Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intrusions (deology)"" "subject:"intrusions (caveology)""
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Lead and strontium isotope study of five volcanic and intrusive rock suites and related mineral deposits, Vancouver Island, British ColumbiaAndrew, Anne January 1987 (has links)
Lead isotope compositions have been obtained from five major volcanic and intrusive rock suites and several ore deposits on Vancouver Island. Lead, uranium and thorium concentrations and strontium isotope ratios have been obtained for a subset of these samples. The rock suites examined are the Paleozoic Sicker Group, Triassic Karmutsen Formation, Jurassic Island Intrusions and Bonanza Group volcanic rocks, and the Eocene Catface intrusions.
Isotope geochemistry of the Sicker Group is consistent with the interpretation that it formed as an island arc. Relatively high 207pb/204pb ratios indicate sediment involvement in the subduction process, which suggests that the Sicker Group formed close to a continent. Buttle Lake ore deposits display decreasingly radiogenic lead isotope ratios with time, suggesting that the associated magmas become increasingly primitive. This supports the hypothesis that these deposits formed during the establishment of rifting in a back-arc environment.
Karmutsen Formation flood basalts display isotopic mixing between an ocean island-type mantle source and average crust. Isotopic evidence is used to support a Northern Hemisphere origin for these basalts.
Mixing is apparent in the lead and strontium isotope signatures of the Island Intrusions and Bonanza Group volcanic rocks, between depleted mantle and crustal (possibly trench sediments) components. This is consistent with formation of these rocks in an island arc environment.
Eocene Catface intrusions have relatively high 207pb/204pb indicating that crustal material was involved in their formation. There are two groups of plutons corresponding to an east belt and west belt classification. Galena from the Zeballos mining camp related to the Eocene Zeballos pluton indicates that the mineralization was derived from the pluton.
Galena lead isotope data from Vancouver Island may be interpreted in a general way by comparison with data from deposits elsewhere of known age and origin. No single growth curve model can be applied. Lead isotope characteristics of Vancouver Island are clearly different from those of the North American craton, reflecting the oceanic affinities of this terrane.
A new technique has been developed to compare 207pb/204pb ratios between samples with differing 206pb/204pb ratios. The procedure projects 207pb/204pb ratios along suitable isochrons until they intersect a reference value of 206pb/204pb. This technique can be used for interpreting lead isotope data from old terranes, in which lead and uranium may have undergone loss or gain, and if lead and uranium abundances have not been measured. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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Constructing a sheeted magmatic complex within the lower arc crust : insights from the Tenpeak pluton, North Cascades, WashingtonChan, Christine F. 19 November 2012 (has links)
The sheeted complex of the ~92 Ma Tenpeak pluton, in the Northern Washington Cascades crystalline core, forms a <1.5-km wide zone with a moderate, NE-dip at the SW margin of the pluton. Sheeted magmatic complexes, such as the one in the Tenpeak pluton, are common in plutons and represent examples of incremental growth of plutons. Though it is widely accepted that plutons are constructed incrementally over prolonged timescales of several million years, it is not clear if and to what degree individual batches of magma interact, the timing and size of each magma pulse, and the role, timing, and location of magmatic differentiation.
This project uses a combination of field evidence, bulk rock chemistry, and mineral geochemistry to address the (1) role of magma mixing and fractionation, (2) constraints on the relative timing of magma differentiation, (3) diversity of mixing styles
preserved, and (4) physical properties that dictate how individual batches of magma interact within this sheeted complex. Rock samples were collected throughout the complex from mafic, felsic, dioritic, thinly-banded, and gradational sheets. Field evidence shows a range of sheet contacts that vary from sharp to diffuse, strong prevalence of mafic enclaves, and localized cases of mechanical mixing in which plagioclase feldspars from a felsic sheet are incorporated into a mafic sheet. In general, sheet thickness increases farther from the contact with the White River shear zone.
