2, segmento médio da artéria carótida comum esquerda em localização “intra stent”. As imagens das lâminas foram digitalizadas e analisadas por programa de morfometria digital com cálculo da área luminal, área da camada íntima e área da camada média dos cortes histológicos. A análise estatística foi realizada através da média e desvio padrão das áreas em cada grupo, utilizando-se Teste t de Student. O valor de p<0,05 foi considerado significativo. RESULTADOS: na análise das médias das áreas obtidas, foi encontrada maior hiperplasia em resposta ao implante de stent e diferença estatisticamente significativa quando realizada a comparação entre a área do lúmen (5,841 x 106μm2 X 1,287 x 106μm2), da lâmina elástica interna (6,566 x 106μm2 X 1,287 x 106μm2) e lâmina elástica externa (9,832 x 106μm2 X 4,559 x 106μm2) dos dois grupos (ATP + STENT X ATP; medidas em micrômetros quadrados). Não se observou diferença significativa do ponto de vista estatístico quando se realizou a comparação entre as camadas médias dos dois grupos (3,266 x 106μm2 X 3,271 x 106μm2). CONCLUSÃO: o implante de stent de cromo-cobalto expansível por balão na ACC do suíno gerou um espessamento intimal maior do que aquele produzido apenas pela angioplastia, porém este não foi suficiente para afetar o lúmen arterial. / OBJECTIVE: to analyze, through digital morphometry, the intimal reaction in the carotid artery of pigs submitted to isolated angioplasty and angioplasty followed by implantation of cobalt-chromium stent. MATERIALS AND METHODS: eight healthy pigs had their common carotid artery (CCA) submitted to isolated angioplasty in the right side and angioplasty plus stenting in the left side. Four weeks latter, all animals were submitted to euthanasia for arterial tissue sampling and preparation of histological blades sorted as follows: group 1, middle segment of common right carotid artery (isolated angioplasty); group 2, middle segment of common left carotid artery (intra-stent). Blade images were scanned and analyzed through a digital morphometry program with calculation of luminal, intimal and media layers area in the histological sections. The statistical analysis was performed through mean values and standard deviations of the areas in each group, using the Student’s t-Test. The value of p<0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: When compare to angioplasty alone, the stent group showed greater hyperplasia in response to implantation regarding the lumen area (5.841 x 106μm2 X 1.287 x 106μm2), the internal elastic lamina area (6.566 x 106μm2 X 1.287 x 106μm2) and the external elastic lamina area (9.832 x 106μm2 X 4.559 x 106μm2). No statistically significant difference was observed when comparing the media layers of both groups (3.266 x 106μm2 X 3.271 x 106μm2). CONCLUSION: angioplasty followed by the implantation of a cobalt-chromium balloon expandable stent in the CCA of the pig creates more intimal thickening than angioplasty alone. Nevertheless intimal thickening was not enough to affect the luminal area thanks to a positive elastic remodeling effect.

Allogenní štěp v rekonstrukční cévní chirurgii-použití imunosuprese v experimentu. / Allogenous venous graft in reconstructive vascular surgery - the use of immunosuppression in experiment.

Varga, Martin January 2012 (has links)
(ENGLISH) Background: The investigation of the immunosuppression usage in cardiovascular surgery and interventional cardiology is, at present, concentrated on three main topics: 1) influence on intimal hyperplasia of coronary and peripheral vascular reconstructions 2) influence on rejection of allogeneic vascular grafts and 3) influence on intimal hyperplasia of coronary arteries after endovascular interventions. Modern immunosuppressive drug FK506 (Tacrolimus) could have a positive effect for these indications. In experimental study, FK506 inhibited rejection of arterial allografts and also inhibited intimal hyperplasia in percutaneous coronary interventions. Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of systemic tacrolimus treatment on the process of arterialisation of allogeneic and syngeneic venous grafts in a rat vein-to-artery implantation model. Material and Methods: Lewis (LEW) rats were used as recipients of syngeneic (Lewis) or allogeneic (Brown-Norway; BN) iliolumbar veins which were implanted into abdominal aorta. Recipients were divided into six groups. In groups A, E and F were animals after syngeneic (LEW to LEW) and in groups B, C and D were animals after allogeneic (BN to LEW) transplantations. Animals in the groups C and F had daily intramuscular injections of...

