Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasive plants."" "subject:"lnvasive plants.""
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Effects of wildfire burn severity on soil microbial communities and invasive plant species in the Cascade Range of Oregon /Hebel, Cassie Lenae. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2007. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 33-43). Also available on the World Wide Web.
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Assessing the value of public investment into biological control research for invasive alien plants : the ARC PPRI Weeds Research DivisionScarr, Lowell Martin January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates the economic impact of the ARC PPRI Weeds Research Division. The Division researches appropriate methods of biological control for invasive alien plants (IAPs). These plants pose an increasing threat to environmental integrity and ecosystem service provision impacting on economic potential. Since the work of the Division is considered a public good, a predominantly descriptive approach has been adopted for the valuation process. A combination of quantitative cost analysis and a qualitative study of the impacts of research and invasive alien plants is used to deal with the challenges associated with non-market valuation. The study found that investment into the Weeds Division is a valuable activity that supports the long-term growth potential of the South African economy. The role of a well-functioning environment is highlighted as an essential base for the creation of sustained growth opportunities in any society. It was determined that investment into the Division should be increased into the future to support efficient spending of scarce state funds. Biological control research was found to provide strategic future growth potential, creating opportunities for the development of a competitive advantage in the biotechnology and environmental management sectors. The study adds to the increasing move towards a more holistic view of economic valuation, taking factors other than pure finance and econometrics into consideration. This is an important shift in prevailing economic thought, as a realisation is reached that a single, or even triple, bottom line is an outdated and insufficient decision making basis.
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Evaluating success of an integrated control programme of Hakea sericea Schrader (Proteaceae) in the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces, South Africa through cartographic analysisTe Roller, Kerry Sharon 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the most threatening factors to the biodiversity of the Cape Floristic Region is that of invasive alien
organisms. A contestant for the most noxious of these fynbos threatening organisms is
Hakea sericea. When left to grow uncontrolled, this small Australian tree forms impenetrable stands that out
compete the natural vegetation. Due to the threat this plant poses, an extensive and integrated control
programme was initiated to reduce its numbers to a level where it can no longer compete successfully with the
indigenous flora. This control programme consists of a carefully devised slash and burn method, chemical
herbicides and four biological control agents. Little literature surrounding the success of this control programme
is available. Two data sets, Fugler (1979) and Protea Atlas Project 2001, recording the distribution and density
of the plant at the height of its invasion and twenty two years later are compared to one another using
Geographical Information System techniques. Success of control measures is reflected by: (1) a reduction of
340 135 ha in total invaded by H sericea, (2) a reduction in density and (3) shifts in patterns of average rainfall,
altitude, slope and aspect of the areas associated with different density categories of this species. These data
provide reward for all those involved in the control programme by justifying efforts associated with the control
of the invader. Furthermore, the findings of this project also highlight the value of the control programme as
well as indicate how future research should be concentrated in order to perfect the programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitheemse indringerplante is een van die enkele belangrikste faktore wat die Kaapse Fynbos biodiversiteit
bedreig. In hierdie geval is Hakea sericea een van die mees kompeterende spesies. Hierdie klein Australie
boompie ontwikkel, indien ongekontroleerd gelaat, tot 'n ondeurdringbare digte woud wat natuurlikke
plantegroei verdring. Dit is weens hierdie faktor dat ekstensiewe en geintegreerde kontroleringsprogramme
ontwikkel is om die getalle van bome na die vlakke te verlaag waar dit geen bedreiging vir inheemse flora sal
inhou nie. Die kontroleringsprogramme maak onder andere van chemiese onkruiddoders, vier biologiese
beheermiddels, ontbossing en beheerde brande gebruik. Min literatuur is beskikbaar oor die sukses wat verkry
word met die programme. Twee datastelle elk van Fugler (1979), bevattende data oor digtheid en verspreiding
van die plante 22 jaar tevore en die Protea Atlas Projek (2001) word vergelyk met behulp van Geografiese
Inligtingstelsel (GIS) tegnieke. Die sukses van die beheer maatreels word weerspieel in: (1) die totale afname
van 531 229 ha to 340 135 ha ingedring deur H. sericea, (2) afname in die digtheid en (3) verskuiwing in die
algemene reenval-, hoogte-, helling- en liggingspatrone wat geassosieer word met die verskillende
digtheidskatogoriee van die spesie. Die resultate bied regverdiging vir die kontroleringsprogramme van
indringerplante. Ook beklemtoon die projek die waarde van kontroleringsprogramme en dui aan waarop
toekomstige navorsing moet konsentreer om die programme te vervolmaak.
