Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasive plants."" "subject:"lnvasive plants.""
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Le roseau commun (Phragmites Australis) influence-t-il la composition spécifique et le développement larvaire d'amphibiens?Perez, Amélie 08 1900 (has links)
Les plantes envahissantes sont considérées comme l'une des plus grandes menaces sur les espèces, mais leurs impacts sur les amphibiens demeurent peu connus. L’objectif de ce projet est de déterminer l’effet de l’établissement du roseau commun (Phragmites australis) sur la répartition des amphibiens et sur leur développement larvaire. Il est présumé que cette plante s'accapare l'espace et les ressources disponibles en produisant une importante biomasse, qu’elle peut modifier l’hydrologie des marais et la structure des communautés d’amphibiens. J’ai évalué les facteurs influençant la répartition des amphibiens selon les caractéristiques des étangs et du paysage dans 50 sites envahis ou non à divers degrés. Des expériences ont également été menées afin d’étudier les répercussions de trois densités de roseau sur des têtards de la Grenouille des bois (Lithobates sylvaticus) et sur la qualité de son habitat.
Mes résultats suggèrent que le roseau à forte densité ralentit le développement larvaire de la grenouille des bois et influence les assemblages phytoplanctoniques. Cependant, il n’y a aucune relation entre la densité de la plante et la survie, la morphologie des têtards et les caractéristiques biotiques et abiotiques de l’eau. Dans notre aire d’étude, le paysage autour des étangs a une plus grande influence sur la répartition des amphibiens que l'établissement du roseau. Toutefois, la probabilité d’assèchement est plus élevée lorsque la plante est établie en grande quantité, ce qui, si l’envahissement s’intensifie, aura un effet néfaste sur la survie des têtards et mettra en péril la persistance des populations. / Invasive plants are considered one of the greatest threats to species, but their impact on amphibians is still poorly understood. The objective of this project is to determine the effect of the establishment of common reed (Phragmites australis) on amphibian distribution and larval development. It is thought that this plant monopolizes space and resources by producing a large biomass, and may alter wetland hydrology and amphibian community structure. I evaluated the factors influencing amphibian distribution according to the characteristics of ponds and the surrounding landscape in 50 sites invaded or not by reeds to varying degrees. Experiments were also conducted to study the impacts of three reed densities on wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) and the quality of their habitat.
My results suggest that high reed density slows wood frog larval development and influences phytoplankton assemblages. However, there is no relationship between, plant density and survival, tadpole morphology and water biotic and abiotic characteristic. In our study area, the landscape surrounding ponds has a greater influence on amphibian distribution than does reed establishment. However, the desiccation probability is higher when the plant is established in high quantities, which, if the invasion intensifies, will have an adverse effect on tadpole survival and therefore population persistence.
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The impact of high rainfall and flood events on Eucalyptus camaldulensis distribution along the central Breede RiverRaath, Gideon 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., or River Red Gum, is a commercially valuable yet recognised
invasive alien plant (IAP) of riparian zones throughout South Africa. The invasive potential of E.
camaldulensis is widely recognised, with specific regulations aimed at the management of E.
camaldulensis. E. camaldulensis is known to use large amounts of water, reduce biodiversity,
change river morphology and impact hydrological regimes of rivers. In the native range throughout
Australia, E. camaldulensis displays a distinct relationship between rainfall, and flood events, for
seed dispersal, germination and establishment, and consequently spatial extent, yet little is known
about the relationships in the South African context. The aim of this project was to assess the
impact of high rainfall and flood events on the establishment and distribution of E. camaldulensis
along the Middle Breede River, between Worcester and Swellendam in the Western Cape, by
establishing the current spatial extent of E. camaldulensis along the river, identifying flood events
since 1950 and evaluating the impact rainfall and flood events had on the spatial extent thereof.
Aerial imagery, rainfall, discharge and river level data was obtained dating back to 1980, as well as
field data comprising of GPS-bounding of E. camaldulensis stands. Additionally, density
measurements were obtained and interviews conducted with land users. Spatial analysis of aerial
imagery, coupled with perimeter (GPS) data and density data were used to conduct spatio-temporal
analysis, employing GIS and conventional statistical approaches to address the various objectives.
