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Tectônica deformadora em sinéclises intracratônicas: a origem do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga, Bacia do Paraná, SP / Intracratonic basins tectonics: the origin of the Pitanga Structural High, Paraná basin, BrazilSiqueira, Leonardo Ferreira da Silva de 06 April 2011 (has links)
Sinéclises intracrâtonicas são pouco deformadas em comparação a outros tipos de bacias sedimentares, sua arquitetura é caracterizada por unidades litoestratigráficas subhorizontais que podem ser acompanhadas por grandes distâncias sem alterações estruturais significativas. O tectonismo concentra-se em alguns locais, tais como zonas de falha e altos estruturais, onde ocorre toda sorte de estruturas geológicas predominatemente rúpteis. Altos estruturais são locais interessantes para o estudo das sinéclises intracratônicas já que o basculamento de camadas propicia o afloramento de diversas unidades estratigráficas em áreas restritas, mas, sobretudo, são regiões propícias para o entendimento de sua evolução tectônica devido à abundância de estruturas aflorantes. Além disso, essas feições possuem grande importância econômica pois tradicionalmente são investigadas como potenciais armazenadores de hidrocarbonetos. Mais recentemente tem sido utilizadas na estocagem de gás combustível e tem-se avaliado seu potencial para armazenamento de gases do efeito estufa. Na Bacia do Paraná existem diversos altos estruturais, dentre os quais destaca-se, por suas dimensões, o Alto Estrutural de Pitanga. Localizado na região centro-leste do Estado de São Paulo, é uma braquianticlinal alongada na direção NNE-SSW. Em mapa possui formato grosseiramente elíptico, atingindo cerca de 30 km de comprimento em seu eixo maior, de direção NNE-SSW, e até 15 km no eixo menor, de direção WNWESE. O presente trabalho buscou caracterizar em detalhe a geometria dessa braquianticlinal mediante a construção de um mapa de contorno estrutural, e analisar os principais estilos estruturais encontrados nessa região. Com isso, tentar elucidar qual regime tectônico e posição do campo de esforços foram responsáveis pela geração do alto estrutural. Na área do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga foram encontrados evidências de regimes tectônicos compressivo, distensivo e transcorrente registrados em seis fases de deformação. Comparando-se a geomertria e orientação espacial da braquianticlinal bem caracterizada pelo mapa de contorno estrutural, e a orientação das estruturas e campo de esforços associados às diferentes fases de deformação, foi possível identificar o provável tectonismo que deu origem a esse alto estrutural, além de estimar a sua idade. Também foi possível avaliar o seu potencial como armadilha para o sistema petrolífero Irati-Pirambóia. / Intracratonic basins are slightly deformed compared to other types of sedimentary basins. The architecture of intracratonic basins are characterized by subhorizontal stratigraphic units which may be followed by large distances without significant structural changes. Deformation is concentraded in specifc sites such as fault zones and structural highs. Structural highs are interesting sites to study intracratonic basins since the tilting of layers provides the outcrop of different stratigraphic units in restricted areas, but most of all, they are conducive regions for the understanding of their tectonic evolution. Moreover, these features are traditionally investigated as potential traps of hydrocarbons. They have been used in the storage of fuel gas and, more recently, has evaluated its potential for storage of greenhouse gases. In Paraná Basin there are several structural highs among which stands out for its dimensions the so called Pitanga Structural High . Located in the central-eastern part of São Paulo State, south east of Brazil, is a gentle NNE-SSW-oriented anticlinal fold. On the map, it has a roughly elliptical geometry, reaching approximately 30 and 15 km in length on its major NNE-SSW and minor WNW-ESE axis, respectively. This study aimed to characterize, in detail, the Pitanga Structural High geometry by constructing a structural contour map, and to analyze the main structural styles found in this region to clarify what tectonic style and orientation of the stress field were responsible for the generation of this anticlinal. There are varied structural styles found in the area of Pitanga Structural High, related to compressive, transcurrent, and extensional tectonic regimes of six distinct deformation phases. By comparing the spatial orientation and geometry of the anticlinal characterized by structural contour map, and orientation of structures and stress field associated to different stages of deformation, it was possible to identify the likely tectonism which led to this structural high and so estimate its age. It was also possible to evaluate its potential as a trap for the petroleum system Irati-Pirambóia.