Estudo da perviedade e do perfil sérico de marcadores inflamatórios com uso de stents impregnados de carbono no território vascular periférico / Study of the patency and serum profile of inflammatory markers with the use of carbon impregnated stents in the peripheral vascular territory

César Presto Campos 07 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Um dos fatores mais comuns de falha do procedimento das angioplastias vasculares periféricas é a estenose recorrente (reestenose). A inflamação vascular após angioplastia e implante de stent desempenha papel importante na proliferação de células do músculo liso vascular e posterior crescimento de neoíntima hipertrófica. Diversos estudos têm sugerido que a superfície dos stents, quando impregnada com determinadas moléculas, pode limitar a reestenose de forma eficaz. O carbono diamante, polímero de hidrocarboneto amorfo, pode ser usado para essa finalidade, reduzindo liberação de íons metálicos e a trombogenicidade. Diversos mediadores têm sido implicados na resposta inflamatória vascular, como o sistema calicreína-cinina (SCC), as citocinas, proteína C reativa (PCR) e o óxido nítrico (NO). Portanto, estudos clínicos específicos correlacionando o implante do stent aos níveis séricos destes possíveis marcadores podem contribuir no entendimento desse processo. Objetivo: Estudar a perviedade do dispositivo e a evolução clínica de doentes submetidos a angioplastia com stents impregandos de carbono no território vascular periférico, assim como o comportamento de mediadores séricos envolvidos nas fases mais precoces do processo inflamatório pós angioplastia. População e Método: Estudo prospectivo envolvendo 32 pacientes submetidos à angioplastia com stent no segmento ilíacofêmoro-poplíteo, selecionados no Ambulatório de Cirurgia Vascular e Endovascular do HCFMRP/USP. Foram tratadas lesões estenosantes ou oclusivas com angioplastia e colocação de stents de nitinol, com superfície impregnada de carbono (Carbostent®). Foram estudados os seguintes marcadores: SCC - com quantificação dos substratos (cininogênio de alto e baixo peso molecular - CAPM / CBPM) e das enzimas calicreína plasmática e tecidual, além da quantificação da cininase II; a determinação dos níveis de nitrito e nitratos para a avaliação de óxido nítrico; dosagem sérica de PCR e citocinas (IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alfa e TGFbeta). Também foi realizado a dosagem dos leucócitos. Amostras séricas foram coletadas antes, 24 horas e 6 meses após o implante do stent. Os pacientes foram seguidos por um ano, para avaliação da perviedade nesse período. Resultados: Dos 27 pacientes que completaram seis meses de estudo, houve apenas uma reestenose (3,7%) e nenhuma oclusão (96,3% de perviedade). No período de um ano, quatro pacientes perderam seguimento e todos os 23 doentes avaliados, mantiveram a perviedade dos stents, com exceção do paciente no qual houve reestenose no tempo seis meses. Houve redução significativa das concentrações das citocinas inflamatórias (IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-?) no tempo 24 horas e seis meses quando comparado com o pré-procedimento (p<0,05); exceto a IL-8 no tempo 24 horas. As citocinas anti-inflamatórias (IL10 e TGF-beta) comportaram-se de maneira antagônica, com elevação do TGF-beta no tempo 24 horas e elevação, tanto do TGF-beta quanto da IL-10, no tempo 6 meses versus pré-tratamento e 6 meses versus 24 horas (P<0,05). A PCR apresentou queda no tempo seis meses em relação ao tempo 24h (p<0,05). Os níveis de NO não se alteraram entre os tempos; os de leucócitos elevaram-se no tempo 24 horas e reduziram-se no tempo seis meses em relação ao tempo 24 horas (p<0,05). Conclusão: No presente estudo a taxa de reestenose precoce foi de 3,7% nos primeiros 6 meses e 5% em 12 meses de seguimento. O comportamento dos marcadores inflamatórios evidenciou sua correlação direta com o processo de angioplastia e implante de carbostent, em especial o SCC, as citocinas, PCR e os leucócitos. Contudo, não foi possível relacionar a variação dos seus níveis séricos com o processo de reestenose. / Background: One of the most common factors of failure of the peripheral vascular angioplasty procedure is recurrent stenosis (restenosis). Vascular inflammation following angioplasty and stent implantation plays an important role in vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and subsequent hypertrophic neointimal growth. Several studies have suggested that the surface of stents, when impregnated with certain molecules, can limit restenosis effectively. Diamond carbon, amorphous hydrocarbon polymer, can be used for this purpose, reducing release of metal ions and thrombogenicity. Several mediators have been implicated in the vascular inflammatory response, such as the kallikrein-kinin system (SCC), cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP) and nitric oxide (NO). Therefore, specific clinical studies correlating stent implantation with serum levels of these possible markers may contribute to the understanding of this process. Objective: To study the patency of the device and the clinical evolution of patients undergoing angioplasty with carbon-impregnated stents in the peripheral vascular territory, as well as the behavior of serum mediators involved in the earlier stages of the inflammatory process after angioplasty. Population and Method: Prospective study involving 32 patients submitted to angioplasty with stent in the iliac-femoro-popliteal segment, selected at the HCFMRP / USP Outpatient Vascular and Endovascular Outpatient Clinic. Stenosis or occlusive lesions were treated with angioplasty and placement of nitinol stents with a carbon impregnated surface (Carbostent®). The following markers were studied: SCC - with quantification of substrates (high and low molecular weight cincinogens - HMWC / LMWC) and plasma and tissue kallikrein enzymes, besides quantification of kininase II; determination of nitrite and nitrate levels for the evaluation of nitric oxide; serum levels of CRP and cytokines (IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-a and TGF-b). Leucocytes were also dosed. Serum samples were collected before, 24 hours and 6 months after stent implantation. The patients were followed for one year to assess the patency in this period. Results: Of the 27 patients who completed six months of study, there was only one restenosis (3.7%) and no occlusion (96.3% of patency). In one year, four patients lost follow-up and all 23 patients evaluated, maintained stent patency, with the exception of the patient who had restenosis over time for six months. There was a significant reduction in the concentrations of inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 b, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-a) in the time 24 hours and six months when compared with the pre-procedure (p <0.05); except for IL-8 in the 24 hour time. Anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL10 and TGF-b) behaved in an antagonistic manner, with TGF-b elevation in the 24 hour time and elevation of both TGF-b and IL-10, at 6 months versus pre- treatment and 6 months versus 24 hours (P <0.05). CRP showed a decrease in time six months in relation to time 24h (p <0.05). NO levels did not change between the times; the leukocytes increased in time 24 hours and reduced in time six months in relation to time 24 hours (p <0.05). Conclusion: In the present study, the rate of early restenosis was 3.7% in the first 6 months and 5% in 12 months of follow-up. The behavior of the inflammatory markers showed its direct correlation with the angioplasty and carbostent implantation process, especially SCC, cytokines, CRP and leukocytes. However, it was not possible to relate the variation of their serum levels to the restenosis process.