Results indicated E. camaldulensis stands had a small overall increase in spatial extent since 1980.
Flooding and rainfall events coincided with an increase in occurrence of E. camaldulensis with
elevated river levels and frequent flooding, while spatial variation of this relationship was observed.
The hydrological regime of the Breede River coincides with a slow increase in spatial extent of E.
camaldulensis stands, but no affirmation of a positive real-world relationship was possible using the
available data. Results further suggested, based on the current age class composition, that existing
stands originated roughly during 1980, possibly due to commercial forestry related seeding into the
river. Reduced fragmentation between stakeholders, educational programmes and improved
reporting systems were recommended for improved IAP management within the area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, of Rooibloekom (RB), is ‘n waardevolle kommersiële, maar erkende
indringer plantspesie (IP) wat veral oewersones in Suid-Afrika indring. Die indringerpotensiaal van
E. camaldulensis is welbekend, en spesifieke regulasies, gemik op die bestuur van RB en ander
spesies is reeds aangeneem. E. camaldulensis is veral bekend vir sy hoë watergebruik, sy
vermindering van biodiversiteit, sy vermoë om riviervorme te verander en sy algehele impak op die
hidrologiese patroon van riviere waarmee dit in aanraking kom. In sy oorspronklike
verspreidingsgebied in Australië toon E. camaldulensis ‘n bepaalde verhouding tussen reënval en
vloedgebeurtenisse vir saadverspreiding, ontkieming en vestiging en derhalwe die ruimtelike
verspreiding van die spesie; alhoewel hierdie verhouding in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks steeds
redelik onverduidelik bly. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was dus om die impak van hoë reënval en
vloedgebeurtenisse op die ruimtelike verspreiding en vestiging van E. camaldulensis teenaan die
Middel Breëde Rivier, spesifiek tussen Worcester en Swellendam, te evalueer. Hierdie doelwit was
bereik deur die historiese ruimtelike verspreiding teenaan die rivier te meet, hoë reënval en
vloedgebeurtenisse vanaf 1980 te identifiseer, en die huidige verspreiding en omtrek met GPS te
meet. Digtheidafmetings, sowel as onderhoude met belanghebbendes teenaan die rivier was ook
opgeneem. Visuele interpretatasie van lugfotos, sowel as omtrek (GPS) en digtheid-data was
gebruik om ruimtelike analise uit te voer, deur die gebruik van GIS en konvensionele statistiese
metodes, ten einde die doelwitte te evalueer. Resultate dui aan dat E. camaldulensis areas ‘n klein
algemene groei getoon het sedert 1980. Hoë-reënval en gereëlde vloedgebeurtenisse het ook
gepaard gegaan met ‘n groei van E. camaldulensis oppervlak, alhoewel hierdie verhouding
ruimtelike variasie getoon het, met ‘n algemene groei patroon gemerk oor die volledige
studietydperk. Ook geen stimulerende verhouding kon vanuit die beskikbare data bevestig word nie.
Addisionele resultate het aangedui dat die verspreiding van E. camaldulensis ongeveer 1980
onstaan het, moontlik as gevolg van kommersiële bosbou-aanplanting en verwante saadverspreiding
in die rivier vanaf daardie tyd. Aanbevelings ten opsigte van verbeterde indringerbestuur sluit in die
beperking van huidige fragmentasie tussen belanghebbendes en betrokke verwyderingsorganisasies,
addisionele onderrigprogramme sowel as die verbetering van terugvoersisteme.
