Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intraoperative"" "subject:"lntraoperative""
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Ömsesidig interaktion eller förbisedda signaler? : Den intraoperativa kommunikationen mellan patient och anestesisjuksköterska.Engström, Lina, Eriksson, Karin January 2016 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Under den intraoperativa perioden, det vill säga från att patienter anländer till operationsavdelningen tills att de överlämnas till postoperativ vård, upplever de vanligen oro och ångest. Detta kan minimeras genom att anestesisjuksköterskan tillämpar ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Studier inom vården visar att genom ett gott kommunikativt samspel kan personcentrering uppnås, men också attvälbefinnandet ökar både hos patienter och sjuksköterskor. Orlando (1990) har utarbetat en omvårdnadsteori, som beskriver hur sjuksköterskor kan uppnå ett gott kommunikativt samspel och därmed personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva det kommunikativa samspelet mellan patient och anestesisjuksköterska från det initiala mötet tills patienten sövts. Metod: En icke-deltagande observationsstudie genomfördes på två olika operationsavdelningar på ett universitetssjukhus i Mellansverige. Tjugo parvisa observationstillfällen analyserades med en kvalitativ-deduktiv innehållsanalys. Ett analysprotokoll baserat på Orlando’s teori användes. Resultat: Intraoperativt präglades det kommunikativa samspelet antingen av: 1) ömsesidig interaktion, där både patient och anestesisjuksköterska uppmärksammade varandras verbala och icke-verbala signaler, eller 2) förbisedda behov, som en konsekvens av bristande kommunikativt samspel där patienternas signaler feltolkades eller inte uppfattades. En ömsesidig interaktion och därmed ett gott kommunikativt samspel uppnåddes på flera sätt. Orlando’s reflekterande omvårdnadsprocess var inte nödvändig för att skapa ett gott kommunikativt samspel. Däremot, om omvårdnadsprocessen inte följdes, blev vården och det kommunikativa samspelet inte alltid personcentrerat och det hände att patientens behov förbisågs helt. Slutsats: Anestesisjuksköterskor måste bemästra konsten att personcentrera både kommunikation och vård. Resultatet i denna studie beskriver det kommunikativa samspelet intraoperativt och kan därmed skapa medvetenhet hos anestesisjuksköterskorna om hur de kommunicerar. Examensarbetet bidrar till ökad förståelse av det kommunikativa samspelet med en mer personcentrerad, bättre och säkrare vård som följd. / ABSTRACT Background: Patients commonly experience anxiety and distress intraoperatively, which is the period from patient arrival at the theatre department till they are discharged to a postoperative unit. This can be eased, if a person-centered approach is applied by the nurse anesthetist. Studies show that good nurse-patient interactions lead to person-centered care and increases well-being for both patients and nurses. Orlando’s (1990) nursing theory, describes how to achieve good nurse-patient interaction and consequently person-centered care. Objective: The objective was to describe nurse-patient interactions, from the initial encounter until the patient was under sedation. Method: Non-participating observations were performed at two separate theatre departments at a university hospital in central Sweden. Twenty paired observations were analysed using qualitative-deductive content analysis. A protocol based on Orlando’s theory was used. Result: Intraoperative nurse-patient interaction was characterised by either: 1) mutuality, where both patient and nurse were attentive to each other’s verbal and non-verbal signals. This resulted in good nurse-patient interaction, or 2) unmet needs, a consequence of insufficient nurse-patient interactions where the patient’s signals were being misinterpreted or not perceived. This study shows that good nurse-patient interactions can be achieved in different ways. Implementing the reflective nursing process was not necessary to engender good nurse-patient interactions. Although, if not implemented, then a good nurse-patient interaction and person-centered care could not be guaranteed, even to the point where the patients’ needs were completely missed. Conclusion: It is crucial for the nurse anesthetist to master the ability to apply person-centered care and communication intraoperatively. The result of this study describes the intraoperative nurse-patient interaction and can therefore bring enlightenment to the nurse anesthetist about how the communicate. This thesis contributes to an increased understanding regarding the nurse-patient interaction with a augmented person-centered care and therefore leading to higher quality and safety in care provided.