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Impacts of the invasive reed Arundo donax on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level.Guthrie, Gené January 2007 (has links)
<p>Arundo donax is an invasive species that mostly impacts on sensitive riparian ecosystems. Arundo is also invasive in South Africa, though less is known about its ecology, biology, and impacts. Since California and the Western Cape of South AFrica have similar Mediterranean-type climates, we could assume that the impacts of Arundo on ecosystems in California are likely to be similar in the Western Cape, and that control methods used could be extrapolated for use in South Africa. This thesis attempted to determine what impact Arundo has on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level.</p>
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Impacts of the invasive reed Arundo donax on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level.Guthrie, Gené January 2007 (has links)
<p>Arundo donax is an invasive species that mostly impacts on sensitive riparian ecosystems. Arundo is also invasive in South Africa, though less is known about its ecology, biology, and impacts. Since California and the Western Cape of South AFrica have similar Mediterranean-type climates, we could assume that the impacts of Arundo on ecosystems in California are likely to be similar in the Western Cape, and that control methods used could be extrapolated for use in South Africa. This thesis attempted to determine what impact Arundo has on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level.</p>
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Invasive alien plants of South Africa’s freshwater systems : accelerating identification of species and climatically suitable areas for species invasionHoveka, Lerato Nakedi 01 July 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Botany) / In South Africa, controlling and eradicating Azolla filiculoides and Eichhornia crassipes cost annually approximately US$ 60 million to the national budget. However, the success of these operations is mixed because invasive aquatic plants often spread very rapidly either before they are spotted or before decisions are taken to implement control actions. This limitation is further exacerbated by difficulties in determining the invasion potential of newly introduced or unknown aquatic plants, as well as difficulties inherent to species identification. Resolving these drawbacks requires pre-emptive actions such as identifying areas that are most vulnerable to invasion by alien plants. In this study, I first explore whether molecular technique such as DNA barcoding can be useful to: i) overcome potential limitation of morphology-based identification of invasive aquatic plants; and ii) establish successful control of these invasives. For this purpose, I tested the utility of official DNA barcodes (rbcLa + matK or core barcodes), trnH-psbA, and the core barcode + trnH-psbA to identify invasive aquatic plants of South Africa’s freshwaters. Second, I use the technique of ecological niche modeling to identify most vulnerable freshwater systems to species invasion under current and climatic conditions. My analysis indicates that the core barcodes and matK regions perform poorer compared to trnH-psbA, which provides 100% successful identification alone or in combination with the core barcodes. This study therefore validates trnH-psbA as single best DNA barcode for invasive alien aquatic plants of freshwater systems in South Africa. Using this DNA region in BLAST analysis to screen plants species sold in aquarium market in Johannesburg, I found surprisingly that some prohibited species are already in circulation in the market. These include Hydrilla verticillata, egeria densa, Myriophyllum spicatum, and Echinodorus cordifolius. Furthermore, based on climatic parameters, I explored the distribution of the "bad five" aquatic species in South Africa, i.e. the most damaging invaders of freshwater systems. I found distinct distribution potentials for these species under current climatic conditions. Overall, 38% of all South Africa’s dams occur in areas climatically vulnerable to the invasion by the bad five with the Western Cape Province being the most vulnerable. However, under predicted climate change scenario, I found evidence for contrasting shifts in species range: species such as Azolla filiculoides, Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia molesta might increase their range by at most 2% whilst the ranges of Myriophyllum aquaticum and Pistia stratiotes might contract by at most 5%. This range contraction and expansion will result in some dams currently vulnerable to invasion becoming resilient whilst others that are currently resilient might become vulnerable owing to climate change. This result demonstrates not only the utility of DNA barcoding in implementing control measures, but also provides ways of prioritising control/management efforts.