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The role of the mite Orthogalumna terebrantis in the biological control programme for water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, in South AfricaMarlin, Danica January 2011 (has links)
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is an aquatic macrophyte originating from the Amazon basin. Due to its beautiful appearance it has been introduced into numerous countries across the world as an ornamental pond plant. It was introduced into South Africa in the early 1900s and has since reached pest proportions in many of the country’s fresh water bodies, causing significant economic and ecological losses. It is now considered to be the worst aquatic weed in South Africa. Efforts to control the spread of the weed began in the early 1970s and there have been some successes. Biological control has been used widely as an alternative to mechanical and chemical controls because it is cost-effective, self-sustaining and environmentally friendly. To date, six biological control agents have been introduced onto water hyacinth in South Africa. However, due to factors such as cold winter temperatures and interference from chemical control, the agent populations are occasionally knocked-down and thus the impact of biological control on the weed population is variable. In addition, many South African water systems are highly eutrophic, and in these systems the plant growth may be accelerated to such an extent that the negative impact of the agents’ herbivory is mitigated. One of the agents established on the weed is the galumnid mite Orthogalumna terebrantis, which originates from Uruguay. In South Africa, the mite was initially discovered on two water hyacinth infestations in the Mpumalanga Province in 1989 and it is now established at 17 sites across the country. Many biological control researchers believe that the mite is a good biological control agent but, prior to this thesis, little quantitative data existed to confirm the belief. Thus, this thesis is a post-release evaluation of O. terebrantis in which various aspects of the mite-plant relationship were investigated to determine the efficacy of the mite and thus better understand the role of the mite in the biological control programme of water hyacinth in South Africa. From laboratory experiments, in which mite densities were lower than densities occurring in the field, it was found that water hyacinth growth is largely unaffected by mite herbivory, except possibly at very high mite densities. When grown in high nutrient conditions the growth of the plant is so great that any affect the mite has is nullified. Plant growth is thus more affected by nutrients than by mite herbivory. However, mite feeding was also influenced by water nutrient levels and mite herbivory was greatest on plants grown in high nutrient conditions. The presence of the mite had a positive effect on the performance of the mirid Eccritotarsus catarinensis, such that the interactions of the two agents together had a greater negative impact on the plant’s growth than the individual agents had alone. Furthermore, water hyacinth physiological parameters, such as the plant’s photosynthetic ability, were negatively impacted by the mite, even at the very low mite densities used in the study. Plant growth rate is dependent on photosynthetic ability i.e. the rate of photosynthesis, and thus a decrease in the plant’s photosynthetic ability will eventually be translated into decreased plant growth rates which would ultimately result in the overall reduction of water hyacinth populations. In addition, temperature tolerance studies showed that the mite was tolerant of low temperatures. The mite already occurs at some of the coldest sites in South Africa. Therefore, the mite should be able to establish at all of the water hyacinth infestations in the country, but because it is a poor disperser it is unlikely to establish at new sites without human intervention. It is suggested that the mite be used as an additional biological control agent at sites where it does not yet occur, specifically at cold sites where some of the other, less cold-tolerant, agents have failed to establish. Finally, conditions of where, how many and how often the mite should be distributed to water hyacinth infestation in South Africa are discussed.
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Biological control of Pereskia aculeata Miller (Cactaceae)Paterson, Iain Douglas January 2011 (has links)
Pereskia aculeata Miller (Cactaceae) is an environmental weed that is damaging to natural ecosystems in South Africa. The plant is native to Central and South America and was first recorded in South Africa in a botanical garden in 1858. In this thesis, research into the biological control of P. aculeata was conducted with the intention of improving the control of the weed. A pre-release study of the relationship between P. aculeata density and native plant biodiversity indicated that P. aculeata has a negative impact on native biodiversity. The native plant biodiversity associated with different P. aculeata densities was used to determine threshold values and goals for the control of the weed. A threshold value of 50% P. aculeata density was calculated, indicating that P. aculeata density must be maintained below 50% in order to conserve native plant biodiversity. The ultimate goal of the control programme should be to maintain P. aculeata densities below 30%. At these densities there was no significant difference in native plant biodiversity from if the weed were absent from the ecosystem. The biological control agent, Phenrica guérini Bechyne (Chrysomelidae), has been released in South Africa but the potential of the agent to impact P. aculeata is not known and no post release evaluation has been conducted. Impact assessment studies indicate that P. guérini does not impact P. aculeata, even at high densities, but the results of greenhouse experiments should be interpreted with caution because of problems with extrapolation into the field. Although observations in the field suggest that P. guérini has reduced P. aculeata densities at one site, it is clear that new biological control agents are needed to reduce the weed to acceptable levels. Identifying the origin of the South African P. aculeata population was believed to be important to the biological control