The bulk rock and mineral chemistry suggests that the felsic magmas in sheets formed independently from the more mafic and hybridized sheets. The composition of the felsic sheets cannot be modeling by binary mixing processes involving mafic and felsic magmas or result from fractionating the most mafic magmas. However, mass-balance calculations using a linear least-squares mass balance calculation and Rayleigh fractionation models indicate that it is possible to explain the range of felsic compositions by internal, crystal fractionation driven mostly by plagioclase crystallization (~40-58%). Negative Eu anomalies in amphiboles from the felsic sheets imply that plagioclase fractionation commenced prior to the onset of amphibole crystallization.
With the exception of the most primitive mafic sheet sampled, the mafic and hybridized sheets represent variable proportions of the mafic parental magma and the range of felsic differentiated magmas. Efficient mixing that resulted in these mafic to hybridized magmas must also have occurred prior to mineral growth as the mineral chemistry reflects intermediate, mixed compositions. The bulk rock and mineral chemistry of the most primitive, mafic sheet suggest that it did not mix with any felsic magmas. However there is evidence that the mafic sheet underwent plagioclase fractionation prior to emplacement. This is evident by lower bulk rock Sr/Ba relative to calculated Sr/Bamelt of plagioclase that cannot be reconciled without removing ~40-58% plagioclase. In contrast to the felsic sheets, the amphiboles from this mafic sheet lack Eu anomalies implying that amphibole crystallization occurred prior to major plagioclase fractionation.
Chemical evidence reveals that magma mixing played an important role in controlling the chemical composition of individual sheets and field observations suggesting that there was a range of mixing styles. Throughout the sheeted complex, there are localized sites of mechanical mixing where plagioclase phenocrysts from adjacent felsic sheets are mechanically mixed into mafic sheets. Evidence for mechanical mixing is present across both sharp and gradational contacts. This implies varying rheological and viscosity contrasts between different sheets, though in both cases crystallinity and viscosity appears sufficiently low to allow crystals to migrate across sheet contacts.
Variability in sheet thickness and contact type suggests that the physical parameters (i.e. temperature, viscosity, rheology, and magma flux) of the system continue to evolve throughout the formation of the sheeted complex. Near the White River, sheets are thin and more heterogeneous but become progressively thicker (>302 m) and more felsic in composition up-section. The composition of plagioclase and amphibole is remarkably uniform in all of the felsic sheets suggesting that each sheet formed from an array of felsic parental magmas. Thicker, felsic sheets most likely reflect hotter conditions where larger magma fluxes could be accommodated or viscosity-temperature contrasts that were low enough to allow for efficient mixing between two adjacent sheets and therefore erase sheet contacts. / Graduation Date: 2013
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Geochemistry of the Neoarchean mafic volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Kalgoorlie Terrane, eastern Yilgarn, Western Australia : implications for geodynamic settingSaid, Nuru January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Neoarchean (2800 to 2600 Ma) Eastern Goldfields Superterrane (EGST) comprises elongated belts of deformed and metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks intruded by granitoids. The Superterrane is made up of five distinct tectonostratigraphic terranes. From west to east these are the Kalgoorlie, Gindalbie, Kurnalpi, Laverton and Duketon Terranes. The Kalgoorlie Terrane is characterised by 2720 to 2680 Ma marine mafic-ultramafic volcanic successions interlayered with, and overlain by, 2710 to 2660 Ma dominantly trondhjemite-tonalite-dacite (TTD) dacititic volcaniclastic rocks (Black Flag Group). The adjacent Gindalbie and Kurnalpi terranes are characterised by 2720 to 2680 Ma calc-alkaline volcanic successions representing oceanic island arcs. To the west of the EGST, the Youanmi Terrane is characterised by older, dominantly 3000 to 2900 Ma greenstone rocks and complex granitoid batholiths derived from older crustal sources. The southern Kalgoorlie Terrane comprises five elongate NNW-trending tectono-stratigraphic domains. Three principal marine komatiitic to basaltic suites, collectively referred to as the Kambalda Sequence, are present, including the wellpreserved massive to pillowed Lower and Upper Basalt Sequences, separated by the Komatiite Unit, as well as numerous dyke suites. The Lower Basalt Sequence comprises the Woolyeenyer Formation, Lunnon, Wongi, Scotia, Missouri Basalts and Burbanks and Penneshaw Formations, whereas the Upper Basalt Sequence contains the Paringa, Coolgardie, Big Dick, Devon Consols, Bent Tree, and Victorious basalts. ... Instead, the