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Tectonique et architecture des bassins intracratoniques Paléozoïques : impact sur l’enregistrement sédimentaire et la géométrie des réservoirs associés : exemple de la marge Nord Gondwanienne / Architecture and tectonic of Paleozoic intracratonic Basins : impact on the sedimentary record and associated geometries : example of peri-Hoggar Basins (North Gondwana marge)Perron, Paul 27 June 2019 (has links)
La plate-forme Saharienne paléozoïque, comprenant les bassins péri-Hoggar (Murzuq, Illizi, Mouydir, Ahnet, Reggane et Tim Mersoï) sont définies comme des bassins intracratoniques. Ils ont été dominés par des mouvements verticaux lents et à grande longueur d'onde, conduisant à une subsidence globale à faible vitesse (i.e. ca. 10 m/Ma à 50 m/Ma) et à l'accumulation d'une couverture sédimentaire étendue de type plate-forme (environnements de dépôts peu profonds), rythmée par des périodes pulsatiles d’augmentation et de diminution du taux de subsidence probablement déclenchées par des événements géodynamiques régionaux. Les mouvements verticaux de la plate-forme ont créé plusieurs arches également appelés dômes, paléo-topographies (e.g. les arches de la Tihemboka, d’Amguid El Biod, d’Arak-Foum Belrem et de l’Azzel Matti) et des bassins (en forme de synclinal) de différentes longueurs d'onde allant de plusieurs centaines à plus de milliers kilomètres. La persistance d’un ensemble assez uniforme de mouvements verticaux semble contrôler l’architecture des bassins, ce qui semble indiquer un contrôle à grande échelle (i.e. lithosphérique). Ce dernier contrôle spatialement et temporellement la dynamique sédimentaire de dépôt et d'érosion. Plusieurs périodes d'érosion majeures ont considérablement tronqué les sédiments préexistants sur de vastes zones, produisant des discordances régionales, restreintes et amalgamées sur les arches, qui séparent la couverture sédimentaire de la plateforme. À travers une approche intégrée multidisciplinaire originale allant d’une analyse géologique de bassin, associant le substrat et l’architecture de bassin à une modélisation thermomécanique numérique de la lithosphère, cette étude a permis de décrypter les facteurs de forçage des bassins intracratoniques de la plate-forme saharienne (bassins péri-Hoggar).L'architecture en Arches-Bassins est mise en évidence par l'identification de structures tectono-sédimentaires (onlap divergents, troncatures…). Cette architecture se caractérise par des variations d'épaisseur et des partitionnements de faciès, organisés par des failles normales planes sub-verticales formant des systèmes d'horst-graben souvent associés à des plis forcés dans la couverture. Connectés et nucléés aux grandes zones de méga-cisaillement, les systèmes d'horst-graben sont inversés (inversion positive) ou réactivés (plis forcés) au cours d'événements géodynamiques successifs (par exemple : extension cambro-ordovicienne, rebond glaciaire ordo-silurien, extension/ compression Siluro-Dévonien «Calédonienne», extension/compression du dévonien tardif et compression «hercynienne»).Formée sous une lithosphère précambrienne de type accrétionnaire héritées de plusieurs paléo-orogénèses (e.g. Eburnéenne, Panafricaine), une zonation des substrats sous l’architecture en Arches-Basins est observée : Les terranes Archéen à Paléoprotérozoïque se situent sous les hauts structuraux et les terranes méso-néo-protérozoïques sous les dépressions.Sur la base de ces observations géologiques et de l’hypothèse de densités différentielles conservées (impliquant un potentiel isostatique) entre les différents terranes accrétées héritées (i.e. les terranes archéennes et protérozoïques) dans la lithosphère, un modèle numérique thermo-mécanique 2D est proposé. Les facteurs de forçage du premier et du second ordre, respectivement caractérisés par de faible taux de subsidence et par leurs déviations cycliques pendant de longues durées (250 Ma), sont bien contraint par le modèle réconciliant aussi l’architecture tectono-stratigraphique singulière en Arches-Basins. Les