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Assessing the invasiveness of Acacia stricta and Acacia implexa : is eradication an option?Kaplan, Haylee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the invasiveness and current status of two Acacia species recently identified as invaders in South Africa in order to determine the feasibility of their eradication. Australian acacias are among South Africa’s worst invasive species and many have had widespread damaging impacts on native ecosystems. In addition, several Acacia species still exist as small isolated populations in the country and have been targeted for eradication in order to prevent potential widespread impacts. This work assesses Acacia implexa (Chapter 2) and Acacia stricta (Chapter 3) as potential eradication targets by quantifying the extent of their invasion in South Africa, assessing the risk they pose to the country and evaluating the feasibility of their eradication based on estimated costs of clearing. Results of formal risk assessments show that both A. implexa and A. stricta should be considered high risk species, and bioclimatic model predictions indicate that both species have large potential ranges in South Africa. Detailed population surveys found that A. implexa and A. stricta each occur at several distinct localities all in the Western Cape Province. Acacia implexa populations were found at three sites (Tokai, Wolseley and Stellenbosch) where they have densified by means of vegetative suckering allowing A. implexa to outcompete native vegetation. No evidence of large seed banks of A. implexa were found, however vigorous resprouting following damage makes the control of A. implexa difficult. Acacia stricta was found at nine localities all in the Knysna area of the Garden Route, where populations are spreading along disturbed roadsides in plantations. Acacia stricta produces large amounts of seeds and can accumulate large seed banks. Seed spread is most likely due to large-scale soil movement by road maintenance vehicles which can easily lead to the establishment of new populations. We therefore used a predictive risk mapping approach based on the association of A. stricta to roadsides and disturbed plantations to enable effective searching to detect all infestations of A. stricta. Based on the high risk of both species and the limited range sizes of the currently known populations, we recommend that A. implexa and A. stricta remain targets for eradication. Management strategies proposed for these species (Chapter 4) include clearing on an annual (in the case of A. stricta) or biannual (for A. implexa) basis to prevent seed production, and targeted awareness campaigns at a national scale to determine whether our current knowledge of the extents of A. implexa and A. stricta are accurate. This work has shown that detailed assessments of species at intermediate stages of invasion is an important initial step in an eradication attempt, and better understanding of species specific invasion characteristics can help to improve management and potentially increase the probability of success of eradication. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die invasieve en die huidige status van twee Acacia spesies onlangs geïdentifiseer as indringers in Suid-Afrika ten einde die lewensvatbaarheid van hul uitwissing om te bepaal. Australiese akasias is onder Suid-Afrika se ergste indringerspesies en baie het wydverspreide skadelike impak op die inheemse ekosisteme. Verder het verskeie Acacia spesies bestaan nog steeds as 'n klein geïsoleerde bevolkings in die land en wat geteiken is vir uitwissing in om moontlike grootskaalse impakte te voorkom. Hierdie werk beoordeel Acacia implexa (Hoofstuk 2) en Acacia stricta (Hoofstuk 3) as 'n moontlike uitwissing teikens deur die kwantifisering van die omvang van hul inval in Suid-Afrika, die beoordeling van die risiko wat hulle inhou vir die land en die evaluering van die haalbaarheid van hul uitwissing op grond van beraamde koste van die wiele ry. Resultate van formele risikobepalings toon dat beide die A. implexa en A. stricta moet oorweeg word om 'n hoë risiko spesies, en bioclimatic model voorspellings dui daarop dat beide spesies het 'n groot potensiaal bereik in Suid-Afrika. Uitgebreide bevolkings opname gevind dat A. implexa en A. stricta elk by verskeie afsonderlike plekke in die Wes-Kaap voorkom. Acacia implexa is op drie plekke (Tokai, Wolseley en Stellenbosch) gevind, waar hulle deur middel van vegetatiewe suier densified en inheemse plantegroei oorwin het. Geen bewyse van groot nageslag banke van A. implexa is gevind, maar