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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Control of invasive alien plant species at Wolkberg Project in Limpopo Province

Matsila, Sydwell Nyadzani 21 September 2018 (has links)
MESMEG / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / Invasive alien plants refer to plant species that show a tendency to escape from human control, go beyond the intended physical boundaries and cause environmental damage. The issue of letting the Invasive alien plant species grow and spread, with no attempts made to control the spread of the species beyond the limits of plantations, is not sustainable. All the attempted methods that the Department of Environmental Affairs used seemed to have failed in yielding the expected results. The main objective of the study was to determine the Wolkberg Working for Water programme’s level of success in terms of clearing invasive alien plant species. Wolkberg Project was used as a case study as it is one of the Working for Water Programme. The data were collected using random sampling methods on the worked areas, where work is in progress and those where no work has been done. Primary data were collected from land owners through field observations and questionnaires from the participants whilst secondary data were collected from the Department of Environmental Affairs. The study adopted a mixed methods approach which is both quantitative and qualitative. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) package. The research determined the level of success in terms of clearing invasive alien plant species, employment opportunities, tools/materials that have been used to clear the plants and the advice on the possible strategies that can be employed in the invasive alien plant species management. It was found out that the Invasive alien plant species require constant maintenance in order for them to be controlled. The Wolkberg project is mainly dominated by male workers compared to females. Each team comprised 3% underage workers. The study recommends that the project should make sure that the follow-ups are done at the correct time and stage. Looking at the statistics of males and females, the study revealed that transformation is not adhered to in this project. / NRF

Effects of Increased Nitrogen Deposition on the Dominance of Hedera helix in the Pacific Northwest

Dolan, Bianca Christine 25 March 2013 (has links)
Increased nitrogen deposition has been shown to promote the dominance of invasive species, and nitrogen deposition rates have steadily increased in most of the Western United States in recent years due to population increases. The purpose of this study was to determine if increased rates of nitrogen deposition are contributing to the success of Hedera helix in the Pacific Northwest. Plots were established in Lesser Park in Portland, Oregon and received monthly treatments of ammonium nitrate for one year. Growth, measured as change in percent cover, was compared between treated and untreated plots for both H. helix and native species. Additionally, a greenhouse experiment was employed wherein H. helix was grown in shared pots with two native species, Fragaria vesca and Polystichum munitum, and three treatment levels were compared; none, low, and high nitrogen. Relative growth rate was compared between treatments for each species after twelve weeks of treatment. Results from the greenhouse experiment were highly variable and no general conclusions could be drawn about the effects of increased nitrogen deposition on competition between H. helix and native species. In the field, treatment did not have a significant effect on growth but species did have a significant effect, as H. helix had a greater increase in percent cover than native species regardless of treatment. However, a marginally significant interaction was found between species and treatment. Native species cover actually increased in plots that received nitrogen addition and decreased in control plots, while H. helix had a slightly higher increase in cover in control plots. Though the growth of H. helix was significantly higher than the growth of native species in control plots, nitrogen addition caused the growth rates to converge towards more similar means in treated plots. Results indicate that increased nitrogen deposition may actually have a positive effect on the growth of native species by reducing the invasive potential of H. helix.

Utbredning av den invasiva arten kanadensiskt gullris (Solidago canadensis) i Värmlands län, Sverige : Kan utbredning kopplas till viss typ av markanvändning eller markfuktighet? / Distribution of the invasive species Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) in Värmland county, Sweden : Can the distribution be linked to certain types of land use or soil moisture?

