Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasive plants."" "subject:"lnvasive plants.""
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The impacts of woody invasive alien plants on stream hydrogeomorphology in small headwater streams of KwaZulu-Natal /Bruton, Simon N. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010. / Full text also available online. Scroll down for electronic link.
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A socio-economic assessment of the impacts of invasive alien plant species on forestry production the case of Senna spectabilis in Budongo forest reserve, Uganda /Ahimbisibwe, Beine Peter. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.(Agricultural and Applied))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references.
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Explaining alien plant invasions using Amani Botanical Garden in NE TanzaniaDawson, Wayne. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Aberdeen University, 2009. / Title from web page (viewed on July 23, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.
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Selection of alkali sacaton maternal lineages as competitors with Russian knapweed and Canada thistleBartlett, Franklin P. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wyoming, 2009. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on May 24, 2010). Includes bibliographical references (p. 50-53).
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Laboratory and field host utilization by established biological control agents of Lantana camara L. in South Africa /Heystek, Fritz. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Zoology and Entomology))--Rhodes University, 2006.
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The impacts, invasibility, and restoration ecology of an invasive shrub, Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii)Hartman, Kurt M. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Ohio University, November, 2005. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-150)
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Conservation incentives for private commercial farmers in the thicket biome, Eastern Cape, South Africa /Cumming, Tracey Lyn. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Environmental Science)) - Rhodes University, 2007.
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Modelling alien vegetation invasions and clearing strategiesSchonegevel, Lucille 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The burgeoning problem of alien plant invasions in South Africa necessitates effective
decision-making based on an understanding of the complex processes that govern these
invasions. Due to the spatial nature of the problem, this study explored the use of Geographic
Information Systems and spatial models for predicting the spread of alien vegetation and
assessing the effectiveness of clearing strategies. The Spatially Explicit Individual Based
Simulation (SEIBS) model was identified as a potentially useful tool for alien plant
management. This thesis documents the further investigation and development that was
necessary before recommendations could be made regarding the future use of the model.
The landscape version of the SEIBS model was adapted to allow for the convenient input and
output of spatial data, making it possible to simulate invasions in different areas. An ArcView
extension was developed in order to facilitate the pre- and post-processing of the spatial data
required and created by the model. Changes were also made to the fire routine of the model.
The new version of the model was called Clear.
A series of model tests for Pinus pinaster were conducted to assess the sensitivity of the Clear
model to spatial resolution, initial spatial fragmentation and heterogeneity. These tests
revealed that the model was sensitive to changes in resolution and needed to be
reparameterised when using different resolutions. The initial level of fragmentation was
shown to have a major influence on the invasion rate. Although greater levels of spatial
heterogeneity with respect to vegetation age did not significantly affect the spread rate, it did
increase the effectiveness of clearing strategies based on clearing juvenile or sparse
Based on these tests, it is concluded that the model can be readily applied to different areas,
provided the influence of spatial characteristics is understood and accommodated. The Clear
model was shown to be a useful tool for evaluating clearing strategies and for investigating
invasion rates. It is recommended that the model be introduced to a wider audience, in order
to obtain user feedback and further improve the accessibility of the model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende probleem van uitheemse indringerplante in Suid Afrika, noodsaak effektiewe
besluitneming wat gebaseer is op 'n begrip van die ingewikkelde prosesse wat indringing
beheer. As gevolg van die ruimtelike geaardheid van die probleem, is die gebruik van
Geografiese Inligtingstelsels en ruimtelike modelle vir die voorspelling van die verspreiding
van indringerplante en die evaluasie van die effektiwiteit van opruimingstrategieë in hierdie
studie ondersoek. Die Spatially Explicit Individual Based Simulation (SEIBS) model is as 'n
moontlike geskikte hulpmiddel vir die bestuur van uitheemse indringerplante geïdentifiseer,
alhoewel verdere ondersoeke en ontwikkeling nodig was voordat aanbevelings vir die gebruik
van die model gemaak kon word.
Vir hierdie studie is die landskapweergawe van die SEIBS model aangepas om die maklike
toevoer en afvoer van ruimtelike data te fasiliteer. 'n ArcView uitbreiding is ontwikkel om
met die voor- en naprosessering van ruimtelike data, wat deur die model gebruik en geskep is,
te fasiliteer. Veranderinge is ook aan die vuur sub-roetine van die module gemaak. Die nuwe
weergawe van die model word Clear genoem.
'n Reeks toetse is vir Pinus pinaster gedoen om die sensitiwiteit van die Clear model te toets
teenoor ruimtelike resolusie, aanvanklike vlak van versnippering en vlak van heterogeniteit.
Vanuit die toetse het dit geblyk dat die model sensitief was ten opsigte van verandering in
resolusie en dat die model se parameters verstel moes word wanneer verskillende resolusies
gebruik word. Daar is ook gewys dat die die vlak van aanvanklike versnippering 'n groot
impak op die verspreidingstempo het. Alhoewel hoër vlakke van ruimtelike heterogeniteit
teenoor plantegroei nie 'n merkbare impak op die verspreidingstempo gehad het nie, het dit
wel die effektiwiteit van opruiming-strategieë, gebaseer op die opruiming van jong of yl
verspreide plante, verbeter.
Die gevolgtrekking wat uit die toetse gemaak kan word is dat die model geredelik op
verskillende areas toegepas kan word, op die voorwaarde dat die invloed van ruimtelike
eienskappe in ag geneem word en in berekening gebring word. Dit word aanbeveel dat die
model wyer bekendgestel word om sodoende gebruikersterugvoer te bekom.