in kragtige resprouting volgende skade maak die beheer A. implexa moeilik is. Die Acacia stricta is op nege plekke in die Knysna-omgewing van die Tuinroete, waar die bevolkings verspreiding langs die versteurde paaie in plantasies. Acacia stricta produseer groot hoeveelhede saad en kan versamel groot saadbanke. Saad versprei is waarskynlik te danke aan grootskaalse grond beweging deur die instandhouding van paaie voertuie wat kan lei tot die vestiging van nuwe bevolkings. Ons het dus 'n voorspellende risiko kartering benadering wat gebaseer is op die vereniging van A. stricta aan paaie en versteurde plantasies in staat te stel om doeltreffend te soek alle besmettings van A. stricta op te spoor. Gegrond op die hoë risiko van beide spesies en die beperkte reeks groottes van die bevolking wat tans bekend is, beveel ons aan dat A. implexa en A. stricta bly teikens vir uitwissing. Bestuurstrategieë vir hierdie spesies (Hoofstuk 4) voorgestel word, sluit in die skoonmaak op 'n jaarlikse (in die geval van A. stricta) of die halfjaarlikse (vir A. implexa) basis van die saad produksie, en geteikende bewusmakingsveldtogte om te voorkom dat 'n nasionale skaal om te bepaal of ons huidige kennis van die omvang van A. implexa en A. stricta akkuraat is. Hierdie werk het getoon dat uitgebreide aanslae van spesies op intermediêre fases van die inval is 'n belangrike eerste stap in 'n poging van die uitwissing, en 'n beter begrip van spesies spesifieke inval eienskappe kan jou help om te verbeter en potensieel verhoog die waarskynlikheid van sukses van die uitroeiing nie.
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Alien plants and their invasion of the forested landscape of the southeastern United StatesLemke, Dawn January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I have assessed and modelled invasion of alien plant species in the forest of the southeastern United States. There are over 380 recognized invasive plants in southeastern forests and grasslands with 53 ranked as high-to-medium risk to natural communities. I have focused on ten of these: Chinese lespedeza, tall fescue, Japanese honeysuckle, Chinese privet, autumn olive, princesstree, silktree, chinaberry, tree of heaven, tallowtree. Assessing them at differing scales, locally (Chapter 2 and 3), eco-regionally (Chapter 4 and 5) and regionally (Chapters 6 and 7), using field based measurements integrated with remotely sensed and digital datasets, and applying both parametric and non-parametric modelling approaches. Data from field based measurements as well as digitally available sources was evaluated, bringing together freely available data with time consuming, intensively collected data. Once models were developed application to assessing long term impacts was done by integrating potential climate change scenarios.
At the local level Chinese lespedeza and Japanese Honeysuckle were the most prevalent, with models at the local level dominated by remotely sensed variables. At an eco-regional level Japanese honeysuckle was the most prevalent with models primarily dominated by environmental variables. At a regional level, where only trees were assessed, potential distributions of the invasive species ranged from 12 to 33 percent of the southeastern forests under current conditions with this dramatically increasing for chinaberry and tallowtree under most climate change scenarios, up as high as 66 percent of southeastern forest sites.
In this thesis information on anthropogenic factors added some value to the models, however it was rarely dominant. Roads and land use (proportion of forest or distance to forest) were the most useful anthropogenic variables. In all models evaluated, only six times did any one anthropogenic variable represent more than 25 percent of the models, four of these were at the local scale. At the regional and eco-regional level, roads had a greater than 25 percent contribution to the silktree models, at a local level, distance to forest and distance roads contributed more than 25 percent to three of the species evaluated, sawtooth oak, Japanese honeysuckle and privet. Human activities have the most influence on invasion progression through dispersal (movement and introduction rate) and disturbance of the landscape (increased resource availability). Anthropogenic variables such as roads are likely to be a mechanism of spread, thus the more a model is driven by anthropogenic variables, the more likely the invasive plant is to be in the early stages of invasion process. Thus our results suggest that many of these species have moved through the first stages of invasion.
