Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intraoperative amaging"" "subject:"intraoperative damaging""
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A System For Computer-Assisted Surgery With Intraoperative CT ImagingOentoro, Anton 17 August 2009 (has links)
Image-guided interventions using intraoperative three-dimensional (3D) imaging can be
less cumbersome than systems dependent on preoperative images, especially by needing
neither image-to-patient registration nor a lengthy process of segmenting and generating
a 3D model. In this dissertation, a method for computer-assisted surgery using direct
navigation on intraoperative images is presented. In this system the registration step of
a navigated procedure was divided into two stages: preoperative calibration of images to
a ceiling-mounted optical tracking system, and intraoperative tracking during acquisition
of the 3D image. The preoperative stage used a custom-made multi-modal calibrator that
could be optically tracked and also contained fiducial spheres for radiological detection; a
robust registration algorithm was used to compensate for the high false-detection rate that
arose from the optical light-emitting diodes. Intraoperatively, a tracking device was at-
tached to bone models that were also instrumented with radio-opaque spheres; a calibrated
pointer was used to contact the latter spheres as a validation. The fiducial registration error
of the calibration stage was approximately 0.1 mm with the Innova 3D X-ray fluoroscope
and 0.7 mm with the mobile-gantry CT scanner. The target registration error in the valida-
tion stage was approximately 1.2 mm with the Innova 3D X-ray fluoroscope and 1.8 mm
with the mobile-gantry CT scanner. These findings suggest that direct registration can be a
highly accurate means of performing image-guided interventions in a fast, simple manner. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2009-08-17 11:14:03.275
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Calibration of a Mobile-Gantry CT Scanner for Surgical NavigationBelkova, Anna 05 September 2013 (has links)
In image-guided surgical navigation, instruments tools are tracked by a position sensor and their locations rendered along with the patient's anatomy. Conventional methods require an invasive, time-consuming and potentially uncertain process of intra-operative registration of the images to the patient. In a direct navigation system, such an intra-operative registration is replaced with pre-operative patient-independent calibration in a process that determines the relationship between the coordinate frame of imaging equipment and the coordinate frame of the position sensor.
This dissertation presents a method for pre-operatively calibrating a direct navigation system that used an optical position sensor and a mobile gantry CT scanner. A custom bi-local calibration device was designed and manufactured, after which existing navigation software was augmented with components that used the pre-operatively determined transformation to provide image-guided surgical navigation. The resulting system was tested in an image-guided operating suite using plastic bone models. In the validation stage, the inherent error was less than 0.4 mm and the target registration error was approximately 1.6 mm for a ceiling-mounted position sensor and 0.7 mm for a portable position sensor. This accuracy is consistent with the best intra-operative registrations reported in the literature and this calibration method may be useful in future surgical systems. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-05 12:53:08.994
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Intraoperative Imaging PlatformQin, Ruogu 19 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis and Determination of Optical Properties of Selected Pentamethine Carbocyanine DyesDost, Tyler L 12 August 2016 (has links)
This thesis begins with a brief review about the role and importance of the small molecules containing fluorine atoms in medicine and imaging. Then, the first part of the thesis will discuss the synthesis, purification and characterization of pentamethine cyanine dyes. The structure identification of the final dyes is done by using 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 19F NMR, and mass spectrometry. The studies performed after full characterization were the determination of optical and physicochemical properties. After these properties were performed, the fluorophores were evaluated to be good candidates for in vivo testing.
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Experience using a small field of view gamma camera for intraoperative sentinel lymph node proceduresGreene, Carmen M. 18 January 2006 (has links)
Staging is critical in the management of cancer. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is one method used in the assessment of cancer spread. SLN procedures are standard practice in the management of some cancers although; these procedures have only recently been developed and refined. SLN procedures are commonly used in the management of melanomas and breast cancers in patients with no evidence of metastatic disease on clinical exam.
SLN procedures include detection, localization, and assessment of SLNs. The detection/localization components vary in technique and rates of success. The procedures with the least number of detection/localization techniques generally include the use of blue dye or the use of a radiotracer with intraoperative gamma counting. The most complex procedures involve the use of blue dye, the use of a radiotracer with preoperative gamma imaging and preoperative gamma counting, intraoperative gamma counting, or some combination of these techniques.
The ideal procedure for SLN would include all the listed techniques however; all facilities do not incorporate the most complete procedure, for different reasons. An investigation using a small FOV (5 in x 5 in) gamma camera intraoperatively for SLN procedures in melanoma and breast cancer patients was performed. A smaller FOV camera is capable of obtaining some of the same information as a conventional gamma camera. It is possible that centers, which do not or are not able to take advantage of preoperative imaging, may find the use of a smaller FOV gamma camera in the operating room useful.