Ström, Alicia January 2023 (has links)
Invasive alien species (IAS) pose a serious threat to global ecosystems, economy and human and animal health. The spread of IAS leads to a global depletion of biological diversity, through homogenization of landscapes and reduced genetic variation within species. Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) is an IAS that occurs widely throughout most of Sweden and it is considered to be one of the country’s most problematic terrestrial IAS. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of the Canadian goldenrod in Värmland county, Sweden, in relation to land use type and soil moisture category. Species observation data was retrieved from the Analysis Portal for Biodiversity Data. National Land Cover Database (NMD) and SLU Soil Moisture Map were used to investigate which land cover and soil moisture classes Canadian goldenrod had been associated with. Results of this study shows that there is an association between Canadian goldenrod occurrence and land cover class, which implies that land cover seems to have an effect on the spread of the species. The area of land cover classes within reported observations of Canadian goldenrod was not proportional to the area of respective land cover classes within Värmland county. Land cover classes such as other open land, artificial surfaces and forests were most commonly found within Canadian goldenrod observations. This indicates that this species occurs with higher frequency on other open land and artificial surfaces, which corresponds with the literature findings. Moreover, the area of certain soil moisture class within reported observations of Canadian goldenrod was not proportional to the area of respective soil moisture class within Värmland. Among soil moisture classes, mesic-dry soil was most commonly found within goldenrod observations. This did not confirm the hypothesis that Canadian goldenrod occurs more commonly on wet-moist soils. The literature shows that this species has a great ability to adapt to different environments. The outcome of this study suggests that Canadian goldenrod might prefer certain land use categories more or less affected by human activity. This is consistent with previous studies about abundance and spread of invasive species and indicates that human activity is an important factor contributing to the spreading of IAS. / Invasiva främmande arter (IAS) utgör ett allvarligt problem för globala ekosystem, ekonomi och människors och djurs hälsa. Spridningen av IAS leder till en global utarmning av biologisk mångfald, genom homogenisering av landskap och minskad genetisk variation inom arter. Kanadensiskt gullris (Solidago canadensis L.)  är en IAS som förekommer vitt spridd över så gott som hela Sverige och bedöms vara en av landets mest problematiska invasiva terrestra arter. I denna studie kartläggs utbredningen av kanadensiskt gullris i Värmlands län, i syfte att undersöka om utbredningen kan kopplas till viss typ av markanvändning eller markfuktighet. Artobservationsdata hämtades från Analysportalen för biodiversitetsdata. Nationella Marktäckedata (NMD) och SLU Markfuktighetskarta (klassad) användes för att undersöka vilka marktäcke- och markfuktighetsklasser kanadensiskt gullris associerats med. Studiens resultat talar för att det finns ett samband mellan förekomst av kanadensiskt gullris och marktäckeklasser, dvs. marktäckning verkar påverka utbredning. Arean av marktäckeklasser inom rapporterade observationer av kanadensiskt gullris var inte proportionell till arean för respektive marktäckeklasser inom Värmlands län. Marktäckeklasserna övrig öppen mark, exploaterad mark och skog var vanligast förekommande inom kanadensiskt gullrisobservationer. I studien indikeras att kanadensiskt gullris oftare förekommer inom klasserna övrig öppen mark och exploaterad mark, vilket överensstämmer med litteraturen. Dessutom var arean av viss markfuktighetsklass inom rapporterade observationer av kanadensiskt gullris inte proportionell till arean av respektive markfuktighetsklass inom Värmland. Bland markfuktighetsklasser var torr-frisk vanligast inom kanadensiskt gullrisobservationer. Detta bekräftade inte hypotesen att kanadensiskt gullris har en högre förekomst inom klassen fuktig-blöt, men stöds av litteraturen som talar om artens anpassningsförmåga till olika fuktighetsnivåer. Resultatet av denna studie tyder på att kanadensiskt gullris verkar föredra platser som mer eller mindre påverkas av mänsklig aktivitet, något som går i linje med tidigare studier gällande spridning och förekomst av invasiva arter och lyfter vikten av den mänskliga faktorns betydelse i spridningen av IAS.

To what extent do non-native shrubs support higher trophic levels?