data suggest that discrete PGE-bearing phase (s) fractionated from the basaltic magmas. Such phases could be platinum group minerals (PGM; e.g. laurite) and/or alloys, or discrete PGE-rich nuggets. In summary, data on the three magmatic sequences record decompression melting of three distinct mantle sources: (1) long-term depleted asthenosphere for prevalent depleted tholeiitic and komatiitic basalts, and komatiites; (2) long-term enriched asthenosphere for Paringa Basalts and similarly enriched rocks; and (3) shortterm enriched continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) for HREE and Al-depleted dykes. Some of these rocks were contaminated by TTD-type melts. Taken with the existing geophysical and xenocrystic zircon data, the most straightforward interpretation is eruption of a zoned mantle plume at the margin of rifted continental lithosphere. The Kalgoorlie Terrane extensional basin was subsequently tectonically juxtaposed with the adjacent arc-like Gindalbie and Kurnalpi Terranes at approximately 2660 Ma at the start of orogeny in a Cordilleran-style orogen to form the EGST. Collectively, uncontaminated basalts have Nb/Th of 8-16, compared to 8-12 reported for the Lunnon basalts in a previous study. To a first approximation these asthenosphere melts are complementary to average Archean upper continental crust with Nb/Th =2, consistent with early growth of large volumes of continental crust rather than models of steady progressive growth.
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Correlation of the Upper Ellensburg Formation with the Old Scab Mountain Eruptive Center, East-central Cascade Range, WashingtonHumphrey, Christopher Charles 02 July 1996 (has links)
The Ellensburg Formation, preserved in the Nile basin 50 km northwest of Yakima, Washington, consists of a series of middle to late Miocene epiclastic and pyroclastic rock assemblages rich in porphyritic hornblende-biotite dacite. Geochemical, petrographic, and stratigraphic correlations indicate that Old Scab Mountain, a dacite porphyry intrusion, located at the western margin of the basin (lat. 46°53'30", long. 121°13'00"), is the probable source for much of the upper Ellensburg volcaniclastic material in the basin. The dacite intrusion exposed at Old Scab Mountain was emplaced at depths of 1 to 3 km and underlaid a now eroded volcanic edifice. This volcanic center is interpreted to have been active during the time of deposition of the upper Ellensburg Formation. AK-Ar age of 8.75 ± 0.20 Ma for an adjacent sill of similar dacite suggests an age for Old Scab Mountain between 9 to 7 Ma (Smith, 1988a). This age corresponds with the upper Ellensburg Formation which stratigraphically overlies Grande Ronde Basalt lava flows of the Columbia River Basalt Group, within the basin. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Nile basin deposits indicates a dome collapse eruptive style. Progressive dome growth was punctuated by short-lived eruptions resulting in dome collapse and deposition of debris-avalanche and lahar deposits. These deposits were remobilized by fluvial processes which generated thick conglomerates and interstratified volcanic sandstones. Upper Ellensburg deposits and dacite of Old Scab Mountain are calc-alkaline and medium-K in composition. Silica content ranges from 53 to 67 weight percent Si02 for upper Ellensburg deposits and 66 to 67 weight percent Si02 for dacite of Old Scab Mountain. Older deposits composing the lower Ellensburg Formation are interbedded with and underlie the Grande Ronde Basalt. The lower Ellensburg deposits are typically more tholeiitic, range from 56 to 74 weight percent Si02 , and show slightly higher trace element concentrations than the upper Ellensburg deposits. These deposits were possibly derived from other dacite centers located near the headwaters of the adjacent Naches basin.
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Construction of Late Cretaceous, Mid-Crustal Sheeted Plutons from the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Southern CaliforniaBrown, Kenneth Lee 16 January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Differential exhumation within the eastern Transverse Ranges of southern California has revealed a tilted crustal section that provides a unique view into the architecture of the Mesozoic arc. At the base of this crustal section is a group of well-exposed sheeted plutons. Well-developed, gentle to moderately dipping magmatic and solid-state fabrics within these plutons are regionally consistent, margin-parallel, discordant to internal sheeting and layering, and are generally parallel to equivalent host rock structures and fabrics. In some plutons, magmatic foliations define regional fold structures, thus recording regional contraction during chamber construction. Collectively, field mapping and fabric analyses within these sheeted plutons show that the observed fabric patterns are better explained by regional deformation rather than internal magma chamber processes. This interpretation is in direct contrast to previous mapping in the region.