The investigation consisted of a total of 41 patients; it was split into two studies, Study 1: melanoma and study 2: breast cancer. The melanoma study found the added use of a smaller FOV camera under the parameters of this study to be minimal. Study 2 was broken into two branches; branch 1: camera/probe/dye and branch 2: probe/dye, for a comparison study. Comparing the two branches did not show the smaller FOV camera to reduce the time spent in the operating room versus using the probe and blue dye.
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Image processing methods for 3D intraoperative ultrasoundHellier, Pierre 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce document constitue une synth`ese de travaux de recherche en vue de l'obten- tion du diplˆome d'habilitation `a diriger les recherches. A la suite ce cette in- troduction r ́edig ́ee en franc ̧ais, le reste de ce document sera en anglais. Je suis actuellement charg ́e de recherches INRIA au centre de Rennes Bretagne Atlantique. J'ai rejoint en Septembre 2001 l' ́equipe Vista dirig ́ee par Patrick Bouthemy, puis l' ́equipe Visages dirig ́ee par Christian Barillot en Janvier 2004. Depuis Janvier 2010, je travaille dans l' ́equipe-projet Serpico dirig ́ee par Charles Kervrann dont l'objet est l'imagerie et la mod ́elisation de la dynamique intra- cellulaire. Parmi mes activit ́es pass ́ees, ce document va se concentrer uniquement sur les activit ́es portant sur la neurochirurgie guid ́ee par l'image. En parti- culier, les travaux effectu ́es sur le recalage non-rigide ne seront pas pr ́esent ́es ici. Concernant le recalage, ces travaux ont commenc ́e pendant ma th`ese avec le d ́eveloppement d'une m ́ethode de recalage 3D bas ́e sur le flot optique [72], l'incorporation de contraintes locales dans ce processus de recalage [74] et la validation de m ́ethodes de recalage inter-sujets [71]. J'ai poursuivi ces travaux apr`es mon recrutement avec Anne Cuzol et Etienne M ́emin sur la mod ́elisation fluide du recalage [44], avec Nicolas Courty sur l'acc ́el ́eration temps-r ́eel de m ́ethode de recalage [42], et sur l' ́evaluation des m ́ethodes de recalage dans deux contextes : celui de l'implantation d' ́electrodes profondes [29] et le re- calage inter-sujets [92]. L'utilisation de syst`emes dits de neuronavigation est maintenant courante dans les services de neurochirurgie. Les b ́en ́efices, attendus ou report ́es dans la litt ́erature, sont une r ́eduction de la mortalit ́e et de la morbidit ́e, une am ́elio- ration de la pr ́ecision, une r ́eduction de la dur ́ee d'intervention, des couˆts d'hospitalisation. Tous ces b ́en ́efices ne sont pas `a l'heure actuelle d ́emontr ́es `a ma connaissance, mais cette question d ́epasse largement le cadre de ce doc- ument. Ces syst`emes de neuronavigation permettent l'utilisation du planning chirurgical pendant l'intervention, dans la mesure ou` le patient est mis en cor- respondance g ́eom ́etrique avec les images pr ́eop ́eratoires `a partir desquelles est pr ́epar ́ee l'intervention. Ces informations multimodales sont maintenant couramment utilis ́ees, com- prenant des informations anatomiques, vasculaires, fonctionnelles. La fusion de ces informations permet de pr ́eparer le geste chirurgical : ou` est la cible, quelle est la voie d'abord, quelles zones ́eviter. Ces informations peuvent main- tenant ˆetre utilis ́ees en salle d'op ́eration et visualis ́ees dans les oculaires du mi- croscope chirurgical grˆace au syst`eme de neuronavigation. Malheureusement, cela suppose qu'il existe une transformation rigide entre le patient et les im- ages pr ́eop ́eratoires. Alors que cela peut ˆetre consid ́er ́e comme exact avant l'intervention, cette hypoth`ese tombe rapidement sous l'effet de la d ́eformation des tissus mous. Ces d ́eformations, qui doivent ˆetre consid ́er ́ees comme un ph ́enom`ene spatio-temporel, interviennent sous l'effet de plusieurs facteurs, dont la gravit ́e, la perte de liquide c ́ephalo-rachidien, l'administration de pro- duits anesth ́esiants ou diur ́etiques, etc. Ces d ́eformations sont tr`es difficiles `a mod ́eliser et pr ́edire. De plus, il s'agit d'un ph ́enom`ene spatio-temporel, dont l'amplitude peut varier consid ́era- blement en fonction de plusieurs facteurs. Pour corriger ces d ́eformations, l'imagerie intra-op ́eratoire apparait comme la seule piste possible.