Zakroff, Ari 30 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Non-target Impacts of Chemical Management for Invasive Plants on <i>Lithobates Pipiens</i> Tadpoles

Curtis, Amanda N. 26 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Old field restoration : vegetation response to soil changes and restoration efforts in Western Cape Lowlands

Memiaghe, Herve Roland 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In the Mediterranean climate regions of the world, agricultural practices have caused considerable landscape transformation and lead to introduction of alien species that now dominate secondary succession on abandoned agricultural fields. Various restoration attempts have been made to reduce alien plant species cover, and to enhance the re-establishment and cover of native plant species. However, results and successes were mostly short-term due to re-growth and persistence of the weedy alien species, which has been suggested to be caused by land use history, especially the nutrient enrichment of soil, and particularly phosphorus and nitrogen. This study investigated different soil properties (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil moisture, as well as available phosphorus (P) and total nitrogen (N)) on 10 and 20 year old abandoned fields, as a function of depth in three habitats (ridge (old cultivated area), ditch (old drainage line) and slope (intermediate zone between ridge and ditch)) on the old fields. The relationship between these soil properties and the vegetation occurring on the two old fields was established. At the same time, restoration treatments (autumn burn, combination of autumn burn and herbicide, herbicide application alone, as well as spring burn) were conducted to reduce the cover and abundance of non-native plant species and Cynodon dactylon, and to enhance cover of native species. Results from the study show that levels of all investigated soil properties were higher on the younger field. The highest difference was observed in EC and pH. Seasonal differences in both soil properties could also be observed. A principal component analysis indicated that the dynamic of all soil properties shaped the vegetation type on old fields, with the main soil properties being dependent on land-use history and time since abandonment. This study suggests that EC and pH could be part of parameters that drive the persistence of undesirable species persistence on old fields and inhibit native plant species instead.

Synergistic impact of invasive alien plants and the alien Argentine ant on local ant assemblages in the Western Cape

Schoeman, Colin Stefan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Alien trees, Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus spp., affect ants negatively in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), a global biodiversity hotspot in South Africa. They reduce ant abundance and species richness, thus also changing ant assemblage structure. This is alarming, because almost 1300 species of plant species in the CFR are dispersed by certain indigenous ants, and thus there is concern for an indirect effect on indigenous plant assemblages. One of the most impacting ant species on seed dispersal is the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile (Mayr)), which discards seeds outside its nest, where they do not germinate. Ten sites, on Vergelegen Wine Estate, were selected to explore these effects of alien plants. These varied from invaded to non-invaded sites. Each site consisted of six sampling points, which in turn consisted of four pitfall traps left out for seven days, during December 2005, February 2006, May 2006 and September 2006. Forty species of ant were sampled, and various analyses used to illustrate the comparative effects of plant invasion. All analytical methods showed that invasive alien plants had a significant impact on the abundance and richness of the ant species assemblage, by creating a dense canopy cover that changed the abiotic environment of the epigaeic ants’ habitat. Furthermore, increased alien tree invasion correlated significantly with Argentine ant abundances. The Argentine ant displaced Pheidole capensis and Camponotus spp., while it decreased the abundances of commonly-occurring indigenous ants, such as Lepisiota capensis and Plagiolepis spp. Displacement by the Argentine ant may be a result of indirect competition for food resources. The effects of invasive aliens are synergistic in that there is a cascade effects from initial plant invasions to subsequent animal invasion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Indringer bome, Pinus en Eucalyptus, affekteer miere op negatiewe wyse in die Kaap Florsitiese Streek (KFR), ‘n area in Suid Afrika van belang t.o.v. globale biodiversiteit. Hierdie uitheemse indringer bome verminder hulle hoeveelheid en spesies rykheid. Die bogenoemde is kommerwekkend omdat meer as 1300 plant spesies in the KFR versprei word deur miere. Die verandering in hoeveelheid en versameling van inheemse miere kan dus ernstige implikasies hê op die saad verspreiding van inheemse plant spesies. Een van die mees verwoestende effekte op saad verspreiding is veroorsaak deur die indringer Argentynse mier (Linepithema humile (Mayr)), wat sade neer werp buite hulle neste, waar hulle nie suksesvol kan ontkiem nie. Tien monsterings-tereine was geselekteer om die bogenoemde effekte te ondersoek op Vergelegen Landgoed. Hierdie het afgewissel van indringer tot skoon tereine. Elke terrein is op ses versamelings-plekke gemonster, met vier pitvalle, wat oopgelê het vir sewe dae gedurende Desember 2005, Februarie 2006, Mei 2006 en September 2006. 40 spesies van miere was gemonster. Indringer plante het ‚n betekenisvolle impak gehad het op die hoeveelheid en rykheid van die mier gemeenskappe, deur die skepping van ‚n dig baldakyn wat die abiotiese omgewing van die miere se habitat verander het. Die vermeerdering van indringer plante veroorsaak die vermeerdering van Argentyne miere. Kanonieke Mede-Respons Analise illustreer dat die Argentynse mier Pheidole capensis en Camponotus spp. verplaas het, terwyl dit ander inheemse mier getalle verminder het, soos Lepisiota capensis en Plagiolepis spp. Die verplasing deur die Argentynse mier mag die resultaat wees van indirekte wedywering vir hulpbronne. Die effekte van indringer species is dus sinergisties deur dat ‚n kaskade effek ontstaan vanaf plant tot dier indringer spesies.