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Posicionamento cirúrgico: evidências para o cuidado de enfermagem / Surgical positioning: evidence for nursing care.Lopes, Camila Mendonça de Moraes 29 June 2009 (has links)
O enfermeiro perioperatório é responsável pelo planejamento e implementação de intervenções de enfermagem que minimizam ou possibilitam a prevenção de complicações aos pacientes decorrentes do procedimento anestésico-cirúrgico. O posicionamento cirúrgico tem como principal finalidade promover o acesso ao local a ser operado e deve ser realizado de forma correta para garantir a segurança e o conforto do paciente e prevenir complicações pós-operatórias. A Prática Baseada em Evidências é uma abordagem que integra as evidências disponíveis, a competência clínica do profissional e as preferências do paciente para a tomada de decisão sobre o cuidado a saúde, sendo selecionada como referencial teórico. O presente estudo teve como objetivo buscar e avaliar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre os cuidados de enfermagem relacionados ao posicionamento cirúrgico do paciente adulto no período intra-operatório. O método de pesquisa adotado foi a revisão integrativa da literatura. Para a seleção dos artigos utilizamos as bases de dados PUBMED, CINAHL e LILACS. A amostra constitui-se de 20 artigos. Em relação ao nível de evidência, dos 20 estudos analisados apenas um apresentou nível de evidência forte (nível II), um estudo é considerado com nível de evidência moderada (nível III) e oito com evidências fracas (nível VI e VII). Atrelado a essa situação os outros 10 estudos (revisão narrativa de literatura) não têm classificação de acordo com o sistema hierárquico adotado. Na síntese das evidências disponíveis dos estudos incluídos na revisão, constatamos que estes enfocaram três tópicos principais, a saber: os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de complicações; as complicações decorrentes do posicionamento cirúrgico e os cuidados de enfermagem relacionados ao posicionamento cirúrgico do paciente. A presente revisão integrativa fornece ao leitor informações detalhadas sobre os tópicos mencionados, além de disponibilizar a tradução de um modelo de protocolo direcionado ao posicionamento, movimentação, elevação e transporte do paciente no ambiente perioperatório, o qual foi elaborado pela Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. Esperamos que os resultados evidenciados neste estudo contribuam para a melhoria da qualidade da assistência prestada ao paciente cirúrgico, pois a sua condução teve como propósitos facilitar o acesso às evidências disponíveis sobre os cuidados de enfermagem no posicionamento cirúrgico, esclarecer dúvidas relacionadas a esta prática e incentivar o desenvolvimento de protocolos de cuidados voltados ao posicionamento a serem disponibilizados para todos os profissionais envolvidos no atendimento do paciente no período perioperatório. / The perioperative nurse is responsible for planning and implementation of nursing interventions to minimize or prevent possible complications to patients from arising during anesthetic and surgical procedures. The main purpose of surgical positioning is to promote access to the surgical site and must be done correctly to ensure safety and comfort of the patient and prevent postoperative complications. Evidence-based practice is an approach that integrates the available evidence, the clinical expertise and the patient\'s preferences for decision making on health care, this was selected as a theoretical reference. The aim of this study is to find and evaluate the available evidence related to nursing care of adult patients during surgical positioning. The research method adopted was the integrative review of literature. PUBMED, CINAHL and LILACS databases were used for the selection of the articles. The sample consisted of 20 articles. On the level of evidence, of the 20 studies analyzed, only one showed a strong level of evidence (level II), one study is considered to have a moderate level of evidence (level III) and eight with weak evidence (level VI and VII). Coupled to this situation, the other 10 studies (narrative review of the literature) are not classified under the hierarchical system adopted. In the synthesis of the available evidence on the studies included in this review, we focused on three main topics: the risk factors for developing complications, complications of surgical positioning and nursing care related to surgical positioning of the patient. This integrative review provides the reader detailed information on the topics listed, and provides a translation of a protocol of procedures in positioning, handling, lifting and transporting the patient in the perioperative environment, which was prepared by the Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses. We hope that the results contribute to improving the quality of care provided to surgical patients, because first of all the purpose was to facilitate access to the available evidence about nursing care in surgical positioning, answer questions related to this practice and encourage the development of protocols of care to be available to all perioperative personnel.