Allogenní štěp v rekonstrukční cévní chirurgii-použití imunosuprese v experimentu. / Allogenous venous graft in reconstructive vascular surgery - the use of immunosuppression in experiment.

Varga, Martin January 2012 (has links)
(ENGLISH) Background: The investigation of the immunosuppression usage in cardiovascular surgery and interventional cardiology is, at present, concentrated on three main topics: 1) influence on intimal hyperplasia of coronary and peripheral vascular reconstructions 2) influence on rejection of allogeneic vascular grafts and 3) influence on intimal hyperplasia of coronary arteries after endovascular interventions. Modern immunosuppressive drug FK506 (Tacrolimus) could have a positive effect for these indications. In experimental study, FK506 inhibited rejection of arterial allografts and also inhibited intimal hyperplasia in percutaneous coronary interventions. Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of systemic tacrolimus treatment on the process of arterialisation of allogeneic and syngeneic venous grafts in a rat vein-to-artery implantation model. Material and Methods: Lewis (LEW) rats were used as recipients of syngeneic (Lewis) or allogeneic (Brown-Norway; BN) iliolumbar veins which were implanted into abdominal aorta. Recipients were divided into six groups. In groups A, E and F were animals after syngeneic (LEW to LEW) and in groups B, C and D were animals after allogeneic (BN to LEW) transplantations. Animals in the groups C and F had daily intramuscular injections of...

MicroRNA-145-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles attenuate venous intimal hyperplasia in a rabbit model / microRNA-145封入ポリ乳酸グリコール酸共重合体ナノ粒子はウサギモデルにおいて静脈内膜肥厚を抑制する

Nishio, Hiroomi 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第21638号 / 医博第4444号 / 新制||医||1034(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 木村 剛, 教授 浅野 雅秀, 教授 山下 潤 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Multifunctional Biomimetic Modifications to Address Endothelialization and Intimal Hyperplasia in Vascular Grafts

Bastijanic, Jennifer M. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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