Response of aquatic macroinvertebrate and aerial odonate assemblages to the removal of invasive alien trees in the Western Cape

Sharratt, Norma 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasive alien trees, especially Acacia species, are a great threat to biodiversity in South African rivers. The national Working for Water Programme is addressing the alien problem by removing alien trees from river margins. The concern is that this may be creating even further disturbance by affecting water quality and habitats. In particular, how is this affecting rare and endemic species? Benthic macro invertebrates and aerial odonates were assessed along five Western Cape rivers in alien-invaded, cleared and natural sites between December and March. The aim was to assess the effect of both alien invasion and alien clearing on aquatic invertebrates. Odonata, being easily sampled, were also assessed as they are severely affected by the lack of understorey plants in shaded, alien-invaded sites. Odonata and benthic macroinvertebrates were treated as two separate studies and no attempt was made to correlate the results obtained from both studies. SASS5, a qualitative, rapid bioassessment technique, based on the sensitivity of the families present, was used as a measure of river health and, indirectly, of water quality. SASS indicated a decline in water quality conditions after alien clearing, a likely response to the greater insolation as well as erosion of cleared banks, resulting in elevated temperatures and suspended solids and lowered oxygen levels. Community responses to alien disturbance and other environmental factors were analysed using PRIMER and CANOCO software. Assemblages of Odonata were found to provide a rapid, cost-effective means of assessment and monitoring. Potential indicator and detector species were also identified using the lndicator Value method. Assemblage patterns of aquatic invertebrates, however, were dominated by between-river and seasonal effects. Therefore, while SASS detected overall changes in river health, without identifying the cause, potential aquatic detector taxa were identified that may be useful for linking general disturbance to alien invasion or clearing. All indicator and detector taxa identified in both studies can be used for long-term monitoring and for identifying biodiverse areas for clearing or protection. In both studies, sensitive, endemic taxa were lost after clearing, being replaced by more tolerant, widespread taxa. Recovery of the biota appears to follow the recovery succession of the vegetation, with most sensitive or endemic taxa only appearing after the recovery of indigenous plants. A number of recommendations are made regarding the restoration of both water quality (particularly with respect to shade and soil erosion) and biotope availability (particularly in terms of the recultivation of indigenous plants) in order to achieve biodiversity objectives. The role of catchment management, prioritisation procedures and long-term monitoring are also discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitheemse, indringerbome, veral Acacia spesies, is 'n groot bedreiging vir biodiversiteit in Suid- Afrikaanse