The host rocks also record complex processes during sheeted pluton emplacement. Deflection of host rock foliations and structures into parallelism with pluton contacts suggest that downward ductile flow played a role in making space for these plutons. However, evidence of regional faulting and shearing is not observed, suggesting that they did not play a significant role.
Although there is considerable microstructural variability within each pluton, the observed microstructures are generally consistent with a transition from magmatic to submagmatic/ high-temperature solid-state deformation. Magmatic microstructures are defined by euhedral to subhedral plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite that do not show significant internal crystal-plastic deformation. Evidence for high-temperature solid-state deformation includes high-temperature grain boundary migration in quartz, plagaioclase, potassium feldspar, and hornblende; chessboard extinction in quartz; and ductile bending in plagioclase and hornblende. Microstructural observations also indicate that mafic and intermediate compositions record stronger magmatic fabrics than felsic compositions.
Based on the structural and microstructural observations presented in this study, I interpret that these sheeted plutons were emplaced into an active continental arc setting that was undergoing regional contraction. The strong magmatic fabrics and high-temperature solid-state overprinting is likely a consequence of regional deformation during crystallization. The weak fabrics within upper crustal plutons relative to the strong fabrics within the mid-crustal plutons suggest that deformation was largely localized to the more compositionally heterogeneous mid-crustal portions of the arc structure.
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Geochemical evidence for incremental emplacement of Palms pluton, southern CaliforniaRoell, Jennifer L. 02 February 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The objectives of this study are, generally, to analyze and understand internal processes that produce melts in an oceanic-continental subduction setting; and, specifically, to understand the assembly of a Cretaceous magmatic arc pluton (Palms pluton), including the timing of melt emplacement(s) and melt evolution from the source. SiO2 concentrations vary from ~ 69-76 % by weight. Whole rock trace element concentrations vary up to 7 times. Zircon analysis shows a minimum age difference in the pluton of 3 my, if considering the uncertainties of the oldest and youngest samples. According to the model made from the HEAT program, this is approximately six times longer than the estimated crystallization time of one batch of melt with the same physical properties as the Palms pluton. Two distinct sources, perceived from chemical analysis of premagmatic zircons, are found throughout the pluton. REE compositional patterns show a hybridization of Proterozoic and Mesozoic sources in some, but not all, Palms pluton granites. This data suggests that the pluton formed from multiple intrusions and the Proterozoic source remained relatively consistent throughout the pluton’s assembly with few additions of younger Mesozoic source material.
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Mid-Cretaceous magmatic evolution and intrusion-related metallogeny of the Tintina Gold Province, Yukon and AlaskaHart, Craig J. R. January 2005 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Tintina Gold Province (TGP) comprises numerous (<15) gold belts and districts throughout interior Alaska and Yukon that are associated with Cretaceous plutonic rocks. With a gold endowment of ∼70Moz, most districts are defined by their placer gold contributions, which comprise greater than 30 Moz, but four districts have experience significant increases in gold exploration with notable discoveries at Fort Knox (5.4 Moz), Donlin Creek (12.3 Moz), Pogo (5.8 Moz), True North (0.79 Moz), and Brewery Creek (0.85 Moz). All significant TGP gold deposits are spatially and temporally related to reduced (ilmenite-series) and radiogenic Cretaceous intrusive rocks that intrude (meta-) sedimentary strata. The similar characteristics that these deposits share are the foundation for the development of a reduced intrusion-related gold deposit model. Associated gold deposits have a wide variety of geological and geochemical features and are categorized as intrusion-centered (includes intrusion-hosted, skarns and replacements), shear-related, and epizonal. The TGP is characterized by vast, remote under-explored areas, unglaciated regions with variable oxidation depths and discontinuous permafrost, which, in combination with a still-evolving geological model, create significant exploration challenges. Twenty-five Early and mid-Cretaceous (145-90 Ma) plutonic suites and belts are defined across Alaska and Yukon on the basis of lithological, geochemical, isotopic, and geochronometric