différentes simulations ont montré l’importance des anomalies thermiques, de la tectonique (faible taux de déformation) et de l’apport externes en sédiments sur la dynamique de ces bassins intracratoniques. Le flux sédimentaire contrôle la vitesse et la durée de remplissage du bassin jusqu'à l'équilibre isostatique (…). / The Paleozoic Saharan platform including the peri-Hoggar Basins (i.e. Murzuq, Illizi, Mouydir, Ahnet, Reggane and Tim Mersoï basins) are defined as intracraonic basins. Their histories have been dominated by slow long-wavelength vertical motions leading to overall low subsidence rate (i.e ca. 10 m/Ma to 50 m/Ma) and accumulation of an extensive cover of platformal sediments (i.e. shallow deposits environments), rhythmed by pulsatile periods of increasing and decreasing rate probably triggered by regional geodynamic events. The vertical motions of the platform produced several arches also called domes, swells, highs, ridges (e.g. the Tihemboka, Amguid El Biod, Arak-Foum Belrem and Azzel Matti Arches) and basins (syncline-shaped) with different wavelengths going from several hundred to more than a thousand kilometres. The persistence of a rather uniform pattern of vertical motions seems to control the architecture of the basins indicating a large-scale control (i.e. lithospheric). This latter controls spatially and temporally the deposition and the erosion dynamics. Several major erosion events significantly truncated the pre-existing sediments over wide areas, producing regional unconformities, especially restricted and amalgamated on arches, which separate the platformal cover into divisions. Through an original multidisciplinary integrated approach going from a geological basin analysis, coupling the substrate and the basin architecture to a numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of the lithosphere, this study has led to decipher the forcing factors of the intracratonic basins of the Saharan platform.The Arches-Basins architecture is highlighted through the identification of tectono-sedimentary structures (growth strata, truncatures…). This architecture is featured by thickness variation and facies portioning, organized by sub-vertical planar normal faults (sometimes blind faults) forming horst-graben systems associated with forced folding in the cover. Connected and nucleated to major mega-shear zones, horst-graben systems are inverted (positive inversion) or reactivated (forced folds) during successive geodynamic events (e.g. Cambro-Ordovician extension, Ordo-Silurian glacial rebound, Siluro-Devonian “Caledonian” extension/compression, late Devonian extension/compression and “Hercynian” compression).Formed under a Precambrian lithosphere of accretionary type, inherited during several paleo-orogenies (e.g. Eburnean, Pan-African), a substrates zonation of the Arches-Basins framework is described, where the Archean to Paleoproterozoic terranes are forming the structural highs and the Meso-Neoproterozoic terranes the structural lows.Based on these geological observations and the hypothesis of conserved differential densities (implying an isostatic potential) between the inherited different accreted terranes in the lithosphere (i.e. archean and proterozoic terranes), a 2D thermo-mechanical numerical model is proposed. The first and second order forcing factors, respectively recorded in the subsidence rate pattern by the low long-lived and by their cyclic deviations, are well constrained reconciling the singular Arches-Basins tectono-stratigraphic architecture. The different simulations have shown the importance of thermal anomaly, tectonics (weak strain rate) and external sediment supply on the dynamic of these intracratonic basins. Where, sediment flux controls the speed and the duration of basin infill until achievement of the isostatic equilibrium. The thermal anomaly and the tectonics compel the tectono-stratigraphic complexification such as the arches framework (intra-arches, boundary secondary arches…) and the stratigraphy architecture (wedges, diachronic unconformities) (…).