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Avaliação do uso do ultra-som intra-operatório na cirurgia hepatobiliar e pancreática / Evaluation the use of intraoperative ultrasonography during hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeryMenezes, Marcos Roberto de 12 August 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o valor diagnóstico e o impacto na modificação da conduta terapêutica do ultra-som intra-operatório (UIO) na cirurgia por neoplasia de fígado, vias biliares e pâncreas, comparando-se achados da avaliação pré-operatória de rotina com métodos de imagem convencionais (tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética) com achados obtidos por meio da exploração cirúrgica (inspeção e palpação). Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, exames realizados em 49 pacientes, sendo 15 portadores de neoplasia hepática secundária; 14, de neoplasia hepática primária; 14, de tumor neuroendócrino pancreático e seis de neoplasia cística pancreática. No grupo de pacientes com neoplasia hepática e de vias biliares, a TC identificou 65% dos tumores; a exploração cirúrgica, 69,5% e o UIO, 95,2%. Houve mudança da conduta, em decorrência dos achados do UIO, em 34,4% dos pacientes. No grupo de tumores neuroendócrinos pancreáticos, a TC identificou corretamente 44,4% dos tumores; a RM, 60,9%; a exploração cirúrgica com palpação, 72,7% e o UIO, 100%. Houve mudança de conduta em 42,9% dos pacientes. No grupo de neoplasia cística, o UIO não acrescentou informação adicional relevante em relação à TC e à RM, exceto no paciente com neoplasia papilífera intraductal. Apesar do grande avanço nos métodos de avaliação por imagem pré-operatórios e mesmo com toda a expertise do cirurgião, os resultados mostram que o UIO modifica positivamente o planejamento cirúrgico em um número significativo de pacientes, devendo, portanto fazer parte integrante da avaliação intra-operatória dos pacientes candidatos à ressecção hepática por neoplasia primária ou secundária e da cirurgia de neoplasia endócrina pancreática / Intraoperative sonography (IOU) is an imaging modality that has been showing rapid growth in the last decade that can has a variety of applications in different surgical specialities, particularly in abdominal surgery. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use o IOU in the setting of surgery for liver, biliary and pancreatic malignancies. To achieve that, the findings of routine preoperative state-of the-art imaging modalities (CT and MRI) and the findings of surgical exploration (inspection and palpation) were compared to those of IOU. The impact of IOU on preoperative plans based on CT and MRI and on management after surgical exploration were studied as well 49 patients were retrospectively studied. Of those 15 had metastatic liver disease and 14 primary liver cancer; 14 had pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours and 6 had cystic pancreatic neoplasms. In the group of hepatic and biliary malignancies CT identified 65% of the tumours, surgical exploration identified 69.5% and IOU 95.2% (including 3 false positives). IOU determined a change in management in 34.4% of the patients. In the group of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours the rates of identification were 27.3% for CT, 60.9% for MRI, 72.7% for surgical exploration and 100% for IOU, with an alteration in surgical plans in 42.9% of patients after IOU. In the case of patients with cystic pancreatic neoplasia, IOUS did not add any relevant additional information in relation to CT or MRI, with exception to one patient that had a papiliferous intraductal neoplasia. In spite of the great advances on preoperatory imaging modalities and of the possibility of direct surgical exploration, IOU has shown that it positively modifies surgical planning. For that reason, it should be included as an essential adjunct in the intraoperatory evaluation of patients with pancreatic endocrine neoplasia and of candidates for hepatic resection in cases of primary and secondary malignancies