programme due to the disjunct native distribution and intraspecific variation of the species. Natural enemies associated with plant genotypes in different parts of the native distribution may have developed specialised relationships with certain intraspecific variants of the plant, resulting in differences in agent efficacy on certain host plant genotypes. A molecular study indicated that the closest relatives to the South African weed population found in the native distribution were in Rio de Janeiro Province, Brazil. A bioassay experiment in which fitness related traits of the biological control agent, P. guérini, were measured on various P. aculeata genotypes was conducted to determine the importance of host plant intraspecific variation. There was little variation in fitness traits between genotypes and no evidence of intraspecific host plant specialization. Although intraspecific variation had no effect on agent efficacy in the case of P. guérini, it is possible that other natural enemies may be more specialized. Genotype matching is expected to be more important when natural enemies likely to be specialised to individual genotypes are considered for biological control. Potential biological control agents were prioritized from data collected on surveys in the native distribution. The most promising of these, based on the presence of feeding, incidence, predicted host range, climatic matching, genotype matching and mode of damage, are two species of Curculionidae, the current biological control agent P. guérini and the stem boring moth, Maracayia chiorisalis Walker (Crambidae). The two curculionid species and M. chlorisalis should be considered priorities for host specificity studies. Releases of P. guérini and any new biological control agents should be made at sites where the pre-release study was conducted so that post-release evaluation data can be compared with the pre-release data and the impact of biological control can be evaluated. Retrospective analyses of biological control programmes provide important ways of improving aspects of biological control programmes, such as methods of agent selection. The evaluation of success in biological control programmes is essential for retrospective analyses because factors that have lead to successes or failures can be analysed. Retrospective analyses of biological control programmes, such as this thesis, may improve weed management, thereby contributing to the conservation of natural resources.
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Effects of invasive alien plants on riparian vegetation and their response to environmental factorsPattison, Zarah January 2016 (has links)
Biological invasions are reportedly one of the major contributory factors to biodiversity loss worldwide. The impacts of invasive alien plant (IAP) species on native communities are widely documented in the scientific literature, however, there is still a lack of detailed information on their impacts within the most vulnerable habitats. Riparian habitats are highly dynamic systems and naturally disturbed, making them particularly vulnerable to invasion. Climate change, directly or indirectly, is also predicted to adversely impact river systems, which may subsequently alter invasion rates and the impacts of IAPs. However, the interactions between climate and IAPs and their combined effects on vegetation have rarely been examined. To address these knowledge gaps, this thesis investigates: (1) the role of environmental variables, such as sediment loading or climate-related changes to river flow regime, on the abundance of IAPs within riparian zones; (2) how variation in IAP abundance impacts native vegetation, relative to the effects of native dominant plant species and (3) some of the mechanisms underlying the effects of IAPs in riparian habitats. Historic and recent field survey data were used to investigate changes in riparian vegetation on British rivers during the last 20 years. Analyses indicate that IAPs had a negative but small effect on native plant diversity. Overall, changes in land use and differences in flow regime between recording periods were the most important predictors of plant community change. Specifically, IAPs had a greater probability of being present along lowland rivers that experienced increased frequency of high flow events. On a local scale across rivers in Scotland, the abundance of IAPs was constrained by greater soil moisture in summer, whilst greater abundance was associated with tree-lined banks. Both native dominant species and IAPs negatively affected subordinate species abundance to a greater extent than species richness, although this effect varied spatially with bank elevation. Artificial turf mats were used to quantify viable propagules within riverine sediment deposited over-winter along invaded riverbanks. The data indicate that there is a legacy effect of IAP abundance, with the most invaded sites being associated with higher sediment loading the following year, though, contrary to the general pattern, 12 sediment associated propagules were scarcer at invaded sites. Moreover, lower above-ground native diversity was associated with sites which had been previously invaded. Plant species composition in the propagule bank and above-ground vegetation were highly dissimilar, particularly closest to the water’s edge at highly invaded sites. This suggests that mono-specific stands of IAPs proliferate best under less disturbed environmental conditions, although fluvial disturbance events may be required to create opportunities for initial establishment. The propagule bank contributed very little to the above-ground vegetation, nor did it limit invasion, suggesting that above-ground plant composition is largely dictated by competitive interactions. The findings presented in this thesis suggest that invasion by IAPs is an additional stressor for native vegetation within riparian habitats, modifying above-ground plant communities via competition and suppressing recruitment from the propagule bank. However, native dominant species common in riparian habitats also negatively impact, subordinate species via competition, in some cases equalling the effect of IAPs. Native dominant and IAP species are differently affected by environmental factors operating in the riparian zone, which may provide future opportunities for reducing and managing invasions.