riviere. Die nasionale Werk vir Water-projek spreek hierdie probleem aan deur uitheemse bome van rivieroewers te verwyder. Die kommer is dat water kwaliteit en habitatte sodoende verder versteur kan word. Byvoorbeeld, hoe word endemiese en bedreigde spesies geraak? Akwatiese makroinvertebrate en volwasse Odonata in vyf Wes-Kaapse riviere is tussen Desember en Maart bestudeer en gemonster in natuurlike gebiede, in gebiede waar indringerbome teenwoordig is, en in gebiede waar hulle verwyder is. Die doel was om die effek van indringerverwante impakte op akwatiese invertebrate vas te stel. Odonata is ook bestudeer omdat hulle maklik gemonster kan word en omdat hulle ernstig geraak word deur indringers. Die uitheemse plantegroei oorskadu die oewers en verhoed die groei van inheemse oewerplante. Die bentiese makro-invertebrate en Odonata is as twee aparte studies behandel en geen poging is gemaak om die resultate van die twee te vergelyk nie. SASSS, 'n kwalitatiewe, bioasseseringsmetode wat op die sensitiwiteit van die aanwesige families baseer word, is gebruik om waterkwaliteit op 'n indirekte manier te bepaal. SASS het aangedui dat daar 'n afname in waterkwaliteit is nadat indringerplante verwyder is. Dit is moontlik as 'n gevolg van groter blootstelling aan sonskyn en erosie van rivieroewers wat veroorsaak dat temperature en die hoeveelheid gesuspendeerde materiaal verhoog word, en dat suurstof konsentrasies verminder word. Die gevolge van indringerplante en ander omgewingsfaktore op akwatiese gemeenskappe is met PRlMER en CANOCO sagteware ontleed. Groepering van Odonata kan gebruik word om op 'n maklike en koste-effektiewe manier om die impak van indringerplante en hul verwydering te bepaal en te monitor. Aanwyserspesies is ook deur middel van die 'Indicator Value' metode geïdentifiseer. Die verspreidingspatrone van invertebraatspesies word deur geografiese en seisoenale effekte oorheers. Dus, terwyl SASS veranderinge in waterkwaliteit kan aantoon, sonder om die oorsaak daarvan te identifiseer, kan aanwyserspesies gebruik word om meer spesifieke impakte deur indringerplantegroei, of indringerverwydering, te bepaal en te monitor. Hulle kan ook gebruik word om gebiede met hoë biodiversiteit vir bewaring of indringerverwydering te identifiseer. Beide studies dui aan dat sensitiewe en endemiese taksa na indringerverwydering verlore gaan, en vervang word met meer geharde, wydverspreide taksa. Herstel van die biota volg op die herstel van die plant gemeenskappe, en die mees sensitiewe of endemiese taksa herstel eers nadat die inheemse plantegroei herstel het. 'n Aantal aanbevelings in verband met die restorasie van waterkwaliteit (veral in terme van die hoeveelheid skaduwee en erosie) en die beskikbaarheid van biotope (veral in terme van inheemse plante) om biodiversiteitsdoelwitte te bereik word gemaak. Die rol van opvanggebied bestuur, voorrang prosedures en lang termyn monitering word ook bespreek.

Valorisation d'espèces envahissantes des genres Xanthium et Senecio : caractérisation, variabilité chimique et activités des huiles essentielles / Valuation of invasive species and genera Xanthium Senecio : characterization, chemical variability and activities essential oils