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O uso da elastografia por ultrassom para identificar displasias corticais focais em pacientes com epilepsia durante o procedimento cirúrgico / The use of ultrasound elastography to identify focal cortical dysplasia in pacients with epilepsy during the surgical procedurePereira, Arthur Bertoldi 07 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar um caso específico de epilepsia refratária causada por uma má formação no tecido cerebral, denominada displasia cortical focal (DCF). Por ser uma má formação no cérebro, suas consequências aparecem desde a infância, em que ela, a DCF, é a principal causadora das epilepsias de caso refratário. O mapeamento da região com DCF geralmente é feito por meio de imagens de ressonância magnética em conjunto com outras técnicas, como, por exemplo, o PET (positron emission tomography), o EEG (eletroencefalograma) intracraniano, entre outras. Contudo, por serem técnicas muito caras, de difícil realização ou muito invasivas, e por sabermos que as regiões displásicas possuem uma rigidez diferente da do restante do cérebro, foi proposto nesta dissertação o estudo desses casos utilizando uma técnica barata, simples, não invasiva e sensível à rigidez tecidual, a elastografia por ultrassom, na qual, para causar a deformação do tecido cerebral, foram usadas próprias artérias internas do cérebro. Para tal estudo, criamos um algoritmo de processamento de dados com uma interface gráfica GUI (graphical user interface) capaz de mudar os parâmetros de processamento e ver seus resultados em tempo real. Em seguida, esse algoritmo foi estudado em um ambiente controlado em material mimetizador de tecido biológico (phantom), no qual construímos um bloco de 10 x 10 x 12cm3, preenchido com material que mimetiza as propriedades mecânicas e acústicas do tecido mole e inserimos nele uma bexiga canudo preenchida com um uido simulador de sangue e uma inclusão mais rígida do que a base do material, posicionada acima do canudo. Foi utilizado, também, um acionador mecânico pulsátil para simular a pulsação mecânica equivalente à pulsação sanguínea da artéria cerebral. Foram feitas imagens elastográcas e de velocidade utilizando somente a deformação causada pelo deslocamento da bexiga, no interior do phantom, e, através de uma transformada de Fourier, foi calculado o período de pulsação da bexiga. Vimos que as imagens elastográcas e de velocidade foram capazes de localizar a inclusão, e o processamento temporal pode nos mostrar com precisão a frequência de pulsação da bexiga canudo. Finalizada essa etapa laboratorial, zemos o mesmo procedimento, porém in vivo, para dois casos: um com DCF tipo III-B, no qual não enxergávamos nada no modo B; e outro com tipo II-B, no qual foi observado uma diferença de impedância mecânica pelo modo B. As imagens foram coletadas durante o procedimento cirúrgico pelo próprio cirurgião usando um transdutor microconvexo acoplado a uma plataforma de ultrassom, modelo Sonix RP, e processadas num segundo momento. Vimos, no primeiro caso, pelas imagens elastográcas, as regiões mais rígidas, supostamente displásicas, que não estavam aparecendo no modo B e, no segundo caso, uma região maior do que a apresentada no modo B. Nossos resultados das medidas de frequência da pulsação arterial, para ambas as situações, 61; 5BPM e 91BPM, caram bastante próximos do valor medido com o eletrocardiograma durante a coleta do sinal, 65BPM e 94BPM, respectivamente. Por meio dos resultados da análise histológica, pudemos conrmar que o que estávamos enxergando com nosso programa era realmente uma região displásica. Dessa forma, concluímos que nosso algoritmo funcionou bem para esses casos clínicos. / The mainly goal of this work was to study a specic case of refractory epilepsy generated by a malformation in the brain tissue, called focal cortical dysplasia (FCD). Due the fact it is a brain malformation its eects show up since the childhood where it is the principal epilepsy generator. The mapping of this region is usually made by magnetic resonance images with another technique, such as, for instance, the PET (position emition tomography), the EEG (electrocardiogram), and others. However, for the fact that these techniques are expensive, dicult to perform or invasive, and knowing that the dysplastic regions are stier than the regular brain tissue, it was proposed in this dissertation the use of ultrasound elastography as a cheaper, simpler and noninvasive image modality capable to detect dierences in the tissue stiness of the FCD region. To generate the strain in the brain tissue it was used the pulsation of the local arteries. To achieve our goal, we created a data processing algorithm in MATLAB with a