Environmental characteristics play an important role in determining a site’s vulnerability to invasion. At an eco-region and regional scale, environmental characteristics dominated (>50%) all but one model (silktree at the regional scale). At the eco-region level elevation was the dominant variable, and at a regional level minimum temperature was the dominant variable. These have some correlation, with higher elevation often relating to lower temperatures, particularly at a smaller scale. This confirms the validity of matching the climate ranges of native species with the range of potential invasion, and the approach of integrating elevation, latitude and longitude to estimate potential distribution. It also suggests that climate change will influence the distribution and that variation in climate should be integrated into models.
Two different modelling approaches, logistic regression and maximum entropy, were used throughout my thesis, and applied to the same data. Agreement between different modelling types adds strength to conclusions, while disagreement can assist in asking further questions. The inclusion in the models of similar variables with the same direction of relationships gives confidence to any inference about the importance of these variables. The geographical agreement between models adds confidence to the probability of occurrence in the area. Alternatively using the same model but different datasets can give you similar information. Overall for all models created by both logistic regression and MaxEnt, the logistic regression had slightly better omission rates and the MaxEnt model had better AUC’s. Logistic regression models also often predicted larger geographical areas of occurrences when the threshold of maximum sensitivity plus specificity was used, thus the lower omission rates is related to the less stringent model that predicts a larger area. The selection of appropriate data to answer the question was shown to be fundamental in Chapter 7. When data were used outside of the area of interest it generalized the models and increased the potential for invasion significantly. There was more value in the intensive surveyed data but this was less dramatic than in using the defined areas of interest to select the data for models.
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Invasive Australian acacias : reproductive biology and effects on native plant-pollinator communities in Cape fynbosGibson, Michelle Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: My master’s research combines aspects of pollination biology and invasion biology to
explore the invasive predictors and impacts of a globally invasive group of plants –
Australian acacias. Specifically, I investigate the role of reproductive biology in their
invasion success (Chapter 2), the impacts of a specific species, Acacia saligna, on native
plant-pollinator communities in South Africa (Chapter 3), and if the impact of A. saligna on
native plant species can be predicted, based on floral trait similarity (Chapter 4).
Australian acacias possess many floral traits implicated in plant invasion success,
including extensive, dense floral displays, prolific seed production, long-lived seed banks,
and propensity for vegetative reproduction. In Chapter 2 of my thesis, co-authors and I
investigate if such reproductive traits influence whether or not a species becomes invasive
once it is introduced by qualitatively and quantitatively analyzing literature and data
collected from published and unpublished data. We found that invasive species reach
reproductive maturity earlier and are more commonly able to resprout. Our findings have
important implications for management of existing Acacia invasions as well as the
assessment and prevention of further introductions of Acacia species leading to invasion.
Impacts of invasive plant species on native plant visitation and consequent reproduction
are often negative and have important implications for future ecosystem health. Acacia
saligna is a problematic woody invasive shrub in many Mediterranean regions, and in
South Africa, it invades fynbos vegetation, which boasts one of the highest plant diversities
per area in the world as well as many specialized pollination mutualisms. It blooms during
the flowering peak of most native species and forms dense, showy floral displays, thus the
possibility of pollinator-mediated interactions with co-flowering native species is high. In
Chapter 3, I assess the impact of flowering A. saligna on insect visitation to co-flowering
native species by conducting flower observations at both an invaded and uninvaded
(control) site. One of the native species most-visited by native honeybees, Roepera fulva,
had high flower visitor overlap with A. saligna and suffered significantly lower visitation
from all insects and from bees when A. saligna was present than at the control site. The
native honeybee appears to be the most important visitor to A. saligna as it was the most
frequent and mobile. Due to its foraging efficiency and dominance in pollinator
communities, Apis mellifera subsp. capensis could be an important mediator of the negative effect of A. saligna on co-flowering natives, especially those frequently visited by
The use of floral traits as predictors of a species’ effect on co-flowering plants via
pollination is commonly used in pollination biology. In the fourth chapter of my thesis, I
apply the predictive principle of floral traits on flower visitation to see if floral traits can
predict the impact of an invasive plant species on co-flowering native species, and if so,
which floral traits are the most important. Following the same flower observation protocol
as Chapter 3, I assess two measures of invasion impact on native flowers – change in
visitation rate to native plant species between invaded and uninvaded sites and flower
visitor overlap between A. saligna and native species – and test for a correlation with floral
trait similarity of native species to and A. saligna. Similarity of categorical traits and all
traits combined (categorical and continuous) were significantly positively correlated with
flower visitor overlap, indicating that native species with categorical traits similar to A.