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Drivers of macrophyte assemblages in South African freshwater systemsMartin, Grant Douglas January 2013 (has links)
Potentially damaging submerged invasive freshwater macrophytes have been identified in South African freshwater systems, but have received less attention than their floating counterparts. To ascertain the changes and effects that these species may have on macrophyte ecology, an understanding of the drivers of macrophyte assemblages is essential. The aims of this thesis were to investigate select abiotic and biotic factors driving introduction, establishment and spread of submerged macrophytes in South Africa. Surveys on the status of submerged plant species in South Africa were conducted to find out the distribution and diversity of the species present, imported to, and traded in South Africa. Numerous submerged indigenous and invasive macrophyte locality records were collected during field surveys, of which many were first time records. Pet stores and aquarist trading activities were identified as potential vectors for the spread of submerged macrophytes through online surveys and personal interviews. These results highlighted the potential these species have for continuing to enter, and spread within South African water bodies. Maximum Entropy (MAXENT) is a general-purpose method used to predict or infer distributions from incomplete information, and was used here to predict areas suitable for the establishment of five of these invasive macrophytes. Many systems throughout South Africa, particularly those in the subtropical coastal regions, were found to be climatically suitable for the establishment of Elodea canadensis Michx., Egeria densa Planch., Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (all Hydrocharitaceae), Myriophyllum spicatum L. (Haloragaceae), and Cabomba caroliniana Gray (Cabombaceae). Despite the high probability of invasion, facilitated by vectors and suitable climate, South Africa’s rich indigenous submerged aquatic flora may be preventing the establishment of these submerged invasive species. Studies on the competitive interactions between a common indigenous submerged macrophytes, Lagarosiphon major (Roxb.) (Hydrocharitaceae) and M.spicatum, an invasive native to Eurasia, were conducted to ascertain which conditions influence competitive superiority. High sediment nutrient conditions significantly increased the growth rate and competitive ability of both species, while clay sediments significantly increased the competitive ability of L. major over M. spicatum, but sandy sediments improved the competitive ability of M. spicatum. These results highlighted the dynamic changes in competition between submerged species driven by abiotic factors, but did not take into consideration the effect that herbivory, a biotic factor, could have on competition between the two species. The effect of herbivory by phytophagous insects of submerged plant species has been regarded as negligible. To find out what this effect is, multiple field surveys were undertaken throughout South Africa to find natural enemies of indigenous Lagarosiphon species with the aim of identifying such species, and quantifying their influence on plant growth dynamics. Several new phytophagous species were recorded for the first time. An ephydrid fly, Hydrellia lagarosiphon Deeming (Diptera: Ephydridae) was ascertained to be the most ubiquitous and abundant species associated with L. major in South Africa. The influence of herbivory by this fly on the competitive ability of L. major in the presence of M. spicatum was investigated using an inverse linear model, which showed that herbivory by H. lagarosiphon reduced the competitive ability of L. major by approximately five times in favour of M. spicatum. This study served to highlight the importance of herbivory as a driver of submerged aquatic plant dynamics. Current ecological theory emphasises the importance of investigating beyond plant-herbivore interactions, by including multitrophic interactions in community dynamics. Therefore, the potential of parasitism by a parasitoid wasp, Chaenusa luteostigma sp. n. Achterberg (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae) on H. lagarosiphon to shift the competitive interactions between the two plant species was also examined. The addition of the parasitoid reduced the effect of herbivory by the fly on L. major by half, thereby shifting the competitive balance in favour of L. major over M. spicatum. This study provides valuable insight into a selection of drivers of submerged macrophyte assemblages of South Africa. It highlights the precarious position of South African freshwater systems with regard to the potential invasion by damaging submerged invasive species. It also provides interesting insights into the effect of competition, herbivory and parasitism on the establishment and spread of species within submerged freshwater systems. Understanding the different influences could assist managers and policy makers to make validated decisions ensuring the integrity of South African freshwater systems.