graphic user interface (GUI) capable to change the processing parameters to see its results in real time. This algorithm was tested in phantom using a block of tissue mimicking material (10 x 10 x 12 cm3). A balloon of latex led with a blood mimicking uid was immersed in the middle of the phantom and a cylindrical inclusion of 1 cm of diameter was immersed above the balloon. The bulb of the balloon was keep outside of the phantom to be mechanically pressured by a dedicated magnetic actuator, simulating the mechanical pulsation of the brain arteries. The velocity and elastography images were studied using just the strain caused by the displacement of the wall of the balloon tube inside the phantom. The period of pulsation was precisely calculated from these images. After that, we did the same procedure in two in vivo cases: one with FCD type III-B; and the other with FCD type II-B. All our intraoperative images were acquired for the surgeons using a micro convex transducer linked to an Ultrasound platform (Sonix RP) and, then, processed o-line. In the B mode scanning we didnât see any formation inside the brain for the rst case, and for the second, we did. In the elastographic images we saw a clearly stiffer region in the rst case that was invisible in the B mode; and for the second case, we saw a bigger stiffer region than we saw in the B mode imaging too. And for both results, the arteria pulsation frequency, 61.5 BPM and 91 BPM, were veryclose to the measured value collected in the electrocardiogram during the surgery, 65 BPM and 94 BPM, respectively. Analyzing the histological results we could conrm that what we were showing in our elastographic images were FCD, indeed. Thereby we concluded that our algorithm had worked in these clinical data.
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Factors predicting incremental administration of antihypertensive boluses during deep brain stimulator placement for Parkinson’s diseaseRajan, Shobana, Deogaonkar, Milind, Kaw, Roop, Nada, Eman MS, Hernández, Adrian V., Ebrahim, Zeyd, Avitsian, Rafi 28 November 2014 (has links)
avitsir@ccf.org / Hypertension is common in deep brain stimulator (DBS) placement predisposing to intracranial hemorrhage. This retrospective review evaluates factors predicting incremental antihypertensive use intraoperatively. Medical records of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients undergoing DBS procedure between 2008–2011 were reviewed after Institutional Review Board approval. Anesthesia medication, preoperative levodopa dose, age, preoperative use of antihypertensive medications, diabetes mellitus, anxiety, motor part of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale score and PD duration were collected. Univariate and multivariate analysis was done between each patient characteristic and the number of antihypertensive boluses. From the 136 patients included 60 were hypertensive, of whom 32 were on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), told to hold on the morning of surgery. Antihypertensive medications were given to 130 patients intraoperatively. Age (relative risk [RR] 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00–1.02; p = 0.005), high Joint National Committee (JNC) class (p < 0.0001), diabetes mellitus (RR 1.4; 95%CI 1.2–17; p < 0.0001) and duration of PD >10 years (RR 1.2; 95%CI 1.1–1.3; p = 0.001) were independent predictors for antihypertensive use. No difference was noted in the mean dose of levodopa (p = 0.1) and levodopa equivalent dose (p = 0.4) between the low (I/II) and high severity (III/IV) JNC groups. Addition of dexmedetomidine to propofol did not influence antihypertensive boluses required (p = 0.38). Intraoperative hypertension during DBS surgery is associated with higher age group, hypertensive, diabetic patients and longer duration of PD. Withholding ACEI or ARB is an independent predictor of hypertension requiring more aggressive therapy. Levodopa withdrawal and choice of anesthetic agent is not associated with higher intraoperative antihypertensive medications. / Revisión por pares