saligna were more likely to share flower visitors with A. saligna. Floral symmetry and
shape similarity were the most important categorical traits in driving flower visitor overlap.
Findings suggest an important link between categorical floral traits and ability to predict
invasive plant impact on native flower-insect interactions; however, more comprehensive
studies are required for conclusive results. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: My Meestersgraad se navorsing kombineer aspekte van bestuiwingsbiologie en
indringerbiologie om ondersoek in te stel na die indringing-voorspelbaarheid en die impak
van Australiese Akasias, 'n wêreldwye indringende groep van plante. Ek het spesifiek
gekyk na die rol van voortplantingsbiologie in hul indringing sukses (Hoofstuk 2), die impak
van 'n spesifieke spesie, Acacia saligna, op die inheemse plant-bestuiwer gemeenskappe
in Suid-Afrika (Hoofstuk 3), en of die impak van Acacia saligna op inheemse plantspesies
voorspel kan word, gebaseer is op die ooreenkomste in blomeienskappe (Hoofstuk 4).
Australiese Akasias het baie voortplantingseienskappe wat geassisioeer word met
plantindringing sukses, insluitend ‘n uitgebreide, digte blommedrag, uitermatige hoë
saadproduksie, langlewende saadbank, en die geneigdheid vir vegetatiewe voortplanting.
In hoofstuk 2 van my tesis, ondersoek ek en my medeskrywers of sulke
voortplantingseienskappe beïnvloed of 'n spesie ‘n indringer raak, deur 'n ontleding van die
literatuur en data wat versamel is uit gepubliseerde en ongepubliseerde data. Ons het
gevind dat indringerspesies geslagsrypheid vroeër bereik en meer algemeen in staat is om
weer uit te loop. Ons bevindinge het belangrike implikasies vir die bestuur van die
bestaande Akasiastande sowel as die evaluering en die voorkoming van verdere vestiging
van Akasia spesies wat lei tot indringers.
Impakte van uitheemse plantspesies op inheemse plant-besoeke deur bestuiwers, en
gevolglike voortplanting is dikwels negatief en het belangrike implikasies vir die
toekomstige ekosisteem gesondheid. Acacia saligna is 'n problematiese houtagtige
indringende struik in baie Mediterreense streke, en in Suid-Afrika. Dit dring in die Fynbos
in, wat spog met een van die wêreld se hoogste plant diversiteit per oppervlak, sowel as
baie gespesialiseerde bestuiwing-mutualismes. Dit blom gedurende die bloeiseisoen van
die meeste inheemse spesies en vorm digte, pronkerige blomuitstallings, dus is die
moontlikheid hoog vir bestuiwer-gemedieerde interaksies met inheemse spesies wat saam
blom. In Hoofstuk 3, het ek die impak van Acacia saligna, op insek besoeke aan saamblommende
inheemse spesies bepaal, deur waarnemings op beide ingedringde en
natuurlike studie gebiede. Een van die inheemse spesies, Roepera fulva, wat die meeste
besoek is deur inheemse heuningbye, het 'n hoë blom besoeker oorvleueling met Acacia
saligna en het aansienlik minder besoeke van alle insekte en van bye gekry toe Acacia saligna teenwoordig was as by die natuurlike studie gebied. Die inheemse heuningby, Apis
mellifera subsp. capensis, blyk die mees belangrikste besoeker aan Acacia saligna te
wees aangesien dit die mees gereeldste en beweeglikste was. As gevolg van sy
oorheersing in bestuiwer gemeenskappe, is die by 'n belangrike faktor van die negatiewe
uitwerking van Acacia saligna op die inheemse plante wat dieselfde tyd blom, veral dié wat
gereeld besoek word deur heuningbye.