Andreani, Stéphane 09 December 2014 (has links)
La prolifération d’espèces invasives est un problème mondial. Après la pollution et la destruction des habitats, l’introduction d’espèces exogènes est une des principales causes de la disparition de la biodiversité animale et végétale dans le monde. La Corse n’est pas épargnée par le phénomène ; en effet, chaque année nous dénombrons de plus en plus d’espèces végétales introduites, potentiellement envahissantes et dangereuses pour l’écosystème insulaire. Si elles ne sont pas contrôlées, ces plantes peuvent rapidement gagner du terrain et s’installer durablement en raison de leurs facultés d’adaptation à divers écosystèmes.C’est dans ce contexte que nous sommes intéressés à quatre plantes de la famille des Astéracées considérées comme envahissantes : deux espèces du genre Xanthium (Xanthium italicum et X. spinosum) et deux espèces du genre Senecio (Senecio angulatus et S. inaequidens). L’objectif principal était d’initier une possible voie de valorisation de ces espèces par la production d’huile essentielle ; cela permettrait d’une part de limiter la dissémination et d’autre part, de générer un débouché économique.Par ailleurs, nous avons étendu ce travail à Limbarda crithmoides et à six espèces du genre Senecio poussant à l’état spontané en Corse. Une approche chimiotaxonomique réalisée à partir de 180 échantillons d’huiles essentielles du genre Senecio a conduit à différencier les espèces dites halotolérantes (S. aquaticus, S. transiens et S. cineraria) des espèces plus « terrestres » (S. vulgaris, S. angulatus, S. inaequidens, S. serpentinicola et S. lividus). L’étude de la variabilité chimique intraspécifique a permis de mettre en évidence des corrélations entre la composition chimique des huiles essentielles et le polymorphisme des taxons et/ou des facteurs édaphiques. L’étude du genre Senecio a également conduit à la caractérisation de deux nouvelles molécules, l’oxyde d’acétoxybisabolène et le 8-acétoxybisabolène 1,9-diol, isolées de l’huile essentielle de S. transiens (espèce endémique de Corse).D’un point de vue plus appliqué, les mesures des activités anti-radicalaires et anticorrosives des huiles essentielles ont démontré le potentiel de certaines espèces comme sources d’anti-oxydants naturels (notamment, Xanthium italicum et X. spinosum) mais aussi le pouvoir anticorrosif de la cacalohastine, isolée de l’huile essentielle de S. inaequidens (espèce invasive). / The proliferation of invasive species is a global problem. The introduction of exogenous species is after pollution and habitat destruction a major cause of the disappearance of the worldwide plant and animal biodiversity. Corsica is not spare to the phenomenon and every year there are numerous dangerous species which are introduced to the island ecosystem.In this study, we have studied four invasive species of Asteraceae (X. italicum, X. spinosum, S. angulatus and S. inaequidens) from Corsica. The aim of this study is to initiate a possible valuation pathway of these species by production of their essential oils. For this purpose, we investigated the chemical variability of each essential oil and their antioxidant and anticorrosive activities. Then we have extended our investigations to the others species of Senecio genus and to Limbarda crithmoides, anciently parented taxa.GC and GC/MS analysis allowed the identification of 107 and 74 components which accounted for 98.7 and 93.5% of the X. italicum and X. spinosum essential oils, respectively. Essential oils of X. italicum and X. spinosum were dominated by hydrocarbon monoterpenes (66.2%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (41.5%), respectively. The same metabolomic pathways seem occur for both species during the vegetative cycle of the plant: oxygenated sesquiterpene-production was higher during the flowering stage. Moreover the study of 25 sample oils of X. italicum and X. spinosum showed that the chemical variability of both essential oils could be linked to morphological characters.A comprehensive work on the chemical variability of 180 sample oils of Senecio was carried out and 251 components were identified. Among them, using mono and bi-dimensional NMR the structures of 8-acetoxybisabolene-1,9-diol and 8-acetoxy-1,9-oxobisabolene, two new components of S. transiens essential oil were described for the first time. Corsican Senecio species exhibited interspecies chemical variability: the halotolerant Senecio species (S. transiens, S. cineraria and S. aquaticus erraticus) were characterized by essential oils dominated by non-terpenic compounds while the so-called “terrestrial” Senecio species (S. angulatus, S. ineaquidens, S. lividus, S. vulgaris and S. serpentinicola) exhibited terpenic component-rich oils. The study of intra-species chemical variability highlighted direct correlations between the plant-production of secondary metabolites and the nature of soils on which S. lividus, S. vulgaris and S. transiens grows. Hence essential oil compositions and morphological polymorphism are indirectly related. In the same way, the chemical variability of S. cineraria essential oils seems to be linked to the geology of the soils while the oil diversity of the invasive S. angulatus, could be linked to the both spots of introduction on Corsica Island. In addition, an original chiral-gas chromatographic method was improved and applied to the main components of the essential oils in order to complement the chemical composition of the Senecio sample oils.Furthermore the originality of Corsican Limbarda crithmoides essential was highlighted by the occurrence of two p-cymenene derivatives, never reported in the related studies from literature. The investigation of 25 Corsican L. crithmoides focuses on a direct correlation between the water salinities of the plant locations and the chemical compositions of the essential oils.Finally the antioxidant activities, anti-free radical and reducing power, were measured on some essential oils of the studied species. Essential oils of the Xanthium genus appeared to be most effectives. In addition, anticorrosion properties of the essential oils were investigated and the best corrosion inhibiting activity was exhibited by those of S. inaequidens . Anticorrosion activity could be attributed to the cacalohastine, a naphtalofuranic component, isolated form the whole essential oil after column chromatography.