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The restoration of an alien-invaded riparian zone in grassy fynbos, South AfricaFourie, Saskia January 2013 (has links)
The most recent surveys in South Africa estimate that invasions are still increasing, despite substantial clearing efforts. Riparian systems in South Africa are particularly vulnerable to invasion by woody IAPs. This thesis addresses the restoration of alien‐invaded riparian systems, by investigating the factors that facilitate or constrain spontaneous recovery and influence the trajectories of succession. These factors include invasion history and management history, especially the use of fire. A seedling emergence approach was used to test the presence of a viable pre‐fire seedbank, and the effect of fire on the seed bank. The efficacy of some active restoration interventions was also tested, with the aim to return invasion‐resistant, indigenous vegetation with a structure and function representative of uninvaded sites. The findings of this study indicated the presence of a viable and persistent riparian soil seed bank, even after 30 years of intermtittent invasion as well as two fire cycles under invasion. It shows that the management practice of fell‐and‐burn resulted in high soil temperatures, and that this reduced the indigenous soil seed bank density, especially in the upper soil layer. Clear germination sequences and patterns of emergence over time for different species were observed during this study, with many species exhibiting delayed emergence relative to the timing of the fire event. It is proposed that manipulation of the season of fire could be used to selectively optimise the order of arrival and therefore superior recruitment of some species over others in the Eastern Cape fynbos, and thus alter the trajectories of recovery of vegetation towards a more desired state. Active restoration in the form of indigenous seed and plant additions resulted in a significantly higher indigenous cover after seven months, compared to a control (passive restoration) or restoring with grass. Indigenous cover and composition was also strongly influenced by lateral zonation, and some key guilds and species were missing or present in much lower densities compared to reference sites. Grass restoration significantly suppressed the regeneration of A. longifolia, as well as the regeneration of indigenous species. Biotic resistance can thus be achieved through restoration, and it could be a powerful tool in the management of IAPs, although the deliberate introduction of grass after clearing in fynbos also reduces biodiversity and could have unforeseen consequences to riparian function.