Die gebruik van blomeienskappe as voorspellers van 'n spesie se effek op
saamblommende plante deur middel van bestuiwing, word algemeen gebruik in
bestuiwingsbiologie. In die vierde hoofstuk van my tesis, het ek die voorspellende beginsel
van die blomeienskappe op blombesoeking toegepas, om te sien of blomeienskappe die
impak van 'n uitheemse plantspesie kan voorspel op saamblommende inheemse spesies,
en indien wel, watter blomeienskappe die belangrikste is. Deur dieselfde blom waarneming
protokol as in Hoofstuk 3 te gebruik, het ek twee maatstawwe van indringings impakte op
inheemse blomme vergelyk - verandering in besoek gereeldheid aan inheemse plante
tussen ingedringde en natuurlike studie gebiede en blom besoeker oorvleueling tussen die
Acacia saligna en inheemse spesies – en die toets vir 'n korrelasie van blomeienskap
ooreenkomste in inheemse spesies en Acacia saligna. Soortgelykheid van kategoriese
eienskappe en al die eienskappe gekombineer (kategoriese en deurlopende) is beduidend
positief gekorreleerd met blombesoeker oorvleueling, wat aandui dat inheemse spesies
met kategoriese eienskappe soortgelyk aan Acacia saligna meer geneig was om blom
besoekers te deel met Acacia saligna. Blom simmetrie en vorm ooreenkoms was die
belangrikste kategoriese eienskappe wat ly tot blombesoeker oorvleueling. Bevindinge dui
op 'n belangrike skakel tussen die die kategoriese blomeienskappe en die vermoë om
indringerplant impakte op inheemse blom-insek interaksies te voorspel, alhoewel, meer
omvattende studies nog nodig is. / DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology and the Department of Botany and Zoology at
Stellenbosch University for research funding
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Patterns and processes of invasion of the exotic plant Marrubium vulgare (horehound) in a mixed grass prairieGastineau, Elizabeth Ann January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / David C. Hartnett / Invasive plants pose a global threat by changing natural communities and ecosystems in ways that may be irreversible. Marrubium vulgare L. (horehound), native to Eurasia, is an invasive exotic plant found throughout the United States. Little is known about M. vulgare in the U.S. and this study aimed to understand the basic biology, habitat, and population dynamics of M. vulgare in its invasive habitat as well as the role of disturbance in the invasions. Wind Cave
National Park (WCNP), an area comprising ponderosa pine and mixed grass prairie vegetation
types, was used as the site for this study. In a GPS and GIS mapping study, M. vulgare was
found to be significantly associated with prairie dog towns, an Aristida purpurea - Dyssodia
papposa (threeawn and fetid marigold) vegetation community (a vegetation type found exclusively on prairie dog towns), and certain types of loamy soils. M. vulgare was rarely found off of prairie dog towns and then only in other disturbed areas such as bison trails or tree falls. Population studies showed M. vulgare populations were mostly stable or slightly decreasing in density (though not significantly) from 2010 to 2011; however, a few of the populations did increase dramatically in density from 2010 to 2011. M. vulgare populations existed in high densities (78.3-322.9 ramets/m2) and in low densities (0.1-2.2 genets/m2) throughout WCNP. Disturbances including prairie dog burrows, bison trails, prairie dog and bison presence, mowing, and percent cover of bare ground were measured in relation to population dynamics. While M. vulgare populations were disturbance dependent, there was no clear relationship between disturbances and population dynamics. Examination of M. vulgare life history traits found that while M. vulgare had relatively low biomass allocation to reproduction as compared to native perennial prairie species, M. vulgare produced an extremely high number of small seeds
(estimated 1487/plant). Seedling establishment rates were also high. While not quantified, M.
vulgare appears to be effectively dispersed through bison epizoochory. These results help to
inform management of M. vulgare populations: minimizing disturbance, decreasing propagule
supply, and minimizing dispersal may help to reduce M. vulgare invasions.
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