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Intraoperative visualization of plasmon resonant liposomes using augmented microscopyWatson, Jeffrey R., Garland, Summer, Romanowski, Marek 08 February 2017 (has links)
Plasmon resonance associated with nanoparticles of gold can enable photothermal ablation of tissues or controlled drug release with exquisite temporal and spatial control. These technologies may support many applications of precision medicine. However, clinical implementations of these technologies will require new methods of intraoperative imaging and guidance. Near-infrared laser surgery is a prime example that relies on improved image guidance. Here we set forth applications of augmented microscopy in guiding surgical procedures employing plasmon resonant gold-coated liposomes. Absorption of near-infrared laser light is the first step in activation of various diagnostic and therapeutic functions of these novel functional nanoparticles. Therefore, we demonstrate examples of near-infrared visualization of the laser beam and gold-coated liposomes. The augmented microscope proves to be a promisingimage guidance platform for a range of image-guided medical procedures.
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No description available.
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Ein anthropomorphes Phantom zur Evaluation eines chirurgischen Assistenzsystems mit intraoperativer BildgebungFricke, Christopher 06 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Zahlreiche chirurgische Assistenzsysteme sind in der klinischen Praxis im Einsatz, um die Genauigkeit und Sicherheit medizinischer Eingriffe zu erhöhen. Die Verwendung von Bildgebungsverfahren durch solche Systeme und die Teilautomatisierung von Prozessen kann einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung höherer Effizienz chirurgischer Interventionen und höherer Patientensicherheit darstellen. Dies stellt jedoch große Herausforderungen an die Systementwickler, welche zur Evaluation dieser Systeme während der Konstruktion geeignete Konzepte und Testmethoden benötigen.
Diese Arbeit hat zwei wesentliche Zielsetzungen: Zum einen soll vorgestellt werden, wie zur zielführenden Entwicklung eines duplexsonographisch geführten, semiautomatisch arbeitenden Assistenzsystems zur Gefäßpräparation (ASTMA-System) ein anthropomorphes, physiologisches Phantom anhand zuvor definierter, für die Entwicklung relevanter, Anforderungen konstruiert wurde. Dieses ermöglichte es, die Arbeitsprozesse des Systems und deren Eignung bereits in vitro umfangreich zu testen. Zum andern soll dargestellt werden, wie das Phantom hinsichtlich dieser Anforderungen in einer Studie validiert wurde, um zu gewährleisten, dass dieses für die Systementwicklung erforderliche Eigenschaften aufwies. Dadurch konnten wichtige Informationen über Nutzen und Limitierung der Verwendung des Phantoms und mögliche Probleme des ASTMA-Systems gewonnen werden.
Hiermit soll demonstriert werden, wie ein Entwicklungs- und Validierungsansatz für ein Phantom als Testsystem zur Entwicklung und Evaluation ähnlicher komplexer medizintechnischer Systeme mit intraoperativer Bildgebung gestaltet werden kann und welchen Anforderungen solche Phantome genügen sollten. Dies kann dabei helfen, die Systementwicklung zielführend und ressourceneffizient durchzuführen, Probleme bereits während früher Entwicklungsschritte aufzudecken und zu lösen und die Eignung des Verfahrens des entwickelten Systems zu beurteilen.
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Intraoperative imaging guided delineation and localization of regions of surgical interest:feasibility studyKatisko, J. (Jani) 14 February 2012 (has links)
In brain surgery the operated region is often removable pathological tissue or a functional nucleus. To reach the region neurosurgeons utilize imaging and guiding methods to locate and demarcate the region of surgical interest (ROSI).
This thesis has focused on the three most common intraoperative imaging modalities used in brain surgery, namely magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging (US) and computed tomography (CT). The aim was to form practical intraoperative imaging concepts for brain tumor resections and stereotactic procedures and then to evaluate their feasibility and accuracy.
A versatile intraoperative MRI (iMRI) unit based on a 0.23 T resistive C-shaped scanner was designed, assembled and studied. The horizontally open resistive magnet enabled a staged imaging protocol with adequate image quality during neurosurgical operations while minimizing patient movement between the imaging and surgical spaces. Turning off the magnetic field eliminated the safety risks associated with operating in magnetic fringe fields.
Edema attenuation was studied to investigate the capability of inversion recovery (IR) MRI-sequences to suppress signal from edema, thereby differentiating it from resectable tumor and improving image quality in the low-field MRI unit. Use of the edema suppression IR sequence was a promising tool for image guided neurosurgery (IGS) in the context of the ROSI paradigm, but its use intraoperatively was restricted by clinical limitations.