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Tectônica deformadora em sinéclises intracratônicas: a origem do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga, Bacia do Paraná, SP / Intracratonic basins tectonics: the origin of the Pitanga Structural High, Paraná basin, BrazilLeonardo Ferreira da Silva de Siqueira 06 April 2011 (has links)
Sinéclises intracrâtonicas são pouco deformadas em comparação a outros tipos de bacias sedimentares, sua arquitetura é caracterizada por unidades litoestratigráficas subhorizontais que podem ser acompanhadas por grandes distâncias sem alterações estruturais significativas. O tectonismo concentra-se em alguns locais, tais como zonas de falha e altos estruturais, onde ocorre toda sorte de estruturas geológicas predominatemente rúpteis. Altos estruturais são locais interessantes para o estudo das sinéclises intracratônicas já que o basculamento de camadas propicia o afloramento de diversas unidades estratigráficas em áreas restritas, mas, sobretudo, são regiões propícias para o entendimento de sua evolução tectônica devido à abundância de estruturas aflorantes. Além disso, essas feições possuem grande importância econômica pois tradicionalmente são investigadas como potenciais armazenadores de hidrocarbonetos. Mais recentemente tem sido utilizadas na estocagem de gás combustível e tem-se avaliado seu potencial para armazenamento de gases do efeito estufa. Na Bacia do Paraná existem diversos altos estruturais, dentre os quais destaca-se, por suas dimensões, o Alto Estrutural de Pitanga. Localizado na região centro-leste do Estado de São Paulo, é uma braquianticlinal alongada na direção NNE-SSW. Em mapa possui formato grosseiramente elíptico, atingindo cerca de 30 km de comprimento em seu eixo maior, de direção NNE-SSW, e até 15 km no eixo menor, de direção WNWESE. O presente trabalho buscou caracterizar em detalhe a geometria dessa braquianticlinal mediante a construção de um mapa de contorno estrutural, e analisar os principais estilos estruturais encontrados nessa região. Com isso, tentar elucidar qual regime tectônico e posição do campo de esforços foram responsáveis pela geração do alto estrutural. Na área do Alto Estrutural de Pitanga foram encontrados evidências de regimes tectônicos compressivo, distensivo e transcorrente registrados em seis fases de deformação. Comparando-se a geomertria e orientação espacial da braquianticlinal bem caracterizada pelo mapa de contorno estrutural, e a orientação das estruturas e campo de esforços associados às diferentes fases de deformação, foi possível identificar o provável tectonismo que deu origem a esse alto estrutural, além de estimar a sua idade. Também foi possível avaliar o seu potencial como armadilha para o sistema petrolífero Irati-Pirambóia. / Intracratonic basins are slightly deformed compared to other types of sedimentary basins. The architecture of intracratonic basins are characterized by subhorizontal stratigraphic units which may be followed by large distances without significant structural changes. Deformation is concentraded in specifc sites such as fault zones and structural highs. Structural highs are interesting sites to study intracratonic basins since the tilting of layers provides the outcrop of different stratigraphic units in restricted areas, but most of all, they are conducive regions for the understanding of their tectonic evolution. Moreover, these features are traditionally investigated as potential traps of hydrocarbons. They have been used in the storage of fuel gas and, more recently, has evaluated its potential for storage of greenhouse gases. In Paraná Basin there are several structural highs among which stands out for its dimensions the so called Pitanga Structural High . Located in the central-eastern part of São Paulo State, south east of Brazil, is a gentle NNE-SSW-oriented anticlinal fold. On the map, it has a roughly elliptical geometry, reaching approximately 30 and 15 km in length on its major NNE-SSW and minor WNW-ESE axis, respectively. This study aimed to characterize, in detail, the Pitanga Structural High geometry by constructing a structural contour map, and to analyze the main structural styles found in this region to clarify what tectonic style and orientation of the stress field were responsible for the generation of this anticlinal. There are varied structural styles found in the area of Pitanga Structural High, related to compressive, transcurrent, and extensional tectonic regimes of six distinct deformation phases. By comparing the spatial orientation and geometry of the anticlinal characterized by structural contour map, and orientation of structures and stress field associated to different stages of deformation, it was possible to identify the likely tectonism which led to this structural high and so estimate its age. It was also possible to evaluate its potential as a trap for the petroleum system Irati-Pirambóia.
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