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Oavsiktlig hypotermi i den intraopeativa fasen : En randomiserad pilotstudie och instrumentutvecklingRaatikainen, Daniéla, Åkerlind, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Oavsiktlig hypotermi är ett ämne som hamnat i skymundan i den hektiska intraoperativa fasen för anestesisjuksköterskan. Patientens nedkylning påbörjas redan vid de preoperativa förberedelserna. En salstemperatur under 22˚C är den vanligaste orsaken till hypotermi hos patienterna och deras kroppstemperatur bör inte understiga 36,5˚C. Förebyggande åtgärder som att använda värmefiltar, salstemperatur på 22˚C-23˚C, varma infusioner i blodvärmare, inte exponera mer hud än nödvändigt samt postoperativt använda sig av värmetak. Kroppstemperaturen bör övervakas vid operationer längre än 30 minuter. Genom ökat fokus på kroppstemperaturen i den intraoperativa fasen kan postoperativa komplikationer minskas samt förkorta vårdtiden. Kan påverkbara faktorer under den intraoperativa fasen påverka och minska risken för oavsiktlig hypotermi? Fokus ligger på utvärdering av metod och mätinstrument. Syftet med den randomiserade pilotstudien är att undersöka patienter som drabbas av oavsiktlig hypotermi som genomgår hysterektomi med generell anestesi. Metoden är en kvantitativ pilotstudie med randomiserat urval samt en litteraturgranskning för förbättring av instrumentutveckling. Antalet deltagare i studien var 15 stycken, inga generella slutsatser kan dras. Mild hypotermi har 60 % av deltagarna redan innan operationsstart. Tio av 15 patienter uppnår ej 37°C under de första 30 minuterna oavsett bair hugger eller ej. Temperaturtagning 30 minuter efter ankomst till postoperativaavdelningen är mellan 35,4°C-37,2˚C. För att få ett heltäckande formulär om den perioperativa vården utförs en instrumentutveckling inför kommande primärstudie. Anestesisjuksköterskan är ansvarig för att förebygga och åtgärda hypotermi i enlighet med vad som är bäst för patienten. Vårdtagaren ska alltid stå i centrum och hypotermi är något som lätt kan åtgärdas bara medvetandet inom kunskapsområdet ökar. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot anestesisjukvård
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Prostate brachytherapy: Pre-plan and real-time transperineal ultrasound guided Iodine-125 permanent seed implants at Södersjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital.Kramar, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to study the European (ESTRO/EAU/EORTC) and American (ABS) guidelines how to report the permanent seed implant and the most significant dosimetric parameters. It will also report on the permanent seed implant at Södersjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital according to the guidelines. A large number of studies on pre- and post-implant dosimetry on permanent seed implants have recently been published but none is considered a standard. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to compare data from different centres. The differences in reporting will also be discussed in this thesis. Another part of the study is to investigate how the morbidity correlates with the dose. The results in this report will give an overview of the experience at Södersjukhuset.</p><p>Matherials and Methods: This study includes 198 patients who received implants between 2004-2007 with I-125 seeds under transperineal ultrasound at Södersjukhuset (to a prescribed dose of 145 Gy). The dose-planning system VariSeed 7.1 was used with an online connection to the ultrasound system with real-time verification. Dose constraints for the planning system are V(100)>99%, V(150)>60%, V(200)>25%, UrD(10)<130% and UrD(30)<125%. Outer and inner wall of rectum was outlined for 55 patients as recommended by ESTRO/EAU/EORTC and doses to rectum were also computed.</p><p>Results: The median value for dosimetric parameters at Södersjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital are for the prostate; D(90)=174Gy (153-194Gy), V(100)= 99% (93-100%), V(150)= 57% (40-74%), for the urethra; UrD(30) = 130% (112-147%), UrD(10) = 124% (107-142%) and for the rectum; RD2cc= 98Gy (73-128Gy), RD0.1cc=164Gy (119-240Gy), RV(100)=0.3cc (0.0-1.3cc), RV(150)=0.0cc (0.0-0.2cc). These values correspond to recommended data, except for the V(150) value. Regarding the clinically observed results, 3 patients had a relapse in their cancer, 2 patients had mild proctitis and 15 patients had urinary problems.</p><p>Discussion and Conclusions: The significant dosimetric parameters for reporting according to ESTRO/EAU/EORTC and ABS for prostate are D90[Gy], V(100)[%] and V(150)[%], for urethra are D(30) and D(10), and for rectum RD2cc and RD0.1cc. These parameters consider as a minimum to use and they further recommend secondary parameters to report. Other authors have also recommended to report RV(100) and RV(150) for rectum. This study did not show any relationship between UrD(10), UrD(30) and urinary morbidity. According to the recommendations every patient should undergo a CT-based evaluation. Further investigations are needed on whether a post-implant CT-study is necessary for real-time implantation, as there is not enough published data on this aspect.</p>