similarities. These features, when combined with aeromagnetic characteristics, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and whole-rock ferric:ferrous ratios define the distribution of magnetite- and ilmenite-series plutonic belts. Magnetite-series plutonic belts are dominantly associated with the older parts of the plutonic episode and comprise subduction-generated metaluminous plutons that are distributed preferentially in the more seaward localities dominated by primitive tectonic elements. Ilmenite-series plutonic belts comprise slightly-younger, slightly-peraluminous plutons in more landward localities in pericratonic to continental margin settings. They were likely initiated in response to crustal thickening following terrane collision. The youngest plutonic belt forms a small, but significant, magnetite-series belt in the farthest inboard position, associated with alkalic plutons that were emplaced during weak extension. Intrusion-related metallogenic provinces with distinctive metal associations are distributed, largely in accord with classical redox-sensitive granite-series. Copper, Au and Fe mineralisation are associated with magnetite-series plutons and tungsten mineralisation associated with ilmenite-series plutons. However, there are some notable deviations from expected associations, as intrusion-related Ag-Pb-Zn deposits are few, and significant tin mineralisation is rare. Most significantly, many gold deposits and occurrences are associated with ilmenite-series plutons which form the basis for the reduced intrusion-related gold deposit model
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Geology, petrology, mineral and whole-rock chemistry, stable and radiogenic isotope systematics and Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation of the Nebo-Babel intrusion, West Musgrave, Western AustraliaSeat, Zoran January 2008 (has links)
The Nebo-Babel Ni-Cu-platinum-group element (PGE) magmatic sulphide deposit, a world-class ore body, is hosted in low-MgO, tube-like (chonolithic) gabbronorite intrusion in the West Musgrave Block, Western Australia. The Nebo-Babel deposit is the first significant discovery of a nickel sulphide deposit associated with the ca. 1078 Ma Giles Complex, which is part of the Warakurna large igneous province (LIP), now making the Musgrave Block a prime target for nickel sulphide exploration. The Musgrave Block is a Mesoproterozoic, east-west trending, orogenic belt in central Australia consisting of amphibolite and granulite facies basement gneisses with predominantly igneous protoliths. The basement lithologies have been intruded by mafic-ultramafic and felsic rocks; multiply deformed and metamorphosed between 1600 Ma and 500 Ma. The Giles Complex, which is part of the Warakurna LIP, was emplaced at ca. 1078 Ma and consists of a suite of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions, mafic and felsic dykes and temporally associated volcanic rocks and granites. The Giles Complex intrusions are interpreted to have crystallised at crustal depths between 15km and 30km and are generally undeformed and unmetamorphosed.
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Breccia of Frog Lakes : reconstructing Triassic volcanism and subduction initiation in the east-central Sierra Nevada, CaliforniaRoberts, Sarah Elizabeth 12 March 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The Antler and Sonoma orogenies occurred along the southwest-trending passive Pacific margin of North America during the Paleozoic concluding with the accretion of the McCloud Arc. A southeast-trending sinistral transform fault truncated the continental margin in the Permian, becoming a locus for initiation of an east-dipping subduction zone creating the Sierran magmatic arc. Constrained in age between two early Triassic tuff layers, the volcanic clasts in the breccia of Frog Lakes represent one of the earliest records of mafic magmatism in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Tholeiitic rock clasts found in the breccia of Frog Lakes in the Saddlebag Lake pendant in the east central Sierra Nevada range in composition from 48% to 63% SiO2. Boninites produced by early volcanism of subduction initiation by spontaneous nucleation at the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc are more depleted in trace element concentrations than the clasts while andesites from the northern volcanic zone of the Andes produced on crust 50 km thick have similar levels of enrichment and provide a better geochemical modern analogue. Textural analysis of the breccia of Frog Lakes suggest a subaqueous environment of deposition from a mature magmatic arc built on continental crust > 50 km thick during the Triassic. The monzodiorites of Saddlebag and Odell Lakes are temporal intrusive equivalents of the breccia of Frog Lakes and zircon geochemistry indicates a magmatic arc petrogenesis.
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