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Levantamento florístico e colonização micorrízica em dois remanescentes de cerrado típico e em plantas ruderais no município de Três Lagoas-MS /Neto, Maria José. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Maria Rodrigues Cassiolato / Banca: Katia Luciene Maltoni / Banca: Luiz Antonio Graciolli / Banca: Eliane de Lima Jacques / Banca: José Luiz Lorenz Silva / Resumo: Este trabalho foi realizado em dois remanescentes de Cerrado sentido restrito conhecidos por Reserva do Exército e Parque Municipal Capivaras; e numa área urbanizada denominada Vila Piloto, localizados no Município de Três Lagoas - MS. Nesta última foi realizado o levantamento de plantas ruderais. Nas três áreas fez-se o levantamento da diversidade florística e coletou-se amostras de plantas em fase jovem para verificação de colonização micorrízica arbuscular. Amostras compostas de solo também foram coletadas para contagem de esporos e análise das características químicas do solo. A área de Reserva do Exército mostrou um total de 397 espécies, distribuídas em 241 gêneros e 70 famílias. Das 44 espécies submetidas à análise de colonização micorrízica, 17 tiveram muito alta, 18 alta, oito baixa e uma ausente. O Parque Capivaras exibiu 449 espécies, distribuídas em 277 gêneros e 96 famílias. Das 44 espécies submetidas à análise de colonização micorrízica, 22 tiveram muito alta, 15 alta, uma baixa e seis ausente. Para a Vila Piloto foram identificadas 344 espécies distribuídas em 201 gêneros e 61 famílias, três espécimes determinados apenas em nível de gênero, das 344 espécies 281 são nativas do Brasil e 76 são típicas de cerrado ou cerradão. Das 50 espécies de plantas ruderais escolhidas para verificação da colonização micorrízica, 27 exibiram colonização muito alta, três alta, duas média, onze baixa e sete espécies não apresentaram colonização micorrízica. Os solos das áreas estudadas se apresentam com teores médios para alumínio e matéria orgânica. A média de esporos por 100g de solos foi de 53 para o Exército e 48 para o Parque Capivaras, permitindo sugerir que as áreas estão em equilíbrio. Para a Vila Piloto os resultados da amostragem do solo para os dois pontos coletados revelaram uma fertilidade que pode ser ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research was accomplished in two restricted sense cerrado remnants, one of them known as the Military Reserve and the other the Municipal Park of Capivaras. The other area was in an urbanized region named Vila Piloto, located in Três Lagoas - MS County, where a floristic survey of ruderal plants was made. In all three areas, a survey of floristic biodiversity was done and samples of young plants were collected to verify arbuscular mychorhizal colonization. Soil samples were also taken for counting spores and for analyzing its chemical characteristics. The Military Reserve displayed a total of 397 species, distributed in 241 genera and 70 families. Of the 44 species submitted to mychorrhizal colonization analyses, 17 were very high, 18 high, eight low and one absent. The Capivaras Park displayed 449 species, distributed in 277 genera and 96 families. Of the 44 species submitted to the mychorhizal colonization analysis, 22 had very high, 15 high, one had low and six had no colonization. For Vila Piloto, 344 species were identified and distributed in 201 genera and 61 families, and three specimens determined only in the genus level. Of the 344 species, 281 are natives to Brazil and 76 are typical of Cerrado or Cerradão. Fifty species from ruderal plants were chosen for verification of the mychorhizal colonization, of which 27 species displayed very high colonization, three high, two medium, eleven low and seven species did not present mychorhizal colonization. The soil of the studied area has medium content for aluminum and organic material. The average number of spores per 100g of soil was 53 for the Reserve and 48 for the Park, suggesting that the areas were in equilibrium. The results from Vila Piloto soil samples collected from two points revealed a fertility that can be considered higher than the typical Cerrado and an average number of FMA spores of 152 per 100g of dry soil ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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A Meta-analysis of Evolutionary Responses in Native Plants to Introduced Plant Species: Does Phylogenetic Distance Play a Role?Forget, Gabrielle January 2017 (has links)
While there is increasing interest in the evolutionary consequences of species invasions on native plant communities, the connection between the phylogenetic relatedness of invaders and natives, and its evolutionary consequences, has not yet received much attention. One way to examine the role of relatedness on the impact of species invasions is through the use of meta-analytical techniques combined with a phylogenetic framework. I apply this technique and expand on a prior meta-analysis by Oduor (2013), in order to compare how native plant species that either have prior experience coexisting with an invasive (‘experienced’) or do not (‘naïve'), differ in terms of their growth and reproduction in the presence of the invasive for evidence of a phylogenetic signal in their response to plan invasions. My results suggest that the effects of a species invasion on native growth and reproductive traits may be greater when the native and invasive species are distantly related, and/or when the invasive species is allelopathic, but only in the presence on the invader. I also found that the negative effect of competition with an invader on native growth traits tended to be greatest when the native and invasive species were closely related, suggesting that the strength of competition and the evolutionary response of native plants to invasive plants may not be as closely associated as it is often assumed. Overall, my analysis suggests that future studies may benefit from integrating phylogenetic relatedness when exploring native evolutionary responses to invasions, but that considerable work need sot be done to tease apart the roles of relatedness and competition.
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