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Impact des plantes exotiques envahissantes sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes en Belgique / Impact of invasive alien plants on ecosystem functionning in BelgiumDassonville, Nicolas 10 January 2008 (has links)
Les invasions biologiques sont une cause majeure de perte de biodiversité à l’échelle mondiale. L’impact direct des espèces exotiques envahissantes (EEE) sur la structure et la composition des communautés a été bien documenté. Par contre, leur impact sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes a été comparativement moins étudié. Dans le présent travail, j’ai mesuré sur le terrain et en conditions expérimentales l’impact de 7 espèces de plantes exotiques particulièrement envahissantes en Europe sur les propriétés chimiques du sol, sur la productivité et sur le stock d’éléments minéraux dans la biomasse. Malgré la diversité des groupes fonctionnels considérés dans notre échantillon (des espèces annuelles aux arbres), des impacts récurrents ont pu être mis en évidence. Les EEE ont toujours une biomasse et une productivité supérieures à celles de la végétation qu’elles envahissent. Il en va de même pour le stock d’éléments minéraux dans la biomasse aérienne. En ce qui concerne le sol, les traits fonctionnels des espèces ne permettent pas de prédire la direction et l’amplitude des impacts. Par contre, ces impacts sur le sol se sont révélés partiellement prévisibles en fonction des conditions écologiques initiales (contexte pédologique). La disponibilité des cations et du P et la concentration en C et N organiques augmentent suite à l’invasion dans les sites initialement pauvres alors que ces mêmes paramètres baissent dans les sites plus eutrophes au départ. Les EEE entraînent, dans une certaine mesure, une homogénéisation des conditions écologiques dans les écosystèmes envahis. <p>Dans un deuxième temps, je me suis attaché à identifier les mécanismes de l’impact de Fallopia japonica sur le cycle de l’azote. Cette espèce, perenne rhizomateuse, adopte une gestion très conservatrice de l’azote en retransloquant jusqu’à 80 % de l’azote des tiges et des feuilles vers le système racinaire en automne avant l’abscission des feuilles. La litière restituée est, de ce fait, pauvre en azote. Ce paramètre, combiné à une teneur élevée en lignine, explique sa faible vitesse de décomposition par rapport à celle de la végétation non envahie. Une grande partie de l’azote de l’écosystème tourne donc en cycle quasi fermé entre les organes de réserve et les parties aériennes de la plante, tandis que l’azote restant est en grande partie bloqué dans la nécromasse de la plante et est donc non disponible pour les espèces concurrentes indigènes. Ce mécanisme explique, sans doute, en partie le succès invasif de l’espèce.<p><p>A l’avenir, les implications des impacts sur le sol en terme de restauration des communautés devront être étudiées. L’hypothèse d’une influence positive de ces impacts sur l’aptitude compétitive des espèces envahissantes devra être testée. Enfin, une étude plus fonctionnelle des impacts de ces espèces dans des sites contrastés devrait permettre d’identifier les mécanismes impliqués./Biological invasions are a major cause of biodiversity loss worldwide. The direct impact of alien invasive species (AIS) on community structure and composition has been well documented. On the other hand, their impact on ecosystem functioning has been comparatively less studied. In this work, I measured, on the field and in experimental conditions, the impact of 7 highly invasive alien plant species in Europe on soil chemical properties, biomass and aboveground nutrient stock. Despite the high diversity in considered functional groups (from annuals to trees), recurring impacts have been found. AIS had always higher biomass and aboveground nutrient stocks than invaded resident vegetation. Concerning soil, species functional traits did not allow us to predict impact direction and intensity. On the other hand, impacts on soil were partially predictable based on initial ecological conditions (pedologic context). Thus, cations and P availability and organic C and N concentrations increased in initially poor sites and decreased in eutrophic ones. AIS tend to homogenize soil properties across invaded landscapes.<p>In a second part, i tried to identify the mechanisms of the impacts of Fallopia japonica on N cycling. This perrennial rhizomatous species manage N in a very conservative way. About 80 % of aboveground N is translocated to rhizomes before leaves abscission. The litter is therefore poor in N. This parameter combined with a high lignin concentration explains its slow decomposition rate compared to that of uninvaded vegetation. A big part of the ecosystem N is engaged in a nearly closed cycle between above and belowground organs while the remaining N is blocked in the necromass and is thus not available for the indigenous competitors. This mechanism probably explains the invasive success of this species.<p><p>In the future, the implications of soil properties modifications in terms of community restoration should be studied. The hypothesis of a positive influence of these modifications on the competitive ability of AIS should be tested. At last, a functional study of these soil impacts in contrasted sites should allow us to identify the implied mechanisms.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Effects of treatment on Lantana camara (L.) and the restoration potential of riparian seed banks in cleared areas of the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site, Livingstone, ZambiaNang'alelwa, Michael Mubitelela January 2010 (has links)
