Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrinsic anda extrinsic factors"" "subject:"intrinsic ando extrinsic factors""
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Factors influencing first year nursing students’ career choice at a University in the Western CapeNibagwire ,D'arc Jeanne January 2019 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / The nursing profession is the backbone of the healthcare system glob-ally. However, due to the ongoing shortage of nurses there is a growing demand for nurses across the world. This demand puts pressure on the continued recruitment of new nursing students. The factors that influence students’ reasons for entering nursing vary and require investigation to improve recruitment practices
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Factors influencing first year nursing students' career choice at a University in the Western CapeNibagwire, Jeanne D'Arc January 2020 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / The nursing profession is the backbone of the healthcare system glob-ally. However, due to the ongoing shortage of nurses there is a growing demand for nurses across the world. This demand puts pressure on the continued recruitment of new nursing students. The factors that influence students’ reasons for entering nursing vary and require investigation to improve recruitment practices.
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Diverzitet faune i ekologija intestinalnih nematoda žutogrlog miša (Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834) na teritoriji Srbije / Diversity and ecology of intestinal nematodes of the yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834) on the territory of SerbiaČabrilo Borislav 15 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Vršeno je istraživanje intestinalnih nematoda žutogrlog miša (<em>Apodemus flavicollis </em>Melchior, 1834) uzorkovanog sa 18 lokaliteta na teritoriji Srbije, južno od Save i Dunava, sa ciljem proširenja i upotpunjavanja saznanja o ovoj komponenti parazitofaune glodara u ovom delu Evrope. Fauna nematoda crevnog trakta je analizirana sa više aspekata: kvantitativnog, aspekta zajednica, biološkog, aspekta biodiverziteta i aspekta polne strukture. Pored toga, ispitan je uticaj odabranih<br />spoljašnjih i unutrašnjih faktora na prevalencu i abundancu parazitske infekcije.</p><p>Zabeleženo je prisustvo devet vrsta intestinalnih nematoda, pri čemu je broj vrsta po lokalitetu varirao od 1 do 7. Ukupna prevalenca infekcije iznosila je 81,6%. Najčešće vrste u uzorku bile su <em>Heligmosomoides polygyrus </em>i <em> Syphacia stroma</em>, koje su<br />se odlikovale najvišim prevalencama i intenzitetima infekcije. Distribucija nematoda unutar domaćina je bila agregirana. Broj vrsta po domaćinu varirao je od 1 do 5, ali su najzastupljenije bile infekcije jednom ili dvema vrstama. Najčešća kombinacija<br />vrsta bila je <em> H. polygyrus-S. stroma;</em> međutim, odsustvo podataka iz ranijih istraživanja i adekvatnih polaznih modela sprečava donošenje zaključaka o mogućim interakcijama i asocijacijama između vrsta.</p><p>Monoksene nematode su bile brojnije i imale veću prevalencu od heteroksenih nematoda, što oslikava razlike u njihovim životnim ciklusima. Među monoksenim nematodama, geohelminti u užem smislu su se odlikovali najvećim prevalencama, a ageohelminti najvećom abundancom, u skladu sa životnim strategijama koje teže ka disperziji ili akumulaciji.Šenonov indeks diverziteta cele uzoračke populacije iznosio je 1,44 što je visoka vrednost u odnosu na one iz drugih delova Evrope. Nije uočena značajna negativna korelacija između udaljenosti lokaliteta i vrednosti Sorensenovog indeksa,ukazujući da je prostorni faktor značajan u strukturiranju zajednica intestinalnih nematoda i na lokalnom nivou. Odnos polova je bio neravnomeran, uglavnom u korist ženki, u skladu sa podacima drugih autora. Ženke su ujedno bile krupnije od mužjaka, saglasno sa ranijim nalazima za parazitske nematode. Nadmorska visina nije uticala na abundancu intestinalnih nematoda. Pol domaćina je uticao na prevalencu dve vrste: prevalenca <em>S. stroma</em> je bila veća kod mužjaka, a prevalenca<em> Trichuris muris</em> kod ženki. Kao značajan faktor uticao je na abundancu samo kod vrste <em> Aonchotheca annulosa</em>; abundanca ove vrste bila je veća kod mužjaka. Rezultati sugerišu da je uticaj pola domaćina na nivo parazitske infekcije izuzetno kompleksan fenomen. Prevalenca i abundanca infekcije intestinalnim nematodama je bila veća kod domaćina sa B hromozomima. Lokalitet je bio značajan faktor u variranju abundance nematoda. Uzrast i prisustvo drugih vrsta nematoda su takođe ispoljavali značajan efekat. Povećanje abundance nematoda sa uzrastom se vezuje za dužu izloženost starijih jedinki parazitima. Iako je registrovan uticaj abundance jedne vrste na abundancu druge, on ne predstavlja čvrst dokaz za postojanje interakcija između vrsta.</p> / <p>A study of intestinal nematode parasites was conducted on the yellow-necked mouse (<em>Apodemus flavicollis </em> Melchior, 1834) sampled from 18 sites from Serbia south of the Sava and Danube rivers. The aim of the study was to broaden and enrich the data on this category of rodent parasites in this part of Europe. The nematode fauna of the gastrointestinal tract was analysed from quantitative, community, biological, biodiversity and sex ratio aspects. In addition, selected extrinsic and intrinsic factors were tested for their influence on the prevalence and abundance of infection.</p><p>Nine species of intestinal nematodes were noted, 1 to 7 per site. Total sample prevalence was 81.6%. <em>Heligmosomoides polygyrus</em> and <em>Syphacia stroma</em> were the most common species, with the highest prevalence and intensity values. Nematodes were aggregated within their hosts. Infracommunity richness varied from 1 to 5, but infections with one or two species were most common. The most frequent<br />combination of species was <em>H. polygyrus-S. stroma</em>, but in absence of prior research and adequate null models, conclusions of possible interactions and associations between species could not be drawn.</p><p>Monoxenous nematodes were more abundant and prevalent than heteroxenous species, reflecting the differences in their life cycles. Of the monoxenous nematodes, geohelminths<em> sensu stricto</em> had the highest prevalence values, whereas ageohelminths were most abundant, with respect to their life strategies that favour either dispersal or accumulation. Shannon’s diversity index for the total sample was 1.44, a high value compared to those from other European based studies. A significant negative correlation between site distance and Sorensen index values was not found, implying that spatial factors have an important role in structuring intestinal nematode communities on a local scale. Sex ratio was generally female-biased, in agreement with data from other authors. In addition, females were larger than males, congruent with previous findings for parasitic nematodes.</p><p>Elevation did not significantly influence intestinal nematode abundance. Host sex influenced the prevalence of two species: for <em>S. stroma</em> prevalence was higher in males, and for <em>Trichuris muris</em> in females. Influence of host sex on abundance was found only for <em>Aonchotheca annulosa</em>, with abundances of this parasite higher in male mice. The results suggest that the effectof host sex on parasite infection levels is a highly complex phenomenon. Infection prevalence and abundance was higher in hosts that carried B chromosomes. Site was a significant factor in explaining variations in nematode abundance. Hostage and presence of other nematode species also exibited effects. An increase in nematode abundance with host age is explained by prolonged exposure to parasites in older host individuals. Although results indicate that the abundance of one species influences the abundance of another, this is not firm evidence of the existence of species interactions.</p>
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