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Image processing methods for 3D intraoperative ultrasoundHellier, Pierre 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce document constitue une synth`ese de travaux de recherche en vue de l'obten- tion du diplˆome d'habilitation `a diriger les recherches. A la suite ce cette in- troduction r ́edig ́ee en franc ̧ais, le reste de ce document sera en anglais. Je suis actuellement charg ́e de recherches INRIA au centre de Rennes Bretagne Atlantique. J'ai rejoint en Septembre 2001 l' ́equipe Vista dirig ́ee par Patrick Bouthemy, puis l' ́equipe Visages dirig ́ee par Christian Barillot en Janvier 2004. Depuis Janvier 2010, je travaille dans l' ́equipe-projet Serpico dirig ́ee par Charles Kervrann dont l'objet est l'imagerie et la mod ́elisation de la dynamique intra- cellulaire. Parmi mes activit ́es pass ́ees, ce document va se concentrer uniquement sur les activit ́es portant sur la neurochirurgie guid ́ee par l'image. En parti- culier, les travaux effectu ́es sur le recalage non-rigide ne seront pas pr ́esent ́es ici. Concernant le recalage, ces travaux ont commenc ́e pendant ma th`ese avec le d ́eveloppement d'une m ́ethode de recalage 3D bas ́e sur le flot optique [72], l'incorporation de contraintes locales dans ce processus de recalage [74] et la validation de m ́ethodes de recalage inter-sujets [71]. J'ai poursuivi ces travaux apr`es mon recrutement avec Anne Cuzol et Etienne M ́emin sur la mod ́elisation fluide du recalage [44], avec Nicolas Courty sur l'acc ́el ́eration temps-r ́eel de m ́ethode de recalage [42], et sur l' ́evaluation des m ́ethodes de recalage dans deux contextes : celui de l'implantation d' ́electrodes profondes [29] et le re- calage inter-sujets [92]. L'utilisation de syst`emes dits de neuronavigation est maintenant courante dans les services de neurochirurgie. Les b ́en ́efices, attendus ou report ́es dans la litt ́erature, sont une r ́eduction de la mortalit ́e et de la morbidit ́e, une am ́elio- ration de la pr ́ecision, une r ́eduction de la dur ́ee d'intervention, des couˆts d'hospitalisation. Tous ces b ́en ́efices ne sont pas `a l'heure actuelle d ́emontr ́es `a ma connaissance, mais cette question d ́epasse largement le cadre de ce doc- ument. Ces syst`emes de neuronavigation permettent l'utilisation du planning chirurgical pendant l'intervention, dans la mesure ou` le patient est mis en cor- respondance g ́eom ́etrique avec les images pr ́eop ́eratoires `a partir desquelles est pr ́epar ́ee l'intervention. Ces informations multimodales sont maintenant couramment utilis ́ees, com- prenant des informations anatomiques, vasculaires, fonctionnelles. La fusion de ces informations permet de pr ́eparer le geste chirurgical : ou` est la cible, quelle est la voie d'abord, quelles zones ́eviter. Ces informations peuvent main- tenant ˆetre utilis ́ees en salle d'op ́eration et visualis ́ees dans les oculaires du mi- croscope chirurgical grˆace au syst`eme de neuronavigation. Malheureusement, cela suppose qu'il existe une transformation rigide entre le patient et les im- ages pr ́eop ́eratoires. Alors que cela peut ˆetre consid ́er ́e comme exact avant l'intervention, cette hypoth`ese tombe rapidement sous l'effet de la d ́eformation des tissus mous. Ces d ́eformations, qui doivent ˆetre consid ́er ́ees comme un ph ́enom`ene spatio-temporel, interviennent sous l'effet de plusieurs facteurs, dont la gravit ́e, la perte de liquide c ́ephalo-rachidien, l'administration de pro- duits anesth ́esiants ou diur ́etiques, etc. Ces d ́eformations sont tr`es difficiles `a mod ́eliser et pr ́edire. De plus, il s'agit d'un ph ́enom`ene spatio-temporel, dont l'amplitude peut varier consid ́era- blement en fonction de plusieurs facteurs. Pour corriger ces d ́eformations, l'imagerie intra-op ́eratoire apparait comme la seule piste possible.