Ecologie de Sericostachys scandens, liane envahissante dans les forêts de montagne du Parc national de Kahuzi-Biega, République démocratique du Congo

Masumbuko, Céphas Ndabaga 24 February 2011 (has links)
Le Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega (PNKB) se localise dans l’Est de la R.D. Congo, à une trentaine des kilomètres au Nord de la ville de Bukavu, (province du Sud-Kivu). Ce parc couvre une superficie de 6.000 km² dont 5.400 km² situés en basse altitude (600-1200 m d’altitude) et 600 km² constituent le secteur de haute altitude occupée par les forêts de montagne (1800-3308 m).<p><p>Depuis environ une décennie, la liane indigène Sericostachys scandens Gilg & Lopr. (Amarantaceae) se répand rapidement dans les forêts de montagne au PNKB. L’extension de cette liane, et ses conséquences supposées sur la biodiversité et la régénération de la forêt inquiètent les gestionnaires du Parc.<p><p>Le travail a examiné trois aspects de l’écologie de l’invasion par S. scandens dans le Parc.<p>Premièrement, on a examiné les traits fonctionnels susceptibles d’expliquer une aptitude élevée à l’invasion chez S. scandens. Une approche comparative avec trois espèces de lianes non envahissantes coexistant dans le même habitat montre que S. scandens présente une allocation de biomasse aux diaspores significativement plus élevée. En plus, elle combine une reproduction sexuée intense et une capacité de reproduction végétative. Cette liane se distingue également des trois autres par un taux de ramification plus élevé. Par contre, les traits foliaires ne sont pas systématiquement différents. De même, le taux de germination des graines de S. scandens ne diffère pas significativement de ceux des autres lianes étudiées. Cependant, il est significativement plus élevé en canopée ouverte qu’en canopée fermée, et en forêt ombrophile qu’en forêt de bambous. L’ensemble des traits qui caractérisent S. scandens peut contribuer à expliquer sa plus grande capacité d’invasion, comparativement aux trois autres lianes.<p>Deuxièmement, on a examiné les attributs des écosystèmes susceptibles de les rendre vulnérables à l’invasion. Les résultats suggèrent que les perturbations favorisent les invasions dans les écosystèmes. Les perturbations (coupes, feu, …) qui ont accompagné les conflits dans la zone du Parc sont, très probablement, le facteur ayant déclenché l’invasion. <p>Enfin, le travail a examiné les impacts de l’invasion sur la biodiversité et la régénération des forêts. Les résultats montrent que, effectivement, S. scandens a un impact négatif, et que cet impact pourrait contribuer à renforcer le succès invasif de S. scandens (feed-back positif).<p><p>Le travail aboutit à des recommandations pour la gestion du Parc. La gestion doit avant tout être préventive, c’est-à-dire i) empêcher de nouveaux déboisements et ii) éliminer S. scandens au tout début de son installation dans un site perturbé.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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