Use of the second intraoperative imaging method, US, was studied in the intraoperative MRI environment. When these intraoperative imaging modalities, US and MRI, were interlinked together using the neuronavigation method, the localization and delineation of the region of surgical interest was more reliable.
The third intraoperative imaging method, CT with limited scanning volume, was studied in stereotactic operations where exact spatial information is the fundamental property at the cost of soft tissue contrast. The concept allowed neurosurgeons to scan the patients intraoperatively in 2D- or 3D-mode, to calculate coordinates of the specific target, to control the positioning of the applied instruments and to ensure final position of implanted objects. Thus neurosurgeons obtained valuable supplemental information of the results including the possibility to exclude hemorrhages.
Results of this thesis indicate that the use of intraoperative imaging methods with the neuronavigation should be available in sophisticated neurosurgical centers and used selectively in neurosurgical operations. Users should be familiar with the benefits and limitations of applied modalities. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimus käsittelee magneettikuvauksen (MK), ultraäänikuvauksen (UÄ) ja tietokonetomografian (TT) käyttöä aivojen neurokirurgisissa operaatioissa. Päämääränä oli muodostaa edellä mainittuja menetelmiä soveltamalla leikkauksen aikaisen kuvantamisen konsepteja, joita voidaan käyttää aivotuumoreiden poistoissa ja aivojen stereotaktisissa toimenpiteissä. Työssä on myös tutkittu konseptien käytettävyyttä ja tarkkuutta.
Leikkauksen aikaisen magneettikuvauksen tutkimiseksi suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin resistiiviseen ja avoimeen 0,23 T:n MK-laitteistoon perustuva leikkauksen aikaisen magneettikuvauksen konsepti. Horisontaalisesti avoin, resistiivinen ja matalakenttäinen MK-laitteisto mahdollisti neurokirurgisen potilaan kuvantamisen tarkoituksenmukaisella kuvanlaadulla ja kirurgisen toiminnan samassa tilassa vähäisellä potilaan siirtämisellä kuvantamis- ja operointialueen välillä. Magneettikentässä työskentelyyn liittyvät riskit voitiin minimoida sammutettavan magneettikentän avulla.
Kasvainkudoksen ympärille muodostuva aivoturvotus voi hankaloittaa leikattavan alueen paikantamista. Rajapinnan korostamiseksi selvitettiin käänteispalautukseen perustuvan MK-sekvenssin mahdollisuuksia vaimentaa aivoturvotuksesta tulevaa signaalia matalakenttäisessä magneettikuvauksessa. Aivoturvotuksen suppressointi magneettikuvista todettiin lupaavaksi työkaluksi kirurgisesti poistettavan aivokasvainalueen rajaamisessa, mutta sen käytettävyys leikkauksen aikana osoittautui rajalliseksi.
Leikkauksen aikainen ultraäänikuvaus liitettiin yhteen leikkauksen aikaisen magneettikuvauksen kanssa käyttämällä apuna neuronavigointilaitteistoa. Yhdistämällä nämä kaksi leikkauksen aikaista kuvantamismenetelmää saatiin täsmällisempää tietoa operoitavan kohteen sijainnista ja rajautumisesta.
Stereotaktisen syväaivostimulaattorin asennuksen ohjaamiseksi ja kontrolloimiseksi kehitettiin menetelmä, jossa hyödynnetään kartiokeila-TT-laitteistoa leikkauksen aikana. Menetelmä mahdollisti potilaan kuvantamisen kaksi- ja kolmiulotteisesti leikkauksen aikana. Menetelmässä ratkaistiin käytetyn kuvantamislaitteen puutteellisen kuva-alan aiheuttamat rajoitukset. Tiedon avulla voitiin määrittää tarkasti kohdetumakkeiden stereotaktiset koordinaatit, kontrolloida toimenpiteen eri vaiheissa aivoissa käytettävien instrumenttien paikka ja varmentaa aivoihin jätettävien elektrodien lopullinen sijainti. Kuvantamisen avulla kyettiin poissulkemaan leikkauksen aikana mahdollinen aivoverenvuoto.
Työn tulokset osoittavat, että leikkauksen aikainen kuvantaminen ja neuronavigointi tulisi olla käytettävissä neurokirurgisissa keskuksissa. Käytettävät menetelmät tulisi valikoida toimenpiteen mukaan ja menetelmiä soveltavien tulisi olla perehtyneitä eri modaliteettien ominaisuuksiin.
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