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Prostate brachytherapy: Pre-plan and real-time transperineal ultrasound guided Iodine-125 permanent seed implants at Södersjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital.Kramar, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to study the European (ESTRO/EAU/EORTC) and American (ABS) guidelines how to report the permanent seed implant and the most significant dosimetric parameters. It will also report on the permanent seed implant at Södersjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital according to the guidelines. A large number of studies on pre- and post-implant dosimetry on permanent seed implants have recently been published but none is considered a standard. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to compare data from different centres. The differences in reporting will also be discussed in this thesis. Another part of the study is to investigate how the morbidity correlates with the dose. The results in this report will give an overview of the experience at Södersjukhuset. Matherials and Methods: This study includes 198 patients who received implants between 2004-2007 with I-125 seeds under transperineal ultrasound at Södersjukhuset (to a prescribed dose of 145 Gy). The dose-planning system VariSeed 7.1 was used with an online connection to the ultrasound system with real-time verification. Dose constraints for the planning system are V(100)>99%, V(150)>60%, V(200)>25%, UrD(10)<130% and UrD(30)<125%. Outer and inner wall of rectum was outlined for 55 patients as recommended by ESTRO/EAU/EORTC and doses to rectum were also computed. Results: The median value for dosimetric parameters at Södersjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital are for the prostate; D(90)=174Gy (153-194Gy), V(100)= 99% (93-100%), V(150)= 57% (40-74%), for the urethra; UrD(30) = 130% (112-147%), UrD(10) = 124% (107-142%) and for the rectum; RD2cc= 98Gy (73-128Gy), RD0.1cc=164Gy (119-240Gy), RV(100)=0.3cc (0.0-1.3cc), RV(150)=0.0cc (0.0-0.2cc). These values correspond to recommended data, except for the V(150) value. Regarding the clinically observed results, 3 patients had a relapse in their cancer, 2 patients had mild proctitis and 15 patients had urinary problems. Discussion and Conclusions: The significant dosimetric parameters for reporting according to ESTRO/EAU/EORTC and ABS for prostate are D90[Gy], V(100)[%] and V(150)[%], for urethra are D(30) and D(10), and for rectum RD2cc and RD0.1cc. These parameters consider as a minimum to use and they further recommend secondary parameters to report. Other authors have also recommended to report RV(100) and RV(150) for rectum. This study did not show any relationship between UrD(10), UrD(30) and urinary morbidity. According to the recommendations every patient should undergo a CT-based evaluation. Further investigations are needed on whether a post-implant CT-study is necessary for real-time implantation, as there is not enough published data on this aspect.
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Transkutane und intraabdominale Ultraschalluntersuchungen des Pankreas am stehenden RindKlein, Astrid 11 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper highlights two methods of examining the bovine pancreas by means of ultrasound, with a
view to identifying advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques as well as testing and
comparing their practicability. The goal is to evaluate the applicability of this intraoperative procedure
to large animals - it is quite commonly used on humans - as well as present the resulting findings with
regard to the ultrasonographic anatomy of the bovine pancreas.
The sample consisted of 15 female beef cattle, none of which displayed evidence of any
pancreatopathy based on their medical history, clinical examinations, and laboratory diagnostic
testing. Transcutaneous and intraoperative sonographic examinations were performed on all 15
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