The exotic plant Lantana camara L. has invaded the riparian areas of the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site in Livingstone, southern Zambia, threatening native plant communities which support populations of species of special concern. I trialled the mechanical control method of manual uprooting and 3 different herbicides applied through paint brushing of an imazapyr concentrate at 250g. l¯¹, spraying on cut stumps with metsulfron methyl at 600g.l¯¹, and foliar spraying on re-emergent lantana foliage with glyphosate at a dosage of 166g. l¯¹ in July 2008 in 20 100m2 treatment plots, 5 invaded control plots and 5 uninvaded controls. Follow-up treatments for re-sprouting lantana stumps and emerging seedlings were undertaken in June 2009. I measured effectiveness of the methods using adult lantana mortality in June 2009 and lantana seedling density in the different treatment plots during the follow-up exercise. The cost of the various methods and human labour applied were compared across the four treatments at initial clear and at follow-up. All treatments recorded a high adult lantana mortality rate, though there were no significant differences in lantana adult mortality amongst the treatments. Overall, uprooting had the highest adult mortality, followed by imazapyr, metsulfron and lastly glyphosate. Germination of lantana seedlings after clearing was high for all treatments but with no significant differences occurring between the treatments. Both adult lantana mortality and seedling density were however significantly different from the control. With labour included, chemical costs were far higher relative to uprooting, though uprooting costs were the highest when it came to the follow-up because of the emerging seedlings and some resprouting stumps. The effects of mechanical and chemical treatments on vegetation composition in the cleared areas were also assessed in order to detect any non-target and medium term effects of treatments. Contrary to expectation, none of the chemicals showed any significant effects on vegetation composition in the short and medium-term and no significant differences were found in plant species richness, diversity and seedling density between invaded and uninvaded plots at baseline, in October 2008 and in September 2009. In order to determine potential for unaided vegetation recovery in the riparian areas of the study site after lantana clearing, I conducted an investigation of soil seed banks and seed rain using 60 seed bank samples measuring 1800m³ collected from 30 invaded and uninvaded plots. Using the seedling emergence method, 1, 991 seedlings belonging to 66 species representing 27 families germinated from the seed bank. Sedges (Cyperaceae family) were the most abundant taxa in the seed banks from invaded areas, followed by Ageratum conyzoides, lantana, Triumfetta annua and Achyranthes aspera which also occurred in the uninvaded soil seed banks. The seed banks from uninvaded plots were dominated by the grass Oplismenus hirtellus. Overall, species richness, diversity and seedling density from seed banks in invaded areas did not differ significantly from seed bank in uninvaded areas and there was a low similarity in species composition when above ground vegetation was compared to seed banks from invaded and uninvaded areas. It would appear if natural regeneration occured from the current seed bank in disturbed areas, future vegetation would largely comprise of short lived, early successional species in the short term as the seed bank is dominated by non-native herbaceous weedy species. From the seed traps investigating seed rain, a total of 27 species numbering 623 individual seeds were found in the thirty 1m² seedtraps distributed in invaded and uninvaded areas at the five sites, over an intermittent period of three months. Lantana had the highest monthly arrival rate in the seed traps followed by Phoenix reclinata and Ricinus communis. The number of species with invasive potential found in the seed traps located in invaded areas was more than that found in seed traps under native vegetation cover by far. Considerable forest remnants still occur around the invaded sites, and these could serve as an important source for long-term natural re-establishment of native vegetation if seed availability by animals and wind dispersal continues, while the re-invasion of lantana is prevented by ongoing follow-ups and futher clearing of lantana invaded areas. It is concluded that while uprooting and other treatments are effective in the control of lantana, its successful control in the Victoria Falls World Heritage Site will require extensive clearing to keep it from reinvading infested areas after clearing as shown by the seed rain data. The high seedling density of lantana in the seed banks and in the cleared areas shows the need for ongoing follow-up in order to deplete soil stored seed banks. There is need for longer term research to establish what the exact follow-up requirements are in order to contain lantana re-infestation and create favourable micro-sites for native species to establish. It is predicted that ongoing lantana control in the cleared plots will most likely initiate long-term community recovery.
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An assessment of the impact of alien plant invasions along the Riparian Zones: a case study at Luvuvhu, Lutanandwa and Mutshindudi Rivers, Limpopo Province, South AfricaSebola, Azwinndini Patricia 26 February 2015 (has links)
MENVM / Department of Ecology and Resource Management
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